The LAROM is a Romanian native-made, highly mobile, multiple rocket launcher, attached to a DAC-25.360 6x6 truck, in service with the Romanian Land Forces, built in collaboration with Israel. Currently there are 24 systems in service, all operated by the 8th Mixed Artillery Brigade. Most likely it was influenced by the BM-21 Grad 122 mm multiple rocket launcher (MRL) system which entered service with the Soviet Army in 1963 also utilizing a six-by-six truck chassis fitted with a bank of 40 122mm launch tubes arranged in a rectangular shape that can be turned away from the unprotected cabin.
The LAROM standard launch pod containers hold 13 LAR Mk IV rockets or 20 GRAD rockets, with two pods on a launcher.
The LAROM can operate with the standard 122 mm rockets, as well as with the more advanced 160 mm rocket, with a strike range between 20 and 45 km. The GRAD 122 mm rocket is utilised to suppress and annihilate concentrated targets. It has an 18 kg high-explosive warhead, a range of approximately 20 km and can be fired in salvos of up to 2 rounds per second.
(A. Pagliuca - A. Tagliapietra)
Cemento armato la grande città
senti la vita che se ne va
vicino a casa non si respira,
è sempre buio ci si dispera.
Ci son più sirene nell'aria
che canti di usignoli.
E meglio fuggire e non tornare più.
Dolce risveglio il sole è con me.
Nell'aria le note di una chitarra.
la casa è lontana, gli amici di ieri,
è tutto svanito , non li ricordo più.
Cemento armato la grande città