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Az Hardcore 2.35 - A Monster trap projekt!
2.35:1 - Anamorphic Film Look (After Effects + Premiere Pro Tutorial)
Matt Versus 2.35
2.35 Aerobic Respiration
Living Room Home Theater w/ 2.35 Motorized Screen 115-inch
ЧМ по лёгкой атлетике 2013 в Москве. Богдан Бондаренко 2.35 (Men's High Jump)
Bohdan Bondarenko - high jump 20cm above 2.35m - HUGE JUMP - Moscow 2013
Elite Screens' Lunette AcousticPro 4K 2.35:1 Projection Screen Review
Spacemen 3 - 2.35 (Version 1)
Crop DSLR 16:9 Video to Cinemascope 2.35:1 - The Anamorphic Look
2.35:1 Cinemascope, Panavision, Anamorphic Aspect Ratio Tutorial
Sony Vegas 2.35:1 Aspect Ratio Tutorial | No Black Bars


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Az Hardcore 2.35 - A Monster trap projekt!
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:34
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013

Az Hardcore 2.35 - A Monster trap projekt!

Szeretném megköszönni a thumbnailt egy kedves nézőnek aki itt youtubon Randiel avagy kisoma98 néven ismeretes. Itt találjátok további rajzait: Hardcore 2.35 - A Monster trap projekt!
2.35:1 - Anamorphic Film Look (After Effects + Premiere Pro Tutorial)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:22
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

2.35:1 - Anamorphic Film Look (After Effects + Premiere Pro Tutorial)

More Tutorials: Facebook: Fenchel & Janisch DSLR Tutorial Series: The anamorphic film l... - Anamorphic Film Look (After Effects + Premiere Pro Tutorial)
Matt Versus 2.35
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:55
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2013

Matt Versus 2.35

Day to day life of a natural bodybuilder prepping for a competition LoA CLOTHING: GYM SHARK CLOTHING (promo code "L...
  • published: 11 May 2013
  • views: 37151
  • author: flexforall2 Versus 2.35
2.35 Aerobic Respiration
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:18
  • Updated: 20 Oct 2011

2.35 Aerobic Respiration

Respiration using oxygen. Aerobic Respiration
Living Room Home Theater w/ 2.35 Motorized Screen 115-inch
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:25
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Living Room Home Theater w/ 2.35 Motorized Screen 115-inch

Home Theater Electronics List: 115" 2.35:1 Elite Cinetension2 Projector Screen Panasonic PT-AE4000U 1080P Projector (Soon to be PT-AE7000) Brite-View 2322 Wi... Room Home Theater w/ 2.35 Motorized Screen 115-inch
ЧМ по лёгкой атлетике 2013 в Москве. Богдан Бондаренко 2.35 (Men's High Jump)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

ЧМ по лёгкой атлетике 2013 в Москве. Богдан Бондаренко 2.35 (Men's High Jump)

Чемпионат мира по лёгкой атлетике 2013 в Москве (Россия). Богдан Бондаренко (2.35) 2013 World Championships in Athletics in Moscow (Russia). Bohdan Bondarenko (2.35)
  • published: 15 Aug 2013
  • views: 87ЧМ по лёгкой атлетике 2013 в Москве. Богдан Бондаренко 2.35 (Men's High Jump)
Bohdan Bondarenko - high jump 20cm above 2.35m - HUGE JUMP - Moscow 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Bohdan Bondarenko - high jump 20cm above 2.35m - HUGE JUMP - Moscow 2013

In my opinion this jump is the highest jump I ever seen! A comparable jump is made by Arthur Partyka at 2.37m in Atlanta 96.
  • published: 16 Aug 2013
  • views: 402 Bondarenko - high jump 20cm above 2.35m - HUGE JUMP - Moscow 2013
Elite Screens' Lunette AcousticPro 4K 2.35:1 Projection Screen Review
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:36
  • Updated: 06 Jul 2013

Elite Screens' Lunette AcousticPro 4K 2.35:1 Projection Screen Review

In this video review of Elite Screens' Lunette AcousticPro 4K 2.35:1 projection screen I go over the differences between the two different aspect ratios -2.3... Screens' Lunette AcousticPro 4K 2.35:1 Projection Screen Review
Spacemen 3 - 2.35 (Version 1)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:51
  • Updated: 20 Jun 2013

Spacemen 3 - 2.35 (Version 1)

