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En Naranja: ¿qué es el  IPC?
About IPC Video Training for Electronics Assembly
IPC part1
¿Qué son el IPC y la inflación?
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Friday 16 August, evening session
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Tuesday 13 August, evening session
¿Qué es el IPC?
Athletics - men's 100m T44 final - 2013 IPC Athletics World Championships, Lyon
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Sunday 18 August, evening session
How to install iPC OSx86 PPF5 Final Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leopard on PC
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal Monday, 12 August, evening session
IPC ¿Cómo se realiza el Índice de Precios al Consumidor?


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En Naranja: ¿qué es el  IPC?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:03
  • Updated: 09 Jun 2013

En Naranja: ¿qué es el IPC? Descubre qué es el Índice de Precios al Consumo y cómo afecta directamente a nuestra economía personal con esta infografía en vídeo. Naranja: ¿qué es el IPC?
About IPC Video Training for Electronics Assembly
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:55
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

About IPC Video Training for Electronics Assembly

Explains IPC video training programs on ESD control, lead free soldering, wire and cable, component identification, hand soldering, A-610 workmanship standar...
  • published: 10 Nov 2010
  • views: 15837
  • author: IPCTraining IPC Video Training for Electronics Assembly
IPC part1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:55
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

IPC part1

Prof. H.P. Deshmukh's lecture series on The Indian Penal Code (IPC) part1
¿Qué son el IPC y la inflación?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:17
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

¿Qué son el IPC y la inflación?

El economista Xavier Sala-i-Martin aclara en qué consisten dos conceptos habituales en los titulares de los medios de comunicación - Equipo La¿Qué son el IPC y la inflación?
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Friday 16 August, evening session
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:33:05
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Friday 16 August, evening session

Full schedule: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Events: HEATS: Men 100m Breaststroke SB5 Women 100m Breaststroke SB5 Men 100m Freestyle S2 Women 100m Freestyle S2 Men 200m Freestyle S4 Women 200m Freestyle S4 Men 100m Butterfly S8 Women 100m Butterfly S8 Men 400m Freestyle S13 Women 400m Freestyle S13 Men 100m Freestyle S7 Women 100m Freestyle S7 Men 100 Freestyle S3 Women 100m Freestyle S3 Men 100m Butterfly S11 Women 100m Butterfly S11 Men 400m Freestyle S9 Men 100m Butterfly S10 Women 100m Butterfly S10 Men 100m Breaststroke S14 Women 100m Breaststroke S14 The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is committed to enabling Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and to develop sport opportunities for all persons with a disability from the beginner to elite level. In addition, the IPC aims to promote the Paralympic values, which include courage, determination, inspiration and equality. For further information, please visit To watch videos on demand from Paralympic Games and to subscribe to ParalympicSport.TV, please go to Also, you may follow the Paralympic Movement on Facebook at or on Twitter at
  • published: 17 Aug 2013
  • views: 7551 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Friday 16 August, evening session
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Tuesday 13 August, evening session
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:00
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013

2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Tuesday 13 August, evening session

Full schedule: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: http://ww... IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Tuesday 13 August, evening session
¿Qué es el IPC?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:44
  • Updated: 21 Apr 2013

¿Qué es el IPC?

El IPC es un indicador económico producido por el INE, que mide la variación mensual de precios de una canasta de bienes y servicios representativa del consu...
  • published: 17 Jan 2013
  • views: 889
  • author: inechile¿Qué es el IPC?
Athletics - men's 100m T44 final - 2013 IPC Athletics World Championships, Lyon
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:54
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

Athletics - men's 100m T44 final - 2013 IPC Athletics World Championships, Lyon

For more information, please follow us on or or visit the event website at http://ww... - men's 100m T44 final - 2013 IPC Athletics World Championships, Lyon
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Sunday 18 August, evening session
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:49:09
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Sunday 18 August, evening session

Full schedule: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Events: Finals: men's 200m individual medley SM7 women's 200m individual medley SM7 men's 100m backstroke S9 women's 100m backstroke S9 men's 100m freestyle S6 women's 100m freestyle S6 men's 50m breaststroke SB3 men's 50m freestyle S10 women's 50m freestyle S10 men's 50m freestyle S8 women's 50m freestyle S8 men's 50m freestyle S5 women's 50m freestyle S5 men's 50m butterfly S3 women's 50m butterfly S3 men's 200m individual medley SM14 women's 200m individual medley SM14 men's 200m individual medley SM11 women's 200m individual medley SM11 men's 100m breaststroke SB12 women's 100m breaststroke SB12 men's 100m freestyle S13 women's 100m freestyle S13 men's 400m medley relay 34 points women's 400m medley relay 34 points The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is committed to enabling Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and to develop sport opportunities for all persons with a disability from the beginner to elite level. In addition, the IPC aims to promote the Paralympic values, which include courage, determination, inspiration and equality. For further information, please visit To watch videos on demand from Paralympic Games and to subscribe to ParalympicSport.TV, please go to Also, you may follow the Paralympic Movement on Facebook at or on Twitter at
  • published: 19 Aug 2013
  • views: 6530 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Sunday 18 August, evening session
How to install iPC OSx86 PPF5 Final Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leopard on PC
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:43
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2013

How to install iPC OSx86 PPF5 Final Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leopard on PC

In this video, I'm gonna show you how to install Mac OSX 10.5.6 Leopard on PC and also dual boot with Microsoft Windows 7 x64 build 7077. A lot of people kee...
  • published: 17 Apr 2009
  • views: 214862
  • author: iceman2312 to install iPC OSx86 PPF5 Final Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leopard on PC
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal Monday, 12 August, evening session
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:00
  • Updated: 18 Jul 2013

2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal Monday, 12 August, evening session

Full schedule: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: http://ww... IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal Monday, 12 August, evening session
IPC ¿Cómo se realiza el Índice de Precios al Consumidor?
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:42
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2013

IPC ¿Cómo se realiza el Índice de Precios al Consumidor?

El IPC es un indicador económico producido por el INE, que mide la variación mensual de precios de una canasta de bienes y servicios representativa del consu...
  • published: 19 Feb 2013
  • views: 880
  • author: inechile ¿Cómo se realiza el Índice de Precios al Consumidor?
2013 IPC Athletics World Championships Lyon Tuesday, 23 July, morning session
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:00
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2013

2013 IPC Athletics World Championships Lyon Tuesday, 23 July, morning session

Full schedule: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: http://www.f... IPC Athletics World Championships Lyon Tuesday, 23 July, morning session
2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Saturday 17 August, evening session
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:49:15
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Saturday 17 August, evening session

Full schedule: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Events: Finals: men's 50m butterfly S6 Women's 50m butterfly S6 men's 150m individual medley SM4 women's 150m individual medley SM4 men's 150m individual medley SM3 women's 150m individual medley SM3 men's 50m butterfly S7 women's 50m butterfly S7 men's 100m backstroke S12 women's 100m backstroke S12 men's 100 freestyle S8 women's 100 freestyle S8 men's 100 backstroke S13 women's 100 backstroke S13 men's 100m breaststroke SB11 women's 100m breaststroke SB11 men's 100m freestyle S5 women's 100m freestyle S5 men's 100m backstroke S10 women's 100m backstroke S10 men's 100m backstroke S6 women's 100m backstroke S6 men's 100m butterfly S9 women's 100m butterfly S9 The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is committed to enabling Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and to develop sport opportunities for all persons with a disability from the beginner to elite level. In addition, the IPC aims to promote the Paralympic values, which include courage, determination, inspiration and equality. For further information, please visit To watch videos on demand from Paralympic Games and to subscribe to ParalympicSport.TV, please go to Also, you may follow the Paralympic Movement on Facebook at or on Twitter at
  • published: 18 Aug 2013
  • views: 6774 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Saturday 17 August, evening session
  • En Naranja: ¿qué es el  IPC?
    En Naranja: ¿qué es el IPC?
  • About IPC Video Training for Electronics Assembly
    About IPC Video Training for Electronics Assembly
  • IPC part1
    IPC part1
  • ¿Qué son el IPC y la inflación?
    ¿Qué son el IPC y la inflación?
  • 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Friday 16 August, evening session
    2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Friday 16 August, evening session
  • 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Tuesday 13 August, evening session
    2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Tuesday 13 August, evening session
  • ¿Qué es el IPC?
    ¿Qué es el IPC?
  • Athletics - men's 100m T44 final - 2013 IPC Athletics World Championships, Lyon
    Athletics - men's 100m T44 final - 2013 IPC Athletics World Championships, Lyon
  • 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Sunday 18 August, evening session
    2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Sunday 18 August, evening session
  • How to install iPC OSx86 PPF5 Final Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leopard on PC
    How to install iPC OSx86 PPF5 Final Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leopard on PC
  • 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal Monday, 12 August, evening session
    2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal Monday, 12 August, evening session
  • IPC ¿Cómo se realiza el Índice de Precios al Consumidor?
    IPC ¿Cómo se realiza el Índice de Precios al Consumidor?
  • 2013 IPC Athletics World Championships Lyon Tuesday, 23 July, morning session
    2013 IPC Athletics World Championships Lyon Tuesday, 23 July, morning session
  • 2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Saturday 17 August, evening session
    2013 IPC Swimming World Championships Montreal, Saturday 17 August, evening session

