- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 298428
- author: Petri Storlöpare

A Life in Japan - Documentary (English with English subtitles)
Ever wondered how a life in Japan might be? 19 foreigners share their personal experiences...
published: 03 Jan 2013
author: Petri Storlöpare
A Life in Japan - Documentary (English with English subtitles)
A Life in Japan - Documentary (English with English subtitles)
Ever wondered how a life in Japan might be? 19 foreigners share their personal experiences, likes and dislikes. See the country through the eyes of, mostly w...- published: 03 Jan 2013
- views: 298428
- author: Petri Storlöpare

The Japanese Love Industry
Japan is a country that is dying—literally. Japan has more people over the age of 65 and t...
published: 22 Oct 2013
The Japanese Love Industry
The Japanese Love Industry
Japan is a country that is dying—literally. Japan has more people over the age of 65 and the smallest number of people under the age of 15 in the world. It has the fastest negative population growth in the world, and that's because hardly anyone is having babies. In these difficult times, the Japanese are putting marriage and families on the back burner and seeking recreational love and affection as a form of cheap escape with no strings attached. We sent Ryan Duffy to investigate this phenomenon, which led him to Tokyo's cuddle cafes and Yakuza-sponsored prostitution rings. Watch more VICE Documentaries here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Documentaries Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com- published: 22 Oct 2013
- views: 202030

Boyfriends for Hire in Japan
In Japan, it's not uncommon for successful women to pay attractive young men huge sums of ...
published: 16 Sep 2013
Boyfriends for Hire in Japan
Boyfriends for Hire in Japan
In Japan, it's not uncommon for successful women to pay attractive young men huge sums of money for a few cocktails and an hour of platonic companionship. VICE in conjunction with Schweppes sends correspondent Joel Cornell to Shibuya to explore this strange world and to find out if he can cut it as a professional boyfriend for hire. Check out the Best of VICE here: http://bit.ly/VICE-Best-Of Subscribe to VICE here! http://bit.ly/Subscribe-to-VICE Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/VICE-Videos Videos, daily editorial and more: http://vice.com Like VICE on Facebook: http://fb.com/vice Follow VICE on Twitter: http://twitter.com/vice Read our tumblr: http://vicemag.tumblr.com- published: 16 Sep 2013
- views: 79392

Pizza in JAPAN 日本のピザは海外に比べてどうでしょう?
So this is what Japanese pizza is like! Mira's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/kanadajin3 ...
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: JyuusanKaidan
Pizza in JAPAN 日本のピザは海外に比べてどうでしょう?
Pizza in JAPAN 日本のピザは海外に比べてどうでしょう?
So this is what Japanese pizza is like! Mira's Channel: http://www.youtube.com/kanadajin3 MY 2ND CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/sharlainjapan FACEBOOK http:/...- published: 03 Jul 2013
- views: 853787
- author: JyuusanKaidan

The Emperor's Tram Girls - Japan
On 6th August the world will remember the day the atomic bomb was first used, 60 years ago...
published: 17 Mar 2011
author: Journeyman Pictures
The Emperor's Tram Girls - Japan
The Emperor's Tram Girls - Japan
On 6th August the world will remember the day the atomic bomb was first used, 60 years ago. In 1945 Hiroshima was a thriving part of Japan's war industry. Trams ferried many thousands of troops...- published: 17 Mar 2011
- views: 35573
- author: Journeyman Pictures

Everyday Life in Japan: Looking for an apartment
Today is March 29th, 2013. I headed east to Osaka. It's only a 25 minute train ride from K...
published: 30 Mar 2013
author: Ryan Boundless
Everyday Life in Japan: Looking for an apartment
Everyday Life in Japan: Looking for an apartment
Today is March 29th, 2013. I headed east to Osaka. It's only a 25 minute train ride from Kobe. I went to Century 21 to look at an apartment. The realtor only...- published: 30 Mar 2013
- views: 57472
- author: Ryan Boundless

