- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 48966
- author: Geschichtsstunde

München 1939 (unkommentiert & in Farbe) Zeitgeschichte live
Tag der Deutschen Kunst 1939: Mit einem pompösen Umzug wird von 1937 bis 1939 der jährlich...
published: 10 Feb 2012
author: Geschichtsstunde
München 1939 (unkommentiert & in Farbe) Zeitgeschichte live
München 1939 (unkommentiert & in Farbe) Zeitgeschichte live
Tag der Deutschen Kunst 1939: Mit einem pompösen Umzug wird von 1937 bis 1939 der jährliche "Tag der Deutschen Kunst" in München eröffnet.- published: 10 Feb 2012
- views: 48966
- author: Geschichtsstunde

1939 Poland - Market Day and Jews In Occupied Krakow - German Amateur Film
http://digilander.libero.it/romanoarchives/ http://www.webalice.it/romanoarchives Krakow, ...
published: 03 Sep 2009
author: UnknownWW2InColor
1939 Poland - Market Day and Jews In Occupied Krakow - German Amateur Film
1939 Poland - Market Day and Jews In Occupied Krakow - German Amateur Film
http://digilander.libero.it/romanoarchives/ http://www.webalice.it/romanoarchives Krakow, Poland, October 1939. German amateur 16mm color film. Soundtrack pe...- published: 03 Sep 2009
- views: 165706
- author: UnknownWW2InColor

Sensacje XX Wieku - Hel 1939 cz.2.
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: szenszyl100
Sensacje XX Wieku - Hel 1939 cz.2.

The City - 1939 Housing in America Documentary / Educational Film
The Regional Planning Association of America produced this film in the late 1930's, hoping...
published: 22 Apr 2012
author: Ella73TV2
The City - 1939 Housing in America Documentary / Educational Film
The City - 1939 Housing in America Documentary / Educational Film
The Regional Planning Association of America produced this film in the late 1930's, hoping to put an end to the growth of large overcrowded cities and instea...- published: 22 Apr 2012
- views: 8910
- author: Ella73TV2

Television 1939 RCA Early Introduction to TV
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/ "Early promotional film introducing TV to the Ameri...
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: Jeff Quitney
Television 1939 RCA Early Introduction to TV
Television 1939 RCA Early Introduction to TV
more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/ "Early promotional film introducing TV to the American public, probably coordinated with the rollout of scheduled broa...- published: 30 Dec 2011
- views: 20247
- author: Jeff Quitney

22/09/1939. Брест. Совместный парад Вермахта и РККА / Marsсh Erika
23 августа 1939 года главами ведомств по иностранным делам Германии и Советского Союза был...
published: 12 Mar 2011
author: Russanta
22/09/1939. Брест. Совместный парад Вермахта и РККА / Marsсh Erika
22/09/1939. Брест. Совместный парад Вермахта и РККА / Marsсh Erika
23 августа 1939 года главами ведомств по иностранным делам Германии и Советского Союза был подписан договор о ненападении. Со стороны СССР договор был подпис...- published: 12 Mar 2011
- views: 98497
- author: Russanta

2eme Guerre Mondiale - L'année 1939.
Mai - La signature du Pacte d'Acier. Septembre - L'Invasion de la Pologne. Octobre - La Dr...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: La2emeGuerreMondiale
2eme Guerre Mondiale - L'année 1939.
2eme Guerre Mondiale - L'année 1939.
Mai - La signature du Pacte d'Acier. Septembre - L'Invasion de la Pologne. Octobre - La Drôle de Guerre. Novembre - L'Union soviétique attaque la Finlande.- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 1516
- author: La2emeGuerreMondiale

Young Mr. Lincoln (1939)
Young Mr. Lincoln is a 1939 partly fictionalized biography about the early life of Preside...
published: 20 Nov 2012
author: campbpar
Young Mr. Lincoln (1939)
Young Mr. Lincoln (1939)
Young Mr. Lincoln is a 1939 partly fictionalized biography about the early life of President Abraham Lincoln, directed by John Ford and starring Henry Fonda....- published: 20 Nov 2012
- views: 42362
- author: campbpar

Drôle de guerre / Novembre 1939 - Reportage dans notre Aviation française
Extrait du Journal de Guerre n°8 du 18 novembre 1939. Un reportage parmi l'aviation de rec...
published: 24 Nov 2009
author: ArchivesRadio
Drôle de guerre / Novembre 1939 - Reportage dans notre Aviation française
Drôle de guerre / Novembre 1939 - Reportage dans notre Aviation française
Extrait du Journal de Guerre n°8 du 18 novembre 1939. Un reportage parmi l'aviation de reconnaissance française, suivi d'une cérémonie où un groupe de chasse...- published: 24 Nov 2009
- views: 9521
- author: ArchivesRadio

