IT Opinion



NBN debate in urgent dose of rollout reality not fantasy figures: opinion

Simply too much to be done by anyone's time frame.

Tony Brown  None of the NBN rollout targets - on either side of politics - look achievable, says Tony Brown.

Comments 41


Start-ups need more than accelerators to grow up

Jonathan Barouch: An optimist and a realist.

We are a long way from having adequate funding to foster the ideas and start-ups springing up in Australia, writes Jonathan Barouch.


Apple's free software business model upends everything we know

Business model: Apple's Craig Federighi announces the new operating system OS X Mavericks will be a free upgrade.

Chris Taylor  Give away the razor handles, make money on the razor blades. Apple has adopted the exact opposite business model.


Battle to control the internet heats up

The internet doesn't just work, says Chris Disspain, CEO of auDA. File

A US-led coalition has controlled internet policy for three decades, but moves are afoot for a new fightback arrangement in light of recent mass surveillance revelations, writes Sandy Plunkett.


NY or ASX: the tech entrepreneur's new dilemma

Twitter picked New York, picked Sydney. What is the right path for aspiring Australian tech giants? Nick Abrahams weighs up the options.


Crowdfunding rules to change, help Australian entrepreneurs

US, UK, Canada, Italy, France and New Zealand have redrafted their fund-raising legislation to allow crowdfunding to flourish.

A review of Australia's rules regarding crowdfunding has begun. Nick Abrahams and Daniel Johnson say its acceptance is paramount for the digital economy.


Coalition to take axe to NBN Co

Three separate reviews and a forensic audit of NBN Co will be undertaken by the incoming government.

Adele Ferguson  The biggest certainty facing the NBN is that it will undergo a complete metamorphosis in the next 12 months.


NBN review: It's time to be independent

Paul Budde hopes that the Coalition government's NBN review will be based on vision and common sense, not politics.

The Coalition has 100 days to maximise the outcome of the NBN, warns Paul Budde.


3-minute tech wrap-up

Flashback: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, right, and Stephen Elop share the stage in November 2012.

Lia Timson  A lot happened in technology on Wednesday. Here is a summary.


Why Microsoft and Nokia won't live happily ever after

Unhappy campers: Nokia's new CEO Timo Ihamuotila, Nokia's Chairman of the Board Risto Siilasmaa and former Nokia CEO Stephen Elop face the media.

Stephen Hutcheon  Microsoft's dysfunctional corporate culture means it may ultimately suffer the same fate as Nokia.


US investors overcome Byron Bay factor to back Australian ideas

America excels at producing serial entrepreneurs, but now they are looking at ours. Nick Abrahams explains why.


Get smart or come last: lobby group wants Australia to get behind the NBN

AIIA CEO Suzanne Campbell says the NBN is Australia's biggest single opportunity after the mining boom.

Suzanne Campbell  OPINION: The boss of one of the IT industry's largest associations tells Australia to take our need to innovate seriously or miss a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


Business review: Windows 8.1

The start button is back, but is Microsoft's new Windows 8.1 what the market has been waiting for?

Rhys Evans  Microsoft's focus on the consumer market with Windows 8 left enterprise users in the lurch. That should change with Windows 8.1.


Broadband vision will become clear with hindsight

Kai Riemer  Investments in game-changing infrastructure should be a core responsibility of any government.

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Is G.Fast an NBN saviour or just a sideshow?

Tony Brown  Malcolm Turnbull is talking up the potential of G.Fast for the NBN rollout. Tony Brown says it's not a silver bullet.


Why hacking is way too easy

<em>Photo illustration: Greg Newington</em>

Thomas Rid  Critical infrastructure such as power plants and chemical factories is dangerously vulnerable to attack by hackers.


Whatever happened to Australia's software industry?

Richard Earl  Australia has failed to foster an environment that encourages creativity, argues Richard Earl.


Data breach law essential to protect individuals

Teresa Corbin  The backlash by industry groups against long-overdue data breach reporting laws would be worrying if it wasn’t so predictable, says consumer advocate Teresa Corbin.


Steve Ballmer and the eternal quest to rescue Microsoft

Abz Sharma and David Grant  Steve Ballmer is no closer to turning around the company’s ailing fortunes than he was 12 months ago, argue two University of Sydney academics.


Data breach law a jobs killer

Is more government red tape in the form of mandatory data breach reporting the fix for privacy protection? Jodie Sangster replies to Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfuss.