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3MIN News May 28, 2013: Volcano Evac, Electron Storm
Enormous Tornado near Bennington, KS on May 28, 2013
Winnipeg Goldeyes vs. Laredo Lemurs - May 28, 2013
Nightly Business Report - Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Villagio Fire 28 May 2012
Pakistan's Nuclear Test - May 28, 1998 (Youm-e-Takbeer) Ptv Footage
Pakistan Nuclear Test May 28, 1998
ODTÜ tələbələrindən 28 may təbriki
Meri Bassai- 28 May 2013 Full Episode
Mark Levin - Purpose of the Constitution - May 28, 2013 - Full Show
Nutrition meetup, May 28
Rappler Newscast | May 28, 2013

May 28

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3MIN News May 28, 2013: Volcano Evac, Electron Storm
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:37
  • Updated: 04 Aug 2013

3MIN News May 28, 2013: Volcano Evac, Electron Storm

How to Watch the Sun Donations Optional: or;_butt... News May 28, 2013: Volcano Evac, Electron Storm
Enormous Tornado near Bennington, KS on May 28, 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:15
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Enormous Tornado near Bennington, KS on May 28, 2013

Video was captured by Matt Chatelain, Brandon Lawson and Brian Putnam west of Bennington, Kansas on May 28, 2013. This large violent tornado was on the groun... Tornado near Bennington, KS on May 28, 2013
Winnipeg Goldeyes vs. Laredo Lemurs - May 28, 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:48:24
  • Updated: 09 Jun 2013

Winnipeg Goldeyes vs. Laredo Lemurs - May 28, 2013

Mark Hardy got off to a tough start on Tuesday night. But it's not how you start, it's how you finish. Despite giving up two runs in the first inning, Hardy ... Goldeyes vs. Laredo Lemurs - May 28, 2013
Nightly Business Report - Tuesday, May 28, 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:01
  • Updated: 07 Jun 2013

Nightly Business Report - Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tonight on Nightly Business Report, home prices are up the most in 7 years. Is housing the new driver of the economy? And consumers are feeling the best sinc...
  • published: 29 May 2013
  • views: 1666
  • author: NBRbizrpt Business Report - Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Villagio Fire 28 May 2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:32
  • Updated: 26 Jul 2013

Villagio Fire 28 May 2012

VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED Our hearts and minds are with the families of the victims and those who survived thanks to the effort and sacrifice of the men o...
  • published: 28 May 2012
  • views: 191509
  • author: usamaah2290 Fire 28 May 2012
Pakistan's Nuclear Test - May 28, 1998 (Youm-e-Takbeer) Ptv Footage
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:02
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Pakistan's Nuclear Test - May 28, 1998 (Youm-e-Takbeer) Ptv Footage

On May 28, 1998, Pakistan became a nuclear power when it successfully carried out five nuclear tests at Chaghi, in the province of Baluchistan. This was in d...'s Nuclear Test - May 28, 1998 (Youm-e-Takbeer) Ptv Footage
Pakistan Nuclear Test May 28, 1998
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:35
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Pakistan Nuclear Test May 28, 1998

Pakistan Nuclear Test May 28, 1998 in Urdu.
  • published: 16 Jul 2012
  • views: 27843
  • author: urdu jaha Nuclear Test May 28, 1998
ODTÜ tələbələrindən 28 may təbriki
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:18
  • Updated: 27 May 2013

ODTÜ tələbələrindən 28 may təbriki

Bu video Orta Doğu Teknik Universitetinin azərbaycanlı tələbələri tərəfindən 28 may Respublika gününün 95 illiyinə həsr olunub 28.05.2013
  • published: 27 May 2013
  • views: 7822Ü tələbələrindən 28 may təbriki
Meri Bassai- 28 May 2013 Full Episode
  • Order:
  • Duration: 28:36
  • Updated: 29 May 2013

Meri Bassai- 28 May 2013 Full Episode

Meri Bassai- 28 May 2013. Meri Bassai is a Nepali television series. Sitaram Kattel and Kedar Ghimire are the script writer, and director (co-director) and one of the major actors. Meri Bassai- 28 May 2013 Full Episode.
  • published: 29 May 2013
  • views: 1904 Bassai- 28 May 2013 Full Episode
Mark Levin - Purpose of the Constitution - May 28, 2013 - Full Show
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:51:26
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013

Mark Levin - Purpose of the Constitution - May 28, 2013 - Full Show

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show: Mark responds to those that say the Constitution needs to change with the times. The purpose of the Constitution is to put in p... Levin - Purpose of the Constitution - May 28, 2013 - Full Show
Nutrition meetup, May 28
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:03:08
  • Updated: 07 Jul 2013

Nutrition meetup, May 28

Nutrition meetup, May 28. meetup, May 28
Rappler Newscast | May 28, 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:06
  • Updated: 29 May 2013

Rappler Newscast | May 28, 2013

The Comelec proclaims 53 party-list winners despite the possibility of another Supreme Court intervention. ABS-CBN and Globe Telecom announce a partnership t...
  • published: 29 May 2013
  • views: 793
  • author: Rappler Newscast | May 28, 2013
World First BMX Triple Backflip - Jed Mildon May 28, 2011, Unit Clothing
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:12
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

World First BMX Triple Backflip - Jed Mildon May 28, 2011, Unit Clothing New Zealand BMXer Jed Mildon has created action-sports history today by landing the world's first Tri...
  • published: 28 May 2011
  • views: 9341487
  • author: Unit First BMX Triple Backflip - Jed Mildon May 28, 2011, Unit Clothing
Daily Blob May 28, 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:38:42
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Daily Blob May 28, 2013 Blob May 28, 2013

3MIN News May 28, 2013: Volcano Evac, Electron Storm

How to Watch the Sun Donations Optional: or;_butt...

3MIN News May 28, 2013: Vol­cano Evac, Elec­tron Storm
How to Watch the Sun http://​youtu.​be/​ld5ecZuHECA Do­na­tions Op­tion­al: http://​tiny.​cc/​f195ww...​
pub­lished: 28 May 2013
Enor­mous Tor­na­do near Ben­ning­ton, KS on May 28, 2013
Video was cap­tured by Matt Chate­lain, Bran­don Law­son and Brian Put­nam west of Ben­ning­ton, ...
pub­lished: 29 May 2013
Win­nipeg Gold­eyes vs. Lare­do Lemurs - May 28, 2013
Mark Hardy got off to a tough start on Tues­day night. But it's not how you start, it's how...
pub­lished: 29 May 2013
au­thor: ibn Gold­eyes
Night­ly Busi­ness Re­port - Tues­day, May 28, 2013
Tonight on Night­ly Busi­ness Re­port, home prices are up the most in 7 years. Is hous­ing the...
pub­lished: 29 May 2013
au­thor: NBR­bizrpt
Vil­la­gio Fire 28 May 2012
VIEW­ER DIS­CRE­TION IS AD­VISED Our hearts and minds are with the fam­i­lies of the vic­tims and...
pub­lished: 28 May 2012
au­thor: us­amaah2290
Pak­istan's Nu­cle­ar Test - May 28, 1998 (Youm-e-Tak­beer) Ptv Footage
On May 28, 1998, Pak­istan be­came a nu­cle­ar power when it suc­cess­ful­ly car­ried out five nuc...
pub­lished: 28 May 2011
Pak­istan Nu­cle­ar Test May 28, 1998
Pak­istan Nu­cle­ar Test May 28, 1998 in Urdu....
pub­lished: 16 Jul 2012
au­thor: urdu jaha
ODTÜ tələbələrindən 28 may təbriki
Bu video Orta Doğu Teknik Uni­ver­site­tinin azərbay­canlı tələbələri tərəfindən 28 may Re­spub...
pub­lished: 27 May 2013
Meri Bas­sai- 28 May 2013 Full Episode
Meri Bas­sai- 28 May 2013. Meri Bas­sai is a Nepali tele­vi­sion se­ries. Sitaram Kat­tel and Ke...
pub­lished: 29 May 2013
Mark Levin - Pur­pose of the Con­sti­tu­tion - May 28, 2013 - Full Show
On Tues­day's Mark Levin Show: Mark re­sponds to those that say the Con­sti­tu­tion needs to ch...
pub­lished: 29 May 2013
au­thor: Dou­glas Woods
Nu­tri­tion meet­up, May 28
Nu­tri­tion meet­up, May 28....
pub­lished: 28 May 2013
Rap­pler News­cast | May 28, 2013
The Com­elec pro­claims 53 par­ty-list win­ners de­spite the pos­si­bil­i­ty of an­oth­er Supreme Cou...
pub­lished: 29 May 2013
au­thor: Rap­pler
World First BMX Triple Back­flip - Jed Mil­don May 28, 2011, Unit Cloth­ing
http://​www.​unit.​com/​ http://​www.​facebook.​com/​unitriders New Zealand BMXer Jed Mil­don has c...
pub­lished: 28 May 2011
au­thor: Unit
Daily Blob May 28, 2013
pub­lished: 28 May 2013
Youtube results:
The Far­lam Com­mis­sion of In­quiry, 28 May 2013
Phiye­ga's grilling at Marikana In­quiry con­tin­ues....
pub­lished: 28 May 2013
Se­vere Weath­er Out­look - Tue May 28, 2013 10:30 AM
This se­vere weath­er out­look brief­ing was record­ed on Tues­day May 28, 2013 at 10:30 AM, and...
pub­lished: 28 May 2013
au­thor: NWS­Nor­man
Com­mis­sion­ers Court May 28, 2013
Re-live the full un-edit­ed Com­mis­sion­ers Court....
pub­lished: 30 May 2013
Mal­colm Glad­well | Part 3 | May 28, 2012 | Appel Salon
Mal­colm Glad­well, best­selling au­thor of Blink and Out­liers cel­e­brates 50 years of Ja­maica'...
pub­lished: 30 May 2012
photo: Public Domain / Rob39
Alyssa Milano MLB
Edit The Inquisitr
26 Oct 2013
After news broke Friday that the long-running show about three magical sisters would be returning as a CBS pilot, longtime star Alyssa Milano took to Twitter, expressing a lack of enthusiasm in the project. Milano, who played Phoebe Halliwell in the series, said it seemed to early for a Charmed reboot. “The thing about them doing a #charmed reboot is… it just… it feels like yesterday ... It feels too close ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
photo: USAF / Staff Sgt. Joseph Swafford
File - U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class John Haidu, United States Army Marksmanship Unit member from Phenix City, Ala., listens as ANA student-instructors explain why their target grouping is off and how to correct it during the Basic Rifle Marksmanship Instructor Course at Kabul Military Training Center, Afghanistan, Nov. 06, 2010.
Edit BBC News
26 Oct 2013
An Afghan soldier has been killed at a military base in the capital Kabul, after shooting at international troops. The incident, which injured at least one foreign soldier, began after an argument, Nato officials said. It is the fourth such attack in a month. Last year, attacks by Afghan servicemen on their Nato colleagues accounted for around 15% of all international troop casualties ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
photo: White House / Pete Souza
File - President Barack Obama talks with Michael Froman at the Working Dinner at the G8 Summit at the Deerhurst Resort in Muskoka, Canada, June 25, 2010.
26 Oct 2013
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. In Kenya, popular Muslim clerics were just gunned down by fundamental Islamists. In Somalia and Sudan, Al-Shabab, consisting of young Muslim jihadists, are battling other Muslims while trying to impose Islamic Law ... Throughout the same areas, Sunni and Shiite factions are in the midst of sectarian conflicts ... Meanwhile, U.S ... In Afghanistan, U.S.-NATO forces just killed five civilians ... 39 ... 51. ....(size: 6.2Kb)

Edit Bloomberg
27 Oct 2013
A Chinese newspaper whose reporter allegedly told police interrogators he accepted payments in exchange for releasing fabricated reports about a state-owned company apologized on the front page of today’s edition ... 18 ...Deep Apology’ ... Zoomlion in February and May denied allegations by the paper that it falsified sales. On May 28, the company said an article accusing it of improperly accounting for sales was “distorted” and “misleading.”....(size: 6.5Kb)
Edit The Oklahoman
27 Oct 2013
Jurors at the bribery trial for former state Rep. Randy Terrill are getting an unflattering view of goings-on at the Oklahoma Legislature. The trial for former Oklahoma Rep. Randy Terrill is set to resume at 9 a.m ... Leftwich announced May 28, 2010, the last day of the session, that she would not run for re-election ... He said Leftwich informed him of her intent to quit the first week in May 2010, about a month before the filing period ... Sen ... 9....(size: 9.4Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
26 Oct 2013
<a href=""http.//"" target="_blank">College Football & NFL Quarterback</a> <br> <a href=""http.//"" target="_blank">August 18, 1982-May 28, 2013</a>Flynn Robinson....(size: 20.4Kb)
Edit noodls
26 Oct 2013
(Source ... An HH-60 Pave Hawk with the 210th Rescue Squadron, Alaska Air National Guard, lands on the airfield in Galena, Alaska, to assist in the evacuation of residents from Galena, Alaska, May 28 ... CAMP DENALI, Alaska (10/25/13) - Airmen with the Alaska Air National Guard's 210th, 211th and 212th Rescue Squadrons responded Thursday to a request to medevac a 35-year-old man from the Nixon Fork Mine, 28 miles northeast of McGrath....(size: 2.4Kb)
Edit Sun Star
26 Oct 2013
CITY OF SAN FERNANDO -- Secure and fair barangay elections ... SAFE, added Albayalde, wishes to "instill among election stakeholders the significance of the May 28 barangay elections." ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
26 Oct 2013
Russia's Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova casts a shadow while serving to Switzerland's Romina Oprandi during their Portugal Open semifinal tennis match Friday, May 3 2013, in Oeiras, outside Lisbon ... New York Yankees relief pitcher Mariano Rivera, left, laughs with former New York Mets closer John Franco after Franco caught Rivera's ceremonial first pitch before an interleague baseball game at Citi Field in New York, Tuesday, May 28, 2013....(size: 16.1Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
26 Oct 2013
Russia's Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova casts a shadow while serving to Switzerland's Romina Oprandi during their Portugal Open semifinal tennis match Friday, May 3 2013, in Oeiras, outside Lisbon ... New York Yankees relief pitcher Mariano Rivera, left, laughs with former New York Mets closer John Franco after Franco caught Rivera's ceremonial first pitch before an interleague baseball game at Citi Field in New York, Tuesday, May 28, 2013....(size: 16.9Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
26 Oct 2013
Russia's Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova casts a shadow while serving to Switzerland's Romina Oprandi during their Portugal Open semifinal tennis match Friday, May 3 2013, in Oeiras, outside Lisbon ... New York Yankees relief pitcher Mariano Rivera, left, laughs with former New York Mets closer John Franco after Franco caught Rivera's ceremonial first pitch before an interleague baseball game at Citi Field in New York, Tuesday, May 28, 2013....(size: 17.0Kb)
Edit Bloomberg
26 Oct 2013
A Chinese journalist detained by police from Hunan province for allegedly defaming a state-owned company said he accepted payments in exchange for releasing fabricated reports, China Central Television said ... 18 ... Zoomlion in February and May denied allegations by the paper that it falsified sales. On May 28, the company said an article accusing it of improperly accounting for sales was “distorted” and “misleading.” ... ‘Serious Impact’ ... 23....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit The Oklahoman
26 Oct 2013
After learning that the Oklahoma Senate had not released certain records Friday, Oklahoma County District Judge Cindy Truong sent home jurors in former state Rep. Randy Terrill's trial. By Nolan Clay ... Bribery defendant Randy Terrill Jim Beckel - THE OKLAHOMAN ... Randy Terrill. Jurors were told to return at 9 a.m. Monday ... Leftwich announced May 28, 2010, the last day of the legislative session, that she would not run for re-election ... close ... 1 ... ....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
26 Oct 2013
BERLIN, Oct 26 (Reuters) - The United States may have bugged Angela Merkel's phone for more than 10 years, according to a news report on Saturday that also said President Barack Obama told the German leader he would have stopped it happening had he known about it ... President Barack Obama (L) during their meeting in Warsaw on May 28, 2011....(size: 11.2Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
26 Oct 2013
You may also start thinking about how you want to spend the rest of your life ... Walk, run, cycle, a sport, whatever it may be ... Happy 25th Anniversary! May you celebrate many more ... We doubt that 30 million people watched <em>General Hospital</em>'s <a href=""http.//">Genie" Francis</a> marry her real-life husband, actor/director Jonathan Frankes on May 28, 1988....(size: 16.4Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
26 Oct 2013
President Barack Obama and Costa Rica's President Laura Chinchilla shake hands at the end of their joint press conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, Friday, May 3, 2013 ... President Barack Obama shakes hands with French President Francois Hollande on arrival for the G8 Summit Friday, May 18, 2012 at Camp David, Md ... President Barack Obama (L) during their meeting in Warsaw on May 28, 2011....(size: 14.6Kb)
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  2012 (Monday)
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  2003 (Wednesday)

May 28 is the 148th day of the year (149th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 217 days remaining until the end of the year.





Holidays and observances[link]

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This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Mark Levin

Levin speaks at an Americans for Prosperity conference in 2011
Birth name Mark Reed Levin
Born (1957-09-21) September 21, 1957 (age 54)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.
Show The Mark Levin Show
Station(s) WABC
Network Cumulus Media Networks
Time slot 6-9 p.m. EST
Style Talk radio
Country United States

Mark Reed Levin (born September 21, 1957) is a lawyer, author and the host of American syndicated radio show The Mark Levin Show. Levin served in the administration of President Ronald Reagan and was a chief of staff for Attorney General Edwin Meese. He is president of the Landmark Legal Foundation, has authored bestselling books and contributes commentary to various media outlets such as National Review Online.[1]



Mark Reed Levin was born to a Jewish family in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and grew up in Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Cheltenham High School after three years.[2][3] After high school, Levin enrolled at Temple University Ambler including summer classes and graduated in 1977 at age 19, magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa.[4] He also earned a juris doctorate from Temple University Beasley School of Law in 1980.[5]

Beginning in 1981, Levin served as advisor to several members of President Ronald Reagan's cabinet, eventually becoming Associate Director of Presidential Personnel and ultimately Chief of Staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese; Levin also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education, and Deputy Solicitor of the U.S. Department of the Interior.

