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CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Publican Darren Riley with his security monitor.

Pub boss is DIY crime-buster

PRINCE of Wales Hotel publican Darren Riley has caught a suspected thief red-handed, apprehended him with aplomb and presented him to police.

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Chamber Talk with QT Better Business columnist Brett Kitching.

Online buys reach into billions in one day of US trading

THE start of the US Christmas shopping season produced a bumper day of online sales – giving further warning to retailers to cash in on the online phenomenon.

  • Business
  • Chamber Talk with Ipswich Chamber of Commerce president Brett Kitching

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i've shopping online overseas for a couple of years now & if australian retailers want to compete then price is going to be their biggest concern. when i can pay up to half the asking price in stores, which includes freight & 10 days delivery guaranteed...

Judge-Mental from Riverview

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UNCONVINCED: Carol Lynn, Rhonda Hurst, Mailee Hurst and Kayleb Adams discuss the age pension and how it will impact them. Photo: JoJo Newby

Working life stretched to limit

AT THIS rate, two-year-old Kayleb Adams could end up being 80 years old before he can claim the age pension.

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I started work at 14 years and 9 months, married, raised two children whilst studying tertiary education and working full time, therefore my husband and I paid double tax all our life. We are funding our own retirement and did not receive baby...

waterhen from Waterview Heights
Cr Phil Pidgeon on Bayes Road, Logan Village. Photo Inga Williams / The Reporter

Live camera keeps eye on floodwaters

STATE-of-the-art equipment is being installed at Bayes Rd, Logan Reserve and on Logan Pde to help alert residents to potential flood waters.

  • News
  • 8:16 AM Dec 10th

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Dont people use the eyes and brains these days ?? locals in the area do know when flood waters are rising, and word and mouth alwasy work the best, seems to me that if the waters rise, the camera's may go under, giving us a perfect view into the depths...

peter1954 from Maryborough

Pipe project

ONE of Logan’s largest wastewater treatment projects is back on track.

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