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Yuki Yuki Yuki 10 hours
YUKI** プリズム
JUDY AND MARY  YUKI いいとも2000,03,14)
Yuki live 5-Star The gift will suddenly arrive 2008.05.28
YUKI** 星屑サンセット
YUKI** うれしくって抱きあうよ
Spacedrum by Yuki Koshimoto
yuki web radio


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Sing the Blues (2011)


Set in the city of Kyoto, and inspired by a true story about a grisly murder that terrorised Japan, "Sing the Blues" follows Hashimoto on his journey to Kyoto to escape a past life and seek a new beginning. While there, he meets a motley crew of colourful characters. One night, a neighbour unwittingly reminds him of his dark past and he finds himself withdrawing from society again. Meanwhile Kenji, a detective from Tokyo, arrives in Kyoto on a lead that a murder suspect is in the city and about to strike again. Their paths intersect, to devastating effect.


The Big Catch (2009)


The Big Catch' is a film about the intertwining lives of three characters who meet fishing on a beach. It is a charming and lyrical parable about the way people of other cultures treat each other.

Keywords: fish



The one that almost got away

The Ramen Girl (2008)


Abby, four years out of college, an aimless child of privilege, comes to Tokyo to be with her boyfriend, who promptly leaves for Osaka. She wants to stay in Tokyo in hopes he'll come back to her, but she's miserable: she speaks little Japanese and has a dull job as a law-firm gopher. She stumbles into the neighborhood ramen shop operated by the aging master chef Maezumi and his wife Reiko. His soup cheers Abby, so she decides to apprentice herself to him. He's uninterested, she's insistent, so he shouts at her and gives her all the cleaning to do. Weeks go by; she's persistent. Will he ever actually teach her to cook? And if he does, will she bring the requisite spirit to the job?

Keywords: american-tourist, asian-man-white-woman-relationship, break-up, chef, cooking, cuisine, culture-clash, inter-cultural, japan, japanese



In food as in life, sometimes the missing ingredient is love.
Her romance is on pins and noodles.


Gretchen: Hey Japan! I was fired tonight! On Christmas Eve!... Heartless japanese! Cold blooded Japan!

Abby: I don't know anything about love. Every time I feel it, it's gone, it disappears and all I have left is pain and sadness.

Gretchen: [to Abby] I'm so freakin' wasted I'm about to collapse. You got any beer?

Abby: Somewhere along the way I just forgot what I wanted to do with my life...

Maezumi: I Know the problem. Your Forehead is too small. A small Forehead means a small brain. Like a monkey. You should be swinging from a tree screaming "kya kya kya".::Maezumi: If you just look at the ramen you'll feel it.::Maezumi: Stop thinking about words! Use your heart!

Maezumi: A bowl of ramen is a self-contained universe with life from the sea, the mountains, and the earth. All existing in perfect harmony. Harmony is essential. What holds it all together is the broth. The broth gives life to the ramen.

Yukie, Yuki Filmography







Make changes yourself !

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Yuki Yuki Yuki 10 hours
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:00:01
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Yuki Yuki Yuki 10 hours

Ehh.. Not much to say about this.. Yuki? Anime: Mirai Nikki aka. The Future Diary Created by 水先案内人 Video from
  • published: 16 Apr 2012
  • views: 3875048
  • author: TehN1ppe Yuki Yuki 10 hours
YUKI** プリズム
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:46
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

YUKI** プリズム

YUKI** プリズム.** プリズム
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:35
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

YUKI LIVE "ビスケット Biscuit" at Yokohama Arena 2011

Megaphonic. 小松シゲル(Dr)、沖山優司(B)、冨田謙(Kb)、松江潤(G). 2011/11/03(Thu)@横浜アリーナ. LIVE "ビスケット Biscuit" at Yokohama Arena 2011
JUDY AND MARY  YUKI いいとも2000,03,14)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:49
  • Updated: 10 Aug 2013

JUDY AND MARY YUKI いいとも2000,03,14)

  • published: 10 Aug 2013
  • views: 1442 AND MARY YUKI いいとも2000,03,14)
Yuki live 5-Star The gift will suddenly arrive 2008.05.28
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:23:32
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Yuki live 5-Star The gift will suddenly arrive 2008.05.28

concierto de yuki isoya 5 star.
  • published: 18 Apr 2012
  • views: 204528
  • author: joe thomas live 5-Star The gift will suddenly arrive 2008.05.28
YUKI** 星屑サンセット
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:22
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

YUKI** 星屑サンセット

YUKI** 星屑サンセット.** 星屑サンセット
YUKI** うれしくって抱きあうよ
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:18
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

YUKI** うれしくって抱きあうよ

YUKI** うれしくって抱きあうよ.** うれしくって抱きあうよ
Spacedrum by Yuki Koshimoto
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:59
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Spacedrum by Yuki Koshimoto

