Verse 1:
The songs you sing My heart has grown to hate them
The meetings of the saints are all in vain
Under steeples marked with crosses I see darkness
For sin abounds under false pretenses
Wake up from your sleeping My redeemed
Remove the evil deeds from My eyes
See the orphan see the widow's needs
Learn to get on your knees and serve each other
Verse 2:
If you lift up your hands I will not see them
Even though your many prayers I will not hear
For My pleasure is not in the sacrifices
But in the righteousness of the heart that makes it
Wake up from your sleeping My redeemed
Remove the evil deeds from My eyes
See the orphan see the widow's needs
Learn to get on your knees and serve each other
Your sins are like scarlet but they will be white as snow
You wear evil like a garment but I'm giving you a brand new coat
And if you are willing to live by all My commands
You will know Jesus and you'll drink from the Father's hands
Wake up from your sleeping My redeemed
Remove the evil deeds from My eyes
See the orphan see the widow's needs
disappointment comes
priority mail these days
marked by the scent of a stamp
a smell so familiar but mixed
with the taste of your lips
A hand written letter
so static yet louder
than any cross words we've shouted
These formalities have to stop
cause I've had it
Pen and Ink are so permanent
lasting and longer
leaving scars like a blade
I guess we'll see which one is stranger
Outlined in black and white
with the verdict delivered
I'm sure I'll never get this right
each sentence strikes deeper
than six feet I have dug for or was it that I buried
You say the distance doesn't matter
Your straged sympathy shows through this script
With your las words sealed Manila
and sent with malicious intent
Such and obvious gesture to things
in my life that would never fit
Abandonment was never the issue now
Was It?
Pen and Ink are so permanent
lasting and longer
leaving scars like a blade
I guess we'll see which one is stranger
Outlined in black and white
You said you didn't want this
but now you're gonna miss this
I really need this
Life-sentence spent in my head
Skirting around the obvious
Bread-dead and gone
At least my mom thinks I'm a catch
Three square meals served up in bed
Too far ashamed for an audience
A self medicated mess
I'm the poster boy for abstinence
Up and out of my mind
I'm the butt of a joke
And the last one in line
Pull the cord and put me out of my misery
Just a matter of time
Grab a seat up in front and watch the decline of me
Girl you don't know who you're messing with
Keep running away
Wake up calls in a cold sweat
Treading water with lead in my life vest
Lost cause for concern
Crying wolf out on the ledge
Half-hearted half-wit
But still a few nickels shy of an idiot
Fucked upside down and out
(I got side effects of impotence)
This is a song for the last picked
For all the kids that shot and missed
Get off the bench if you're sick of it
Follow us
E quante volte devo entrarci
in questa storia non lo so, me lo dirai...
Se starne fuori oppure usarci
magari amarti per un po', se lo vorrai...
Io questa volta non mi offendo
ci proverò giocando
tu getta un ponte e lo attraverserò
ma decidi tu se sbaglio
una volta in più, che importa...
E quante volte devo aprirti
vedere dentro te se c'è o se c'è mai
una risposta a questo imporci
ai tuoi bisogni e ai miei perché se adesso sai
ci ritroviamo palla al centro
per poi giocarci contro
comunque dubbi vedi non ne ho
rabbia non ce né, se sbaglio
io lo so perché...
Tu solo tu solo tu
ne ho bisogno anchio di più
solo tu solo tu...
Tu solo tu solo tu
quante cose dette in più
solo tu solo tu...
e tutto il resto è tempo perso
il filo di un discorso
sospeso e poi nascosto dentro noi
ma puoi farla tu la scelta
io non parlo più...
E quante volte devo ararti
in che stagione fiorirà anche per noi
un giorno nuovo per capirci
per tutto il tempo che verrà se verrà mai
ma senza angoscie e sbattimneti
per poi venirci incontro
comunque dubbi vedi non ne ho
rabbia non ce n'è se sbaglio
io lo so perchè...
tu solo tu solo tu...
ne ho bisogno anch'io di più
Non avrò limiti per te
Non entrerò bussando
Ti darò tutto quel che vuoi
E ti racconterò di un vecchio indiano
Per non farti più sognare lui
Non basterà solo imbrattarsi il viso
Devi crederci, non arrenderti
Io già lo so?
? che tu come uscirne saprai
Dai problemi di cuore
Se lo vuoi puoi star bene anche tu
Senza storie d'amore
Libera l'anima perché
Non ci sarà un appello
Vivila questa vita vera
E ti racconterò di un vecchio indiano
Per non farti più sognare lui
Non basterà solo imbrattarsi il viso
Devi crederci, non arrenderti
Io già lo so?
? che tu come uscirne saprai
Dai problemi di cuore
Se lo vuoi puoi star bene anche tu
Senza storie d'amore
So che tu come uscirne saprai
Dai problemi di cuore
Se lo vuoi puoi star bene anche tu
Senza storie d'amore
Non avrò limiti per te
Non avrò limiti per te
E ti racconterò di un vecchio indiano
Per non farti più sognare lui
Non basterà solo imbrattarsi il viso
Devi crederci, non arrenderti
Io già lo so?
