- published: 09 Mar 2012
- views: 221523
- author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana presents "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 1 (Gas Mask)
FrenchMontana gives us an inside look at his CIAA Weekend in Charlotte, NC + "Straight Off...
published: 09 Mar 2012
author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana presents "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 1 (Gas Mask)
FrenchMontana gives us an inside look at his CIAA Weekend in Charlotte, NC + "Straight Off the Boat" (In Club) Starring @ChinxDrugz, @Wale, @WakaFlockaBSM, ...
- published: 09 Mar 2012
- views: 221523
- author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana & Coke Boys - Red Light (Prod By Harry Fraud) (New/2011)
Off that 'Coke Boys 2' mixtape available on iTunes now! http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/f...
published: 21 Aug 2011
author: PaperChaserDotCom
French Montana & Coke Boys - Red Light (Prod By Harry Fraud) (New/2011)
Off that 'Coke Boys 2' mixtape available on iTunes now! http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/french-montana-presents-coke/id458098326 Follow The Coke Boys http:/...
- published: 21 Aug 2011
- views: 732398
- author: PaperChaserDotCom
published: 09 Feb 2012
- published: 09 Feb 2012
- views: 386053
French Montana- 9000 Watts ft Coke Boys (Coke Boys 3)
French Montana- 9000 Watts Free Mixtape!! Subscribe!!...
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: dwakefield17
French Montana- 9000 Watts ft Coke Boys (Coke Boys 3)
French Montana- 9000 Watts Free Mixtape!! Subscribe!!
- published: 13 Apr 2012
- views: 1718993
- author: dwakefield17
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 8 (Montreal, Canada)
FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz Live in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Shot & Edited by Heffty (@Cok...
published: 02 May 2012
author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 8 (Montreal, Canada)
FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz Live in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Shot & Edited by Heffty (@CokeBoyHeffty)
- published: 02 May 2012
- views: 149908
- author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 11 (Trinidad and Tobago)
FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz live in Trinidad and Tobago + Behind The Scenes of "All Birds"...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 11 (Trinidad and Tobago)
FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz live in Trinidad and Tobago + Behind The Scenes of "All Birds" video shoot. Guest appearance by @BangemSmurf_FDW. Shot & Edited ...
- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 124204
- author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 9 (Summer Jam 2012)
An Inside look at @FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz Summer Jam 2012 experience. Shot & Edited b...
published: 09 Jun 2012
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 9 (Summer Jam 2012)
An Inside look at @FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz Summer Jam 2012 experience. Shot & Edited by Heffty (@CokeBoyHeffty)
- published: 09 Jun 2012
- views: 105595
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 12 (Amsterdam)
FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz getting helicopter high at Green House coffee shop in Amsterda...
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 12 (Amsterdam)
FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz getting helicopter high at Green House coffee shop in Amsterdam + Live from Applesap music festival. Shot & Edited by Heffty (@C...
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 93605
- author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 10 (UK Invasion)
An inside look at @FrenchMontana & ChinxDrugz first ever visit to London, England. Shot & ...
published: 11 Jul 2012
author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 10 (UK Invasion)
An inside look at @FrenchMontana & ChinxDrugz first ever visit to London, England. Shot & Edited by Heffty (@CokeBoyHeffty)
- published: 11 Jul 2012
- views: 77804
- author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 13 (Power House, Philadelphia)
Shot & Edited by Heffty (@CokeBoyHeffty)...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: FrenchMontanaVideos
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 13 (Power House, Philadelphia)
Shot & Edited by Heffty (@CokeBoyHeffty)
- published: 01 Nov 2012
- views: 124889
- author: FrenchMontanaVideos
published: 19 Jan 2011
author: triniiityentertainme
- published: 19 Jan 2011
- views: 92989
- author: triniiityentertainme
Coke Boys
Forensics Project....
published: 22 May 2013
author: Chunny Nuts
Coke Boys
Forensics Project.
- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 107
- author: Chunny Nuts
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 6 (New Orleans)
FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz hit Bourbon Street in New Orleans, LA. (NCAA Final Four Weeken...
published: 11 Apr 2012
French Montana "Coke Boys TV" Ep. 6 (New Orleans)
FrenchMontana & @ChinxDrugz hit Bourbon Street in New Orleans, LA. (NCAA Final Four Weekend) Shot & Edited by Heffty (@CokeBoyHeffty)
- published: 11 Apr 2012
- views: 66327
Coke Boys - Freestyle
published: 17 Jul 2012
author: DespicableLeek
Coke Boys - Freestyle
- published: 17 Jul 2012
- views: 418
- author: DespicableLeek
Vimeo results:
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
L’atemporalité psychédélique de la mouvance de...
published: 14 Nov 2009
author: Patrice De Bruyne
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
Eyes With Shit...(Eyes Wide Shut pastiche)
L’atemporalité psychédélique de la mouvance des corps dans une orgie, dépasse la sensualité dans le sexe crade...
J'ai de suite pensé en me réveillant que cette nouvelle journée serait extraordinaire.
Cette splendide érection matinale était le meilleur des présages.
En m'étirant et grognant d'aise, je me suis demandé si mon chat, habitué aux massages ciblés (visant à me réveiller efficacement... et, en dernière analyse, à obtenir sa gamelle), en était responsable, mais non ; quelque chose de tiède et d'humide, indéniablement, venait d'ensérer mon sexe : le corps encore chaud de Sabrina en voulait encore.
Sabrina n'a jamais été du matin... et encore moins du soir.
De toute façon, je ne peux pas affirmer avec certitude que Sabrina eut été... à un quelconque moment de la journée..., mais a-t-elle vraiment été un jour ?
Cette fois, je n'aurais pas à aller me soulager sous la douche.
Depuis que cinq sages indiens avaient envahi ma salle de bain et m'avaient fait découvrir les "mystères profonds du corps", j'essaie, dans la mesure du possible, d'éviter la pièce, histoire de laisser mon fondement cicatriser entre chaque initiation.
Prenant mon prépuce entre le pouce et l'index, Sabrina tire un grand coup dessus, puis y clampe une pince à linge pour gagner encore quelques centimètres de peau, son but secret étant de m'offrir le prépuce le plus long du monde pour l'utiliser comme un pull pour mes coucougnettes quand l'hiver rude finira par arriver sur mon sexe.
Je décide alors que ça suffit de jouer avec mes couilles... et je me rhabille, pour vite aller profiter du beau temps.
C'est dimanche, il fait magnifique, et il me semble entendre le doux murmure du vent apaiser mon gland endolori...
Les arbres, les fleurs et la nature entière m'appellent à la l'harmonie, je me laisse porter par mon inspiration et je note sur un mur blanc : "Vergers au matin, humides comme un baiser"...
Puis, comme à mon habitude, après avoir pissé sur le même arbre que la veille et la veille de la veille et ainsi de suite jusqu'à plus foif... je rentre chez moi faire chauffer deux toasts 44 secondes sur la position 2 de mon grille-pain style années '60 et m'installe à ma modeste table Knoll en marbre blanc plaçée au centre de ma cuisine rouge, dotée d'une bonne vue sur le parc ce qui en l'occurence n'a pas d'importance puisque je me mets généralement à lire le journal de la veille, comme à mon habitude...
Puis, je décide d'appeler mon cher ami Patrick Henderikx sans avoir d'idée précise en tête... et lorsque le répondeur me répond (c'est la fonction d'un répondeur)..., je repose mollement le combiné et lève les yeux vers l'horloge de la cuisine, réalisant qu'avec toutes ces conneries je me suis à nouveau f... en retard... et j'ai toujours eu une sainte horreur d'être en retard, la ponctualité étant une question d'éducation.
Mon éducation avait, en effet, été sans faille, grâce à ma Sainte Maman qui m'avait appris à moucher son nez, dire bonjour et merci, arriver à l'heure et être propre sur moi.
La journée s'annonce chargée !
J'allume l'ordinateur par habitude et poursuit mon quotidien sans trop réfléchir aux prochains évènements qui allaient survenir...
Des piles de bouquins pas terminés d'auteurs en vogue du XXIème siècle, sont dans un coin, le dernier Houellebeck, (qui est une belle merde au passage) dans l'autre..., entre deux sachets de beuh thaïlandaise modifiée et coupée de divers neuro-stimulants... et quelques bouteilles de rhum, de degrés conséquent, elles mêmes en équilibre sur des amas de notes aléatoires écrites alors que je me shootais aux champis à l'insuline..., et que je fourmillais de phrases chocs et éparses, mais fortes à mon esprit.
Je me considérais alors, bien que ce soit encore le cas par moment actuellement, comme un mec qui gagne à être connu pour mes texticules... : amas de phrases s'entassant sur des post-it, eux mêmes perdus au milieu d'un tas de feuilles à moitiés blanches, sur lesquelles sont disséminés, çà et là, des textes avortés et des dessins incolores que je ne finirai sans doute jamais.