Spacedrum by Yuki Koshimoto Beautiful Musical insutrment played by Yuki Koshimoto Yuki is originally from Japan and she is a Spacedrum player. Her journey be... by Yuki Koshimoto
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:19
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

YUKI LIVE "ティンカーベル Tinkerbell" at Yokohama Arena 2011

Megaphonic Tour での渾身の一曲。 小松シゲル(Dr)、沖山優司(B)、冨田謙(Kb)、松江潤(G). 2011/11/03(Thu)@横浜アリーナ. LIVE "ティンカーベル Tinkerbell" at Yokohama Arena 2011
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:27
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

YUKI LIVE "鳴いてる怪獣" at Yokohama Arena 2011

Megaphonic. 小松シゲル(Dr)、沖山優司(B)、冨田謙(Kb)、松江潤(G). 2011/11/03(Thu)@横浜アリーナ. LIVE "鳴いてる怪獣" at Yokohama Arena 2011
yuki web radio
  • Order:
  • Duration: 41:20
  • Updated: 03 Sep 2013

yuki web radio

YUKIweb RADIO 「STARMANN」Release Special
  • published: 03 Sep 2013
  • views: 2354 web radio
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:49
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

YUKI LIVE "2人のストーリー" 2010 東京国際フォーラム

720p. LIVE "2人のストーリー" 2010 東京国際フォーラム
YUKI ♪プリズム Prizm
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:52
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

YUKI ♪プリズム Prizm

今年も絶対出場祈願! 浦 清英(P) ♪プリズム Prizm
Yuki Kadono's Silver-Winning Runs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:35
  • Updated: 25 Jan 2014

Yuki Kadono's Silver-Winning Runs

Yuki Kadono takes silver in America's Navy Snowboard Big Air at X Games Aspen 2014.
  • published: 25 Jan 2014
  • views: 11190 Kadono's Silver-Winning Runs

Yuki Yuki Yuki 10 hours

Ehh.. Not much to say about this.. Yuki? Anime: Mirai Nikki aka. The Future Diary Created by 水先案内人 Video from
  • published: 16 Apr 2012
  • views: 3875048
  • author: TehN1ppe

Yuki Yuki Yuki 10 hours
Ehh.. Not much to say about this.. Yuki? Anime: Mirai Nikki aka. The Fu­ture Diary Cre­at­ed ...
pub­lished: 16 Apr 2012
au­thor: TehN1ppe
YUKI** プリズム
YUKI** プリズム....
pub­lished: 28 May 2012
YUKI LIVE "ビスケット Bis­cuit" at Yoko­hama Arena 2011
Mega­phon­ic. 小松シゲル(Dr)、沖山優司(B)、冨田謙(Kb)、松江潤(G). 2011/11/03(Thu)@横浜アリーナ....
pub­lished: 12 Mar 2012
JUDY AND MARY YUKI いいとも2000,03,14)
pub­lished: 10 Aug 2013
Yuki live 5-Star The gift will sud­den­ly ar­rive 2008.05.28
concier­to de yuki isoya 5 star....
pub­lished: 18 Apr 2012
au­thor: joe thomas
YUKI** 星屑サンセット
YUKI** 星屑サンセット....
pub­lished: 28 May 2012
YUKI** うれしくって抱きあうよ
YUKI** うれしくって抱きあうよ....
pub­lished: 28 May 2012
Space­drum by Yuki Koshi­mo­to
Space­drum by Yuki Koshi­mo­to Beau­ti­ful Mu­si­cal in­sutr­ment played by Yuki Koshi­mo­to Yuki is ...
pub­lished: 15 Jun 2013
au­thor: Jason Pe­ters
YUKI LIVE "ティンカーベル Tin­ker­bell" at Yoko­hama Arena 2011
Mega­phon­ic Tour での渾身の一曲。 小松シゲル(Dr)、沖山優司(B)、冨田謙(Kb)、松江潤(G). 2011/11/03(Thu)@横浜アリーナ....
pub­lished: 11 Mar 2012
YUKI LIVE "鳴いてる怪獣" at Yoko­hama Arena 2011
Mega­phon­ic. 小松シゲル(Dr)、沖山優司(B)、冨田謙(Kb)、松江潤(G). 2011/11/03(Thu)@横浜アリーナ....
pub­lished: 19 Mar 2012
yuki web radio
YUKI­web RADIO 「STAR­MANN」Re­lease Spe­cial...
pub­lished: 03 Sep 2013
YUKI LIVE "2人のストーリー" 2010 東京国際フォーラム
pub­lished: 24 Apr 2012
YUKI ♪プリズム Prizm
今年も絶対出場祈願! 浦 清英(P)...
pub­lished: 02 Feb 2013
Yuki Kadono's Sil­ver-Win­ning Runs
Yuki Kadono takes sil­ver in Amer­i­ca's Navy Snow­board Big Air at X Games Aspen 2014....
pub­lished: 25 Jan 2014
Youtube results:
Yuki Kadono gets sil­ver in Big Air
Yuki Kadono scores a 47.00 in run 2 of Amer­i­ca's Navy Snow­board Big Air final at X Games A...
pub­lished: 25 Jan 2014
Black Ops 2 - Ali vs. Yuki
Heute gibt's ein neues Fomat für euch im Game­Ponk: iBlali und Yuki zock­en ne Runde Call of...
pub­lished: 31 Jul 2013
au­thor: Ponk
Space­drum by Yuki Koshi­mo­to
New moon. Film by Mark Tan. Face­book page http://​www.​facebook.​com/​yukikoshimoto.​official....​
pub­lished: 19 Oct 2011
YUKI - ふがいないや
pub­lished: 14 Nov 2011
au­thor: coidu­uh11
photo: White House / Pete Souza
File - President Barack Obama views the Gulf of Finland during a break at the G20 Summit in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Sept. 5, 2013.
Edit Boston Herald
20 Feb 2014
Of all the time-honored failings for which we criticize sitting presidents — by “we” I mean pundits, academics and other members of the chattering phylum — two charges stand out. imperialism and shrinkage. Usually it’s one or the other ... When the Republicans lost control of Congress in 2006, the Economist proclaimed “The Incredible Shrinking Presidency” of George W. Bush on its cover ... Rep ... Rep ... ....(size: 5.1Kb)
photo: AP / Sergey Ponomarev
File - Russian army Topol ballistic missile on a mobile rocket launcher make its way down a road during a rehearsal for the Victory Day military parade which will take place at Moscow's Red Square on May 9 in central Moscow, Russia, late Tuesday, May 3, 2011.
Edit Al Jazeera
18 Feb 2014
- More than two decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the planet's largest stockpile of nuclear weapons materials remains insecure, according to a series of US intelligence reports obtained by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit ... "We judge it highly unlikely that Russian authorities have been able to recover all of the stolen material." ... Nuclear operations were temporarily shut down ... "A key question is ... View the reports below. ... ....(size: 6.9Kb)
photo: AP / Sergei Chuzavkov
Anti-government protesters are silhouetted against the flame during a clash with riot police in Kiev's Independence Square, the epicenter of the country's current unrest, Ukraine, Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014.
Edit Newstrack India
20 Feb 2014
Tweet. London, Feb. 20 (ANI). Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has agreed to a truce with opposition leaders, after at least 26 people died in clashes this week ... (ANI). Post comments.. ) .. ).. Comments.. HOME . . . . . . .. . . .. ....(size: 1.3Kb)

