Last updated: December 15, 2013

Weather: Sydney 19°C - 24°C . Morning shower or two.


Thought for the day 15 December 2013

Remember, your Love Forecast today doesn't just cover romance. A love forecast may also have something to say about your family life, your closest friendships and even some of your most important working relationships.

I've just recorded your new week ahead freespoken forecast. Many people say that my audio and video forecasts are truly helpful. Why don't you try for yourself? Click here!

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: The world is full of people who seem happy to settle for second-best. It is not that they don't possess powers of discrimination, more that these abilities are subjugated to a stronger psychological imperative - the fear of failure. We think that if we reach for too much, we will encounter only disappointment. So, it is best to quit when we are just a little way ahead. If you can only overcome that urge with regard to some aspect of your emotional life, you may yet make an amazing breakthrough. Don't talk yourself into accepting a raw deal. Find out what the planets say about your love, money and career prospects in 2014. Order your 2014 'Guide to the Future' now!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: Stress isn't over yet. You wish it was and that's understandable. It is a wish that stands a high chance of being granted. Soon, you may draw towards the end of a drama. Much that currently seems uncertain and confused should become clear and smooth again, at least for a while. Right now, though, we find you juggling with the emotional equivalent of new-laid eggs. Or building towers with blocks of jelly. Nothing is yet as stable as it is going to become. A little more time needs to pass first. So, go carefully and try please, not to worry. I've just recorded your new week ahead freespoken forecast. Many people say that my audio and video forecasts are truly helpful. Why don't you try for yourself? Click here!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: When we allow ourselves to love someone, we allow ourselves to become a little vulnerable. When we decide that we feel safe somewhere, we expose ourselves to the risk of losing that sense of protection. The people and things we care about the most have the potential to cause us the greatest anxiety. You now yearn to feel that you have a stronger base. The changing cosmic climate, is offering to help you fulfil this wish. Nothing needs to leave your world now, other than an unnecessary sense of fear. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!.


Apr 21 - May 21


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: Tomorrow is going to come. You can't just sit around pretending that it won't. There will be a day of reckoning. There will come a moment when you have to account for yourself. If all you are doing, by putting something off, is shifting a source of pain from the present to the future, you are not being wise. But where there is a genuine chance of making an emotional investment that creates the potential to make tomorrow sweeter than today, you really ought to hold on for a while and review some options. I've just recorded your new week ahead freespoken forecast. Many people say that my audio and video forecasts are truly helpful. Why don't you try for yourself? Click here!


May 22 - June 22


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: How many stars are in the sky? How many grains of sand are on the beach? How many humans now live upon the face of the earth? In amongst these vast numbers, who are you? What makes your existence any more important than that of any other speck of cosmic dust? I ask, not to belittle you but to inspire you. You may be no more important but you are no less important, either - and you are entitled to a happier emotional life. If others matter, you matter. It is time to claim the power to which you are entitled. Find out what the planets say about your love, money and career prospects in 2014. Order your 2014 'Guide to the Future' now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: Do you want to have it all? Hardly. Stability, plain and simple, would suit you fine. Is that truly as remote as you fear? Let us remember that nobody in this world enjoys real emotional security. There's always a risk that something will go wrong. There is always a chance that things will change. As with love, so with money and all that we cherish and chase after. The stars now speak of your quest for comfort. You can have it; it is attainable and available but only once you recognise that it actually is a frame of mind. I've just recorded your new week ahead freespoken forecast. Many people say that my audio and video forecasts are truly helpful. Why don't you try for yourself? Click here!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: You can come further in or go further out. You can grow more detached or get more involved. You can walk away gracefully or stride in purposefully. What you can't do, though, is sit on the fence. Almost any decision is now better than indecision. Probably, though, you should choose in favour of greater engagement. You can yet make a valuable contribution to a difficult situation. If you give more of a commitment in your emotional life now, it won't be easy, but it will become very rewarding. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: There seems to be a lot at stake. You appear to be in a precarious position that you cannot really turn back from. Rather like a diver at the end of a board, you feel apprehensive. The 'jump' that you now feel obliged to make is a big one. The only logical thing to do is to make it with all your heart, all your soul and most importantly, all your skill. To dwell on fears and minor misgivings is not just wrong, it's dangerous. To improve your emotional outlook, summon your confidence, draw on your experience and do your best. I've just recorded your new week ahead freespoken forecast. Many people say that my audio and video forecasts are truly helpful. Why don't you try for yourself? Click here!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: Like little grains of sand on some enormous beach, we humans dwell in our billions on the surface of this planet. We see ourselves as big and important yet we are tiny, temporary entities. How much influence can any of us have? Happily, the forces that govern the cosmos somehow manage to make room for us all to have a say in how our futures unfold. Here comes a reason to believe that you can make a difference. Prepare to be inspired and to see the true positive potential of a personal relationship. Find out what the planets say about your love, money and career prospects in 2014. Order your 2014 'Guide to the Future' now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: If you want to ensure that your emotional and personal life is as fulfilling as possible, you can't necessarily trust what you think but you can undoubtedly afford to have faith in what you feel. It is now as if you are establishing a cosmic connection to some deep source of wisdom. You will continue to have clarity as long as you can keep unreasonable emotional reactions at bay. Beware of powerful passions and intense anxieties. Neither is as important as you may now be inclined to imagine. Stay calm and you will stay clear. I've just recorded your new week ahead freespoken forecast. Many people say that my audio and video forecasts are truly helpful. Why don't you try for yourself? Click here!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: Don't make promises to yourself that you probably can't keep because, if there is one thing worse than being let down by something or someone, it is being let down by yourself. So get into a position where that can't happen. Set your heart only on goals that truly inspire you. Reach for big dreams on the understanding that if you can't catch them, you will forgive yourself and try again. Then, start working on the assumption that the best is yet to come. You have not made a mistake. An emotional investment will pay off. 2014 is almost here. What's going to happen? What does it mean for you? Find out in your 2014 'Guide to the Future'. Get yours now!.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


Your Week Ahead - Love Focus: Things are not working out quite the way you thought they would, but they are working out. That suggests you are on the right road. You are doing what you once thought you would never be able to do, much though you wanted to. You have lately found the courage to make a brave gesture of faith. Now, you are wondering just how wise that was. There is only one way to find out. Carry on. If you want to, you can feed the fire of doubt with a small, current concern. But if you just ignore this, the doubt will disappear. I've just recorded your new week ahead freespoken forecast. Many people say that my audio and video forecasts are truly helpful. Why don't you try for yourself? Click here!