- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 769939
- author: lifeline1998
衛蘭金曲串燒 Janice Medley
暫時覺得黎明最成功是發掘到衛蘭,希望佢繼續帶給香港樂壇更多正歌0:00 Long Distance/ 1:31 My love my fate/ 2:44 心亂如麻/ 4:22 大...
published: 18 Aug 2011
author: lifeline1998
衛蘭金曲串燒 Janice Medley
衛蘭金曲串燒 Janice Medley
暫時覺得黎明最成功是發掘到衛蘭,希望佢繼續帶給香港樂壇更多正歌0:00 Long Distance/ 1:31 My love my fate/ 2:44 心亂如麻/ 4:22 大哥/ 5:53 今晚你不會來/ 6:59 Wish/ 7:47 一個人走/ 8:31 十個他不如你一個/ 9:16 愛才/ 10:1...- published: 18 Aug 2011
- views: 769939
- author: lifeline1998
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 只要我們還有心
published: 21 Dec 2012
author: joyrich004
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 只要我們還有心
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 只要我們還有心
作曲:畢成功填詞:林夕沒錯你大概心淡就像容忍中的我寧願孤單得更悠閒誰話過寬恕見諒能比談情容易誰沒有聽過越愛越難事實誰人沒曾經曾逃避過感情隨時犯錯隨處有陰影還未到厭倦致死你我還好誰人若要怨怨太易得到難道有缺憾錯失靠放棄彌補狠心說話無謂說得太早只需要我們還有心心灰過眼前也有燈...- published: 21 Dec 2012
- views: 359255
- author: joyrich004
【獨家首播】Janice 衛蘭 《You Go I Go》 官方歌詞版 lyrics video
近年在繪畫藝術上大放異彩的Janice 衛蘭自去年底推出專輯【IMAGINE】後,相隔九個月終於推出全新廣東單曲 《You go I go》。
今次Janice 衛蘭在曲風上有重...
published: 17 Sep 2013
【獨家首播】Janice 衛蘭 《You Go I Go》 官方歌詞版 lyrics video
【獨家首播】Janice 衛蘭 《You Go I Go》 官方歌詞版 lyrics video
近年在繪畫藝術上大放異彩的Janice 衛蘭自去年底推出專輯【IMAGINE】後,相隔九個月終於推出全新廣東單曲 《You go I go》。 今次Janice 衛蘭在曲風上有重大改變,暫時放下了情歌的裝扮,改為披上以木結他為骨幹的輕搖滾外衣去發揮歌詞裡所蘊含的正能量,正如歌詞首兩句:「You go I go 自製出路 全賴感覺 別信命數」便說明了前路應由自己的雙手掌控,不應依賴及交托給未知的命運。 另外,Janice 衛蘭在形象上亦作了一個重要決定,那就是狠心的把留了多年的長髮剪短,清爽的新造型得到媒體及歌迷們的一致稱讚,亦令Janice 衛蘭感受今次的轉變的心機並沒有白費,亦同時深信新歌《You go I go》可同樣得到大家的喜愛和支持! ------------------------------------------------- →Song Now Available On: iTunes: http://bit.ly/YouGoIGo-iTunes KKBOX: http://bit.ly/YouGoIGo-KKbox MOOV: http://bit.ly/YouGoIGo-Moov MusicOne: http://bit.ly/YouGoIGo-MusicOne ------------------------------------------------- 主唱 : Janice 衛蘭 作曲 : 伍樂城 作詞 : 張楚翹 @ Solid Sound 編曲:朱俊傑 @ Baron Pro 監製:伍樂城 @ Baron Pro You go I go 自製出路 全賴感覺 別信命數 You go I go 為愛驕傲 錯失過 就要上訴 *換髮色讓品味超越平淡 補補妝 沒規定時限 只為裝扮 不貪你一眼 坐你車上請別輕易停站 敢出走 幸福就無限 加大膽量 不想你眨眼 # I'm gonna be what I can be 誰亦可相擁 不想等到下次 I'm standing right here, so come set me free 承認很貪心只因鍾意 拖緊你 箍緊你 挨緊你 極放肆 You go I go 為愛擁抱 傳遞想法 用你右腦 You go I go 做我嚮導 有心去 就會達到 Repeat *# I'm gonna be what I can be 甜蜜很簡單 一早給你位置 You make me believe this is all I need 誰又管失戀失幾多次 傷一次 哭一次 這一次 沒悔意 ------------------------------------------------- AMusic Official Website: http://www.amusic.hk/ AMusic Facebook: http://on.fb.me/12eLEcC 樂LOOP Facebook: http://on.fb.me/10ALmjP AMusic Weibo: http://weibo.com/paciwoodamusic 樂LOOP Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/loopadmin- published: 17 Sep 2013
- views: 114
許志安 Andy Hui 衛蘭 Janice - 情人甲 (合唱版) Official MV - 官方完整版 [HD]
即到以下平台收聽及下載: 情人甲EOLAsia: http://t.cn/zWcOsGB iTunes: http://t.cn/zQHOafI KKBOX: http://t.c...