Edit IMDb
20 Feb 2014
Edit The Japan News
20 Feb 2014
Yuki Tatsumi / Special to The Japan NewsOn February 12, the White House announced that President Obama will visit Japan, South Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines in late April. The announcement prompted Japanese media to question what the decision to add Seoul to Obama’s tour means for Japan. Some link the move with U.S ... The U.S ... Congress ... Yuki Tatsumi is a senior associate at Stimson Center, a security think tank in Washington, D.C ... ....(size: 7.8Kb)
Edit The Japan News
20 Feb 2014
Yuki Inamura/Yomiuri Shimbun Staff Writer The government is supporting efforts to spread light rail transit (LRT) as a convenient means of public transportation with low carbon dioxide emissions. The move comes amid renewed interest in using tram cars as an eco-friendly mass transit system, particularly at a time when widespread use of private cars had been edging light rail toward extinction ... Slide 1 of 1. The Yomiuri Shimbun ... Prof ... ....(size: 5.6Kb)
Edit CNN
20 Feb 2014
February 20, 2014 -- Updated 2144 GMT (0544 HKT) ... Most of us know the Winter Olympics through the power of television, as a spectacle in constant motion ... More photos. Falling down in Sochi ... U.S ... U.S ... Canada's Yuki Tsubota competes in the women's slopestyle event on February 11 ... Snowboarder Yuki Kadono of Japan competes during the men's slopestyle final February 8 ... ... Canadian skier Yuki Tsubota crashes in the slopestyle finals on February 11....(size: 108.7Kb)
Edit CNN
20 Feb 2014
February 20, 2014 -- Updated 0653 GMT (1453 HKT). Russian ice hockey star Alexander Ovechkin (R) was left distraught following his team's quarterfinal defeat by Finland at the Winter Olympics in Sochi on Wednesday ... He was 20th in the giant slalom ... HIDE CAPTION. Sochi ... Sochi ... 1 ... Canada's Yuki Tsubota competes in the women's slopestyle event on February 11 ... Snowboarder Yuki Kadono of Japan competes during the men's slopestyle final February 8....(size: 77.4Kb)
Edit The Telegraph India
19 Feb 2014
New Delhi. Second seed Somdev Dev Varman dished out a patchy display against wildcard entrant Karunuday Singh before winning 6-2, 7-5 in the first round of the Delhi Open ATP Challenger on Tuesday. Later in the day, local favourite and winner of the Chennai leg of the Challenger, Yuki Bhambri, suffered a shock first-round exit, when he went down to French Lucas Pouille in three sets ... I am happy to come out with a win ... ....(size: 2.1Kb)
Edit The Hindu
19 Feb 2014
The country’s No.1 among men, Somdev Devvarman may have temporarily slipped from 90 to 100, but Yuki Bhambri has shot up from 198 to 145 within a few weeks this season ... Delhi boy Yuki, a former world No.1 junior and Youth Olympics silver medallist became the first Indian since Leander Paes in 2000, to win a Challenger singles title at home, when he won in Chennai ... Apart from Yuki, R....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit BBC News
19 Feb 2014
A map illustrating the extent of bombing suffered in Norwich during World War Two has been restored and published in a digital format. The 74-year-old "bomb map", created by the Air Raid Precautions, features 679 tags that mark all the explosives that fell on the city from 1940-1945 ... Yuki Uchida, from the Norfolk Record Office, said the 6ft (1.8m) square map was in a "very poor condition" ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit Newstrack India
19 Feb 2014
Tweet. New Delhi, Feb 19 (IANS) India's Somdev Devvarman Wednesday eased into the men's singles quarterfinal of the ONGC GAIL Delhi Open ATP Challenger tennis tournament while Yuki Bhambri's poor run continued as he was ousted in the men's doubles quarterfinal. Devvarman, the highest-ranked Indian, won 6-2, 6-2 at the Delhi Lawn Tennis Association (DLTA) complex centre court in just over an hour ... From the outset, Di played aggressively....(size: 3.5Kb)
Edit The Times of India
19 Feb 2014
NEW DELHI. Somdev Devvarman thrashed Di Wu of China to advance to the quarterfinals of the ONGC-GAIL Delhi Open at the DLTA Complex here on Tuesday ... Somdev will now take on China's Ze Zhang, who overcame a fighting Marco Chiudinelli of Switzerland 7-5, 6-4 ... In men's doubles, Yuki Bhambri and his New Zealand partner Michael Venus lost their quarterfinal match to Indian pair of Vishnu Vardhan and Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan 3-6, 7-6, 9-11 ... ....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit The Hindu
19 Feb 2014
As far as tests go, this did not involve the use of an acid. Instead, it was more like swimming through a lukewarm pool ... Adrian Menendez-Maceiras (Esp) & Aleksandr Nedovyesov (Kaz) 6-7 (6), 6-1, 10-5; Adrian Menendez-Maceiras (Esp) and Aleksandr Nedovyesov (Kaz) bt Matthias Bachinger (Ger) and Thomas Fabbiano (Ita) 6-7 (6), 6-1, 10-5; Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan and Vishnu Vardhan bt Michael Venus (Nzl) and Yuki Bhambri 6-3, 5-7, 11-9....(size: 3.6Kb)
Edit CNN
19 Feb 2014
February 19, 2014 -- Updated 0304 GMT (1104 HKT). (CNN) -- Bode Miller may have ended up in tears, but he's not upset with the reporter who pushed him to that point. "I was really surprised ... Bode Miller reflects on Sochi ... More photos. Falling down in Sochi ... U.S ... U.S ... T.J ... U.S ... Canada's Yuki Tsubota competes in the women's slopestyle event on February 11 ... Snowboarder Yuki Kadono of Japan competes during the men's slopestyle final February 8 ... 1 ... ....(size: 65.9Kb)
Edit CNN
19 Feb 2014
updated 1.26 AM EST, Wed February 19, 2014. David Wise, an American freestyle skier, celebrates after his first Olympic run in the men's halfpipe finals on Tuesday, February 18 ... Seeing the Games through still photography is a different experience altogether ... More photos ... Canada's Yuki Tsubota competes in the women's slopestyle event on February 11 ... Snowboarder Yuki Kadono of Japan competes during the men's slopestyle final February 8 ... 1 ... ....(size: 66.3Kb)

Yuki, Yuuki, Yuhki or Yūki are romanizations of various Japanese given names or words (such as 友紀, 由貴, 由岐, 油木, 結城, 雪, 祐樹, 有希). They may refer to:

Yuki ([juki]) (meaning "snow") or Yūki ([juːki])

Gnyuki Tormimar, a Japanese fashion designer who worked with Norman Hartnell

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