- published: 20 Jan 2014
7 min 7 sec

How to be a Cholo
Buy a GETDOWNCRAZY T-shirt here: http://panicpop.com
Take a pic with my shirt and send it ...
published: 20 Jan 2014
How to be a Cholo
How to be a Cholo
Buy a GETDOWNCRAZY T-shirt here: http://panicpop.com Take a pic with my shirt and send it here MEMIK18@sbcglobal.net If you want to be a model at the end of my video "I'm BAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!" 5 steps on how to be a cholo! Take it in ESE's! -eGO- published: 20 Jan 2014
9 min 31 sec

HOW TO BE A PLAYER (W/ eGO the Cholo)
LIKE the FB- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cholo-Adventures/187429284615692
Written by : ...
published: 20 Jan 2014
HOW TO BE A PLAYER (W/ eGO the Cholo)
HOW TO BE A PLAYER (W/ eGO the Cholo)
LIKE the FB- http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cholo-Adventures/187429284615692 Written by : Eric G. Ochoa (EGO) eGO- http://twitter.com/SUPEReeeGO eGA the Chola (Alex) - http://youtube.com/mijitolex Gassy Girl - Genevieve Celeste http://www.facebook.com/genevieveceleste.LA?fref=ts Sleepy Mom - (Jessi) http://twitter.com/JensiJay Jamaican Girl - (Gaby) http://www.youtube.com/ohramceeey1 Camera/Edit - Justin butts - https://twitter.com/JustinButtsFilm SUBSCRIBE for MORE -eGO- published: 20 Jan 2014
7 min 55 sec

Don't Hit On Black Girls with Boyfriends - Cholo Adventure Tip
FaceBook/CaraBOOK -
HIT US up:
TWEET eGO - http...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Don't Hit On Black Girls with Boyfriends - Cholo Adventure Tip
Don't Hit On Black Girls with Boyfriends - Cholo Adventure Tip
FaceBook/CaraBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cholo-A... HIT US up: TWEET eGO - http://twitter.com/SupereeeGO IG - EGOtheCHOLO CHECK out "Things Mexicans Don't Like " - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6zYFi... Subscribe to Alex aka Sleepy Browns Channel: alexs youtube - http://youtube.com/mijitolex Tweet Sleepy brown - http://twitter.com/mijitolex Special Thanks to Josh Leyva - http://youtube.com/yomuscleboii AND Erica Santifer (We looove you) GETDOWNCRAZY tShirts/ NOW NEW DECALS - http://superegostuff.com -eGO- published: 20 Jan 2014
5 min 7 sec

Soulja boy Pretty boy swag official parody cholo boy swag
TWEET THIS!!! http://clicktotweet.com/5CTUD
Soulja Boy Pretty Boy Swag Parody!
published: 20 Jan 2014
Soulja boy Pretty boy swag official parody cholo boy swag
Soulja boy Pretty boy swag official parody cholo boy swag
TWEET THIS!!! http://clicktotweet.com/5CTUD Soulja Boy Pretty Boy Swag Parody! GET THIS ON ITUNES: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cholo-boy-swag/id387300994?i=387301018&uo;=4 CHOLO BOY SWAG!! *****THIS IS NOT A DISS TO SOULJA BOY******** *****I RESPECT HIS HUSLTE AND LIKE HIS MUSIC**** Shot, Directed, Editied by: Qbanguy ( me! ) http://twitter.com/qbnguy Written by: Spacejamgardenz http://www.youtube.com/spacejamgardenz Background music by: Spacejamgardenz @spacejamgardenz Starring: Lil' Moco ( lil' booger ): http://www.youtube.com/spacejamgardenz & http://twitter.com/spacejamgardenz CRICKET (danny) http://twitter.com/#!/cricketspad http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000428437736 Goggles Cholo: http://www.youtube.com/theboogshow Negro, the black Cholo: http://www.youtube.com/theboogshow Cricket : Danny Chola: Christina Baby Chola: Merriyah ( my neice!)- published: 20 Jan 2014
5 min 46 sec