published: 08 Aug 2013
author: eastasiamusic
許志安 Andy Hui 衛蘭 Janice - 情人甲 (合唱版) Official MV - 官方完整版 [HD]
許志安 Andy Hui 衛蘭 Janice - 情人甲 (合唱版) Official MV - 官方完整版 [HD]
即到以下平台收聽及下載: 情人甲EOLAsia: http://t.cn/zWcOsGB iTunes: http://t.cn/zQHOafI KKBOX: http://t.cn/zQOF7Cz MOOV: http://t.cn/zQHOaff MusicOne: http://t.cn/zHGdaLh ...- published: 08 Aug 2013
- views: 151139
- author: eastasiamusic
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 街燈晚餐(完整發行版)
published: 23 Nov 2012
author: joyrich004
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 街燈晚餐(完整發行版)
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 街燈晚餐(完整發行版)
作曲:雷頌德填詞:林夕你是你個個說你長不大現在就是再癡纏不等於一起過活不怕捱用微笑回覆這份疑惑我不開心也只想你開解你懂得怎關懷愛就愛永遠也會怕失敗但是為著怕輸違反心中所想有甚麼痛快別奇怪情感也是成就如不可跟你逛想逛的街人又談何愉快難道是為了安置未來才愛你誰要計算過安享晚福便一起...- published: 23 Nov 2012
- views: 309821
- author: joyrich004
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 他不慣被愛(完整發行版)
published: 19 Sep 2012
author: joyrich003
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 他不慣被愛(完整發行版)
[JOY RICH] [新歌] 衛蘭(Janice) - 他不慣被愛(完整發行版)
作曲:楊鎮邦填詞:林夕虔誠奉獻學會退讓凡事亦替他來設想你慨嘆是否這樣才被他看上談情大概樂趣至上誰願受你恩情去鼓掌你看你令他多謝多得很勉強過份主動令情人負重為何沒法懂一再感動太濫了便驚恐平日太自愛他不慣被愛唯恐困在懷內討厭被期待錯在你關心他將來哪知他喜歡主宰天...- published: 19 Sep 2012
- views: 863039
- author: joyrich003
FunnyFuse Faves: Help Me, Janice!
A kid on a slingshot ride almost falls out and keep crying for his aunt to help him and hi...
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: FunnyFuse
FunnyFuse Faves: Help Me, Janice!
FunnyFuse Faves: Help Me, Janice!
A kid on a slingshot ride almost falls out and keep crying for his aunt to help him and his aunt just laughs and laughs!- published: 26 Jan 2011
- views: 1326048
- author: FunnyFuse
Morning - Janice 衛蘭 (with lyrics)
A Hong Kong singer Janice. CD album = Morning When I hear the birds start singing I wanna ...
published: 18 Jul 2009
author: xxQupidxx
Morning - Janice 衛蘭 (with lyrics)
Morning - Janice 衛蘭 (with lyrics)
A Hong Kong singer Janice. CD album = Morning When I hear the birds start singing I wanna see you Hoo, hoo, do do do do do... When I see the leaves start fal...- published: 18 Jul 2009
- views: 330049
- author: xxQupidxx
【獨家首播】Janice 衛蘭 x 忌廉嫂《You Go I Go》官方版MV (Official Music Video) HD
衛蘭新歌「You Go I Go」已經派台, Janice以清新方法演繹這首輕快情歌令人煥然一新,就連MV也攪攪新意思,沒有大多數情歌都會出現的「男朋友」,反而請來一位「靚女」擔任...