Track 2 from Taking Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs To by Spacemen 3 released on 1994. 3 - 2.35 (Version 1)
Crop DSLR 16:9 Video to Cinemascope 2.35:1 - The Anamorphic Look
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:47
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Crop DSLR 16:9 Video to Cinemascope 2.35:1 - The Anamorphic Look A quick run through two methods for getting your DSLR or any 16:9 footage to look like the cinemascope/anamorphic style. One meth... DSLR 16:9 Video to Cinemascope 2.35:1 - The Anamorphic Look
2.35:1 Cinemascope, Panavision, Anamorphic Aspect Ratio Tutorial
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:34
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

2.35:1 Cinemascope, Panavision, Anamorphic Aspect Ratio Tutorial - A 90 second tutorial on exporting 1080p widescreen (16:9) footage to Cinema... Cinemascope, Panavision, Anamorphic Aspect Ratio Tutorial
Sony Vegas 2.35:1 Aspect Ratio Tutorial | No Black Bars
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:52
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Sony Vegas 2.35:1 Aspect Ratio Tutorial | No Black Bars Vegas 2.35:1 Aspect Ratio Tutorial | No Black Bars
1:2.35 aspect ratio fixed frame projection screen with manual side masking
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:53
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2013

1:2.35 aspect ratio fixed frame projection screen with manual side masking

The A-velvet multiformat gives you a projection screen that you can adjust for different aspect ratios. The native format is 1:2.35, but you can use the buil... aspect ratio fixed frame projection screen with manual side masking
Home Theater Circular Screen Example (2.35:1 Aspect Ratio)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:32
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2013

Home Theater Circular Screen Example (2.35:1 Aspect Ratio)

This is an example of using NTHUSIM and a 180 degree circular screen as a home theater. In this case a movie preview is projected on the triple-projector cir... Theater Circular Screen Example (2.35:1 Aspect Ratio)

Az Hardcore 2.35 - A Monster trap projekt!

Szeretném megköszönni a thumbnailt egy kedves nézőnek aki itt youtubon Randiel avagy kisoma98 néven ismeretes. Itt találjátok további rajzait:

Az Hard­core 2.35 - A Mon­ster trap pro­jekt!
Sz­eretném megköszönni a thumb­nailt egy kedves nézőnek aki itt youtubon Randiel avagy kisom...
pub­lished: 27 Mar 2013
2.35:1 - Anamor­phic Film Look (After Ef­fects + Pre­miere Pro Tu­to­ri­al)
More Tu­to­ri­als: http://​youtube.​com/​FenchelJanisch2 Face­book: http://​facebook.​com/​FenchelJa...​
pub­lished: 18 Aug 2012
Matt Ver­sus 2.35
Day to day life of a nat­u­ral body­builder prep­ping for a com­pe­ti­tion LoA CLOTH­ING: https://...
pub­lished: 11 May 2013
au­thor: flex­foral­l2
2.35 Aer­o­bic Res­pi­ra­tion
Res­pi­ra­tion using oxy­gen....
pub­lished: 18 Jan 2011
Liv­ing Room Home The­ater w/ 2.35 Mo­tor­ized Screen 115-inch
Home The­ater Elec­tron­ics List: 115" 2.35:1 Elite Cineten­sion2 Pro­jec­tor Screen Pana­son­ic P...
pub­lished: 23 Aug 2011
au­thor: MegaD­Man2323
ЧМ по лёгкой атлетике 2013 в Москве. Богдан Бондаренко 2.35 (Men's High Jump)
Чемпионат мира по лёгкой атлетике 2013 в Москве (Россия). Богдан Бондаренко (2.35) 2013 W...
pub­lished: 15 Aug 2013
Bo­hdan Bon­darenko - high jump 20cm above 2.35m - HUGE JUMP - Moscow 2013
In my opin­ion this jump is the high­est jump I ever seen! A com­pa­ra­ble jump is made by Arth...
pub­lished: 16 Aug 2013
Elite Screens' Lunette Acous­ticPro 4K 2.35:1 Pro­jec­tion Screen Re­view
In this video re­view of Elite Screens' Lunette Acous­ticPro 4K 2.35:1 pro­jec­tion screen I g...
pub­lished: 05 May 2013
Space­men 3 - 2.35 (Ver­sion 1)
Track 2 from Tak­ing Drugs to Make Music to Take Drugs To by Space­men 3 re­leased on 1994....
pub­lished: 06 Apr 2012
Crop DSLR 16:9 Video to Cin­e­mas­cope 2.35:1 - The Anamor­phic Look
http://​www.​landsleaving.​com A quick run through two meth­ods for get­ting your DSLR or any 1...
pub­lished: 21 Mar 2013
au­thor: James Keat­ing
2.35:1 Cin­e­mas­cope, Panav­i­sion, Anamor­phic As­pect Ratio Tu­to­ri­al
http://​devowe.​com/​blog/​2011/​2-351-cinemascope-anamorphic-aspect-ratio-tutorial/​ - A 90 sec...
pub­lished: 29 Aug 2011
Sony Vegas 2.35:1 As­pect Ratio Tu­to­ri­al | No Black Bars
pub­lished: 06 Apr 2013
1:2.35 as­pect ratio fixed frame pro­jec­tion screen with man­u­al side mask­ing
The A-vel­vet mul­ti­for­mat gives you a pro­jec­tion screen that you can ad­just for dif­fer­ent a...
pub­lished: 01 Oct 2010
au­thor: bea­maxscreens
Home The­ater Cir­cu­lar Screen Ex­am­ple (2.35:1 As­pect Ratio)
This is an ex­am­ple of using NTHUSIM and a 180 de­gree cir­cu­lar screen as a home the­ater. In...
pub­lished: 08 Aug 2010
au­thor: Brad Hawthorne
Youtube results:
JT/EMS 2.35 GT35 2.2 bar Im­preza Dyno run 700+ hp
For more info like us on Face­book: http://​www.​facebook.​com/​pages/​Jeroentjenl-Tuning/​192982...​
pub­lished: 25 Aug 2012
au­thor: Misha Charoudin
2.35:1 Cin­e­mas­cope, Panav­i­sion, Anamor­phic As­pect Ratio Video Pro­duc­tion
This is a SAn Diego Video Pro­duc­tion and Mo­tion graph­ic1080p widescreen (16:9) footage to ...
pub­lished: 07 Apr 2012
CEDIA Expo 2010 - Pro­jec­tion De­sign Na­tive 2.35:1 pro­jec­tor
We look at the new na­tive 2.35:1 pro­jec­tor from Pro­jec­tion De­sign....
pub­lished: 28 Sep 2010
Pana­son­ic PT-AE4000U lens mem­o­ry (dual screen setup 16:9 & 2.35:1, con­stant area)
Pana­son­ic 1080P pro­jec­tor dual screen setup. 106" 16:9 (92 x 52) pull down in front of a D...
pub­lished: 15 Jan 2010
au­thor: TheGeek­Thing
photo: Creative Commons / ESO/L. Calçada
This artist’s impression shows HIP 13044 b, an exoplanet orbiting a star that entered our galaxy, the Milky Way, from another galaxy.
Edit Fox News
06 Dec 2013
By Denise ChowPublished December 06, An artist's conception of a young planet in a distant orbit around its host star. The star still harbors a debris disk, remnant material from star and planet formation, interior to the planet's orbit.NASA/JPL-Caltech. This is a discovery image of planet HD 106906 b in thermal infrared light ... Next Slide Previous Slide ... [The Strangest Alien Planets (Gallery)] ... NASA Dreams of Alien Worlds ... ....(size: 5.1Kb)
photo: AP / Ariel Schalit
The Israeli army's new Heron unmanned drone aircraft for surveillance missions flies during a display at the Palmahim Air Force Base , Israel, Wednesday, March 7, 2007. With its 16.6 meter (54-foot) wingspan and ability to fly for as long as 30 hours at a time, at a speed of 120 knots (140 mph, 225 kph) and a height of 9,000 meters (30,000 feet), the Heron is Israel's latest and most advanced weapon in the booming field of drone technology, air force officers said.
Edit Foreign Policy
06 Dec 2013
The drone that spied on bin Laden and on Iran's nukes was just the start. Meet its bigger, higher-flying, stealthier cousin, the Northrop Grumman RQ-180. It's probably been flying for a few years now, but you weren't supposed to know that; the existence of this secret project, based out of Area 51, was revealed Friday by Aviation Week. The existence of the RQ-180 has been long rumored. Cryptic public statements by U.S ...  . ....(size: 3.9Kb)
photo: AP / Florence Richard
File - In this photo taken Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013, fighters from a Christian militia movement known as the "anti-balaka" display their makeshift weaponry in the village of Boubou, halfway between the towns of Bossangoa and Bouca, in the Central African Republic.
Edit BBC News
08 Dec 2013
French troops have reached the town of Bossangoa in the Central African Republic, which has been paralysed by communal fighting. France is deploying 1,600 troops to help end the fighting in the country, alongside a larger African Union force. French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told the BBC the mission was aimed at creating stability to enable humanitarian aid could arrive ... Accelerated operations ... Please turn on JavaScript ... Source....(size: 6.1Kb)
photo: AP
File - A 21-year-old from Denmark poses for a photo as he sits on top of a Soviet-made anti-aircraft gun in May 2013 at a training camp inside Syria near Idlib and Aleppo.
Edit BBC News
07 Dec 2013
Foreign jihadist fighters are using safe houses in southern Turkey to cross into Syria to fight against government forces, the BBC has learnt. A man running one such house near the border town of Reyhanli said more than 150 people - including up to 20 Britons - had used it in the past three months. The route through Turkey used by al-Qaeda-linked foreign jihadists is now becoming increasingly organised ... The floor was covered with blood....(size: 2.5Kb)

Edit The News & Observer
08 Dec 2013
Steven Holcomb and Christopher Fogt, United States, 1.35.51 (47.76-47.75) ... Nick Cunningham and Dallas Robinson, United States, 1.35.76 (47.84-47.92) ... Francesco Friedrich and Jannis Baecker, Germany, 1.35.80 (47.93-47.87) ... Cory Butner and Charles Berkeley, United States, 1.35.93 (48.04-47.89) ... Beat Hefti and Alex Baumann, Switzerland, 1.35.95 (48.01-47.94) ... Latvia 1, 1.35.14 (47.46-47.68) ... Russia, 1.35.15 (47.40-47.75)....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit U~T San Diego
08 Dec 2013
Tractor trailers sits at a dead stop on IH 35 South bound as some people are seen walking on the highway, Saturday, Dec ... Icy, treacherous sections of Interstate 35 north of Dallas were closed for hours at a time over the last day as tractor-trailers had trouble climbing hills, wrecks occurred and vehicles stalled, authorities said....(size: 6.7Kb)
Edit The Examiner
08 Dec 2013
Walgreens is offering a deal on liquid hand soap on the Walgreens website, but you will need to be quick to get the buy one, get one free Studio 35 Beauty Hand Soap deal. Spend Less, Shop More posted this hot Walgreens buy one get one free Studio 35 hand soap deal on Dec ... Other Studio 35 varieties available include Spring Water and Cucumber Melon....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit The Boston Globe
08 Dec 2013
5 state championship, 28-0.<img width='1' height='1' src='http.//' border='0'/><br clear='all'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr><td valign='middle'><a ......(size: 3.5Kb)
Edit Star Telegram
08 Dec 2013
500 — 1, Mo Tae-bum, South Korea, 34.87. 2, Joji Kato, Japan, 34.87. 3, Michel Mulder, Netherlands, 34.95. 4, Keiichiro Nagashima, Japan, 35.01. 5, Jesper Hospes, Netherlands, 35.04. 6, Pekka Koskela, Finland, 35.15. 7, Tucker Fredricks, United States, 35.18. 8, Dmitry Lobkov, Russia, 35.22. Also. 11, Mitchell Whitmore, United States, 35.25. Division B. 10, Jonathan Garcia, United States, 36.04. 14, Joey Mantia, United States, 36.35 ... Also....(size: 3.0Kb)
Edit noodls
08 Dec 2013
Holcomb and his Night Train2 crew of Curt Tomasevicz (Shelby, Neb.), Steve Langton (Melrose, Mass.) and Chris Fogt (Alpine, Utah) completed a sweep of the men's medals in Park City with a lead of 0.35 seconds over the field ... Arndt's crew finished second with a combined time of 1.35.11 ... Arndt, Huebenbecker, Roediger, and Putze (GER) 1.35.11 (47.36, 47.75); 3. Kasjanov, Egorov, Belugin, and Pushkarev (RUS) 1.35.12 (47.36, 47.76);…13....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit Chicago Tribune
08 Dec 2013
<img width='1' height='1' src='http.//' border='0'/><br clear='all'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr><td valign='middle'><a ......(size: 4.1Kb)
Edit The Telegraph India
08 Dec 2013
Inox (Forum; 11.20, 7.55), Inox (South City; 9.05, 4.40, 10.25), Inox (City Centre; 8.50, 7.45), Inox (Swabhumi; 11.55, 4.45), Inox (Rajarhat; 9.00, 5.50), Inox (Hiland; 4.40, 10.40), Inox Hind (7.35), Inox (Liluah; 11.50, 5.50), HDIL Broadway (9.00, 2.30, 8.00, 10.50), RDB Cinemas (6.00), London Paris (12.35, 6.25, 10), Cinemax (Mani Square; 6.30), Bioscope (Rajarhat - 12.30), PVR Avani (10.15, 6.30), PVR Diamond Plaza (10, 5.55)....(size: 5.8Kb)
Edit Chicago Tribune
08 Dec 2013
6 in Pasadena, Calif.<img width='1' height='1' src='http.//' border='0'/><br clear='all'/><div class='mf-viral'><table border='0'><tr><td valign='middle'><a ......(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit noodls
08 Dec 2013
* 2.16.10 2011 Gonzalez, WSU Name Age School Prelims Finals =============================================================================== Championship Final 1 Kaestner, K A 19 Kenyon-OH 2.18.21 2.17.59 31.47 34.99 35.43 35.70 2 Williams, K P 18 Davidson-NC 2.20.65 2.18.03 31.37 35.38 35.79 35.49 3 Wickham, H R 19 Penn-MA 2.24.48 2.21.01 30.43 ......(size: 26.6Kb)
Edit The Times of India
08 Dec 2013
the NMC headquarters at Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan at a cost of Rs 33.69 lakh, Panchavati divisional office (Rs 35.86 lakh), Nashik West divisional office (Rs 24.78 lakh), Cidco divisional office (Rs 13.79 lakh), Nashik Road divisional office (Rs 29.35 lakh), Kalidas Kala Mandir (Rs 25.71 ... Panchavati div office Rs 35.86 ... Nashik Road div office Rs 29.35....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit The Times of India
08 Dec 2013
"Paranoia" - The thriller, made on a budget of $35 million, earned $13.5 million at the global box office ... "Parker" - The Jennifer Lopez starrer's budget was $35 million and its global box office earning was $17 million ... The big starrer was a $35 million project and garnered $19 million at the global box office....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Star Telegram
08 Dec 2013
New Hampshire 41, Maine 27. Rutgers 31, South Florida 6. Towson 48, Fordham 28. UConn 45, Memphis 10. West Chester 28, Shepherd 7 ... Florida St ... 35, W ... Grand View 35, Morningside 0 ... Coastal Carolina 42, Montana 35....(size: 1.1Kb)

