- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 225497
- author: Dicken Schrader

DMK: "Enjoy The Silence"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 12 Dec 2012
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Enjoy The Silence"
DMK: "Enjoy The Silence"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 225497
- author: Dicken Schrader

DMK: "Everything Counts"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Everything Counts"
DMK: "Everything Counts"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 23 Dec 2011
- views: 1836412
- author: Dicken Schrader

DMK: "Black Celebration"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 29 Jun 2012
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Black Celebration"
DMK: "Black Celebration"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 29 Jun 2012
- views: 217546
- author: Dicken Schrader

Ç'domethënë Vari Karin -- D.M.K. ( Official Lyrics Video )
Shkarkoje kengen ketu https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/d-m-k-dometh-n-vari-karin
2013 DMK R...
published: 06 Oct 2013
Ç'domethënë Vari Karin -- D.M.K. ( Official Lyrics Video )
Ç'domethënë Vari Karin -- D.M.K. ( Official Lyrics Video )
Shkarkoje kengen ketu https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/d-m-k-dometh-n-vari-karin 2013 DMK RECORDS Video production nga " Spring Creative " https://www.facebook.com/springcreativeofficial D.M.K https://www.facebook.com/Djali.Me.i.Keq Teksti Lexo me poshte D.M.K. -- Ç'domethënë Vari Karin ( INTRO ) Mos.. shkela ne mut.... hë mos vari karin. Verse . 1 . Vari karin domethene : kur ngaterrohen rolet.. Kur vajzat bejne si cuna, sikur kane ato bole.. Kur cunat bejne si pidha, edhe mbajne çanta grash.. Gjoja per te mbajtur pistoleta, dhe hashash.. Vari karin domethene : ngrihesh nje dite nga gjumi.. E gjithe planet e asaj dite, ti kete marr lumi.. Erdhi dita te takoheshe me 1 vajz simpatike.. Dhe kur e takon, ajo thote, une jam lesbike.. Vari karin domethene : kur takon nje pallavesh.. Qe shtiret si pidhsëme, 99-ç, hundë-lesh.. Dhe je i detyruar, te ulesh, ta degjosh.. Te durosh ate kok-loqen, edhe mos ta qellosh.. Vari karin domethene : kur shikon nje femer yll.. Qe lidhet per lek me njerez te rritur ne pyll.. Po vjen fundi i botes vlla, ktu po behet nami.. Me lek sot qi, edhe po pate ballin si çekani.. HOOK / REFRENI Ç' domethene vari karin? Vari karin domethene.. kur lidhesh per lek me nje burre qe ska dhëmbë Ti je 2 metra femer, e ai sa 1 pëllëmbë.. Ai sta krruan dot se nuk qendron dot ne këmbë.. Ç' domethene vari karin? Eshte dobsi qe lind ne tru.. Dhe ti e vendos vete, a je njeri apo dru?.. Eshte virus dhe presion qe ti te behesh si shumica.. Dhe muzika sot kuptohet vetem me byth e me cica.. Verse . 2 . Varin karin domethene : kur 1 popull percahet.. Per besime dhe politik, ne disa pjese ndahet.. Kur zgjedh qeveri, voton me shume besueshmeri.. Qeveria vjen ne fuqi, dhe prap popullin qi.. Vari karin domethene : kur te kap policia.. Qe tju japesh 5 mije lek, se po ju qajn femijet tek shpia.. Se nuk ka shtet edhe ligje, vec korrupsion e pislliqe.. E Polici eshte nje puçër bythe, më mire hiqe.. Vari karin domethene : kur te iken mendja fare.. Te vjedhesh Muzik nga bota, dhe ta quash muzik shqiptare.. Nese Zoti donte dele, atehere pse e krijoi ujkun?.. Nese shqiptari eshte krenar, atehere pse e kopjon turkun?.. Vari karin domethene.. kur dikush vdes per buk.. E dikush tjeter i ben foto, dhe e nxjer ne Facebook.. Kur Alienet kalojne, e nuk ndalojne te na takojne.. Se i friksojme, se jemi specie qe vet-veten e shkaterojme.. HOOK / REFRENI Ç' domethene vari karin? Vari karin domethene.. kur lidhesh per lek me nje burre qe ska dhëmbë Ti je 2 metra femer, e ai sa 1 pëllëmbë.. Ai sta krruan dot se nuk qendron dot ne këmbë.. Ç' domethene vari karin? Eshte dobsi qe lind ne tru.. Dhe ti e vendos vete, a je njeri apo dru?.. Eshte virus dhe presion qe ti te behesh si shumica.. Dhe muzika sot kuptohet vetem me byth e me cica.. Verse . 3 . Nese je.. Njeri qe ndryshe je, e ndryshe hiqesh.. Kot lodhesh e perpiqesh, se ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe ti mendon se di gjithshka.. Degjo ketu o trap, ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe shet gjakun tend.. Servilosesh tek i huaji.. Ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe shpreson te shikosh vuajtje.. Qe te fillosh te meshirosh.. Ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe perdor trupin ne vend te trurit.. E fiton gjithshka me seks.. Ti je Vari karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe fiton duke premtuar.. Edhe shkel mbi premtimet.. Ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe dhunon mbi te dobtin.. Por nuk ke byth per me te fortin.. Ti je Vari Karin.. Nese je.. Njeri qe kur ta degjosh kete kenge.. Ta shash nga inati.. Bitch ti je Vari Karin.. HOOK / REFRENI Ç' domethene vari karin? Vari karin domethene.. kur lidhesh per lek me nje burre qe ska dhëmbë Ti je 2 metra femer, e ai sa 1 pëllëmbë.. Ai sta krruan dot se nuk qendron dot ne këmbë.. Ç' domethene vari karin? Eshte dobsi qe lind ne tru.. Dhe ti e vendos vete, a je njeri apo dru?.. Eshte virus dhe presion qe ti te behesh si shumica.. Dhe muzika sot kuptohet vetem me byth e me cica.. DMK RECORDS 2013- published: 06 Oct 2013
- views: 1147

