- published: 31 Mar 2015
- views: 761
Suzanne Marwille (11 July 1895 – 14 January 1962) was a Czech film actress. She appeared in 44 films between 1918 and 1938. She was married to film director Martin Frič and starred in many of his films.
Karel Lamač (27 January 1897 – 2 August 1952) was a Czech film director, actor, screenwriter and producer. He directed 102 films between 1919 and 1953. He also appeared in 61 films between 1919 and 1938.
He was born in Prague, Austria-Hungary and died in Hamburg, Germany due to serious problems of his kidneys and liver.
He was once married to actress Anny Ondra with whom he owned a production company. He directed her in several silent films and acted with her in films directed by other filmmakers. He worked with her even after their divorce in 1933, and she married boxer Max Schmeling.
Oscar Marion was an American slave and Revolutionary War militiaman.
Oscar Marion was the servant of General Francis Marion (1732–1795), the legendary "Swamp Fox." In December 2006, Oscar Marion was recognized as an "African American Patriot" in a ceremony at the U.S. Capitol, and a proclamation signed by President George W. Bush expressed the appreciation of a "grateful nation" for Oscar Marion's "devoted and selfless consecration to the service of our country in the Armed Forces of the United States."
It is believed that, following custom, Oscar was made to take the last name of his owner, and he was one of perhaps 200 slaves (many with the last name of Marion) who served Francis Marion. But there may have been a close personal connection between the general and his slave, as some accounts of the general comment on the constant companionship and "faithfulness" of his servant Oscar, according to genealogist Tina C. Jones, a descendant of some of Francis Marion's slaves.
It is believed that Oscar Marion appears in at least one painting of the general. "General Marion Inviting a British Officer to Share His Meal," shows an African American male only a few feet from Francis, kneeling at a fire and roasting sweet potatoes as he warily surveys the red-coated officer. In the December 2006 ceremony, President George W. Bush and several congressmen recognized the image as representing Oscar Marion. The painting appeared on Confederate banknotes issued in South Carolina. It currently hangs in the third-floor corridor of the Senate Wing of the U.S. Capitol.
Jarmila Novotná (September 23, 1907, in Prague – February 9, 1994, in New York City) was a celebrated Czech soprano and actress and, from 1940 to 1956, a star of the Metropolitan Opera.
A student of Emmy Destinn, Novotná made her operatic debut at the Prague Opera House, on June 28, 1925, as Marenka in Smetana's The Bartered Bride. Six days later, she sang there as Violetta in Verdi's La traviata. In 1928 she starred in Verona as Gilda opposite Giacomo Lauri-Volpi in Verdi's Rigoletto and at the Teatro San Carlo in Naples as Adina opposite Tito Schipa in Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore. In 1929 she joined the Kroll Opera in Berlin, where she sang Violetta as well as the title roles of Puccini's Manon Lescaut and Madama Butterfly.
In January 1933, she created the female lead in Jaromir Weinberger's new operetta 'Frühlingsstürme' opposite Richard Tauber at the Theater im Admiralspalast, Berlin. This was the last new operetta produced in the Weimar Republic, and she and Tauber were both soon forced to leave Germany by the new Nazi regime.
Father Vojtech may refer to:
Suzanne Marwille, Karel Hasler,Oscar Marion,1929. "Coração Que Sente", com Arthur Moreira Lima.
Karel Lamač - Filmaři před kamerou
Karel Lamač - Páter Vojtěch 2
Varhaník u sv Víta 1929 CZ
Valentin Sindler - O Rose Marie, o baje...!
Jarmila Novotná,"Srdce svého já se ptám" ("Una voce poco fa"), 1933.
Karel Lamač - Páter Vojtěch 1
Karel Hašler - Kampak na nás, bolševíci! - Andulička
Pobočník Jeho Výsosti - Jenerál
Staré topoly
Suzanne Marwille, Karel Hasler,Oscar Marion,1929. "Coração Que Sente", com Arthur Moreira Lima. Informações: imagens cenas do filme tcheco "Varhaník u sv. Víta", 1929, direção Martin Fric, roteiro Vitezslav Nezval, estória Václav Wasserman e Martin Fric. Destaques cenas com Suzanne Marwille, Karel Hasler e Oscar Marion. Áudios do clip "Coração Que Sente", composição Ernesto Nazaret, interpretação Arthur Moreira Lima, 1975, gravadora Marcus Pereira e fragmento da mesma valsa de Ernesto Nazaret, interpretação Custódio Mesquita & Orquestra, 1943, gravadora Victor, lado A, 78 rpm. Acervo: Rádio Educativa Mensagem (radiosantos) (REM).