? che tu come uscirne saprai
Dai problemi di cuore
Se lo vuoi puoi star bene anche tu
Senza storie d'amore
So che tu come uscirne saprai
Dai problemi di cuore
Se lo vuoi puoi star bene anche tu
Voglio dirti che ti amo
Rinuncio ad ogni cosa sai
Se l'amore è anche dare
Tu non puoi rinunciare
Sevi sempre ascoltare
Provo a farlo anch'io
Imparo ad amare
Non è senza soffrire
Qualche volta è cadere
Ma ti serve a scolpire
Quello che c'è in te
In ogni situazione
Voglio dirti che ti amo
Sento il cambiamento che
L'amore ha fatto dentro me
Voglio dirti che ti amo
Bello è il fatto che per noi
Rinuncio a qualche cosa sai
Sono solo parole
Ma mi prendono dentro
Ai confini del mondo
Ti sorprenderò senza farti del male
Non è senza soffrire
Qualche volta è cadere
Ma ti serve a scolpire
Quello che c'è in te
In ogni situazione
Voglio dirti che ti amo
Sento il cambiamento che
L'amore ha fatto dentro me
Voglio dirti che ti amo
Bello è il fatto che per noi
Solo nelle favole
c'è un posto anche per te
che parli con le nuvole
(e) solo nella mente mia vorrei
che ti dicessero che cosa sei per me
di storie che fioriscono
negli occhi le illusioni come te,
che rubi gli attimi agli anni
che ti inseguono
tu che ti innamorerai
tu che non avrai paure
mai io ti scorderò, dovunque tu andrai
ti ritroverò, ti sorprenderò
mai io ti scorderò, dovunque sarai
anch'io ci sarò per proteggerti
Chiudi gli occhi un attimo
e voli via da qui
un universo inutile
in cui poche stelle sanno
di avere un posto stabile nei cieli
che non sai
ma tremule risplendono
negli occhi di illusioni come te,
che rubi gli attimi agli anni
che ti inseguono
tu che ti innamorerai
tu che non avrai paure
mai io ti scorderò, dovunque tu andrai
ti ritroverò, ti sorprenderò
mai io ti scorderò, dovunque sarai
dolce amore mio
dolce amore mio
stasera un gioco inizierà
questo è un gioco che
non ha regole
chi vince siamo noi
dolce amore mio
dolce amore mio
mi guardi e mi capisci già
dentro gli occhi tuoi la risposta c'è
tu vuoi me anche tu vuoi me
dolce amore mio
dolce amore mio
non riesco ad aspettare più
e poi calda sei come il mio caffè
io e te soli io e te
sento un brivido
dolce amore mio
io vengo con te
Apro gli occhi e penso ancora a te
Mi bastava solo una parola
Cerco ancora le carezze tue
Tu mi dai la mia felicità
Illusioni che si perdono
Ed il tempo che passa e se ne va
Vibrazioni che non tornano
E mi manca la tua felicità
Batticuore dolce amore
Dimmi dove sei
Sensazioni di averti vicino
Nel mio cuore solo amore
Dimmi che ci sei
Vibrazioni fuori e dentro me
In silenzio sto pensando a te
Che nel sonno mi chiamavi amore
Cos'è stato ancora non si sa
Ma vedrai che ti ritroverò
Questo cielo piatto sopra di me
Mi ricorda le fotografie
Vibrazioni che non tornano
E mi manca la tua felicità
Batticuore dolce amore
Dimmi dove sei
Sensazioni di averti vicino
Nel mio cuore solo amore
Dimmi che ci sei
Vibrazioni fuori e dentro me
Batticuore dolce amore
Dimmi dove sei
Sensazioni di averti vicino
Nel mio cuore solo amore
Dimmi che ci sei
Dimmi dimmi perché
Dimmi dimmi perché
Questo mondo non è uguale
Dimmi dimmi perché
Dimmi dimmi perché
Questo mondo non va bene a me
Ciao adesso come va
Ti ricordi un anno fa
Era un pazzo sentimento
Noi insieme sempre noi
Poi di colpo con che vuoi
Non dirmi che ti manco
E se chiudi gli occhi un po'
Li riapri e trovi che
amore e vibrazioni
Son cambiate intorno a te
Ma tu sei cambiata o no
Cosa fai tu non lo so
Non esiste che ti chieda tutto questo eppure adesso
Dimmi dimmi perché
Dimmi dimmi perché
Questo mondo non è uguale
Dimmi dimmi perché
Dimmi dimmi perché
Questo mondo non va bene a me
E tu adesso cosa fai
Ti sei diplomata ormai
Curioso turbamento
E io ti confesso che
Che da quando ho perso te
Anch'io un poco ho pianto
Tu sei bella più che mai
Io ti voglio e tu lo sai
Fingiamo che adesso stiamo insieme ancora noi
Non so più che giorno è
Basta viverlo con te
Mi sa tanto che ho perso la testa
come una volta
Dimmi dimmi perché
Dimmi dimmi perché
Questo mondo non è uguale
Dimmi dimmi perché
Dimmi dimmi perché
Questo mondo non va bene a me
Dimmi dimmi perché
Dimmi dimmi perché
Questo mondo non è uguale
Dimmi dimmi perché
Dimmi dimmi perché
Blood runs.
pulse quickens.
removing this false picture.
escaping this stale position.
bending rigid, complacent action towards fluid movement.
discomfort spent.
and i'm tasting.
please, stop, wait!
Another man done gone. [3x}
Down to New Orleans,
Another man done gone.
I didn't know his name. [5x]
He had a long chain on. [5x]
He killed another man. [5x]
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Went down the hill
Other day
My soul got happy
and stayed all day
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Went in the room
Didn't stay long
Looked on the bed and,
Brother was dead
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Don't nobody know my troubles but God
Ooh Lordy, troubles so hard
Vivo i miei giorni senza te
Dentro di me segreti non ho
Se tu mi vuoi non lo so baby
Vieni con me vola su quanto vuoi
Io lo voglio sai, insieme oramai
Io credo che
Stretto a te dimmi addio
Tu sarai quello che mancher
Tu saprai che ogni mio pensiero sei tu
Forse un errore stare qui
Scopri anche tu cosa ho dentro di me
Baby forse un giorno potrai
Credere in quello che siamo e che sei
Vivo di te insieme tra noi
Io lo voglio sai
Tu che sei mia, tu che sei mia
Stretto a te dimmi addio
Tu sarai quello che mancher
Tu saprai che ogni mio pensiero sei tu
Io lo voglio sai, insieme oramai
Io credo che
Stretto a te dimmi addio
Tu sarai quello che mancher
Tu saprai che ogni mio pensiero sei tu
Stretto a te dimmi addio
Tu sarai quello che mancher
Accoccolati ad ascoltare il mare
quanto tempo siamo stati
senza fiatare...
Seguire il tuo profilo con un dito
mentre il vento accarezzava piano
il tuo vestito...
