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Times Of India Ad-Every Indian must see this Video
TOI vs The Hindu
Ma2x - Rappelle-toi (Clip HD - Les Murs Du Son)
Understand TOI
TJR - Ode To Oi (Original Mix)
Joe Dassin - À toi
Colonel reyel - Toi et Moi - Clip (Officiel)
Génération Goldman Vol. 2 - Tal - Pas toi [OFFICIEL]
Lynk Lee - Ngày ấy bạn và tôi (Official MV)
Grégoire - Toi + Moi (My Major Company)
Jean-Marc Couture - Toi qui me fais vivre (paroles)
Hazerka ft Tanya Beluccia - Loin de toi [Clip officiel]


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Times Of India Ad-Every Indian must see this Video
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:07
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Times Of India Ad-Every Indian must see this Video

The best ever indian advertisement by times of india. This videos show how a singal person can lead the mob.
  • published: 17 Nov 2008
  • views: 753331
  • author: samirprasad Of India Ad-Every Indian must see this Video
TOI vs The Hindu
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:30
  • Updated: 11 Aug 2013

TOI vs The Hindu

The Times of India vs The hindu commercials back to back
  • published: 26 Jan 2012
  • views: 159449
  • author: Movie Freak vs The Hindu
Ma2x - Rappelle-toi (Clip HD - Les Murs Du Son)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:10
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Ma2x - Rappelle-toi (Clip HD - Les Murs Du Son)

Mon tout premier clip amateur(réalisé avec les moyens du bord♥) Rejoins moi sur Twitter : @Ma2x ou sur ma page Facebook :
  • published: 29 Jul 2012
  • views: 6099059
  • author: ma2xprod - Rappelle-toi (Clip HD - Les Murs Du Son)
Understand TOI
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013

Understand TOI

Understand TOI.
  • published: 15 Sep 2012
  • views: 332741
  • author: Toisongs TOI
TJR - Ode To Oi (Original Mix)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:34
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

TJR - Ode To Oi (Original Mix)

Your daily dose of electro & house music: Support the artist, buy this track on beatport:
  • published: 12 Nov 2012
  • views: 10073522
  • author: DopeReleases - Ode To Oi (Original Mix)
Joe Dassin - À toi
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:43
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Joe Dassin - À toi

Joe Dassin canta À toi.
  • published: 16 May 2007
  • views: 6681385
  • author: PabloUccello Dassin - À toi
Colonel reyel - Toi et Moi - Clip (Officiel)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:06
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Colonel reyel - Toi et Moi - Clip (Officiel)

Le 2ème album de Colonel Reyel "Soldat de l'amour" est dans les bacs et en téléchargement sur toutes les plateformes : reyel - Toi et Moi - Clip (Officiel)
Génération Goldman Vol. 2 - Tal - Pas toi [OFFICIEL]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:11
  • Updated: 07 Oct 2013

Génération Goldman Vol. 2 - Tal - Pas toi [OFFICIEL]

Sortie de Génération Goldman - Volume 2 sortie depuis le 26 août 2013 ! Disponible à la Fnac: et sur iTunes: ! Premier single "Quand la musique est bonne" disponible sur iTunes : L'album Génération Goldman Vol.1 est toujours disponible en téléchargement légal : Rejoignez la Génération Goldman sur Facebook : La jeune génération se réunit autour du répertoire de l'un des plus grands artistes français : Jean-Jacques Goldman. Ce patrimoine, qui a traversé les années et bercé les oreilles de millions de gens, continue de surprendre. /Generation_JJG (c) 2012 My Major Company / M6 interactions
  • published: 07 Oct 2013
  • views: 5270énération Goldman Vol. 2 - Tal - Pas toi [OFFICIEL]
Lynk Lee - Ngày ấy bạn và tôi (Official MV)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:15
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Lynk Lee - Ngày ấy bạn và tôi (Official MV)

My facebook: My fanpage: Phòng thu Oreka: http://ww...
  • published: 04 May 2013
  • views: 1070278
  • author: Lynk Lee Lee - Ngày ấy bạn và tôi (Official MV)
Grégoire - Toi + Moi (My Major Company)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:19
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Grégoire - Toi + Moi (My Major Company) Toi + Moi est dispo sur iTunes : Grégoire est un artiste My Major Company Label : http://www.mym...égoire - Toi + Moi (My Major Company)
Jean-Marc Couture - Toi qui me fais vivre (paroles)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:56
  • Updated: 28 Aug 2013

