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  • Bob Levinson Proof of Life Video...2:55
  • URGENT: Kim Jong Uns Uncle Jang Song Thaek gets publicly arrested! [at 3:45][English]...5:06
  • US Close To Deal On Iran Nukes As Kerry Lectures Israel About Peace - Lou Dobbs...8:55
  • Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1...1:52
  • Syria War - Heavy Fighting At Serthel Checkpoint Eastern Hama...8:29
  • Indian court reinstates colonial-era gay sex ban...1:04
  • 'Protest in Ukraine not against Russia, but against post-Soviet future'...26:48
  • President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro at Nelson Mandela's memorial...1:04
  • EXCLUSIVE : Footage Shows Nairobi Mall CCTV Terror Attack, Shooting...3:23
  • Secretary Of State John Kerry Defends Iran Nuclear Deal To Congress...2:40:29
  • Live Coverage: Nelson Mandela Memorial Service...5:17:29
  • Historic handshake: Obama greets Cuba's leader Raul Castro at Mandela memorial...1:02
  • Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui...1:54
add video playlist Please visit or e-mail the family directly at to provide information which may lead to the safe return of Bob Levinson to his family.
Please visit or e-mail the family directly at to provide information which may lead to the safe return of Bob Levinson to his family.
Bob Levin­son Proof of Life Video
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UR­GENT: Kim Jong Uns Uncle Jang Song Thaek gets pub­licly ar­rest­ed! [at 3:45][En­glish]
US Close To Deal On Iran Nukes As Kerry Lectures Israel About Peace - Lou Dobbs
US Close To Deal On Iran Nukes As Kerry Lec­tures Is­rael About Peace - Lou Dobbs
Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1 - for licensing please email James (at) EarthUncut (tv) Footage as super typhoon Yolanda devastated Tacloban Philippines on 8th November 2013. Footage includes severe eyewall winds and rescue of people from flood waters. Footage copyright Earth Uncut TV, shot alongside Josh Morgerman of and Mark Thomas.
Super Ty­phoon Yolan­da / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philip­pines Break­ing News Footage 1
Syria War - Heavy Fighting At Serthel Checkpoint Eastern Hama. Heavy Firefight between Syrian Rebels and the Syrian Army at the Serthel Checkpoint in eastern Hama. The rebels assaulted the government held checkpoint with infantry units, tanks, bmps, mortars, armed trucks and atmg rocket launchners in an open battlefield  with nearly no cover.The Video includes also an ATMG hit on a government Tank. In the last decades, the city of Hama has become known as a center of the anti-Ba\'ath opposition in Syria, most notably the Muslim Brotherhood. The city was raided by the Syrian Army, beginning with the 1964 Islamic uprising, and becoming the scene of carnage during the Islamic uprising in Syria in April 1981 and especially in 1982, when nearly 25,000 people were killed in what became known as Hama massacre. The city was once again the site of conflict between the Syrian military and opposition forces, as one of the main arenas of the Syrian civil war in 2011,2012 and 2013.

Map Of Location:

Timeline of Actions:
0:00-0:56 Rebell fighters prepare for their attack
00:57-3:59 Heavy fire sent by several vehicles at the checkpoint
4:00-6:21 Infantry units with small arms and rpgs involving themselves in the fight.
6:22-7:38 ATMG attacks on the checkpoint and a regime tank
7:39-8:27 Mortar attack on the checkpoint

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This footage is part of an war archvie of the war in Syria and should be viewed as educational. This footage is also to be taken as a raw documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence. 

This footage is NOT meant to be violent in any way. I am ONLY sharing this footage for the purposes of news reporting and educating. I also want to share this footage for: news reporting, sharing important information with the public, and the transformative nature of the footage.

Learn more about the war in Syria:
Syria War - Heavy Fight­ing At Serthel Check­point East­ern Hama
India\'s Supreme Court reinstates a colonial-era ban on gay sex that can see homosexuals jailed for up to ten years in a major setback for rights campaigners in the world\'s biggest democracy. Duration: 01:03
In­di­an court re­in­states colo­nial-era gay sex ban
Paralysed by unrest and deeply divided, Ukraine is yet again at a crossroads. Stumbling from revolution to revolution, the country\'s leaders always portray the choice as one between an authoritarian past and a democratic future. But does it have to be so black, white and orange? Can Ukraine reconcile its identity with its interests or will it plunge into bitter turmoil? Oksana is joined by Ukrainian MP and activist Andriy Shevchenko to analyse these issues. 

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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios.
'Protest in Ukraine not against Rus­sia, but against post-So­vi­et fu­ture'
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President Obama shook hands with his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro in a landmark moment for the two countries at Nelson Mandela\'s memorial service. As President Obama made his way onto the stage to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela - he extended his hand to Raul Castro - who shook it and smiled back. The handshake is a rare gesture between the leaders that reflects Nelson Mandela\'s spirit of reconciliation. The only previous known handshake between U.S. and Cuban presidents since the island\'s 1959 revolution was at the United Nations in 2000, when Raul\'s brother Fidel shook the hand of then-U.S. president Bill Clinton in a chance encounter. Report by Sarah Johnston.

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Pres­i­dent Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Cas­tro at Nel­son Man­dela's memo­ri­al
EXCLUSIVE - KENYA Mall Attack CCTV Footage VIDEO Shows Terrorists Gunfire & Killings

\'These are terrorists\': Video captures chaos of Kenya mall shooting 
The footage shows shoppers sprinting and ducking among the aisles of a department store as gunfire blasts in the background.

Shoppers sprint through a department store on Saturday as gunmen open fire in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya.

Shoppers scamper behind shelves and crouch in the aisles, wincing as the sound of gunfire cracks overhead.

A video shows the first frantic moments of the Kenyan mall shootings.

A reporter for CCTV filmed the chaotic scene on Saturday from inside a department store at Westgate Mall in Nairobi.

Officials now say they\'ve confirmed 68 deaths and another 175 injured in the deadly ambush.
\'These are terrorists,\' a man says while he and others take shelter from gunmen behind a door in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya.
CCTV Africa
\'These are terrorists,\' a man says while he and others take shelter from gunmen behind a door in the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya.

The early moments of the attack were confusion, the video shows.


EX­CLU­SIVE : Footage Shows Nairo­bi Mall CCTV Ter­ror At­tack, Shoot­ing
December 10, 2013 C-SPAN
Sec­re­tary Of State John Kerry De­fends Iran Nu­cle­ar Deal To Congress
This is the official national memorial service for former president Nelson Mandela, who died on Thursday December 5, 2013, at the age of 95. An estimated 90 world leaders and additional members of royal families and international celebrities, along with thousands of members of the general public are attending the event. The memorial service is at FNB Stadium, Johannesburg....see more at
Live Cov­er­age: Nel­son Man­dela Memo­ri­al Ser­vice
U.S. President Barack Obama shook the hand of Cuban President Raul Castro at a memorial for Nelson Mandela on Tuesday, a rare gesture between the leaders of two nations at loggerheads for more than half a century.

With Mandela\'s message of reconciliation hanging over the ceremony, Castro smiled as Obama shook his hand on the way to the podium to make a rousing speech in memory of the former South African president, one of the world\'s greatest peacemakers, who died on Thursday aged 95.

The U.S. and Cuba have recently taken small steps toward rapprochement, raising hopes the two nations could be on the verge of a breakthrough in relations. But skeptics caution that the two countries have shown signs of a thaw in the past, only to fall back into old recriminations.

His­toric hand­shake: Obama greets Cuba's lead­er Raul Cas­tro at Man­dela memo­ri­al
To the central african republic, where President Michel Djotodia has extended a curfew in the capital by four hours, after deadly clashes.... dozens of people were killed when Bangui was attacked, reportedly by supporters of Francois Bozize, who was overthown by rebels in March.... the latest violence coming shortly before the UN is expected to give the green light to French troops joining an African peacekeeping Mark Thompson has this exclusive France 24 report from Bangui
LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
Civil and re­li­gious un­rest: vi­o­lence rocks CAR cap­i­tal of Ban­gui
This is the official national memorial service for former president Nelson Mandela, who died on Thursday December 5, 2013, at the age of 95. An estimated 90 world leaders and additional members of royal families and international celebrities, along with thousands of members of the general public are attending the event. The memorial service is at FNB Stadium, Johannesburg....see more at
Live Cov­er­age: Nel­son Man­dela Memo­ri­al Ser­vice
Paralysed by unrest and deeply divided, Ukraine is yet again at a crossroads. Stumbling from revolution to revolution, the country\'s leaders always portray the choice as one between an authoritarian past and a democratic future. But does it have to be so black, white and orange? Can Ukraine reconcile its identity with its interests or will it plunge into bitter turmoil? Oksana is joined by Ukrainian MP and activist Andriy Shevchenko to analyse these issues. 

Follow live updates on protests in Ukraine:

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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios.
'Protest in Ukraine not against Rus­sia, but against post-So­vi­et fu­ture'

updated 09 Dec 2011; published 09 Dec 2011
Bob Levin­son Proof of Life Video
Canberra Times 13 Dec 2013, This FBI composite image shows Robert Levinson before his capture, in a video released three years ago and a picture of him with a beard in his fourth year of captivity. Photo: AP     Washington: An American man who disappeared in Iran more than six years ago had been working for the CIA in what US intelligence officials describe as a...
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updated 09 Dec 2013; published 09 Dec 2013
UR­GENT: Kim Jong Uns Uncle Jang Song Thaek gets pub­licly ar­rest­ed! [at 3:45][En­glish]
BBC News 12 Dec 2013, 12 December 2013 Last updated at 23:02 GMT The once-powerful uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been executed after being purged for corruption, state news agency KCNA reports. Chang Song-thaek was dramatically removed from a Communist Party session by armed guards earlier this week. He was accused of forming...
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updated 08 Nov 2013; published 08 Nov 2013
US Close To Deal On Iran Nukes As Kerry Lec­tures Is­rael About Peace - Lou Dobbs
Al Jazeera 12 Dec 2013, US Secretary of State John Kerry is set to arrive in the Middle East on his ninth trip of the year, continuing shuttle diplomacy aimed at securing an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal by spring. He will be pressing a West Bank security plan in closed-door talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on...
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updated 09 Nov 2013; published 09 Nov 2013
Super Ty­phoon Yolan­da / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philip­pines Break­ing News Footage 1
IRINnews 12 Dec 2013, PALO, 6 décembre 2013 (IRIN) - Shelter for displaced people is fast emerging as a key priority after more than one million homes were damaged or destroyed when Typhoon Haiyan struck the central Philippines a month ago. With sustained winds of 235 km/h and gusts of 275 km/h, the storm, locally known as Yolanda, was among the strongest storms ever...
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updated 06 Dec 2013; published 06 Dec 2013
Syria War - Heavy Fight­ing At Serthel Check­point East­ern Hama
BBC News 11 Dec 2013, The US and UK have suspended all "non-lethal" support for rebels in northern Syria, but not humanitarian aid. A US embassy spokesman in Ankara said the decision was made after Islamist rebels seized bases belonging to the Western-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA). Fighters from the Islamic Front, a new alliance of rebel groups, ousted...
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updated 11 Dec 2013; published 11 Dec 2013
In­di­an court re­in­states colo­nial-era gay sex ban
CNTV 11 Dec 2013, NEW DELHI, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- In a major blow to India's homosexual community, the country's Supreme Court Wednesday ruled that gay sex between consenting adults would continue to be a criminal offence. A two-judge bench of Justice G.S. Singhvi and Justice S.J. Mukhopadhaya gave the ruling, setting aside an earlier verdict by the Delhi High Court...
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updated 05 Dec 2013; published 05 Dec 2013
'Protest in Ukraine not against Rus­sia, but against post-So­vi­et fu­ture'
Times Union 11 Dec 2013, KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Police in Ukraine have pulled back after an overnight confrontation in which they attempted...
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updated 10 Dec 2013; published 10 Dec 2013
Pres­i­dent Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Cas­tro at Nel­son Man­dela's memo­ri­al 11 Dec 2013, Article by Corespondent Dallas Darling. Perhaps the United States is once again regaining its revolutionary spirit. But this time instead of a "shot heard around the world," it will be known as the "handshake seen around the world." And instead of George Washington as Commander-in-Chief, the hero will be President Barack Obama as...
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updated 17 Oct 2013; published 17 Oct 2013
EX­CLU­SIVE : Footage Shows Nairo­bi Mall CCTV Ter­ror At­tack, Shoot­ing
Fox News 11 Dec 2013, Published December 11, September 21, 2013: A woman who had been hiding during the gun battle runs for cover after armed police enter the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, after gunmen threw grenades and opened fire Sept. 21, 2013. (AP Photo/Jonathan Kalan, File) September 26, 2013: This photo released by the Kenya Presidency shows...
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updated 11 Dec 2013; published 11 Dec 2013
Sec­re­tary Of State John Kerry De­fends Iran Nu­cle­ar Deal To Congress
Ohio 11 Dec 2013, WASHINGTON: The Obama administration and Congress clashed Tuesday over the historic nuclear deal with Iran, exposing deep rifts over a U.S. pledge to refrain from any new sanctions over the next six months in exchange for concessions on enriching uranium. The disagreement could have broad consequences for the U.S. diplomatic effort to prevent Iran...
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updated 10 Dec 2013; published 10 Dec 2013
Live Cov­er­age: Nel­son Man­dela Memo­ri­al Ser­vice
BBC News 11 Dec 2013, The body of Nelson Mandela is due to be taken in procession to the Union Buildings in Pretoria where it will lie in state for three days. Each morning his remains will be transported across the city in a glass casket. People have been encouraged to line the route and form a "guard of honour". The public, as well as invited heads of state...
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updated 10 Dec 2013; published 10 Dec 2013
His­toric hand­shake: Obama greets Cuba's lead­er Raul Cas­tro at Man­dela memo­ri­al
Voa News 10 Dec 2013, Tuesday&aposs; memorial service for Nelson Mandela generated some informal diplomacy and political controversy, alongside the praise for the late South African president. In a moment...
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updated 05 Dec 2013; published 05 Dec 2013
Civil and re­li­gious un­rest: vi­o­lence rocks CAR cap­i­tal of Ban­gui
France24 10 Dec 2013, Two French soldiers have been killed in the Central African Republic, the French presidency announced on Tuesday, as French and African Union troops lead a UN-backed military operation aimed at halting inter-religious violence in the...
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updated 10 Dec 2013; published 10 Dec 2013
Live Cov­er­age: Nel­son Man­dela Memo­ri­al Ser­vice
Mashable 10 Dec 2013, Dozens of heads of state from around the world are arriving in South Africa early this week to commemorate Nelson Mandela, the country's former president and anti-apartheid hero,...
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American disappeared in Iran on rogue CIA mission
Full Article Canberra Times
13 Dec 2013

This FBI composite image shows Robert Levinson before his capture, in a video released three years ago and a picture of him with a beard in his fourth year of captivity. Photo: AP     Washington: An American man who disappeared in Iran more than six years ago had been working for the CIA in what US intelligence officials describe as a... Intelligence
This undated handout photo provided by the family of Robert Levinson, shows retired-FBI agent Robert Levinson. Levinson, 64, went missing on the Iranian island of Kish in March 2007.
photo: AP / Levinson Family

North Korean leader's uncle 'executed over corruption'
Full Article BBC News
12 Dec 2013

12 December 2013 Last updated at 23:02 GMT The once-powerful uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been executed after being purged for corruption, state news agency KCNA reports. Chang Song-thaek was dramatically removed from a Communist Party session by armed guards earlier this week. He was accused of forming... Jong Un Korea
A man watches a live TV news program showing that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's uncle Jang Song Thaek, second from right, is escorted by military officers during a trial in Pyongyang, North Korea Thursday, Dec. 12, 2013
photo: AP / Lee Jin-man

Kerry back to Middle East to push peace talks
Full Article Al Jazeera
12 Dec 2013

US Secretary of State John Kerry is set to arrive in the Middle East on his ninth trip of the year, continuing shuttle diplomacy aimed at securing an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal by spring. He will be pressing a West Bank security plan in closed-door talks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on... Palestinian Conflict Kerry Peace
File - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry delivers remarks at the launch of the Office for Engagement With Faith-Based Communities at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., on August 7, 2013.
photo: US DoS

Typhoon survivors need shelter
Full Article IRINnews
12 Dec 2013

PALO, 6 décembre 2013 (IRIN) - Shelter for displaced people is fast emerging as a key priority after more than one million homes were damaged or destroyed when Typhoon Haiyan struck the central Philippines a month ago. With sustained winds of 235 km/h and gusts of 275 km/h, the storm, locally known as Yolanda, was among the strongest storms ever... Survivors
Typhoon survivors need shelter
photo: US Navy / Trevor Welsh

US and UK suspend non-lethal aid for Syria rebels
Full Article BBC News
11 Dec 2013

The US and UK have suspended all "non-lethal" support for rebels in northern Syria, but not humanitarian aid. A US embassy spokesman in Ankara said the decision was made after Islamist rebels seized bases belonging to the Western-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA). Fighters from the Islamic Front, a new alliance of rebel groups, ousted... Qaida Peace War
In this photo released by the Syrian official news agency SANA, which was taken on Saturday November 23, 2013, flames rising from a fuel tank that was burned by rebels shelling according to SANA, at a fuel refinery, in Homs, Syria.
photo: AP / SANA

India's Supreme Court rules gay sex as criminal offence
Full Article CNTV
11 Dec 2013

NEW DELHI, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- In a major blow to India's homosexual community, the country's Supreme Court Wednesday ruled that gay sex between consenting adults would continue to be a criminal offence. A two-judge bench of Justice G.S. Singhvi and Justice S.J. Mukhopadhaya gave the ruling, setting aside an earlier verdict by the Delhi High Court... Rights In India Sex Illegal - India In India
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Police pull back from confrontation in Ukraine
Full Article Times Union
11 Dec 2013

KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Police in Ukraine have pulled back after an overnight confrontation in which they attempted... Crisis - Ukraine Protests
Pro-European Union activists guard the barricade during clashes with riot police in Independence Square in Kiev, Ukraine, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2013.
photo: AP / Efrem Lukatsky

The Handshake Seen Around the World
Full Article
11 Dec 2013

Article by Corespondent Dallas Darling. Perhaps the United States is once again regaining its revolutionary spirit. But this time instead of a "shot heard around the world," it will be known as the "handshake seen around the world." And instead of George Washington as Commander-in-Chief, the hero will be President Barack Obama as... Obama Mandela Castro
US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, in the rain for a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013. The handshake between the leaders of the two Cold War enemies came during a ceremony that's focused on Mandela's legacy of reconciliation. Hundreds of foreign dignitaries and world heads of states gather Tuesday with thousands of South African people to celebrate the life, and mark the death, of Nelson Mandela who has became a global symbol of reconciliation.
photo: AP

NYPD report into Kenya mall attack suggests only four shooters involved, and all may have escaped
Full Article Fox News
11 Dec 2013

Published December 11, September 21, 2013: A woman who had been hiding during the gun battle runs for cover after armed police enter the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, after gunmen threw grenades and opened fire Sept. 21, 2013. (AP Photo/Jonathan Kalan, File) September 26, 2013: This photo released by the Kenya Presidency shows... Shabaab Attack Insurgency
File - A woman who had been hiding during the gun battle runs for cover after armed police enter the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya, after gunmen threw grenades and opened fire Sept. 21, 2013.
photo: AP / Jonathan Kalan

Kerry, Congress spar over Iran nuclear deal
Full Article Ohio
11 Dec 2013

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration and Congress clashed Tuesday over the historic nuclear deal with Iran, exposing deep rifts over a U.S. pledge to refrain from any new sanctions over the next six months in exchange for concessions on enriching uranium. The disagreement could have broad consequences for the U.S. diplomatic effort to prevent Iran... Nuclear Deal - Geneva Nuclear Program Sanctions Against Iran
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry gives a statement to the media at the start of a meeting with business leaders in Cairo, Egypt
photo: AP / Jacquelyn Martin

Mandela's body to lie in state at Union Buildings
Full Article BBC News
11 Dec 2013

The body of Nelson Mandela is due to be taken in procession to the Union Buildings in Pretoria where it will lie in state for three days. Each morning his remains will be transported across the city in a glass casket. People have been encouraged to line the route and form a "guard of honour". The public, as well as invited heads of state... Service - Mandela Mandela
In this Dec. 10, 2013, photo, President Barack Obama waves as he arrives to speak at the memorial service for former South African president Nelson Mandela at the FNB Stadium in the Johannesburg, South Africa township of Soweto. The Nelson Mandela eulogized to the world by Obama as "a giant of history" and the "last great liberator of the 20th century," seemed a different person from the one the United States held at arm's length, to put it diplomatically, for much of his life and career.
photo: AP / Evan Vucci

Obama-Castro Handshake Draws Attention at Mandela Tribute
Full Article Voa News
10 Dec 2013

Tuesday&aposs; memorial service for Nelson Mandela generated some informal diplomacy and political controversy, alongside the praise for the late South African president. In a moment... Obama Mandela Death Castro - Cuba
In this image from TV, US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, in the rain for a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013.
photo: AP / SABC Pool

