- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 27045
- author: TheArtyBartfast

Forger's Masterclass - Ep.04 - Claude Monet
published: 31 May 2012
author: TheArtyBartfast
Forger's Masterclass - Ep.04 - Claude Monet
- published: 31 May 2012
- views: 27045
- author: TheArtyBartfast

Claude Monet - Pintor impressionista.
Lista de reprodução "Artes Belas" do canal YouTube CarlosAlberto Didier. Documentário da B...
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: Carlos Alberto Didier
Claude Monet - Pintor impressionista.
Lista de reprodução "Artes Belas" do canal YouTube CarlosAlberto Didier. Documentário da BBC sobre a vida e a obra do pintor impressionista francês Claude Mo...
- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 13910
- author: Carlos Alberto Didier

Claude Monet - The Impressionist Painter
Claude Monet (French pronunciation: [klod mɔnɛ]) (14 November 1840 -- 5 December 1926) was...
published: 17 Sep 2011
author: Gladiator33111
Claude Monet - The Impressionist Painter
Claude Monet (French pronunciation: [klod mɔnɛ]) (14 November 1840 -- 5 December 1926) was a founder of French impressionist painting, and the most consisten...
- published: 17 Sep 2011
- views: 42424
- author: Gladiator33111

Claude Monet
Monet was the founder of impressionism, as it was a painting he did in 1872, titled "Impre...
published: 23 May 2006
author: sundroid
Claude Monet
Monet was the founder of impressionism, as it was a painting he did in 1872, titled "Impression, Sunrise", which had a baffled art critic pick out the word "...
- published: 23 May 2006
- views: 323281
- author: sundroid

Claude Monet's garden at Giverny by James Priest
In this new walk in Claude Monet's garden, it is James Priest, the successor of Gilbert Va...
published: 02 Mar 2013
author: jardinjardinier
Claude Monet's garden at Giverny by James Priest
In this new walk in Claude Monet's garden, it is James Priest, the successor of Gilbert Vahé, that leads the way for us. Each new visit in this timeless gard...
- published: 02 Mar 2013
- views: 1906
- author: jardinjardinier

Monet's Waterlilies - David Dunlop Paints Monet's Waterlilies in Giverny
Painting Demonstration Excerpt from the program "Monet's Waterlilies" - Program 102 of Emm...
published: 14 May 2013
author: David Dunlop
Monet's Waterlilies - David Dunlop Paints Monet's Waterlilies in Giverny
Painting Demonstration Excerpt from the program "Monet's Waterlilies" - Program 102 of Emmy-Award winning PBS Series Landscapes Through Time with David Dunlo...
- published: 14 May 2013
- views: 4652
- author: David Dunlop

Claude Monet: Inventing Impressionism
Emma reports on the life and work of Claude Oscar Monet. The video includes many of Monet'...
published: 26 Nov 2007
author: joshfreedman
Claude Monet: Inventing Impressionism
Emma reports on the life and work of Claude Oscar Monet. The video includes many of Monet's paintings with music and narration. Music from amclassical.com Ba...
- published: 26 Nov 2007
- views: 74496
- author: joshfreedman

Claude Monet - Art Gallery
Un mio personale omaggio al mio pittore preferito, Claude Monet. Consiglio la visione a tu...
published: 18 Sep 2011
author: Roberto Di Molfetta
Claude Monet - Art Gallery
Un mio personale omaggio al mio pittore preferito, Claude Monet. Consiglio la visione a tutto schermo. Video: Roberto Di Molfetta, http://www.robertodimolfet...
- published: 18 Sep 2011
- views: 2141
- author: Roberto Di Molfetta

Film of Impressionist Painter Claude Monet at Work (authentic video)
This is unique film of great Impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840-1926) at work on a c...
published: 01 Jun 2012
author: TheBdsmer
Film of Impressionist Painter Claude Monet at Work (authentic video)
This is unique film of great Impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840-1926) at work on a canvas en plein air. I have also uploaded on my channel film footage...
- published: 01 Jun 2012
- views: 1676
- author: TheBdsmer

The Great Artists - The Impressionists - Monet
Please enjoy and subscribe too. Thanks! Claude Monet (14 November 1840 -- 5 December 1926)...
published: 06 Jun 2013
author: ArtHistoryLuv
The Great Artists - The Impressionists - Monet
Please enjoy and subscribe too. Thanks! Claude Monet (14 November 1840 -- 5 December 1926) was a founder of French impressionist painting, and the most consi...
- published: 06 Jun 2013
- views: 2782
- author: ArtHistoryLuv

Os Impressionistas Claude Monet
Episodio da Serie Os Impressionistas Tv Escola....
published: 16 Jun 2012
author: ArtesVisuais Uniasselvi
Os Impressionistas Claude Monet
Episodio da Serie Os Impressionistas Tv Escola.
- published: 16 Jun 2012
- views: 4303
- author: ArtesVisuais Uniasselvi