He practiced law in the private sector and is president of Landmark Legal Foundation, a public interest law firm founded in 1976 and based in Leesburg, Virginia.

Levin is married to Kendall Levin.[6] They have two children, Lauren (born 1988) and Chase (born 1991).[7]

Levin has participated in Freedom Concerts, an annual benefit concert to aid families of fallen soldiers, and he uses his radio program to promote same.[8][9] Levin is also involved with Troopathon, a charity which sends care packages to soldiers serving overseas.[10]

In 2001, the American Conservative Union awarded Levin its Ronald Reagan Award.[11]

Radio broadcasting[link]

Levin began his broadcast career as a guest on conservative talk radio programs. For many years he was a frequent contributor of legal opinions to The Rush Limbaugh Show, where Limbaugh referred to him on-air as "F. Lee Levin," a tongue-in-cheek reference to the famous defense attorney F. Lee Bailey. He was also a contributor to The Sean Hannity Show and eventually got a radio slot of his own on WABC, following Sean Hannity's program. Hannity has nicknamed Mark Levin "The Great One".[12] Levin and Hannity remain frequent contributors to each other's programs.


[edit] Men In Black: How The Supreme Court is Destroying America

Levin authored the 2005 book Men In Black: How The Supreme Court Is Destroying America, in which he advanced his thesis that activist judges on the Supreme Court (from all parts of the political spectrum) have "legislated from the bench." In her review of Men in Black, Slate magazine's legal correspondent and journalist Dahlia Lithwick wrote that "no serious scholar of the court or the Constitution, on the ideological left or right, is going to waste their time engaging Levin's arguments once they've read this book."[13] In contrast, a review in the Defense Counsel Journal described Men in Black as "a forceful indictment of what Levin identifies as an increasingly 'activist' court for amending our national Constitution in the guise of construing it."[14]

[edit] Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover's Story of Joy and Anguish

In 2007, Levin released a book about his dogs, Pepsi and Sprite. Specifically, the book was about Sprite, a Spaniel mix that his wife and son persuaded him to adopt from the local shelter in 2004. The book was titled Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover's Story of Joy and Anguish. Rescuing Sprite chronicles Sprite’s health deterioration in 2006 and how Levin and his family dealt with their loss.

[edit] Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto was released on March 24, 2009, and became a No. 1 New York Times best seller for eleven of twelve weeks,[15] as well as No. 1 on Nielsen's BookScan.[16] It comes in at No. 2 on's list of bestselling books of 2009.[17] The book includes discussion of a variety of issues that, according to Levin, need to be addressed in the United States. Liberty and Tyranny has sold over one million copies according to Threshold Editions, the book's publisher.[18] Former federal prosecutor and fellow National Review Online author Andrew C. McCarthy wrote of Liberty and Tyranny in The New Criterion:

We are in the high tide of America’s Leftist ascendancy: the Obama evisceration of individual freedom and installation of authoritarian collectivism—at warp speed, driven by an ambition that would have made Woodrow Wilson and FDR blush. Against this tidal wave, Levin offers not so much a defense as a plan of attack, a clarion call to roll back the seas of Change.[19]

Taking a contrary view, Steve Almond of Salon wrote that

... the tantalizing beauty of a Mark Levin text resides precisely in this ability to attribute any crisis of State to its nefarious indulgences. The current economic meltdown, for instance, should not be blamed on the psychotic greed of Wall Street, but on the State's deranged need to throw money at the poor and undeserving.[20]

[edit] Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America

Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America was released January 17, 2012. Amazon's publication notes describe this book as exploring "the psychology, motivations, and history of the utopian movement, its architects, and its modern day disciples – and how the individual and American society are being devoured by it."[21]


  1. ^ "Mark R. Levin Archive, National Review Online". Retrieved 2011-04-24. 
  2. ^ "Cheltenham alumni website". Retrieved March 31, 2012. 
  3. ^ Carey, Art (July 16, 2009). "Looking at liberty and tyranny Author and radio host Mark Levin offers a conservative view.". Philadelphia Inquirer. p. 3. 
  4. ^ Mark R. Levin bio by National Review
  5. ^ Jeffrey, Terence P.; Ryskind, Allan H. (October 2, 2006). "Mark Levin Takes Talk Radio by Storm". Human Events. Retrieved February 1, 2012. 
  6. ^ Limbaugh, Rush (November 16, 2007). "Mark Levin In-Studio on "Rescuing Sprite"". The Rush Limbaugh Show. Retrieved January 24, 2012. 
  7. ^ Levin, Rescuing Sprite, p. 9.
  8. ^ "Sean Hannity, Freedom Concert comes to Nokia Theatre". [dead link]
  9. ^ "Montgomery Gentry loves country and sings for "Freedom"". New York Daily News. 2007-09-11. Retrieved 2009-12-04. 
  10. ^ "Troopathon Homepage". Move America Forward. Retrieved 2009-12-04. 
  11. ^ "Ronald Reagan Award Presented to Landmark's President Mark Levin". Landmark Legal Foundation. Retrieved 2009-12-04. 
  12. ^ Mark Levin Retrieved 2010-08-28.
  13. ^ Lithwick, Dahlia. "The Limbaugh Code: The New York Times best seller no one is talking about.", Slate, April 1, 2005.
  14. ^ Wick, William A. "Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America", Defense Counsel Journal , January 1, 2006.
  15. ^ "Hardcover Nonfiction". The New York Times. 2009-06-21. 
  16. ^ Nielsens Bookscan Liberty and Tyranny, April 9, 2009
  17. ^ "Customers' Bestsellers: Top 100 Books". 2009. Retrieved March 31, 2012. 
  18. ^ Vivian, Jordan (2009-09-15). "Liberty and Tyranny Sells a Million". Human Events. Retrieved 2009-09-21. 
  19. ^ McCarthy, Andrew (May 2009). "The Work of Generations". New Criterion. Retrieved 2009-10-08. 
  20. ^ Almond, Steve (2009-09-12). "Glenn Beck is the future of literary fiction". Retrieved 2009-09-24. 
  21. ^ "Ameritopia: The Unmaking of America (9781439173244): Mark R. Levin: Books". Retrieved March 31, 2012. 

External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Malcolm Gladwell
A man holds a piece of paper and is giving a speech
Gladwell at PopTech!, October 2008
Born Malcolm T. Gladwell
(1963-09-03) September 3, 1963 (age 48)
Fareham, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Occupation Non-fiction writer, journalist
Nationality Canadian
Period 1987–present
Notable work(s) The Tipping Point (2000)
Blink (2005)
Outliers (2008)
What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures (2009)

Malcolm T. Gladwell, CM (born September 3, 1963) is a Canadian journalist, bestselling author, and speaker.[1] He is currently based in New York City and has been a staff writer for The New Yorker since 1996. He has written four books, The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference (2000), Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (2005), Outliers: The Story of Success (2008), and What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures (2009), a collection of his journalism. All four books were New York Times Bestsellers.

Gladwell's books and articles often deal with the unexpected implications of research in the social sciences and make frequent and extended use of academic work, particularly in the areas of sociology, psychology, and social psychology. Gladwell was appointed to the Order of Canada on June 30, 2011.[2]


Early life[link]

Gladwell was born in Fareham, Hampshire, England to Joyce, Jamaican-born psychotherapist, and Graham Gladwell, a British mathematics professor.[3][4] Gladwell has said that his mother is his role model as a writer.[5] When he was six his family moved to Elmira, Ontario, Canada.[3]

Gladwell’s father noted that Malcolm was an unusually single-minded and ambitious boy.[6] When Malcolm was 11, his father, who was a professor[7] of mathematics and engineering at the University of Waterloo, allowed him to wander around the offices at his university, which stoked the boy's interest in reading and libraries.[8] During his high school years, Gladwell was an outstanding middle-distance runner and won the 1500 meter title at the 1978 Ontario High School 14 year old championships in Kingston, Ontario.[9] In the spring of 1982, Gladwell interned with the National Journalism Center in Washington, D.C.[10] He graduated with a degree in history from the University of Toronto's Trinity College in 1984.[11]


Gladwell’s grades weren’t good enough for graduate school (as Gladwell puts it, “college was not an... intellectually fruitful time for me”), so he decided to go into advertising.[8][12] After being rejected by every advertising agency he applied to, he accepted a journalism position at The American Spectator and moved to Indiana.[13] He subsequently wrote for Insight on the News, a conservative magazine owned by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church.[14] In 1987, Gladwell began covering business and science for The Washington Post, where he worked until 1996.[15] In a personal elucidation of the 10,000 hour rule he popularized in Outliers, Gladwell notes, "I was a basket case at the beginning, and I felt like an expert at the end. It took 10 years — exactly that long."[8]

When he started at The New Yorker in 1996 he wanted to "mine current academic research for insights, theories, direction, or inspiration."[6] His first assignment was to write a piece about fashion. Instead of writing about high-class fashion, Gladwell opted to write a piece about a man who manufactured T-shirts, saying “it was much more interesting to write a piece about someone who made a T-shirt for $8 than it was to write about a dress that costs $100,000. I mean, you or I could make a dress for $100,000, but to make a T-shirt for $8 – that’s much tougher.”[6] Gladwell gained popularity with two New Yorker articles, both written in 1996: "The Tipping Point"[16] and "The Coolhunt"[17][18] These two pieces would become the basis for Gladwell's first book, The Tipping Point, for which he received a $1 million advance.[12][19] He continues to write for The New Yorker. He also serves as a contributing editor for Grantland, a sports journalism website founded by ESPN's Bill Simmons.


Gladwell has written four books. When asked for the process behind his writing, he said "I have two parallel things I'm interested in. One is, I'm interested in collecting interesting stories, and the other is I'm interested in collecting interesting research. What I'm looking for is cases where they overlap."[20] The initial inspiration for his first book, The Tipping Point, came from the sudden drop of crime in New York City.[21] He wanted the book to have a broader appeal than just crime, however, and sought to explain similar phenomena through the lens of epidemiology. While Gladwell was a reporter for The Washington Post, he covered the AIDS epidemic. He began to take note of "how strange epidemics were," saying that epidemiologists have a "strikingly different way of looking at the world."[22] The word "tipping point" comes from the moment in an epidemic when the virus reaches critical mass and begins to spread at a much higher rate.[22]

After the success of The Tipping Point, Gladwell wrote Blink in 2005. The book explains how the human subconscious interprets events or cues and how past experiences can lead people to make informed decisions very rapidly, using examples like the Getty kouros and psychologist John Gottman's research on the likelihood of divorce in married couples. Gladwell’s hair was the inspiration for Blink.[23] He stated that he started to get speeding tickets all the time, an oddity considering that he had never got one before, and that he started getting pulled out of airport security lines for special attention.[24] In a particular incident, he was accosted by three police officers while walking in downtown Manhattan, because his curly hair matched the profile of a rapist, despite the fact that the suspect looked nothing like him otherwise.[25]

Gladwell’s third book, Outliers, published in 2008, examines how a person's environment, in conjunction with personal drive and motivation, affects his or her possibility and opportunity for success. Gladwell’s original question revolved around lawyers: "We take it for granted that there’s this guy in New York who’s the corporate lawyer, right? I just was curious: Why is it all the same guy?"[clarification needed][8] In another example present in the book, Gladwell noticed that people ascribe Bill Gates’s success to being "really smart" or "really ambitious." He noted that he knew a lot of people who are really smart and really ambitious, but not worth 60 billion dollars. "It struck me that our understanding of success was really crude – and there was an opportunity to dig down and come up with a better set of explanations."[26]

Gladwell's fourth book, What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures, was published on October 20, 2009.[27] What the Dog Saw bundles together his favorite articles from The New Yorker since he joined the magazine as a staff writer in 1996.[28] The stories share a common theme, namely that Gladwell tries to show us the world through the eyes of others, even if that other happens to be a dog.[29][30]

Gladwell's books The Tipping Point (2000) and Blink (2005), were international bestsellers. The Tipping Point sold over two million copies in the United States. Blink sold equally well.[12][31]


The Tipping Point was named as one of the best books of the decade by customers, The Onion A.V. Club, The Guardian, and The Times.[32][33][34][35] It was also Barnes and Nobles’s 5th bestselling nonfiction book of the decade.[36] Blink was named to Fast Company’s list of the best business books of 2005.[37] It was also #5 on Amazon users’ favorite books of 2005, named to Christian Science Monitor’s best nonfiction books of 2005, and in the top 50 of Amazon users’ favorite books of the decade.[32][38][39] Outliers was a #1 New York Times Bestseller for 11 straight weeks, and was Time’s #10 nonfiction book of 2008, as well as named to The San Francisco Chronicle’s list of the 50 best nonfiction books of 2008.[40][41][42]

Critical appraisal of Gladwell's work has been mixed. Most praise his gift for compelling writing and clarity of expression while many disagree with his conclusions or question the validity of his methods.

Fortune described The Tipping Point as “a fascinating book that makes you see the world in a different way.”[43][44] The Daily Telegraph called it “a wonderfully offbeat study of that little-understood phenomenon, the social epidemic.”[45] Reviewing Blink, the Baltimore Sun dubbed Gladwell “the most original American [sic] journalist since the young Tom Wolfe.”[46] Farhad Manjoo at Salon described the book as “a real pleasure. As in the best of Gladwell's work, Blink brims with surprising insights about our world and ourselves.”[47] The Economist called Outliers “a compelling read with an important message.”[48] David Leonhardt wrote in The New York Times Book Review: “In the vast world of nonfiction writing, Malcolm Gladwell is as close to a singular talent as exists today” and that Outliers “leaves you mulling over its inventive theories for days afterward.”[49] Ian Sample wrote in the Guardian: “Brought together, the pieces form a dazzling record of Gladwell's art. There is depth to his research and clarity in his arguments, but it is the breadth of subjects he applies himself to that is truly impressive.”[50][51]

Criticism of Gladwell tends to focus on the fact that he is a journalist and not a scientist, and as a result his work is prone to oversimplification and logical fallacies. Critics charge that he sometimes stretches his colorful stories to make them apply to business issues.[52] The New Republic called the final chapter of Outliers, "impervious to all forms of critical thinking".[53] Gladwell has also received criticism for his emphasis on anecdotal evidence over research to support his conclusions.[54] Maureen Tkacik and Steven Pinker have challenged the integrity of Gladwell's approach.[55][56] Even while praising Gladwell's attractive writing style and content, Pinker sums up his take on Gladwell as, "a minor genius who unwittingly demonstrates the hazards of statistical reasoning," while accusing Gladwell of "cherry-picked anecdotes, post-hoc sophistry and false dichotomies" in his book Outliers. Referencing a Gladwell reporting mistake, Pinker criticizes his lack of expertise: "I will call this the Igon Value [sic] Problem: when a writer’s education on a topic consists in interviewing an expert, he is apt to offer generalizations that are banal, obtuse or flat wrong."[55] A writer in The Independent accused Gladwell of posing "obvious" insights.[57] The Register has accused Gladwell of making arguments by weak analogy and commented that Gladwell has an "aversion for fact", adding that, "Gladwell has made a career out of handing simple, vacuous truths to people and dressing them up with flowery language and an impressionistic take on the scientific method."[58] Gladwell's approach has been satirized by the online site "The Malcolm Gladwell Book Generator".[59]

In 2012, CBS's 60 Minutes attributed the recent trend of American parents "redshirting" their five-year-olds (postponing entrance) to give them an advantage in kindergarten to a section in Gladwell's Outliers.[60]

On May 31, 2012, Malcolm Gladwell was the subject of an investigative report documenting his professional origins and financial relationships with various industry groups. These profitable, long-term business relationships appear to have connection with journalistic stances presented by Gladwell as original and unbiased. Authored by Yasha Levine of The eXiled, and titled "Malcolm Gladwell Unmasked: A Look Into the Life & Work of America’s Most Successful Propagandist," the exposé alleges a seedier, blatantly corrupt dimension to existing criticisms of Gladwell's work. [61]

Awards and honors[link]


See also[link]