En Naranja: ¿qué es el IPC? Descubre qué es el Índice de Precios al Consumo y cómo afecta directamente a nuestra economía personal con esta infografía en vídeo.

En Naran­ja: ¿qué es el IPC?
www.​ingdirect.​es De­s­cubre qué es el Índice de Pre­cios al Con­sumo y cómo afec­ta di­rec­ta­ment...
pub­lished: 09 May 2012
About IPC Video Train­ing for Elec­tron­ics As­sem­bly
Ex­plains IPC video train­ing pro­grams on ESD con­trol, lead free sol­der­ing, wire and cable, ...
pub­lished: 10 Nov 2010
au­thor: IPC­Train­ing
IPC part1
Prof. H.P. Desh­mukh's lec­ture se­ries on The In­di­an Penal Code (IPC)...
pub­lished: 14 Jan 2012
¿Qué son el IPC y la in­flación?
El economista Xavier Sala-i-Mar­tin aclara en qué con­sis­ten dos con­cep­tos ha­bit­uales en los...
pub­lished: 09 Jul 2012
au­thor: La Van­guardia
2013 IPC Swim­ming World Cham­pi­onships Mon­tre­al, Fri­day 16 Au­gust, evening ses­sion
Full sched­ule: http://​www.​paralympic.​org/​Events/​Montreal2013/​Schedule Fol­low us on Twit­ter...
pub­lished: 17 Aug 2013
2013 IPC Swim­ming World Cham­pi­onships Mon­tre­al, Tues­day 13 Au­gust, evening ses­sion
Full sched­ule: http://​www.​paralympic.​org/​Events/​Montreal2013/​Schedule Fol­low us on Twit­ter...
pub­lished: 18 Jul 2013
¿Qué es el IPC?
El IPC es un in­di­cador económico pro­duci­do por el INE, que mide la variación men­su­al de pr...
pub­lished: 17 Jan 2013
au­thor: in­echile
Ath­let­ics - men's 100m T44 final - 2013 IPC Ath­let­ics World Cham­pi­onships, Lyon
For more in­for­ma­tion, please fol­low us on http://​www.​twitter.​com/​IPCAthletics or http://ww...
pub­lished: 23 Jul 2013
2013 IPC Swim­ming World Cham­pi­onships Mon­tre­al, Sun­day 18 Au­gust, evening ses­sion
Full sched­ule: http://​www.​paralympic.​org/​Events/​Montreal2013/​Schedule Fol­low us on Twit­ter...
pub­lished: 19 Aug 2013
How to in­stall iPC OSx86 PPF5 Final Mac OS X 10.5.6 Leop­ard on PC
In this video, I'm gonna show you how to in­stall Mac OSX 10.5.6 Leop­ard on PC and also dua...
pub­lished: 17 Apr 2009
au­thor: ice­man2312
2013 IPC Swim­ming World Cham­pi­onships Mon­tre­al Mon­day, 12 Au­gust, evening ses­sion
Full sched­ule: http://​www.​paralympic.​org/​Events/​Montreal2013/​Schedule Fol­low us on Twit­ter...
pub­lished: 18 Jul 2013
IPC ¿Cómo se re­al­iza el Índice de Pre­cios al Con­sum­i­dor?
El IPC es un in­di­cador económico pro­duci­do por el INE, que mide la variación men­su­al de pr...
pub­lished: 19 Feb 2013
au­thor: in­echile
2013 IPC Ath­let­ics World Cham­pi­onships Lyon Tues­day, 23 July, morn­ing ses­sion
Full sched­ule: http://​www.​paralympic.​org/​Events/​Lyon2013/​Schedule Fol­low us on Twit­ter: ht...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 1970
2013 IPC Swim­ming World Cham­pi­onships Mon­tre­al, Sat­ur­day 17 Au­gust, evening ses­sion
Full sched­ule: http://​www.​paralympic.​org/​Events/​Montreal2013/​Schedule Fol­low us on Twit­ter...
pub­lished: 18 Aug 2013
Youtube results:
2013 IPC Swim­ming World Cham­pi­onships Mon­tre­al, Wednes­day 14 Au­gust, evening ses­sion
Full sched­ule: http://​www.​paralympic.​org/​Events/​Montreal2013/​Schedule Fol­low us on Twit­ter...
pub­lished: 18 Jul 2013
2013 IPC Ath­let­ics World Cham­pi­onships Lyon Wednes­day, 24 July, morn­ing ses­sion
Full sched­ule: http://​www.​paralympic.​org/​Events/​Lyon2013/​Schedule Fol­low us on Twit­ter: ht...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 1970
Light Asy­lum - IPC
pub­lished: 22 Mar 2012
Agilite IPC (In­jured Per­son­nel Car­ri­er)
Get More in­for­ma­tion on the IPC at http://​www.​agilitegear.​com/​ (PATENT PEND­ING) The In­jure...
pub­lished: 01 Jan 2012
au­thor: Agilite
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick
India Cine Audience Society activist  hold the candel light to protest against the rape case in Barasat in Kolkata on Monday 17 June 2013
Edit Al Jazeera
28 Dec 2013
Police have arrested 10 people in India after a 21-year-old woman was gang-raped twice in one night be two apparently unrelated groups of men. Six of the men arrested have been charged with gang-raping the woman on the evening of December 24, on officer said on Friday. None of the men have appeared in court ... 292 Source.. Agencies. ....(size: 1.8Kb)
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
Edit Vibe Magazine
29 Dec 2013
Justin Bieber‘s second concert doc, Believe, chronicles a new era for the pop star, where media criticism threatens to drown out fan support ... (The Hobbit ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
photo: AP / Vincent Thian
German Formula One driver Michael Schumacher of Mercedes GP speaks during a press conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Wednesday, March 31, 2010. The Malaysian Grand Prix will take place on April 4, 2010.
Edit Dawn
30 Dec 2013
FRANKFURT. Formula One legend Michael Schumacher is in a “critical condition” in a coma after striking his head in a ski accident in the French Alps on Sunday, the hospital treating him said. The 44-year-old German “was suffering a serious brain trauma with coma on his arrival, which required an immediate neurosurgical operation,” the hospital in the southeast French city of Grenoble said in a statement ... ....(size: 3.7Kb)
photo: AP / Denis Tyrin
Ambulances line up a site of a trolleybus explosion, background, in Volgograd, Russia Monday, Dec. 30, 2013.
Edit Independent online (SA)
30 Dec 2013
Russia- A bomb blast ripped a trolleybus apart in Volgograd on Monday, killing at least 10 people in the second deadly attack in the southern city in two days and raising fears of further violence as Russia prepares to host the Winter Olympics ... It came less than 24 hours after a suicide bomb blast killed at least 17 people in the main railway station in the same city, a major transport hub in southern Russia ... - Reuters. ....(size: 4.5Kb)

