Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Ber...
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Beriain sobre la historia de Serxio Ces, percebeiro de Cedeira, Galicia.
Preseleccionado para los Premios Goya 2012.
Ruge el viento. El mar golpea los acantilados. Dos metros de roca, ésa es la franja de agua y oxígeno en la que crece el percebe. Dos metros donde el mar se ensaña, donde bate con fuerza milenaria. Una frontera de olas y espuma en la que Serxo y sus compañeros luchan por un bocado de mar.
Una frontera de valor y miedo. De temeridad y sentido común. Dos metros sin margen de error. Ahí vive el percebe. Ahí vive Serxo.
Percebeiros es la batalla contra el mar de unos guerreros que no se consideran héroes.
David Beriain is a Spanish war correspondent that has covered conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, Colombia and Kashmir, among others. He is currently in charge of coordinating the fea- ture section at Medina Media, a production com- pany based out of Spain.
Beriain is one of the few reporters in the world that has managed to infiltrate the FARC guerrilla camps in Colombia. His work there made him a finalist for the Bayeux-Calvados, the most pres- tigious international award for war correspon- dents. He has interviewed the Taliban command- ers who killed Spanish soldiers, met with the twelve-year-old hitmen that Colombian druglords exploit as child soldiers, and even accompanied the American Army on some of their most danger- ous military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. His latest TV documentary took him to Eastern Congo, where he covered the conflict between the Congolese Army and the rebels who fight, kill and rape in order to gain the control of the Coltan and Cassiterite mines.
During his time at Sea Bites, Beriain was in charge of producing the story and coordinating all the members in the team. He was the one who convinced everyone to get on board and as a true leader, he turned a group of people who did not know each other into a real team.
(+34) 609 72 71 61

Fernando Ureña is a Spanish editor and script writer. For the past three years, he has worked as a script analyst for Cuatro’s national fiction shows. He has also supervised the scripts for several other Spanish networks such as Canal+, Digital+, TVE or Audiovisual Sport. He is currently writing the scripts for various Spanish movies, a work he combines with his editorial tasks at some of Spain’s most prestigious publishing compa- nies.
Ureña gave birth to the idea of Sea Bites.
He conceived the story and was David Beriain’s second hand in the team. They wrote the script together and Ureña followed the entire process of video-editing, post-production and sonorization.
(+34) 655 01 89 80
SERGIO CARO Director of photography
Sergio Caro is a Spanish photographer and cam- eraman. He is specialized in international con- flicts and illegal immigration in Europe. His 2005 photographs of Sub-Saharan immigrants being hauled away by bus to be abandoned in the desert won him the Visa D’Or at the International Photo- journalists Awards in Perpignan, one of the most prestigious ceremonies in the world. His photo- graphs have been published in renowned media such as Newsweek, Le Figaro or the Financial Times. As a television cameraman, he has cov- ered Iraq, Afghanistan and Congo together with David Beriain.
Together with Ernesto Villalba, he created Once Upon a Time, a multimedia company that por- trays unique characters from a very artistic point of view.
In Sea Bites, Caro’s ten years of experience al- lowed him to hang himself from the rocks just as the barnacle fishermen did and taking as many risks as they do. He also played the role of direc- tor of photography coordinating all the camera- men at work.
(+34) 656 55 06 57

Ernesto Villalba is a Spanish multimedia journal- ist. He is a co-founder of Once Upon a Time, a pioneer online production company that makes short films and other multimedia materials for the web. The company’s first work, “Time to Time”, was selected by Innovative Interactivity as one of the fifty best multimedia packages of the year. Since 2008, he has directed all graphic design- and social media-related strategies for REC, the main feature aired by Cuatro, one of Spain’s “Big Five” TV networks.
Villalba is currently focused on his work at Once Upon a Time developing several documentary projects and combines them with his role as a teacher for several innovative seminars.
In Sea Bites, he was the cameraman that followed Serxo, our protagonist, outside the sea. Villalba’s particular sensitivity made our protagonist feel so comfortable with him that he even got the nick- name “Sombra”, shadow in Spanish.
(+34) 667 55 56 10 e