  1. ^ Colvile, Robert (December 17, 2008). "Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell – review". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  2. ^ "Governor General Announces 50 New Appointments to the Order of Canada", June 30, 2011.
  3. ^ a b Adams, Tim (November 16, 2008). "The man who can't stop thinking". The Guardian (London). 
  4. ^ Gates, Henry (2010). Faces of America: How 12 Extraordinary People Discovered Their Pasts. NYU Press. p. 178. ISBN 0-8147-3264-X. 
  5. ^ "A conversation with Malcolm Gladwell". Charlie Rose. December 19, 2008. Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  6. ^ a b c Preston, John. Malcolm Gladwell Interview. The Telegraph. October 26, 2009.
  7. ^ "Dr. Graham M. L. Gladwell". 
  8. ^ a b c d Grossman, Lev. "Outliers: Malcolm Gladwell’s Success Story". TIME. November 18, 2008.
  9. ^ With a time of 4:05. Radiolab "Race". Radiolab. November 28, 2008. Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  10. ^ "Books and Articles by NJC Alumni". Young America's Foundation. Retrieved October 17, 2009. 
  11. ^ "Books by Malcolm Gladwell". Biblio. Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  12. ^ a b c Donadio, Rachel (February 5, 2006). "The Gladwell Effect". The New York Times. Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  13. ^ Sample, Ian. What The Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell Review. Guardian. October 17, 2009.
  14. ^ Shafer, Jack (March 19, 2008). "The Fibbing Point". Slate. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2009. 
  15. ^ Malcolm Gladwell will be The Cooper Union's 152nd Commencement Speaker. The Cooper Union. March 22, 2011.
  16. ^ "The Tipping Point"
  17. ^ "The Coolhunt.
  18. ^ McNett, Gavin. Idea epidemics. Salon. March 17, 2000.
  19. ^ McNett, Gavin (March 17, 2000). "Idea epidemics". Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  20. ^ Jaffe, Eric. Malcolm in the Middle. APS Observer. March 2006.
  21. ^ What is Outliers About?.
  22. ^ a b What is the Tipping Point?
  23. ^ Davis, Johnny. Malcolm Gladwell: A good hair day. The Independent. March 19, 2006.
  24. ^ Malcolm Gladwell: Blink. One Question with Ken Coleman.
  25. ^ What is Outliers about?.
  26. ^ Altman, Alex Q&A: Author Malcolm Gladwell Time Magazine. October 20, 2009.
  27. ^ Sample, Ian (October 17, 2009). "What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell". London: The Guardian. Retrieved October 27, 2009. 
  28. ^ Pinker, Steven (2009-11-07). "Book Review - 'What the Dog Saw - And Other Adventures,' by Malcolm Gladwell". New York Times. 
  29. ^ The New Yorker writer's sense of curiosity burns bright in this collection of essays Los Angeles Times. November 22, 2009.
  30. ^ Booth, Jenny (June 2009). "Gladwell: I was an outsider many times over". London: Times Online. 
  31. ^ a b Best of the Decade... So Far: Top 50 Customers’ Favorites.
  32. ^ The best books of the ‘00s. The Onion A.V. Club. November 25, 2009.
  33. ^ What we were reading. The Guardian. December 5, 2009.
  34. ^ The 100 Best Books of the Decade. Times Online. November 14, 2009.
  35. ^ Bestsellers of the Decade--Nonfiction. Barnes and Noble.
  36. ^ Fast Company’s Best Books of 2005. Fast Company. January 5, 2008.
  37. ^ Best nonfiction of 2005. The Christian Science Monitor. November 29, 2005.
  38. ^ Best Books of 2005.
  39. ^ Hardcover Nonfiction Bestsellers. The New York Times. February 15, 2009.
  40. ^ Grossman, Lev. The Top 10 of Everything 2008. TIME. November 3, 2008.
  41. ^ The 50 best books of 2008. The San Francisco Chronicle. December 21, 2008.
  42. ^ Kelly, Erin (March 6, 2000). "Bookshelf". Fortune. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  43. ^ Hawthorne, Christopher (March 5, 2000). "The Massive Outbreak of an Idea". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  44. ^ Thompson, Damian (May 9, 2000). "Are You a maven or a connector?". London: Daily Telegraph. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  45. ^ Fuson, Ken (January 16, 2005). "The Bright Stuff". The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  46. ^ Manjoo, Farhad (January 13, 2005). "Before you can say". Salon. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  47. ^ "How did I do that?". The Economist. December 11, 2008. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  48. ^ Leonhardt, David (November 30, 2008). "Chance and Circumstance". The New York Times Book Review. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  49. ^ Sample, Ian (October 17, 2009). "What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell". London: The Guardian. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  50. ^ Reimer, Susan (October 5, 2009). "Pill Inventor Gave Women Protection But Lost His Religion". The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010. 
  51. ^ "The Accidental Guru". Fast Company. Retrieved August 4, 2009. 
  52. ^
  53. ^ Kakutani, Michiko (November 18, 2008). "It's True: Success Succeeds, and Advantages Can Help". The New York Times. 
  54. ^ a b Pinker, Steven (November 7, 2009). "Malcolm Gladwell, Eclectic Detective". New York Times Company. Retrieved November 19, 2009. 
  55. ^ "Gladwell for Dummies". The Nation. November 4, 2009. Retrieved November 19, 2009. 
  56. ^ Tonkin, Boyd (November 21, 2008). "Book Of The Week: Outliers, By Malcolm Gladwell". The Independent (London). Retrieved May 12, 2010. 
  57. ^ Freak Tipping Point, The Register, 2007/01/20
  58. ^
  59. ^ "Kindergarten "redshirting." What would you do?". CBS News. 
  60. ^ Levine, Yasha. "Malcolm Gladwell Unmasked: A Look Into the Life & Work of America’s Most Successful Propagandist", 31 May 2012. Retrieved on 1 June 2012.
  61. ^ "Biography". Malcolm Gladwell. Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  62. ^ "Malcolm Gladwell Award Statement". American Sociological Association. March 16, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  63. ^ "UW awards 17 honorary degrees at spring convocation". University of Waterloo. May 2, 2007. Retrieved January 17, 2009. 
  64. ^ Davis, Brent; O'Reilly, Nicole (June 15, 2007). "Another feather in their cap". The Record. Retrieved January 17, 2009. 

External links[link]

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Alia Shawkat

Shawkat in October 2011
Born Alia Martine Shawkat
(1989-04-18) April 18, 1989 (age 23)
Riverside, California, U.S.
Occupation Actress
Years active 1999–present

Alia Martine Shawkat (play /ˈæliə ˈʃkɑːt/; born April 18, 1989) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Maeby Fünke in the Fox series Arrested Development.


Personal life[link]

Shawkat was born in Riverside, California, to actor Tony Shawkat and Dina Burke. She grew up in nearby Palm Springs.[1] She has two brothers.[2] Her maternal grandfather was actor Paul Burke.

Shawkat is of Kurdish descent on her father's side and Irish and Norwegian[3] descent on her mother's side.


Shawkat made her acting debut in both film and television in 1999. In that year, she played the daughter of the character Amir in the feature film Three Kings, in which her father Tony Shawkat played a member of the Iraqi Republican Guard, and appeared as a young Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie on one episode of JAG. She landed her first starring role in 2001, playing Hannah Rayburn in the television sitcom State of Grace, which aired in the United States on the cable television channel Fox Family (subsequently renamed ABC Family) until 2002.

As Maeby Fünke, Shawkat was a regular cast member of Arrested Development for the entire run of the show (2003–2006).[4] The series received nearly universal positive reviews, with Shawkat's performance occasionally singled out for praise; pop-culture commentator Brian M. Palmer remarked that she was "one of the brightest lights on a show populated solely by bright lights,"[5] and Scott Weinberg of eFilmCritic described her as "one funny young lady."[6] In an interview with The A.V. Club in 2010, Shawkat remarked that many of her "formative moments" as an actress took place on the Arrested Development set: " [Show creator] Mitch Hurwitz was like a father figure to me...In a way, it was great to be around [the cast], because I feel that my understanding of comedy was able to grow really well during that time."[7] Shawkat, along with the rest of the main cast, are set to reprise their roles in the upcoming Arrested Development feature film.

Since the end of Arrested Development, Shawkat has continued to act in feature films. In 2009, she played an Arab-American teen in Cherien Dabis's film Amreeka and appeared in Drew Barrymore's directorial debut Whip It alongside Ellen Page. In 2010, she appeared in The Runaways, a biographical movie about the band of the same name, playing a fictional version of the band's bassist.

In 2009, Shawkat appeared in Whip It co-star Har Mar Superstar's music video for "Tall Boy", which also featured Eva Mendes and Eric Wareheim. In October 2009, it was announced that Shawkat, Har Mar, and fellow Whip It co-star Page would produce and write a show for HBO called Stitch N' Bitch.[7] According to the Hollywood Reporter, the show "follows two painfully cool hipster girls as they relocate from Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood to Los Angeles' Silver Lake enclave in hopes of becoming artists – of any kind."[8]

Shawkat, along with Arrested Development co-star Mae Whitman, sang guest vocals on a number of tracks from indie-punk band Fake Problems' newest album Real Ghosts Caught on Tape.[9]


Year Title Role Notes
1999 JAG Young Mac 1 Episode
Three Kings Amir's Daughter
2000 Trial of Old Drum, TheThe Trial of Old Drum Dee TV film
2002 State of Grace Young Hannah Rayburn 9 Episodes
Presidio Med Tara Wegman 1 Episode
2003 Without a Trace Siobhan Arintero 1 Episode
Boomtown Denise Stein 1 Episode
Arrested Development Mae "Maeby" Fünke 2003–2006, 53 Episodes
2005 Rebound Amy
Queen of Cactus Cove Billie
Last Call with Carson Daly Herself 1 Episode
Blow Out Herself 1 Episode
2006 Veronica Mars Stacy Wells 1 Episode
Not Like Everyone Else Brandi Blackbear TV Film
Deck the Halls Madison Finch
2007 Business, TheThe Business Screenwriting Manicurist 2 Episodes
2008 Bad Mother's Handbook, TheThe Bad Mother's Handbook Charlotte TV Film
Bart Got a Room Camille
Prom Wars Diana Riggs
Starter Series, TheThe Starter Series Robin 3 Episodes
2009 Amreeka Salma
Whip It Pash
Arrested Development Documentary Project Herself
Made in Hollywood Herself 1 Episode
Sundance Directors Lab Herself 1 Episode
2010 Runaways, TheThe Runaways Robin
The League April 1 Episode
Lie, TheThe Lie Seven Post-production
2011 Cedar Rapids Bree
Oranges, TheThe Oranges Vanessa Filming
"Our Deal" Best Coast music video


External links[link]

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Craig Ferguson

Performing stand-up in New York City, 2007
Born (1962-05-17) May 17, 1962 (age 50)
Glasgow, Scotland
Medium Stand-up, television, film, music, books
Nationality Scotland; United States
Years active 1980–present
Genres Observational comedy, satire/political satire/news satire
Subject(s) Everyday life, popular culture, self-deprecation, politics
Spouse Anne Hogarth (1983–86) (divorced)
Sascha Corwin (1998–2004) (divorced) 1 child
Megan Wallace-Cunningham (2008–present) 1 child
Notable works and roles Host of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson
Nigel Wick on The Drew Carey Show
Glaswegian in One Foot in the Grave
Gobber in How to Train Your Dragon
Website The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson

Craig Ferguson (born 17 May 1962[1]) is a Scottish-American television host, stand-up comedian, writer, actor, director, author, and producer. He is the host of The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, an Emmy Award-nominated, Peabody Award-winning late-night talk show that airs on CBS. In addition to hosting that program and performing stand-up comedy, Ferguson has written two books: Between the Bridge and the River, a novel, and American on Purpose, a memoir. He became a citizen of the United States in 2008.[2]

Before his career as a late-night television host, Ferguson was best known in the United States for his role as the office boss, Nigel Wick, on The Drew Carey Show from 1996 to 2003. He also wrote and starred in three films, directing one of them.


Early life[link]

Ferguson was born in the Stobhill Hospital in the Springburn district of Glasgow, Scotland to Robert and Janet Ferguson, and raised in nearby Cumbernauld, growing up "chubby and bullied".[3][4] When he was six months old, he and his family moved from their Springburn apartment to a council house in Cumbernauld. They lived there as Glasgow was re-housing many people following damage to the city from World War II.[4] Ferguson attended Muirfield Primary School and Cumbernauld High School.[5] At age sixteen, Ferguson dropped out of Cumbernauld High School and began an apprenticeship to be an electronics technician at a local factory of American company Burroughs Corporation.[6]

His first visit to the United States was as a teenager to visit an uncle who lived on Long Island, near New York City.[7] When he moved to New York City in 1983, he worked in construction in Harlem.[8][9] Ferguson later became a bouncer at a nightclub, Save the Robots.[10]


British career[link]

Ferguson's experience in entertainment began as a drummer in a rock band called Exposure. He then joined a punk band called The Bastards from Hell.[11] The band, later renamed "Dreamboys", and fronted by vocalist Peter Capaldi, performed regularly in Glasgow from 1980 to 1982.[12] Ferguson credits Capaldi for inspiring him to try comedy.[3]

After a nerve-wrecking, knee-knocking first appearance, he decided to create a character that was a "parody of all the über-patriotic native folk singers who seemed to infect every public performance in Scotland."[3] The character, "Bing Hitler" (actually coined by Capaldi as Ferguson started with the monogram of "Nico Fulton" but admittedly later stole the name for his "own nefarious ends"),[12] premiered in Glasgow, and subsequently became a hit at the 1986 Edinburgh Festival Fringe. A recording of his stage act as Bing Hitler was made at Glasgow's Tron Theatre and released in the 1980s;[13] a Bing Hitler monologue ("A Lecture for Burns Night") appears on the compilation cassette Honey at the Core.

Ferguson's first television appearance was as Confidence on BBC sitcom Red Dwarf during the episode "Confidence and Paranoia".

Ferguson made his starring television debut in The Craig Ferguson Show, a one-off comedy pilot for Granada Television, which co-starred Paul Whitehouse and Helen Atkinson-Wood.[14] This was broadcast throughout the UK on 4 March 1990, but was not made into a full series.

He has also found success in musical theatre. Beginning in 1991, he appeared on stage as Brad Majors in the London production of The Rocky Horror Show, alongside Anthony Head, who was playing Dr. Frank-N-Furter at the time.[citation needed] In 1994, Ferguson played Father MacLean in the highly controversial production of Bad Boy Johnny and the Prophets of Doom at the Union Chapel in London. The same year, he appeared again at the Edinburgh Fringe, as Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple, opposite Gerard Kelly as Felix and Kate Anthony as Gwendolin Pidgeon, who is now much better known as Aunty Pam in Coronation Street; the play, which was relocated to 1990s Glasgow, later toured Scotland.[15]

After enjoying success at the Edinburgh Festival, Ferguson appeared on Red Dwarf, STV's Hogmanay Show,[16] his own show 2000 Not Out, and the 1993 One Foot in the Grave Christmas special One Foot in the Algarve.

In 1993, Ferguson presented his own series on Scottish archaeology for Scottish Television entitled Dirt Detective.[17] He travelled throughout the country examining archaeological history, including Skara Brae and Paisley Abbey.

U.S. career[link]

After cancellation of his show The Ferguson Theory, Ferguson moved to Los Angeles in 1994. His first U.S. role was as baker Logan McDonough on the short-lived 1995 ABC comedy Maybe This Time, which starred Betty White and Marie Osmond.

His breakthrough in the U.S. came when he was cast on The Drew Carey Show as the title character's boss, Mr. Wick, a role that he played from 1996 to 2003. He played the role with an over-the-top posh English accent "to make up for generations of English actors doing crap Scottish accents." In his comedy special "A Wee Bit O' Revolution", he specifically called out James Doohan's portrayal of Montgomery Scott on Star Trek as the foundation of his "revenge". (At the end of one episode, though, Ferguson broke the fourth wall and began talking to the audience at home in his regular Scottish accent.) His character was memorable for his unique methods of laying employees off, almost always "firing Johnson", the most common last name of the to-be-fired workers.[18] Even after leaving the show in 2003, he remained a recurring character on the series for the last two seasons, and was part of the 2-part series finale in 2004.

During production of The Drew Carey Show, Ferguson devoted his off-time as a cast member to writing, working in his trailer on set in-between shooting his scenes. He wrote and starred in three films: The Big Tease, Saving Grace, and I'll Be There, which he also directed and for which he won the Audience Award for Best Film at the Aspen, Dallas and Valencia film festivals. He was named Best New Director at the Napa Valley Film Festival. These were among other scripts that, "... in the great tradition of the movie business, about half a dozen that I got paid a fortune for but never got made."[19] His other acting credits in films include Niagara Motel, Lenny the Wonder Dog, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Chain of Fools, Born Romantic, The Ugly Truth, How to Train Your Dragon, Kick-Ass and Winnie the Pooh.

Ferguson has been touring the United States and Canada with a stand-up comedy show, and performed at Carnegie Hall on 23 October 2010.

[edit] The Late Late Show

In December 2004, it was announced that Ferguson would be the successor to Craig Kilborn on CBS's The Late Late Show. His first show as the regular host aired on 3 January 2005. By May 2008, Ben Alba, an American television historian and an authority on U.S. talk shows, said Ferguson "has already made his mark, taking the TV monologue to new levels with an underlying story. But he is only just starting ... He is making up his own rules: It's the immigrant experience."[18]

The Late Late Show averaged 2.0 million viewers in its 2007 season, compared with 2.5 million for Late Night with Conan O'Brien.[20] In April 2008, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson beat Late Night with Conan O'Brien for weekly ratings (1.88 million to 1.77 million) for the first time since the two shows went head-to-head with their respective hosts.[21]

By the end of 2009, Craig Ferguson topped Jimmy Fallon in the ratings with Ferguson getting a 1.8 rating/6 share and Fallon receiving a 1.6 rating/6 share.[22]

Ferguson's success on the show has led at least one "television insider" to say he is the heir apparent to take over David Letterman's role as host of The Late Show.[18]

Television and appearances[link]

Craig Ferguson has made guest appearances on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, Rachael Ray, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, The Howard Stern Show, The Daily Show, The View, Loveline, Real Time with Bill Maher, The Soup, The Talk and The Dennis Miller Show. He also co-hosted Live with Regis & Kelly with Kelly Ripa.

On 4 January 2009 Ferguson was a celebrity player on Million Dollar Password.

Ferguson in April 2008

In 2009, Ferguson made a cameo live-action appearance in the episode "We Love You, Conrad" on Family Guy. Ferguson hosted the 32nd annual People's Choice Awards on 10 January 2006.[23] TV Guide magazine printed a "Cheers" (Cheers and Jeers section) for appearing on his own show that same evening.[citation needed] From 2007 to 2010, Ferguson hosted the Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular on 4 July, broadcast nationally by CBS. Ferguson was the featured entertainer at the 26 April 2008 White House Correspondents' Association dinner in Washington, DC.[24]

Ferguson co-presented the Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama with Brooke Shields in 2008. He has done voice work in cartoons, including being the voice of Barry's evil alter-ego in the "With Friends Like Steve's" episode of American Dad; in Freakazoid! as Roddy MacStew, Freakazoid's mentor; and on Buzz Lightyear of Star Command as the robot vampire NOS-4-A2. Most recently, he was the voice of Susan the boil on Futurama, which was a parody of Scottish singer Susan Boyle. He makes stand-up appearances in Las Vegas and New York City. He headlined in the Just for Laughs festival in Montreal and in October 2008 Ferguson taped his stand up show in Boston for a Comedy Central special entitled A Wee Bit o' Revolution, which aired on 22 March 2009.