Making of Páter Vojtěch (1928) directed by Martin Frič, also starring Suzanne Marwille. Narrated by Karel Čáslavský.
The story of love between Suzanne Marwille and Karel Lamač is like ancient tragedy. Be thrilled.
Drama / Romantický Československo, 1929, 80 min Režie: Martin Frič Hrají: Karel Hašler, Oscar Marion, Suzanne Marwille, Ladislav Herbert Struna, Otto Zahrádka, Marie Ptáková, Vladimír Smíchovský, Josef Kobík, Milka Balek-Brodská, Roza Schlesingerová
Valentin Sindler - O Rose Marie, o baje...! Valentin Šindler se narodil 30. ledna 1885 v Cholině u Litovle. Vystudoval kroměřížské gymnázium a jeho další dráha se měla ubírat směrem k teologii, které se vzdělával v Olomouci (1905 -- 1908). Při tom se soukromě vzdělával hudbě u J. Nešvery. Po poradě s Karlem Kovařovicem se rozhodl věnovat se cele pěvecké dráze. Nejdříve hostoval roku 1909 s úspěchem v pražském Národním divadle, ale kvůli nedostatkům v hlase angažmá nedostal. Proto se rozhodl odjet zdokonalovat se k O. E. Roinsonovi do Vídně a k F. Emerichovi do Berlína. Opět hostoval v Národním divadle (září 1910 -- leden 1911), znova trvalé angažmá nepřišlo, získal tedy místo ve Vinohradském divadle (duben 1911 -- květen 1911). Po cyklu oper Bedřicha Smetany (1911) byl do opery Ná...
Jarmila Novotná,"Srdce svého já se ptám" ("Una voce poco fa"), 1933. Informações: imagens cenas do filme tcheco "Skriváncí písen", 1933, direção Svatopluk Innemann, roteiro Josef Neuberg, baseada na peça teatral "Oblaka" (As Nuvens) do dramaturgo Jaroslav Kvapil (1868-1950), publicada em 1904. No elenco: Jarmila Novotna, Adolf Horalek, Hermína Fordová, Frantisek Smolík, Robert Ford, Jirí Hron, entre outros artistas. Áudio original do filme: cavatina Aria - Voce I - Act II - "Srdce svého já se ptám" ("Una voce poco fa") da opera - buffa Barbiere di Siviglia, de Gioachino Rossini, interpretação Jarmila Novotná, 1933. Áudio final fragmento Humoresque No.7, Opus 101, composição Dvorák, interpretação Jarmila Novotná, 1935. Acervo: Rádio Educativa Mensagem (radiosantos) (REM).
In 1928 Lamač's friend Mac Frič debuted as director. He was in movies for last decade and he did everything. Later he became the best Czech director. Behind the scenes and making of shorts you can see also on our channel. Just enjoy both.
*** Více informací na http://www.filmexport.cz/ *** Nadporučík Patera je na dálku jmenován pobočníkem prince Evžena, který má před svatbou a musí se rozejít se svou milenkou. Požádá Pateru, aby zařídil jejich poslední schůzku. Protože se navzájem neznají, začíná kolotoč plný omylů..
Podle mých informací je toto poslední nahrávka Karla Hašlera na gramofonové desky
Drama / Romantický Československo, 1929, 80 min Režie: Martin Frič Hrají: Karel Hašler, Oscar Marion, Suzanne Marwille, Ladislav Herbert Struna, Otto Zahrádka, Marie Ptáková, Vladimír Smíchovský, Josef Kobík, Milka Balek-Brodská, Roza Schlesingerová
1930 : 0:00 : Nenê 2:52 : Turuna 5:58 : Apanhei-te cavaquinho 8:13 : Escovado 1912 10:50 : Ernesto Nazareth (piano) e Pedro de Alcântara (flautim) - Odeon 14:21 : Favorito 17:33 : Linguagem do coração (Joaquim Callado) 20:18 : Choro e poesia (Catullo) Ernesto Nazareth Tocando
Pessoal, com muita alegria dou o passo inicial deste projeto que planeja discutir sobre a história do Oscar. Críticas publicadas no meu site: http://dalenogare.com/category/oscar-1929/ Lista completa de indicados e vencedores: http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0000003/1929 Bibliografia básica sobre o Oscar (em inglês): LEVY, Emmanuel. All about Oscar: The History and Politics of the Academy Awards. Continuum, 2004. OSBORNE, Robert. The Academy Awards: The Complete Unofficial History. Abbeville Press, Incorporated, 2013. Para um relato pessoal PONDE, Steve. The Big Show: High Times and Dirty Dealings Backstage at the Academy Awards. Macmillan, 2005 Sobre a transição mudo/talkie: EYMAN, Scott. The speed of sound: Hollywood and the talkie revolution. Simon & Schuster, 1997
Frasquita ist eine österreichische musikalische Filmkomödie des tschechischen Regisseurs Karel Lamač aus dem Jahr 1934. Sie basiert auf der gleichnamigen. Filme aus den 30 zigern bis mitte 60ziger auf deutsch - sprachigem Raum. Der Kuss einer berühmten Filmschauspielerin soll in Wien versteigert werden und ein turbulentes Verwechslungslustspiel nimmt seinen Lauf. Ungeküsst soll.
