Last Updated: December 15, 2013

Weather: Melbourne 11°C - 23°C . Becoming sunny.


Maidens bowl over the fans at AAMI Park

MELBOURNE'S most controversial new spectator sport - lingerie football - went off without a hitch last night. Well, almost.

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Herald Sun

Santa baby, don't cry

Santa baby, do...

IT was as if the North Pole's blustery chill had swept through Highpoint Shopping Centre as children froze in the presence of their red-coated Christmas idol.

Swift's rise doesn't leave fans behind

Swift's rise doesn't lea...

JUST four years ago American country singer Taylor Swift was playing at the intimate Billboard nightclub in Melbourne.

Lingerie girls take centre field

Lingerie girls take centre field

A BEVY of beautiful girls wowed a crowd of more than 3000 playing in low-cut bikini and briefs as lingerie football came to Melbourne.

Herman eyes Valentine's Day release

Herman eyes Valentine's Day...

EXCLUSIVE: THE brute who left Maria Korp to die in a car boot, and who this year tried to marry her lesbian lover in jail, is ­eligible for release on Valentine's Day.

From style icon to murder victim

From style icon to murder victim

THE outpourings of grief following Stuart Rattle's death last week would later fall into two categories - before and after.

Savings, home loans and credit cards compared by Mozo

From around the site

Style police: best dressed

Style police: best dressed

WHO rocked the red carpet best with not a fashion faux pas in sight? See who blew us away this week with their stunning style choices. Check in with the Style Police.

50 great Christmas recipes

50 great Christmas recipes

FROM turkey to trifle, from prawns to pavlova: here are the 50 recipes you'll want on hand to creative a festive feast this Christmas.

Mandela to be buried today

Mandela to be buried today

THE kings and chiefs of South Africa's Thembu tribe are preparing to tell their ancestors to make room for a new arrival, Chief Nelson Mandela.

Santa baby, don't cry

Santa baby, do...

IT was as if the North Pole's blustery chill had swept through Highpoint Shopping Centre as children froze in the presence of their red-coated Christmas idol.

Swift's rise doesn't leave fans behind

Swift's rise doesn't lea...

JUST four years ago American country singer Taylor Swift was playing at the intimate Billboard nightclub in Melbourne.

AFL bans Hird from Christmas party

AFL bans Hird from Christmas party

THE AFL has banned Essendon coach James Hird and footy boss Danny Corcoran from attending the club's Christmas party.

Holden 'owes workers' the truth

Holden 'owes workers...

HOLDEN'S future has dominated a heated Question Time after Warren Truss and Joe Hockey pressured them to be "fair dinkum" with Australians.

Fanning claims third world title

Fanning claims third world title

MICK Fanning produced an epic ride under pressure to secure his third surfing world title at the Pipe Masters.

Elle stays cool over hubby's law suit

Elle stays cool over hubby's ...

ELLE Macpherson gave nothing away as she jetted out of Heathrow Airport for Miami, where her billionaire husband is facing a $100m wrongful death lawsuit.


Roo a leader in the making

Roo a leader in the making

NICK Dal Santo says he will become a leader next season - regardless if he's invited into the official leadership group.

Stressed, moody, hormonal? How eating can fix it

Stressed, moody, hormonal? How eating can fix it

IF the hectic lead up to Christmas is playing havoc with your hormones, here's an eating plan to heal your abused endocrine system.