E tu
fatta di sguardi tu
e di sorrisi ingenui tu
ed io
a piedi nudi io
sfioravo i tuoi capelli io
e fermarci a giocare
con una formica
e poi chiudere gli occhi
non pensare più
senti freddo anche tu
senti freddo anche tu
E nascoste nell'ombra della sera poche stelle
ed un brivido improvviso
sulla tua pelle...
Poi correre felici a perdifiato
fare a gara per vedere
chi resta indietro...
E tu
in un sospiro tu
in ogni mio pensiero tu
ed io
restavo zitto io
per non sciupare tutto io
e baciarti le labbra
con un filo d'erba
e scoprirti più bella
coi capelli in su
e mi piaci di più
e mi piaci di più
forse sei l'amore.
E adesso non ci sei che tu
soltanto tu e sempre tu
che stai scoppiando dentro il cuore mio.
Ed io che cosa mai farei
se adesso non ci fossi tu
ad inventare questo amore...
E per gioco noi siam caduti coi vestiti in mare
ed un bacio e un altro e un altro ancora
da non poterti dire
che tu
pallida e dolce tu
eri già tutto quanto tu
ed io
non ci credevo io
e ti tenevo stretta io
coi vestiti inzuppati
stare li a scherzare
poi fermarci stupiti
"Io vorrei... cioè..."
ho bisogno di te
ho bisogno di te
dammi un po' d'amore
E adesso non ci sei che tu
soltanto tu e sempre tu
che stai scoppiando dentro il cuore mio.
Ed io che cosa mai farei
se adesso non ci fossi tu
Cadono dall'orologio i battiti
E non finiscono
Mi dividono
Da quegli immensi attimi
Rinchiusi nelle braccia tue
Corrono manovre incomprensibili
Che poi si perdono
Nel telefono
Quegli occhi tuoi invisibili
Ancora più distante tu
Ma tu dove sei
Ogni giorno più difficile
Il tempo senza te
Ma tu tornerai
Io posso già distinguere
Più vicini ormai io sento i passi tuoi
E poi finalmente tu
Tirar tardi sotto casa
E di corsa sulle scale insieme a te
Un minuto ancora e poi
Uno sguardo tra di noi
Voglio guardare addormentarsi gli occhi tuoi
Corrono dell'orologio i battiti
Che mi riportano
Per un attimo
A ricordare i fremiti
Irraggiungibile realtà
Ma tu dove sei
Ogni giorno più difficile
Il tempo senza te
Ma tu tornerai
Io posso già distinguere
Più vicini ormai io sento i passi tuoi
E poi finalmente tu
Tirar tardi sotto casa
E di corsa sulle scale insieme a te
Un minuto ancora e poi
Uno sguardo tra di noi
Voglio guardare addormentarsi gli occhi tuoi
Più vicini ormai io sento i passi tuoi
E poi finalmente tu
Tirar tardi sotto casa
E di corsa sulle scale insieme a te
Un minuto ancora e poi
Uno sguardo tra di noi
Voglio guardare addormentarsi gli occhi tuoi
Persa per le strade
è cresciuta dentro me
quella forza che ti viene
quamdo ognuno fa da se
e ho pagato a questa vita
tutto quello che mi da
e alla fine l'ho capita
che di sconti non ne fa...
Persa per le strade
è cresciuta dentro me
quella forza che ti viene
quamdo ognuno fa da se
e ho pagato a questa vita
tutto quello che mi da
e alla fine l'ho capita
che di sconti non ne fa...
Io lo so
per fortuna che
la forza è dentro me
volo lontano e poi
piano ritorno sai
per vivere finchè
la forza è dentro me
rubo hai ricordi ciò
ciò che di meglio c'è
pronto a rivere
un alba nuova in me
Chiara come il sole
questa forza dentro me
che m'illumina la vita
e fa luce anche se
tutti i giorni sono prove
e gli ostacoli di più
sono qui ma bene o male
poi diventano virtù
Io lo so
per fortuna che
la forza è dentro me
volo lontano e poi
piano ritorno sai
per vivere finchè
la forza è dentro me
Potrò donare a chi
saprà comprendere
Puoi liberarti se vuoi
nessuna giostra ormai
girerà più per voi
non lo capisci
Puoi liberarti se vuoi
averti in letti bui
non piace neanche a lui
cerca una luce
Puoi liberarti se vuoi
difendi i sogni tuoi
se non li seguirai
tu li tradisci
Cambia strada
ce la fai
non voltarti o crollerai
prendi il volo parti con me domani
nasce adesso il vero amore
sempre amri aperti perchè puoi
Puoi liberarti se vuoi
difendi i sogni tuoi
se non li seguirai
tu li tradisci
Cambia strada
ce la fai
non voltarti o crollerai
prendi il volo parti con me domani
nasce adesso il vero amore
sempre amri aperti perchè puoi
Non lo capisci
La nebbia agli irti colli
piovigginando sale
e sotto il maestrale
urla e biancheggia il mare
Ma per le vie del borgo
dal ribollir dei tini
va l'aspro odor dei vini
l'anime a rallegrar
La nebbia agli irti colli
piovigginando sale
e sotto il maestrale
urla e biancheggia il mare
Tra le rossastre nubi
stormi di uccelli neri
come esuli pensieri
nel vespero migrar
La nebbia agli irti colli
piovigginando sale
e sotto il maestrale
urla e biancheggia il mare
Gira sui ceppi accesi
lo spiedo scoppiettando
sta il cacciator fischiando
sull'uscio a rimirar
La nebbia agli irti colli
piovigginando sale
e sotto il maestrale
Hey io già lo so
che matto diventerò
se mai mi cercherai
per dirmi che tu mi vuoi
si o no
si o no
hei io già lo so
che matto diventerò
se mai deciderai
di dirmi che tu mi vuoi
si o no o nooo
ne morirei
si o no o nooo
dimmi che tu mi vuoi
tu si
così tu perfetta
tu sei un sogno che
mai e poi mai io rifarò
ci fosse una vita di più
si o no o nooo
ne morirei
si o no o nooo
What exactly did you want that you didn't already have
I gave you my heart but now I'd like it back
And I'm sure it fits real nice with the rest of your collection
You were right you play unfair forgot to mention you play for keeps
And I hope the day will come when you get what you deserve
And I wish you knew what I meant when I say I'd like to watch you burn
And I'm sure you'd never notice bet you'd never have a clue
Every single word it all refers to you
So ignore the ringing in your ears
Like you do with the ringing of your phone
If you're waiting for me don't hold your breath
Hello, goodbye, I'm patiently waiting there's no reply
Your words are few and far between. Answers short and your arguments weak
I tried to make this clear once you leave I disappear
Along with all the memories that you are erasing of me
But if you turn and walk away and decide to leave today. Then I only have one request
Erase me from your pictures erase me from your world
You'll be regretting this soon someday and you'll be calling me by Monday
So erase me from your future erase me from your past
You'll be regretting this soon someday and you'll be calling me by Monday
No more last tries and not another reason why
Sleepless nights and endless days. Still there's nothing left to say
So pace around and scream out loud. Because you know this makes no sense
You know you're such a beautiful mess
Now you are running round in circles screaming catch me if you can
You better write this down and put it in a safe place
Somewhere they will never find it
We search to find the truth. It's buried under lies
It's buried six feet underground
And everything we want isn't everything we need
It is nothing real after all I've seen
And none of this will change and it seems we'll never learn
We all make it up just to watch it burn
Take two of these each day, they'll help to ease your pain
We'll do anything to feel temporarily sane