British television comedy drama Doc Martin was based on a character from Ferguson's film Saving Grace – with Ferguson getting writing credits for 12 episodes.[25] On 6 November 2009 Ferguson appeared as himself in a SpongeBob SquarePants special titled SpongeBob's Truth or Square.[26] He hosted Discovery Channel's 23rd season of Shark Week in 2010. Ferguson briefly appeared in Toby Keith's "Red Solo Cup" music video released on 10 October 2011. [27]


Ferguson's novel Between the Bridge and the River was published on 10 April 2006. Ferguson appeared at the Los Angeles Festival of Books, as well as other author literary events. "This book could scare them", Ferguson said. "The sex, the violence, the dream sequences and the iconoclasm. I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with that. I understand that. It was very uncomfortable to write some of it."[28] Publishers Weekly called it "a tour de force of cynical humor and poignant reverie, a caustic yet ebullient picaresque that approaches the sacred by way of the profane."[citation needed] His novel Between the Bridge and the River is dedicated to his son and to his grandfather, Adam. Ferguson revealed in an interview that he is writing a sequel to the book, to be titled "The Sphynx of the Mississippi".[29] He also stated in a 2006 interview with David Letterman that he intends for the book to be the first in a trilogy.[30]

Ferguson signed a deal with HarperCollins to publish his memoirs.[31] The book, entitled American on Purpose: The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot, focuses on "how and why [he] became an American" and covers his years as a punk rocker, dancer, bouncer and construction worker as well as the rise of his career in Hollywood as an actor and comic. It went on sale 22 September 2009 in the United States.[32][33] On 1 December 2010 the audiobook version was nominated for a Best Spoken Word Album Grammy.[34]

In July 2009, Jackie Collins was a guest on The Late Late Show to promote her new book Married Lovers. Collins said that a character in her book, Don Verona, was based on Ferguson because she was such a fan of him and his show.[35]

Personal life[link]

As mentioned on The Late Late Show on 3 August 2009, Ferguson holds an FAA Private Pilot's License issued 31 July 2009.[36] Ferguson announced on the 8 April 2011 broadcast that he is pursuing an instrument rating.

Ferguson is a fan of Scottish football team Partick Thistle F.C.[12] as well as the British television show Doctor Who. He has three tattoos: his latest, the Join, or Die political cartoon on his right forearm;[37][38] a Ferguson family crest with the Latin motto Dulcius ex asperis ("Sweeter out of [or from] difficulty") on his upper right arm in honour of his father;[39] and the Ingram family crest on his upper left arm in honour of his mother. He has often stated that his Join, or Die tattoo is to signal his patriotism.[37]


In an episode of The Late Late Show that aired 8 December 2008, a somber Ferguson talked about his mother, Janet (3 August 1933 – 1 December 2008). He ended the program by playing her favourite song, "Rivers of Babylon" by Boney M.[40]

Ferguson has two sisters (one older and one younger) and one older brother.[41] His elder sister's name is Janice and his brother's name is Scott. His younger sister, Lynn Ferguson Tweddle, is also a successful comedienne, presenter, and actress, perhaps most widely known as the voice of Mac in the 2000 stop-motion animation film Chicken Run. She is currently a writer on The Late Late Show.

Ferguson has married three times and divorced twice as a result of what he describes as "relationship issues". His first marriage was to Anne Hogarth from 1983 to 1986, during which time they lived in New York. From his second marriage (to Sascha Corwin, founder and proprietor of Los Angeles' SpySchool), he has one son, Milo Hamish Ferguson, born in 2001. He and Corwin share custody of Milo, and live near each other in Los Angeles. On 21 December 2008, Ferguson married art dealer Megan Wallace-Cunningham in a private ceremony on her family's farm in Chester, Vermont.[42] Ferguson announced 14 July 2010 on Twitter that they were expecting a child. He wrote: "Holy crackers! Mrs F is pregnant. How did that happen? ... oh yeah I know how. Another Ferguson arrives in 2011. The world trembles."[43] The child, a boy named Liam James, was born 31 January 2011.[44]


A recovering alcoholic, Ferguson has been sober since 18 February 1992.[45] Because of this, he declared he wouldn't mock Britney Spears' much-publicized alcohol problems in 2007.[46] He said he had considered committing suicide on Christmas Day 1991, but when offered a drink by a friend for celebrating the holiday, he was distracted from jumping off Tower Bridge in London as he had planned.[3]


Holding dual citizenship, Ferguson is both a naturalized citizen of the United States and a British citizen.

During 2007, Ferguson, who at the time held only British citizenship, used The Late Late Show as a forum for seeking honorary citizenship from every state in the U.S. He has received honorary citizenship from Nebraska, Arkansas, Virginia, Montana, North Dakota, New Jersey, Tennessee, South Carolina, South Dakota, Nevada, Alaska, Texas, Wyoming, Pennsylvania and Indiana, and was "commissioned" as an admiral in the tongue-in-cheek Nebraska Navy.[47] Governors Jon Corzine (New Jersey), John Hoeven (North Dakota), Mark Sanford (South Carolina), Mike Rounds (South Dakota), Rick Perry (Texas), Sarah Palin (Alaska) and Jim Gibbons (Nevada) sent letters to him that made him an honorary citizen of their respective states. He received similar honors from various towns and cities, including Ozark, Arkansas; Hazard, Kentucky; and Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

Ferguson became an American citizen on 1 February 2008[2] and broadcast the taking of his citizenship test as well as his swearing in on The Late Late Show.


Year Title Role Notes
1992 The Bogie Man
1998 Modern Vampires Richard
1999 The Big Tease Crawford Mackenzie Writer
2000 Chain of Fools Melander Stevens
2000 Born Romantic Frankie
2000 Saving Grace Matthew Stewart Writer
2002 Life Without Dick Jared O'Reilly
2002 Prendimi l'anima (The Soul Keeper) Richard Fraser
2003 I'll Be There Paul Kerr Director, Writer
2004 Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events Person of Indeterminate Gender
2004 Lenny the Wonder Dog Dr. Wagner
2005 Vampire Bats Fisherman
2006 Niagara Motel Phillie
2007 Trust Me Ted Truman
2008 Craig Ferguson: A Wee Bit O' Revolution
2009 The Ugly Truth Himself
2010 The Hero of Color City
2010 How to Train Your Dragon Gobber Voice only
2010 Kick-Ass Himself
2011 Winnie the Pooh Owl Voice only
2011 Totally Framed Jeffrey Stewart
2012 Brave Lord Macintosh Voice only
2012 My Fair Lady David Post-production
2014 How to Train Your Dragon 2 Gobber Voice only
Year Title Role Notes
1988 Red Dwarf Confidence Episode: Confidence and Paranoia
1989 The Big Gig Himself Regular Comic
1993 One Foot in the Grave Glaswegian beach bully Christmas Special "One foot in the Algarve"
1994 The Dirt Detective: A History of Scotland Travel documentary series Host
1994 The Ferguson Theory Himself Host
1995–1996 Maybe This Time Logan McDonough 18 episodes
1995–1997 Freakazoid! Roddy MacStew 7 episodes
1996–2004 The Drew Carey Show Nigel Wick 170 episodes
2000 Buzz Lightyear of Star Command NOS 4 A2 Voice only, 5 episodes
2005 Life as We Know It Oliver Davies 1 episode
2005–present The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson Himself Host
2006 American Dad! Evil Barry Voice only, Episode: With Friends Like Steve's
2009 Family Guy Himself Episode: We Love You, Conrad
2009 SpongeBob's Truth or Square Himself TV movie
2010 Futurama Susan Boil Episode: Attack of the Killer App
2010 Shark Week Himself Host
2010 Legend of the Boneknapper Dragon Gobber Voice only, TV short film


Comedy specials[link]


  • Live At The Tron (as Bing Hitler). Jammy Records. 1986. Catalogue number JRLP 861.


  1. ^ Tennant, Thomas. "Bio Brief: Craig Ferguson". Retrieved 6 April 2012. 
  2. ^ a b "Craig Ferguson passes citizenship test". USA Today. Retrieved 7 April 2007. 
  3. ^ a b c d Andy Borowitz (1 October 2009). "The Scotsman". The New York Times. Retrieved 6 November 2009. 
  4. ^ a b Ferguson, American on Purpose, p. 14.
  5. ^ Ferguson, American on Purpose, p. 31.
  6. ^ Ferguson, American on Purpose, pp. 66-68.
  7. ^ "Craig Ferguson Eulogizes his Father". YouTube. Retrieved 17 August 2008. 
  8. ^ Tucker, Ken (October 12, 2007), "Great Scot", Entertainment Weekly (958),,,20144925,00.html 
  9. ^ Ferguson, American on Purpose, p. 110.
  10. ^ Ferguson, American on Purpose, pp. 112-113.
  11. ^ "Craig Ferguson". NNDB. Soylent Communications. Retrieved 22 October 2008. 
  12. ^ a b c Ferguson, Craig (September 2009). American on Purpose: The Improbable Adventures of an Unlikely Patriot. ISBN 0-06-171954-4. 
  13. ^ "Live At The Tron Discogs entry". Retrieved 21 February 2010. 
  14. ^ "The Craig Ferguson Show: listing at imdb". Retrieved 6 November 2009. 
  15. ^ Carter, Bill (29 September 2009). "Late Night Transplant Looks Back At His Path". The New York Times. Retrieved 6 November 2009.  "We did it exactly the same except for soccer references instead of baseball, and we brought down the house every night."
  16. ^ "Craig Ferguson stand-up comedy clip". Scotland on TV. SMG Productions. Retrieved 23 October 2008. 
  17. ^ "Craig Ferguson in Dirt Detective". Scotland on TV. SMG Productions. Retrieved 22 October 2008. 
  18. ^ a b c Craig Ferguson 'may be next Letterman'. The Sunday Times.
  19. ^ Conversations with Michael Eisner
  20. ^ "Jay and Conan Rule The Late-Night Week, Stretching Their Year-Ago Leads". NBC Universal. Retrieved 18 May 2007. [dead link]
  21. ^ "Ferguson beats Conan in ratings for 1st time". Archived from the original on 12 May 2008. Retrieved 3 May 2008. 
  22. ^
  23. ^ "Ferguson to host U.S. "People's Choice Awards" show". The America's Intelligence Wire. 26 October 2005. Retrieved 1 June 2008. 
  24. ^ "Bush pokes fun at his successors". BBC News. 27 April 2008. Retrieved 27 April 2008. 
  25. ^ "Craig Ferguson (I)". Retrieved 30 September 2009. 
  26. ^ "SpongeBob and Sandy to Tie the Knot". 
  27. ^ "Toby Releases Star-Studded “Stupid,” “Perfect” Song". Retrieved 19 October 2011. 
  28. ^ Steinberg, Jacques (4 April 2006). "From Craig Ferguson, a Novel Born of Literary Rambles". The New York Times. Retrieved 20 October 2009. 
  29. ^
  30. ^ "Letterman interviews Ferguson about Novel, 2006". 
  31. ^ "Craig Ferguson set to pen memoirs." Variety. May 2008.
  32. ^ "American on Purpose: Book Description". Retrieved 2009. 
  33. ^
  34. ^ Retrieved on 2010-12-2.
  35. ^ "Episode dated 21 July 2009". The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. 21 July 2009. CBS. 
  36. ^ "FAA Airmen Certification Database". Federal Aviation Administration. [dead link]
  37. ^ a b "Episode dated 22 September 2009". The View. 22 September 2009. ABC. 
  38. ^ "The Rallying Cry of the Robot Skeleton Army". tweetphoto. 11 February 2010. 
  39. ^ American on Purpose, p. 259
  40. ^ "Episode dated 8 December 2008". The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. 8 December 2008. 
  41. ^ "Craig Ferguson Biography". Yahoo!. Retrieved 24 April 2007. 
  42. ^ "Craig Ferguson Biography". Retrieved 6 January 2009. 
  43. ^
  44. ^ "It's a Boy for Craig Ferguson".,,20463119,00.html. Retrieved 2 February 2011. 
  45. ^ "Craig Ferguson interview". CBS News. 20 February 2007. 
  46. ^ "Craig Ferguson Refuses To Do Spears Jokes". CBS News. 21 February 2007. 
  47. ^ Stoddard, Martha (3 July 2007). "Nebraska honors 'Late Late Show' host Craig Ferguson". Omaha World-Herald. Retrieved 29 February 2012. 

External links[link]

Media offices
Preceded by
Craig Kilborn
Host of The Late Late Show (CBS TV series)
Succeeded by

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Sittin here thinkin bout yesterday
And all the friends I've had
Never ever thought that I would change
But as I'm lookin back
Feels like I'm growin up so damn fast
Before I know it my futures now my past
Like sand through an hour glass
I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment forever
I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment together
Sittin here thinkin of my yesterdays
Things weren't this crazy
I wasn't so emotional
I didn't cry at commercials
Sometimes I feel like a mess
And people laugh at how I dress
And sometimes I act like an ass
And watch sand through an hour glass
I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment forever
I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment together
I wanna take a picture so I can remember this moment forever
(So I can show my children one day)
I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment together
hey ey ey/hey ey ey forever/hey ey ey hey ey ey ever
I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment forever
I wanna take a picture so I remember this moment together
I'm reminiscing and I'm missing my past
Ever, Forever, Ever, Forever

October 10
Here I am again
Back where I started from
And just when I let myself fall deep
Fall hard
It seems every time I give my all
I turn around only to get slapped in the face with rejection
Now see this is the type of stuff that makes me just wanna
Just stop it all
Stop the giving to avoid the taking
Stop loving to avoid the hating
Stop trusting to avoid all these lies
But most of all

Ladies, tell us, are ya ready
Well, come on, yeah
Eenie, meenie, miney moe
Which one of y'all wanna go with me
To party, on friday, where it be, it's crazy
Get funny, spend money, so love, lean with me
You will see that I'm only tryin' to do my thing
Ain't tryin' to waste no time you see
So, whatcha sayin' to me
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Whatcha say, whatcha say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Do you want to party with me, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Whatcha say, whatcha say)
Everybody here, everybody there
Throw your hands in the air
(Throw your hands up, throw your hands up)
Keep it tight, all night, alright right, ok now
I'm gonna show ya how to get down
(Get down get down, get down get down)
Ain't no half steppin'
People in this place come on, now
Tell me whatcha say
Tonight is the night
When we make it so tight
I'll get down 'till the light
To all the girls and the boys
Now you make some noise
Don't be afraid to join

I know I've been gone for a minute
(I never shoulda left you)
And everybody wanna know
What the hell wassup with Mya?
Well you know, I like to take my time
And I'm back when I'm bitch
Let's get it
No problem breaking myself off
If that's what keeps me focused, man yeah
(Gotta get it, gotta get it)
Done had my share of silly heartbreaks
But now I'm a bitch that got a plan
See when I talk it I'mma walk it
Back it up and keep it rawkin
I'mma shake these haters off
Straight business start takin' charge
When I'mma talk it I'mma walk it
Back it up and keep it rockin'
No one, don't get involved
Gotta boss up, bitch, if you want it all
If you a walka not a talka (G's up G's up)
If you a walka not a talka (Throw it up, throw it up)
To all my ladies in the spot
If you workin' what you got
If you a walka not a talka (G's up G's up)
I'm not the type for many way
Less I got something good to say
Straight in the hill
Straight in the hood (I'm always comfortable)
I'll take a G and flip him three ways
See when I talk it I'mma walk it
Back it up and keep it rawkin
I'mma shake these haters off
Straight business start takin' charge
See when I talk it I'mma walk it
Back it up and keep it rockin'
To put the beat on pause
Be a real boss bitch start making loud
If you a walka not a talka (G's up G's up)
If you a walka not a talka (Throw it up, throw it up)
To all my hustlas in the spot
Goin' hard around the club
If you a walka not a talka (G's up, throw it up)
And what more can I say
We rockin' to set the pause
And I'm going to shake and
I'mma behind the ?? to my CEO's
I see ya, just raise them glasses if you go for broke, ahh!
I'm smokin' all up in the club
I'm geting what I want with the lendi in my cup
I want more than one, I'm all about tha ball
I'm in it for a second, the moment, the minute
Today and tomorow, I'm in it for tha ball
And she is to see, 'cause she's all up in the doll
This is what I'm gon' do, ball 'til I fall
Me and Mya in the back of the party
Getting hugged by everybody,
Getting higher, the ladies just lurrvee Snoop Dogg
They say I walk just like... and my talk is like
Matter of fact I let a boss is like
If you a walka not a talka (G's up G's up)
If you a walka not a talka (Throw it up, throw it up)
To all my ladies in the spot
If you workin' what you got

Everybody knows that yeah I'm kinda shy
And I'm not the kinda girl who could ever approach a guy
But I wanna find a way to get you to notice me
I got a four wheel drive, 5' 5", brown eyes,
Then maybe you can handle these
Because I'm free
Free... single, sexy and sweet
Makin' my own money
Lookin' for the right party
And if you're free... spit your best game at me
If you like what you see
Maybe I'll let you share my fantasy
Now, I don't need a man in my life tryin' to tie me down
And I don't wanna playa who got kids all over town
Don't want his curl juice drippin' all over my Mercedes seat
I can't stand a man who thinks he looks better than me
I'm lookin' for a brother who like to have fun
A fly gentleman who knows how to please a woman
The last thing I need is a man that's soft
He betta get it on up and break me off
Some a that fly high rise, 6' 5", ain't shy
And that's the kinda man I need
Because I'm free
Free... single, sexy and sweet
Makin' my own money
Lookin' for the right party
And if you're free... spit your best game at me
If you like what you see
Maybe I'll let you share my fantasy
Mmm... If you're having a good time, just let go and don't be shy
Come on yeah... oh yeah
If you're down to do whatever
Then let's sing this song together
I'm free, oh come on and be free with me
Free... single, sexy and sweet
Makin' my own money
Lookin' for the right party
And if you're free... spit your best game at me
If you like what you see
Maybe I'll let you share my fantasy
Last Chance
Ooh boy, you look so good to me,
You might get lucky
'Cause I feel free tonight,
Are you available
Did you come here alone,
Won't you hang out with me
I'll freak you on the dance floor
Everybody in the house... high rise
All the brothers up in here... 6' 5"
Gotta get in on up... High rise
You know you lookin' good tonight
All the ladies in the house... 5' 5"
Gotta show 'em whatcha got... thick thighs
Freak 'em on the floor... Ain't shy