Click here to tweet :) http://clicktotweet.com/iY4J6
Download "Preguntas" For free here! :...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Click here to tweet :) http://clicktotweet.com/iY4J6 Download "Preguntas" For free here! :) http://www.qbanguy.net/ Hey wassup guys! We loved Emmanuel's "Questions" music video so we thought it'd be funny if we did a cholo version to reach out to all the homies in the hood! We love Spokenreasons and we watch him all the time. Check out their channels here: YouTube.com/SpokenReasons YouTube.com/lile451 Follow us! http://twitter.com/qbnguy http://twitter.com/spacejamgardenz Beat created by Matt Houston: http://twitter.com/TheMattHouston If you don't know what cPixel is check them out http://cpixel.com EXTRA TAGS: ASKING ALL THEM QUESTIONS QUESTIONS VIDEO ASKING QUESTIONS CHOLO BOY SWAG CHOLO HYNA PREGUNTAS SKONKA CHOLO QUESTIONS DRIVE BYS CACA STOP READING MY EXTRA TAGS PUTO- published: 20 Jan 2014
7 min 19 sec

Cholo Adventures 24: POKEMON BATTLE (PARODY)
This is Probably our COOLEST CA YET! eNJOY! :)
The Cholos go up against Ass Catch'em (Or ...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Cholo Adventures 24: POKEMON BATTLE (PARODY)
Cholo Adventures 24: POKEMON BATTLE (PARODY)
This is Probably our COOLEST CA YET! eNJOY! :) The Cholos go up against Ass Catch'em (Or something like that)... It's their FIRST POKEMON Battle! eGO: http://twitter.com/SupereeeGO Sleepy Brown: http://twitter.com/mijitolex Buy a PEPE / GETDOWNCRAZY T-Shirt here: http://panicpop.com/shop.php Want to BE a SHIRT MODEL in the Next video? TAKE a picture with your shirt and send it HERE: EricGOchoa@yahoo.com Giant thanks to the Talented Homie VIC E Jay for his: Directing/Producing/Editing skills (Subscribe to him): http://www.youtube.com/user/iVicEJay also a Special thanks to Andrew: http://www.youtube.com/user/THIRSTYFILM Check out my Second Channel where i Communicate with the Fans: http://www.youtube.com/user/MyAltereeeGO Subscribe! ;) Te Amo less than tres! Tu amigo eGO- published: 20 Jan 2014
5 min 20 sec

Plank Like A Cholo
Amigos...Wanna help me MAKE A SHOE?!
Help me with submitting idea/pictures/video specific...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Plank Like A Cholo
Plank Like A Cholo
Amigos...Wanna help me MAKE A SHOE?! Help me with submitting idea/pictures/video specifically to your shoe: http://apps.facebook.com/tweakfootwearpro/?design=se I Thought planking was dumb at first...but that SH*T is fun! COP- Pablo Hernandez http://twitter.com/hipablo Shot/Edited by Gus http://twitter.com/GusIsKiller music by: http://youtube.com/ninediamond Visit http://extremeplankingusa.com funny planking pictures- published: 20 Jan 2014
3 min 11 sec

El Cholo ''El 50'' - Jesus Ojeda y Sus Parientes (Video Oficial) 2012 HD
Estreno de Jesus Ojeda y Sus Parientes titulado El Cholo ''El 50'' - Video Oficial - 2012,...
published: 20 Jan 2014
El Cholo ''El 50'' - Jesus Ojeda y Sus Parientes (Video Oficial) 2012 HD
El Cholo ''El 50'' - Jesus Ojeda y Sus Parientes (Video Oficial) 2012 HD
Estreno de Jesus Ojeda y Sus Parientes titulado El Cholo ''El 50'' - Video Oficial - 2012, Espero y sea de su agrado - Dejen un buen Comentario =D - Producido por: Vipromu Films - Subscribete a mi Canal: http://www.youtube.com/user/ReyesElIndividual- published: 20 Jan 2014
9 min 40 sec

Cholo Adventures 27 - "I'm a Lover, Not a Fighter"
The Adventure continues lokos! Sleepy Mom has stopped her relationship with eGO. Sleepy Br...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Cholo Adventures 27 - "I'm a Lover, Not a Fighter"
Cholo Adventures 27 - "I'm a Lover, Not a Fighter"
The Adventure continues lokos! Sleepy Mom has stopped her relationship with eGO. Sleepy Brown makes a new friend..or does he? SUB to my NEW CHANNEL! - http://www.youtube.com/user/amieeeGO Written/Directed/Edited by: Eric G.Ochoa (aka eGO) GDC tee- http://superegostuff.com CHO-LOW Shoes - http://www.tweakfootwear.com/shoes/cho-lows/ Have an idea you want to share with me? tweet me: http://twitter.com/SupereeeGO LIKE us on FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cholo-Adventures/187429284615692 Subscribe to the Cast: Sleepy Brown/Alex - http://youtube.com/Mijitolex Sleepy Mom/Jessi - http://youtube.com/jensijay Hyper Girl/Gabriela - http://youtube.com/ohramceeey1 Special thx to: Josh Leyva Jessica Prado & the Duckies in the pond. Musica: http://youtube.com/ninediamond -eGO- published: 20 Jan 2014
2 min 55 sec

