
World's Deadliest - Elephant Seal vs. Elephant Seal
World's Deadliest: Animal Battles : FRI NOV 2 at 8P et/pt : http://animals.nationalgeograp...
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: NatGeoWild
World's Deadliest - Elephant Seal vs. Elephant Seal
World's Deadliest - Elephant Seal vs. Elephant Seal
World's Deadliest: Animal Battles : FRI NOV 2 at 8P et/pt : http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals When two bull elephant seals square off, things can...- published: 22 Mar 2012
- views: 826534
- author: NatGeoWild

Elephant Seal on the Loose
A diver is faced with an angry elephant seal. DO OR DIE AIRS THURSDAYS at 7P....
published: 24 Jan 2014
Elephant Seal on the Loose
Elephant Seal on the Loose
A diver is faced with an angry elephant seal. DO OR DIE AIRS THURSDAYS at 7P.- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 10637

Male elephant seals defend territory - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife
David Attenborough shows how a male elephant seal protects his harem. From the BBC....
published: 09 Feb 2007
author: BBCWorldwide
Male elephant seals defend territory - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife
Male elephant seals defend territory - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife
David Attenborough shows how a male elephant seal protects his harem. From the BBC.- published: 09 Feb 2007
- views: 338901
- author: BBCWorldwide

Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2013
Supergiant Animals BBC documentary
Steve Backshall travels across the world to encounter ...
published: 26 Sep 2013
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2013
Supergiant Animals BBC Full Documentary 2013
Supergiant Animals BBC documentary Steve Backshall travels across the world to encounter the most charismatic supergiant animals and discovers the remarkable things that their size enables them to do. Highlights include Steve swimming with Nile crocodiles in Botswana, dodging two-ton elephant seals in California and diving with sperm whales in the Caribbean.- published: 26 Sep 2013
- views: 399

Curious Baby Elephant Seal
A baby elephant seal curious, brave, and too comfortable with and among people it turns ou...
published: 03 Apr 2010
author: fotomotofotograf
Curious Baby Elephant Seal
Curious Baby Elephant Seal
A baby elephant seal curious, brave, and too comfortable with and among people it turns out. Petermann island, Antarctica. Below is a longer description in r...- published: 03 Apr 2010
- views: 1051085
- author: fotomotofotograf

Elephant Seals - Life in the Freezer - BBC
Elephant seals gather on a breeding beach, and the beachmaster starts to fight off rival m...
published: 07 Apr 2012
author: BBCEarth
Elephant Seals - Life in the Freezer - BBC
Elephant Seals - Life in the Freezer - BBC
Elephant seals gather on a breeding beach, and the beachmaster starts to fight off rival males. Amazing clip from BBC One's Life in the Freezer, with David A...- published: 07 Apr 2012
- views: 29006
- author: BBCEarth

Walrus/Elephant Seal Smashes Into Cars
Walrus/Elephant Seal Smashes Into Cars. New Zealand....
published: 27 Jun 2008
author: John Smith
Walrus/Elephant Seal Smashes Into Cars
Walrus/Elephant Seal Smashes Into Cars
Walrus/Elephant Seal Smashes Into Cars. New Zealand.- published: 27 Jun 2008
- views: 277207
- author: John Smith

Elephant Seals: Our Window to the Ocean
A ten minute documentary depicting the remarkable and uplifting story of the northern elep...
published: 24 Jan 2010
author: Benjamin Bettenhausen
Elephant Seals: Our Window to the Ocean
Elephant Seals: Our Window to the Ocean
A ten minute documentary depicting the remarkable and uplifting story of the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris). Since time immemorial, vast nu...- published: 24 Jan 2010
- views: 14619
- author: Benjamin Bettenhausen

how to cuddle with an elephant seal.mp4
published: 23 Sep 2011
author: CasaNostraSiciliano
how to cuddle with an elephant seal.mp4
how to cuddle with an elephant seal.mp4
- published: 23 Sep 2011
- views: 125748
- author: CasaNostraSiciliano

Birth of an elephant seal
An elephant seal gives birth then bonds with her pup.They call to each other and the pup l...
published: 04 Nov 2011
author: kepsg
Birth of an elephant seal
Birth of an elephant seal
An elephant seal gives birth then bonds with her pup.They call to each other and the pup looks for its first meal. A bull seal interrupts them but soon moves...- published: 04 Nov 2011
- views: 18039
- author: kepsg

Successful Elephant Seal Mating
Watch several male elephant seals experience different scenarios in mating. Also see the h...
published: 19 Feb 2012
author: esealinfo4u
Successful Elephant Seal Mating
Successful Elephant Seal Mating
Watch several male elephant seals experience different scenarios in mating. Also see the happy and satisfied expressions when mating is successful. ( ' Ain't...- published: 19 Feb 2012
- views: 519005
- author: esealinfo4u

Vicious Elephant Seal battle on South Georgia
A huge 5-ton bull Elephant Seal challenges and attempts to take ownership of the beach fro...
published: 18 Jan 2010
author: Richard Sidey
Vicious Elephant Seal battle on South Georgia
Vicious Elephant Seal battle on South Georgia
A huge 5-ton bull Elephant Seal challenges and attempts to take ownership of the beach from the beach master. A mighty battle then takes place on the crowded...- published: 18 Jan 2010
- views: 196645
- author: Richard Sidey
Youtube results:

4 tonne elephant seals crush a cameraman's tent
During filming for The Adventures of the Penguin King, 4 ton elephant seals crushed one of...
published: 25 Nov 2013
4 tonne elephant seals crush a cameraman's tent
4 tonne elephant seals crush a cameraman's tent
During filming for The Adventures of the Penguin King, 4 ton elephant seals crushed one of the crew's tent. Subscribe for more! Check the official trailer Adventures of the Penguin King on iTunes here: http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/independent/adventuresofthepenguinking/- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 394

Great White Attacks Elephant Seal
A great white shark attacks an elephant seal on California`s pacific coast. Later on a sec...
published: 27 Feb 2010
author: naturevideos1000
Great White Attacks Elephant Seal
Great White Attacks Elephant Seal
A great white shark attacks an elephant seal on California`s pacific coast. Later on a second great white joins in the feed!- published: 27 Feb 2010
- views: 93342
- author: naturevideos1000

Elephant Seal Attacks Divers
published: 28 Apr 2011
author: cjt95handsome
Elephant Seal Attacks Divers

Elephant Seals having sex on a California Beach while baby seal watches
Elephant Seals having sex right in front of us on the beach in California while a baby sea...
published: 14 Feb 2013
author: Totes McGotes
Elephant Seals having sex on a California Beach while baby seal watches
Elephant Seals having sex on a California Beach while baby seal watches
Elephant Seals having sex right in front of us on the beach in California while a baby seal watches. Good times!- published: 14 Feb 2013
- views: 20181
- author: Totes McGotes