Edit The Times of India
31 Dec 2013
Police have registered a case against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping a revenue official on Monday ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit The Times of India
31 Dec 2013
Both have been denied bail. Jagriti has been charged under sections 302 (murder), 307 (attempt to murder), 344 (wrongful confinement) of the IPC and the Juvenile Justice Act, while Dhananjay has been booked for destruction of evidence, not informing police about the maid's death immediately and employing a minor as domestic help ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit The Times of India
31 Dec 2013
It was a year of women in many ways. The gang rape of 23-yearold Nirbhaya last December led to a powerful campaign for women's liberty this year ... The same month, the President gave his assent to the anti-rape ordinance making voyeurism, stalking, disrobing of women and acid attacks specific offences under IPC ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
Mumbai, December 30.. Five people were injured by a speeding BMW car in Mumbai on late Monday night ... Recommend Twitter. Comments(0) ... Latest News ... Sharif ... Related News ... A case has been registered against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
London, December 30.. Actress Keira Knightley has purchased a house for 4 million pounds for herself and her new husband, musician James Righton ... Recommend Twitter. Comments(0). next>>  . Latest News ... A case has been registered against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
Bhopal, December 30.. Chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir School Group and Chancellor of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University, Girish Chandra Verma was held for allegedly sexually exploiting a former woman employee for several years, sources said ... ... A case has been registered against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping ... ....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit The Times of India
31 Dec 2013
MAPUSA. Anjuna police on Monday arrested five persons from Delhi and Haryana, including Bhavesh Yadav, son of former Haryana MP Rajesh Yadav, who was posing as a minister from Delhi ... All five-Yadav, 26, Yetendra Rao, 30, and Sidharth Singh, 27, all residents of Delhi, and drivers Gautam Rathod, 25, and Hariom Khowa, 24, both natives of Haryana-have been booked under IPC Sections 419 and 420 (cheating) ... ....(size: 1.9Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
Guntur, December 30.. A case has been registered against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping a revenue official. The case was registered following a complaint lodged by a junior assistant, Ch Srinivasa Rao ... The MLA then allegedly slapped the junior assistant when the latter tried to intervene. Recommend Twitter. Comments(0) ... Latest News ... Sharif ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
December 30. ... Based on a complaint lodged by the victim's family members, a case was booked under relevant sections of the IPC, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 and other Acts against the trio and a hunt has been launched to nab them, a police officer said ... A complaint had been lodged by the hostel warden and the victim. Recommend Twitter. Comments(0). next>>  . Latest News ... Gadkari ... Related News ... ....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
Faizabad, December 30.. The Uttar Pradesh Police on Monday claimed to have solved the murder of a youth brutally killed inside the premises of a mosque in Ayodhya a few days ago ... Faizabad District Magistrate Vipin Kumar Dwivedi said Irshad had confessed to the crime during police interrogation ... A case has been registered against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
Khartoum, December 30.. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni said Monday that leaders would join hands against forces allied to South Sudanese ex-vice president Riek Machar , if he failed to respond to a ceasefire agreement offered to him ... Recommend Twitter. Comments(0). next>>   ... A case has been registered against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
December 30.. Making it clear that attacks on army and public will not be tolerated, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today said the government and the military were on the same page on the issue of tackling terrorists in Karachi or the restive tribal areas ... Recommend Twitter. Comments(0) ... A case has been registered against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping ... ....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
31 Dec 2013
December 30.. The inquiry into Britain's involvement in the Iraq war could publish its long-awaited conclusions in 2014 after discussions between Tony Blair and George W Bush are published, news reports said today ... A spokeswoman for the Cabinet Office, which is managing the inquiry, said ... A case has been registered against Vemur legislator Nakka Anand Babu of TDP and four of his followers under section 353 of IPC for slapping ... ....(size: 3.6Kb)

IPC may refer to:

In biology

In computing

In education

In organization

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L-o-v-e love conquers all
Making like a romeo, making on a juliet (she said)
Maybe you're a montague, maybe you're a capulet
Maybe you don't trust me yet, let me light your cigarette
Be you shark, be you jet, never forget that
Love conquers all (l-o-v-e love)
Love conquers all (l-o-v-e love)
When bogart saw bacall
He knew that love conquers all (l-o-v-e love)
(woah) it's only love, yeah
Love conquers all
Making life a monument, making love a strategy (she said)
Baby you're so confident, why the hell you asking me
Savages from hostile tribes, slug it out on alibies
All for love, all just lies, open those eyes (sing)
Love conquers all (l-o-v-e love)
Love conquers all (l-o-v-e love)
When hate is strong, fear stands tall
Love conquers all
(woah) it's only love, yeah
Love conquers all
Anyone who loves you, anyone who breaks your heart
Anyone who makes you feel this way
Feelings deep enough to swim in
Back stroke, or crawl
It's just the beginning
Love conquers all
Love conquers all (l-o-v-e love)
Love conquers all (l-o-v-e love)
You can beg, steal or crawl (l-o-v-e love)
Love conquers all (l-o-v-e love)
When hate is strong, fear stands tall
Love conquers all

Every face in the street, everyone that I meet
I think it's you in disguise
I hear sweet angels sing, life's a radiant thing
I'm bewitched and tantalized, yeah
What's good about goodbye?
No one ever told me
What's good about goodbye?
Wish you could hold me
Nothing fair about fairwell
Nothing fair at all
What's good about goodbye?
Nothing at all
I'd be fooling myself, chasing anyone else
It's you that I prize
Why praise to heaven above, why praising God for sweet love?
When it's you I idolize
What's good, What's good
What's good about goodbye?
What's good, What's good
I feel bad about good goodbye
No truth in the rumour that parting is sweet
You lose your sense of humour, you feel incomplete
There's heaven in hello, hell in goodbye
Now that you're leaving, I'd rather die

I held an iron fist in a velvet glove
I was silk sheathed in steel
I'd disguise every nerve inside of me
Man, I'd forgotten how to feel.
You made me feel so much stronger
This must be magic
You made me feel someone with your love
This must be magic (yes you remade me)
This must be love (yes you persuaded me)
This must be magic (you won't betray me)
This must be love
I was the hawk not the dove gave up on love
Chasing rainbows, chasing wealth
One angry young man in my own vietnam
At war with the world but just killing myself
You made me feel so much stronger
This must be magic
You made me feel someone with your love
This must be magic (yes you impressed me)
This must be love (you must have blessed me)
This must be magic (when you carress me)
This must be love
You made me feel so much stronger
This must be magic
You made me feel someone with your love
This must be magic (you resurrect me)
This must be love (swore you'd protect me)
This must be magic (say you'll respect me)
This must be love

I've seen the future, I can't afford it
Tell me the truth sir, someone just bought it
Say Mr. Whispers, here come the click of dice
Roulette and blackjacks, build us a paradise
Larger than life and twice as ugly
If we have to live there, you'll have to drug me
Maybe these luxuries can only compensate
For all the cards you were dealt at the hands of fate
So tell me
Tell me, tell me, how to be a millionaire?
Tell me, tell me, how to be a millionaire?
Millionaire, billionaire, trillionaire
Hardly surprising if you might consider
Loyalties go to the highest of bidders
Want my opinion? I'd give you ten to one
Give me a million, a franchise on fun
But there are millions who often get nowhere
There's just one secret I think you should share
Maybe these luxuries can only compensate
For all the cards you were dealt at the hands of fate
So tell me
Tell me, tell me, how to be a millionaire?
Tell me, tell me, how to be a millionaire?
Millionaire, billionaire, zillionaire
Maybe these luxuries can only compensate
For all the cards you were dealt babe, at the hands of fate
So tell me
Tell me, tell me, how to be a millionaire?
Tell me, tell me, how to be a millionaire?
Who wants to be millionaire?
I do, I don't, I do
Who wants to be millionaire?
I do, I don't

I saw you back in '59
You were booing Elvis
Trying hard to act so sublime
And get this
You said that country boy was never good
Burning his records in the neighbourhood
Dust in the dawn and drawing blood
I see you
I've seen you before
I've seen you back then
I'll see you again my friend
In the way back when
I saw you back in '68
Smiling through a Woodstock haze
Telling anyone who'd listen
You'd be voting Nixon
Said Hendrix was just a faze
I saw you back in '77
At The Buzzcocks gig
Wearing safety pins and diamond rings
Said you were dating Sid
I've seen you before
I've seen you back then
I'll see you again my friend
In the way back when
I saw you back in '88
Some place deep in {Shume???}
Dropping Es like vitamins
You said house was doomed
You say that Izzy made you dizzy
A liar got you higher
Ripping me up like a sabre-toothed tiger
I see you
I see you
I see through you
I've seen you before
I've seen you back then
I'll see you again my friend
In the way back when