Cholos Bailando Cumbia Parody
GETDownCrazy T-SHIRTS HERE: http://panicpop.com/
An exaggerated parody to this Original v...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Cholos Bailando Cumbia Parody
Cholos Bailando Cumbia Parody
GETDownCrazy T-SHIRTS HERE: http://panicpop.com/ An exaggerated parody to this Original video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzNJZQm6Q1Q Comment/Subscribe http://twitter.com/supereeego -eGO Cumbia Beat originally composed by: DJ Gynetikz AKA GutterGabe- http://www.youtube.com/user/GutterGABE Download beat here: http://limelinx.com/files/d91383b0b9397d5b31ec0fe22669d718 Special Thanks to: Tony JimmyA562 Javier Rafa Abraham Carlos Mike Humbert Jessi (sleepy mom)- published: 20 Jan 2014
4 min 15 sec

click here and tweet this :) http://clicktotweet.com/7h81f
published: 20 Jan 2014
click here and tweet this :) http://clicktotweet.com/7h81f SHARE THIS ON FACEBOOK :) **this is a cholo version of mrdeshawnraw rap battle parody*** **his video was so hilarious we wanted to do it so people could see what cholos could say*** Follow me @spacejamgardenz :) Cricket: http://twitter.com/cricketspad Host: Goggles http://youtube.com/theboogshow Hype man: Negro http://youtube.com/theboogshow Shot and edited by: Qbanguy http://youtube.com/qbanguy EXTRA TAGS: RAP BATTLE PARODY PART 4 RAP BATTLE 4 RAP BATTLE PT. 4 MRDESHAWNRAW CHRIS ROCK RAP BATTLE PARODY 4- published: 20 Jan 2014
5 min 4 sec

Don't Hit on Girls With Boyfriends - Cholo Adventure Tip
FaceBook/CaraBOOK -
published: 20 Jan 2014
Don't Hit on Girls With Boyfriends - Cholo Adventure Tip
Don't Hit on Girls With Boyfriends - Cholo Adventure Tip
YES, We're ACTORS. HAH Much LOVE! FaceBook/CaraBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cholo-Adventures/187429284615692 TWEET me- http://twitter.com/SupereeeGO CHECK out "Things Mexicans Don't Like " - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6zYFi0n3_A&feature;=relmfu Subscribe to Alex aka Sleepy Browns Channel: http://youtube.com/mijitolex http://twitter.com/mijitolex GETDOWNCRAZY tShirts/ NOW NEW DECALS - http://undocumentedproductions.com/store.html (Portion of profit sales go towards the movie 'DREAMER' a story that supports the DREAM ACT) Special Thanks to Josh Leyva - http://youtube.com/yomuscleboii Silvia Munoz -eGO- published: 20 Jan 2014
12 min 39 sec

