- published: 06 Dec 2011
- views: 48634
- author: MyKeyReviews

SONY 3D Personal Viewer (HMD: HMZ-T1) | Review | MyKeyReviews
☆ Review: tinyurl.com ★ Buy(UK): tinyurl.com ★ Buy(US): tinyurl.com ☆ Website: www.MyKeyRe...
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: MyKeyReviews
SONY 3D Personal Viewer (HMD: HMZ-T1) | Review | MyKeyReviews
☆ Review: tinyurl.com ★ Buy(UK): tinyurl.com ★ Buy(US): tinyurl.com ☆ Website: www.MyKeyReviews.com ☆ Facebook www.facebook.com ☆ Twitter: twitter.com - - - - - - - - - - Make your own head strap for the HMZ-T1: youtu.be Talking to friends whilst wearing the HMZ-T1: youtu.be - - - - - - - - - - [Longer Links] My Website: www.mykeyreviews.co.uk Written Review www.mykeyreviews.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Product Link (UK): www.sony.co.uk Product Link (US): store.sony.com - - - - - - - - - - [Video Tags] r0bac MyKeyReviews MyKey Reviews SONY 3D Personal Viewer Full Review UK United Kingdom HMZ-T1 Duel OLED Screens NigaHiga 720p Resolution Cinema Theatre Experience Full Screen Community Channel Gaming Sony Personal HD & 3D Viewer Older model from HMZ-T2 & HMZ-T3 | Video response to unboxtherapy Sony Personal 3D Viewer Unboxing & First Look.
- published: 06 Dec 2011
- views: 48634
- author: MyKeyReviews

Sony HMZ-T1 Personal 3D Viewer Review
The Sony HMZ-T1 3DTV headset combines two 720P OLED screens with simulated 5.1 surround so...
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: AttackOfTheShow
Sony HMZ-T1 Personal 3D Viewer Review
The Sony HMZ-T1 3DTV headset combines two 720P OLED screens with simulated 5.1 surround sound for the ultimate home theater experience. Kevin Pereira and Matt Mira take a look at the 3D viewer with an eye-popping price. For more from Gadget Pr0n, go here: www.g4tv.com
- published: 06 Mar 2012
- views: 17194
- author: AttackOfTheShow

Skyrim in Virtual Reality using HMZ-T1, TrackIR & Kinect
Skyrim played through a simulated Virtual Reality environment using a head mounted display...
published: 12 Mar 2012
author: Chris Zaharia
Skyrim in Virtual Reality using HMZ-T1, TrackIR & Kinect
Skyrim played through a simulated Virtual Reality environment using a head mounted display, head tracking, motion sensing and speech recognition. I've also written up a walkthrough on how you can do it yourself too: zookal.com This is what was used for the demo: - Skyrim - A first person action role-playing game for the PC. - Sony HMZ-T1 - High definition head mounted display with Stereoscopic 3D. - Microsoft Kinect - Track movement and gestures. - TrackIR 5 - Head tracking. - TrackClip Pro - Used with the TrackIR 5 for more accurate head tracking. - Shoot - Speech recognition software. - FAAST 0.9 - Software used to map Kinect gestures to the keyboard I've setup the Sony HMZ-T1 head mounted display to use Stereoscopic 3D as well as attached the TrackClip Pro on it for head tracking. I had to place the TrackIR 5 on a wire hanging from the ceiling as it needed to be around head level to track my head movements properly. The Kinect was setup on the PC using PrimeSense's OpenNI drivers. I used FAAST 0.9 with a custom script to map certain gestures with the keyboard, such as walking on the spot to move in the game, leaning left, leaning right, jumping and moving my right arm forward to use the sword. Shoot was used to map several speech commands with actions in the game as well, such as saying 'Open Menu' and 'Close Menu' to trigger the in-game menu, as well as using commands to navigate through the menu. All the devices to do this cost less than $1500, although it is still ...
- published: 12 Mar 2012
- views: 279034
- author: Chris Zaharia

