Sporting Cristal vs UTC (1-1) - Fuente: CMD - Copa Movistar 2013 - 06/07/2013 - Fecha 23
Fuente: CMD Resumen Goles Online Copa Movistar 2013 Sporting Cristal vs UTC (1-1) Descentr...
published: 06 Jul 2013
Oct. 21, 1030 UTC / 6:30am EDT / 19:30 JST - Soyuz 2.1b/Fregat-MT carrying Galileo IOV satellites
arianespace.com coverage of Soyuz Flight VS01....
published: 21 Oct 2011
author: nextlaunch
May 15, 2213 UTC / 6:13pm EDT / May 16, 7:13 JST - Ariane 5ECA carrying JCSAT-13 & Vinasat-2
T-0 at 10:44 http://www.arianespace.tv/ coverage of Ariane 5ECA carrying JCSAT-13 & Vinasa...
published: 15 May 2012
author: nextlaunch
Sporting Cristal vs UTC 2-0 - Resumen & Goles - Torneo Descentralizado 6/04/2013
Cristal ganó 2-0 a UTC en Cajamarca y quedó listo para visitar a Tigre. El equipo celeste ...
published: 06 Apr 2013
author: lRyanlNet
Dec. 11, 1117 UTC / 6:17am EST / 20:17 JST- Proton Briz-M carrying Luch-5A & Amos-5 com.sats.
Liftoff at 3:50 http://www.tv-tsenki.com coverage of Proton Briz-M carrying Luch-5A & Amos...
published: 11 Dec 2011
author: nextlaunch
utc 6
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: ladybug130
Sporting Cristal vs UTC 1-1
Resumen Sporting Cristal vs UTC Leelo en http://caxas.pe....
published: 06 Jul 2013
author: caxas pe
Jan. 25, 2306 UTC / 6:06pm EST / Jan. 26, 8:06 JST - Soyuz-U carrying Progress M-14M.
Lift-off at 2:37 tv-tsenki.com coverage of Soyuz-U carrying Progress M-14M....
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: nextlaunch
Oct.30, 1011 UTC / 6:11am EDT / 19:11 JST - Soyuz-U carrying Progress M-13M ( 45P )
tv-tsenki.com coverage of Progress M-13M launch....
published: 30 Oct 2011
author: nextlaunch
Oct.30, 1011 UTC / 6:11am EDT / 19:11 JST - Soyuz-U carrying Progress M-13M ( 45P ) [NASAtv]
ustream.tv/nasahdtv coverage of Progress 45P launch....
published: 30 Oct 2011
author: nextlaunch
Voice of Turkey English 15520 kHz 1656 UTC 6 April.2012.mp4
Receiver: Anjan DTS-10 Antenna: 12 meter dipole QTH: Kolkata, India....
published: 06 Apr 2012
UTC - Rubeola 6:2
Első félidei remek játékát a másodikban is folytatva sima győzelmet aratott az UTC Futsal ...
published: 15 Oct 2012
5 minutes until midnight (UTC-6)
Watching for the Rapture (5 minutes until midnight, August 30, 2012) ...it's always approa...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: Pudy Tong
Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation 11735 kHz 1736 UTC 6 May 2012 in Kolkata, India
Zanzibar Broadcasting Corporation Receiver: JRC NRD-61A Antenna: 15 mtr longwire with 10:1...
published: 07 May 2012
Youtube results:
UTC CLAN vs ZQRN 75 - 29 CW NR:6
http://utcclan.ut.ohost.de XBOX 360 Clan Leader: UTC GENERAL Wir suchen immer gute Gam...
published: 02 Feb 2013
July 5, 2136 UTC / 5:36 pm EDT/ July 6, 6:36 JST - Ariane 5 carrying EchoStar XVII and MSG-3
T-0 at 2:08 arianespace.com coverage of Ariane 5 carrying EchoStar XVII & MSG-3 launch....
published: 05 Jul 2012
author: nextlaunch
RESUMEN DEL PARTIDO: UTC 1 - 1 FBC Melgar - fecha 6 - Tvmundo Deportes 2013
Síguenos en nuestra NUEVA CUENTA FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tvmundo-Deportes/...
published: 15 Mar 2013
Oct 31, 2158 UTC / 5:58pm EDT / Nov 1, 6:58 JST - Long March 2F carrying Shenzhou-8
english.cntv.cn/live/ coverage of Shenzhou-8 launch....
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: nextlaunch
