Last Updated: December 16, 2013

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Fiery blast over compo

Andrew McLeod

Andrew McLeod with wife Rachel, kids Connor and Maddison and proud father Jock McLeod. Picture: RAY TITUS Source: News Limited

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Andrew McLeod's Letter Source: NTNews

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Andrew McLeod's Letter Source: NTNews

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AFL legend Andrew McLeod has slammed the NT Government in an open letter for refusing to introduce legislation that would give Territory firefighters access to compensation for treatment of cancer.

The former Adelaide Crows star's dad, Jock McLeod, is one of four firefighters who are battling cancer that they believe developed after decades of exposure to carcinogens and toxic fumes while fighting fires in the Northern Territory. Earlier this week Mr McLeod's compensation claim was knocked back by the Territory Insurance Office who say they are bound to act within the confines of NT legislation.

READ: Andrew McLeod's full letter

Under NT law the onus of proving the cancer was developed while on the job is on firefighters. Ironically it is already legally recognised in Australia under Commonwealth legislation, so fire fighters working at the Darwin Airport are covered under their own presumptive legislation while all other Territory firefighters aren't.

The South Australian Parliament this month also passed a scheme giving firefighters workers' compensation without having to prove the cancer arose specifically from fighting fires.

In his letter Mr McLeod, whose mother Marie McLeod passed away from cancer herself this year, calls on Territory leaders to have the courage to make the tough decisions, adding that the NT Government needs to "start looking after Territorians".

He states growing up as a child he wanted to be a fireman but was steered away after witnessing everything his father had been through.

"He has, for the record, served over 45 years in this job. I know these men personally and they never seek to be lauded in any way, they never brag about the lives they have saved or ever disclose about the lives they couldn't save.

"My dad and his mates, that they are saying don't warrant compensation and should have to prove which fire it was that caused the cancer, never once questioned going head first into a fire without the right protective gear, or did they think twice about choosing to stay behind and rebuild Darwin after Cyclone Tracy destroyed it. It has been interesting to read the stance, or lack of one, on the 'presumptive legislation' that should enable Territory firefighters to access compensation for treatment of cancer related illnesses.

"My dad was diagnosed with cancer along with some other amazing men that I grew up idolising as a young boy in Darwin and Katherine. Many hours of my youth were spent at the Old Daly street fire station watching everyday heroes suiting up to battle a blaze or rush off to pull another fellow Territorian out of a car wreck or burning building. Something that you and I could only dream of."

TIO says no compo for ailing firefighter

Mr McLeod is a Norm Smith medallist and the Territory's greatest AFL export, having played 340 AFL games between 1995 and 2010. He also captained the All-Australian and Indigenous All Stars teams, and was an NT Thunder premiership player in 2011.

"It's about time the Government had a good look at themselves and what they stand for, because at the moment it seems very little. If they want to have an impact and be a part of the Territory, then maybe they should start looking after Territorians."

Earlier this year the NT Opposition attempted to introduce a Bill seeking legislation to assist firies in getting compensation, but it was not supported by the NT Government which, instead, will consider the issue as part of a wider review into the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act.

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  • Matt of Darwin Posted at 5:05 PM December 15, 2013

    John, the fact there have been studies into the cancer rates of firefighters in Europe, UK and US that have shown that firefighters have higher cancer rates than the public and have introduced legislation to cover them. In Australia this has been recognised with the Federal Govt, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia all passing similar laws to look after Fireys. It is damning on the CLP that the NT was the only jurisdiction in Australia not to have bipartisan support. If you think its all about money you are not only callous but a fool!

  • John of Darwin Posted at 10:03 AM December 15, 2013

    What a beat up this story is where is the proof the cancer was caused by their working conditions? The simple fact there is none zilch zero. Thousands and thousands of people have served the NT Fire Services without any issues to me this is a blame game with $$$$ signs in the eyes.

  • EnoughSaid of Ludmilla Posted at 8:53 AM December 15, 2013

    Good luck with TIO, I have been fighting with them for ages just to get them to recognise yoga in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder. I have a massive amount of medical evidence that supports my position and many jurisdictions throughout Australia and the World accept the role that yoga plays in managing anxiety disorders. Not TIO though, come on TIO get your game into the 21st century and at least help these brave workers. Shame on you TIO, shame on you.

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