Voilà ce qu'est ma vie dans mes moments de perdition morale complète.
L'état de salubrité de mon appartement ressemble à l'intérieur de ma tête, un état proche de la psychologie Zen...
Lorsque je suis désespéré, anéanti par le poids des conséquences de mes actes... et par mes responsabilités, c'est tout un microcosme informe et bordélique qui prend le pas sur le vide des cinq cent quarante cinq mètres carrés de mon loft (le garage est en dessous, le tout étant une vieille usine années '30 relookée en style Bauhaus Zen avec quelques touches lascives des années '50 et énormément d'ultra-modernisme des années 2000.
Vivre seul me permet à peu près deux semaines sur deux si ce n'est plus de me laisser aller et de m'enfonce
Absolute Body Control
Epopoeia of the Food and Drink of the United States (A Dream in Hell)
Beautiful like a ...
published: 08 Sep 2010
author: soonaspossible
Absolute Body Control
Epopoeia of the Food and Drink of the United States (A Dream in Hell)
Beautiful like a baby calf is the song of chicken fried with batter,
the long red and white picnic tablecloth is finer than the finest lady’s legs, the finest thing there is to embark upon a heaping bowl of coleslaw,
shrimp from the gulf coast are delicious, gushing with wine as if feeling,
like honey mussels, in Redmond or Olympia, harvested by fishwives, in the seaweed,
and the glory of banjos in Baton Rouge, their juices course through them like
ageless autumn lemons,
like mom's fragrant pot pie, chocked full of juicy stew, widens the gullet,
and, baked, cries out blooming peach tree blossoms.
What would you say to some barbecue ribs, burning hot
grilled on a charcoal fire in June on the banks of a man made lake,
pines or cedar trees that sum up the dramatic atmosphere of a
damp sunset at Lake Lanier or Stone Mountain,
or to a clam chowder, whose name is inextricably related to Manhattan or
Rhode Island or New England?
No, you hunt quail and you grill it, just like you hear honky-tonk or stars and stripes
at the feet of Mount Rushmore, and fried catfish along the Chattahoochee
where it leaps into the sacred sizzling skillet, superbly fine
river fish, makes fishing boats rich while the sisters Lee,
as if in pain, sweat what's human and divine on the grand antique family fiddle.
Tremendous turkeys that smell like summer, almost human, autumn shades of
walnut or chestnut, I eat them everywhere, and in D.C. I kiss them,
like the vats where barley sighs like the prettiest girl in Jersey
raising her skirt underneath the lights of the big apple, same
as the roof off of a block party with streamers and flags where we drink in red plastic cups
a substantial whiskey and beer,
or the love mattress, upon which we set sail and sighing face each other and
the night’s tremendous oceans, into whose horrible darkness,
black and tenacious flows the bloody calla lily,
or the teardrop that falls in our moths as we joyfully sing.
Napa Valley wine is enormous and dark in the California sunset, and when
it's in your blood, nostalgia
and the apology to heroism sing in the wheels of spurs to
the beast’s hide, dancing to the fundamental tune of backwater rapids
against the frothy red glare.
Nicely aged bourbon bellows in its cellars like a great sacred cow,
and St. Louis will be golden, like a rib-eye on the grill, all over
the bloodied paths towards Oklahoma, autumn's
guitar will weep like a soldier's widow,
and we'll remember everything we didn’t do and could have and
should have and wanted to, like a madman
staring down a town's abandoned well,
watching, ear shattering, the engines of youth rev down dawn's
wide gust
crumbling like memories in the abyss.
The saddle glows all across the Midwest, mountain range to mountain range, booming like a great combine with its 20 foot span, booming
like a cow auctioneer or a righteous pastor or tornado season,
lasso raised up against the sky
on top of a guffaw, a hyuck or a yeehaw, splashed with sun and hard work, where manure perfumes dung heaps like a domestic god, with tremendous balls like a widow.
A mighty log cabin with its open yard, apple trees, front porch
scented with remote antiquity,
where the bootlegger and his still would sing, drop by drop, a sense of eternity into
the water, recalling old ancestors with its tremulous pendulum,
exists, same as in Madison as in Franklin or Fairview or Springfield,
although it’s the little town of Hodgenville Kentucky that most proudly proclaims the wooden troughs or pig iron pots, wide open spaces, the Appalachians, the original wild west, civil war and emancipation, in little log cabins,
from Tennessee to Ohio, who express it proudly in tremendous language, eating ears of pigs eating ears of corn.
