Last Updated: December 19, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 19°C - 40°C . Chance of a late storm.

Police station a target in bikie war

Police station a target in bikie war

VICTORIA Police has fortified the St Kilda Rd police station after threats of reprisals from outlaw bikies.

Ex-BP engineer convicted for obstruction

Deepwater Horizon oil spill BP

AN EX-BP drilling engineer has been convicted of deleting text messages to obstruct an investigation into the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Brawling Swansea, Hull fined $37,000


SWANSEA City and Hull City have each been fined $36,775 over an on-pitch fracas during their Premier League encounter last week.

Coldplay give pub punters a thrill

COLDPLAY Chris Martin

IF the rock star business all goes to pot, we now know that Chris Martin can pull a mean beer.


Fans must pay to watch Cats train

Fans must pay to watch Cats train

GEELONG will charge non-members a fee to watch the Cats train at two "members" sessions during the school holidays.

Man dangles dog out window

Dog dangled from balcony

A MAN has been caught dangling his dog by its leash out of his apartment's second floor balcony because he didn't want to go outside in the rain.