The Electronic Intifada

Does The Nation have a problem with Palestinians?

Rania Khalek
19 December 2013

The venerable progressive magazine seems to have a hard time letting Palestinians express their own opinions.

How Israeli diplomats tried to muzzle an Irish journalist

Peter Kearney
18 December 2013

Ireland’s Near FM suspended me over a broadcast describing Gaza as an open prison.

Prawer Plan

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Diaries: Live from Palestine

Searching for light on Gaza's dark streets

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
19 December 2013

Without electricity, we cannot resist the occupation.

Why is Gaza always Egypt's scapegoat?

Rami Almeghari
Gaza Strip
17 December 2013

Unlike the Rafah crossing, other borders have been opened since the Cairo coup earlier this year.

Human Rights

Storm exacerbates sewage crisis in Gaza

Gaza Strip
20 December 2013

Health and environmental fears rise as authorities face numerous problems at once.

Anti-Muslim slogans spray-painted on mosque in Palestinian town

Patrick O. Strickland
Baqa al-Gharbiyya
19 December 2013

Settlers are believed to have carried out “price-tag” attacks in Baqa al-Gharbiyya.

Activism News

Taking direct action against Israel's racist marriage law

Patrick O. Strickland
17 December 2013

Love in a Time of Apartheid challenges the deliberate divisions to which Palestinians are subjected by Israel’s racist citizenship rules.

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