Carsguide Help

Your carsguide questions answered

Carsguide has been busy putting together a list of all the most frequently asked questions to guide you through

  • Roadside Assist – All private sellers will receive a unique code via an email to offer their buyer 3 months FREE Roadside Assist courtesy of and Allianz Global Assistance. This offer is at no cost to the buyer or the seller. Once the buyer receives the unique code from the seller they will need to register to activate their membership
  • General help – The General Help section answers all your questions regarding, including what features carsguide has to offer and how to access them.
  • Private party ads online – All the answers to any questions you may have about free web only private party ads. Find out about image info, how to edit your ad and much more.
  • Scams - don't be fooled!
  • Newspaper classified ads on – All you need to know about placing an ad both in print and online. Get all the info on how much it costs, where the ad will be displayed and how to pay.
  • Carsguide editorial – All the answers to questions concerning our top stories and road tests, such as who writes our stories, and whether the stories are archived.
  • Carsguide newsletter – Want to know what's in the Newsletter or how to subscribe? Find out here.
  • Carsguide RSS headline feeds – Want carsguide news, reviews and features at your fingertips, or are you a webmaster and want to include carsguide headlines on your site? Find out more about our RSS feeds.
  • - Learn about how to use the mobile version of carsguide, and what to do if your mobile handset needs to be configured to access the internet.