- published: 16 Oct 2009
- views: 639
The Matsudaira clan (松平氏, Matsudaira-shi) was a Japanese samurai clan that claimed descent from the Minamoto clan. It originated in and took its name from Matsudaira village, in Mikawa Province (modern-day Aichi Prefecture). Over the course of its history, the clan produced many branches, most of which are also in Mikawa Province. In the 16th century, the main Matsudaira line experienced a meteoric rise to success during the direction of Matsudaira Motoyasu, who changed his name to Tokugawa Ieyasu and became the first Tokugawa shogun. Ieyasu's line formed what became the Tokugawa clan; however, the branches retained the Matsudaira surname. Other branches were formed in the decades after Ieyasu, which bore the Matsudaira surname. Some of those branches were also of daimyo status.
After the Meiji Restoration and the abolition of the han system, the Tokugawa and Matsudaira clans became part of the new nobility.
The Matsudaira clan originated in Mikawa Province. Its origins are uncertain, but in the Sengoku era, the clan claimed descent from the medieval Seiwa Genji branch of the Minamoto clan. According to this claim, the founder of the Matsudaira line was Matsudaira Chikauji, who lived in the 14th century and established himself in Mikawa Province, at Matsudaira village.
Loco Travel: Inawashiro - Part 7 (Tombs of the Matsudaira Clan)
clan matsudaira(anime)1
Clan Matsudaira
Warring States Japan: Sengoku Jidai - I: Battle of Okehazama - Extra History
Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence Ascension - Matsudaira Skirmish #1
LP Nobunaga's Ambition - SOI 009: Kiyoyasu Matsudaira meets his end through intrigue
Are Ninjas Real? The True History Of Ninjas - Full Documentary HD
TOKUGAWA IEYASU - Cap.1 (Dinastias)
Matsudaira Ietada (Fukōzu)
Yay~!! Sorry for the delay - I had so many problems with getting this one uploaded. And the quality didn't turn out very well... It's an interlacing thing...I will never shoot in 1080i again! Anyway - these tombs are located near Higashiyama, which is the hot springs district in Aizu-Wakamatsu. It's a really beautiful part of town, and just a short hike off the main strip you'll find the tombs of the Matsudaira Clan. For more information on them, please check out these links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matsudaira_clan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matsudaira_Katamori http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Aizu Thanks for watching the series! I'll do one final video showing some scenery that doesn't really fit into a video. All the support for this series has been great! ...
clan matsudaira(anime)1
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Clan Oda advances to besiege Kariya castle and gets caught up in a battle with clan Matsudaira.
Because no one is as close as kin, there is no one must be more wary of...as this example shows.
Documentary Natural Are Ninjas Real? The True History Of Ninjas - Full Documentary HD If you are interested in ninja training you must know that historian Kiyoshi Watatani states that the ninja were trained to be particularly secretive about their actions and existence. If you are interested in ninja oufits and in the history of ninjas, watch this awesome documentary. A final but detailed record of famous ninjas employed in open warfare occurred during the Shimabara Rebellion (1637–1638). A diary kept by a member of the Matsudaira clan, the Amakusa Gunki, reported many ninja names. This video is about: full documentaries discovery channel, full documentaries hd, full documentary national geographic, full documentaries history channel, full documentaries bbc, ninja training, are ninjas rea...
会津若松市には侍文化の素晴らしい歴史があります。歴史的な場所や、独特の文化、そして受け継がれた会津の精神を垣間見ることができるでしょう。この動画を見て、会津の魅力を見つけてください! Aizuwakamatsu City has a great history of SAMURAI culture. You can see a lot of historical places, unique culture and traditional spirits. Please watch this video and find highlights! ・飯盛山 白虎隊の墓 19 Tombs of the Byakkotai 白虎隊とは、1860年代に会津軍として戦った16歳から17歳の若者たちのことです。1868年に起きた戊辰戦争では、多くの幼い子どもや女性たちが会津を守るため戦いました。 Byakkotai is the young samurai unit (16-17 years old) of Aizu forces 1860s. Boshin war in 1868, many young kids and ladies join the war to protect Aizu. ・白虎隊自刃の地 The place that Byakkotai boys committed suicide 白虎隊たちは、飯盛山の中腹から城下が燃える様子を見て、もはやこれまでと、その場で自刃する道を選びました。 They decided they could hold on no longer when they see the burning town from the middle of Mt. Imoriyama. Then, they chose to kil...
Tokugawa Ieyasu nació el 31 de enero de 1543 en la provincia de Mikawa. Su nombre original era Matsudaira Takechiyo. Era hijo de Matsudaira Hirotada (1526 1549), un daimyō de Mikawa que pasaba la mayoría de su tiempo en guerra contra el clan Oda y el clan Imagawa. La familia Matsudaira estaba dividida en dos facciones: un lado quería ser vasallo del clan Imagawa, mientras que el otro, prefería el clan Oda. Esta pelea familiar fue la razón del asesinato del padre de Hirotada (abuelo de Takechiyo), Matsudaira Kiyoyasu (¿? - 1536). A diferencia de su padre y la mayoría de su familia, Hirotada encontró al clan Imagawa como el menor de dos males. La lealtad de Hirotada hacia los Imagawa causó que el resto de su familia apoyara al clan Oda con más fuerza que antes. En 1548, cuando el clan Oda i...
This is about a member of the Fukōzu-Matsudaira.For others of the same name, see Matsudaira Ietada.Matsudaira Ietada , also known as Matsudaira Tomomo no Suke, was a Japanese samurai of the Sengoku period. This channel is dedicated to make Wikipedia, one of the biggest knowledge databases in the world available to people with limited vision. Article available under a Creative Commons license Image source in video