Artist Claude Monet's Garden | Euromaxx
Claude Monet dedicated almost his entire life to perfectioning his garden in Normany, Fran...
published: 01 Jun 2010
author: Deutsche Welle
Artist Claude Monet's Garden | Euromaxx
Claude Monet dedicated almost his entire life to perfectioning his garden in Normany, France. Now the Monet Foundation is celebrating its thirtieth anniversa...
- published: 01 Jun 2010
- views: 9287
- author: Deutsche Welle

Claude Monet
Enfance et adolescence Claude Monet est né à Paris le 14 novembre 1840 au 45, rue Laffitte...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: globetrotteur30
Claude Monet
Enfance et adolescence Claude Monet est né à Paris le 14 novembre 1840 au 45, rue Laffitte dans le 9e arrondissement. Il est le second fils d'Adolphe et Loui...
- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 470
- author: globetrotteur30

Um video sobre Monet!...
published: 08 Feb 2012
Um video sobre Monet!
- published: 08 Feb 2012
- views: 1785
Vimeo results:

Claude Monet - Monet's Palate Animation
Animation by film maker Aileen Bordman about Claude Monet and his passion for art and food...
published: 01 Oct 2008
author: Claude Monet
Claude Monet - Monet's Palate Animation
Animation by film maker Aileen Bordman about Claude Monet and his passion for art and food...seen at www.monetspalate.com

Monet's Palate® - Claude Monet - A Gastronomic View from the Gardens of Giverny
Claude Monet had TWO passions art and food and both met at his home at Giverny in Monet's ...
published: 01 Oct 2008
author: Claude Monet
Monet's Palate® - Claude Monet - A Gastronomic View from the Gardens of Giverny
Claude Monet had TWO passions art and food and both met at his home at Giverny in Monet's Palate® - A film with a narration by Meryl Streep by Aileen Bordman

Claude Monet's Secret Garden - A House of Flowers S01E02
Pour ce second épisode de notre série de vidéos "Monet's Secret Garden", nous vous proposo...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: Fondation Claude Monet Giverny
Claude Monet's Secret Garden - A House of Flowers S01E02
Pour ce second épisode de notre série de vidéos "Monet's Secret Garden", nous vous proposons une ballade dans le jardin de Claude Monet à la recherche de la couleur et de la nuance unique.
Un simple regard sur cette maison unique entourée de fleurs et de nature vous plonge directement dans une autre époque, celle où tous les matins, Claude Monet s'évadait au rythme des journées pour s'inspirer et créer.
For this second episode of our "Monet's Secret Garden" video series, we invite you for a walk in Monet's garden to look for unique colours and shades.
Laying eyes just once on the house, surrounded with flowers and nature, will make you time travel to another time, when resident painter Claude Monet would let himself be guided by the rythm of days to find inspiration and create.

Claude Monet's Secret Garden - The Arrival of Tulips S01E06
published: 22 May 2013
author: Fondation Claude Monet Giverny
Claude Monet's Secret Garden - The Arrival of Tulips S01E06
Youtube results:

Pintores: Claude Monet
Oscar-Claude Monet (14 de noviembre de 1840 en París - 5 de diciembre de 1926 en Giverny) ...
published: 25 Jan 2013
author: Docu Mania
Pintores: Claude Monet
Oscar-Claude Monet (14 de noviembre de 1840 en París - 5 de diciembre de 1926 en Giverny) fue uno de los fundadores de la pintura impresionista. El término I...
- published: 25 Jan 2013
- views: 3556
- author: Docu Mania

Claude Monet - Giverny "Les Nymphéas"
Als Monet sich 1890 in Giverny nördlich von Paris niederließ und dort seinen Garten mit de...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: VonderHeydtMuseum
Claude Monet - Giverny "Les Nymphéas"
Als Monet sich 1890 in Giverny nördlich von Paris niederließ und dort seinen Garten mit dem berühmten Seerosenteich anlegte, eröffnete er der Kunst damit gan...
- published: 03 Nov 2009
- views: 64692
- author: VonderHeydtMuseum

Documentaire sur Claude Monet
Télécharger ce documentaire sur Claude Monet sur http://www.imineo.com/documentaires/arts/...
published: 26 Oct 2010
author: imineo
Documentaire sur Claude Monet
Télécharger ce documentaire sur Claude Monet sur http://www.imineo.com/documentaires/arts/portraits/claude-monet-giverny-maison-alice-video-12834.htm Quarant...
- published: 26 Oct 2010
- views: 4552
- author: imineo

The Art of Claude Monet in Motion
Beautiful paitings by French impressionist Claude Monet set in motion. Visit http://vintag...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: ImagineCreations
The Art of Claude Monet in Motion
Beautiful paitings by French impressionist Claude Monet set in motion. Visit http://vintagechest.net for more fine art.
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 874
- author: ImagineCreations