DMK: "Just Can't Get Enough" (live @ La Candelaria)
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 26 May 2013
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Just Can't Get Enough" (live @ La Candelaria)
DMK: "Just Can't Get Enough" (live @ La Candelaria)
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Ukulele, ka...- published: 26 May 2013
- views: 35620
- author: Dicken Schrader

DMK: "Strangelove"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 08 Jul 2011
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Strangelove"
DMK: "Strangelove"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 08 Jul 2011
- views: 503296
- author: Dicken Schrader

D.M.K. -- Buzeqesh ti - ( Prod. Landi Rameka )
Per me shume instrumentale nga Landi Rameka vizitoni http://www.landirameka.com Vizitoni D...
published: 23 Apr 2013
author: TBAmemberDMK
D.M.K. -- Buzeqesh ti - ( Prod. Landi Rameka )
D.M.K. -- Buzeqesh ti - ( Prod. Landi Rameka )
Per me shume instrumentale nga Landi Rameka vizitoni http://www.landirameka.com Vizitoni D.M.K. ne Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Djali.Me.i.Keq Shkarkoje...- published: 23 Apr 2013
- views: 18547
- author: TBAmemberDMK

DMK: "Shake The Disease"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Shake The Disease"
DMK: "Shake The Disease"
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Keyboard, x...- published: 28 Sep 2010
- views: 313116
- author: Dicken Schrader