Przedwojenna Warszawa w kolorze 1939 nieznany film! Pre-War Warsaw in color 1939 unknown film!
Nieznany kolorowy film ukazujący centrum Warszawy w 1939 roku. Zobaczymy Marszałkowską, Kr...
published: 27 Mar 2013
Przedwojenna Warszawa w kolorze 1939 nieznany film! Pre-War Warsaw in color 1939 unknown film!
Przedwojenna Warszawa w kolorze 1939 nieznany film! Pre-War Warsaw in color 1939 unknown film!
Nieznany kolorowy film ukazujący centrum Warszawy w 1939 roku. Zobaczymy Marszałkowską, Krakowskie Przedmieście, Ogród i Pałac Saski, Stare Miasto czy Łazienki Królewskie. Dodatkowo tramwaje i samochody z epoki. http://facebook.com/WarszawaPrzedwojenna Witajcie na moim kanale poświęconym przedwojennej warszawie. Znajdziecie tutaj stale powiększającą się kolekcję pokazów zdjęć oraz unikatowych filmów dotyczących przedwojennego miasta także kolorowych! Wesprzyj moją działalność subskrybując kanał - Dzięki!- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 131215

1939 NY World's Fair - Industrial
Color footage from the 1939 World's Fair in New York....
published: 13 Jul 2007
author: JDProductions2
1939 NY World's Fair - Industrial
1939 NY World's Fair - Industrial
Color footage from the 1939 World's Fair in New York.- published: 13 Jul 2007
- views: 30468
- author: JDProductions2

Warszawa 1939 (m. in. film z pokładu szwabskiego samolotu i kapitulacja) Cz. 1 i 2
Bombardowanie Warszawy przez niemców bandytów Die Bombardierung von Warschau von den deuts...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: Artur Rutkowski
Warszawa 1939 (m. in. film z pokładu szwabskiego samolotu i kapitulacja) Cz. 1 i 2
Warszawa 1939 (m. in. film z pokładu szwabskiego samolotu i kapitulacja) Cz. 1 i 2
Bombardowanie Warszawy przez niemców bandytów Die Bombardierung von Warschau von den deutschen primitiven banditen The bombing of Warsaw by the primitive ger...- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 50558
- author: Artur Rutkowski

Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
Les Ailes de la Guerre -- épisode 28 -- "les armes secrètes de la 2ième guerre mondiale" p...
published: 05 Nov 2011
author: DarkFellowships
Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
Les Armes Secrètes 1939-1945 1/3
Les Ailes de la Guerre -- épisode 28 -- "les armes secrètes de la 2ième guerre mondiale" partie 1 : Développé sous le manteau du secret, ces armes portaient ...- published: 05 Nov 2011
- views: 155067
- author: DarkFellowships

Rzadkie zdjęcia z kampanii wrześniowej 1939
published: 27 Nov 2010
author: sebek230694
Rzadkie zdjęcia z kampanii wrześniowej 1939
Rzadkie zdjęcia z kampanii wrześniowej 1939
POLSKA WOJNA OBRONNA 1939.- published: 27 Nov 2010
- views: 75255
- author: sebek230694
Vimeo results:

The Royal Castle - from Destruction to Reconstruction
The exhibition at the Royal Castle in Warsaw / Poland.
published: 31 Jan 2012
author: Grzegorz Nowiński
The Royal Castle - from Destruction to Reconstruction
The exhibition at the Royal Castle in Warsaw / Poland.
Scenario, design, animation, sound: Grzegorz Nowiński
The Royal Castle in Warsaw, being a symbol of the sovereignty of the Polish State, became a target for German military attacks as early as in the first days of the World War II. On 17 September 1939 it was in flames. Apart from the firemen and city wardens, also soldiers, harcerze (scouts) and civilians were helping to put the fire out. At the same time Polish museum workers and conservators, risking their own lives, were trying to salvage the most precious art collections, as well as decorative elements from the most important Castle rooms (eg. fragments of flooring, fireplaces, stucco works and frescos). The act of destruction was completed during the Warsaw Uprising in September 1944, when German sappers blasted the Castle walls.
Decision to begin the reconstruction was however not made until January 1971. In 1977 first interiors were ready. The next ones were delivered in July 1984. The rebuilding of the Castle was accompanied by an immense involvement of the Polish nation. The whole investment was financed almost in full with the money coming from donations of Poles at home and abroad.
Handing the reconstructed Castle to the nation was an act of honouring all of those, who, during the Occupation, with greatest dedication and risking their own lives, salvaged the Castle and the Castle art works for the future generations.

Steve McCurry: A Retrospective
Steve McCurry is the recipient of the 2011 Leica Hall of Fame award.
The prize is awarded ...
published: 01 Sep 2011
author: Leica Camera
Steve McCurry: A Retrospective
Steve McCurry is the recipient of the 2011 Leica Hall of Fame award.
The prize is awarded to photographers who have rendered outstanding service to the Leica brand and to the genre of photography.
For more than three decades, 61-year-old McCurry has been on the road as a documentary photographer at the world’s trouble spots and has obtained many awards for his work. Since 1986, Steve McCurry has been a member of Magnum Photos, the renowned photographic agency.
Adagio for Strings
Composed by Samuel Barber
Copyright © 1939 G. Schirmer, Inc. (ASCAP)
International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved.
Used by Permission.