Cholo Adventures 26 "How eGO and Sleepy Brown Met" (Part 2)
WATCH part 1 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&annotation;_id=annotation_512970...
published: 20 Jan 2014
Cholo Adventures 26 "How eGO and Sleepy Brown Met" (Part 2)
Cholo Adventures 26 "How eGO and Sleepy Brown Met" (Part 2)
WATCH part 1 here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&annotation;_id=annotation_512970&v;=SLRmVJm6z5k&src;_vid=dYbhQMMr7YI Watch Bloopers/Outtakes here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XmqxHIyMh4 Commentary COMING SOON. Cholo Adventures 26 - "How eGO and Sleepy Brown Met" (Part 2) Where it all Began. LIKE US on FB: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cholo-Adventures/187429284615692 For business only EricGOchoa@yahooo.com Cholo Adventures CREATED BY Eric G Ochoa (eGO) Episode 26 - WRITTEN BY Victor Giovanny Parra Eric Ochoa Alejandro Arredondo DIRECTED BY Victor Giovanny Parra Starring: Victor Giovanny Parra - http://twitter.com/parrashow http://YouTube.com/VictorGParra Eric Ochoa - http://twitter.com/SupereeeGO http://youtube.com/MyAltereeeGO (the "Behind the scenes of my Life" Channel) Alejandro Arredondo - http://twitter.com/mijitolex http://youtube.com/mijitolex (Subscribe! He now has a Channel!;) Rick Carter - http://twitter.com/rickyshucks http://youtube.com/ibeshucks Jessica Duarte - http://twitter.com/jensijay http://youtube.com/jensijay Nella Young Erica Santifer - http://twitter.com/sweetsantifer Michael Ramirez Sam Sulam Bart Kwan & Joe Jo AKA - Justkiddigfilms (Thank you GUYS for the awesome CAMEO!) http://www.youtube.com/user/JustKiddingFilms y LA SLEEPY BITCH! SUBSCRIBE to the Epic-Cholotastic 2 Part ADVENTURE!!! Special Thanks to: Jorge- http://twitter.com/JRMun0z Gaby - http://twitter.com/0hGaby Maria Briana Andrew - http://youtube.com/ThirstyFilm Michael (HDFlat) - http://www.youtube.com/HDFlatBeats Johnny (NINEDIAMOND) for Music: http://youtube.com/NineDiamond & Johnny's Family for all the LOVE and FOOD they Gave us filming in and out of their house for like a month! haha ;) AND Special Thanks again to Victor G. Parra for his Time, love, and Penis into this Project! We LOVE you GUEY! -Te aMO -eGO- published: 20 Jan 2014
Vimeo results:

Han Cholo presents, HOLLYWOOD FOREVER, a Guy Logan short film.
A sexy inside look of the ...
published: 05 Oct 2010
author: Han Cholo
Han Cholo presents, HOLLYWOOD FOREVER, a Guy Logan short film.
A sexy inside look of the world of Han Cholo Jewelry. Check out their cutting edge styles at www.hancholo.com

Chaz Bojorquez- Godfather of Cholo style letters
ACCLAIM was blessed to sit down with the legendary Chaz Bojorquez during his time in Melbo...
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: ACCLAIM Magazine
Chaz Bojorquez- Godfather of Cholo style letters
ACCLAIM was blessed to sit down with the legendary Chaz Bojorquez during his time in Melbourne earlier this year. Chaz discusses his artistic origins, the special place that his art occupies in the streets of LA and demonstrates his iconic hand-lettering style exclusively for acclaimmag.com
Soundtrack by Dyl Thomas:

South American Cholo
"South American Cholo" is a short documentary that examines São Paulo's fascinating cultur...
published: 29 Dec 2012
author: Smiley
South American Cholo
"South American Cholo" is a short documentary that examines São Paulo's fascinating cultura chicana, the Portuguese name given to the scene inspired by North American gang culture. The film features interviews with major personalities and icons from the movement such as Estevan Oriol, Duel, Luiz Gordo and Alemão, who take viewers through the world of lowriders, tattoos, religion and fashion as they recount why they're so passionate about culture chicana and why they relate so much to those living the life in East Los Angeles. "South American Cholo" shows that despite the violence associated with gang culture, the Brazilian interpretation provokes the deeper question of what it means to truly be a cholo and still maintain a Brazilian identity. Release date: Spring 2013.
"South American Cholo" é um curto documentário que examina a cultura chicana de São Paulo inspirada na cultura das gangues norte-americanas. O filme apresenta entrevistas com personalidades importantes e ícones, como por exemplo Estevan Oriol, Duel, Luiz Gordo e Alemão, levando o espectador para o universo dos lowriders, tatuagens, da religião e da moda além de contar por que eles são tão apaixonado pela cultura chicana e como vêem semelhanças entre eles e aqueles que vivem a vida no leste de Los Angeles. Apesar das associações violentas com a cultura de gangues, South American Cholo apresenta questões mais importantes e profundas. O que significa ser verdadeiramente um cholo e ainda preservar uma identidade brasileira. Data de lançamento: Outono 2013.
Give us a Like on Facebook to keep up with all the news around the documentary! http://www.facebook.com/SouthAmericanCholo
For press inquiries, contact us at sleepy [at] southamericancholo [dot] com.
Director & Producer: Phuong-Cac Nguyen
Cinematography & Editing: Rodrigo Fonseca
Photography: Adalberto Rossette & Rodrigo Fonseca
Consultant: William Baglione / Society Under Construction
Trailer/teaser soundtrack by Alvos da Lei, used with kind permission from the band.

"Mountain Dew" ;)
Weekend trip from above....
published: 26 Sep 2011
author: Robson Cholo
"Mountain Dew" ;)
Weekend trip from above.