Jean-Marc Couture - Toi qui me fais vivre (paroles)

Voici une vidéo des paroles du deuxième extrait solo de l'album solo de Jean-Marc Couture (gagnant de Star Académie 2012), Toi qui me fais vivre. Toi qui me fais vivre lyrics
  • published: 28 Aug 2013
  • views: 1145 Couture - Toi qui me fais vivre (paroles)
Hazerka ft Tanya Beluccia - Loin de toi [Clip officiel]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:09
  • Updated: 11 Sep 2013

Hazerka ft Tanya Beluccia - Loin de toi [Clip officiel]

Premier single "Loin de toi" disponible sur iTunes ► Page Facebook de Hazerka : ► Page Facebook de Tanya Beluccia : Enregistrement : Blaxound Studio Instrumental : B2e Beats Contact realisateur clip : Remerciement : DJ DIMS pour son passage dans le clip / Vams'o.
  • published: 11 Sep 2013
  • views: 37314 ft Tanya Beluccia - Loin de toi [Clip officiel]
Amel Bent - Sans toi
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:01
  • Updated: 10 Sep 2013

Amel Bent - Sans toi

Music video by Amel Bent performing Sans toi. (C) 2013 SME France SAS
  • published: 10 Sep 2013
  • views: 32373 Bent - Sans toi
Ma2x - Loin De Toi (Nananana)/Remix Akon
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:47
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Ma2x - Loin De Toi (Nananana)/Remix Akon

Premier single officiel de MA2X. Liens réseaux sociaux : Facebook : Twitter :
  • published: 19 Aug 2013
  • views: 461441 - Loin De Toi (Nananana)/Remix Akon
  • Times Of India Ad-Every Indian must see this Video
    Times Of India Ad-Every Indian must see this Video
  • TOI vs The Hindu
    TOI vs The Hindu
  • Ma2x - Rappelle-toi (Clip HD - Les Murs Du Son)
    Ma2x - Rappelle-toi (Clip HD - Les Murs Du Son)
  • Understand TOI
    Understand TOI
  • TJR - Ode To Oi (Original Mix)
    TJR - Ode To Oi (Original Mix)
  • Joe Dassin - À toi
    Joe Dassin - À toi
  • Colonel reyel - Toi et Moi - Clip (Officiel)
    Colonel reyel - Toi et Moi - Clip (Officiel)
  • Génération Goldman Vol. 2 - Tal - Pas toi [OFFICIEL]
    Génération Goldman Vol. 2 - Tal - Pas toi [OFFICIEL]
  • Lynk Lee - Ngày ấy bạn và tôi (Official MV)
    Lynk Lee - Ngày ấy bạn và tôi (Official MV)
  • Grégoire - Toi + Moi (My Major Company)
    Grégoire - Toi + Moi (My Major Company)
  • Jean-Marc Couture - Toi qui me fais vivre (paroles)
    Jean-Marc Couture - Toi qui me fais vivre (paroles)
  • Hazerka ft Tanya Beluccia - Loin de toi [Clip officiel]
    Hazerka ft Tanya Beluccia - Loin de toi [Clip officiel]
  • Amel Bent - Sans toi
    Amel Bent - Sans toi
  • Ma2x - Loin De Toi (Nananana)/Remix Akon
    Ma2x - Loin De Toi (Nananana)/Remix Akon

Times Of India Ad-Every Indian must see this Video

The best ever indian advertisement by times of india. This videos show how a singal person can lead the mob.
  • published: 17 Nov 2008
  • views: 753331
  • author: samirprasad