Debonair lullabies in melodies revealed
In deep despair on lonely nights
He knows just how you feel
The slyest rhymes - the sharpest suits
In miracles made real
Like a bird in flight on a hot sweet night
You know you're right just to hold her tight
He soothes it right - makes it outtasite
And everything's good in the world tonight!
When Smokey sings - I hear violins
When Smokey sings - I forget everything
As she's packing her things
As she's spreading her wings
The front door might slam
But the back door it rings
And Smokey sings... he sings
Elegance in eloquence - for sale or rent or hire
Should I say - yes I match his best
Then I would be a liar
Symphonies that soothe the rage
When lovers' hearts catch fire
Like a bird in flight on a hot sweet night
You know you're right just to hold her tight
He soothes it right - makes it outtasite
And everything's good in the world tonight!
When Smokey sings - I hear violins
When Smokey sings - I forget everything
As she's packing her things
As she's spreading her wings
Smashing the hell
With the heaven she brings
Then Smokey sings... he sings
Luther croons
Sly's the original - originator
James screams
Marvin was the only innovator
But nothing can compare
Nothing can compare
When Smokey sings
When Smokey sings - I hear violins
When Smokey sings - I forget everything
As she's packing her things
As she's spreading her wings
She threw back the ring
When Smokey sings...
Smokey sings...

Cock a snoot,
Loop the loop,
Hock the hula-hoop,
But now it yo-yo'd back again
Shiver me timbers,
Just jumped ship with a little faith
We could win the championship
Parachute substitute, problem is it's soooo cute
Workless, cashless, hungry and in debt
Outta house, outta home, outta pocket
They persuade you,
That they made you then betrayed you
And they blame you with the power of persuasion
The power of persuasion
The power of persuasion
The power of persuasion
You bought the troll,
You bought the gonk,
You took it home, and put it on a pedestal
We needed a saviour,
But from it's behaviour
Why did it have to be so extra-terrestrial?
Tax deductible. cash corruptible,
Never the less another poolswinner
Penniless dog tooth check,
Cash and carry find a girl,
Settle down and marry
They persuade you,
That they made you
The proclaim,
And they'll maim you with the power of persuasion
The power of persuasion
The power of persuasion
The power of persuasion
I sold the eskimo snow
Build the skyline outta playdo
Persuading you that monochrome is dayglo

To all of those who had their doubts
Now those doubts... I forgive 'em
To everyone who's led one life
Then love life... its humble rhythm
To all of those who harbour dreams
All you get... is what you're given
Meanwhile the maximum... maximum goes down
Right from the start
I knew you'd break my heart
Jealous lover... jealous lover
Rope tied and bound
I been lost and found
Jealous lover... jealous lover
Jealous of my loving
Jealous of my leaving... jealous
Jealous of my living
Jealous of my breathing
Jealous lover... there's no other
If all they say and do were true
Just like you... I'd be with 'em
But lies survive... remains forbidden
For every single point of view
Then there's two... that must be hidden
Meantime the maximum... maximum goes down
Right from the start
I knew you'd break my heart
Jealous lover... jealous lover
Rope tied and bound
I been lost and found
Jealous lover... jealous lover
Jealous of my loving
Jealous of my leaving... jealous
Jealous of my living
Jealous of my breathing
Jealous lover... there's no other
Meantime - the maximum... maximum
Nothing more and nothing less
Grip tight - the maximum... the maximum
You say no... I say yes
Don't be... don't be... don't be...

Why make the past your sacred cow?
Why guess you've changed? You've changed and how
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Fruit's grown rotten on the bough
Reap what you sow, with a counterfeit plough
Yeah, yeah, yeah
That was then, but this is now
That was then, but this is now
More sacrifices than an Aztec priest
Standing here straining at that leash
All fall down
Can't complain, mustn't grumble
Help yourself to another piece of apple, crumble
And consequently
Hearts of oak are charged and blistered
Russians should be baby sitted
Americans enlisted, hey
That was then, but this is now
That was then, but this is now
That was then, but this is now
That was then, but this is now
That was then, that was then, but this is now
That was then, that was then, but this is now
That was then, that was then, but this is now

Welcome to the great republic
Guess I should show you round
Where once I was a king
And now I am a clown
The love that we once shared
Made a king of me
But now you're gone... but now you're gone
All I face is poverty
...King without a heart
...King without a hope
...King without a woman baby
Oh I'm a king without a crown
...King without a heart
...King without a hope
...King without a woman baby
Oh I'm a king without a crown
Hell hath no fury
Like a woman scorned
But heaven don't boast - no heaven don't boast
The jewel - the pretty jewel I just pawned
Every cloud has a silver lining
Every dog has its day
Oh but I guess the sun stopped shining
On the day you went away
...King without a heart
...King without a hope
...King without a woman baby
Oh I'm a king without a crown
...King without a heart
...King without a hope
...King without a woman baby
Oh I'm a king without a crown
...King without a heart
...King without a hope
...King without a woooman baby
Yes I'm a king - king! King without a crown
Bathed in former glory
Deposed from my throne
How do I get to tell my story?
When all I get's your answerphone...
But you ain't home
With the love you gave
I felt like royalty
But now you're face to face - face to face
With one ex-member of the aristocracy
There's no need to feel down
Yeah just take a look around
You'll see a man who's just a man
Nothing more

I believe that this world was made for everyone
I can see all that wealth won't make a champion
All that matters in my world (life)
All that matters to me is you
Only you, only you
All that matters, only you
I don't care what people say, what people do
(let 'em talk)
I don't share that state of mind, that point of view
(let 'em sue)
From the top of my head to the tip of my toes
From the sole of my shoes through every stitch in my clothes
Each beat of my heart, each molecule
All that matters to me is you
All that matters to me is you
All that matters to me is you
Believe me it's true
(you're all that matters)
Now I wish you'd believe it too

** sitting watching stars exploding
Building blocks that make
This world go round
On some distant planet cluster
Future gazing, no sight or sound
Sitting godlike mother nature
Now immortal, on my own
Light years from home
* light years from home
Light years from home
Crimson shades of evening glimmer
Across the counts of earth below
Shield your love like buried treasure
And all the secrets that you hold
Let them go
And as the daylight
Brings the morning
I reach out for you
Anaesthetic for the heartache
Now I'll never feel alone
Light years from home
(* repeat 2 times)

If only I could stand
On my own two feet
Oh honey, then I'd know
Life could be so sweet
Someone to drive
Someone to blame
Someone to rush through my veins
Someone to wash it all away
* Who can I turn to now
If not you, tell me
Who can I turn to
If not you
If I could get
What I want for free
Then I wouldn't have to borrow
Take a tranquilliser
From your limousine driver
before we crash into tomorrow
Someone to love
Someone to hold me
Someone so courageous
Someone to drag me in from the cold
(* repeat 3 times)
Who can I turn to (tell me who)
Who's gonna be there (if not you)
Tell me who (tell me)
Tell me who (tell me)
Tell me who
Tell me who can I turn to
(if not you)
Ooh (tell me who)
You've got to, you've got to

Vandals in ermine
Rip city skylines
Dodge truth and virtue
With slick city bylines
A paragon of virtue
Until they hurt you
In power and in status
We know they hate us
So where is the heaven?
And where is there love
Where the hell is the heaven?
You're so proud of
Power is preaching
The virtues of poverty
Poor are left feeding
On cruel comedy... sad laughter
Rescue us all now
From fumes that choke us
Shift then these sad lives
Into sweet focus
So where is the heaven?
And where is there love
Where the hell is the heaven?
That you boast of
Prestige it sits high
On Mammons after
Porsche hungry pinheads
On champagne and oysters
Headfull of hollow thoughts
Handful of sushi
Plug into Dallas
Plug into Dynasty
So where is the heaven?
And where is there love
Where the hell is the heaven?
That you're so proud of
Now I am loving
Where once I was hating
Leading a good life
Stopped paging Satan
Played devils advocate
So many times
Lived in the shadow
But the sun will shine
So where is the heaven?
And where is there love
Where the hell is the heaven?
You're so proud of
Where is the kingdom
You say we squander
Where the hell is the heaven?

