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Two brothers, 30 years of Santa photos

Still on Santa's lap after ...

PHOTO SPECIAL: Most of us stop seeing Santa as teens, but Martin and Mike Gray have sat on his lap every year together for the last 30 years.

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30 yrs and we're still on Santa's lap - Martin and Mike Gray celebrate Christmas with Santa photos

Thirty four years on Santa's lap ... Martin and Mike Gray are still taking photos as part of their family tradition. Picture:...

Thirty four years on Santa's lap ... Martin and Mike Gray are still taking photos as part of their family tradition. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

MARTIN and Mike Gray have sat on Santa's lap every year for the last 30 years as part of a family Christmas tradition they haven't given up.

As toddlers, teenagers and now fathers, Martin and Mike have continued the tradition together.

The brothers, from Massachusetts in the US, aged 30 and 34 now, said they get stared at, but they love doing it.

From 1980 to 1983, Mike was photographed on his own with Santa Claus.


1980 ... Mike sits with Santa around the age of one. Picture: Martin Gray

1980 ... Mike sits with Santa around the age of one. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1981 ... Mike sits with Santa around the age of two. Picture: Martin Gray

1981 ... Mike sits with Santa around the age of two. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied


1982 ... Mike sits with Santa around the age of three. Picture: Martin Gray

1982 ... Mike sits with Santa around the age of three. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1983 ... Mike sits with Santa in a similar pose around the age of four. Picture: Martin Gray

1983 ... Mike sits with Santa in a similar pose around the age of four. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied



1984 ... Martin joins his older brother Mike and Santa. Picture: Martin Gray

1984 ... Martin joins his older brother Mike and Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied


 1985 ... Martin wasn't always so happy to see Santa. Picture: Mart...

1985 ... Martin wasn’t always so happy to see Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1986 ... The brothers happily sat on Santa's lap. Picture: Mart...

1986 ... The brothers happily sat on Santa’s lap. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1987 ... Martin and Mike change their pose with Santa as they grew older. Picture: Martin Gray

1987 ... Martin and Mike change their pose with Santa as they grew older. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1988 ... Standing or sitting, the brothers loved being with Santa. Picture: Martin Gray

1988 ... Standing or sitting, the brothers loved being with Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1989 ... Growing up, the boys both start to stand with Santa. Picture: Martin Gray

1989 ... Growing up, the boys both start to stand with Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1990 ... Even with braces on his teeth, Mike grinned with glee alongside Santa and Martin. Picture: Martin Gray

1990 ... Even with braces on his teeth, Mike grinned with glee alongside Santa and Martin. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1991 ... Martin looks like he inherited Mike's top he wore with Santa a year ago. Picture: M...

1991 ... Martin looks like he inherited Mike’s top he wore with Santa a year ago. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1992 ... Still not too cool for Santa. Picture: Martin Gray

1992 ... Still not too cool for Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1993 ... Mike's braces are finally off, as they pose with Santa again. Picture: Ma...

1993 ... Mike’s braces are finally off, as they pose with Santa again. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1994 ... 10 years on they are still going strong with Santa photos together. Martin was 10 while Mike was 14 at the time. Pic...

1994 ... 10 years on they are still going strong with Santa photos together. Martin was 10 while Mike was 14 at the time. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1995 ... More fond memories made with Santa. Picture: Martin Gray

1995 ... More fond memories made with Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied


1996 ... Clearly too big for Santa's lap now, Mike and Martin find a way to make the photo happen. Picture: ...

1996 ... Clearly too big for Santa’s lap now, Mike and Martin find a way to make the photo happen. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1997 ... Embarrassed? Nope, Mike and Martin proudly continue their tradition together. Picture: Martin Gray

1997 ... Embarrassed? Nope, Mike and Martin proudly continue their tradition together. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

With similar sweaters, Mike, 18, and Martin 14, pose with Santa. Picture: Martin Gray

With similar sweaters, Mike, 18, and Martin 14, pose with Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

1999 ... Just squeezing in to the photo with Santa now. Picture: Martin Gray

1999 ... Just squeezing in to the photo with Santa now. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2000 ... A new decade and another era of Santa photos begins. Picture: Martin Gray

2000 ... A new decade and another era of Santa photos begins. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2001 ... Mike and Martin almost outgrow this Santa. Picture: Martin Gray

2001 ... Mike and Martin almost outgrow this Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2002 ... One of Martin's least favourite pictures because of his awkward teenage years. Picture: M...

2002 ... One of Martin’s least favourite pictures because of his awkward teenage years. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2003 ... Another one of Martin's least favourite Santa photos as a teenager. Picture: Ma...

2003 ... Another one of Martin’s least favourite Santa photos as a teenager. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

30 yrs and we're still on San...

2004 ... Somehow the boys found a way to sit on Santa’s lap again, despite how tall they became. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2005 ... Santa forgot his hat, but Mike and Martin do not forget him. Picture: Martin Gray

2005 ... Santa forgot his hat, but Mike and Martin do not forget him. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2006 ... Catching up with Saint Nick again, no matter where they were. Picture: Martin Gray

2006 ... Catching up with Saint Nick again, no matter where they were. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2007 ... A larger chair finally allowed both brothers to sit next to Santa. Picture: Martin Gray

2007 ... A larger chair finally allowed both brothers to sit next to Santa. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2008 ... They were always children at heart. Mike and Martin pose with a toy reindeer. Picture: Martin Gray

2008 ... They were always children at heart. Mike and Martin pose with a toy reindeer. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2010 ... Getting in to the festive spirit with their matching holiday sweaters. Picture: Martin Gray

2010 ... Getting in to the festive spirit with their matching holiday sweaters. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2011 . A baby appears, as they continue the Santa photo tradition with their own kids. Picture: Martin Gray

2011 . A baby appears, as they continue the Santa photo tradition with their own kids. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

2012 ... Mike and Martin hope to indefinitely continue their Santa photo tradition. Picture: Martin Gray

2012 ... Mike and Martin hope to indefinitely continue their Santa photo tradition. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied

Thirty four years on Santa's lap ... Martin and Mike Gray are still taking photos as part of their family tradition. Picture:...

2013 ... But perhaps they will have to continue the tradition with their own families now. Picture: Martin Gray Source: Supplied