Last updated: December 17, 2013

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National Breaking News

Dept defends health panel sacking

THE immigration department is confident sacking an expert panel and replacing it with a military surgeon as a sole adviser to the government won't compromise the health of asylum seekers.

Former Defence Force medical officer Paul Alexander, who chaired the Immigration Health Advisory Group, will now do the job on his own.

The group, which included psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and GPs, provided independent policy advice on the health needs of asylum seekers and refugees.

Department of Immigration secretary Martin Bowles said it was his decision, not the minister's, to disband the group.

"The large membership of the group made it increasingly challenging to provide balanced, consistent and timely advice in a fast-moving policy and operational environment," he said in a statement.

General Alexander would be able to draw on the advice of other medical professionals including a chief medical officer and staff working for the International Health and Medical Services, which provides health care in detention centres.

"I am confident this new arrangement will continue to ensure ... quality health and welfare services to all people in immigration detention," Mr Bowles said.