Well you took me home
And you took me back
But deep down inside
The feeling just died and I
Couldn't see why?
From indigo through to royal blue
I travel far but no one will do
Anytime, anyplace
Every shape every face
Brings memories of you
Blue to be blue
To be blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
Blue to be blue
To be blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
Fair weather friends might drift away
When summer ends and skies burn gray
So I walk to the ocean
Pilot these shores
Just thinking of you
It's time we kissed the clouds goodbye
From now on end it's strictly blue sky
Come rain and shine
The outlook is still fine
I'm thinking of you
Blue to be blue
To be blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
Blue to be blue
To be blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
Blue to be blue
To be blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
Ocean blue, ocean, ocean
Ocean, ocean
Blue to be blue
To be blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
Blue to be blue
To be blue
Ocean blue, ocean blue
I stand at the head of the queue
There's mutiny's every crew
Wishin' and wonderin' 'bout you

Love's a dangerous language
Survey the damage, see what love has done
Oh, my precious darling, my sacred angel
Look what we've done
Oh, you're scared and frightened
Don't be afraid, yes
We'll take your problem wheel
Drive it slowly to a shallow grave
So in those special moments
That might make you think you were happy then
Moving blue through pink, but you're happy now
And you think you'll sink
The buckle is tied for a white knuckle ride
When the buckle is tied then the judgments denied
Oh, my own she vixen, we're sworn to secrecy
This crime is ours, yeah, so quench your thirst
And when I'm hungry I'll eat my words
So in those special moments
That might make you think you're happy now
Moving blue through pink, you were happy then
But you think you'll sink
The buckle is tied for a white knuckle ride
When the buckle is tied, then the judgments denied
Wherever we go, wherever we hide

Not what you are,
But what you've earned
Where jack-queen-king
Money's concerned
A friend in need is a friend in debt
That kinda friend king money can forget.
May those that are full get struck dumb
When they tell the hungry of the good times
To come,
More money than sense in their defence
And cheaper jokes at our expense
So if your king is money
Then I feel sorry for you
And if you think that it's funny
Then maybe you do...
Maybe you do king money
King money, king money
The midas touch doesn't mean
That much until you're crippled with greed,
Using gold as a crutch or half a man
For half a crown for half a kingdom
For half a town
No geldt-in-my-pelt-jack,
No cash in my shack so tell me the things
That you think I lack
Just what kinda price are you willing to pay
For a holiday from the royal tourniquet
So if your king is money
Then I feel sorry for you
And if you think that it's funny
Then maybe you do...
Maybe you do king money
King money, king money
Standing by the xerox machine
I want to duplicate some money
Build a fortune up in black and white
But I'll need a master copy.
You're gonna give your love to me
Shake an apple off the apple tree
When she moves it's poetry
Come to me now, one, two, three
King ka
King ka
King king money
Plan the perfect double murder
Maybe win the pools when I get some money
Honey, I'll be knee high in consumer

Hold a candle to a naked flame
Ask the atheist his christian name
Try parachuting from a burning plane
Finding someone else you could blame
If I ever thought you'd be lonely
If I ever thought you'd be there
If I ever fought the alimony
Painted pony
You'd be there
Eskimo heart
Bedouin throat
A butcher trussed up in a camel hair coat
A crowning in the castle
A drowning in the moat
Ocean dried,
Desert afloat
If I ever thought you'd be lonely
If I ever thought you'd be there
If I ever fought the alimony
My one and only
You'd be there
One for the lady,
One for the gent
Signatures in wet cement,
And if you ever ask,
What I meant then I'd never know,

Somehow... someway... somewhere
Bad blood - When you speak you know I'll listen
Bad blood - all your kisses now I'll miss them
Bad blood - a bulletin on in car system
Bad blood is back
There are those who complain
There are those who cope
There are those who lose all belief
There are those who still hope
There are those who can solve your problems
There are those who live life like a TV...
Life like a TV soap
Gonna bring bad blood
Bad blood - When you speak you know I'll listen
Bad blood - all your kisses now I'll miss them
Bad blood - a bulletin on in car system
Bad blood is back
There are those you should meet
There are those to avoid
There are those who act brave in defeat
There are those who feel destroyed
There are those who just mute the heartache
There are those for whom life ain't over...
Life ain't overjoyed
Gonna bring bad blood
Bad blood - When you speak you know I'll listen
Bad blood - all your kisses now I'll miss them
Bad blood - a bulletin on in car system
Bad blood is back
And bad blood breeds bad
What's good?
What's good?
What's good about goodbye?
Heartache... heartache... heartache...
Bad blood - When you speak you know I'll listen
Bad blood - all your kisses now I'll miss them
Bad blood - a bulletin on in car system
Bad blood is back
And bad blood breeds bad

It's cold outside - The night love died
On the night you murdered love
It's cold outside - The night love died
On the night you murdered love
From an early age
I was taught to respect
That a broken heart girl
Ain't a thing you collect
Close your eyes and say
Nothing lasts a day
You're wasting my time
Yet I love to love you
Close your eyes and say
Honour love obey
You're wasting my time
Yet I love to love you
It's cold outside - The night love died
On the night you murdered love
It's cold outside - The night love died
On the night you murdered love
January... February... March and April May
June July sees you go by
I see love walk away
Didn't use a blade
A bullet or a gun
You poisoned the moonlight
When you put out the sun
Close your eyes and say
Nothing lasts a day
You're wasting my time
Yet I love to love you
Close your eyes and say
Honour love obey
You're wasting my time
Yet I love to love you
It's cold outside - The night love died
On the night you murdered love
It's cold outside - The night love died
On the night you murdered love
January... February... March and April May
June July sees you go by
I see love walk away
Close your eyes and say
Nothing lasts a day
You're wasting my time
Yet I love to love you
It's cold outside - The night love died
On the night you murdered love
It's cold outside - The night love died
On the night you murdered love
It's cold outside - The night love died

Red ribbon rainbow
A garland of gold for your hair
Wherever you go
I see faith crush despair
In chaos find courage
The answer to my prayer
Lipstick... liner... perfume... soap
Won't scrub this city or give it hope
You're the antidote... you're an...
Do you dream about me too
When I dream I dream of you
But could I change this world for you?
You do... you do
Whisper it softly
Or scream your name out loud
God built an angel
In sun and sky and cloud
Then heaven sent vengeance
To a world that once stood proud
Lipstick... liner... perfume... soap
Won't scrub this city or give it hope
You're the antidote... you're an...
Do you dream about me too
When I dream I dream of you
But could I change this world for you?
You do... you do... you do
Icarus rising - flies too close to the sun
Icarus falling - a moral for everyone
You're the only one... You're an...
Do you dream about me too
When I dream I dream of you
But could I change this world for you?

The message is perfectly simple
The meaning is clear
Don't ever stray too far
And don't dissappear
Ever had the feeling, almost broke in two?
Never had that feeling like you do, You do?
All my dreams came true last night
All my hopes and fears
All my dreams came true once more
In tears, in tears
Be near me, be near, be near...
Never had that feeling until I first met you
Never felt like kneeling. Now I do. Yes I do.
Be near me, be near
What's your reputation? Ecstasy!
What's your destination? Next to me!