D.M.K. -- Rrugen Time --
Shkarkoje kengen ketu https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/d-m-k-rrug-n-time
published: 21 Sep 2013
D.M.K. -- Rrugen Time --
D.M.K. -- Rrugen Time --
Shkarkoje kengen ketu https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/d-m-k-rrug-n-time 2013 DMK RECORDS Video production nga " Spring Creative " Teksti i kenges.. D.M.K. -- Rrugën Time VERSE .1 Jam tip i veshtire ngaqe ti smendon si une.. Se ne kte bote qe ne jetojme, Debila ka shume.. Trupi im shtrihet naten, kurse truri nuk fle gjume.. Se nuk eshte larg qari nga zarari, ne mut apo ne kum.. Ndonje dite, goja ime, do me fusi ne probleme.. Sepse flas realitetin ne cdo lloj teme.. Sepse une nuk kam filter per vesh sensitiv.. Si e ndjej, ashtu e them, e jo se kam ndonje motiv.. Po sikur te ngre nje dore lart, edhe tjetren ta fsheh.. Te manipuloj mendjen tende per cfare sheh, e ça nuk sheh.. Gjasme qielli nuk eshte blu, dhe blu nuk eshte ngjyre.. Ti shikon doren lart, e te vjen tjetra shpull n'fytyre.. Mbase jam i enigmatik, ose sdi te komunikoj.. Ose lodhem kot me njerez ,qe veç me keqkuptojne.. Mbase flas me zë te lart, mbase kam munges takti.. Por e kam çdo opinion te shoqeruar mbas nje fakti.. HOOK ( Refreni ) Rrugen time.... E ndjek, eci, e mendoj, e planifikoj.. Rrugen time.... E 1 milion rruge te tjera le te dalin, vetem timen une shikoj.. Rrugen time.... Nuk shikoj Nuk degjoj, boten dhe te tjeret per cfare mashtrojne.. Rrugen time.... Vetem rrugen time.. VERSE .2 Prap ketu do rri, si njeri ne vetmi.. Dhe e vetmja pasuri qe kam, jane ato qe di.. Ti nderto, dhe fito, dhe ne maje te botes shko.. Behu skllav i vetvetes, si i vdekur jeto.. Ti nuk me kupton dot, se une nuk jam ne linje me ty.. Rruga ime mban 1, e jotja me shume se dy.. Ti nuk e shikon te keqen, sikur ty para te t'qendroj.. Te perqeshi ne surrat, e gishtin e mezit te tregoj.. Hape gojen, nxirr dhe ti 2 fjal, siç ben bota.. Nxirr karlliqe te perziera me fjal te kota.. Dhe trego ça tha, pse tha, kush tha.. Dhe besoi ato qe tha, si thashetheme te verteta.. Une jam tip i veshtire se nuk me gjen ne miting.. Se une e di qe ndeshja shitet para se te shkoj ne ring.. Se bota korruptohet, se ndryshe s'rrotullohet.. Dhe ne kurriz te budallenjeve kjo gje formohet.. HOOK ( Refreni .2) Rrugen time.... E ndjek, eci, e mendoj, e planifikoj.. Rrugen time.... E 1 milion rruge te tjera le te dalin, vetem timen une shikoj.. Rrugen time.... Nuk degjoj, nuk shikoj boten dhe te tjeret per cfare mashtrojne.. Rrugen time.... Vetem rrugen time.. Produced & Mastered By D.M.K. DMK RECORDS 2013- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 6098

DMK- Gospel Medley Cover
Dmk covers a Gospel Medley by Destiny's Child....
published: 29 May 2013
author: DamoliShainece
DMK- Gospel Medley Cover
DMK- Gospel Medley Cover
Dmk covers a Gospel Medley by Destiny's Child.- published: 29 May 2013
- views: 2902
- author: DamoliShainece

DMK- If I Had My Way (Cover)
Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe!! Let us know what you want us to sing! We are doi...
published: 26 Apr 2013
author: DamoliShainece
DMK- If I Had My Way (Cover)
DMK- If I Had My Way (Cover)
Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe!! Let us know what you want us to sing! We are doing suggestions! Follow us on Instagram: @TeamDMK And On Twitter: @D...- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 3639
- author: DamoliShainece

Dmk - Niech Pierdolnie - Skrecz Dj Czarli, Prod. 2DeepBeats
Dmk oraz Proper Records przedstawiają premierę klipu „Niech Pierdolnie". Za produkcje muzy...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Dmk - Niech Pierdolnie - Skrecz Dj Czarli, Prod. 2DeepBeats
Dmk - Niech Pierdolnie - Skrecz Dj Czarli, Prod. 2DeepBeats
Dmk oraz Proper Records przedstawiają premierę klipu „Niech Pierdolnie". Za produkcje muzyczną odpowiedzialny jest 2Deep Beats, zaś skreczem zajął się Dj Czarli. Singiel promuje najnowsze wydawnictwo Dmk "Wolny". Scenariusz został napisany przez Ewę Włodarczyk, natomiast za zdjęcia i montaż klipu odpowiedzialny jest Artur Wojciechowski z Fotoholizm, który był wspierany przy zdjęciach przez Macieja Głaza z ekipy Easymonday! Album dostępny w sklepie Rapstore: http://rapstore.pl/Preorder?product_id=453 A dla fanów zza granicy jest także na Ebay'u: http://www.ebay.pl/itm/DMK-WOLNY-PREORDER-NOWO-/231031571277? Sprawdź nas na facebooku : Fanpage Dmk : https://www.facebook.com/DmkZZTBR Fanpage 2Deep Beats: https://www.facebook.com/2DeepOfAnnoDominiBeats Fanpage Dj Czarli: https://www.facebook.com/DjCzarli Fanpage Proper Records : https://www.facebook.com/properecords Fanpage The Backstage Records : https://www.facebook.com/TheBackstageRecords Fanpage The Backstage Wear : https://www.facebook.com/TheBackstageWear Fanpage Fotohoilzm : https://www.facebook.com/fotoholizm Fanpage Easymonday : https://www.facebook.com/easymonday Fanpage Prezent Marzeń: https://www.facebook.com/PrezentMarzen Fanpage Shift R: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shift-R-Tuning/147591128584493 Fanpage Kamil Gryzio: https://www.facebook.com/kamil.gryzio W klipie wykorzystano ubrania marki The Backstge Wear oraz Prosto. Podziękowania dla Prezent Marzeń, Shift - R, oraz dla Kamila Gryzio za zrealizowanie marzenia. Dmk. Artist: Dmk Album: Wolny Music: 2Deep Beats Skretch: Dj Czarli Scenario: Ewa Włodarczyk Label: Proper Records Vocal Recorded In/Mix/Mastering: The Backstage Records Photos/Video Mounting: Fotoholizm Photos: Easymonday- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 1089

Mbijetoj -- D.M.K feat. D.I.P.
https://www.facebook.com/Djali.Me.i.Keq BEAT PRODUCED BY D.M.K Download this song here htt...
published: 04 Sep 2011
author: TBAmemberDMK
Mbijetoj -- D.M.K feat. D.I.P.
Mbijetoj -- D.M.K feat. D.I.P.
https://www.facebook.com/Djali.Me.i.Keq BEAT PRODUCED BY D.M.K Download this song here https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/sets/muzik-nga-d-m-k-1.- published: 04 Sep 2011
- views: 20080
- author: TBAmemberDMK

DMK Damoli Melanee Kourtney acapella medley
Damoli Melanee Kourtney (follow us on twitter @DMKmusic) rehearsing for show, just a porti...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: kslenton
DMK Damoli Melanee Kourtney acapella medley
DMK Damoli Melanee Kourtney acapella medley
Damoli Melanee Kourtney (follow us on twitter @DMKmusic) rehearsing for show, just a portion of what they are performing, this is acapella before the band ar...- published: 10 Jan 2012
- views: 11947
- author: kslenton
Vimeo results:

Filmed in Dubai over 5 days and nights.
Shot on the Canon 7D, 2x5DmkII and one Panasonic...
published: 24 Jan 2010
author: Philip Bloom
Filmed in Dubai over 5 days and nights.
Shot on the Canon 7D, 2x5DmkII and one Panasonic GF1
Dedicated to Sky Vassar who died recently at a tragically young age.
Please read my blog for BTS info.
Thanks to Media Prima and Talkabout Media
Music is from "The Fountain" by Clint Mansell

Stomacher - Untitled/Dark Divider
5d, 5dmkII, Anamorphic 35mm
Shot over the past year while I was traveling. I had never r...
published: 03 Apr 2010
author: Sean Stiegemeier
Stomacher - Untitled/Dark Divider
5d, 5dmkII, Anamorphic 35mm
Shot over the past year while I was traveling. I had never really done any time-lapse before this, so it was fun to learn.
Numerous locations include: Prague, Japan, Banff, Utah, Oregon, California, and more...
Download Stomacher's Album For Free!