Because, if it's necessary to stuff yourself with hot dogs in a Detroit Coney before dying,
on a rainy day, blessed with a strawberry milkshake from fresh upstate dairy, and smoke, bathing in conversation, friends and the munchies, launching yourself into terrible leaps and bounds, blubbering, savoring the booming chili in spoonfuls and fries,
it's also necessary to get your meat from the Kansas City stockyards in March, when the pigs
look like televangelists and the televangelists look like swine or hippopotamus,
and wash the food down with some fiery sips from a short glass,
yes... in Dallas or Fort Worth the corn tortillas look like the local ladies: wide white waists and sleepy half moon eyes, since, ticklish and cuddly,
they turn their faces, and let themselves be kissed, unendingly on either end.
And the chit'lins, swimming and searing in broth and tabasco, and the cornbread that moaned in broiling bacon fat, is blessed where thunder rolls in wide whips, along the Mississippi,between one drink and the next,
but it never surpasses a gamy partridge, savored in the dry underbrush of July,
in t
Greenhouse Effect Photos 2010; Songs - "Manipulation" SuperNetCelebrities.Com Rock City Productions. Twitter.
89,357 Views - The hillarious but highly Rocking Greenhouse Effect Videos from their "Fina...
published: 25 Feb 2010
author: George Webster
Greenhouse Effect Photos 2010; Songs - "Manipulation" SuperNetCelebrities.Com Rock City Productions. Twitter.
89,357 Views - The hillarious but highly Rocking Greenhouse Effect Videos from their "Final band meeting" Of November 1992 at El Segundo California's Jet City Sound Studio have been spliced into other G.e clips. Four Songs were shot that night; Three Versions of "White Black Thang', Search and Destroy, Two Versions (Or more) of the Beatles cover version of "Please Please me", ...and ofcourse several for the somewhat uptemp G.e. Rocker "Manipulation". Clark Hagins calls the Video for "Manipulation" his favourite; "We look like we're havin' fun there,..we look silly but one can tell that when we played live - We Rocked,..and we rocked hard,...we were a weird unusual band,..to say the least." Greenhouse Effect exploded in notoriety in 2007 with some of Google Videos Most watched clips World Wide; "Our drummer died in 1999 in a bizarre Gardening accident (Laughs)" says Clark Haggins. Ofcourse Hagins is only kidding as he is referring to hillarious Danish Drummer Palle Carlson , the Denmark Drummer who resembles Spinal Tap's first percussionist in old 1965 black and white clips. "Greenhouse Effect was a World sensation for quite a long time,..we attracted alot of attention and 50,000 Twitter Followers,...I never wanted all the internet fun to end,...but I do see things now finally slowing down in 2010" says Clark Hagins. "We only get about two Million looks a day now,...thats pathetic compared to the kind of business we used to do in 2008." - There are ofcourse no plans for Rock's most watched band to reassemble any time soon and Hagins sees the 1992 demise of the band as just another bizarre mistake from his life's journey; "We were around for like 7 years,...Me and Flipper (Phil Keegan Guitarist) had planned to be the biggest Rock Stars in the musical universe - but it never happened,... ,...until I was like 50 years old (Laughs) " says Haggins. "We watched all those music industry bands like Nirvana and Green Day hit it big while we did things like work in cubes and clean Pools,..its just a damn shame" says Higgins. Hagins says that the tired band eventually grew 'into futility' by late 92' ; "We had all these Great songs and a great live show but we made enemies with all of the biggest wigs in Hollyweird ...there was no way I was ever gonna kiss their arsses - I would clean Swimming Pools before I would do that (Laughs)." Hagins calls the Video for "Manipulation" the absolute Last Hurrah for G.E. ; "The End of the video is hella fucking cool - it looks like Ted is trying to fuck me in the ass and then Palle just picks his nose,.. its pure Lame Rock n roll the way you love it,..it's fuckin' hella cool " ================== 148,037 Views - "Ripping Reason" Comes roaring Out of the speakers with sheer Psychedelic Power !! This Track Sounds so Great in this 'other' version - A 1992 "Remix" by sound studio engineer Bill Krodel in El Segundo California with Clark Hagins. "Ripping Reason" is a personal favorite of mine" says Higgins. "I was trying to make it a 'hit' I remember,...sorta like "Brandy" but it is so much 'more' !! It's not really a hit so-to-speak ,...its just a flat out Good solid song - A Great piece of Songwriting,...and it sounds Great At Jango Radio !! 