We're just killing ourselves. We're buried under lies
But we feel safe and sound
We all make it up to watch it burn
So what's the answer for all this cancer
The world is dying in record time where is it we draw the line
So what's the answer to all this cancer
The world is dying in record time where is it we draw the line
The sky was gray today and maybe it's coincidence but that's how I feel
And there's no wind to blow my unspoken words to you
They would fall at your feet before you would see them
So I drown in my thoughts and tread in the silence
Waiting for you to throw the lifesaver that you hold
And today doesn't seem much different than days we've had before
And I'm sure when we wake up we'll be lying on the floor
And everything will be all right and everything will be just fine
As long as you say that I'm still yours and you're forever mine
I'll meet you halfway if it's all right with you
Because it takes two to tango and I'm all alone
But the silent words you speak with your eyes that I can't see
Drive endless circles in my mind and it's leaving me speechless
But I always have the last word when I'm talking to myself
Eyes are focused on the gray sky waving goodbye to me
Now I have the confidence to pull the sun from behind the clouds
And make the day much brighter
But not before it rains on each of our faces
So we can wash away our problems with "I love you"
The stars are out now but your eyes they shine much brighter
Standing on the side of the road wishing the headlights could take me home
To where you are beneath the sheets please wait for me
I really miss you I'm far away tonight
So think of me one last time before you slowly shut your eyes
Soon I'll be coming home to you
And have sweet dreams and a goodnight I hope that everything's all right
Soon I'll be waking up to you
Staring at the stars in the sky thinking if maybe I could fly
I could see you and not have to wait and I would say
I promise that I am on my way tonight
And I can almost see your eyes if I place myself just right
In these secrets only we know will you keep these stories with you
And the lights behind illuminate so for now we'll hesitate
Intentions undiscovered once more
So wait for it. Let's try to time this right
Now hold your breath make sure that you keep quiet
I'm scared that maybe we won't make it out this time
We just close our eyes, take the fall we both deserve
It's not fair, you can't hold it against us this time
We made the same mistakes we all do, you know we all do
Hurry up time is running out. No need to explain what it's all about
It's in here in between the seams and it speaks of conspiracy
I just want to feel your touch that is why this must be done
I wont be betrayed by that certain someone, you know who I mean
Do you think maybe they've caught on
Do you think they'd even notice
I reach out and touch your face in this small and darkened room
Disappear for one more minute all the others they assume
Don't say you have to go because we are just getting started
Don't say you have to go, don't save you have to go
Take my hand we'll make it out
Why can't you see that you are killing me so easily
Why don't you care that you are never there, it's so unfair to be me
I know were falling apart this time
We're falling apart this time
But I can't seem to let this go
Say what you have to say it's easier this way to never see you again
I hope I never see you again
Why do we fight we throw away the whole damn night who cares who was right
Where did we go wrong I should've known it all along I knew it all along
Don't drag this out I'm ready to let go. One more step and I'll be home
The storm is finally over I've been through hell the last two weeks
So it had to come to this a sudden ending without warning and so it goes
Overworked and overwhelmed with the way things are going right now
And it's 4:44, so I'll make a wish for you to die as fast as our chances did
You know we never had one
A sour mood today, a bitter taste in my mouth from words I shouldn't say
And isn't it funny when you're down and out all the colors seem to fade
For your sake I hope you regret this and I'm sure that you will
So when you do I know I'll hear you sad by early November
I hope you're wearing something comfortable tonight
Something you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your life in
When you're buried underground
You know it had to come to this a sudden ending without warning
The air, it feels so cold tonight
And I'm not too sure that I'll be here tomorrow
Or if I am ready to take
These consequences we call fate:we call fate
So just forget these promises I never kept
And everything that I regret
Cause we'll never know if it's time to go
So hold on tight and enjoy the ride
And if I should die tonight
Please know that everything happens for a reason
I appreciate that you all prayed
A year ago we went our separate ways based on promises we made
That we'd never:that we'd never say goodbye
And this distance is tearing us apart. You better finish what you start
A million miles between us and do you even think about me
Everyday I still think about the way you held my hand
Everynight in our dreams we build our castles in the sand
Lie awake, watch the clock, hope these thoughts of you won't end
In my mind I can still pretend that you are here with me
And I am there with you cause now there's nothing else I'd rather do
And I know that I'm the one to blame and we will never be the same
She said forget about me. You know I only wish I could because
I close my eyes but all I see is you
You hear this one song playing on the radio
For a moment the world has stopped moving
It takes you to another day
A time we'll never seem to forget
It's been waiting for you to remember it
And the memories start coming back
As if it were only yesterday
But you're lost now in your own thoughts
I thought these days would never change
And I thought your feelings would never fade
I thought you'd always be here
But now I see that nothing gold can stay
And every time I hear this song
I wonder what went wrong
Because this song is bringing back these memories of you
And every time I hear this song
I know I'll sing along
Because this song is bringing back these memories of you
I can almost hear you say you'll be with me forever
But you're not here and we're not together
I should probably turn it off now or maybe change the station
But it's no use cause now you're in my head
This has to be the longest drive home
Down on your luck
These days are numbered one by one
Feeding the masses with their pacifying thumb
Too important to listen
They've got us pinned against the wall and so we say
You're one-in-a-million, baby
Well that's just how it goes
I've got a familiar feeling that everybody knows
Crooked minds and timeless binds have rotted out the core
Subconscious leading to precarious trap doors
Two times they glisten (?)
They've got us poised to take the fall and so we say
You're one-in-a-million, baby
Well that's just how it goes
I've got a familiar feeling that everybody knows
Climbing rooftops and the suits you're living in can't save your skin
So I sing this song to you
(You're my one and only)
You're one-in-a-million, baby
Well that's just how it goes
I've got a familiar feeling that everybody knows
You're one of a million dead-beats washed up on the shore
I died like a poet
and sincerely wished
to be blessed by the fate
but was left alone to learn
to live to love the likes of you
Cause we fought like soldiers
but lacking valiancy, we died like flies
I swear your heart's bleeding regret
dripping from my mouth
collected on the sidewalk to spell:
Get out while you can
Get out while there's time
cause there's little left now
for a graceful bowing out
It's times like these that make me think
to hell with sobriety
It's times like these that make me think
to hell with everything
So come on baby
give me the best shit-faced smile
you can muster up
Cause you know you're beautiful
with you eyes glazed like that
Battled it out
Dropped anchors like sailors too
tried to hang on
To be continued in the morning
Such an invitation to sleep
I swear the sunlight hits like steak
knives on glazy eyes
What you've got are - two starving
wrist carving for attention
What you've got are - sent from sharpened blades
So what's left are two open wounds
bound with electrical tape
and it's too bad you can't hide
yourself from reductant monotony
burn scars can't be covered up with smiles
and choking is like sleeping in
only this way you don't have
to wake up so disappointed
What you've got are - two starving
wrist carving for attention
What you've got are - sent from sharpened blades
You'd be so fucking beautiful
with your throat slit
cut off oxygen
release blood flow
Out in the starless darkness
the city smiled on itself.
Traffic signals switched from green to red;
I searched your body for evidence,
under a dogwood canopy.
Your hand in mine, frozen in time.
Who would've guessed life as we knew was ending?
So don't cry, we'll be alright.
Once I get you cleaned up, babe, we'll run away.
But if you die before I wake,
have my heart, it's yours to take.
A sacrifice for our sake;
I'd give my whole life for you any day.
Daylight drew the sickness,
I brush the bangs from your face
while watching your eyes turn from green to red.
Back in our old apartment,
collecting dust on a shelf,
the memories of you and me
incinerate from under?
So don't cry, we'll be alright.
Once we get you picked up, babe, we'll run away.
But if you die before I wake,
have my heart, it's yours to take.
A sacrifice for our sake;
I'd give my whole life for you any day.
Love of mine,
call out if it eats you from the inside.
Out of time,
but be sure I'll be all yours, I'll be on the side.
Sometimes, it's harder to stay alive.
But if you die before I wake,
have my heart, it's yours to take.
A sacrifice for our sake;
Swells are churning overboard at midnight
(Lover, help is on the way)
I watch you sink into Atlantic waters
(All alone, on your own, throw me a?)
My love in the arms of a sailor
Sturdy, substantial, and true
I swear I'll save you
I die without you
My darling Darlene
I won't let the sea take you from me
I'll dive in for you
So don't dare think you are drowning alone
I won't say goodbye till you're gone
So please believe in me
Show me a map
Where is the compass I packed?
batten the hatch before darling gets deeper
Give me a sign before I run out of time
hoping to god that the darkness won't keep her
Sunsets and skylines
You're something that I'll never forget
No, I'll never forget you
I swear I'll save you
I die without you
My darling Darlene
I won't let the sea take you from me
I'll dive in for you
So don't dare think you are drowning alone
I won't say goodbye till you're gone
So please believe in me
Holding on with open arms
I'll carry you away, girl
I love you
I swear I'll save you
I die without you
My darling Darlene
I won't let the sea take you from me
I'll dive in for you
So don't dare think you are drowning alone
I won't say goodbye till you're gone
And I know you're out there
And I won't be long
I said I'd save you
Well, you've been living a lie by your own admission
My patience has been hard enough to fake
And the secrets you save for your new physician
Are leaving me with one ear on the safe
And the holes in your story increase suspicion
Your witnesses have all been on the take
And we can give it a gamble under one condition
You'll have to take your foot off the, foot off the brake
So give up and give in and start over again
But be honest, cause you're all I need
It's pathetic
Why can't we get it straight?
Well, you've been compromised by your new position
They're looking up your skirt, for heavens sake
And your army of fakes that refuse to listen
Will end up in designer, shallow graves
It's true
The torture and tears have become tradition
But the something on the side is what takes the cake
And the surplus of uppers and apparitions
Are the only things that keep me up, keep me awake
So give up and give in and start over again
But be honest, cause you're all I need
It's pathetic
Why can't we get it straight?
So stay up and stay in
Yeah, I'll say it again
Look beyond this
There's a big picture that you're missing
Framed by the first mistake
By the bags under your eyes
I can see that you've packed for the week
So hang up this shit for the neighbors to see
Writing won't save the world
So you best stay pretty, girl
So give up and give in and start over again
But be honest, cause you're all I need
It's pathetic
Why can't we get it straight?
So stay up and stay in
Yeah, I'll say it again
Look beyond this
There's a big picture that you're missing
Framed by the first mistake
By the first mistake
By the first mistake
Left a Post-It on a wall
But September, yeah, she brought the fall
And with every corporate
She'll be catching her death before long
Before long
So comtemptable at the card table
Watching her cut the limes
I'm so cynical, fucking miserable
Deconstruct by design
She was only a lonely accomplice
It was all for the best in the end
But I died to make her realize
I'm only trying to get through
It's long overdue
I hope you're happy now
Distance all around me
To build bridges to you
It's kind of funny how
You're all over town
Like it's the right thing to do
It's despicable how this criminal
Gets away with the crimes
She's so pitterful, often critical
Watching others scrape by
She was only a lonely accomplice
It was all for the best in the end
But I died to make her realize
I'm only trying to get through
It's long overdue
You better look out if you
Fall in love with a liar
Cause, boy, she'll tear you apart
She'll blow all the smoke in your eyes
Better watch out for you
Falling dumb into desire
Cause, boy, she'll tap out your heart
And leave you with nothing inside
She was only a lonely accomplice
It was all for the best in the end
But I died to make her realize
I'm only trying to get through
Words from a drunk and numbers in code - I've got the pride of the irish
On the phone - keep sending postcards from chicago - pressures building up
I think I might explode - hold tight - I wish that you could see through my eyes
I've never really been good with goodbyes, so keep holding on
I'm holding on - so what'll it be? clothes in the trunk - I guess I should
Have known - looks like the queen of confusion's got her throne
Save a white russian for the drive home - mint and hazelnut,
I can't forget how you taste - windows boarded up,
But were they ever really open in the first place?
One day can lead to decay - what in the hell happened
I can't take these fights anymore
I've got too much at stake
I swear I've spent too many nights on the floor
I've set myself up to blow it
I'm such an ass and I know it
This time I'm falling faster
Than I'm blowing with broken wings
With other to contrust her
They always leave me feeling
Calloused, broken, alone
Hey Heather, I'm lost in the letters
Together we can find something better
So that's it, you're not coming back
I locked the door
But just in case
I think I left a spare under the mat
I know it makes it tougher
I can't help it
I love her
Try to avoid disaster
When her reply meant everything
This chance is hard to master
Most when it leaves you feeling
Tired, exhausted, overblown
Hey Heather, I'm lost in the letters
Together we can find something better
Cause when December comes
I hope you'll see how you've been missing out
Then call me up to confess
That it's me you're thinking about
How 'bout you give me the day?
I'll set off in a second
I need you here with me
Hey Heather, I'm lost in the letters
Together we can find something better
Hey Heather, I think I'm lost in the letters
(This time I'm falling faster)
Together we can find something better
I've got a picture of you and me and it's taped to the mirror so you can
See your eyes
I'm not sure exactly how i feel about it
Stay all night
There's one last chance to hold each other tight
We're gonna say goodbye
We're gonna say goodnight
I wish there was more time
Because we're giving it up
I will be just fine
We're gonna go go go to the next state line
And we're living it up
Leave it all behind
And I say "goodnight" to a closing skyline
I'm alright
I'm absolutely sure I'll get through all of this
Up all night
There's one last shot to get the ending right
We're gonna say goodbye
We're gonna say goodnight
I wish there was more time
Because we're giving it up
I will be just fine
We're gonna go go go to the next state line
And we're living it up
Leave it all behind
And I say "goodnight" to a closing skyline
around this town
And the weeks and the miles and the street clowns, yeah
We gotta get out somehow
Yeah we gotta get somehow
All the tough bars and rockstars who've plagued this place
And the thugs and the bums that get in your face
And all the bullshit and drama that can't be erased yet
We gotta get out somehow
Because we're giving it up
I will be just fine
We're gonna go go go to the next state line
And we're living it up
Leave it all behind
And I say "goodnight" to a closing sky
Because we're giving it up
I will be just fine
We're gonna go go go to the next state line
And we're living it up
Leave it all behind
If you wanted to, you could just settle down
But you'd rather just waste away
Button up, shut up, and turn your life around
What would it take to get this started?
If you wanted to, you could just settle down
But you'd rather just waste away
Button up, shut up, and turn your life around
What will it take to get this started?
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
If you wanted to, you could just start it up
Well just start it up
Let's get started
If you wanted to, you could just start it up
Well just start it up
Let's get started
If you wanted to, you could just start it up
Well just start it up
Let's get started
If you wanted to, you could just start it up
Well just start it up
Let's get started
If you wanted to, if you wanted to
JUst start it up, let's get started
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
(Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today!)
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
(Blood scattered on the, blood scattered on the!)
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
(Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today!)
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
It's five o' clock it means it's time to start growing up
You'd rather waste away, you'd rather waste away
You're 22 but you've got nothing much to show for it
You'd rather waste away
And if you wanted to, you could just start it up
Well just start it up, let's get started
If you wanted to you could just start it up, well just start it up
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
(Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today!)
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
(Blood scattered on the, blood scattered on the!)
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
(Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today!)
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor today
(Blood scattered on the, blood scattered on the!)
Blood scattered on the
Blood scattered on the
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor
Blood scattered on the
Blood scattered on the
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor
Blood scattered on the
Blood scattered on the
Blood scattered on the boy scout floor
Blood scattered on the
Blood scattered on the
I? d say I? m drunk enough to hate you now
Or at least enough to take a little drive around the block
Crashing through the windshield can? t be half as bad as crashing parties
Unintended for you
You presence isn? t needed here
It isn? t needed
And at the hospital, the waiting room will not be crowded
The paramedics will not stand the sight of this
Instead there will be lovely flower patterned chairs
And a blank television
Will not be filled
With closest friends and next of kin
Instead the bottles will be empty
And the bellies will be full
This solemn day
Has been quite intriguing to say the least
I? ve mixed a wonderful concoction
A miracle of sorts
It contains
So tonight ill either be fighting or lying in my own vomit but
Either way the morning will be lonely
And at your funereal
I? m sure the guests will sit and stare
With lovely words from people
Who all knew your parents
Jesus, that was terrific! i've never experienced anything quite like that in a theater before! how 'bout you, rhonda?
You're a worm, harry. drop dead. god, you're disgusting! don't touch me! yuck! what is this scum on your chest? did that little rubber mammy 'do something' on you?
Thing-fish: (alarmed)
Ob'dewlla! you lil' vagrant! what you been up to wit de chump over deahh? lemme see yo' draw's! uh-huhhhh! jes' couldn't hep y'seff, could ya! pheww! you best be washin' dat thang off, dahlin'! i knows we's sposed ta be un-destructable, but what you got ripenin' down dere be puttin' us all to de test! yow!
The evil prince tap-dances over to thing-fish, harry & rhonda.
Evil prince: (fake broadway singing)
Pers'nally, dahlin', i found de pre-formnence wit de brief-case to be un-creedably stim-u-lat-nin'!
Eat shit, you overbearing male chauvinist member of the scientific community!
What a sweet lil' hunk o' heaven she growed up t'be! when she were deflateable, she dint say nothin'...jes kept her face open like dis... waitin' fo de salami dat never 'rived! now she fuckin' de briefcase, dumpin' de paper all over de flo', hair up in a ugly ol' bun, fountain pen danglin' out her asshole, an' talkin' dirty to a member o' de royal fam'ly!
Girl! dis cocksucker mights be evil, but he am a prince! now he be talkin' de vernak-luh, i's findin' it consid'rubly mo' cornvemient to in- demnify wit his 'point-o-view!
Evil prince:
Sho' nuff! um-hmm! yeah! you a wise ol' mammy! where you fum, 'rijnlyy?
Why... uh... saint loomis!
Evil prince:
Goddam! i knew it! i knew it! i could jes' make it out from yo' renunciation! sho' get hot down deahh in de summer time!
Dat no lie... people be croakin' all over de fuckin' place! i sees y'all like dat sort o' thang... jedgin' fum yo' wa'd-robe, y'all be well into death 'n pestilence 'n shit! prob'ly got yo-seff quite some 'spensive educashnin' goin' fo ya!
Evil prince:
Oh yeah! oh yeah! heh-heh! saint loomis! damn! some de zomby-folk up de lab-mo-tory got kin deah!
Naw! really? cain't be!
Evil prince:
Oh hell yeah! de ugly dead muthafucker on de string deahh... he related to a buncha other ugly dead muthafuckers fum de east side...'n de curly-headed sho't lil' ugly dead muthafucker wit de dead dog been fuckin' de police commissioner!
How you know so much 'bouts what gwine on down deahh, you evil cocksucker! y'all been stayin' quite well un-formed fum bein' in de lab-mo-tory most yo' time!
Evil prince:
Jes' might distress yo ass to loin dat on de way home fum de san quentim 'tater mashin' 'speri- ment, me 'n de country westin muzishnins' drop by de college to receive an honorary degree!
You lyin', boy! dey givin' degrees in 'tater husbandry' back de ol' alma-motta!
Evil prince:
Dat all dey givin' any mo'! muthafuckin' 'tater husbandry' be de wave o' de futchum in saint loomis! graduatin' class were over 700, 'n evvy one of 'em dealin' wit dem 'taters like de shrimp-murderers down at benny-hanny's!
Thing-fish: (looking down at ob'dewlla)
What? huh? you wanna what? ob'dewlla, de prince jes' be shootin' de home-town shit heahh! he ain't gwine give us no mo' provlem! what you mean, girl? okay, okay! go 'head 'n fuck de lil' crab-grass baby wit de enormous white pompadour! go on deah. git down wit yo' nasty lil' ol' degenerate seff!
Thing-fish puts the crab-grass baby on the floor and positions ob'dewlla over it. he places his foot on ob'dewlla's back and pumps both of them up and down. as the computer- speech drones on, thing-fish watches the spectacle, commenting...
Thing-fish: (contd.)
Twist 'n shout! work it on out ('n in)! hmmm! get down! go on! give him a little shoe! dat's what denny be doin' on jumbo evvy time! go on! get de lil' pompadour up in de air again! i like dat part! hmmm! jes' like de olympics!
It's-it's fascinating the way things are resolving themselves around here! i-i never would have sus- pected anything like this when we came in!
Where are your real clothes, harry? are you going back to long island like that?
I have nothing to be ashamed of! i have a lovely body. everyone will understand! i've-i've accom- plished something tonight! i really believe that! i've found a sort of fulfilment other men only dream about!
Rhonda: (naked, re-stuffing the briefcase)
You've accomplished nothing! nothing at all! you're a mere worm... less than that... you're a useless all-american 'man-worm'! the most disgusting creature on the face of the earth. phooey on you! worms like you would be nothing without me and my kind! we are the future, harry! not you! we don't need you and your kind, because our kind is the best kind!
Man-kind is shit, harry! our kind will get rid of your kind, just like wiping off this fountain pen, harry! smell it quick, you submissive little cocksucker, 'cause i'm wiping it off... any minute now!
This is symbolism, harry! really deep, intense, thought-provoking broadway symbolism! this isn't 'dream girls', harry! this is the way it really is... i'm talking to you, harry! we hate you! we are modern, harry! you are not 'modern'! worms are not modern!
While you became lawyers and accountants, and read playboy and bought a pipe, we planned and dreamed and fucked our briefcases while you weren't looking! yes, harry! that's right! and we've actually been able to reproduce ourselves that way... for years, harry, but you never knew! did you? you worm.
We had special atomic glasses made... by women optometrists who promised never to tell!
We learned how to hide secret stuff, wrapped up in the middle of those severe terminal buns we wear! little transmitters, harry! little receivers! oh... don't pretend to be surprised, harry! we even had room left over in there for all of our most favorite little embroidered delicate secretly feminine child-like helpless pathetic sentimental totally useless personal 'girl-things' that smell like the stuff they put in the toilet paper. you played golf! you watched football! you drank beer! we evolved! we only look like wandas and rhondas! we are superb, harry! we are sublime! we are perfect in every way! and you? what are you? you are the all-american cocksucker... jizzing all over your leather cocksucker costume after beating the snot out of yourself with a rubber mammy!
I think you know we're running out of time
You've started dressing up
The mood is ruined by the cheapest wine
That's spilling on your skirt
She's dressed to kill
I hope this was within her will
Her body's still
Moved north from New York
But the city life is tugging at her soul
Served whisky to the drunks that haunt the night
Her life is getting old
She's dressed to kill
I hope this was within her will
Her body's still
She wanted more than he could pay
But I was standing beside her
Trading the life she loved for something less
The guilt is setting in
Paying thebills by taking off her dress
The pressure's worn her thin
Pop in the pills to nullify the stress
It's showing through her skin
She's dressed to kill
I hope this was within her will
Her body's still
She wanted more than he could pay
But I was standing beside her
(Standing beside her)
She bit off more than she could take
And now she's fed to the fire
Soft as the petal
Tough as the thorn
She wanted more than he could pay
But I was standing beside her
(Standing beside her)
She bit off more than she could take
And now she's fed to the fire
(Fed to the fire)
Fed to the fire
(Fed to the fire)
She wanted more than he could pay
But I was standing beside her
(Standing beside her)
She bit off more than she could take
And now she's fed to the fire
(Fed to the fire)
(She wanted more)
Fed to the fire
(She wanted more)
A silhouette, framed in cold air
makes her way out the front door screaming
Eighteen degrees left in his room,
a chill so sharp that cracks my eyes
It never had to be this way in the first place
set in stone with our last words screaming
Footprints in snow head down this road
it was the only trace of you
You say you want it all I just say you can just let it go
You just cant see through the swelling waves
Sink through the salt and the silence
Now the winter weather's warmer
and we both watch moments turn to May
Footprints head toward different places
but the outlook stays the same
As I stand in the sand
Faded pictures in my hand wondering if you feel the same as me
You say you want it all
I say you just cant let go
The tide went out on February fourteen
Just let it go
Why cant you let it go
Way back in high school,
he was a big fat mess
that couldn't pass a joint enough
to pass a piss test.
We never knew he was twice as smart as the rest of us.
Well he must've done something right,
twenty-one with a house and hit on top forty.
When your world changes upside down,
wait your turn because karma comes around.
Think of all that you've got
So find the power you have within,
and live up to the life you're livin' in.
Hey, but take the longshot.
Well, as a freshmen,
nobody looked her way.
She walked the hall for years
but no one even knew her name.
A legal pad and a ballpoint pen were her only friends.
Well, she must've done something right.
Saw her face on TV selling her success story.
When your world changes upside down,
wait your turn because karma comes around.
Think of all that you've got.
So find the power you have within,
and live up to the life you're livin' in.
Hey, but take the longshot.
You never know what you're gonna get, do ya?
No way to tell if you'll ever rise to the top.
You'll never know if you never try, will ya?
So get up, and show 'em all what you got.
When your world changes upside down,
wait your turn 'cause karma comes around.
Think of all that you've got.
So find the power you have within
and live up to the life you're livin' in.
Our story starts when I was fourteen years old:
My friends and I snuck out for our first punk show.
We stuffed our beds and stole my sister's car,
And spent the whole way there playing our air guitars.
I had no clue what I was getting myself into.
A few years later, met some guys in a rock band,
Picked up a keyboard and I started singing.
We wrote some songs and played our local bars
But never would've guessed that we would ever make it this far.
Now and then, I still remember it sinking in.
I called my mom on the way from NC to LA
'Cause it helped me to feel close to home.
I told her not to worry, got my best friends with me,
Now I'm livin' my life on the road.
Brought back some stories from the places we'd been to
And learned a lot from all the drama we went through.
Then cut a record, started building a name,
Got a real fanbase and our first taste of fame.
It's funny how life has a way of just working out.
I called my mom on the way from NC to LA
'Cause it helped me to feel close to home.
I told her not to worry, got my best friends with me,
Now I'm livin' my life on the road.
We've come a long way since the old days,
And I'm proud to say I wouldn't change anything at all.
'Cause once this road comes to an end,
I'll have the memories of when:
I found it so hard to see but mom tried to believe
That life on the road isn't bad,
'Cause sooner or later, we all have to leave,
But I'll never forget my way back.
I called my mom on the way from NC to LA
'Cause it helped me to feel close to home.
I told her not to worry, got my best friends with me,
I can see your smiling faces
watching others check the time
but that's ok cause I wouldn't have
you see me this way
I know it's not your style to care
you wear your status well
apathetic wax poetic
but they can hear you
Well, the rope wasn't long enough
to hang us both
but the view from here
is so much clearer
You didn't have to be so tough
You and me both know
there's no such thing as fitting in
(there's no such thing as fitting in)
I took my complaints to the afterlife
but they were shot down
I guess it's not my time to argue
with the angels and the saints
This may sound out of context
out of focus, out of control
But baby should this be any
different than those times before?
Well, the rope wasn't long enough
to hang us both
but the view from here
is so much clearer
You didn't have to be so tough
You and me both know
there's no such thing as fitting in
I open up my mouth to speak
you paint the picture of my tongue
I choke until I bleed
I open up my eyes to see
you mask my face to see the tears
I sob until I sleep
This masterpiece has been
covered up with paint
so thick that you can't see
the mess you've made
So here I stand
paralyzed by the cast
you've chiseled away around me
I open up my my hands to feel
you break each finger and each wrist
but broken arms can't hold
I open up my heart to heal
you take your brush and paint it green
A jealous heart can't beat
This masterpiece has been
covered up with paint
so thick that you can't see
the mess you've made
So here I stand
paralyzed by the cast
you've chiseled away around me
Renovation hurts
I'm rubble and dirt
so let's see what you think
you can make from this [2x]