Why did you come to Japan? 131125 / YOUは何しに日本へ? 【Full Version】
@1:48 インドネシア / Indonesia, バンタエン / Bantaeng town, スラウェシ島 / Sulawesi Island
@2:14 "アジアん鹿児島20...
published: 26 Nov 2013
Why did you come to Japan? 131125 / YOUは何しに日本へ? 【Full Version】
Why did you come to Japan? 131125 / YOUは何しに日本へ? 【Full Version】
@1:48 インドネシア / Indonesia, バンタエン / Bantaeng town, スラウェシ島 / Sulawesi Island @2:14 "アジアん鹿児島2013 - a festival which people from nine Asian countries take part in" http://www.seaon.jp/asian/ @4:47 ミノ・ディ・ヴィータ / Mino di Vita / The spirit of a place @8:34 "Favorite Anime: ワンピース / ONE PIECE; エヴァンゲリオン / Evangelion. YOU plan to go around to anime-related places." @11:22 J-WORLD TOKYO http://www.namco.co.jp/tp/j-world/ @24:03 "You need a little pepping up." @24:54 "I'm a student at Sophia University." "I came to pick up my sister at this airport." http://www.sophia.ac.jp/eng/e_top http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_University @27:24 宇治 / Uji, Kyoto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uji,_Kyoto @29:52 湯の杜ホテル志戸平/ Hotel Shidotaira in 岩手 / Iwate Prefecture http://www.shidotaira.co.jp/ @34:36 "This is the third visit to Japan" @34:44 インカン / 印鑑 / inkan http://luvniku.wordpress.com/2012/12/17/official-seal-inkanhanko-%E3%81%AF%E3%82%93%E3%81%93%E5%8D%B0%E9%91%91-in-japan/ @36:00 ロマ・トニオロさん / Romain Toniolo-san @36:15 南千住 / Minami-Senju, Tokyo @37:30 ホテル寿陽 / Juyoh Hotel http://www.juyoh.co.jp/ @38:02 "2,900 yen per person per night" @41:03 "閉店 / Closed" @45:54 "70-year-old shared house. It costs 40,000 yen a month to rent." @49:07 "contracted as a model [炉真鳥]" "inkan a lease for an apartment [炉真鳥]" "借金 / borrowing [炉真鳥]" @49:21 "Why are YOU in the untrodden region?" @49:55 道志村 / Dōshi-mura / Dōshi village, Yamanashi Prefecture @50:55 "It is about two hours' drive from Tokyo" @51:15 "It has a population of 1,900 people. Forest comprises 95 percent of the land area." @52:49 MC "There is a rule that 先生 / sensei (teachers) are out of objectives" @53:27 "David-san lives in this neighborhood." @54:34 "My father lives away from home for work." @57:37 "先生禁止 / Sensei Forbiddance by MC" (there is no such word as "先生禁止" in Japanese) @58:24 "I watch this TV show!" @59:19 Boy "I will be on TV." Mom "No. This will be cut out." @1:00:44 "That isn't a weird program, is it?" @1:02:59 "YOU fought in the Iran-Iraq War from the age of 18 for two and a half years. Because of no job in Iran after the war, YOU came to Japan and have been working in 山梨 / Yamanashi." @1:04:13 "We first met in a supermarket. I was working at a dry cleaners in it, and he came as a customer." @1:05:04 Q: "What do you like about your husband?" A: "He's so sweet." @1:05:24 Q: "When they have a quarrel, what is it like?" Daughter "Mom is stronger than dad." Son "Mom punches dad over and over, and dad says 'Sorry, sorry, sorry!'" @1:05:49 "I often cook when on holiday." @1:08:20 ゲイメ / Gheime http://www.persiantribune.ca/1006/food-wine/khoresht-gheymeh-split-yellow-pea-beef-stew ゴルメサブズィ / Ghormeh sabzi http://mypersiankitchen.com/ghormeh-sabzi-persian-herb-stew/ @1:08:43 "It tastes too plain." @1:09:10 "Doshi-mura has a beautiful view. I go to a nearby river so often and catch fish with my hands. I have lived more than half a life in this village. This is the best place for me."- published: 26 Nov 2013
- views: 994

Japanese Vending Machines Exposed ★ WAO! 流〈RYU〉ONLY in JAPAN #03
【ONLY in JAPAN #03】 ▽△Japanese Vending Machines Exposed△▽ Don't miss this! Vending machine...
published: 02 Apr 2013
Japanese Vending Machines Exposed ★ WAO! 流〈RYU〉ONLY in JAPAN #03
Japanese Vending Machines Exposed ★ WAO! 流〈RYU〉ONLY in JAPAN #03
【ONLY in JAPAN #03】 ▽△Japanese Vending Machines Exposed△▽ Don't miss this! Vending machines are one of the first things visitors see when they arrive at the ...- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 47844

Furious World Tour | Tokyo, Japan - 147 Bowls of Noodles, Sumo, Robots and More | Furious Pete
In this episode we travel to Tokyo, Japan! We ate lots of noodles, tried some Sumo, ate th...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: Furious Pete
Furious World Tour | Tokyo, Japan - 147 Bowls of Noodles, Sumo, Robots and More | Furious Pete
Furious World Tour | Tokyo, Japan - 147 Bowls of Noodles, Sumo, Robots and More | Furious Pete
In this episode we travel to Tokyo, Japan! We ate lots of noodles, tried some Sumo, ate the freshest sushi, played with robots and more! Be sure to share thi...- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 622084
- author: Furious Pete

Japan's Micro Apartment Boom
Limited space and tight budgets have caused a boom in building tiny, cramped living spaces...
published: 05 Mar 2013
Japan's Micro Apartment Boom
Japan's Micro Apartment Boom
Limited space and tight budgets have caused a boom in building tiny, cramped living spaces.- published: 05 Mar 2013
- views: 125033

Japan by Bicycle (Complete Documentary)
Get the free 300 page eBook at http://www.JapanByBicycle.com. Join three adventurers as th...
published: 27 May 2013
author: Andrew Marston
Japan by Bicycle (Complete Documentary)
Japan by Bicycle (Complete Documentary)
Get the free 300 page eBook at http://www.JapanByBicycle.com. Join three adventurers as they cycle across the entire length of Japan one month after the 2011...- published: 27 May 2013
- views: 103075
- author: Andrew Marston

(字幕は作ります) How do Japanese shave? WHAT do Japanese shave?! ★WARNING! This video has sweari...
published: 04 Dec 2013
(字幕は作ります) How do Japanese shave? WHAT do Japanese shave?! ★WARNING! This video has swearing!★注意>この動画の最後のところに、英語の悪口よく出てくる★ Shaving in every country is a little bit different, this video will take a look at the interesting fact that Japanese girls shave their arms. Not just arms but face and other areas. In Japan there is a treatment available to get your armpit hair removed. I don't shave my arms, because I can't. Why? See in the end of the video. Sorry for the swearing! MY NAME IS MIRA. I am a Canadian girl who moved to Japan. I make a lot of videos about Japan, so if you are interested, check them out. You also should check out my facebook, twitter and blog :) http://www.facebook.com/kanadajin3 http://www.twitter.com/kanadajin3 http://kanadajin3.blogspot.jp/ 私はミラ。東京に住んでいるカナダ人です。日本のことのビデオを作っています。よろしくお願いします。 Video edit by : Adobe Premier Elements 11 Music created and edited with : Magix music maker 16 Pro Graphics created in : Photoshop CS5 Video taken on : PANASONIC HC-V620m- published: 04 Dec 2013
- views: 8070

DOKU: Bin mal kurz etwas länger in Japan - Teil 1-3
Auch nach über 20 Jahren, die ich mich nun schon mit diesem Land befasse, kann Japan mich ...
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: Giovanni Maniscalco
DOKU: Bin mal kurz etwas länger in Japan - Teil 1-3
DOKU: Bin mal kurz etwas länger in Japan - Teil 1-3
Auch nach über 20 Jahren, die ich mich nun schon mit diesem Land befasse, kann Japan mich immer noch und immer wieder verblüffen', bekennt der studierte Japa...- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 75368
- author: Giovanni Maniscalco

Why did you come to Japan? 131118 / YOUは何しに日本へ? 【Full Version】
@4:27 "YOU are in the trade business and export Japanese foods" "Shirataki has been sellin...
published: 19 Nov 2013
Why did you come to Japan? 131118 / YOUは何しに日本へ? 【Full Version】
Why did you come to Japan? 131118 / YOUは何しに日本へ? 【Full Version】
@4:27 "YOU are in the trade business and export Japanese foods" "Shirataki has been selling well in Europe, because it is low in calories." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konjac @10:26 "I have come to do 流鏑馬 / Yabusame at 日光東照宮 / Nikko Toshogu every year. I'm one of 10 the archers." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yabusame http://www.toshogu.jp/english/ ティム・マックミランさん / Tim Macmillan-san https://picasaweb.google.com/shenner.macmillan/OctoberYabusame2009Selects @14:08 "I have traveled around the world. Nikko Toshogu is one of the most beautiful places." "無心 / mushin / 無=nothingness, 心=heart, mind" "無の境地 / spiritual state of nothingness" @14:58 "About 30 years ago, Tim-san started doing Yabusame when living in Japan." @16:58 "Practice on the previous day (only once)" @18:03 "Archer's mind, horse's mind, and God's mind, if these three minds don't synchronize, the arrow won't hit the target." @18:19 "A typhoon is on its way to Japan" @18:34 "The day of Yabusame" @20:09 "Four hours later" @22:40 "I'm greatly pleased." @23:45 高山 / Takayama http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takayama,_Gifu おかめ / Okame http://www.oldjapaninc.com/shop/japanese-masks @26:13 東京ばな奈 / Tokyobanana http://www.tokyobanana.jp/index.html ぺヤング やきそば / Peyoung Yakisoba http://radiusedcorner.blogspot.jp/2012/02/instant-yakisoba-new-vs-old-peyoung-and.html Kit Kat Matcha (area limited product) http://japan-australia.blogspot.jp/2013/05/matcha-green-tea-kitkat.html @28:34 "Student YOU - school-sponsored study trip to learn Japanese language" @32:20 青森 / Aomori Prefecture (the north end of Japan's main island) 十和田湖 / Lake Towada http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Towada ねぶた祭り / Nebuta Festival http://www.atca.info/nebuta_en/ http://en.japantourist.jp/photos/wa-rasse-nebuta-museum 六戸 / Rokunohe town, Aomori http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rokunohe,_Aomori @34:21 "Vulnerable to beautiful women" @35:02 "YOU: Cheerleader for Redskins" スーザンさん / Susan-san http://www.redskins.com/cheerleaders/Susan/b25ebf70-ce0c-4fed-ad82-4dbfe4964e7c http://www.redskins.com/cheerleaders/article-1/Cheerleader-Susan-Blogs-About-Japan/b9d90d6d-9c27-461c-b74e-861dba982f7b http://www.redskins.com/ @35:40 四国 お遍路 / Shikoku O-Henro / Shikoku Pilgrimage http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikoku_Pilgrimage 金剛杖 / Kongō-zue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kong%C5%8D-zue @39:18 "Thank you for the brilliant performance!" @39:48 "YOU in an event" @40:24 別府 / Beppu, Ōita Prefecture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beppu,_%C5%8Cita @40:54 立命館アジア太平洋大学 / Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University http://www.apu.ac.jp/home/index.php?lang=english http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritsumeikan_Asia_Pacific_ @41:04 "YOU have the entrance ceremony" @44:16 "アトラス / Atlas" "ドゥッペ / Doppi" http://students.sivan.co.il/kamrs/Uzbek%20Culture.html @47:30 "Although I have not yet said 'I love you', I love her on the inside. I'll do my best!!" @50:14 "All new students live in this dormitory for one year" @54:46 "Older Thai students have a welcome party for freshmen from Thailand every year" @55:27 "We older students (先輩 / senpai) cook Japanese home-style dishes for new students (後輩 / kohai)." @56:24 "Classes will start 10 days later - YOU will go shopping for necessities" @57:00 "(in Thai) Biore is too expensive. Save money." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kao_Corporation @57:55 "Flea market in the dormitory" @59:36 "I beat the price to 300 yen from 500 yen." @1:00:17 "One month later" @1:03:16 "I get a lot of homework every day. So many!" @1:03:57 "For the future of my family!" @1:04:09 "By the way," @1:04:55 "She's seeing someone else." @1:05:32 "He is an older Indian student (先輩 / senpai). Fun person." @1:05:45 "Nikhil is a good friend." @1:05:53 "It was over. Study will be my girlfriend from now on." @1:07:37 ハチ公 / Hachikō http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachik%C5%8D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KqIzH5Kq8k @1:08:46 稲船敬二さん / Keiji Inafune-san http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keiji_Inafune @1:09:57 "Malaysian folk dancers - giving a performance at 世界旅行博" http://www.b.tabihaku.jp/en/ @1:10:48 旭川医科大学 / Asahikawa Medical University http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asahikawa_Medical_University @1:10:58 "Molecular Parasitology" http://tryps.rockefeller.edu/trypsru2_introduction.html @1:13:52 "I often watch this TV show!!" "I think it's quite an interesting program. Interviews with foreigners remind me the days of six years ago when I first arrived in Japan." @1:14:54 Q: "Do you have any advice for us?" A: "Nothing special." @1:15:35 "YOU will take part in a capoeira competition in Japan" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capoeira @1:16:38 Q: "Do you ever get asked if it is your true age?"- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 2560
Vimeo results:

For 35 years, Edwin Japan have worked on improvin...
published: 16 Nov 2011
author: Edwin Europe
For 35 years, Edwin Japan have worked on improving efficiency, quality, construction and washing methods by studying and engineering machinery used in the denim manufacturing process.
It is impossible to improve what one makes without spending the time everyday to master what one does, turning ones profession into a craft. The denim technicians at Edwin are true craftsmen, as their commitment and attention to the product is unquestionably what makes the Edwin product stand out from the mass of denim available within the market today. Whilst this remains ‘production’, the working philosophy remains closer to a greatly more efficient and productive Artisanal method.
They are ‘engineers’. Each person, over the course of a long period is encouraged to be responsible for maintaining and improving their machines. This means that each machine is self-customised beyond standard industrial purposes, to create unique and specialised ways of making denim. Even within the well-known denim brands factories around the world, you will not see the level of customised machinery and attention to product that one can see at the Edwin factories in Japan. It is for this reason, many ‘core heritage’ Japanese denim brands wish to have their products made within the Edwin Japan factories. This is the unique strength of the Edwin Jeans brand, the product itself.
The majority of the technicians at the Edwin factories and laundry’s have worked within the company since the beginning. This means they have an acute understanding for their machine. Each technician is responsible for three machines on average, all performing different elements of the production process. They remain on these machines for the duration of the careers. There is almost now rotation of staff, offering complete consistency in the making.
The machines are completely unique and totally custom made, exclusively to EDWIN JAPAN, which sets EDWIN out as a denim manufacturer worldwide. There is not a single machine, which has not been customised by the technicians over the time they work on them.
The technicians themselves are trained for two years with a veteran of their particular machines, prior to them leaving for retirement. This ensures absolute consistency and understanding for high quality workmanship. As the factories have been operating 35 years, there is now a seeding of new, younger apprentices learning the ropes, thus setting of the career cycle.
There are many elements unique to EDWIN Japan manufacturing, for which unfortunately we are not able to show images. This is due to the secretive nature of the processes, elements having been invented by EDWIN, and must be respected and protected. There are a wide variety of processes invented by the denim engineers and designers themselves, which set new standards within the industry offering evolution and ingenuity.
The laundries are incredible, with bespoke and exclusively made machines. Unique ways of washing, dying, drying and above all water purification and recycling. The water is purified to the point whereby once all the indigo and other impurities have been extracted, fish are able to swim in tank of the purified water.
These elements have been in place for many years, and yet never spoken about or promoted as a marketing tool. This is because Edwin esteems this to be a ‘standard’ process. It is simply the way of EDWIN manufacture and not a simple ‘marketing’ idea.
'Red Rocks Fogg' by Forest Swords
Thanks Matt...

