Last updated: December 17, 2013

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Thought for the day 17 December 2013

Here comes the final Full Moon of 2013. Once the Moon reaches maximum fullness, it begins to wane. By New Year's Eve, it will have disappeared from view, which means we begin 2014 on a New Moon. Often, from an astrologer's point of view, the turn of the year is a non-event. It doesn't matter how many firework displays people watch or how many verses of Auld Lang Syne we sing - unless the sky supports a mood of change. But a year that begins under the Dark of The Moon is different. Start working on your resolution now!

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Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


When the best directors make horror films, they usually take great care not to show us too many monsters. They will give us a glimpse or show a silhouette lurking outside a window. Then, they will leave the rest to our imagination. We can scare ourselves much more successfully than they ever can. Now, we have to ask, what is really so worrying about your current situation? Is it truly full of demons and dragons? Or are you just having a powerful reaction to a set of suggestions? The Full Moon brings much-needed clarity. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


It's easy enough to get your own way. It's not so easy, though, to be sure that your own way is the best way. If, as you set out to meet your own target, you cause someone else to miss theirs, you may end up with a hollow victory. It is easily forgotten in this money-mad world, but people matter more than things. A compromise which keeps alive a sense of warmth and trust has to be preferable to a battle fought, and won, which leaves a deep resentment. A genuine doubt is often worth far more than a false certainty. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


You're not sure that you are entirely looking forward to Christmas. Each day recently seems to have taught you something new about yourself. You keep having to review a lot of the assumptions that you once clung to for support and security. As this happens, you find yourself changing your mind about what you want. You're not even sure if your situation is good or bad - or whether to feel happy or sad. That tells you something. Give the benefit of the doubt to what's going on. The Full Moon will soon bring you strength. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Apr 21 - May 21


We all have a mental filing cabinet full of folders. Imagine there's one in your mind labelled, 'Pointless' and another marked, 'Priceless'. They adjoin one another for alphabetical purposes yet, sadly, this means that when hastily tidying up our inner office, we risk inadvertently mixing up those two crucial categories. Just such a subconscious transposition may have occurred in your life lately. The Full Moon in your second solar house is about to help you to spot this, rectify it and consequently enjoy a great gain. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


May 22 - June 22


Ideally, you should acquire as much information as possible, consult as many experts as you can find and cover as many bases as you can think of. The problem is that none of that really seems very feasible. The Full Moon in your sign is requiring you to do a lot in a short space of time. You are going to have to hope that when the pressure mounts, your intuition is good enough to see you through. It will be, provided you give it a fair chance to guide you. Stay calm and follow your sweetest, strongest hunches. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


It isn't always easy for you to live with the consequences of your character traits. Take, for example, your occasional tendency to go through mood swings. Or to subject yourself to highly unjustified self-criticism. You have been through a lot lately. Once the current Full Moon has peaked, life will bring you a chance to calm everything down, straighten it all out and put your life on a comfortably safe even keel. All you have to do, in the meantime, is resist your current inclination to be far too hard on yourself. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


We live on a planet that never stops turning. As it spins, it travels around the Sun. All the while, though, we imagine we are standing perfectly still. Space is deceptive and so is time. We think of the past, the present and the future as destination points along a straight train track. Our physicists insist, though, that time is not linear. It, too, describes a circle - or, at least, a spiral. Your life now, is taking you back to where you have been before. The Full Moon insists that's not a mistake, it's a blessing. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Aug 24 - Sep 23


On a good day, you are brilliant! And on a bad one? Well, even at your worst, you still have more to offer than many folk do at their best. It's important now, not to underestimate your charm, your talent, your intelligence and your experience. Is there a risk you could overestimate some of the above and become dangerously overconfident? Well, yes, there is a slight risk but we'll cross that bridge if we ever get to it. Right now, as the Moon grows full, you wish you were more sure of yourself. And that wish will soon be delightfully granted. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Imagine two identical paint palettes. Two blank canvases. Two sets of brushes. A great artist has got one, a chimpanzee has the other. Are we going to be able to tell which painting has been done by whom? In these days of modern art we can't always be sure. Still, though, the human being is going to be more able (we hope) to explain their picture, than the ape. Different end results can be achieved from the same raw materials. You have everything you now need to create something truly wonderful. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Some people believe that the best ways are the old ways. We should all, they think, respect tradition. 'The more things change' they say, 'the more they stay the same'. They may be right. Yet we live on a planet that never stops moving and it brings us all plenty of change. If we do not allow for a little innovation in our plans, we are likely to treat progress as an unwanted intruder, a thief come to rob us of our security; when it is, in fact, an angel come to bless us with freedom - as the Full Moon will soon show you. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


All too often, we allow our cares and concerns to weigh us down. Without realising it, we allow them to build up within us until they have become the prime focus of our attention. We then feel unable to relax or enjoy ourselves. We grow too tense to think about anything other than the matter which is making us mad. It's crucial to let go of such feelings. Under the Full Moon in your opposite sign, you will find that a little levity, distraction or frivolity brings essential refreshment. That will make it much easier for you to see clearly. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


Many people have long ago given up all effort to distinguish fact from fiction. They have let it become a blur. But you can't afford to live in that kind of chaos. You'll go a long way toward establishing peace of mind by being honest with yourself, which is the root of all sanity. Next, you need to be direct, clear and gentle with the people around you. Give them a chance to speak, offer the benefit of the doubt, and then withhold judgement. There's no rush, and what you learn under this Full Moon will give you enormous insight. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!