Sony 3D Headset | Hands-On Virtual Reality Review
A 70-inch 3D movie screen directly on your face? Can Sony's headset be the real deal?LIKE,...
published: 03 Jan 2012
author: totallyradshow
Sony 3D Headset | Hands-On Virtual Reality Review
A 70-inch 3D movie screen directly on your face? Can Sony's headset be the real deal?LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE This Video! Never Miss an Episode- Subscribe For Daily Videos: www.youtube.com More Episodes: www.youtube.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Alex's Twitter: twitter.com Dan's Twitter: twitter.com Jeff's Twitter: twitter.com ABOUT TOTALLY RAD SHOW: The Totally Rad Show is the summer blockbuster of geek news shows. Every week, hosts Alex Albrecht, Dan Trachtenberg, and Jeff Cannata rip into the world of movies, video games, tv, comics, and more and pull out what's rad. It is time for another TRS gadget review! This time Alex, Dan, and Jeff grab Sony's new 3D headset, which promises to deliver a huge 3D theater movie going experience, for just one person, inside the headset. The guys try movies and video games, putting the 3D visuals and surround sound audio through its paces. You might be surprised with their verdict! Join us tomorrow for our review of the game, Terraria!
- published: 03 Jan 2012
- views: 321661
- author: totallyradshow

HD OLED Head Mounted Display "Personal 3D Viewer"「HMZ-T1」
Introducing World's First*1 3D Compatible Head Mounted Display Equipped With HD Organic EL...
published: 31 Aug 2011
author: Sony
HD OLED Head Mounted Display "Personal 3D Viewer"「HMZ-T1」
Introducing World's First*1 3D Compatible Head Mounted Display Equipped With HD Organic EL Panel -Offering a new 3D-viewing style with movie theater-class virtual screen experience- *1 As a 3D-compatible Head Mounted Display for consumer use (at the time of release on August 31).
- published: 31 Aug 2011
- views: 334538
- author: Sony

Sony 3D glasses HMZ-T1 vs. HMZ-T2
What 3D technologies exist and which Sony HMD is better. Disassembly: www.youtube.com Read...
published: 06 Nov 2012
author: EasyyyLife
Sony 3D glasses HMZ-T1 vs. HMZ-T2
What 3D technologies exist and which Sony HMD is better. Disassembly: www.youtube.com Read more: easylife-en.getdefault.com
- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 2726
- author: EasyyyLife

Sony Personal 3D Viewer HMZ-T1 Unboxing
Sony Personal 3D Viewer Immersive 2D/3D on Dual HD OLED display 720P 5.1 surround sound...
published: 10 Nov 2011
author: SuperGadgetGuy
Sony Personal 3D Viewer HMZ-T1 Unboxing
Sony Personal 3D Viewer Immersive 2D/3D on Dual HD OLED display 720P 5.1 surround sound
- published: 10 Nov 2011
- views: 16861
- author: SuperGadgetGuy

Sony HMZ-T1
While the Sony HMZ-T1 personal headset is capable of some of the best 3D effects we've eve...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: CNETTV
Sony HMZ-T1
While the Sony HMZ-T1 personal headset is capable of some of the best 3D effects we've ever seen it's uncomfortable to wear for extended periods and images suffer from blurriness.
- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 8194
- author: CNETTV

First look: Sony HMZ-T1, a 3D TV worn on your head
Sony has released its HMZ-T1 Personal 3D viewer -- a headset with two built-in OLED screen...
published: 05 Nov 2011
author: losangelestimes
First look: Sony HMZ-T1, a 3D TV worn on your head
Sony has released its HMZ-T1 Personal 3D viewer -- a headset with two built-in OLED screens for watching movies and playing videogames in 3D. Sony spokesman Aaron Levine stopped by the Los Angeles Times to let us go hands-on with the device. For impressions on the device from Technology reporter Nathan Olivarez-Giles, check out the LA Time Technology blog at... latimesblogs.latimes.com Video produced by Armand Emamdjomeh/Los Angeles Times
- published: 05 Nov 2011
- views: 13145
- author: losangelestimes