Two French soldiers killed in Central African Republic
Full Article France24
10 Dec 2013

Two French soldiers have been killed in the Central African Republic, the French presidency announced on Tuesday, as French and African Union troops lead a UN-backed military operation aimed at halting inter-religious violence in the... African Republican Rebellion Nations
French troops leave their position near a suspected Seleka, the alliance of mostly Muslim rebel groups, hideout in Bangui, Central African Republic, Monday Dec. 9, 2013.
photo: AP / Jerome Delay

The World Gathers for Nelson Mandela's Memorial Service
Full Article Mashable
10 Dec 2013

Dozens of heads of state from around the world are arriving in South Africa early this week to commemorate Nelson Mandela, the country's former president and anti-apartheid hero,...'s Memorial Service Mandela Africa
An image of former South African president Nelson Mandela is projected on a screen at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, near Johannesburg, South Africa, ahead of his memorial service Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013.
photo: AP / Peter Dejong

McCoy not expecting to beat Murray
Full Article Sporting Life
13 Dec 2013

The winner of the annual award will be announced on Sunday evening in a live celebration of the sporting year at the First Direct Arena in Leeds. Murray is the long odds-on favourite to lift the prize, but McCoy is next in the betting ahead of the likes of dual World and Olympic athletic champion Mo Farah, Tour de France winner Chris Froome and...
Day 8 of the Sony Open Andy Murray (GBR) vs Grigor Dimitrov (BUL) at Crandon Park Tennis Center Key Biscayne, Florida - March 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Pujara is ICC Emerging Player of the Year
Full Article Newstrack India
13 Dec 2013

Tweet New Delhi, Dec 13 (IANS) India's Cheteshwar Pujara was adjudged the Emerging Player of the Year while Australian captain Michael Clarke bagged the Sir Garfield Sobers trophy for ICC Cricketer of the Year and the ICC Test Cricketer of the Year award. The announcement of the 2012 awards was made ahead of the broadcast of the Awards TV show...
India's under-19 cricket player Cheteshwar Pujara plays a shot during practice session in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Saturday, Feb. 18, 2006.
photo: AP / Eranga Jayawardena

Umpires need a hand to keep up with pace of modern game
Full Article Canberra Times
13 Dec 2013

Michael Clarke keeps his eye on the ball. Photo: Getty Images I BELIEVE it is time the ICC followed the AFL's example and introduced three umpires on the ground. The game today has become so quick the two umpires standing cannot keep up. My biggest pet hate in the game is when a batsman is dismissed, the umpires always go upstairs to check for a no...
Australia's captain Michael Clarke, left, and batsman Shaun Marsh run between wickets during the first day play of the third cricket test match against Sri Lanka in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Friday, Sept. 16, 2011.
photo: AP / Eranga Jayawardena

Anthony Mundine confident Blake Ferguson will appeal assault charge and return to NRL
Full Article Canberra Times
13 Dec 2013

Anthony Mundine and WBA vice president Gilberto Jesus Mendonza in Canberra having a chat after lunch in Fyshwick. Photo: Jeffrey Chan Blake Ferguson convicted of indecent assault Mundine announced fight but no opponent Anthony Mundine score TKO win over Shane Mosley Boxer Anthony Mundine says former Canberra Raiders player Blake Ferguson is likely...
Australian boxer Anthony Mundine poses for photographers while chewing gum during a news conference held in Dortmund, Friday Nov. 16, 2001. The IBF World Championship light middleweight title fight between Germany´s Sven Ottke and Mundine will take place at the Westphalia hall on Dec. 1, 2001. (rks2)
photo: AP

Nadal downs old rival Federer to reach final
Full Article New Straits/Business Times
12 Dec 2013

Rafael Nadal won the latest instalment of his epic rivalry with Roger Federer as the Spaniard swept into the final of the ATP World Tour Finals with a 7-5, 6-3 victory on Sunday. Nadal was in commanding form in the last four showdown at London's O2 Arena and his 22nd win in 32 meetings with Federer booked the world number one's place in Monday's...
Rafael Nadal, of Spain, bites the trophy while posing for photos after defeating Novak Djokovic, of Serbia, during the men's singles final of the 2013 U.S. Open tennis tournament, Monday, Sept. 9, 2013, in New York.
photo: AP / Darron Cummings

2013 MLB Winter Meetings Hall of Fame debate
Full Article The Examiner
12 Dec 2013

The big question surrounding Roy Halladay's retirement is whether he is deserving of the Hall of Fame? If you select Roy Halladay, shouldn't the same honor be bestowed on Mike Mussina and Andy Pettitte? Mussina is on the ballot for the first time along with (should be) shoe-ins; Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine, and Frank Thomas. Depending on who you speak...
Roy Halladay
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Lindsey Vonn  Boston Red Sox at Baltimore Orioles April 28, 2011
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Pardew looks at insecurity of job
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
12 Dec 2013

Alan Pardew will welcome former club Southampton to Newcastle on Saturday reflecting on the vulnerability of football managers. The 52-year-old lost his job after 13 months at the South Coast club in August 2010 just days after he had guided them to a 4-0 League One win at Bristol Rovers. A little more than three months later, he was back in work...
Newcastle United's coach Alan Pardew reacts during their Europa League Group D soccer match against Maritimo at the Barreiros stadium in Funchal, on the Portuguese island of Madeira, Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012. The match ended 0-0.
photo: AP / Helder Santos

Love Her or Hate Her, 2013 Was All About Miley
Full Article IMDb
13 Dec 2013

There's no denying that Miley Cyrus was the celebrity to follow in 2013. From her...
Miley Cyrus at 2010 MuchMusic Video Awards, 29th June.
photo: Creative Commons / Jeff Denberg

Justin Bieber’s No Good, Very Bad Year: Alleged Prostitutes, Reckless Driving, and More
Full Article The Daily Beast
13 Dec 2013

By Amy ZimmermanDecember 13th 20135:45 am More Stories by Amy Zimmerman From pot smoking to assault and brothels, Bieber’s 2013 had an air of entitlement. The star fell from grace like a leather jogging pant-clad, tattooed Lucifer. Scooter Braun came across an earthbound angel on YouTube in 2008. His name was Justin Drew Bieber, and he was a...
Justin Bieber performs during the 'Believe Tour' at the Amway Center Orlando, Florida - January 25, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Beyonce Shocks And Releases Surprise Album On iTunes
Full Article The Inquisitr
13 Dec 2013

Call it gutsy, call it a historical moment in digital music, call it whatever you would like, but a top-selling artist has forgone all promotion and formal announcements, and even the associated press conference sound bites to quiet critics and music pundits, so that her music can speak for herself. About an hour ago, as of writing, Beyonce dropped...
Singer-actress Beyonce Knowles arrives for the 77th Academy Awards Sunday, Feb. 27, 2005, in Los Angeles. Beyonce is wearing earrings by Lorraine Schwartz
photo: AP / Chris Pizzello

Much Online Exclusive: Fefe Dobson performs Stuttering at The Big Jingle!
Full Article MuchMusic
12 Dec 2013