Times Of India Ad-Ev­ery In­di­an must see this Video
The best ever in­di­an ad­ver­tise­ment by times of india. This videos show how a sin­gal per­son...
pub­lished: 17 Nov 2008
au­thor: samir­prasad
TOI vs The Hindu
The Times of India vs The hindu com­mer­cials back to back http://​luthfispace.​blogspot.​com/​2...​
pub­lished: 26 Jan 2012
au­thor: Movie Freak
Ma2x - Rap­pelle-toi (Clip HD - Les Murs Du Son)
Mon tout pre­mier clip am­a­teur(réalisé avec les moyens du bord♥) Re­joins moi sur Twit­ter : ...
pub­lished: 29 Jul 2012
au­thor: ma2x­prod
Un­der­stand TOI
Un­der­stand TOI....
pub­lished: 15 Sep 2012
au­thor: Toi­songs
TJR - Ode To Oi (Orig­i­nal Mix)
Your daily dose of elec­tro & house music: http://​facebook.​com/​MFLplaylist Sup­port the arti...
pub­lished: 12 Nov 2012
Joe Dassin - À toi
Joe Dassin canta À toi....
pub­lished: 16 May 2007
Colonel reyel - Toi et Moi - Clip (Of­fi­ciel)
Le 2ème album de Colonel Reyel "Sol­dat de l'amour" est dans les bacs et en télécharge­ment ...
pub­lished: 18 May 2012
Généra­tion Gold­man Vol. 2 - Tal - Pas toi [OF­FI­CIEL]
Sor­tie de Généra­tion Gold­man - Vol­ume 2 sor­tie depuis le 26 août 2013 ! Disponible à la Fn...
pub­lished: 07 Oct 2013
Lynk Lee - Ngày ấy bạn và tôi (Of­fi­cial MV)
My face­book: http://​facebook.​com/​lynk.​lee88 My fan­page: http://​facebook.​com/​Singer.​LynkLee...​
pub­lished: 04 May 2013
au­thor: Lynk Lee
Grégoire - Toi + Moi (My Major Com­pa­ny)
http://​shop.​mymajorcompany.​com/​ Toi + Moi est dispo sur iTunes : http://​bit.​ly/​iTunes_​toi_...​
pub­lished: 08 Jun 2008
Jean-Marc Cou­ture - Toi qui me fais vivre (paroles)
Voici une vidéo des paroles du deuxième ex­trait solo de l'album solo de Jean-Marc Cou­ture ...
pub­lished: 28 Aug 2013
Haz­er­ka ft Tanya Beluc­cia - Loin de toi [Clip of­fi­ciel]
Pre­mier sin­gle "Loin de toi" disponible sur iTunes https://​itunes.​apple.​com/​fr/​album/​loin-...​
pub­lished: 11 Sep 2013
Amel Bent - Sans toi
Music video by Amel Bent per­form­ing Sans toi. (C) 2013 SME France SAS...
pub­lished: 10 Sep 2013
Ma2x - Loin De Toi (Nananana)/Remix Akon
Pre­mier sin­gle of­fi­ciel de MA2X. Liens réseaux so­ci­aux : Face­book : https://​www.​facebook....
pub­lished: 19 Aug 2013
Youtube results:
M. Poko­ra - Juste Une Photo De Toi
Music video by M. Poko­ra per­form­ing Juste Une Photo De Toi....
pub­lished: 11 Jun 2010
au­thor: emimu­sic
How To Make A Sig­na­ture Scent Per­fume - Ms Toi
Click Here to Sub­scribe! http://​www.​youtube.​com/​subscription_​center?​add_​user=lilikoilooks ...
pub­lished: 10 Sep 2013
Axel Tony - Avec Toi Feat. Tunisiano (Clip of­fi­ciel)
Axel Tony - Avec Toi Feat. Tunisiano (Clip of­fi­ciel) Sin­gle disponible sur iTunes : http:/...
pub­lished: 06 Sep 2012
Amel Bent - Sans toi - Ver­sion acous­tique (Clip Of­fi­ciel)
Réal­i­sa­tion : Igre­co « Sans toi» [Ver­sion Acous­tique] 1er ex­trait de son nou­v­el album « In...
pub­lished: 05 Nov 2013
photo: European Community / John Walker
Main falls of Mosi-oa-Tunya or Victoria Falls
Edit News24
28 Nov 2013
....(size: 0.1Kb)
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino
Pope Francis arrives on his pope-moblie for his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Wednesday, Nov. 27, 2013.
Edit Business Insider
28 Nov 2013
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Pope Francis took on the issue of high youth unemployment in his first interview aired exclusively in his home country of Argentina on Wednesday, warning that today's "throwaway culture" had discarded a generation of young Europeans ... "Today we are living in unjust international system in which 'King Money' is at the center," he said in the interview ... He is the first South American pope ... Copyright 2013....(size: 10.3Kb)
photo: AP / Felipe Dana
Actor Paul Walker speaks to media members as he arrives to attend the premiere of the film Fast Five in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Friday April 15, 2011.
Edit Baltimore Sun
01 Dec 2013
Actors, artists and celebrities reacted late Saturday to the  death of "The Fast and the Furious" actor Paul Walker, who along with another man was killed in a single-car crash in the Santa Clarita Valley. Sheriff's officials said speed was a factor in the accident. Walker’s "Fast and Furious" co-star Vin Diesel posted this to Instagram.. therealvindiesel Brother I will miss you very much. I am absolutely speechless....(size: 3.5Kb)

Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
CHENNAI ... She was driving to work when the accident took place around 10am ... He was let off on bail a little while later. Poornima's younger brother Prem Kumar, a college student, told TOI his father R Dhanraj, an Indian Air Force employee, had suffered a stroke and had not been paid for the past three months ... Dr S Muthu Kumar, chairman of Parvathy Hospital, told TOI that Poornima was regaining conscious and was out of danger ... Times View ... ....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
NEW DELHI ... Speaking to TOI, NCW member Nirmala Samant Prabhavalkar said, "I appreciate the judge's verdict. The judiciary showed nobody is above the law and crime against women is above politics ... ....(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
ALLAHABAD. Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) of North Central Railway has geared up to conduct the fourth phase of examination today ... Talking to TOI, chairman of RRC Sanjeev Kumar said, "we have galvanised our resources to conduct the fourth phase of the examination ... ....(size: 1.2Kb)
01 Dec 2013
Meet Wale, the Gifted artist from Maybach Music Subscribe here . http.// This week, Guest Star met Wale. The Maybach Music Group artist talks about his career and vision of music in an exclusive interview for TRACE Urban! - KassDED . La chaine du hip-hop ! Abonne-toi . http.// Des exclus, des freestyles, des interviews in辿dites, des live, des playlists, des sons introuvables et des tonnes de clips en HD....(size: 0.5Kb)
01 Dec 2013
TRACE Africa et Aides s'associent pour la journ辿e de la lutte contre le Sida. Abonnez-vous ICI . http.// Plus d'infos . http.// - KassDED . La chaine du hip-hop ! Abonne-toi . http.// Des exclus, des freestyles, des interviews in辿dites, des live, des playlists, des sons introuvables et des tonnes de clips en HD. Facebook . http.// Twitter . https.// ....(size: 0.4Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
BHOPAL. Two days after a major fire broke out at Vindhyachal Bhavan, forensic experts visited the site and collected samples ... When TOI visited the office on Saturday, employees were seen retrieving files, some of them were charred beyond recognition ... ....(size: 1.4Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
NEW DELHI ... In its response sent to TOI, the media group said, "We are open to enquire into the matter through our in house committee to look into complaints of XXXX provided, she is interested to cooperate and expresses her willingness for the same. The group has proper system to look into such complaints." ... "... ....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
NEW DELHI. The National Commission for Women on Saturday sent a notice to BJP spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi seeking her explanation for allegedly revealing on Twitter a part of the name of the complainant who accused Tehelka editor Tarun Tejpal of sexual assault. Speaking to TOI, NCW member Shamina Shafiq said, "We have asked Meenakshi Lekhi to explain why she revealed the victim's surname. She is a responsible person ... "I am a lawyer ... ....(size: 2.2Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
GUWAHATI. The Rabha-Hasong Joint Movement Committee (RJMC) clinched the first Rabha Hasong Autonomous Council election by sweeping 30 of the 36 seats with the help of the Congress, which virtually staged a walkover. The Congress, which went to the polls without its usual campaign, managed to win three seats ... All that we wanted was a peaceful election," a senior Congress leader told TOI ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
INDORE ... None of the three discoms in the state are keen on entering into power purchase agreement (PPA) with alternate energy producers ... Talking to TOI, joint managing director of Indore-based solar energy firm, Ujaas, Anurag Mundra, said, "The national tariff policy 2006 mandates the state electricity regulatory commissions (SERC) to fix a minimum percentage of energy purchased from renewable sources of energy ... ....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
JAIPUR. What's in a name? Well, a lot of confusion!. Ask Amit Mishra and he smiles ... They, practically, have nothing in common, except for the name ... That's it really. But in reality, that's where the confusion begins ... It's vice-versa in case of the Haryana leggie too ... "He has had good spells in domestic tournament and after seeing him perform at the Buchi Babu Trophy, we decided to include him in the side," Pandey tells TOI....(size: 2.9Kb)
Edit The Times of India
01 Dec 2013
TRICHY. Cargo export from Trichy airport is in shambles even though Air India Express recently announced it would lift cargo from Trichy on its international flights, particularly to Dubai and Singapore ... It was on November 26 that Air India announced its cargo services from Trichy ... A source at the Customs told TOI that the same price tag between Singapore and Mangalore, which is on the western coast, has put the exporters off ... ....(size: 3.2Kb)
Edit The Times of India
30 Nov 2013
MADURAI. To promote awareness about cleanliness at railway stations, the Madurai railway division organized a massive cleaning drive on the station premises on Saturday ... Youth Brigade is spearheading the Sellur tank restoration efforts in Madurai as part of TOI's I-Lead India campaign ... Participants, after the drive, said they collected 50 bags full of garbage ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)