Once I needed your love
But that was just one thing left on my mind
Then I needed to feel you near me
You said, "Don't have the time"
The cowboys at the rodeo
The rhine-stones on that romeo
Your theme tune on the radio
Souvenirs that only go to
Show me, show me
Show me that you're mine
Show me, show me
Give me just one sign
Show me, show me
Second that emotion
Show me, show me love
Since we're skimming the surface, darling
Now's time to get in deep
You've opened up the envelope
But there's still one secret you keep
A pirate station or the late night show
A sunken ship with a rich cargo
Buried treasure that the four winds blow
Wind and rain it only goes to
Show me, show me
Show me that you're mine
Show me, show me
Give me just one sign
Show me, show me
Second that emotion
Show me, show me love
Some things are hidden
Some things you'll see
Make me know
Signal to me
Nine out of ten
In every case
She might look pretty
But there's make up on her face
Show me, show me
Show me that you're mine
Show me, show me
Give me just one sign
Show me, show me
Second that emotion
Show me, show me love
And you can be free
And you could be free, free, free
Where are the diamonds?
Where are the curls?
Where are the things that you took from this world?
These are the diamonds
These are the curls

Every problem has solutions
Look inside your heart, see what you might find
You can draw your own conclusions
There's summer in your soul, winter in your mind
I love, I love, I love, I love you
I need, I need, I need you there
I love, I love, I love, I love you
Let me be your answered prayer
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)
Answered prayer
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)
Don't cry, tears dry
Answered prayer
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)
Unhappy for a long time
A subtle shade of blue, indigo, that's you
You say that love's so hard to find
It just eluded you, I've been eluded, too
I love, I love, I love, I love you
I need, I need, I need you there
I've got to, got to, got to have you
Let me be your answered prayer
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)
Answered prayer
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)
Don't cry, tears dry
Answered prayer
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)
Don't cry, tears dry
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)
Open up your mind, open up your heart
Unlock your dreams, unchain desire
Open up your arms, open up your eyes
Answer my prayer
Truth be told, word to the wise
Open your heart, babe, open your eyes
Unlock your dreams, unchain desire
Answer my prayer, answer my prayer
Answer my prayer, yeah, prayer
Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer
All I want you to do, all I want to do
Is to answer my prayer, answer baby
(Answer my, answer my, answer my prayer)

I was lost in paradise
I was washed ashore
I was praying someone
Would walk right through that door
I was hung in effigy
I was flayed alive
I was lost and lonely
And struggling to survive.
Say that you need me
Say that you care
Say you believe in me
Say it, say it, say it
And I'll be there, oh yeah.
I was baked Alaska
Burning deep inside
I was wondering 'round this earth
Trying to find a place to hide.
I was Mr. Heartache
I was ripped and torn
I was hardly living
Until you came along.
Come on and say it.
Whisper in my ear
Come on.
A ripple of uncertainty
Became a tide of change
That wave became an ocean
Now you're out of range.
Seen heaven in a rainbow
Many splendid things
None compare, none come close
You're my everything
Say that you need me
Say that you care
Say you believe in me
Say it, mean it, say it, and mean it
Say it, and mean it, say it

Pa-pa pa-pa-pa pa-da
Seeking your own satori
Pa-da pa-pa-pa pa-da
Seeking your own satori
Pa-da pa-pa-pa pa-da
Kissing the sky and heaven above
Seeking your own satori
Wringing the neck of brotherly love
Pa-da pa-pa-pa pa-da
Kissing the sky and heaven above
Seeking your own satori
Wringing the neck of brotherly love
Pa-da pa-pa-pa pa-da
Kissing the sky and heaven above
Seeking your own satori
Wringing the neck of brotherly love
Pa-da pa-pa-pa pa-da
You be the hawk and I'll be the dove
Seeking your own satori
You be the hawk and I'll be the dove
Pa-da pa-pa-pa pa-da
Kissing the sky and heaven above
Seeking your own satori
Wringing the neck of brotherly love
Seeking your own satori, seeking your own satori

Do you remember when men wore skirts?
(So hip)
In kipper ties like jealous flirts
(So hip)
In calico and in brocade shirts
So hip it hurts
Do you remember when girls wore slacks?
(So hip)
Traffic stops, men get heart attacks
(So hip)
Seems so strange that they took it like that
So hip it hurts
He's so hip, so hip it
She's so hip, so hip it
They're so hip, so hip it hurts
So hip it
Whose the girl with the kin ski eyes?
(So hot)
They kind of face you could idolize
(So what)
The kind of shape that gets advertised
So hip it hurts
Once it was normal for a girl to curtsy
Got to admit even though it hurts me
She'd squeeze informal until it screams for mercy
So hip it hurts
He's so hip, so hip it
She's so hip, so hip it
They're so hip, so hip it hurts
So hip it hurts, so hip it
(So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so)
He's so hip, so hip it
She's so hip, so hip it
They're so hip, so hip it hurts
So hip it hurts, so hip it
He's so hip, so hip it
She's so hip, so hip it
So hip, so hip it hurts
So hip it hurts
So hip it hurts
So hip it hurts
So hip it hurts

You think the world will melt if you whistle
There's a certain spring in your stride
You face the future like a heat-seeking missile
You've got yourself a smile a mile wide
(Yes, you have)
Viva Love
Viva Love, Viva Love, Viva Love
Viva Love
Viva, viva
When lightning strikes you don't look for shelter
You're floating free, gravity defied
It's hell for leather on a helter skelter
So steel your nerves for a bright white knuckle ride
(Yes, you should)
Viva Love
Viva Love, Viva Love, Viva Love
Viva Love
Viva, viva
In the battle of the sexes
Victory's denied
I'm charging your tanks
With slingshots and knives
My troops they retreat
And run for their lives
I'm facing defeat
But somehow love survives
Viva Love
Viva Love, Viva Love, Viva Love
Viva Love
Viva, viva
You think the world will melt if you whistle
There's a certain spring in your stride

Let me take you to Trafalgar Square
Let me take you there
Every street?s a fashion catwalk, everyone?s debonair
Let me take you to Piccadilly guess it leads somewhere
Tower over centuries, tower over London
Tower up and frankly I?m amazed
What?s done cannot be undone, not here not in London
What?s done can never be erased
So, tower up, it?s those little things
Make life interesting, tower of London
Tower up wasting time
Your?s and mine, tower of London
Let me take you to St.James?s Square
Let me groove you there
Diplomats get target practice in the open air
Psychobillies scream blue murder then they hit Mayfair
Tower over centuries, tower over London
Tower up and frankly I?m amazed
What?s done cannot be undone, not here not in London
What?s done can never be erased
So, tower up, it?s those little things
Make life interesting, tower of London
Tower up wasting time
Your?s and mine, tower of London
London hey, London, hey
So, tower up, it?s those little things
Make life interesting, tower of London
Tower up wasting time
Precious time, tower of London
Tower up I?ll meet you there
I?ll be there tower of London
New York don?t make me laugh

This heart?s up for sale, yeah, this heart?s on the stand
Mix and match and melt in my mouth
Nothin' ever goes quite as planned
You fly north and I?ll sail south
So redevelop product, redesign this package
Still refuse to reach in your pocket
Everything is temporary written on that sand
Lookin' for the girl that meets supply with demand
Love has no guarantee
(Yes I?m date stamped)
Promise me eternity
(Guess I?ll fade away)
Even with a pedigree
(Yes I?m date stamped)
Love has no guarantee
That heart?s on display, yes, that heart?s off the rails
A ship in the harbor with wind in it?s sails
Chain up love inside the chain-store girl
Chain up love and exchange it
Is monsieur a connoisseur or just short changed?
Off the rack or custom fit it all seems the same
Look but don?t touch in paradise
Don?t let them catch you damagin' the merchandise
Love has no guarantee
(Yes I?m date stamped)
Promise me eternity
(Guess I?ll fade away)
Even with a pedigree
(Yes I?m date stamped)
Love has no guarantee
I get sales talk from sales assistants
When all I want to do girl, is lower your resistance
Everything is temporary, written on that sand
Lookin' for the girl that meets supply with demand
Love has no guarantee
Brings out the woman in me
Even with a pedigree
Love has no guarantee
No chance of subtlety
No promise of eternity
Even with a pedigree

I have tried
To make it on my own
And I have survived
But surviving is no rival
For your love
* now I know that it's true
There is no way I can't be
Without you
Heaven knows that it's true
I can't live in this world
Without you
Time you'll find
Can change your mind
My eyes once could see
Only want now to believe
And thought we've tried
I think we'd better face it
A love like ours
You know you can't replace it
(* repeat)
Without you
(* repeat)
I wonder if there's one chance
It could be
You can't live in this world
Without me