MY SECRET ISLAND - THE FREAK - Rescue Mission: Planet Earth [near future SF adventure] Animated music video | Epic
The first video for My Secret Island!
The song is instrumental and titled "The Freak".
published: 14 Jun 2010
author: My Secret Island
MY SECRET ISLAND - THE FREAK - Rescue Mission: Planet Earth [near future SF adventure] Animated music video | Epic
The first video for My Secret Island!
The song is instrumental and titled "The Freak".
The video depicts a space monkey who's job is to keep order in the galaxy and make sure ignorant populations don't destroy their homelands! In this story the space monkey sees trouble on earth and goes to rescue!
Video is directed and edited by Grete "Stitch" Laus
- www.KillingCulture.com -
Characters are drawn by Maria "Piggeye" Evestus
- piggeye.deviantart.com -
Animation by TNS Works
For more songs by My Secret Island please visit
- www.myspace.com/mysecretisland
- www.facebook.com/MySecretIsland
( Additional search terms: earth, planet , earth pollution, air pollution, blue planet, greed, apocalypse, environmental, environmental song, music, disaster, extinction, die out, post, threat, protection,
preservation, humanity, film, clip, video, short film, animation, animated, mutant, mutation, green, blue, industrialization, climate, climate change, Ocean, nature, future, global warming, warning,SF )
- Deforestation of tropical rain forests
- World War II 1939 -1945 including
+ Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Atomic bomb tests from 16.07.1945 - today
- Minamata, Japan -- 1950
- Aralsee, Usbekistan/Kasachstan
- Seveso, Italien -- 10.7.1976
- Love Canal, USA -- 1978
- Three Mile Island, USA -- 28.3.1979
- Gulf of Mexico (Ixtoc I) -- 03.06.1979
- Bhopal, Indien -- 2.12.1984
- Tschernobyl, Ukraine -- 26.4.1986
- Exxon Valdez, USA -- 24.3.1989
- Kuweit -- 26.2.1991 ( 21.01.1991)
- Tokaimura, Japan -- 30.9.1999
- Madagascar (MS Gulser Ana) -- 26.08.2009
- Gulf of Mexico (Deepwater Horizon) -- 20.04.2010
- Hungary (toxic sludge accident) -- October 2010
- Japan - Fukushima Daiichi -- March 2011

Animal Collective - My Girls
Unofficial video for My Girls off Merriweather Post Pavilion (2009)
Most of the footage c...
published: 28 Mar 2009
author: Rob Chesnutt
Animal Collective - My Girls
Unofficial video for My Girls off Merriweather Post Pavilion (2009)
Most of the footage comes from 3 documentaries:
-Picture of Light (1994)
-Rivers and Tides (2001)
-Bodysong (2003)
I also sampled clips from archive.org and the 1939 Jean Renoir film "The Rules of the Game."
follow me on twitter: @catseatbats
Youtube results:

Wrzesień 1939 2/19 - A więc wojna
Kampania wrześniowa 1939, nazywana obecnie wojną obronną 1939, to jeden z najbardziej dram...
published: 20 Nov 2011
author: TigetUpload
Wrzesień 1939 2/19 - A więc wojna
Wrzesień 1939 2/19 - A więc wojna
Kampania wrześniowa 1939, nazywana obecnie wojną obronną 1939, to jeden z najbardziej dramatycznych rozdziałów w historii polskiego oręża. Przez trzydzieści ...- published: 20 Nov 2011
- views: 58500
- author: TigetUpload

Soviet Athletes Parade 1939 - Физкультурный парад, Цветущая юность.
The Soviet "Blossoming youth"; - At the eve of the Second World War, one of the first colo...
published: 23 Sep 2012
author: RedSamurai84
Soviet Athletes Parade 1939 - Физкультурный парад, Цветущая юность.
Soviet Athletes Parade 1939 - Физкультурный парад, Цветущая юность.
The Soviet "Blossoming youth"; - At the eve of the Second World War, one of the first color films, which has preserved for us the parade of athletes, which w...- published: 23 Sep 2012
- views: 4501
- author: RedSamurai84

The Wizard of Oz (1939) - Trailer
The Wizard of Oz - Starring Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley,...
published: 09 Feb 2011
author: TheFantasyCentral
The Wizard of Oz (1939) - Trailer
The Wizard of Oz (1939) - Trailer
The Wizard of Oz - Starring Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, and Margaret Hamilton Release Date: August 25, 1939.- published: 09 Feb 2011
- views: 256162
- author: TheFantasyCentral

Q Planes (1939) [Comedy] [Thriller]
"Q Planes" (1939) released in the United States by Columbia Pictures as "Clouds Over Europ...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: TimelessClassicMovie
Q Planes (1939) [Comedy] [Thriller]
Q Planes (1939) [Comedy] [Thriller]
"Q Planes" (1939) released in the United States by Columbia Pictures as "Clouds Over Europe", is a British spy film directed by Tim Whelan and Arthur B. Wood...- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 15014
- author: TimelessClassicMovie