'Ripping' was recorded in the frantic final days of G.e. and it doesn't rely on gimmicks like punk speed or guitar solos to get by,...it drudges along in pure melody to near abstract rock perfection and brilliance !!! The confused and tortured lyrics make this track a real winner in cyberspace - and a somewhat 'unusual' song for the always quirky G.e. !!!!!!!!! =============== Irie Bob. This 1992 Track is a real Winner for Greenhouse Effect Music Online and in particular at Youtube and GoogleVideo.Com "I started SuperNetCelebrities.Com with Homestead Web hosting who I found through Michael Savage's Website -...to help bands get exposure" says Clark Hagins in 2008. "Its my goal to make sure that Great bands like Los Angeles's Batlord get seen more,....and man, do I ever get them seen - ALOT". IRIE BOB IS THE Pixies-Like 60's Stooges Like track that appears as the second song on the 1995 "Fountain Weird CD" available at itunes and CD Baby. "The Song was originally entitled 'Yuri-Bawb' says Clark Higgins; "But when I suddenly saw the Red CD out of the boxes that day - In October of 1994 from Rainbow Records in Los Angeles - ,...I was horrified to see that they called the Song "Irie Bob",..I just laughed in horror because the CD was all printed and all done !! And it seemed to be promoting all that 420 Marijuana culture cliche crap,....'Something I personally never wanted any part of in my life,....but now after 17 years,..the name has stuck,...and sometimes people email me,..thinking that I am this pot-head,..because I wrote Irie Bob by G.e. !!! (Laughs) - IRIE BOB Has become a cult classic of G.e. lore what with it's annoying repetition, distorted bassline, fuzzy guitars (Which Haggins feel need to be turned up more in the final mix), and meandering ly
Greenhouse Effect (GreenhousEfect) on Twitter - "Manipulation" 1992 Palle Carlson Drummer. SuperNetCelebrities.Com 2010.
89,357 Views - The hillarious but highly Rocking Greenhouse Effect Videos from their "Fina...
published: 25 Feb 2010
author: Naruto Suzuki Japan
Greenhouse Effect (GreenhousEfect) on Twitter - "Manipulation" 1992 Palle Carlson Drummer. SuperNetCelebrities.Com 2010.
89,357 Views - The hillarious but highly Rocking Greenhouse Effect Videos from their "Final band meeting" Of November 1992 at El Segundo California's Jet City Sound Studio have been spliced into other G.e clips. Four Songs were shot that night; Three Versions of "White Black Thang', Search and Destroy, Two Versions (Or more) of the Beatles cover version of "Please Please me", ...and ofcourse several for the somewhat uptemp G.e. Rocker "Manipulation". Clark Hagins calls the Video for "Manipulation" his favourite; "We look like we're havin' fun there,..we look silly but one can tell that when we played live - We Rocked,..and we rocked hard,...we were a weird unusual band,..to say the least." Greenhouse Effect exploded in notoriety in 2007 with some of Google Videos Most watched clips World Wide; "Our drummer died in 1999 in a bizarre Gardening accident (Laughs)" says Clark Haggins. Ofcourse Hagins is only kidding as he is referring to hillarious Danish Drummer Palle Carlson , the Denmark Drummer who resembles Spinal Tap's first percussionist in old 1965 black and white clips. "Greenhouse Effect was a World sensation for quite a long time,..we attracted alot of attention and 50,000 Twitter Followers,...I never wanted all the internet fun to end,...but I do see things now finally slowing down in 2010" says Clark Hagins. "We only get about two Million looks a day now,...thats pathetic compared to the kind of business we used to do in 2008." - There are ofcourse no plans for Rock's most watched band to reassemble any time soon and Hagins sees the 1992 demise of the band as just another bizarre mistake from his life's journey; "We were around for like 7 years,...Me and Flipper (Phil Keegan Guitarist) had planned to be the biggest Rock Stars in the musical universe - but it never happened,... ,...until I was like 50 years old (Laughs) " says Haggins. "We watched all those music industry bands like Nirvana and Green Day hit it big while we did things like work in cubes and clean Pools,..its just a damn shame" says