Last updated: December 15, 2013

Weather: Sydney 19°C - 24°C . Morning shower or two.

China's lunar rover 'lands on moon'

CHINA'S first lunar rover landed on the moon on Saturday, state television showed, in the first soft landing on the moon in nearly four decades.

The universe could collapse on us right now

LOOK out. The universe could be about to collapse and squeeze us all into a tiny ball. And it could happen TODAY, according to scientists.

Stargazers ready for huge meteor shower

Stargazers ready for huge meteor shower

A SPECTACULAR light display is expected in the night sky as an annual meteor shower rains hundreds of meteors in to the Earth's atmosphere.

Unreal: The universe could be a hologram

Unreal: The universe could be a hologram

WHAT if our reality is all just a projection? There is astounding new evidence to back it up, thanks to a crack team of science boffins.

Scramble to fix space station cooling

International Space Station

NASA is rushing to fix a breakdown in the cooling system at the International Space Station, which risks delaying the Orbital Sciences' first mission.

Research could help us 'live to 500'

LIVING to the ripe old age of 500 might be a possibility if what works for worms can apply to humans, a study has shown.

Deer's shockingly bold move stuns hunter

THIS hunter only had deer in his sights. But when one clueless (or ballsy) little dude walked right up to him, he had to hold his fire. Then it made a move for the rifle.

Humans are way down the food chain

More like an anchovy than you think...

WE MAY think we're top dog on Planet Earth but a new study shows humans are a long way down the food chain, right by anchovies!

Random things more dangerous than sharks

Random things more dangerous than sharks

SHARK attacks are shocking. But statistically speaking, there are many other things more likely to cause a violent death. Like cows.

Technology Deals

On iPhone 5s from Telstra and Optus

Including Double Data and $100 Visa Card

Men and women's brains wired differently

WOMEN aren't very good at reading maps, and men are incapable of multi-tasking. Outdated stereotypes or just how our brains are wired?

What farmyard animal do we come from?

A LEADING geneticist has made a startling claim, saying that humans may be descended from sex between a chimp and a farmyard animal. But which one?

Will spare-part surgery lead to this?


TRANSPLANTS and plastic surgery are already commonplace. So what comes next? A professor says Dr Who's iconic Cybermen are a chilling warning.

Stone-age Steve Jobs changed world

Stone-age Steve Jobs changed world

SOMEWHERE in our history is a caveman Steve Jobs. His "iStone" changed the world - and was a lot more deadly than a tablet.

'Stunning' tsunami record found in cave

Boxing Day Tsunami

SCIENTISTS have discovered a cave in Sumatra that provides a "stunning" record of Indian Ocean tsunamis over thousands of years.

Skulls reveal ancient female sacrifice

Sacrifice site

ARCHAEOLOGISTS have unearthed the skulls of more than 80 young women who may have been sacrificed more than 4000 years ago.

Archaeologists find 10,000 year old house

10,000 year old house

ARCHAEOLOGISTS have uncovered a 10,000 year old house near Jerusalem showing "evidence of man's transition to permanent dwellings."