The aspect ratio of an image describes the proportional relationship between its width and its height.

It is commonly expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, as in 16:9. For an x:y aspect ratio, no matter how big or small the image is, if the width is divided into x units of equal length and the height is measured using this same length unit, the height will be measured to be y units. For example, consider a group of images, all with an aspect ratio of 16:9. One image is 16 inches wide and 9 inches high. Another image is 16 centimeters wide and 9 centimeters high. A third is 8 yards wide and 4.5 yards high.

The most common aspect ratios used today in the presentation of films in movie theaters are 1.85:1 and 2.39:1. Two common videographic aspect ratios are 4:3 (1.33:1), the universal video format of the 20th century and 16:9 (1.77:1), universal for high-definition television and European digital television. Other cinema and video aspect ratios exist, but are used infrequently.

In still camera photography, the most common aspect ratios are 4:3, 3:2, and more recently being found in consumer cameras 16:9. Other aspect ratios, such as 5:3, 5:4, and 1:1 (square format), are used in photography as well, particularly in medium format and large format.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Bohdan Bondarenko (Ukrainian: Богдан Бондаренко; born 30 August 1989) is a Ukrainian high jumper. His personal best jump is 2.27 metres indoors, and 2.26 metres outdoors.

He was born in Kharkiv, in the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union. In 2005 he had a jump of 2.15 metres, achieved in September in Yalta, and in January 2006 in Kiev, he improved to 2.21 on the indoor track. In August 2006 he competed at the 2006 World Junior Championships in Beijing. With a jump of 2.14 metres in the qualifying round, he barely managed to reach the final round. Six athletes recorded 2.14 metres, and only two of them reached the final, due to having fewer fouls in the competition. In the final, however, Bondarenko improved greatly to win the bronze medal with a jump of 2.26 metres. The competition was dominated by the duel behind gold medallist Huang Haiqiang and silver medallist Niki Palli. In 2007 he improved his indoor best mark to 2.25 at a meet in Kiev in February. In the outdoor season, he only managed 2.19 metres.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Well it's 2.35 in the afternoon
You said you'd be comin' home quite soon
Now I've been waiting far too long
I wanna get down to sing my song
But babe there's no more
Well I've been down and I've been sad
And I've kicked things in and gotten me mad
I ain't had nothin' to take my mind
I ain't had nothin' for a long, long time
'Cos babe there's no more
You think you're cool, you think you're neat
You think you're everybody's special treat
Now baby take your hands off of me
I've got a somethin' for you but you ain't brought nothing for me