Fefe Dobson left us Stuttering after her amazing performance at The Big Jingle! Did you watch the livestream or were you at the Air Canada Centre? Fefe’s rocker chic also inspired us to dress up a bit more during the holidays, so one could say she totally left a Legacy upon us. Too much of a stretch? Sure. But you liked it. Continue Reading...
ag2   Canadian singer and entertainer Fefe Dobson performing at Sunfest in West Palm Beach, Florida on May 4, 2006.  Dobson´s Album SUnday Love is slated to be released on June 20, 2006.
photo: WN / aruna

Rihanna Rocks A Fur In New York Amid Claims Chris Brown Has Stopped Rehab Visit
Full Article Entertainment Wise
12 Dec 2013

Rihanna stepped out in New York yesterday and wrapped up against the cold in a fur knee length coat. While the Diamonds star might not be adverse to flashing the flesh it appears she didn't fancy feeling chilly last night as she wore a denim jumpsuit underneath the snug coat. Bad girl RiRi was no doubt...
Rihanna in her Last Girl on Earth Tour
photo: Creative Commons / lifeishhguuud

Artic Monkeys on a career high
Full Article Stuff
12 Dec 2013

Grinding vintage rock, howling garage blues and West Coast-style hip-hop ghetto politics are all represented on the Arctic Monkeys' outstanding album AM. This heart swelling, life-affirming noise is then punctured magnificently by Alex Turner who sings as if he's just rolled out of bed after a heavy night. On the stadium floor, people sway and...
Arctic Monkeys
photo: GFDL

Celine Dion to Perform on Canadian New Year's Eve TV Special
Full Article The Hollywood Reporter
12 Dec 2013

0 0 0 0 0 Email Print Comments Ethan Miller/Getty Images The singer will appear on an "Entertainment Tonight Canada" show from Niagara Falls via videotape from Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. TORONTO — Celine Dion is to ring in 2014 as part of Entertainment Tonight Canada’s live TV special on New...
Celine Dion Concert Singing 'Taking Chances' 2008
photo: Creative Commons / Estoy Aquí

James Blunt: 'I like to wear women's underwear in the privacy of my home'
Full Article The Guardian
12 Dec 2013

Is the singer turned Twitter jokester just a working-class boy with a liking for ladies' undies? He shares the juiciest snippets of J-Blo gossip James Blunt: 'I lived with ­Princess Leia. She gave me a ­lightsabre.' Photograph: Hayley Madden/WireImage Hi, James. You told The Daily Mail in 2012 you were retiring. But, erm, you've recently released a...
James Blunt in concert July 19 at the Cornwall Film Festival 2011
photo: Creative Commons / Thesupermat

Forbes' names Shah Rukh Khan most powerful celebrity of 2013
Full Article Deccan Chronicle
13 Dec 2013

New Delhi, Dec 13: Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan has been named the most powerful celebrity of 2013 by Forbes India for the second time in a row. The 48-year-old actor has conquered the Top 100 celebrity list with the help of his popularity and...
India  Bollywood Actor Shah Rukh Khan  as Brand Ambassador of Concast  Company and also launch the Concast Support Book at Kolkata on Wednesday 01 Febuary 2012 in Eastern India City
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Joanna Krupa reveals what she'll do when she finally sees Brandi Glanville
Full Article The Examiner
13 Dec 2013

Joanna Krupa already knows what she's going to do when she finally sees Brandi Glanville - demand an apology! In a Celebuzz article posted on Tuesday, Dec. 10, Joanna talked about Brandi's habit of making inappropriate comments and how she feels now about...
Marta Krupa, Joanna Krupa at Maxim's Super Bowl Party at the Raleigh Hotel Miami, Florida February 6, 2010
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Exercise helps women tolerate breast cancer drugs
Full Article Tampa Bay Online
12 Dec 2013

SAN ANTONIO — Exercise might help women beat breast cancer. Researchers found it can ease the achy joints and muscle pain that lead many patients to quit taking medicines that treat the disease and lower the risk of a recurrence. The study is the first major test of an exercise program for women on aromatase inhibitors. These...
photo: Creative Commons / Mike Baird

Kobe Bryant -- Fires Back at Jim Brown ... Mandela Would Be Disappointed In You
Full Article TMZ
12 Dec 2013

Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. would NOT approve of Jim Brown's racially charged critique of Kobe Bryant ... so says Kobe, who just lashed back at the NFL legend. Kobe was obviously listening when Jim went on "Arsenio Hall" this week and said Kobe doesn't understand black culture in America because he was raised in Italy. Brown implied...
Kobe Bryant, Andrew Bynum  Kobe Bryant and Andrew Bynum of the Los Angeles Lakers during a game against the Washington Wizards at the Verizon Center on March 7, 2012 in Washington, DC.
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs are splitting up
Full Article US News
12 Dec 2013

Comment () Tweet By MARK KENNEDY, Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) — Married stage and film actors Idina Menzel and Taye Diggs are splitting up. A publicist for the couple announced the breakup Thursday in a statement that said the separation was "jointly decided" and that "primary focus and concern is for their son." The pair met while...
Idina Menzel during her, "I Stand" tour, at the Parker Playhouse, July 25, 2008, in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Tara Reid nearly blinded in glass attack, court told
Full Article Toronto Sun
12 Dec 2013

Tweet Actress Tara Reid feared she had been left blinded after she was smashed in the face with a glass at a London nightclub last year, a court has heard. The American Pie star was celebrating her birthday at the Beat venue in London's West End on 8...
Tara Reid   - American Pie Reunion, Harry's Cafe de Wheels Sydney, Woolloomooloo Photography Eva Rinaldi  Earlier this morning in Sin City Sydney - outside the famous Harry's Cafe de Wheels to be precise, the cast of 'American Reunion' (better known as 'American Pie') congregated to help promote the Australian release of the latest instalment of their movie. Fans and media gathered and most agreed that it was a breath of fresh air to have a movie premiere outside in such nice and hip surroundings, rather than at a cinema, which is the norm.
photo: Creative Commons / Eva Rinaldi

Applegate: I punched Ferrell's wound
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
12 Dec 2013

Christina Applegate has recalled her favourite moment while working with Will Ferrell. The 42-year-old actress plays Veronica Corningstone in both Anchorman movies, who eventually becomes the wife of Will's alter ego Ron Burgundy in the latest instalment The Legend Continues. When asked to share one of her favourite moments working alongside the...
American actress Christina Applegate in 2 January 2004
photo: Creative Commons / alotofmillion

Bullock for Clooney-backed film?
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
12 Dec 2013

Sandra Bullock could be reunited with her Gravity co-star George Clooney on a new political comedy. The Oscar-winning actress is "in early talks" to star in Our Brand Is Crisis, which George and his producing partner Grant Heslov are backing for Warner Bros, reported The Wrap. The pair apparently discussed the film in depth while they were...
Sandra Bullock speaking at the 2013 San Diego Comic Con International, for "Gravity", at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California
photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore

Typhoon Haiyan: Latest updates on UK aid (UK Wales Office)
Full Article noodls
13 Dec 2013

(Source: UK Wales Office) The UK is providing urgent humanitarian support for up to 800,000 people in the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan. Thousands of people in remote communities have lost their homes and everything they own. They are completely exposed to the elements. Infographic: See how UK aid is helping - click here for full size... Aid Haiyan
Typhoon Haiyan: Latest updates on UK aid (UK Wales Office)
photo: US Navy / Daniel M. Young

