Last updated: December 15, 2013

Weather: Sydney 19°C - 24°C . Morning shower or two.

Tell your boss 'no' and keep your job

Tell your boss 'no' and...

ARE you snowed under at work and can't find a way to break it to the boss? Here's how to say 'no' to your boss, without actually saying 'no'.

Jamie's on the hunt for 100 staff

Jamie's on the hunt for 10...

CELEBRITY chef Jamie Oliver is recruiting 100 staff for his new Adelaide restaurant, due to open next year.

Women ruin fellow females' careers

Women ruin fellow females' ...

WOMEN have become the sisterhood's worst enemy, with research revealing they're holding themselves back by "stepping on another lady's throat".

The worst Christmas gifts ever

The worst Christmas gifts ever

YOU'VE worked hard all year, only to be rewarded with this? A global survey reveals that gifts that some companies got really, really wrong.

What kind of worker are you?

What kind of worker are you?

THERE are three types of people in the workforce and they have a very different way of approaching their job. There's a simple way to work out which one you are.

10 things your boss won't tell you

10 things your boss won't t...

EVER suspected your boss isn't giving you the full picture? Here are 10 things most managers think but never say.

Bosses reveal the worst Christmas party sins

YOU'VE worked hard all year and it's time to kick back. But there are certain party sins you don't want to commit. Bosses tell us what you should never, ever do.

The worst business jargon of 2013

YOU'VE suspected it forever and now it's official. The most overused business words for 2013 are in. Read and banish them from your vocabulary forever.

Five ways to get out of a work slump

Five ways to get out of a work slump

ARE you totally over your job? We've got the tips to help you find the motivation to get out of bed each morning.

Don't let November get the better of you

Don't let November get the bette...

WITH end of year parties, the Christmas rush and work deadlines, November is always stressful. So how can you own that To Do list and start December with a bang?

Lessons from people who love their jobs

THERE are people out there who truly love their jobs. Passionate about their professions. Motivated by Monday mornings. Honestly. We have proof.

13 things winners refuse to do

13 things winners refuse to do

WINNERS take calculated risks, they don't feel sorry for themselves and they don't make mistakes over and over again. Follow these rules and you too could be mentally tough.

'I know what my staff do minute by minute'

'I know what my staff do minute by minute'

MAUREEN Shelley is a self-described "control freak" who monitors everything her employees do. But she doesn't care if they skive off during work hours. Is she the world's best boss?

Eight things entrepreneurs won't tell you

Eight things entrepreneurs won't...

SO YOU want to start your own billion dollar business? Here are the secrets every successful entrepreneur knows, but won't be sharing.

Who is Justice Lucy McCallum?

Who is Justice Lucy McCallum?

SHE'S the "energiser bunny" at the centre of Australia's most high profile media trial. So who is the 'unstoppable' Justice Lucy McCallum?

10 things billionaires won't admit

10 things billionaires won't admit

THEY'RE the elite few that are in control of the world's wealth, but here are 10 secrets billionaires won't be putting in their self-help books.

Ten signs you're not entrepreneur material

Richard Branson

LOVE your sleep-ins? Don't like ramen noodles? You may not make it as an entrepreneur. Check out this list for signs you might be better off doing something else.

Climbing the ranks: First jobs of CEOs

Climbing the ranks: First jobs of CEOs

THESE CEOs weren't born with a silver spoon in their mouths. From working at Hooters to selling budgies, take a look at what some did before they hit the big time.

Secrets of the world's biggest CEO factory

Secrets of the world's biggest CEO factory

IT'S one of the most exclusive and expensive schools on the planet, churning out plenty of politicians and CEOs. So what happens behind closed doors?