What a state to be in
It's a world of indecision
So self destructive
And such an ugly business
In and out of fashion
You always leave your mark
An indefinite decision
A dangerous remark
** when you're cold and tired
Don't turn your head away
The distance that's between us
Gets bigger every day
* how come you never see
You're as faraway as faraway can be
You're as faraway as faraway can be
You try so hard to impress
You talk the telephone to death
It's what you can't see that counts
But you haven't worked that out yet
There is no reason
There is no plan
The truth can be deceptive
From such a quiet man
There's madness in your words
Not wishing to be heard
But just like yesterday
You've already slipped away
(* repeat)
(** repeat)
(* repeat)
You're as faraway as faraway
As faraway as faraway
As faraway as faraway
As faraway as faraway
As faraway as faraway

There's so much panic in this world
But we are livin' in the best
Of all possible worlds
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Deep inside of me
Well I got this wanderlust
Remember how we talked last night?
Well it's just as we discussed
Ashes turn to ashes
Cash turns to dust
There's no-one in this world right now
You think you can trust
No real bruises I can show
Traveling the world on the radio
No real scars I can display
Burning up tomorrow into yesterday
No fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Deep inside of me
In the seat of my pants
There's a pain as big and hard
As a civil disturbance
(Conquer all your fears, seize every chance)
In the end make fear your friend
And change your circumstance
No real bruises I can show
Traveling the world on the radio
No real scars I can display
Burning up tomorrow into yesterday
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No, no, no, no, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world
Fear of the world
No fear, no fear of the world

So trouble comes strolling through the door
But anything worth having's worth fighting for
Fiction or fact you'll supply the plot
We'll both be featured - like it or not
Yes I guess you think I'm stupid and brutal
I should confess that the feeling is mutual
It's not between the devil and the deep blue see
Not between the truth and hypocrisy
Not between freedom and democracy...
But between you - between you...
Between you and me
Between you - between you...
Between you and me
The stars and stripes meet the hammer and sickle
Not for honour but roubles and nickles
It ain't fisticuffs, it's a full scale war
Your secrets no secret anymore
Yes I guess you think I'm stupid and brutal
I should confess that the feeling is mutual
It's not between the devil and the deep blue see
Not between the truth and hypocrisy
Not between freedom and democracy...
But between you - between you...
Between you and me
Between you - between you...
Between you and me

Bottle blondes and beach boys
Might marvel at the size
But honey something that big
You now the best don't advertise
Has no one ever told you
You gotta body build to last
But with that 15 storey dead stop
You're going nowhere, and fast
10-20-30-40, 15 storey halo
10-20-30-40, 15 storeys high
10-20-30-40, 15 storey halo
10-20-30-40, 7 miles wide, 7 miles wide
Ask a judge and jury
Joe find me 12 just men
We're gonna bottle up their fury
Make sure it don't happen again
All the rebel boys got payrolled
Now they're queuing outside the bank
Like 14 carat Playboys
On a trans cool trans world tramp
10-20-30-40, 15 storey halo
10-20-30-40, 15 storeys high
10-20-30-40, 15 storey halo
10-20-30-40, 7 miles wide, 7 miles wide
And so you meet this guy
A regular gala had
A real house trained barbarian
And so you drop him, like a bad habit
Anything that comes along
You grab it, you grab it
15 storey halo
Yes we're all waiting
For the saving grace
Hands that soothe
Hands that smoothe the human race
Oh, we're all waiting
For a saving grace
Hands that soothe
Hands that smoothe the human race
Yes we're all waiting
For the saving grace
Hands that soothe
Hands that smoothe the human race
15 storey halo
15 storey halo
15 storey halo

Was it rage or regret
Or the love I was feeling
In this age - who's perfect... are you?
Wasn't made to forget
This moment worth stealing
Was it rage or regret or the two
Every morning when I wake up
Wake up dreaming then... wake up dreaming
Build a temple from you fragrance
Build a chapel in your heart
Do you really understand
Do you feel the need to try
Do you even care for me
Do you ever wonder why
Rage and then regret
'Bout as real as real can get
Rage and then regret
Through the violence the angry silence
Does our love grow strong or die
A parachute or a pilot's licence
Do we fall in love or fly
Do you really understand
Do you feel the need to try
Do you even care for me
Do you ever wonder why
Rage and then regret
'Bout as real as real can get
Rage and then regret
The harder we come
The harder we fall
The harder it is to stand tall
The more that we fight
The more that we brawl
The more we're alike - that's all... that's all
Rage and then regret
'Bout as real as real can get
Rage and then regret
Rage and then regret
'Bout as real as real can get
There are things you don't forget

By default by design
Time after time
Maybe you earned it,
Maybe you spurned it
But you got it...
You got it
Call it attraction or charm
Sound the alarm
Maybe you earned it,
Maybe you spurned it
But you got it...
Yes, you got it
Breaking hearts your speciality?
Why did you ever have to come so close to me
Was it love or morbid curiosity?
Either way I'd say that love's a possibility
Come a little closer,
Let me see you in close detail
The object of my affections
Walked off in the other direction
By default by design
Time after time
Maybe you earned it,
Maybe you spurned it
But you got it...
You got it
Call it attraction or charm
Sound the alarm
Maybe you earned it,
Maybe you spurned it
But you got it...
Yes, you got it
Modern day Romeo's,
Modern day Juliet's
Selling their love for a packet of cigarettes
Still I remember the day that we first met...
And yet so far, so good
So what else can we ever expect?
Come a little closer, let me see you in close detail
The object of my affections walked off in the other direction
By default by design
Time after time
Maybe you earned it,
Maybe you spurned it
But you got it...
You got it
Call it attraction or charm
Sound the alarm
Maybe you earned it,
Maybe you spurned it
But you got it...

With a little faith, we could raise the land
With a little hope, we could move as planned
With a little faith, we could raise the land
With a little hope, we could move as planned
Farm the ghetto up, feed the famine down
With our nose to the grindstone
Ear to the ground, find a steady job
Build a happy home
Farm a steady crop then depose the throne
We could irrigate thirst quenching lake
Make a fertile place, thus the desert spake
Spill the feathers up
Slash the silk might as well, stop, boo
Hooing over all that spilt milk
Empty trap, screaming eye
Seething lip, stop wondering
Why butter mountains here? Better motivate, it?s getting late
Assassinate the grain, co, co, co, co, commotion
Before a global war, we?d better bridge the ocean
Just like an open wound that
Forever bleeds just like an open plain
In scattered seeds or the foolish man

Some men seek solace
Some take to drink
Some men find knowledge, yeah
At least that's what they think
Some take to violence
Streamlining their dreams
Some sit in silence
And learn what love can mean
Much further to go
Much further to crawl
But one day you'll find
The greatest love of all
The greatest love of all
The greatest love of all
The load is tough
The path is long
Strewn with rocks yeah
But you'd be wrong, so wrong
One single spark
Can start a prairie fire
When one man speaks truth
He fills the world with pure desire
Much further to go
Much further to crawl
But one day you'll find
The greatest love of all
The greatest love of all
The greatest love of all
One day united
One day free
You'll be rewarded
The one true path is unity
Fruit don't fall
Too far from the tree
One day we'll bathe
In true humility
Much further for truth
Much further to fall
I pray that you'll find
The greatest love of all
The greatest love of all

So here we are
Drifting on an open sea
So here we are
For all we know but then again
We know for all we know
You know, you know
With all the power that I possess
Let's match their money with our own finesse
Why should we ever have to settle for less?
Why does this message always have to be...
S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S.
S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S.
S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S.
One cool million for one cool caress
So here we are
Still drifting on an open sea
So here we are
For all we know but then again
We know for all we know
I know, I know
With all the power that I possess
Let's match their money with our own finesse
Why should we ever have to settle for less?
Why does this message always have to be...
S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S.
S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S.
S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S.
One cool million for one so possessed
S.O.S. S.O.S. S.O.S.