Instagram launches direct messaging feature
Full Article Philadelphia Daily News
12 Dec 2013

Travel Deals $615 & up -- 3-Nt. Vegas Trip w/Spa Discount & Extras, from Philly   See all travel deals » The Associated Press Posted: Thursday, December 12, 2013, 11:38 AM NEW YORK (AP) - Instagram is launching a new feature that lets users share photos and videos with up to 15 people rather than everyone who follows them on the popular...
A journalist makes a video of the Instagram logo using the new video feature at Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif., Thursday, June 20, 2013.
photo: AP / Marcio Jose Sanchez

Hrithik Roshan to launch new clothing brand HRx – Push Your Extreme
Full Article IMDb
12 Dec 2013

In a deal set to revolutionise the celebrity brand licensing space, Bollywood’s most stylish man Hrithik Roshan has tied-up with multi-platform entertainment...
Indian actor Hrithik Roshan speaks to the Associated Press during an interview in London Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011. Roshan became the fifth Bollywood star to have his wax statue unveiled at the world-famous Madame Tussauds museum in London on Thursday
photo: AP / Alastair Grant

At Harvard, 'Ratan Tata confused and humiliated'
Full Article Indian Express
12 Dec 2013

Ratan Tata has said he felt confused and humiliated during his first few weeks as a student at the elite Harvard University but those initial days turned out to be the "most important weeks" of his life. Tata recalled his first weeks on the Harvard campus as he attended a...
Ratan Tata, chairman of the Tata Group, smiles during a press conference to announce Tata Steel's acquisition of Anglo-Dutch steel giant Corus, in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2007.
photo: AP / Rajesh Nirgude

Game Preview: Islanders at Coyotes (New York Islanders)
Full Article noodls
12 Dec 2013

(Source: New York Islanders) Game Preview: Islanders at Coyotes The Islanders look to sweep the season series against the Coyotes. By Cory Wright New York Islanders 9-18-5 (23 points - 8th in Metropolitan Division, 15th in Eastern Conference) 4-12-0 road Phoenix Coyotes 17-8-5 (39 points - 5th in Pacific Division, 9th in Western Conference) 9-2-2...
Hilary Thompson sings the national anthem as a Coast Guard team from Sector New York on Staten Island performs a color guard ceremony on the ice minutes before a New York Rangers hockey game at Madison Square Garden Dec. 13, 2008. (440373) ( )
photo: US Coastguard

Briere returns to Philadelphia as member of Canadiens (New York Islanders)
Full Article noodls
12 Dec 2013

(Source: New York Islanders) By Adam Kimelman - Deputy Managing Editor Daniel Briere plays his home games at Bell Centre in Montreal, but his return to Philadelphia on Thursday will be a real trip home. Briere will face the Philadelphia Flyers at Wells Fargo Center for the first time since signing with the Montreal Canadiens in...
Daniel Briere
photo: Creative Commons / clydeorama

Daily Primer: Dubinsky returns to New York (New York Islanders)
Full Article noodls
12 Dec 2013

(Source: New York Islanders) Columbus Blue Jackets forward Brandon Dubinsky will play his first game at Madison Square Garden on Thursday since being traded by the New York Rangers on July 23, 2012. His main goal is to help the Blue Jackets leave with two points, but Dubinsky is eager to prove Rangers brass wrong for dealing him to Columbus....
New York Rangers forward Brandon Dubinsky prior to a National Hockey League game against the Calgary Flames, in Calgary. Date 	20 October 2011
photo: Creative Commons / Resolute

‘Pak may decide on MFN status to India after elections’
Full Article The Hindu
12 Dec 2013

Observing that the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status to India by Pakistan would be a positive step forward in improving the relationship between the two neighbours, a top Obama Administration official has said that Islamabad may decide on it after the elections in India. Still, the Obama Administration has been...
Pakistani soldiers, in black, and Indian soldiers lower their country's flags during Beating the Retreat ceremony between the two nations, at Wagah, the joint India-Pakistan border post, Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006. India will celebrate its 60th Independence Day on Aug. 15, and Pakistan will celebrate on Aug. 14. The Indian flag is seen right, and the Pakistan flag, left.
photo: AP / Aman Sharma

Bob Levinson Proof of Life Video
Bob Levinson Proof of Life Video
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:55
  • Updated: 09 Dec 2011
Please visit or e-mail the family directly at to provide information which may lead to the safe return of Bob Levinson to his family.
  • published: 09 Dec 2011
  • views: 31840

URGENT: Kim Jong Uns Uncle Jang Song Thaek gets publicly arrested! [at 3:45][English]
URGENT: Kim Jong Uns Uncle Jang Song Thaek gets publicly arrested! [at 3:45][English]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:06
  • Updated: 09 Dec 2013
StimmeKoreas on Facebook: North Korea (DPRK - Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea) Nordkorea (DVRK - Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea) Corea del Nord - Repubblica Democratica Popolare di Corea Corea del Norte Corée du Nord Koreańska Republika Ludowo-Demokratyczna Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика Kuzey Kore كوريا الشمالية 조선민주주의인민공화국 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國 대학졸업생 서해의 최전연 섬마을 학교로 진출
  • published: 09 Dec 2013
  • views: 28097!_ at_345 English

US Close To Deal On Iran Nukes As Kerry Lectures Israel About Peace - Lou Dobbs
US Close To Deal On Iran Nukes As Kerry Lectures Israel About Peace - Lou Dobbs
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:55
  • Updated: 08 Nov 2013
US Close To Deal On Iran Nukes As Kerry Lectures Israel About Peace - Lou Dobbs
  • published: 08 Nov 2013
  • views: 1397

Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1
Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:52
  • Updated: 09 Nov 2013
Super Typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan Hits Tacloban Philippines Breaking News Footage 1 - for licensing please email James (at) EarthUncut (tv) Footage as super typhoon Yolanda devastated Tacloban Philippines on 8th November 2013. Footage includes severe eyewall winds and rescue of people from flood waters. Footage copyright Earth Uncut TV, shot alongside Josh Morgerman of and Mark Thomas.
  • published: 09 Nov 2013
  • views: 4583530

Syria War - Heavy Fighting At Serthel Checkpoint Eastern Hama
Syria War - Heavy Fighting At Serthel Checkpoint Eastern Hama
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:29
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2013
Syria War - Heavy Fighting At Serthel Checkpoint Eastern Hama. Heavy Firefight between Syrian Rebels and the Syrian Army at the Serthel Checkpoint in eastern Hama. The rebels assaulted the government held checkpoint with infantry units, tanks, bmps, mortars, armed trucks and atmg rocket launchners in an open battlefield with nearly no cover.The Video includes also an ATMG hit on a government Tank. In the last decades, the city of Hama has become known as a center of the anti-Ba'ath opposition in Syria, most notably the Muslim Brotherhood. The city was raided by the Syrian Army, beginning with the 1964 Islamic uprising, and becoming the scene of carnage during the Islamic uprising in Syria in April 1981 and especially in 1982, when nearly 25,000 people were killed in what became known as Hama massacre. The city was once again the site of conflict between the Syrian military and opposition forces, as one of the main arenas of the Syrian civil war in 2011,2012 and 2013. Map Of Location: Timeline of Actions: 0:00-0:56 Rebell fighters prepare for their attack 00:57-3:59 Heavy fire sent by several vehicles at the checkpoint 4:00-6:21 Infantry units with small arms and rpgs involving themselves in the fight. 6:22-7:38 ATMG attacks on the checkpoint and a regime tank 7:39-8:27 Mortar attack on the checkpoint Want to see more HD combat videos? Well, make sure to leave a rate, comment/s, and subscribe for more! Subscribe for more: aDRI12345 On Facebook: *DISCLAIMER* This footage is part of an war archvie of the war in Syria and should be viewed as educational. This footage is also to be taken as a raw documentary on the events of the conflict in Syria. This footage is not meant to glorify war or violence. This footage is NOT meant to be violent in any way. I am ONLY sharing this footage for the purposes of news reporting and educating. I also want to share this footage for: news reporting, sharing important information with the public, and the transformative nature of the footage. Learn more about the war in Syria:
  • published: 06 Dec 2013
  • views: 13370

