Last updated: December 17, 2013

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National Breaking News

Unis say too soon to rate funding success

IT'S too early to say whether letting universities enrol as many students as they want has affected graduate quality, the sector's peak body says.

But Universities Australia says repeated recommendations, from a range of expert reviews, for more funding should be heeded.

Demand-driven funding, introduced at the start of 2012, means the federal government doesn't cap the number of undergraduate places it will provide money for.

The government announced in November that Howard-era education minister David Kemp and Grattan Institute program director Andrew Norton would review the new system.

In its submission to the review, Universities Australia notes the first students to enrol under the new system are still at least a year away from graduating.

When places were capped, tens of thousands of eligible students were denied university educations.

"There is little evidence at this stage to suggest inferiority compared to the capped, centrally planned system, or that it is affecting the quality of higher education," the submission states.

It recommends that a comprehensive analysis be done in a few years' time once there is ample evidence of graduate outcomes, saying it might take 10 years to fully understand the impact.

Universities Australia plans to commission a discussion paper in early 2014 to look at options for different funding models.

Submissions to the funding review closed on Monday.

A final report is due in mid-February.