HMZ-T1 wireless VR FPS gaming
PC FPS VR system. Support 3D and 360 degree freedom FPS VR. Additional video for 3rd perso...
published: 27 Dec 2011
author: rjyap1
HMZ-T1 wireless VR FPS gaming
PC FPS VR system. Support 3D and 360 degree freedom FPS VR. Additional video for 3rd person shooter, dead space 2 with head tracker using motion plus on the head! www.youtube.com Skyrim VR coming soon! DIY guide here: sites.google.com 1. Sony HMZ-T1 2. Portable battery 3. 50w inverter 4. ASUS WAVI Wireless HDMI 5. UTG Tactical Vest 6. PS3 Move Sharpshooter + WiiMote + WiiMotion Plus Simple how to setup guide. Software needed. 1. MotionInJoy PS3 driver for PC. Used to connect PS3 Move and Navigator as Joystick 1 and 2. 2. GlovePIE. Need to write some simple script to translate Wiimote data into DirectXMouse Input. Also use GlovePIE to translate PS3 Move and Navigator into keyboard command. Hardware connection. 1. Energizer XP18000 with 2 output, 19v and 12v. Get the willy cable from Energizer website to step down 19v to 12v. Use the stepdown voltage and plug into Belkin 50w inverter which step up to 110v and plug into HMZ-T1 processor box. The 12v connection is used to power the ASUS WAVI.
- published: 27 Dec 2011
- views: 59825
- author: rjyap1

Test Sony 3D-Video-Brille HMZ-T1: Caulius probiert es aus Nr. 15
Caulius testet die neue 3D-Videobrille von Sony, die HMZ-T1. Zum ersten Mal funktioniert e...
published: 01 Jan 2012
author: Henry Krasemann
Test Sony 3D-Video-Brille HMZ-T1: Caulius probiert es aus Nr. 15
Caulius testet die neue 3D-Videobrille von Sony, die HMZ-T1. Zum ersten Mal funktioniert eine solche Brille tatsächlich und gibt einem nahezu das Gefühl in einem mittelgroßen Kino zu sitzen. Nachteilig ist jedoch das recht hohe Gewicht und damit der mangelnde Tragekomfort. Allerdings zeige ich, wie man diesen mit Hausmitteln ein wenig verbessern kann.
- published: 01 Jan 2012
- views: 65994
- author: Henry Krasemann

Sony HMZ-T1 Personal 3D Viewer Review
Review video of Sony Personal 3D Viewer HMZ-T1...
published: 15 Nov 2011
author: SuperGadgetGuy
Sony HMZ-T1 Personal 3D Viewer Review
Review video of Sony Personal 3D Viewer HMZ-T1
- published: 15 Nov 2011
- views: 32429
- author: SuperGadgetGuy

Разборка Sony HMZ-T1
Как разобрать 3D-очки от Sony первой модели, вытащить спаривающую регулировку окуляров шес...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: EasyyyLife
Разборка Sony HMZ-T1
Как разобрать 3D-очки от Sony первой модели, вытащить спаривающую регулировку окуляров шестеренку и избавиться от шумов в наушниках. Фото крупно: easylife-ru.getdefault.com Обзор: www.youtube.com
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 81
- author: EasyyyLife

Mass Effect 3 Virtual Reality with HMZ-T1
Mass Effect 3 VR system using HMZ-T1, WiiMote + MotionPlus for headtracking and gun tracki...
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: rjyap1
Mass Effect 3 Virtual Reality with HMZ-T1
Mass Effect 3 VR system using HMZ-T1, WiiMote + MotionPlus for headtracking and gun tracking, PS3 Sharpshooter as rifle and ASUS WAVI for wireless 3D HDMI. 3D gaming is using 3D Vision and Helix DirectX 9 shader fix. For more demo and info how on how to setup the VR suit, goto: sites.google.com
- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 5225
- author: rjyap1
Vimeo results:

Datura - virtual reality setup
Just a couple of weeks before GDC 2012 we were asked by Sony to try to write a simple head...
published: 01 May 2012
author: Plastic Demoscene Group
Datura - virtual reality setup
Just a couple of weeks before GDC 2012 we were asked by Sony to try to write a simple head tracking functionality with the use of Playstation Move motion controller for our PSN title Datura. They said that the virtual hand looks magical in their HMZ-T1 personal projector and we should try to improve the immersion even more so everyone could get a glimpse of what future gaming would look like. Thanks to our friends from Platige Image we were able to prepare even more immersive setup ...

Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
"Get Detail Review And Special Big Sale Price NOW!!! Click Link Below:
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: Vaniaa
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
"Get Detail Review And Special Big Sale Price NOW!!! Click Link Below:
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Disclaimer: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.

Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
"Get Detail Review And Special Big Sale Price NOW!!! Click Link Below:
published: 22 Oct 2012
author: Mnganngu
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
"Get Detail Review And Special Big Sale Price NOW!!! Click Link Below:
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Disclaimer: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates.

"Get Special Discount + Free Shipping Here :
published: 25 Nov 2012
author: Charles A. Geiger
"Get Special Discount + Free Shipping Here :
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Sony HMZ-T1 Wearable HDTV 2D/3D
Disclaimer: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon, Inc. or its affiliates."
Youtube results:

Sony HMZ-T1 (Immersive Personal 3D Viewer) Head Mounted Display
In this video I do a quick hands-on of Sony's HMZ-T1 Head Mounted Display. I will be follo...
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: 2phat2tech
Sony HMZ-T1 (Immersive Personal 3D Viewer) Head Mounted Display
In this video I do a quick hands-on of Sony's HMZ-T1 Head Mounted Display. I will be following up this video with a more detailed one. Info on pre-ordering, price and release (In Australia) can be found as annotations and text throughout the video. Below are the links to Sony Centre in Brisbane and for detailed specs. Sony Centre Brisbane: www.sonycentres.com.au www.sonycentres.com.au Specs: www.sony.com.au
- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 4626
- author: 2phat2tech

Datura - virtual reality setup with Sony's HMZ-T1 personal projector (HD).mp4
Datura developer was asked by Sony to make an immersive VR environment out of consumer ele...
published: 03 May 2012
Datura - virtual reality setup with Sony's HMZ-T1 personal projector (HD).mp4
Datura developer was asked by Sony to make an immersive VR environment out of consumer electronics. In the video it shows off Sony's HMZ-T1 personal projector, and a second PlayStation Move controller that is attached to the players head, which allows the PlayStation Eye camera to track its every movement. Datura comes out in next week's PlayStation Network update and yes it could be played with a standard SixAxis or DualShock controler.
- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 1692
- author: PS3GAMERS4LIFE1

Sony HMZ-T1 HMD ergonomic modification
Sony HMZ-T1 HMD Mod using a $20 bicycle helmet to vastly improve ergonomics....
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: Brian Eastwood
Sony HMZ-T1 HMD ergonomic modification
Sony HMZ-T1 HMD Mod using a $20 bicycle helmet to vastly improve ergonomics.
- published: 28 Nov 2011
- views: 7111
- author: Brian Eastwood

3d шлем Sony HMZ-T1 или HMZ-T2?
Какие бывают способы получения 3d изображения, какие 3d-очки или шлем выбрать и как их пра...
published: 05 Nov 2012
author: EasyyyLife
3d шлем Sony HMZ-T1 или HMZ-T2?
Какие бывают способы получения 3d изображения, какие 3d-очки или шлем выбрать и как их правильно настроить. Разборка: www.youtube.com Читать: easylife-ru.getdefault.com
- published: 05 Nov 2012
- views: 922
- author: EasyyyLife