Indian court reinstates colonial-era gay sex ban
Indian court reinstates colonial-era gay sex ban
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Updated: 11 Dec 2013
India's Supreme Court reinstates a colonial-era ban on gay sex that can see homosexuals jailed for up to ten years in a major setback for rights campaigners in the world's biggest democracy. Duration: 01:03
  • published: 11 Dec 2013
  • views: 1124

'Protest in Ukraine not against Russia, but against post-Soviet future'
'Protest in Ukraine not against Russia, but against post-Soviet future'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:48
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2013
Paralysed by unrest and deeply divided, Ukraine is yet again at a crossroads. Stumbling from revolution to revolution, the country's leaders always portray the choice as one between an authoritarian past and a democratic future. But does it have to be so black, white and orange? Can Ukraine reconcile its identity with its interests or will it plunge into bitter turmoil? Oksana is joined by Ukrainian MP and activist Andriy Shevchenko to analyse these issues. Follow live updates on protests in Ukraine: Follow Oksana Boyko on Twitter Like RT on Facebook Follow RT on Twitter Follow RT on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios.
  • published: 05 Dec 2013
  • views: 11871'Protest_in_Ukraine_not_against_Russia,_but_against_post-Soviet_future'

President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro at Nelson Mandela's memorial
President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro at Nelson Mandela's memorial
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:04
  • Updated: 10 Dec 2013
Subscribe to ITN News: President Obama shook hands with his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro in a landmark moment for the two countries at Nelson Mandela's memorial service. As President Obama made his way onto the stage to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela - he extended his hand to Raul Castro - who shook it and smiled back. The handshake is a rare gesture between the leaders that reflects Nelson Mandela's spirit of reconciliation. The only previous known handshake between U.S. and Cuban presidents since the island's 1959 revolution was at the United Nations in 2000, when Raul's brother Fidel shook the hand of then-U.S. president Bill Clinton in a chance encounter. Report by Sarah Johnston. Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Add us on Google+: More stories from ITN: RARE HANDSHAKE- President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro: South African president booed before Mandela memorial speech: Violent fight breaks out at Brazilian football match: Lenin statue torn down and smashed with hammers in Ukraine: A gingerbread house you can actually live in? Check it out: Nelson Mandela dies at 95: A tribute to the South African leader- Nelson Mandela's very first television interview: Inspiring moment a man is rescued three days after his boat sank: CCTV captures the moment Paul Walker's car burst into flames: Nigella Lawson admits taking cocaine: Should a chimpanzee be considered a person? The legal battle: Shocking video of police brutality in Ukraine: Amazon wants to use drones to deliver parcels: Thailand violence: Sierge warfare on the streets on Bangkok: Bitcoins hard drive worth £4m accidentally thrown away: Check out Truthloader, the new home of citizen journalism on YouTube. Subscribe now at See 2013's Most Watched Videos: See our Biggest Videos of All Time: See 2012's Most Watched Videos:
  • published: 10 Dec 2013
  • views: 41065's_Raul_Castro_at_Nelson_Mandela's_memorial

Secretary Of State John Kerry Defends Iran Nuclear Deal To Congress
Secretary Of State John Kerry Defends Iran Nuclear Deal To Congress
  • Order:
  • Duration: 160:29
  • Updated: 11 Dec 2013
December 10, 2013 C-SPAN
  • published: 11 Dec 2013
  • views: 1313

Live Coverage: Nelson Mandela Memorial Service
Live Coverage: Nelson Mandela Memorial Service
  • Order:
  • Duration: 317:29
  • Updated: 10 Dec 2013
This is the official national memorial service for former president Nelson Mandela, who died on Thursday December 5, 2013, at the age of 95. An estimated 90 world leaders and additional members of royal families and international celebrities, along with thousands of members of the general public are attending the event. The memorial service is at FNB Stadium, Johannesburg....see more at
  • published: 10 Dec 2013
  • views: 56071

Historic handshake: Obama greets Cuba's leader Raul Castro at Mandela memorial
Historic handshake: Obama greets Cuba's leader Raul Castro at Mandela memorial
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Updated: 10 Dec 2013
U.S. President Barack Obama shook the hand of Cuban President Raul Castro at a memorial for Nelson Mandela on Tuesday, a rare gesture between the leaders of two nations at loggerheads for more than half a century. With Mandela's message of reconciliation hanging over the ceremony, Castro smiled as Obama shook his hand on the way to the podium to make a rousing speech in memory of the former South African president, one of the world's greatest peacemakers, who died on Thursday aged 95. The U.S. and Cuba have recently taken small steps toward rapprochement, raising hopes the two nations could be on the verge of a breakthrough in relations. But skeptics caution that the two countries have shown signs of a thaw in the past, only to fall back into old recriminations. "We have to be creative and we have to be thoughtful and we have to continue to update our policies," he said at a fundraiser in Florida last month, noting that Fidel Castro came to power more than half a century ago. "I think we all understand that ultimately, freedom in Cuba will come because extraordinary activists and the incredible courage of folks like we see here today," he said. "But the United States can help." (with agencies)
  • published: 10 Dec 2013
  • views: 78762's_leader_Raul_Castro_at_Mandela_memorial

Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui
Civil and religious unrest: violence rocks CAR capital of Bangui
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:54
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2013
To the central african republic, where President Michel Djotodia has extended a curfew in the capital by four hours, after deadly clashes.... dozens of people were killed when Bangui was attacked, reportedly by supporters of Francois Bozize, who was overthown by rebels in March.... the latest violence coming shortly before the UN is expected to give the green light to French troops joining an African peacekeeping Mark Thompson has this exclusive France 24 report from Bangui LATEST NEWS - Watch the latest breaking news and information on the latest top stories, international, business, entertainment, politics, and more. With our correspondents all over the world in the field.
  • published: 05 Dec 2013
  • views: 539

Live Coverage: Nelson Mandela Memorial Service
Live Coverage: Nelson Mandela Memorial Service
  • Order:
  • Duration: 317:29
  • Updated: 10 Dec 2013
This is the official national memorial service for former president Nelson Mandela, who died on Thursday December 5, 2013, at the age of 95. An estimated 90 world leaders and additional members of royal families and international celebrities, along with thousands of members of the general public are attending the event. The memorial service is at FNB Stadium, Johannesburg....see more at
  • published: 10 Dec 2013
  • views: 56071

