Carsguide Dealers Only

Print and online - the perfect compliment

With more Australians than ever before using the internet to research and purchase cars, you need to make sure your dealership has both a strong print and online presence. The key to generating more leads and sales to your dealership is an advertising package with Carsguide.


  • Get your offer in front of buyers as they are actively searching for cars.
  • generates over 6.5 million used car searches per month (internal statistics, October 2008)
  • Target these searches by your state or the make you sell
  • Display options include:
  • Medium rectangle (300x250)
  • Short rec rectangle (300x100)
  • Leaderboard (728x90)

Online audience data

  • 61% of Carsguide audience plan to buy a car in the next 12 x months
  • They go online to research new or used car information
  • 9 x times more likely than the average population to purchase
  • 48.3% of car buyers use the internet

Intent to buy a new or used car in the next 12 x months

  • 56% are heavy internet users
  • 8+ times on line in a week
  • 90% of Carsguide online audience do not read the paper
  • Book your PRINT & ONLINE ad campaign now to maximise your sales opportunities

For all related queries contact:

Phone 1300 662 133 or email