Sun beats hard
On Sunset Boulevard
Much harder still
In Notting Hill
A northwind blows
And carries me home
Carries my heart, carries my soul
When cool silks they turn to suede
When young dreams are torn and frayed
The South feels so cold and grey
Today! Today the North's too many miles away
Today! Today I got to get away
I'm driving north
I'm heading home
I'm driving back
To the place I once belonged
It's all gone silent
The light begins to fade
One man unplugs
The penny arcade
And carries me home
Carries my heart, carries my soul
I'm driving north
I'm heading home
I'm driving back
To the place I once belonged
One sweet bouquet
The flowers strewn
The petals scattered
Here in the North
No dreams are shattered
I'm driving north
I'm heading home
I'm driving back
To the place I once belonged
No we don't feel angry
No we don't feel betrayed
Unlike our fathers
We don't remember better days
No we don't feel angry
No we don't feel betrayed
We just live

I had dreams and crazy schemes
Never felt this way before
I had days when I god raged
Never felt like this before
Endless nights that end in flights
Now I feel love
Never. Never. Never more than now
Never. Never. Never more than now
Never more than now
Paralysed by vicious lies
Never felt this way before
Seen hope die and grown men cry
Never felt like this before
Shed lonely tears and heartfelt fears
Now I feel love
Never. Never. Never more than now
Never. Never. Never more than now
A thing of beauty
Lasts forever
Stretches through all time
Every endeavour
No matter how hard
They might try
To build you up
And to bleed you dry
Never lose love. Never
Never lose love. Never
Ever, ever, ever
Never. Never. Never more than now

Politicians preaching - on TV
Saying nothing but - vote for me
Everybody, everywhere
We got a love, got a love
Got a love we gotta share...
One better world
One better world
One better world
Papers feeding - lies each day
Are you believeing - what they say?
Pulpit preachers - selling God
Making big bucks - is that enough?
Everybody, everywhere
We got a love, got a love
Got a love we gotta share...
One better world
One better world
One better, better, better world
Someway - Somehow - Some place - Somewhere
Let the lion lie down with the lamb
Someway - Somehow - Some place - Somewhere
Don't use the colour of his skin to judge the man
Someway - Somehow - Some place - Somewhere
Does it matter if you're gay or if you're straight
Someway - Somehow - Some place - Somewhere
If it does you fill this world with hate
Underneath a flag
Love is just a name
But underneath the moon
We are all the same
Everybody, everywhere
We got a love, got a love
Got a love we gotta share...
One better world
One better world

I could walk away from you
If that's what you wanted
But when you look for something new
You can be so disappointed
It's funny how it used to be
Me for you and you for me
I wish I knew why people change
Will we ever be the same again
Stranger things have happened
Will we ever feel this way again
Whatever will be, will be eternally
We were learning to be human
But it doesn't take a degree
To know that what you're looking for
Is not always what you see
It's funny how it used to be
Me for you and you for me
I guess I'd knew why people change
Will we ever be the same again
Stranger things have happened
Will we ever feel this way again
Whatever will be, will be eternally
Will we ever be the same again
Stranger things have happened
Will we ever feel this way again
Whatever will be, will be eternally
Sha la, sha la la
Sha la, sha la la
Sha la, sha la la

See the girl in the cabriolet
I'm gonna make her mine someday
The traffic stops and she steps out
Every man starts to scream and shout
There's a space in the week
It's a date I can keep, oh yeah
Seven day, seven day, seven day
It's a seven day weekend
Seven day, seven day, seven day
It's a seven day weekend
See the girl in the pale peach dress
She's got a body build to caress
Like a one-eyed cat
Outside a seafood store
She's got me begging
More, more, more
I've been saving and saving
And saving my money
To spend it on her
* seven day, seven day, seven day
It's a seven day weekend
Seven day (seven day)
Seven day (seven day) seven day
It's a seven day weekend
Seven day (seven day)
Seven day (seven day) seven day
It's a seven day weekend
(* repeat)
Seven day (saturday)
Seven day (every day) seven day
It's a seven day weekend
Seven day (seven day)
Seven day (seven day) seven day
It's a seven day weekend
Seven day (seven day)
Seven day (seven day) seven day

I was tired of letting her
Taking me for what she could get
Smoking me down
Like her last cigarette
See luck's a dime in dozen
In a thousand different places
Every country cousin's
Holding five sweet aces
All of a sudden
Love shines down on me
Kissing you is like the angels kissing heaven
When I roll those dice, I swear I'm rolling sevens
I'll do whatever you want, whatever you say
Everything's going our way
Poets and philosophers
Can say what they like
But they've never been to your place
After the clock strikes midnight
Zooming in on you
Pulled me into focus
All the wild cards
Start turning into jokers
All of a sudden
Love shines down on me
Kissing you is like the angels kissing heaven
When I roll those dice, I swear I'm rolling sevens, sevens
I'll do whatever you want, whatever you say
Everything's going our way, yeah
Kissing you is like the angels kissing heaven
When I roll those dice, I swear I'm rolling sevens
I'll do whatever you want, whatever you say
Everything's going our way, yeah
Rolling sevens, rolling sevens, rolling sevens
Our way, yeah, rolling sevens, rolling sevens, yeah
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven

Elegant faces
Won't you stand aside
I'm only looking for the real ride
Now's not the time
To run away and hide
* I've got no time for fakers
Only the best will do
Looking through my eyes, baby
It's such a spectacular view
Now that these times are changing
Only the best will do
Pale imitations
Will fade away
People are talking
With nothing to say
I wouldn't let anyone
Talk to me that way
(* repeat)
** ain't that peculiar
Neptune's your ruler
Awake from your slumber
Give me your number
How candid the camera
That captures the best of you
Only the best will do
(* repeat)
Only the best will do
(repeat with following)
(** repeat)

I - I would swim the seven seas
I - I would crawl upon my knees
I - Climb mountains high for you
I - Would guarantee your every dream come true
...come true
Oh I - I'm in love with you
Yes it's true
Oh I - I wouldn't cheat on you
Yes it's true
Oh I - I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love
With you...
I - I would drink an ocean dry
I - Would pluck the moon out from the sky
I - I would build a palace just for you
I - I could give you... Park Avenue
...Park Avenue
Oh I - I'm in love with you
Yes it's true
Oh I - I wouldn't cheat on you
Yes it's true
Oh I - I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love
With you...
I - I could travel back in time
I - I would kill a man to make you mine
I - I would leap the Empire State
I - I'd win a war, just to conquer hate
...conquer hate
Oh I - I'm in love with you
Yes it's true
Oh I - I wouldn't cheat on you
Yes it's true
Oh I - I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love

Have you heard the latest
(You love you)
Have you seen who just walked in
(Vain, vain, vain, vain)
(Uh huh, you love you)
Right over there
(She's so vain, vain, vain, vain)
Yeah, come on
(Vain, vain, vain, vain)
I'm glad you've found someone who loves you
But sad to say that someone is you
And now perhaps you'll both be happy
Guess that makes two, just you and you
Someone who cares so much about you
But does that someone have to be you
Bom bom bom bom, bom bom bom bom, yeah
Bom bom bom bom, bom bom bom bom, yeah
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
Vanity kills, you love you
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
Vanity kills, it kills
Vain, vain, vain, vain
So glad I found you glancing in the mirror
Gazing deeply at love's patron saint
Admire the frame, survey the scenery
Or are you just inspecting the paint
Temptation's strong modesty's so weak
High on yourself, humble you ain't
Bom bom bom bom, bom bom bom bom, yeah
Bom bom bom bom, bom bom bom bom, yeah
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
Vanity kills, you love you
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
Vanity kills, you love you
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
(No way)
Vanity kills, you love you
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
Vanity kills, it kills
So vain, vain vain vain vain
You love you, yeah
Give it up, give it up
So vain, so, so vain, so vain
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
Vanity kills, you love you
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
Vanity kills, you love you
Vanity kills, it don't pay bills
(No way)
Vanity kills, you love you
Vanity kills, if the blast don't get you
Then the fallout will

I was a rich man, I was a thief
I was a sailor, shipwrecked on a reef
I was a coward, I was afraid
I was couragious, man I was brave
Until the oceans dry
Until the day you die
Until the stars fall out the sky
Welcome to the real world baby
Welcome to the way things are
Welcome to the real world darling
Step on for shangri-la
Welcome to the real world baby
Paradise guarantee
Welcome to the real world
Come and see what we've bequeathed
I was an angel, idolised
I was a devil in a disguise
I was a stalion, I was a mule
I was misguided, but nobody's fool
The day that I was born, daddy placed me on his knee
Said son you've got to be, a better man than me
You're inherriting the world, make your mark on history
Welcome to the real world, be what you've got to be