'Protest in Ukraine not against Russia, but against post-Soviet future'
'Protest in Ukraine not against Russia, but against post-Soviet future'
  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:48
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2013
Paralysed by unrest and deeply divided, Ukraine is yet again at a crossroads. Stumbling from revolution to revolution, the country's leaders always portray the choice as one between an authoritarian past and a democratic future. But does it have to be so black, white and orange? Can Ukraine reconcile its identity with its interests or will it plunge into bitter turmoil? Oksana is joined by Ukrainian MP and activist Andriy Shevchenko to analyse these issues. Follow live updates on protests in Ukraine: Follow Oksana Boyko on Twitter Like RT on Facebook Follow RT on Twitter Follow RT on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios.
  • published: 05 Dec 2013
  • views: 11871'Protest_in_Ukraine_not_against_Russia,_but_against_post-Soviet_future'

Congressman Steve King speaking at the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll in Ames, Iowa. New York Yankees' Joba Chamberlain Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Monday, April 12, 2010 Headquarters of the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland.

U.S. President Barack Obama stands facing out to see, at the 'Door of No Return,' at the slave house on Goree Island, in Dakar, Senegal, Thursday, June 27, 2013. A woman walks behind a fabric bearing a portrait of former president Nelson Mandela in Soweto, South Africa Sunday June 9, 2013. Mandela has been hospitalized with an occurring lung infection. The latest government report says that he remains in a serious but stable condition. File - Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta gestures to the crowd after his inauguration in Kasarani, near Nairobi in Kenya Tuesday, April 9, 2013. Snow Leopard

Venezuela's newly elected President Nicolas Maduro celebrates his victory after the official results of the presidential elections were announced, at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas, Venezuela, late Sunday, April 14, 2013. Liverpool’s Steven Gerrard left and Kolo Toure arrive before training session at Rajamangala national stadium in Bangkok, Thailand Saturday, July 27, 2013. The English Premier League team is in Bangkok to play against the Thai national team on July 28. Young girl taking photos with her cellular phone before starting the match that ended Uruguay 0 Brazil 4 for Worldcup Southafrica 2010 Qualifiers, Centenario Stadium, Montevideo, Uruguay, 06th June 2009 Unnamed giant Dicynodont from Late Late Triassic of Poland

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry stands to pay his respects at the mausoleum of Turkey's founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Ankara, Turkey File - A 21-year-old from Denmark poses for a photo as he sits on top of a Soviet-made anti-aircraft gun in May 2013 at a training camp inside Syria near Idlib and Aleppo. Naftali Bennett, head of Israel's Jewish Home party, waves to journalists before casting his vote in parliamentary elections at a polling station in Raanana, Israel, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013. Israelis began trickling into polling stations Tuesday morning to cast their votes in a parliamentary election expected to return Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to office despite years of stalled peacemaking with the Palestinians and mounting economic troubles. Palestinian boys hold portraits of late leader Yasser Arafat during a ceremony to commemorate the Nakba, or the catastrophe, the Arabic term used to describe the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with the 1948 creation of the state of Israel, in the West Bank village of Beit Anan, near Ramallah, Saturday May 10, 2008. In the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians staged events to remind the world that Israel's creation as been their "nakba," or catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands were uprooted during the 1948 war over Israel's creation, and some 4.5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants are scattered across the region toda

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, center, speaks during a policy meeting of ruling party and top government officials at the prime minister's official residence in Tokyo Friday, Oct. 1, 2013. INDIAN-CRICKTER-SACHIN-TENDULKAR Cuba's President Raul Castro speaks during celebrations marking Cuba’s Revolution Day in Guantanamo, Cuba, Thursday, July 26, 2012.  Cannabis is a genus of flowering plant - Marijuana - Cannabis(drug) - is about marijuana, hashish and related drugs - hires - wn/aruna

Australian opposition leader Tony Abbott speaks at a parliamentary dinner in Canberra, Australia, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011. England Batsman Alastair Cook after Century on 3 Day 3rd Test Match against India  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 07 December 2012 The tails of Qantas planes are lined up at Sydney Airport in Sydney, Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011. Vodafone - Vodafone, the  mobile operator company
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America. They don't care...
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling If bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny, as Edmund Burke stated, so too is passivity. Except for the small sporadic gatherings,...
Al Jazeera
There are 162 prisoners still held at Guantanamo. They fall into three categories: 84 were cleared for release in January 2010 by the high-level, inter-agency Guantanamo Review...

In this Dec. 7, 2013 file photo, Ivan Hinton, right, gives his partner Chris Teoh a kiss after taking their wedding vows during a ceremony at Old Parliament House in Canberra, Australia.
Australia's highest court has struck down a landmark law that allowed the country's first gay marriages. Dozens have wed in the nation's capital, but those marriages will be annulled in light of Thursday's ruling, which found that the country's...
photo: AP / Rob Griffith, File
Tweet Washington, Dec. 11 (ANI): Three years of observations by ESA's CryoSat satellite show that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is losing over 150 cubic kilometres of ice each year- considerably more than when last surveyed. Dr. Malcolm McMillan from...
photo: Public Domain / Felipe Menegaz
Pussy Riot members, from left, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Yekaterina Samutsevich and Maria Alekhina sit in a glass cage at a court room in Moscow, Russia, Friday, Aug. 3, 2012.
International punk icons Pussy Riot could be released from prison early under a new amnesty bill — proposed by Vladimir Putin — to celebrate the anniversary of Russia's 1993 constitution. See? Not totalitarian-ish at all! The new rule...
photo: AP / Misha Japaridze
Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai, center, greets the guards of honor as he arrives to the Presidential Palace for his inauguration in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Nov. 19, 2009
PARIS: Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai lashed out at the United States, accusing it of making threats in the dispute over an agreement to keep US troops in the country beyond 2014. In an interview published today by the French daily Le Monde,...
photo: AP / Anja Niedringhaus
	Ex-British Prime Minister Tony Blair worth over $123 million
Tony Blair is the $123 million man. The former British prime minister has racked up a staggering fortune since leaving office in 2007, it's emerged. He's now so wealthy, in fact, that he's set to be included on the prestigious annual Sunday...
photo: UN / UN
Opposition Pheu Thai party leader Yingluck Shinawatra casts her vote in a general election at a polling station in Bangkok, Thailand Sunday, July 3, 2011.
Steve Herman BANGKOK — Thailand’s government is again rebuffing demands from protest leaders that it be dissolved to make way for an appointed council to lead the country. A day after she moved to dissolve the parliament and call for elections,...
photo: AP / Apichart Weerawong
Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra pauses as she talks to media after attending a Cabinet meeting, in Bangkok, Thailand , Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013. Shinawatra said Tuesday she would not resign ahead of national elections set for Feb. 2, despite opposition demands she step down as the caretaker head of government.
BANGKOK (AP) — Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said Tuesday she would not resign ahead of national elections set for Feb. 2, despite opposition demands she step down as the caretaker head of government. Yingluck spoke one day after she announced...
photo: AP / Manish Swarup