Toi or TOI may refer to:

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Joseph Ira Dassin (November 5, 1938 – August 20, 1980), more commonly known as Joe Dassin, was an American singer-songwriter best known for his French songs of the 1960s and 1970s.

Joe Dassin was born in New York City to American film director Jules Dassin (1911 - 2008) and Béatrice Launer (1913–2005), a New-York-born violinist, who after graduating from a Hebrew High School in the Bronx studied with the British violinist Harold Berkely at the Juilliard School of Music. Both parents were Jewish. His father was of Russian and Polish Jewish extraction, his maternal grandfather was an Austrian Jewish immigrant, who arrived in New York with his family at age 11.

He began his childhood first in New York City and Los Angeles. However, after his father fell victim to the Hollywood blacklist in 1950, he and his family moved from place to place across Europe.

Dassin studied at the International School of Geneva and the Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland, and graduated in Grenoble. Dassin moved back to the United States where he earned a doctorate in ethnology at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Amel Bent (born Amel Bent Bachir Arabic:أمل بنت بشير, on June 21, 1985 in Paris) is a French singer.

Amel Bent grew up in the French commune of La Courneuve with her Algerian father and a Moroccan mother. She has a brother and a sister. Her career jump started after making it to the semi-finals of the reality TV show Nouvelle Star 2, France's version of Pop Idol. Although her performance did not make it to the finals, she was still noticed by some of the show's producers, and would end up making her début album later that year, titled: Un Jour d'été, released in late 2004. The album would sell more than 550,000 copies in France alone, but the success of the album would ultimately be derived from the single, "Ma Philosophie", which would sell at more than 500,000 copies, staying at the No.1 slot, in France, for more than 6 weeks during and after sales.

1 French Digital Charts
2 Belgian (Wallonia) Albums Chart

1 French Digital Charts
2 Belgian (Wallonia) Singles Chart

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Axel Tony
Born 1984
Colombes, France
Origin French of mixed Cameroonian and Antilles origin
Genres Zouk, R&B, soul, fusion
Occupations Singer
Instruments Vocals
Years active 2006 – present
Labels Universal Music France

Axel Tony (born in Colombes in 1984) is a French singer of mixed Cameroonian / Martinique / Vietnamese origin. He is signed to Universal Music France.



Axel Tony was born to a Cameroonian father and a Martinique / Vietnamese mother and grew up on a mix of African rhythmes, zouk and R&B music. His father Tonye Jackson was a well-known singer in Cameroon and a choir director.

As an adolescent, he took part in the choir "We Are One" that included a number of known artists and appeared on a number of variety programmes on French television. In 2006, he joined as a backing vocals for rapper Diam's on her European tour performing on around 50 venues in France, Belgium and Switzerland. Other gigs included backing vocals for rapper Kery James singing on James' "Lettre à mon public" as a single solo backing vocals in the refrains.

In 2009-2010, he branche to zouk collaborating with zouk artists Thayna and Imélie Monteiro, featured in their hit "Elle ou moi" written by Talina. Following the commercial success of the song, he toured in France and the Antilles and started working on a solo album project. Called Zouk et plus si affinité it is a mix of zouk, soul, R&B and gospel elements.[1] Collaborations included Kayliah, Talina, Stony, and young artists Erika Azur and Jahmikal. The debut official single from the album "Les feux de l'amour" followed by "Pause Kizomba".

His greatest commercial success though came with "Avec Toi" that featured Tunisiano reaching #7 in SNEP French Singles Chart.