You are the man
(Oh yeah ooh)
Always the man
There'll be no darkness tonight
Baby our love will shine
(Light in your love)
We've had our share of bad times
But now we're in paradise
(Loving each other right)
You're every wonder in this world to me
And I'll never let my baby leave me
Even though we've been through ups and downs
You know I'll always be around
Why did you do me that way?
But I still love you baby
Why did you hurt me that way babe?
Cause you will always be the man in my life
Won't you lay back in my tenderness?
Let's make this a night we won't forget
Boy I need your sweet caress
So let's forget about those other days
And make 'em all just fade away
And don't ever let nobody come between us
I never wanna lose your trust now
Baby babe even though that I'm a pretty young thang
You messed up and you did some wrong thangs
But I don't give a damn cause you will always be my man
Even though we've been through ups and downs
You know I'll always be around
Why did you do me that way?
But I still love you baby
Why did you hurt me that way babe?
Cause you will always be the man in my life
When you left I thought about so many things
And boy I never wanna feel this way again
I got petrified and lost my self control
I don't ever want you to go nowhere
Don't ever want you to leave
Don't go nowhere
(Don't leave me baby)
Don't leave me babe
(Don't leave me baby)
Whoa, oh, ooh
Ooh boy let me keep you warm
You are the man
Fill you with the sweetest love
Always the man
Lay back in my tenderness
You are the man
Rock me with your sweet caress
Always the man
Even though we've been through ups and downs
You know I'll always be around
Why did you do me that way?
But I still love you baby
Why did you hurt me that way babe?
Cause you will always be the man in my life

Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Stay on the scene
Get on up
Like a sex machine
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Stay on the scene
Get on up
Like a sex machine
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Stay on the scene
Get on up
Like a sex machine
Get on up
Wait a minute
Shake your arm
And use your form
Stay on the scene
Like a sex machine
You gotta have the feeling
Sure as you're born
Get it together
Right on, right on
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
You said
That you got
You said the feeling
You got to get
You give me fever
And a cold sweat
The way I like it
Is the way it is
I got mine
Don't worry about his
Get up
Get on up
Stay on the scene
Get on up
Like a sex machine
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Come on
Stay on the scene
Like a sex machine
The way I like it
Is the way it is
I got mine, dig it
He got his
Stay on the scene
Like a love machine
Stay on the scene
Like a love machine
Stay on the scene
Get on up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get on up
Get on up
Stay on the scene
Get on up
Like a love machine
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get on up
Get on up
Get on up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Stay on the scene
Get on up
Like a sex machine
Get on up
You got to have the feeling
Get on up
Sure as born get on up
Get on up
Get it together
Right on, right on
Right on, right on
Right on, right on
Right on, right on
Right on, right on
Right on, right on
Right on, right on
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
And then shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Shake your money maker
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up
Get on up
Get up

Can't believe it
You know why do I feel like I did something wrong
I'm really about to play myself
But I need to know the truth
It's been five hours since you left here, boy
Said you're round the block, had to make a stop
So I kept your dinner hot, hot, hot
And I've been waiting for you ever since
But it's three in the morning, yeah
'Cause three turns into four and four turns into five
Then six rolls around, whatchu tryna do, baby, make me cry?
I don't know what I did but I know what I'm gonna do
I'm gonna find you
I'm ridin', I'm ridin' past yo' mommaz house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin' past yo' boys' house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin', I'm ridin' tryna find you
Baby, you got me out here lookin' for you, I
I'm ridin', I'm ridin' past that *** house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin' by all yo' ex's house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin', I'm ridin' tryna find you
Baby, you got me out here lookin' for you, I
When you stepped to me, you had nothing
But the shoes on your feet and no place to sleep
So I let you lay yo head on my pillow
You didn't have a dime, so I helped you find your grind
But it's just a waste of time and I played the fool for you
But it's three in the morning, yeah, it is not a weekend, oh
'Cause three turns into four and four turns into five
Then six rolls around, whatchu tryna do, baby, make me cry?
I don't know what I did but I know what I'm gonna do
I'm gonna find you
I'm ridin', I'm ridin' past yo' mommaz house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin' past yo' boys' house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin', I'm ridin' tryna find you
Baby, you got me out here lookin' for you, I
I'm ridin', I'm ridin' past that *** house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin' by all yo' ex's house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin', I'm ridin' tryna find you
Baby, you got me out here lookin' for you, I
I been sippin' on Red Bull so there ain't gon' be no sleep tonight
Not gonna let you go, oh, no, without a fight
See you're the type to make a girl do things she know ain't right
Five gallons of gas and I'm drivin' fast
Where you at, where you at, where you at?
I'm ridin', I'm ridin' past yo' mommaz house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin' past yo' boys' house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin', I'm ridin' tryna find you
Baby, you got me out here lookin' for you, I
I'm ridin', I'm ridin' past that *** house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin' by all yo' ex's house
You got me ridin', I'm ridin', I'm ridin' tryna find you
Baby, you got me out here lookin' for you, I
It's three in the morning, it's four in the morning
It's five in the morning
Where you at, where you at, where you at?
It's three in the morning, it's four in the morning
It's five in the morning

1 - Whoa-oh, whoa-oh
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh
For anybody out there
If you're listening
Can I get a minute of your time?
Yeah, yeah
I got a little something that I've been wanting to tell you
(Tell you)
It's about this sweet, sweet, sweet journey of mine
You've been my force you're my strength
You're the source
And it's you that I thank
You're my everything yeah
Without you there's no me
Don't know where I would be
Now I see and I'm giving you thanks
You need to
Get over, get over, get over
Get over, get over, get over
Get over, get over
You need to
Get over, get over, get over
Get over, get over, get over
Get over, get over
Repeat 1 in background of ad-libs
Yo I gotta take the time to thank everybody that made this possible
All the people that believed in me
My mother, my father, my friends, my family
The record company, my management, my fans
But most of al thank you Lord
I want everybody to know
To stay strong and know that
No matter what the situation
We will get over, yes, yes
Come on will you fly with me
Come on will you fly with me
Fly let's get away
When I look inside of me

We gon make you dance, UH
We gon make you move (oooh oh oh ooh)
While you up in dis motha (Uh, uh)
Mmm mmm mmm (mmm)
Are you ready
To do this thing
Said are you ready
To git in this swing, what's goin' on
Motha motha, uh uh uh uh
Uh do you wanna partay
Cuz if you do now get up and come with me
Cuz I'z gonna make ya, he's gonna make ya
We we gonna make you
We gonna make you dance
We gon make you dance, we gon make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gon make you dance, we gon make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
If you ain't here to dance, you ain't here to move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gon make you dance, we gon make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Everybody who be up in this bass
Get out yo seat 'n' on yo feet
Just take yo place
To feel this beat, feel this groove
Cuz I'm gonna make dat, he's gonna make dat
We gonna make dat shit fo you
Move yo body to tha side (side)
To tha front (front)
To tha back (back)
I like that
Who like dat? (I like dat)
We like dat, yo
(Yeah, I like dat)
We gonna make you move
We gon make you dance, we gon make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gon make you dance, we gon make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
If you ain't here to dance, you ain't here to move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gon make you dance, we gon make you move (We gon, we gon)
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
We gon make you dance
We gonna make you, we gonna make you, we gonna make you....Move
Said we gon make you dance, we gone make you move (oooh oooh ooh)
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm (oooh oooh oooh) (wooo oo yeah yeah)
If you ain't here to dance, you ain't here to move (we gonna make you dance)
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gon make you dance, we gon make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm (oh yeah)
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm
We gon make you, we gon make you daance, we gon make you move
Mmm Mmmmm
See we gone make you move
Oh yeah (see what we came to do here is make you dance)
Mmmm mmmm mmmmmmm
Se right now, uh, we gonna make you move
What y'all been fo? We gon make you dance
and you ova there standin' on the side, uh...see we gonna make you move
Up in this motha uh uh (Sing)

Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Well, well, well
I got a fear of flying on a plane
'Cause we got no say on how it ends up
Well in my mind love's the very same way
That's why I never give my heart to no one
I never take a chance on a love that lifts me
Off the ground, oh yeah, oh yeah
I came to earth found things
But I wanna spread my wings somehow, somehow
I've got a fear of flying high
But I'm prepared to spread my wings
And it's all in my mind
Love defies all gravity
Voices in the wind
I can hear them welcome me to fly
Think I'm flying now, flying now, flying now
Listen I've been in love but I fell too fast
I found myself in turbulent skies
I felt the hurt when I crashed and burned
Then I found myself with tears in my eyes
But when you look at me
Something says it's gonna be alright, alright
And all my fears I'll face
'Cause I think I'm gonna take this flight, oh
I've got a fear of flying high
But I'm prepared to spread my wings
And it's all in my mind
Love defies all gravity
Voices in the wind
I can hear them welcome me to fly
Think I'm flying now, flying now, flying now
Ooh suddenly, suddenly
The other clouds is calling me
And you're love to me is like therapy
For my soul, so I'm ready to soar
Fear of flying high
Spread my wings
And it's all in my mind
Love defies all gravity
Voices in the wind
I can hear them welcome me
Think I'm flying now, flying now, flying now
Think I'm flying now
Think I'm, think I'm
Think I'm flying now
Think I'm, think I'm
Think I'm flying now
Think I'm, think I'm
Think I'm flying now, flying now, flying now
Fear of flying high
Think I'm, think I'm
It's all in my mind
Think I'm, think I'm
Voices in the wind
Think I'm, think I'm
Think I'm flying now, flying now, flying now
Fear of flying high
Think I'm, think I'm
It's all in my mind
Think I'm, think I'm
Voices in the wind
Think I'm, think I'm
Think I'm flying now, flying now, flying now
Fear of flying high
Think I'm, think I'm
It's all in my mind
Think I'm, think I'm
Voices in the wind
Think I'm, think I'm
Think I'm flying now, flying now, flying now

if you were mine
i'd treat you right
i would be there for you always
take care of you (mmm-mm)
i'd give you the world if i was your girl (girl)
baby i swear i'll always be there (will you be mine?)
my dad said you can play me for my heart (yeah)
cuz i never thought that i would fall so far
but ever since the first time you caught my eye
(what i'd give be your wife) oh no
(your on my mind) your on my mind
in a matter of time you'll be mine
you'll be mine
if you were mine (mine)
i'd treat you right (i would treat you right)
i would be there for you
always take care of you (i would always be right there)
i'd give you the world (i'd give you the world )
if i was your girl (if i was your girl)
baby i swear (i swear)
i'll always be there (be there givin you love givin you love)
if i could close my eyes and make a wish ( uh huh)
if the only thing worth asking for is just one kiss
cuz i thought about it the since the day you walked in my life
there's no way to deny (there's no way)
how i'm feeling inside (how i'm feelin)
cuz in a matter of time you'll be mine
you'll be mine
if you were mine
i'd treat you right ( i would treat you right)
i would be there for you
always take care of you
i'd give you the world (i'd give you the world)
yes i will
if i was your girl (if i was your girl)
baby i swear (ooh i swear i`ll be givin you
love givin you love)
will you be mine
i told myself a thousand times (its destiny for you and me)
cuz when i close my eyes your face is all i see (gotta believe)
i just can't help myself i want you and baby noone else (no one else)
in a matter of time you'll be mine, i'd give the world if you were mine
if you were mine (mine)
i'd treat you right
i would treat you right (i would treat you right)
i would be there for you (i would always be right there)
i'd give you the world (i'd give you the world)
if i was your girl (if i was your girl)
baby i swear (i swear)
i'll always be there (be there givin you love givin you love)
if you were mine i'd treat you right (i would treat you right)
i would be there for you
always take care of you
i'd give you the world (i'd give you the world, yes i will)
if i was your girl (if i was your girl)
baby i swear (ooh i swear i`ll be givin' you love givin you love)
will you be mine

I've seen the rest before
And I've settled for less before
An offer so much more
Has been knocking upon my door
Don't hesitate or so I've heard that
Eventually you'll quit waiting for me
Since I know we both belong in arms in crazy love
I gotta open up before you leave
Baby it's time to get up on track
And give it all back to you
I know that you love me
You're always there for me
Baby it's time to get up on track
And give it all back to you
I could lose you forever
And it's now or never
Oh no oh no oh no oh no
We spend the entire day
How you always knew what to say oh
You never asked to stay
And I can't believe that I couldn't see
Gotta open up before you leave me lonely oh
Oh no oh no oh no oh no
Now or never
Oh no oh no oh no oh no
I know we both belong in arms
I know it's crazy love
I know we both belong in arms

We fight all day, make up all night
Our love's up and down
It makes the mood just right
For us to do, what I love to
So if I pick a fight, you know what I'm up to....
Don't shake your head baby instead
Give into me this fight
You won't forget
I promise you when we're through
You won't hesitate to say I'm sorry boo
I just want to make up
'Cause I want you so much
That's why we have to stay
Getting into it, some days
Never endin' it
So don't get mad at me
Sometimes I get the strangest needs
That's why I turn to you, so you can
Handle it, baby, you're the man for it...
We gotta make up tonight
That's why I wanna fight you
Break the rules
So we can get it right
And I'll show you how I do
I wanna fuss and fight

Cause they look so good
Cause they look so good
But the mind is not ready
Cause they look so good to you
Cause they look so good
But their minds are not ready
Every time you're out with me
Funny how they catch your eye
Those kinds of girls, the simple kind
Thinking that the game is tight
They see you pull up with me
They look and they roll their eyes
They wait around planning how
They can bounce up in your ride
1 - Cause they look so good
All the stuff in their Prada
But if your pockets ain't full
Son you ain't getting nada, oh no
Cause you look so good
Rollin' up in your Lexus, oh yeah
But when you're chips run out
They run off with the next man
Don't forget it
2 - Girls like that
Just wanna trick all your dough
Spend all your money on hair and clothes
Why you gotta hold me
I'm together naturally
Boy they'll rob you blind
Guys if you like
Girls like that
Wanna tear da club up
Need to take care of their kids at home
They be hoppin' in and out of cars
Sittin' thirsty at the bar
Boy they'll rob you blind
Guys if you like
I caught one lookin' at me
Why you disrespectin' me?
You look at her in front of me
I don't feel no jealousy
But if it's where you wanna be
Don't let me hold you back
Take it what, you're the fool
If you wanna be with that
Repeat 1
Repeat 2
Girls like that
Just wanna trick all your dough
Spend all your money on hair and clothes
Why you gotta hold me
I'm together naturally
Boy they'll rob you blind
Guys if you like
Girls like that
Wanna tear da club up
Need to take care of their kids at home
They be hoppin' in and out of cars
Sittin' thirsty at the bar
Girls like that
Boys if you like
Look so good in their Gucci wear
Spend the money on nails and hair
Wanna bounce up in your ride
Watch your back she'll rob you blind
Every day tearing up the club
Chicks run up they show you no love
You can get that if you like
Guaranteed to run you blind
Repeat 1 till end w/ad-libs
Where my girls that pay their own bills at?
Where my girls that own their own cars at?
I see y'all out there
Don't need nobody to support you or love you
And you don't need to disrespect yourself
To make no kind of money
Look don't get me wrong
If you got kids it's alright
As long as you taking care of them
I pay my own way
Put 'em up y'all I see y'all back there
Uh, uh, uh come on
Guys if you like
You got your own bank account
You got your own ATM card
If you uh, if you trying to make it happen for yourself
One love

1 - Whoa-oh, whoa-oh
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh
For anybody out there
If you're listening
Can I get a minute of your time?
Yeah, yeah
I got a little something that I've been wanting to tell you
(Tell you)
It's about this sweet, sweet, sweet journey of mine
You've been my force you're my strength
You're the source
And it's you that I thank
You're my everything yeah
Without you there's no me
Don't know where I would be
Now I see and I'm giving you thanks
You need to
Get over, get over, get over
Get over, get over, get over
Get over, get over
You need to
Get over, get over, get over
Get over, get over, get over
Get over, get over
Repeat 1 in background of ad-libs
Yo I gotta take the time to thank everybody that made this possible
All the people that believed in me
My mother, my father, my friends, my family
The record company, my management, my fans
But most of al thank you Lord
I want everybody to know
To stay strong and know that
No matter what the situation
We will get over, yes, yes
Come on will you fly with me
Come on will you fly with me
Fly let's get away
When I look inside of me
When I look inside I find a better place

Try to make it real compared to what?
Oh oh oh oh oh...oh oh oh oh
Sock it to me now
They say money make a man strange
Is it money or we dont understand change
Money should be real we campaign If we shoe then just keep your thang thang
Maintain who we are as the gang chains
Everybody wanna star its the same game
I didn't travel this far to do the same thang
It's the trip not the real i was mainstream
Thats whats up
Try to make it real compared to what?
Try to make it reeeeeeal
The real can't be bought
But so taught
And told the boy tryed to keep the records off the sole
On the road to the riches he lost control
By the eye of the needle, I was often told
Disrespect for nothin is far from gold
In your actions all is told
your in the game
You gootta have ball control
You see fame is all a road
New lights actions
Car when the camera snappin
Pop like is it another plan for passion
Are we really real or are we acting
Right through the fake smiles and mask
And rassionalize
Try to make it real compared to what?
Some my people keep rockin on

See, baby
I know you done had your share of girls
I am more than confident
You won't ever have to search any streets for
I got you
What kind of girl you like
I know my looks can be deceivin'
Tell me am I your type
My main goal is to please you
What's on the schedule tonight
Am I the reason you'll be treatin'
I hope you have an appetite
So tell me, baby, will you come and spend the night
My love is like...wo
My kiss is like...wo
My touch is like...wo
My sex is like...wo
My ass is like...wo
My body's like...wo
And you're kissin' it
So what you think of it
My love is like...wo
My kiss is like...wo
My touch is like...wo
My sex is like...wo
My ass is like...wo
My body's like...wo
And you're kissin' it
So what you think of it
When will you come through
'Cause I'll be waitin' up right here
Can you bring some Belvedere
So we can pop the cork and cheers
Please have no fear Yeah
I just wanna love you right
I hope you have an appetite
So tell, baby, will you come and spend the night?
My love is like...wo
My kiss is like...wo
My touch is like...wo
My sex is like...wo
My ass is like...wo
My body's like...wo
And you're kissin' it
So what you think of it
My love is like...wo
My kiss is like...wo
My touch is like...wo
My sex is like...wo
My ass is like...wo
My body's like...wo
And you're kissin' it
So what you think of it
Hold me,
Oh my
Taste it,
Taste it
Hold me,
Oh My,
Hold me like you never wanna let me go
If you're likin' what you're tastin' Baby let me
See if you're gonna love me better love me strong
'Cause I want this love to love last all night long
My love is like...wo
My kiss is like...wo
My touch is like...wo
My sex is like...wo
My ass is like...wo
My body's like...wo
And you're kissin' it
So what you think of it
My love is like
My kiss is like
My touch is like
My sex is like
My ass is like
My body's like
And you're kissin' it
So what you think of it
My love is like...wo
My kiss is like...wo
My touch is like...wo

Hey w'sup baby?
Nothin', chillin'
What you doin'?
Just got out the shower
Oh, word? Well, I'm in town and I'm tryna see you tonight.
Let's make it happen, just tell me where to meet you.
I'm downstairs now.
Come on up.
Yeah, oh
Oh, Mmm hmm
You keep it tight
Hit me off how I like
Every day every night
That's why we're doing fine
And when you're gone
It's never for to log
You always come back home
And give me what I want
Its 12am, drop off my crew
1am, I'm callin' you
Its 2am, what you wanna do tonight (Tonight)
3am, your leavin' the club
4am, we'll be makin' love
And we can't stop till you get enough tonight (Tonight)
You give me all the love I need and
You always bring it home to me
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
You give me all the love I need and (Mmm hmm)
You always bring it home to me (Mmm hmm, yeah)
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
They say I'm shy
But you know that's a lie
I'll be over tonight
So I can blow your mind
Our love is deep
The country just don't see
I give you and receive
Just tell me what you need
Its 12am, drop off my crew (Off my crew)
1am, I'm callin' you (Callin' you)
It's 2am, what you wanna do tonight (Tonight, tonight)
3am, your leavin' the club (Leavin' the club)
4am, we'll be makin' love (We'll be makin' love)
We can't stop till you get enough tonight (Whoa, whoa)
You give me all the love I need and (Oh)
You always bring it home to me (Only you)
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
You give me all the love I need and (Only you)
You always bring it home to me (Only you, oh)
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
I bet you don't
I bet you don't
Baby I wanna give you (Baby I wanna give you)
My everything (Everythang)
For all the joy that you bring (For all the joy that you bring)
Baby I'm gonna show you (Said I'm gonna show you)
How special you are to me
And tonight I bet that you won't sleep
Only you (No, no)
Only you (Only you baby)
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
You give me all the love I need and (Only you)
You always bring it home to me (Only you)
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight
You give me all the love I need and (Only you)
You always bring it home to me (Mmm yes you do)
I bet you don't get no sleep tonight

(Mmm, yeah)
This one of them, this one of them, this one of them jams you'll
This one of them, this one of them, this one of them play all night,
This one of them, this one of them, this one of them albums,
This one of them, this one of them, this one of them make you feel right.
It's been awhile since we had a conversation
And last time wasn't the best
So here i go i'm pickin' up the phone
Gotta get something off my chest
Now in spite of the news you heard
I'm telling you that i don't have another man
And i never did you dirty baby,
It's taking two months
But now i see the best thing to do is
Just let it by, move on let
Bygones be bygones, that's what i gotta do,
Just let it breathe cause life
Is too damn short to be wasting hating you (yeah),
Cause when it gets down to it, (i still love you)
Gets down to it, (i'm thankful for the times you were here)
When it gets down to it, (i still adore you),
Gets down to it (and life is too short for tears).
Now even though it ain't cool, you know we need to talk about,
Why we had to split and we never did work it out,
You got an ego, you don't ever backdown,
I got one too, you know what that's about,
But i've been thinking about you lately,
Concerned for your safety, and i never wished no bad on you,
Even though you did me dirty baby,
It's time to break the silence, i can no longer fight,
The best thing to do is,
Just let it by, move on let
Bygones be bygones, that's what i gotta do,
Just let it breathe cause life
Is too damn short to be wasting hating you (yeah),
Cause when it gets down to it, (i still love you)
Gets down to it, (i'm thankful for the times you were here)
When it gets down to it, (i still adore you),
Gets down to it (and life is too short for tears).
This ain't just for me and my love,
This goes out to you and your love,
Shake off your pride, it'll tear you down,
Pick up the phone and work it out,
Cause it takes a real man to admit his mistakes,
And it takes a real woman to do the same,
You ain't gotta check for him, you can still check for him,
And let him know how you feel.
This is,
This one of them, this one of them, this one of them jams you'll
This one of them, this one of them, this one of them play all nights,
This one of them, this one of them, this one of them albums,
This one of them, this one of them, this one of them make you feel right.
Just let it by, move on let
Bygones be bygones, that's what i gotta do,
Just let it breathe cause life
Is too damn short to be wasting hating you (yeah),
Cause when it gets down to, (i still love you)
Gets down to it, (i'm thankful for the times you were here)
When it gets down to it, (i still adore you),

Verse 1:
Oh it hurts so bad.
It started out so perfect, something God could only create.
A union of both me and you on this special day
Never once did I take for granted that you've been hurt before.
So you treated me like a lady and even more.
So I can't understand why you brought stones into my life.
Tell me why, you destroyed every part of me.
Now what once a beautiful lady that you showered with your love must live with
a heart that bleeds.
I hope you never have to come this way again.You used to be my lover and my
friend. So please don't take offense when I say
what I have to say.
If you died I wouldn't cry cause you never loved me any way.
Promises made and secrets told
Late nights spent in ecstasy, we made love in a bed of roses for the universe
to see. There was no holding back from each other, both of our minds were
free. We never wasted time apart, boy it seems like eternty.
So I can't understand why you brought these stones into my life.. Oh tell me
I gave you a reason to live and you used my love in vain .. so go on by
yourself to survive this alone.. You know you can't come back home.
I hope you never come this way again. You did, you did. So please don't take
offense when I say what I have to say.
If you died I wouldn't cry cause you never .. no way.
no way no way
How could this be
After all the love you said we shared you turned around and leave.
Boy you know you were my heart and soul but I can't be pretend I gotta let
you go.
Together forever that's what we both said. I didn't know that life could be
so unfair.
Baby you did this to me.
You were my lover
So please don't take offense when I say what I have to say.
I hope you die, I hope you die
Cause you never loved me anyway.
I.... you never never never never never never never never
You use to be my lover and my friend. You can get struck by lighting, washed
away by the sea, burned in a fire just don't bring it back to me. Cause
Cause you never loved me anyway.

Why you hurt me so bad?
We started out so perfect
Something God could only create
A union of both you and me on this special day
Never once did I take for granted
That you've been hurt before
So you treated me like a lady and even more
So what I can't understand
Why you brought the storms into my life
Tell me why
You destroyed every part of me
Never once a beautiful lady
That you showered with your love
Must live with the heart that bleeds
I hope you never have to come this way again
You used to be my lover and friend
So please don't take offense
When I say what I have to say
Cause if you died I wouldn't cry cause you never loved me anyway
Promises made secrets told
Late nights spent in ecstacy
We made love in a bed of roses for the universe to see
There was no holding back from each other
Both of our minds were free
We never wasted time apart
Boy it seems like eternity
So what I can't understand
Why you brought this pain into my life
Oh tell me why
I gave you a reason to live and you used my lovin babe
So go on by yourself
To survive it alone
You know you can't come back home
How could this be
After all the love you said we shared
You turned around on me
Boy you know you were my heart and soul
But I can't give in I gotta let you go
Together forever that's what we both said
I didn't know that life could be so unfair
CHORUS with variations:
So please don't take offense when I say what I have to say
I hope you die
I hope you die
Cause you never loved me anyway
I hope you never have to come this way again(you never, never, never, never,
never, never, never, never)
You used to be my lover and my friend (you used to be my best friend)
You can get struck by lightning washed away by the sea
But notify you just don't bring it back to me

Turned around took my man
T-turned around took my man
Turned around took my man
G-gotta give this chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Walk up to her shake her hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma be a good sport walk up to her shake her hand
She took my man (she did)
She took my man (she did)
I don't know how she did 'cause I'm a bad chick
So Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Turned around took my man I got give chick a hand
I got some news for ya boy I bet yo think this song is
All about you but its really bout the other woman (whoops)
Found out about her while I'm out making paper shes
The one playing in my closet at the house im to smart
For these childish smart games give you everything and turn
Around and get played got to address this before I walk away
You're gonna listen to what I got to say
See I used to get mad when this happend
'Cause you wanting for a fit then start to packing
Now all I do is laugh
Can't believe you gave up coochie for my crystal handbag
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Walk up to her shake her hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma be a good sport walk up to her shake her hand
She took my man (she did)
She took my man (she did)
I don't know how she did 'cause I'm a bad chick
So Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Turned around took my man I got give chick a hand
Now girl it's time to talk to you
Don't think you off the hook
Because I gave a compliment or 2
Gone head and do what cha do
So while ya doing what do
Can I get a few tips from you
Do you show all attention after working all day
Do you clean up after him like he ain't house trained
Let him walk all over you but love him anyway
That's what it takes for you to love him anyways
See I used to get mad
When this happend while
I'm starting to see it now
I'm kinda happy I owe it all
To you took my man and set me free
Congraulations now he belongs to you
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Walk up to her shake her hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma be a good sport walk up to her shake her hand
She took my man (she did)
She took my man (she did)
I don't know how she did 'cause I'm a bad chick
So Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Turned around took my man I got give chick a hand
See I ain't a hater but I got to give
Props when props is due so if a chick got
That stroke to rock his boat ain't no need for drama
Imma give that hoe a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Walk up to her shake her hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Imma be a good sport walk up to her shake her hand
She took my man (she did)
She took my man (she did)
I don't know how she did 'cause I'm a bad chick
So Imma give a chick a hand
Imma give a chick a hand
Turned around took my man I got give chick a hand
Turned around took my man I got give chick a hand
(She must got something going on)
Turned around took my man I got give chick a hand
(The side that I don't got on her 'cause)
Turned around took my man I got give chick a hand
Imma bad muthafucker

You're callin' mea Ho cause I'm tryingto get my freak on
But Bitch we're in a club, what the hell do you expect, Bitch?
I worked too freakin' hard to let a haterbring me down
and we ain't sweatin' you
what goes around comes back around
You see me in the club rollin' your eyes
whatever bitch
but chicks like you gets no love
Hatin' on me snappin' your neck
whatever bitch
to all my girls in the east, to all my girls in the west.. sang
whatever bitch
you see us in the club rollin your eyes
whatever bitch
but chicks like you gets no love
whatcha come here for you wanna get checked?
whatever bitch
To all my girls in the east, to all my girls in the west.. sang
whatever bitch
I'm gonna dance. I'm gonna dance
I'm gonna work it. Work it all night long
don't give a damn. Bring on the boys
we can get the party goin' till the break of dawn
You see me in the club rollin' your eyes
whatever bitch
but chicks like you gets no love
Hatin' on me snappin' your neck
whatever bitch
to all my girls in the east, to all my girls in the west.. sang
whatever bitch
you see us in the club rollin your eyes
whatever bitch
but chicks like you gets no love
whatcha come here for you wanna get checked?
whatever bitch
To all my girls in the east, to all my girls in the west.. sang
whatever bitch
It's almost time to go and you eyes are steady cuttin'
and I'm still on the floor. Yo, what the hell did you expect, Bitch?
Been dancing all night long
Dj's spinnin my favorite song
and if you spoil my night
then we can take this shit outside
Tonight bitch
You see me in the club rollin' your eyes
whatever bitch
but chicks like you gets no love
Hatin' on me snappin' your neck
whatever bitch
to all my girls in the east, to all my girls in the west.. sang
whatever bitch
you see us in the club rollin your eyes
whatever bitch
but chicks like you gets no love
whatcha come here for you wanna get checked?
whatever bitch
To all my girls in the east, to all my girls in the west.. sang
whatever bitch
I'm gonna dance. I'm gonna dance
I'm gonna work it. I'm gonna work it all night long
don't give a damn bring on the boys
we can keep the party goin till the break of dawn
til the break of dawn
til the break of dawn

Grandma: Mya baby where you think you in them clothes looking like that?
Mya: Grandma I'm just going to a party
Grandma: You and them parties I'm just tired of them parties
Mya: I'm just trying to have fun
Grandma: look Imma tell u something you need to settle down you need to find
you a man and get married
Mya: I am to young for all that
Grandma: Look Imma tell you something. Listen to grandma. Grandma want some
babys around here. We want you to be out and see everybody pick them little
babys up and hug them and tell them how happy I am. Get u an edumacation. Thats
what u need an edumacation baby you need to get you a B.A.B degree or something
like that. Thats what you need I didnt go to college Im trying to help you. Sit
there hanging out wit them people, sit there smoking all that cronic, drinking
those forties and stuff
Mya: Hold up yall Im commin.
Hold up Im commin
Grandma: you ain't no Snoop Doggy Dog baby

Mmm, mmm
Oh, oh
She goes to Church every Sunday morning
Perfect attendance in school to get ahead
But somehow she's just goin' through the motions
She never complains
But she's full of pain
Cause no one cares
She was free
Free fallin'
She was free
Free fallin', yeah
Now she's not the type of girl
That you'd expect to be walkin' alone
Far to beautiful and intelligent
Not to have someone to call her own
By circumstance there is no choice
She does just what he says (He says)
No reward to she figures what's the use
I'm dieing to get away
In the name of the father we pray
Pray, pray, pray, pray
Please remove me from this old place
She was free
Free fallin'
She was free
Free fallin', yeah
She's living life on her own
Praying for serenity
Stay strong for the family (Oh)
But she cries each time (Each time)
She falls so hard (So hard)
Yet holds on to little hope (Holds on)
That soon she'll be a shining star
She was free (Oh, yeah)
Free fallin' (Free fallin')
She was free (Oh yes she was)
Free fallin', yeah (Yes she was, yes she was)
She was free (In the name of the father I pray)
Free fallin' (Cause I'm longing to get away)
She was free (She was fallin', free fallin')
Free fallin', yeah (Whoa, yeah, yea, yea, yea)
She was free (Livin' life on her own)
Free fallin' (But she's holdin' on, yes she holdin' on
She was free (Mmm, mmm)
Free fallin', yeah (Oh)
In the name of the father I pray (Pray)
Cause I'm wanting to get away
In the name of the father we pray)
Pray pray pray
Free Fallin'
Hello everyone, it's Mya
I just wanna say thanks for joining me on Moodring
This next record is a special treat of mine
It has nothing to do with my album per say
But it's just a gift from me to you

[Ol' Dirty Bastard]
Man man look at the sky
All the stars man the stars is beautiful tonight
Look at em
Ghetto supastar that is what you are
Comin from afar reachin for the stars
Run away with me to another place
We can rely on each other uh huh
From one corner to another uh huh
[Pras Michel]
Some got hopes and dreams
We got ways and mean
The supreme dream team always up with the scheme
From hub caps to sellin raps, name your theme
My rise to the top, floatin on this cream
Who the hell wanna stop me, I hated those who doubt
A million refugees with unlimited warranties
Black Ceaser, datin top divas
Diplomatic legalese, no time for a visa
I just begun, I'ma shoot them one by one
Got five sides to me somethin like a pentagon
Strike with the forces of King Solomon
Lettin bygone be bygone and so on and so on
I'ma teach these cats, how to live in the ghetto
Keepin it retro-spective from the get go
Lay low, let my mind shine like a halo
P-p-p-politic with ghetto senators on the d-low
Ghetto supastar, that is what you are
Comin from afar, reachin for the stars
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]
My eyes is sore, bein the senator
Behind closed doors hittin truths to the seafloor
The rich don't know, ignore, this tug of war
While the kids are poor open new and better drug stores
So I became hardcore, couldn't take it no more
I'ma reveal everythin change the law
I find myself, walkin the streets
Tryin to find what's really goin on in these streets
[Pras Michel]
Now every dog got his day, needless to say
When the chief away, that's when them cats wanna play
I told you, messin around you fools like Cassius Clay
Stretch my heater make you do a pass de bourree
Kick your balls like Pele, pick em doin ballet
Peak like Dante, broader than Broadway
Get applaud like a madator, cry yellin ole
Who the hell wanna see me, from B.K. to Cali
Ghetto supastar, that is what you are
Comin from afar, reachin for the stars
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh
[Pras Michel]
Just when you thought it was safe in a common place
Showcase your finest is losin fast in the horse race
Two face, gettin defaced out, like Scarface
Throw your roll money let me put on my screw face
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]
And I'm paranoid at the things I said
Wonderin what's the penalty from day to day
I'm hangin out, partying with girls that never die
See I was pickin on the small fries, my campaign tellin lies
I was just spreadin my love, didn't know my love
Was the one holdin the gun and the glove
But it's all good as long as it's understood
Let's all together now, in the hood
Ghetto supastar, that is what you are
Comin from afar, reachin for the stars
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh
[Pras Michel]
All stars
Ghetto supastar, that is what you are
Comin from afar, reachin for the stars
Run away with me, to another place
We can rely on each other, uh huh
From one corner to another, uh huh