A Trip to Japan with family...
published: 17 Mar 2013
author: Apiwat Supateeerapong
A Trip to Japan with family

Dear Japan
A sudden minor shock or meaningless/meaningful interruption...here is a blip of the land o...
published: 10 Aug 2010
author: Matty Brown
Dear Japan
A sudden minor shock or meaningless/meaningful interruption...here is a blip of the land of the rising sun. JAPAN!
Shot with the 7D by Nathan Miller natemmiller@yahoo.com
Please visit his page http://vimeo.com/35675173 and 'Like' this video on his page instead of mine. He's the cinematographer and guts of it and should be getting more attention! :)
Edited by Matthew Brown meh_eh@hotmail.com
Music - "Empty Room Trailer Version" by Zack Hemsey zackhemsey.com
Featured in The Atlantic Magazine
I hope this video gives hope to the people of Japan after this devastating earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011

Japan Journals is a snowboarding web series based out of the fluffy depths of Japan's snow...
published: 06 Feb 2012
author: Japan Journals
Japan Journals is a snowboarding web series based out of the fluffy depths of Japan's snow covered wilderness.
In Episode 1 we have Gondola access to some jaw-dropping fun terrain and we meet up with Japanese pro rider Taka Nakai and get him to show us why he loves riding his homeland so much. We then venture up to Nakayama Pass and explore some good jump spots with some of the best powder earth has to offer. This is the first of the 4 Japan Journals web episodes. Stay posted throughout the season to see what drags the world’s best snowboarders to this incredible part of the world.
Youtube results:

Secret Life of Japan - Teenage Japanese Killers (Documentary)
Cold blooded murder and violent crime are rapidly on the increase among the young people o...
published: 10 Oct 2013
Secret Life of Japan - Teenage Japanese Killers (Documentary)
Secret Life of Japan - Teenage Japanese Killers (Documentary)
Cold blooded murder and violent crime are rapidly on the increase among the young people of Japan, in a country which once had one of the lowest crime rates in the world. High school bullies, bedroom-bound cyber geeks and a growing number of teenage gangs have produced a current wave of brutal, violent crime that is sweeping through communities across Japan. Teenage Japanese Killers seeks to understand why this once peaceful society is producing a class of young, violent killers and why Japan itself is angst-ridden about this frightening problem. Through individual case studies, this documentary provides a fascinating insight into 21st century Japanese society. From the young killer who wants to be a lawyer, to families of the victims, this documentary attempts to make some sense of the bizarre, motiveless murders occurring at an ever-increasing rate throughout Japan.- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 85

NTV interview foreigners in Japan 日テレは日本にいる外国人をインタヴュー English Subtitles
英訳 俺 他 日テレ English Translation: Me Everything else: NTV 英語を学びたいなら、こちらへ御覧ください If you want t...
published: 29 Jun 2013
author: Orbixx
NTV interview foreigners in Japan 日テレは日本にいる外国人をインタヴュー English Subtitles
NTV interview foreigners in Japan 日テレは日本にいる外国人をインタヴュー English Subtitles
英訳 俺 他 日テレ English Translation: Me Everything else: NTV 英語を学びたいなら、こちらへ御覧ください If you want to learn Japanese, please see this Facebook group: https://www.face...- published: 29 Jun 2013
- views: 92543
- author: Orbixx

$$$ Cost of Living in JAPAN $$$
CCボタンを押せば日本語の字幕が見れます!】It's really not as expensive to live here as you may think!! Of cour...
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: JyuusanKaidan
$$$ Cost of Living in JAPAN $$$
$$$ Cost of Living in JAPAN $$$
CCボタンを押せば日本語の字幕が見れます!】It's really not as expensive to live here as you may think!! Of course if you live right in downtown Tokyo the prices will be higher, ...- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 160283
- author: JyuusanKaidan

Suicide Forest in Japan
The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. After the novel Kuro...
published: 09 May 2012
author: VICE
Suicide Forest in Japan
Suicide Forest in Japan
The Aokigahara Forest is the most popular site for suicides in Japan. After the novel Kuroi Jukai was published, in which a young lover commits suicide in th...- published: 09 May 2012
- views: 5577922
- author: VICE