  • 2011: Zouk et plus si affinité


Year Single Peak positions Certification Album
2012 "Avec toi"
(feat. Tunisiano)
Other singles
  • 2011: "Les feux de l'amour"
  • 2011: "Pause Kizomba"


External links[link]

fr:Axel Tony

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Hélène Ségara (French pronunciation: [elɛn seɡaʁa]; born Hélène Rizzo on 26 February 1971 in Six-Fours-les-Plages, Var) is a French female singer revealed in her interpretation of Esmeralda in the French musical Notre Dame de Paris.

Hélène Ségara was born on 26 February 1971 in Six-Fours-les-Plages in her grandfather's farm. Her father is of Italian descent and mother is Armenian.

She said that she had been traumatized in her childhood by the divorce of her parents when she was 8, and by the death of her grandfather when she was 16. As she wanted to become a singer, she left school and family at the age of 14.

Then she had many successive jobs including performances in the piano bars of the French Riviera. At 18, she gave birth to Raphael, her first son. Her repertoire was expanding, with many musical influences and over a thousand songs. In 1993, a first single entitled "Loin" was released, but didn't meet success.

In 1996, accompanied by her young son, she moved to Paris, where she met Christian Loigerot, who became one of her composers. She also met the famous producer Orlando, Dalida's brother, who supervised and gave new impetus to her career. Although she was marked by the experience and professionalism of this mentor, she remains under contract with her first producer.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -élène_Ségara

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Et puis soudain je me pousse,
Je prends quelque seconde
Au bord du vide, au bord du monde,
Je pense un peu à moi... je pense à moi
Les souvenirs qui remontent,
Le coeur qui se débat, la course contre la montre
La vie qui va, je fais le conte, le bilan déjÃ
Le sens que je donne à tout ça
Quand j'enlève les oublies, les froids, les parêtres,
Les jours qui n'ont plus de noms
Quand j'enlève les erreurs, les plans sur la comète
Tout ces gens qui m'ont dit non
J'enlève les mauvaises nouvelles,
Les mauvais plans et les déceptions,
Il ne me reste, ne me reste que toi
Tes bras encore qui se posent
Ton souffle tout bas, tes mots qui me manquent pas
Que je serre contre moi... tout contre moi
Devant la folie qui rode,
Les questions qui tournent moi,
Ma tête sur tes épaules
Je reste là je fais le conte
Je m'y perd parfois
Et tu donnes un sens à tout ça
Quand j'enlève les oublies, les froids, les parêtres,
Les jours qui n'ont plus de noms
Quand j'enlève les erreurs, les plans sur la comète
Tout ces gens qui m'ont dit non
J'enlève les mauvaises nouvelles,
Les mauvais plans et les déceptions,
Il ne me reste, ne me reste que toi
Quand j'enlève les oublies,
Ces jours qui n'ont plus de noms
Quand j'enlève les erreurs,
Tout ces gens qui m'ont dit non
Quand j'enlève les mauvaises nouvelle,

Quand mon âme fatiguée
Ne doit pas s'arrêter
Je sais qu'à Toi je peux toujours en parler
Quand je retiens mes larmes
Pour éviter un drame
Je sais qu'à Toi, je peux le raconter
Tant qu'on pourra chanter
Nos vies à l'envers
Partout sur la Terre
Nous pourrons être libres
Au fond nos secrets se ressemblent
Toi qui es toujours là
Quand j'ai besoin de Toi
Oh! J'ai besoin de Toi
Toi qui es toujours là
T'as tout compris
T'es dans ma vie
Tu connais mes pensées
Et tous ceux que j'ai aimés
Car à Toi, j'ai toujours eu le goût d'en parler
Nos matins au réveil
Nos folies au soleil
On aura toujours le goût de les partager
Tant qu'on pourra chanter
Nos vies à l'envers
Partout sur la Terre
Nous pourrons être libres
Au fond nos secrets se ressemblent
Toi qui es toujours là
Quand j'ai besoin de Toi
Oh! J'ai besoin de Toi
Toi qui es toujours là
T'as tout compris
T'es dans ma vie, t'es dans ma vie
Tant qu'on pourra chanter
Nos vies à l'envers
Partout sur la Terre nous pourrons
Nos vies à l'envers
Partout sur la Terre
Nous pourrons être libres
Au fond nos secrets se ressemblent
Toi qui es toujours là
Quand j'ai besoin de Toi
Oh! J'ai besoin de Toi
Toi qui es toujours là
T'as tout compris
T'es dans ma vie
Toi qui es toujours là
Quand j'ai besoin de Toi
Oh! J'ai besoin de Toi
Toi qui es toujours là
T'as tout compris