How to increase the Canon 7D dynamic range (Tutorial)
Tutorial on how to use picture styles to increase the dynamic range of the Canon 7D / 5DMk...
published: 25 Oct 2009
author: Luka
How to increase the Canon 7D dynamic range (Tutorial)
Tutorial on how to use picture styles to increase the dynamic range of the Canon 7D / 5DMkII.
Custom picture styles are an amazing feature that almost compensate for the lack of a raw codec for video capture on the Canon DSLRS. The default picture styles on the camera are geard towards producing nice results out of the box but are not very good if you intend to do color correction and grading in postprocessing. This tutorial shows how to use custom picture styles that produce very flat, high dynamic range footage (similar to real film cameras).
The actual picture styles have been made by other people, and here are some references:
Super Flat, Genesis Panalog and Velvia:
Marvel's Cine Style:
If you have problems downloading them, you can get them from here in one package (http://www.crnkovic.org/video/picture_styles.zip). I do however recommend that you get them from the original sources and read the forum posts/blog posts associated with them.
The final example footage was shot handheld (Zacuto rapid fire + zfinder) at Skogskyrkogården cemetery in Stockholm. I scouted the place for a possible future shoot and the footage I shot was never meant for release - it did however come handy in this tutorial as it was all shot using the super flat picture style.

24 Hours of Neon
My first attempt at HDR tone mapping timelapse.
We start off with normal timelapse and th...
published: 07 May 2011
author: Philip Bloom
24 Hours of Neon
My first attempt at HDR tone mapping timelapse.
We start off with normal timelapse and then go into the 3 and 7 bracket tone mapped HDR timelapses.
I wanted to create a sense of colour and insanity that Las Vegas gives you. All from one view point. My balcony. With that restriction can you do it? Well I did it before in my two previous timelapses...
This was harder in a way as there was no single focal point like in the Sydney Harbour piece or the Space Needle piece.
I made a virtue of the HDR tone mapping with the change of pace in the music and also my use of bookends which I love.
There is a very detailed commentary on my website which goes into each shot in detail. It's worth a listen. http://philipbloom.net/?p=13307
Music is from "Moon" by the brilliant Clint Mansell
Shot with a Gh2, T2i, T3i, 5Dmk2
Youtube results:

DMK - Música en Familia - #PapásTIC
Dicken, Milah y Korben son DMK. Con su iniciativa y vídeos han llegado a más de un millón ...
published: 09 Jun 2013
author: EnTICconfio
DMK - Música en Familia - #PapásTIC
DMK - Música en Familia - #PapásTIC
Dicken, Milah y Korben son DMK. Con su iniciativa y vídeos han llegado a más de un millón setecientos mil reproducciones. Un muy buen ejemplo de cómo en fami...- published: 09 Jun 2013
- views: 1239
- author: EnTICconfio

Dmk - Ulica Uczy feat.Bosski Roman, Parzel skrecze DJ Czarli
"Ulica Uczy" to pierwszy singiel promujący Album Dmk "Wolny", do którego gościnnie dograł ...
published: 24 Jun 2013
Dmk - Ulica Uczy feat.Bosski Roman, Parzel skrecze DJ Czarli
Dmk - Ulica Uczy feat.Bosski Roman, Parzel skrecze DJ Czarli
"Ulica Uczy" to pierwszy singiel promujący Album Dmk "Wolny", do którego gościnnie dograł się Bosski Roman oraz Parzel, produkcją muzyczną zajął się Ironic B...- published: 24 Jun 2013
- views: 12677

DMK: "Everything Counts" (Live @ Texun 2012)
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.fac...
published: 27 Oct 2012
author: Dicken Schrader
DMK: "Everything Counts" (Live @ Texun 2012)
DMK: "Everything Counts" (Live @ Texun 2012)
DMK is a Depeche Mode cover band from Bogotá, Colombia. Visit our band page http://www.facebook.com/DMKband -------------------- Dicken Schrader: Xylophone, ...- published: 27 Oct 2012
- views: 25921
- author: Dicken Schrader

Ti Je Femër -- D.M.K. feat. Hitjon
Download this song here https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/sets/muzik-nga-d-m-k-1 https://www...
published: 08 Apr 2012
author: TBAmemberDMK
Ti Je Femër -- D.M.K. feat. Hitjon
Ti Je Femër -- D.M.K. feat. Hitjon
Download this song here https://soundcloud.com/dmkmusic/sets/muzik-nga-d-m-k-1 https://www.facebook.com/Djali.Me.i.Keq Produced, Written, Mastered by D.M.K D...- published: 08 Apr 2012
- views: 60157
- author: TBAmemberDMK