Playing the Taar (2009) to be screened at SAFF Canada, 2012 as part of the Through Her Eyes program. Ay Nabaat is a 17 year old girl from the Turkmen ethnic minority in Afghanistan. She has been weaving carpets at home since her childhood. Her father is engaged in a hostile and bloody war with another ethnic group which has gone on for many years. Finally, in order to stop the hostility he decides to give Ay Nabaat to a man from the other ethnic group—a man who already has three wives. Written, produced and directed by Roya Sadat. Movie details, screening schedule and tickets available at http://www.saffcanada.org/films/playing-the-taar/
Autor melodie: Iván Gutiérrez Autor textu: Iván Gutiérrez Alberto Vojtěch Frič (1882 – 1944) český etnograf, cestovatel, botanik, fotograf a spisovatel. Jihoameričtí indiáni jej pojmenovali Karaí Pukú (česky Dlouhý lovec), v Evropě byl znám též jako Lovec kaktusů. Frič během svých cest navštívil desítky kmenů a sestavil slovníky 36 indiánských jazyků. Pořídil o nich stovky fotografií a přivezl do Evropy tisíce upomínkových předmětů. Často se jedná o jediné podrobné materiály o tom, jak tito indiáni žili předtím, než byli zásadněji ovlivněni (nebo vybiti) bělochy. Celkově mezi nimi prožil asi deset let života a byly to podle jeho vlastních slov nádherné roky, bez ohledu na jaguára a další nehody a nemoci, které ho potkaly. Nejvíce času strávil u kmene Čamakoko, z něhož pocházela jeho indián...
Pessoal, com muita alegria dou o passo inicial deste projeto que planeja discutir sobre a história do Oscar. Críticas publicadas no meu site: http://dalenogare.com/category/oscar-1929/ Lista completa de indicados e vencedores: http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0000003/1929 Bibliografia básica sobre o Oscar (em inglês): LEVY, Emmanuel. All about Oscar: The History and Politics of the Academy Awards. Continuum, 2004. OSBORNE, Robert. The Academy Awards: The Complete Unofficial History. Abbeville Press, Incorporated, 2013. Para um relato pessoal PONDE, Steve. The Big Show: High Times and Dirty Dealings Backstage at the Academy Awards. Macmillan, 2005 Sobre a transição mudo/talkie: EYMAN, Scott. The speed of sound: Hollywood and the talkie revolution. Simon & Schuster, 1997
Suzanne Marwille, Karel Hasler,Oscar Marion,1929. "Coração Que Sente", com Arthur Moreira Lima. Informações: imagens cenas do filme tcheco "Varhaník u sv. Víta", 1929, direção Martin Fric, roteiro Vitezslav Nezval, estória Václav Wasserman e Martin Fric. Destaques cenas com Suzanne Marwille, Karel Hasler e Oscar Marion. Áudios do clip "Coração Que Sente", composição Ernesto Nazaret, interpretação Arthur Moreira Lima, 1975, gravadora Marcus Pereira e fragmento da mesma valsa de Ernesto Nazaret, interpretação Custódio Mesquita & Orquestra, 1943, gravadora Victor, lado A, 78 rpm. Acervo: Rádio Educativa Mensagem (radiosantos) (REM).
Making of Páter Vojtěch (1928) directed by Martin Frič, also starring Suzanne Marwille. Narrated by Karel Čáslavský.
The story of love between Suzanne Marwille and Karel Lamač is like ancient tragedy. Be thrilled.
