
  • Whistlehackers in the age of surveillance

    By June, it was clear that Edward Snowden would be among the most pivotal news figures to emerge in 2013. But the real significance of his story likely lies in our future.

    Year in Review
  • The new device that could have saved George Costanza’s wallet

    Coin is one credit card to rule — or at least hold — them all.

    Yahoo News
  • Public Records Posted Online for Anyone to See

    Did you know that public records are posted online and can be viewed by anyone in seconds? Marriages, divorces, bankruptcies, etc. Search anyone.

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  • The bizarre, macabre complaint that Twitter's Event Parrot is 'too slow'

    Twitter's breaking news service is speedy enough, Rob Walker says.

    Yahoo News
  • '60 Minutes': Tool of the State?

    The New York Times published an unintentionally humorous headline on Dec. 23: "When '60 Minutes' Checks Its Journalistic Skepticism at the Door." The Times media columnist David Carr is suddenly stunned that "60 Minutes" has aired a puff piece on a serious political matter. In his article, Carr…

    Brent Bozell III
  • Cruciphobia at Mt. Soledad: The Cross the Left Can't Bear

    Disgruntled atheists first filed suit over the memorial at a veterans park in San Diego in the summer of 1989. The historic 43-foot cross has stood atop Mount Soledad on public land since 1954. The Mount Soledad Memorial Association erected the monument to commemorate the sacrifice of American…

    Michelle Malkin

    I have too much Kwanzaa shopping left to do. (Is it just me, or is Kwanzaa getting way too commercialized?) Contrary to pundits sniping about Ted Cruz's campaign to repeal Obamacare, even the most boneheaded liberal ideas never "collapse on their own," which is why we still have public schools…

    Ann Coulter
  • Faces of Religion

    I wouldn't volunteer to be Phil Robertson's speechwriter. But with Christmas arriving, it's worth pausing a moment to consider two other faces of Christianity today. Many who are hostile to religion are eager to portray the "Duck Dynasty" star's comments about homosexuality as the essence of…

    Mona Charen
  • 'Duck Dynasty' and the New Blacklist

    Methodist pastor Frank Schaefer, defrocked for officiating at the same-sex marriage of his son, refused to recant, and joined a Dupont Circle congregation, declaring from the pulpit to repeated ovations Sunday, "Change is coming" to the United Methodist Church. Yet these were skirmishes alongside…

    Pat Buchanan

    It raged again during the Jimmy Carter administration, and the Reaganites won. These acolytes of Ronald Reagan held sway for about a generation, for in another example of how events conspire to defy the usual borders, it is quite possible to argue that Reaganite views controlled Washington, even…

    David Shribman

    Lily has lived in the United States since 1983. I like to call her a genuine "African-American" because Gambia, a tiny West African country, is her native land.

    Cynthia Tucker

    LOS ANGELES -- There was a cigarette commercial in the early 1960s that went, "I'm smoking more and enjoying it less." The president at the time, John F. Kennedy, going through a rough patch, was asked how he felt about one negative story after another in the nation's press. "Well," he said, "I'm…

    Richard Reeves
  • Daughters and Sex

    Columnist Ross Douthat has stirred up a hornet's nest by commenting on a new study suggesting that being the parent of a girl may nudge people toward the Republican Party. Ann Friedman, writing in New York magazine, thunders:

    Mona Charen
  • Duck, Duck, Goose

    "Don't be deceived," Duck Commander and A&E; reality television star Phil Robertson insisted, when asked to define what he considered to be sinful behavior. "Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the…

    Susan Estrich
  • GLAAD: Lethal Enforcers of the Left's Tolerance Mob

    "Duck Dynasty's" Phil Robertson is not alone. He's the latest in a long, long lineup of politically incorrect targets of the left's sensitivity mob. Founded in 1985, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) gangstas won't stop until both the cultural and legal enforcement of their…

    Michelle Malkin
  • Clever Joint Solution

    Surprisingly simple solution to help your joints. See why these ingredients are flying off shelves

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  • Punk Rockers Knock Christmas

    What's been called the "War on Christmas" is often a case of secular liberals wanting to engage in Christmas denial. In the name of not wanting to offend people of minority faiths (or no faith), they remove the C-word from department store catalogs and Christmas songs from public school concerts,…

    Brent Bozell III
  • Why Neo-Isolationism Is Soaring

    "Neo-isolationism is the direct product of foolish globalism. Those are not the words of an old America Firster, but the declaration of that icon of the liberal establishment Walter Lippmann in 1967, a year before he endorsed Richard Nixon. Eugene McCarthy and Robert Kennedy were clamoring for…

    Pat Buchanan

    Every time some smart acre says with firm assurance that young Americans will not pay for health insurance because they are all Olympic specimens or men shouldn't have to pay for women's pregnancies, I hear that woman's voice from Rio: "The gentleman does not have a mother?" But if you don't pay,…

    Georgie Anne Geyer
  • The Judge and the NSA

    I suspect the NSA may have thought they got lucky when one of the first post-Edward Snowden cases to challenge their phone metadata collection was assigned to Judge Richard Leon on the federal district court in Washington, D.C. After all, Leon was appointed by President George W. Bush after a long…

    Susan Estrich
  • Safeguarding Obama Throughout 2013

    Liberal journalists were glowing and full of hope after President Barack Obama won a second term. As 2012 drew to a close, there was the traditional hour of ABC's Barbara Walters fawning: "Mr. President, Mrs. Obama. Over a picture of Obama, it read: "The Second Coming. These are two winners in…

    Brent Bozell III
  • The Crony Obama Donors in Charge of DHS

    Dirty Harry Reid sabotaged the filibuster, and now the Democrats are running wild in Washington. Thanks to Reid's crony-coddling rule change, unqualified stooges will manage the Obama Department of Homeland Security. On Monday night, Senate Democrats voted 57-37 to end debate on the nomination of…

    Michelle Malkin