Huh Oh
You complete me
Like air and water boy
I need thee
And when I'm in your arms I feel free
My heads up in the clouds in love
I'm proud
To you say it loud
Like an accident it happend
Out of nowhere
It just happend
And I aint mad at all
Because I've
Head over heels
I've fallen
In love with you
I've fallen
And I can't get up
Don't wanna get up
Because of love (Because of love)
Head over heels
I've fallen
In love with you
I've fallen
And I can't get up
Don't wanna get up
Because of love
To let you get away is crazy (Let you get away)
so I'm doing what it takes
To make you pledge your love to me
You see cause I'm tryna be your lady
For ever and ever baby
The picture wouldn't be the same
If you weren't standing next to me
Can't you see I'm fallen
Head over heels
I've fallen (I'm fallen)
In love with you
I've fallen (Oh)
And I can't get up
Don't wanna get up
Because of love (Because of love)
Head over heels
I've fallen
In love with you
I've fallen
And I can't get up (And I can't get up)
Don't wanna get up (Don't wanna get up)
Because of love
You complement me
Not an accesory
You're necessary
You never could speak bad words against me
Your bare with me
Are you here with me
Your my hapiness
My joy (Joy)
And all because of you boy
I look forward to the time
I spend with you
Whatever it is we do
Cause I'm fallen for you boy
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I've fallen for you
Head over heels for you
So in love with you
Love, oh
For you
Touch me (Touch me)
Hold me (Hold me)
Love me (Love me)
Kiss me
In love with you
Talk to me (Talk to me)
Caress me (Oh)
Play with me
Don't wanna get up
Explore me
Your my everything
Head over heels (To let you get away is crazy)
I've fallen
In love with you
I've fallen
And I can't get up (I won't get up)
Don't wanna get up (Don't wanna get up)
Because of love
Fallen (Touch me)
Head over heels (Hold me)
I've fallen
In love with you
I've fallen (Whoa)
And I can't get up (With you)
Don't wanna get up
Because of love
Fallen (In love)
Head over heels
I've fallen (My joy)
In love with you
I've fallen
And I can't get up (And I can't get up)
Don't wanna get up (Don't wanna get up)
Because of love
Fallen (Head over heels for you)
Head over heels (So in love with you)
I've fallen
In love with you
I've fallen
And I can't get up (And I can't get up)
Don't wanna get up (Don't wanna get up)

Yeah Mya
Red Zone wha what
It's after midnight
And she's on your phone
Saying come over
Cause she's all alone
I could tell it was your ex
By your tone
Why is she calling now
After so long
Now what is that she wants
Tell me what is that she needs
Did she hear about the brand new Benz
That you just bought for me
Cause y'all didn't have no kids
Didn't shared no mutual friends
And you told me that she turned trick
When y'all broke up in 96
What'cha gonna do
When you can't say no
When her feelings start to show
Boy I really need to know
And how you gonna act
How you gonna handle that
What'cha gonna do when she wants you back
There's no need to
Reminisce about the past
Obviously cause that shyt did not last
I know how a woman will try to game you
So don't get caught up
Because baby you'll lose
Hook 4xs
Tell me why she on the phone
In the middle of the night
Tell me why she in your life
Trying to get what's mine
She don't know me
She's about to know me
I'm in your life
That's how its gonna be
I've seen the broke ho
She ain't even all that
So if you want her back
You can take her back
Cause game recognize game
I could do the same thing
Get it right, change
Or take back this ring
Hook 4xs
Yo, playboy right now, uh
Uh, Mya, think girl, think girl
What What What What Uh
Red Zone
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I'll be damed if I'm sitting at the doctors
Popping out three of your kids
Thinking everything peachy keen
While you're screwing everything with two legs
Get a call from the bank about my credit
Talking 'bout I don't qualify
After 13 years of marriage
And all the dog on sacrifice, oh no
Hell no I can't do it
You're too much like my father
Hell no refuse to go through it
Don't wanna be like my mother
Crushed dreams and broken hearts
All in the name of love
So hell no I won't do it all in the name of love
(All in the name of love)
No smiling always fighting
(All in the name of love)
Disrespect so many lies and
(All in the name of love)
Going crazy I'm losing my mind
(All in the name of love)
See I can't be that woman no
I'll be damned if I'm cutting out coupons for some milk eggs and cheerios
Have me struggling just to buy pampers 'cause you spend it on random hoes
Wont be standing at the freaking bus stop in December when it's way too cold
Checking to see if your really at your Chris house
When you really need to be at home
Hell no I can't do it
You're too much like my father
Hell no refuse to go through it
Don't wanna be like my mother
Crushed dreams and broken hearts
All in the name of love
So hell no I won't do it all in the name of love
(All in the name of love)
No smiling always fighting
(All in the name of love)
Disrespect so many lies and
(All in the name of love)
Going crazy I'm losing my mind
(All in the name of love)
See I can't be that woman no
(Love) So many people use the word in vain (Love)
When it's conveinent to get what they need
Have a sincerer person
While your siting home in bed
Sleeping with my eyes open
Ain't no way to live, it ain't no way to live
All the stress, the fights, the pain the money, the drama over the years
(All in the name of love)
No smiling always fighting
(All in the name of love)
Disrespect so many lies and
(All in the name of love)
Going crazy I'm losing my mind
(All in the name of love)
I can't be that woman no
(All in the name of love)
No smiling always fighting
(All in the name of love)
Disrespect so many lies and
(All in the name of love)
Going crazy I'm losing my mind
(All in the name of love)
And I don't wanna be that woman no

Undressin' you with your close on
Standin' up while we're layin' down
You found a position that turns me on
Temperature's hotter than fire
And the heat has is got me burnin' up
So let's stop, drop and roll together
When we make
When we make
When we make
When we make
When we make love
We use our imagination
And it always feels like the very first time
When you got your love in between mine
And I'm lovin' it
This is what it feels
This is what it feels like
This is what it taste
This is what it taste like (It taste like)
This is what it looks (Oh, oh)
This is what it looks like
This is what it sounds
This is what it sounds like (Every time we're makin' love)
This is what it feels
This is what it feels like
This is what it taste (Every time, every time)
This is what it taste like (Anytime)
This is what it looks (This is what it sounds like)
This is what it looks like
This is what it sounds (Oh)
This is what it sounds like
Every time we're making love
Our bodies work like a playground
Slippin' slidin' goin' round and round
And I like this ride
I don't wanna get off
Oh, now, now
And when you kiss my lips
And when, when ya kiss me lips
You got me tremblin'
I'm ready for the perfect hit
When we make (When we make)
When we make
When we make
When we make
When we make love
Oh stay
Creative with it baby all night long
Makin' sure feels like the very first time
When you got your love in between mine
This is what it feels
This is what it feels like (Can you picture that)
This is what it taste
This is what it taste like (I want you to know what it feels)
This is what it looks
This is what it looks like (Can you taste it)
This is what it sounds (Can you hear it)
This is what it sounds like
This is what it feels (Can you feel)
This is what it feels like (Oh, baby)
This is what it taste
This is what it taste like (This is what it taste like)
This is what it looks (This what it sounds like)
This is what it looks like
This is what it sounds (Oh)
This is what it sounds like
Every time we're making love
Feels soft, wet and creamy
Tastes sweeter than honey
Exotic sounds
Cause we're in paradise
Usin' everything (Oh)
From the top of my hand
Down to my toes
Give you my all
My body, heart and soul (My body, heart and soul)
I'll shower you with my river of love (Yeah, yeah)
It's comin' down (Oh)
I'm about to explode
This is what it feels
This is what it feels like
This is what it taste (Yeah, yeah)
This is what it taste like (Yeah, yeah)
This is what it looks (yeah, yeah)
This is what it looks like (Whoa)
This is what it sounds
This is what it sounds like (Baby, baby, babe)
When you lay me down
One liftin' me
Can you hear the sound
Of my body's peak
I wanna go half
Let's make a child
This is what it feels like
Ever time we make love
This is what it feels like (This is what it sounds like)
This is what it taste
This is what it taste like (Yeah)
This is what it looks
This is what it looks like
This is what it sounds (Mmm mmm)
This is what it sounds like (Oh)
This is what it feels like
This is what it sounds like

All I want is a little respect
All I need is a little respect
Ha Oh
Have you ever had a girl to call up your man
Better tell her
Step back
Step back
She claimin' that your man is her man
Gonna get knick knock way back
But you gotta act right and not let it lack now
I'm a lover
Not a fighter
But if she keep on disrespectin' I might just
She violate
I got the right to strike her
Come up out of these heels (Heels)
Take it pull my hair back (My hair back)
I know I need to chill
All I want is a little respect (Respect)
Ladies know how it feels (Oh, oh)
When another girl violates that (That's right)
No when it's my man yawl
You better tell that girl to step
Step back
Step back
Step back
Step back
Tell that girl to step
Step back
Step back
Step back
Step back
You know them type of chicks that walk by
Better tell her keep on walkin'
Twist to the side to catch your mans eye
Turn around to see if he watchin'
Those them type of girls you set straight
If you don't they will keep walkin'
But you better shut her down before it's to late now (Come on)
Tell her she don't want no problems
Yeah (Yeah)
Come up out of these heels (Heels)
Take it pull my hair back (My hair back)
I know I need to chill
All I want is a little respect (Respect)
Ladies know how it feels (All my ladies know how it feels)
When another girl violates that
No when it's my man yawl
You better tell that girl to step (Say what)
I am not the one to be played with
Tell that girl to step (Step back)
I aint got no time for the bull shhh (Come on)
You should learn some respect (I think you need to learn some respect)
Cause if a girl came clockin' your man
You wouldn't like that (Oh no, oh)
I'm not one to go and start fights
I'm not the type
You gotta cop your own
Cause this one is mine
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Come up out of these heels (Oh no)
Take it pull my hair back (Oh no)
I know I need to chill
All I want is a little respect (Some respect)
Ladies know how it feels (Hey)
When another girl violates that (What, what)
No when it's my man yawl
You better tell that girl to step (You better tell that girl Oh, oh)
Come up out of these heels (Heels)
Take it pull my hair back (Oh)
I know I need to chill
All I want is a little respect (All I want is a little respect)
Ladies know how it feels
When another girl violates that (Hey, oh)
No when it's my man yawl
You better tell that girl to step
All I want is a little respect (What)
Step back
Step back
Tell that girl to step
All I need is a little respect
Step back
Step back
All I want
You better tell that girl to step
All I want is a little respect (Whoa, you better)
Step back
Step back
Tell that girl to step
All I need is a little respect (Step, come on)
Step back
Step back
You better tell that girl to step
To step
To step

All I want is a little respect
All I need is a little respect
Have you ever had a girl to call up your man
Better tell her step back, step back
And she claimin' that your man is her man
Gonna get her with take that
But you gotta act right and not let it out now
I'mma not let that affect us
But if she keep disrespectin' I might just
Shoot at her with the right to strike her
Yeah, I'm up out of these heels
Take and pull my hair back
I know I need to chill
All I want is little respect (Respect)
Ladies know how it feels (Oh, oh)
When another girl violates that (That's right)
Knowin' it's my man, y'all
You better tell that girl to step
Step back, step back, step back, step back
Tell that girl to step
Step back, step back, step back, step back
Didn't know them type of chicks that walked by
Better tell her keep on packin'
Twist to the side to catch your man's eye
Turn around to see if he watchin'
Those them type of girls you set straight
If you let 'em they will keep hopin'
Better shut her down for it's too late
Throw her s***, don't want my backups
Yeah, I'm up out of these heels
Take and pull my hair back (Her hair back)
I know I need to chill
All I want is little respect (Respect)
Ladies know how it feels (All my ladies know how it
When another girl violates that
Knowin' it's my man, y'all
You better tell that girl to step
I am not the one to be played with
Tell that girl to step
I ain't got no time for the bulls***
You should learn some respect (Think you need to learn
some respect)
'Cause if a girl came talkin' your man you wouldn't
like that (Oh, mmm, mmm)
I'm not one (I'm not one) to go and start fight (Go
and start fights, I'm not the type)
You gotta cop your own 'cause this one is mine
Yeah, I'm up out of these heels
Take and pull my hair back
I know I need to chill
All I want is little respect (Some respect)
Ladies know how it feels (Hey...hey...hey...)
When another girl violates that (What-what)
Knowin' it's my man, y'all
You better tell that girl to step
I'm up out of these heels
Take and pull my hair back
I know I need to chill
All I want is little respect (All I want is little
Ladies know how it feels
When another girl violates that (Oh)
Knowin' it's my man, y'all
You better tell that girl to step (All I want is a
little respect)
Step back, step back, step back, step back
Tell that girl to step (All I need is a little
Step back, step back, step back, step back
You better tell that girl to step (All I want is a
little respect)
Step back, step back, step back, step back
You better tell that girl to step (All I need is a
little respect)
Step back, step back, step back, step back
You better tell that girl to step

October 10
Here I am again
Back where I started from
And just when I let myself fall deep
Fall hard
It seems every time I give my all
I turn around only to get slapped in the face with rejection
Now see this is the type of stuff that makes me just wanna
Just stop it all
Stop the giving to avoid the taking
Stop loving to avoid the hating
Stop trusting to avoid all these lies
But most of all
Stop flying to avoid the fall

Uh uh No no no no
Uh uh No no no no
Uh uh No no no no
Uh uh No no no no
You told me things of love
You promised me treasure
You said the sun would shine
And you would be all mine
You told me to go fast
And that this thing would last
But when I caught you it hurt
You had no excuse
Why should I belive you
When you do those things you do to me
Why should I belive you
When I trusted you made a fool of me
Why should I belive you
When I know its you, me and she
Give me one good reason
Why I should not leave
We spent so many nights
Talking about our lives
And all the things we'd do
Once it was me and you
You said nothing compared
To this love we shared
But when I caught you it hurt
You had no excuse
(Repeat Hook)
What did I ever do to make you lie to me
(What did I ever do to make you lie to me)
I thought the love in you'd be true and set me free
(You said the love was suppose to set me free)
I didnt deserve to fell this pain and feelin down
(I dont deserve this pain I'm feelin inside right now)
Tell me why
(Boy tell me why)
(Repeat Hook)
Someones gonna get you back
Its gonna come back around
And I wouldnt ???
Cause all you wanna do is ....

Uh, uh
Come on, come on, come on
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, ooh
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Come on, come on, come on
(Turn it up, turn it up)
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, yeah
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Come on, come on, come on
(Turn it up, turn it up)
[Mya] (Swizz Beatz)
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
(You need to)
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
(Feel it, feel it)
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up
Turn it up, turn it up
(Feel it, feel it)
Turn it up, turn it up, turn it up
(Can you feel it)

They'll try to hold you back
They will say you're wrong
But they will never understand
The journey that you're on
They'll try to change your mind
They'll try to change your heart
But they will never understand
Who you are
And you still believe
And you know
You must go
Where the dream takes you
(Where your dream takes your heart)
Where your heart longs to be
(Your dream will lead you on)
When you finally find that place
You'll find all you need
Where the dream leads you
(Your dream will lead you home)
Far as your heart can see
There's a world that waits for you
You're not alone
You'll find your home
Where the dream takes you
(Where the dream takes you)
There's something in your soul
That won't be denied
It's the faith to dream that keeps
the dream alive
So you still believe
And you know
You must go
Where dream takes you
(Where your dream takes your heart)
Where your heart longs to be
(Your dream will lead you on)
There's a world that waits for you
You're not alone
You'll find you home
Where the dream takes you
Go where your heart is meant to be
And you may find
Somebody there
Someone to share you dream
When you finally find that place
You'll find all you need
Where the dream leads you
(Your dream will lead you home)
Far as your heart can see
There's a world that waits for you
You're not alone
You'll find your home
Where the dream takes you

Yeah, Mya
Red Zone, wha-what?
It's after midnight
And she's on your phone (phone)
Saying come over
Cause she's all alone (lone)
I could tell it was your ex
By your tone (tone)
Why is she calling now?
After so long
1 - Now what is that she wants?
Tell me what is that she needs?
Did she hear about the brand new Benz?
That you just bought for me
Cause y'all didn't have no kids
Didn't shared no mutual friends
And you told me that she turned trick
When y'all broke up in '96
2 - What'cha gonna do
When you can't say no
When her feelings start to show
Boy I really need to know
And how you gonna act
How you gonna handle that
What'cha gonna do when she wants you back
Repeat 2
There's no need to
Reminisce about the past (past)
Obviously cause that shit did not last (last)
I know how a woman will try to game you (you)
So don't get caught up
Because baby you'll lose
Repeat 1
Repeat 2 (4x)
Tell me why she on the phone?
In the middle of the night
Tell me why she in your life?
Trying to get what's mine
She don't know me
She's about to know me
I'm in your life
That's how its gonna be
I've seen the broke ho
She ain't even all that
So if you want her back
You can take her back
Cause game recognize game
I could do the same thing
Get it right, change
Or take back this ring
Repeat 2 (4x)
Yo, playboy right now, uh
Uh, Mya, think girl, think girl
What? What? What? What? Uh!
Red Zone, wheeooh

From Belly soundtrack
Uh uh, uh uh
At the University, uh
Raekwon, Noreaga, no-body
Movin' on
[R] Yeah
[M] Who da hell is Sabrina?
[R] I don't know what you talkin bout
[M] Yeah whatever
[R] Go head man I don't even wanna hear that right now
[M] Well whose drawers are these?
[R] Why you goin through my pockets anyway?
Why you dissin me man?
[M] I'm movin' on
[R] Psst, yeah?
[M] Yeah!
[R] Shit get real in here
Shit get real in here
Shit get real in here
Mya get real again
Shit get real in here
I'm never gonna feel her again
Yo, aiyyo
Yo select meat, Gucci sneaker recipe light up the Nestle
Bless me es-pecially, play where Vettes be seen a
green Beemer, lightin cheeba
Side swipe Adina dressed like a liter style off the meter
Play towards regulate laws with heavyweight broads
Don't jock niggaz who floss, money ain't yours
Jealous of yourself, watermelon tellin herself
Rather fuck around with a felon, more love smellin
Fendi bag high-Willie in Jag, gorilla Mag
blow you out the back, throw your broke ass in the gap
Analyze see it like that, felt you love be it like that
Still, I'm realer than the illest on wax
Rockin brims that hang low, frames sweeter than a mango
Flame actin like a lame though, how your game go
fine, exercise mind play the train yo
Aiyyo you dead on the chain, now watch my name blow
I'll be movin' on
So far from where you are
Should I let you know the code
Cause you wasn't what you seemed
And now I'm wishin on all the rainbows
that I see
That someday you'll regret what you
done to me
And I never thought you would hurt me boy
but now I know
That's why you're gonna see me walk so fast
through the door, uh-huh
I think it's time for us to break up, ba-by
We should of never ever been together
You tried to play me but baby I had enough
So I'll be, movin' up
You are leaving, on the next plain
and movin' on cause things ain't just the same
How could you do that, when Nore lace the smooth track
And I'm the one that gave Stella Her Groove Back
The two mack, you see my peoples playin the cut
We thugged out, you know the ones that, say What What
So don't you, need a thug girl, get with a thug pearl
Shorty say I keep em wet like Waterworld
I'm kind of busy doin MTV
So call me later y'all I think I'm the C-P-T, or
polly with Mya, in D.C.
Doin Calypso, It's All About Me, so ask Sisqo
And Don't Let It Go To Your Head, now
N.O.R.E., I'm still good in the bed now
And we can break up, move on and don't make up
The last kiss or none of that, like a running back
Got a little cheeba so what? I got tons of that
Noreaga, you know the underground ThunderCat
Shit be real in here, shit be real in here
Uh-uh, shit be real in here, shit be real in here
Boy I'm movin' on
So far from where you are
Should I let you know the code
Cause you wasn't what you seemed
And now I'm wishin on all the rainbows
that I see
That someday you'll regret what you
done to me
And I never thought you would hurt me boy
but now I know
That's why you're gonna see me walk so fast
through the door, uh-huh
I keep it live like a grid wire, you know I ain't a liar
N.O.R.E., Raekwon and Lady Mya
Star collab' it, the wire just grab it
And if you see me with shorty, yo I'm stabbin it
Yo Nor' we used to bump like fly newlyweds, get drunk
Fuck and bump beds, rock dumps together, ice on her hand
Broadway Junction the function, Union Square there
You follow me, for a year before you had hair
Actin like you got me on mack, you wack
I shoulda blowed it off, kept that ass flat
Mya blow the track
I'll be movin' on
So far from where you are
Should I let you know the code
Cause you wasn't what you seemed
Boy I'm movin' on
So far from where you are...

Verse 1:
Talking: Ladies, tell us, are ya ready Well, come on, yeah
Eenie, meenie, miney moe
Which one of y'all wanna go with me
To party, on friday, where it be, it's crazy Get funny, spend money, so love,
lean with me
You will see that I'm only tryin' to do my thing
Ain't tryin' to waste no time you see
So, whatcha sayin' to me
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Whatcha say, whatcha say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Do you want to party with me, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say (Hey yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Whatcha say, whatcha say)
Verse 2:
Everybody here, everybody there
Throw your hands in the air
(Throw your hands up, throw your hands up)
Keep it tight, all night, alright right, ok now
I'm gonna show ya how to get down
(Get down get down, get down get down)
Ain't no half steppin'
People in this place come on, now
Tell me whatcha say
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Oh whatcha say, whatcha say, yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Get down with me, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(What ya sayin')
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Tell me)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey, hey, whatcha say)
Hey hey whatcha say
(Do you wanna party)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Oh what cha say)
Tonight is the night
When we make it so tight
I'll get down 'till the light
To all the girls and the boys
Now you make some noise
Don't be afraid to join
Oh, sing it
Hey, hey whatcha say
(What you say)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Come on and party with me)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Hey, yeah)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(What ya say, what you say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Uh oh what you say)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Hey, hey yeah)
Hey, hey whatcha say
(Oh I want you to say)
Hey, hey, whatcha say
(Come on and party with me)

We gone make you dance, UH
We gone make you move (oooh oh oh ooh)
While you up in dis motha (Uh, uh)
Mmm mmm mmm (mmm)
Mya- Are you ready
To do this thing
Said are you ready
To git in this swing, what's goin' on
Motha motha, uh uh uh uh
Uh do you wanna paaaartay
Cuz if you do now get up and come with me
Cuz I'z gonna make ya, he's gonna make ya
We we gonna make you
We gonna make you dance
We gone make you dance, we gone make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gone make you dance, we gone make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
If you ain't here to dance, you ain't here to move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gone make you dance, we gone make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Everybody who be up in this bass
Get out yo seat 'n' on yo feet
Just take yo place
To feel this beat, feel this groove
Cuz I'm gonna make dat, he's gonna make dat
We gonna make dat shit fo you
Move yo body to tha side (side)
To tha front (front)
To tha back (back)
I like that
Who like dat? (I like dat)
We like dat, yo
(Yeah, I like dat)
We gonna make you mooove
We gone make you dance, we gone make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gone make you dance, we gone make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
If you ain't here to dance, you ain't here to move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gone make you dance, we gone make you move (We gone, we gone)
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
We gone make you dance
We gonna make you, we gonna make you, we gonna make you....mooo-oove
Said we gone make you dance, we gone make you move (oooh oooh ooh)
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm (oooh oooh oooh) (wooo oo yeaah yeah)
If you ain't here to dance, you ain't here to move (we gonna make you daance)
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm
Said we gone make you dance, we gone make you move
While you up in this motha mmm mmm mmm (oh yeaaaah)
Mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm
We gone make you, we gone make you daance, we gone make you move
Mmm Mmmmm
See we gone make you move
Oh yeaaah (see what we came to do here is make you dance)
Mmmm mmmm mmmmmmm
Se right now, uh, we gonna make you move
Whatchy'all been fo? We gone make you dance
N you ovah there standin' on tha side, uh...see we gonna make you move uh (Sing)
Uh do you wanna......

[Verse 1:]
Not like before
Yesterday, I saw your smilin' face
Love walked through, my door
One precious moment
Changed my life
One tender kiss
Made everything right
One touch from you
And this world was mine
It was in your arms where I found forever
Cried my first tears of joy, last night
Heaven shined a light
All my dreams came true
My first night with you
[Verse 2:]
I felt the sun
Shine so bright on me
Chased the rain from my heart
Through the storm
Through the darkest night
I found my brightest star
One magic moment
Made one magic night
I fell in love
With one look in your eyes baby
I never knew I could feel so loved
Darling, in your arms
I could feel forever
One precious moment
Changed my life
One tender kiss
Made everything right
One touch from you
And this world was mine
It was in your arms babe
Where I found forever and ever
Cried my first tears of joy, last night (last night I cried)
Heaven shined a light (Heaven shined a light)
All my dreams came true
Cried my first tears of joy, last night (cried, tears, shined)
Heaven shined a light
All my dreams came true
My first night with you

Is it really real
The love that you feel for me
Or is it a game
For you to get into my groove
But boy don't be dismayed
I'd feel it too
If I apply to you
Boy your love remains the same
Boy I'll give you all I've got
All I have is all I get
If you remain
Remain the same
Just keep on lovin' me
Cause all that I want to do
I'll take the time to show you how it could be
Just keep on lovin' me
I know your disappointed
But what can I do boy
To make that change
This time I'll do what you say
To help you believe
And make it better

(feat. Dru Hill)
[Verse 1:]
Oh it hurts so bad
It started out so perfect
Something God could only create
I yearned enough for thinking of you on this special day
Never once did I take for granted
That you've been hurt before
So you treated me like a lady and even more
So I can't understand why you brought the storms into my life
Tell me why
You destroyed every part of me
Now what once a beautiful lady
That you showered with your love
Must live with a heart that bleeds
[Chorus Dru Hill [Mya]]
I hope you never have to come this way again (This way again)
You used to be my lover and my friend (That was the end)
[Mya: ]
So please don't take offense when I say what I have to say
Cause if you died I wouldn't cry cause you never loved me any way
[Verse 2]
Promises made and secrets told
Laying nights bent in ecstasy
We made love in a bed of roses
For the universe to see
There was no holding back from each other
Both of our minds were free
We never wasted time apart
Boy it seems like eternity
So I can't understand why you brought this pain into my life
Oh tell me why
I gave you a reason to live
And you used my love in vain
So go on by yourself to survive this alone
You know you can't come back home
I hope you never have to come this way again (I hope you never to come this way again)
You used to be my lover and my friend (You did you did)
[Mya: ]
So please don't take offense when I say what I have to say
If you died I wouldn't cry cause you never love me anyway
No way no way no way
[Verse 3:]
How could this be
After all the love you said we shared
You turn around and leave
Boy you know you were my heart and soul
But I can't be bad I gotta let you go
Together forever that's what we both said
I didn't know that life could be so unfair
I hope you never have to come this way again (Baby you did this to me)
You used to be my lover and my friend (You were my lover)
So please don't take offense when I say what I have to say
I hope you die, I hope you die
Cause if you died I wouldn't cry cause you never love me anyway(Cause you never loved me anyway)
I hope you never have to come this way again (you never never never never never never never never)
You used to be my lover and my friend (You use to be my best friend)
You can get struck by lighting
Washed away by the sea
Burned in a fire just don't bring it back to me Cause
Cause if you died I wouldn't cry cause you never love me anyway (Cause you never loved me anyway)

Baby it's yours
No one does it better
Baby it's yours
Make it last forever
You know that it's yours
Long as were together
Baby you can rest assure
It's yours, it's yours
I never thought it would happen to me
I never thought I would feel this way
But you kissed me and suddenly
Now I'm going crazy
(going insane out my mind)
You're all I'm thinking of
There's nobody in the world
Who means as much
(the only one that I adore)
There's no getting over
What's in your mind
I never thought that you would be mine
I never thought that we'd be cool
But since you came into my life
I only think about you
(baby it's true all the time)
Can't get you off my mind
The only place I wanna be is by your side
(you're everything I dream and more)
The one I adore
So what I'm saying, it's yours
Who is on your mind
When it's late at night
When you're in your bed
And it's your time
Don't try to deny
I know you're thinking about me all the time
Baby boo, I'm hooked on you
And I know I got you feeling it
(feeling it)
All I'm looking for one that I adore

[Featuring Jadakiss]
Uh, huh
I don't wanna get the best of you, ha-ha (whoa)
Yo, yo
Mya & Jadakiss
You put me on
I can't let, (nah, yeah) let him go no
(I just wanna get what's left of you, ha)
Can't let you get, oh no (Yo, yo)
He has a little game that he plays
Clever little ways and a hot boy style
Brags about the dough that he makes
Flash a little cash most girls wild out
Lately he's been checking for me
Telling me how much he wants to be
Wants to be the one to replace
Replace the man that waits at home for me
1 - But oh no I can't let you
Get the best of me
Even though deep inside
Something's dying to see
How you flow out them clothes
Then you put it on me
Feelings coming on strong
I know that it's wrong
I can't let you get the best of me
(You put it on me)
The best of me
(You put it on me)
So busy trying to play with my head
Telling me how he could blow my mind
Something about the things that he said
Made me want to take it there one time
I should be walking away
Cause his hands up on my thigh
Should I leave, should I stay?
After all it's just one night
Repeat 1
(You put it on me)
The best of me
(You put it on me)
Yo, yo, yo I got so many bags of money
That they won't fit in the bank
And I'mma do this just like Tony did it to Frank
But I'mma make sure both y'all win
Let him keep the place you move
And I'mma pay both y'alls rent
So forget about the condo and come to the crib
Cause the castle over the mountain come with a bridge
You know literally we can go shopping in Italy
Hand on her thigh she don't wanna get rid of me
And she don't drink or know how a L look
Chanel look mixed with the Pete Arnell look
You just stay pretty while I'm running the city
When I whip the V you can hold the joint if you with me
Vacation cost a hundred and fifty we living it up
I put it on your ass if you giving up
And you know I'm not a hater
And if you feel bad then you can call him later
And tell him you all Jada's
Oh no I can't let you
Get the best of me
Even though deep inside
Something's dying to see
How you flow out them clothes
Then you put it on me
You ain't gonna get to me
You can't get the best of me
Repeat 1
Oh no I can't let you
Get the best of me
Even though deep inside
Something's dying to see
How you flow out them clothes
Then you put it on me

Mya, oh Mya
Mya will you please come out the bathroom (Oh)
Just put the brush down and walk away
Just say no! Will you come on
It's going down
I can feel it
All around and I need it (yeah)
It's taking me where I love to be
(Uh-huh where I love to be)
So come on
Pack it in fill the room now (Uh)
Throw it up for the crew now
I close my eyes and touch the sky
See I don't mind
If people wanna look at me crazy (crazy)
It don't even phase me (phase me)
The feeling is making me high yeah
Don't wanna stop
My body needs it
Knocking me right off of my feet
Making me so high
I can't deny
The feeling's taking me over
Over over over
Fellas where ya game at
For the ladies that you aim at
Take a shot show her what you got
(Show her what'cha got)
So come on what'cha say
You better move it (uh-huh)
What'cha know
You better use it (yeah)
Make a play before it slips away
I can't wait
The second that I finish my business
Can I get a witness (Amen!)
There's no better feeling than this
Now somebody has some explaining to do
Now why is it the club manager keeps sweatin' me
Just cause I drove with a gang of about 23
Pack beyond capacity we all getting in free
It's straight to VIP nothing but hands grabbing on me
I'm a star so I start my tab at the bar
It's one of the benefits when everybody knows who you are
Like my car, valets salivate like it's a cookie jar
Just keep it up front fellas, don't take it too far
It's been since October, the last time I was sober
Music's like a drug when it starts taking me over
I see Mya ain't fighting it she's on the dance floor
But it's all good cause we splittin' the cash from the door
Well fourteen bottles of Don P later
It's just me, Mya, the DJ, and the waiter
I go outside for my ride dented up like Now-Or-Laters
Almost cried, swallowed my pride
and said peace, you, valet, playa hater
Okay people the party's over

Anytime you want me just say so
Cause when it comes to you i cant say no
Anytime you want me just say so
Cause when it comes to you i cant say no
Theres somethin about ya babe
I aint livin without ya babe
So ill let you know
Anytime you want me just say so
Somethin bout the way you move always gets me in the mood
And every lil thing you do makes me wanna get with you
Maybe its the way you flow that makes me wanna lose control
Well maybe i should let you know
Anytime boy just say so
Anytime you want me just say so
Cause when it comes to you i cant say no
Theres somethin about ya babe
I aint livin without ya babe
So ill let you know
Anytime you want me just say so
There's somethin bout the way you smile
Always seems to drive me wild
Maybe it is just your style
That makes me wanna stay awhile
We can take it nice and slow we can turn the lights down low
Dont nobody have to know i wont tell how far we go
I think about you every night and day
You're on my mind
I never thought that i would feel this way
I cant deny
That when i think of you
I seem to lose my cool
Here i go, boy you know

Uh, uh What? uh
Who me? (yeah)
Let's ride and shake (come on)
(Shake it)
Uh, uh, yeah
Let's ride and shake
Now you know you're looking good
Lookin' damn fly
Can't help but fully notice you from the corner of my eye
Yeah I got a man at home
But the conversation's old
He think he slick ain't doing right
But now he's got to go
I caught them at the shelf at a quarter past twelve
Creeping in my alley
But I told her to the left
Tell me what'cha gonna do
Cause I'm 'bout to make my move
Say yes without the pressures
Cause boy I'm ready to
1 - Gon' ride, ride, ride
Shake, shake, shake
You and me one on one
Without a break
We gonna ride, ride, ride
Shake, shake, shake
We can get together baby starting today
Repeat 1
Now I know that you want me
Just as much as I want you
You ain't got to lie, you ain't go to front
So why don't ya tell the truth?
As of now we send the past
Not enough time for being sad
I'm a sexy shaker, girl move on
And don't you move to fast
See you know how the game is played
If it was you, you'd put her through the same thing
Are you with that it is wrong?
Now can we please get it on?
You're the only that knows can we get down now
Repeat 1 (4x)
Turn off the car lights
And hold me tight
When we touch, when we rub
When we kiss, when we hug
Show me love till I can't get enough
Do you understand?
Feel my plan?
(Ride, ride, ride)
It's all about you
(Shake, shake, shake)
Forget my man

I'm tired of this shit
I'm tired of these silly ass games
I can't even look at you no more
And I don't think you'll ever understand
Until you get a dose of your own
It's your turn now
Crazy how I never use to say a single word
I just held in all the hurt, all this hurt
And I was so afraid you might flip out
And leave me in the cold
Then my mind ran out of space
So many stories untold
How would you feel
If I put my girls before the one I love
How would it feel
If every time you wanna talk
I turn the TV on
How would you feel
If when we're making love
I don't go down no more
So you know how I feel
Get ready cause a 3-6-0's about to go down
Taste this
And let's see if you can handle it
Just one sip
You probably choke on your own medicine
Taste that
Once you swallow then I got you trapped
No more running
No more hiding
And if you try
I'm still gon find ya
And get you back
Get you back
Listenin' to my conversations
On the other phone
Got somebody followin' me
When I leave out our home
And I am so appalled
You take it there
When you're the one who messed up
It's like I'm sleepin' with the enemy
How would you like it
If your girlfriend started playin' F.B.I
And she was the one
You forgave when she messed up
And spread her thighs
Plays with his brain
Started foolin' with ya money
Your house
Your Bens
Your friends
Your work
Let's see how you like it
And take a little taste
Taste of your own dirt
Taste this
And let's see if you can handle it
Just one sip
You probably choke on your own medicine
Taste that
Once you swallow then I got you trapped
No more running
No more hiding (No)
And if ya try
I'm still gon find ya (Find ya)
And get you back (And get ya back)
Get you back (I'mma get you back)
I've got to find a remedy
I'm sleeping with the enemy (Yeah)
He doesn't know just what's in store
For they call me a silent storm
And soon he'll feel all my of pain
I'll come for sun after the rain (Oh)
Aint nothin' sweeter than revenge
To put this bullshit to an end
Let's see what happens when I come in late
Mmm mmm mmm mmm
Lets see what happens if I quit my job
Let's see how you feel when I don't call back
You can't take it
No more running
No more hiding
Cause my crazy ass
Will find you
And get you back
Get you back
Taste this
You not a man
If I gotta tell you how to treat me (Oh)
And I'm not a woman
If I don't stand up in what I believe in
Taste that
50/50's it's suppose to be
But less than 25 is what you gave me
No more running
No more hiding (Yep)
And if ya try
I'm still gon find ya (See, I'mma find you)
And get you back
Get you back
You hurt me so bad
You hurt me
You hurt me so bad
Why'd you do it
I'm still gon get your ass
Now the next mans gonna pay
For all your games
Why, why, no
It's such a shame