Drama / Romantický Československo, 1929, 80 min Režie: Martin Frič Hrají: Karel Hašler, Oscar Marion, Suzanne Marwille, Ladislav Herbert Struna, Otto Zahrádka, Marie Ptáková, Vladimír Smíchovský, Josef Kobík, Milka Balek-Brodská, Roza Schlesingerová
Valentin Sindler - O Rose Marie, o baje...! Valentin Šindler se narodil 30. ledna 1885 v Cholině u Litovle. Vystudoval kroměřížské gymnázium a jeho další dráha se měla ubírat směrem k teologii, které se vzdělával v Olomouci (1905 -- 1908). Při tom se soukromě vzdělával hudbě u J. Nešvery. Po poradě s Karlem Kovařovicem se rozhodl věnovat se cele pěvecké dráze. Nejdříve hostoval roku 1909 s úspěchem v pražském Národním divadle, ale kvůli nedostatkům v hlase angažmá nedostal. Proto se rozhodl odjet zdokonalovat se k O. E. Roinsonovi do Vídně a k F. Emerichovi do Berlína. Opět hostoval v Národním divadle (září 1910 -- leden 1911), znova trvalé angažmá nepřišlo, získal tedy místo ve Vinohradském divadle (duben 1911 -- květen 1911). Po cyklu oper Bedřicha Smetany (1911) byl do opery Ná...
Jarmila Novotná,"Srdce svého já se ptám" ("Una voce poco fa"), 1933. Informações: imagens cenas do filme tcheco "Skriváncí písen", 1933, direção Svatopluk Innemann, roteiro Josef Neuberg, baseada na peça teatral "Oblaka" (As Nuvens) do dramaturgo Jaroslav Kvapil (1868-1950), publicada em 1904. No elenco: Jarmila Novotna, Adolf Horalek, Hermína Fordová, Frantisek Smolík, Robert Ford, Jirí Hron, entre outros artistas. Áudio original do filme: cavatina Aria - Voce I - Act II - "Srdce svého já se ptám" ("Una voce poco fa") da opera - buffa Barbiere di Siviglia, de Gioachino Rossini, interpretação Jarmila Novotná, 1933. Áudio final fragmento Humoresque No.7, Opus 101, composição Dvorák, interpretação Jarmila Novotná, 1935. Acervo: Rádio Educativa Mensagem (radiosantos) (REM).
In 1928 Lamač's friend Mac Frič debuted as director. He was in movies for last decade and he did everything. Later he became the best Czech director. Behind the scenes and making of shorts you can see also on our channel. Just enjoy both.
*** Více informací na http://www.filmexport.cz/ *** Nadporučík Patera je na dálku jmenován pobočníkem prince Evžena, který má před svatbou a musí se rozejít se svou milenkou. Požádá Pateru, aby zařídil jejich poslední schůzku. Protože se navzájem neznají, začíná kolotoč plný omylů..
Podle mých informací je toto poslední nahrávka Karla Hašlera na gramofonové desky
Drama / Romantický Československo, 1929, 80 min Režie: Martin Frič Hrají: Karel Hašler, Oscar Marion, Suzanne Marwille, Ladislav Herbert Struna, Otto Zahrádka, Marie Ptáková, Vladimír Smíchovský, Josef Kobík, Milka Balek-Brodská, Roza Schlesingerová
1930 : 0:00 : Nenê 2:52 : Turuna 5:58 : Apanhei-te cavaquinho 8:13 : Escovado 1912 10:50 : Ernesto Nazareth (piano) e Pedro de Alcântara (flautim) - Odeon 14:21 : Favorito 17:33 : Linguagem do coração (Joaquim Callado) 20:18 : Choro e poesia (Catullo) Ernesto Nazareth Tocando
Pessoal, com muita alegria dou o passo inicial deste projeto que planeja discutir sobre a história do Oscar. Críticas publicadas no meu site: http://dalenogare.com/category/oscar-1929/ Lista completa de indicados e vencedores: http://www.imdb.com/event/ev0000003/1929 Bibliografia básica sobre o Oscar (em inglês): LEVY, Emmanuel. All about Oscar: The History and Politics of the Academy Awards. Continuum, 2004. OSBORNE, Robert. The Academy Awards: The Complete Unofficial History. Abbeville Press, Incorporated, 2013. Para um relato pessoal PONDE, Steve. The Big Show: High Times and Dirty Dealings Backstage at the Academy Awards. Macmillan, 2005 Sobre a transição mudo/talkie: EYMAN, Scott. The speed of sound: Hollywood and the talkie revolution. Simon & Schuster, 1997
Frasquita ist eine österreichische musikalische Filmkomödie des tschechischen Regisseurs Karel Lamač aus dem Jahr 1934. Sie basiert auf der gleichnamigen. Filme aus den 30 zigern bis mitte 60ziger auf deutsch - sprachigem Raum. Der Kuss einer berühmten Filmschauspielerin soll in Wien versteigert werden und ein turbulentes Verwechslungslustspiel nimmt seinen Lauf. Ungeküsst soll.