Higgins. Hagins says that the tired band eventually grew 'into futility' by late 92' ; "We had all these Great songs and a great live show but we made enemies with all of the biggest wigs in Hollyweird ...there was no way I was ever gonna kiss their arsses - I would clean Swimming Pools before I would do that (Laughs)." Hagins calls the Video for "Manipulation" the absolute Last Hurrah for G.E. ; "The End of the video is hella fucking cool - it looks like Ted is trying to fuck me in the ass and then Palle just picks his nose,.. its pure Lame Rock n roll the way you love it,..it's fuckin' hella cool " ================== 148,037 Views - "Ripping Reason" Comes roaring Out of the speakers with sheer Psychedelic Power !! This Track Sounds so Great in this 'other' version - A 1992 "Remix" by sound studio engineer Bill Krodel in El Segundo California with Clark Hagins. "Ripping Reason" is a personal favorite of mine" says Higgins. "I was trying to make it a 'hit' I remember,...sorta like "Brandy" but it is so much 'more' !! It's not really a hit so-to-speak ,...its just a flat out Good solid song - A Great piece of Songwriting,...and it sounds Great At Jango Radio !! 'Ripping' was recorded in the frantic final days of G.e. and it doesn't rely on gimmicks like punk speed or guitar solos to get by,...it drudges along in pure melody to near abstract rock perfection and brilliance !!! The confused and tortured lyrics make this track a real winner in cyberspace - and a somewhat 'unusual' song for the always quirky G.e. !!!!!!!!! =============== Irie Bob. This 1992 Track is a real Winner for Greenhouse Effect Music Online and in particular at Youtube and GoogleVideo.Com "I started SuperNetCelebrities.Com with Homestead Web hosting who I found through Michael Savage's Website -...to help bands get exposure" says Clark Hagins in 2008. "Its my goal to make sure that Great bands like Los Angeles's Batlord get seen more,....and man, do I ever get them seen - ALOT". IRIE BOB IS THE Pixies-Like 60's Stooges Like track that appears as the second song on the 1995 "Fountain Weird CD" available at itunes and CD Baby. "The Song was originally entitled 'Yuri-Bawb' says Clark Higgins; "But when I suddenly saw the Red CD out of the boxes that day - In October of 1994 from Rainbow Records in Los Angeles - ,...I was horrified to see that they called the Song "Irie Bob",..I just laughed in horror because the CD was all printed and all done !! And it seemed to be promoting all that 420 Marijuana culture cliche crap,....'Something I personally never wanted any part of in my life,....but now after 17 years,..the name has stuck,...and sometimes people email me,..thinking that I am this pot-head,..because I wrote Irie Bob by G.e. !!! (Laughs) - IRIE BOB Has become a cult classic of G.e. lore what with it's annoying repetition, distorted bassline, fuzzy guitars (Which Haggins feel need to be turned up more in the final mix), and meandering ly
Youtube results:
French Montana- Ballin ft Rick Ross & Charlie Hustle (Coke Boys 3)
French Montana- Ballin Free Track off the Mixtape COKE BOYS 3! Subscribe!...
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: dwakefield17
French Montana- Ballin ft Rick Ross & Charlie Hustle (Coke Boys 3)
French Montana- Ballin Free Track off the Mixtape COKE BOYS 3! Subscribe!
- published: 13 Apr 2012
- views: 713061
- author: dwakefield17
French Montana - Coke Boys - 15. Goin in for da kill
published: 18 Sep 2010
author: blackhustle504
French Montana - Coke Boys - 15. Goin in for da kill
- published: 18 Sep 2010
- views: 46285
- author: blackhustle504
Lil Durk Talks Signing To Coke Boys, Violence In Chicago, 'Signed To The Streets' Mixtape and More
http://xclusiveszone.net http://tinyurl.com/xzonefb http://twitter.com/xclusiveszone Shot ...
published: 22 May 2013
author: XclusivesZoneMedia
Lil Durk Talks Signing To Coke Boys, Violence In Chicago, 'Signed To The Streets' Mixtape and More
http://xclusiveszone.net http://tinyurl.com/xzonefb http://twitter.com/xclusiveszone Shot and conducted by David Downer. Chicago and Def Jam artist Lil Durk ...
- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 22613
- author: XclusivesZoneMedia
Cheezy Dior "Fame" (Coke Boys)
Video by Heffty (@CokeBoyHeffty)...
published: 09 Jan 2013
author: Heffty CokeBoys
Cheezy Dior "Fame" (Coke Boys)
Video by Heffty (@CokeBoyHeffty)
- published: 09 Jan 2013
- views: 7369
- author: Heffty CokeBoys