published: 10 Oct 2013
【獨家首播】Janice 衛蘭 x 忌廉嫂《You Go I Go》官方版MV (Official Music Video) HD
【獨家首播】Janice 衛蘭 x 忌廉嫂《You Go I Go》官方版MV (Official Music Video) HD
衛蘭新歌「You Go I Go」已經派台, Janice以清新方法演繹這首輕快情歌令人煥然一新,就連MV也攪攪新意思,沒有大多數情歌都會出現的「男朋友」,反而請來一位「靚女」擔任特別嘉賓。 是何家淑女要跟Janice在MV內爭媚鬥艷?之唔係紅遍港九新界肥貓「尖東忌廉哥」賢妻「忌廉嫂」囉! 處女參演MV演出,忌廉嫂由開工到收工都十分專業精神,絕無很多當紅花旦的壞習慣;無扭擰無遲到亦無早退(但偶爾想偷走),絕對係人見人愛,車見車載。 Janice表示,之前都知道忌廉嫂同忌廉哥係邊個, 因為FACEBOOK都會成日見到大家FORWARD佢地啲相,今次可以同忌廉嫂合作都好開心。Janice透露,MV中她會帶忌廉嫂去蒲吧、中環逛街,又一齊坐法拉利出巡,至於點解一日去到咁多地方?Janice就大賣關子,叫大家想知就要密切留意MV播出。 一向愛護小動物的Janice 早前因愛犬病逝十分傷心,也使到她希望透過自己能力幫助更多無助的動物。Janice透露,繼與忌廉嫂拍MV,稍後會同忌廉哥合作為一個救助動物的組織籌款,詳情稍後會有公布, 希望大家都會支持。 ------------------------------------------------- →Song Now Available On: iTunes: http://bit.ly/YouGoIGo-iTunes KKBOX: http://bit.ly/YouGoIGo-KKbox MOOV: http://bit.ly/YouGoIGo-Moov MusicOne: http://bit.ly/YouGoIGo-MusicOne ------------------------------------------------- 主唱 : Janice 衛蘭 作曲 : 伍樂城 作詞 : 張楚翹 @ Solid Sound 編曲:朱俊傑 @ Baron Pro 監製:伍樂城 @ Baron Pro You go I go 自製出路 全賴感覺 別信命數 You go I go 為愛驕傲 錯失過 就要上訴 *換髮色讓品味超越平淡 補補妝 沒規定時限 只為裝扮 不貪你一眼 坐你車上請別輕易停站 敢出走 幸福就無限 加大膽量 不想你眨眼 # I'm gonna be what I can be 誰亦可相擁 不想等到下次 I'm standing right here, so come set me free 承認很貪心只因鍾意 拖緊你 箍緊你 挨緊你 極放肆 You go I go 為愛擁抱 傳遞想法 用你右腦 You go I go 做我嚮導 有心去 就會達到 Repeat *# I'm gonna be what I can be 甜蜜很簡單 一早給你位置 You make me believe this is all I need 誰又管失戀失幾多次 傷一次 哭一次 這一次 沒悔意 ------------------------------------------------- AMusic Official Website: http://www.amusic.hk/ AMusic Facebook: http://on.fb.me/12eLEcC 樂LOOP Facebook: http://on.fb.me/10ALmjP AMusic Weibo: http://weibo.com/paciwoodamusic 樂LOOP Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/loopadmin- published: 10 Oct 2013
- views: 16850
Janice Javier and Frenchie Dy AND I AM TELLING YOU IM NOT GOING duet
MANILA -- Janice Javier and Frenchie Dy, both powerhouse singers who gained popularity as ...
published: 05 Oct 2013
Janice Javier and Frenchie Dy AND I AM TELLING YOU IM NOT GOING duet
Janice Javier and Frenchie Dy AND I AM TELLING YOU IM NOT GOING duet
MANILA -- Janice Javier and Frenchie Dy, both powerhouse singers who gained popularity as contestants on ABS-CBN, had the audience on their feet after facing off on stage during a TV special aired Saturday. Performing at Resorts World Manila, Javier and Dy sang "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" from the hit Broadway musical "Dreamgirls." As they approached the hit's big notes, both singers started to pose as if in a sumo match, getting laughs from the audience. Dy rose to fame in 2004, when she won the second season of the ABS-CBN singing contest "Star in a Million." Javier, meanwhile, made waves recently with her runner-up finish on the recently concluded first season of "The Voice of the Philippines." The singer's first-ever duet is seen as a highlight of "Kanta Natin 'To: A Celebration of 60 Years of Music," which gathered on stage several music stars including victors of ABS-CBN contests. The TV special is part of ABS-CBN's year-long celebration of 60 years of Philippine television. ILoveTalentShows The Voice Of The Philippines abs-cbn- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 2212
Janice (Wei Lan) Vidal - Goodbye
Couldn't find a good version of this song on YouTube so I've decided to make one. Hope you...
published: 26 Nov 2007
author: Bang Nguyen
Janice (Wei Lan) Vidal - Goodbye
Janice (Wei Lan) Vidal - Goodbye
Couldn't find a good version of this song on YouTube so I've decided to make one. Hope you guys like the song. :) * Lyrics: Song: Goodbye Album: My Love (200...- published: 26 Nov 2007
- views: 377693
- author: Bang Nguyen
Hair by JANICE
We all gossip sometimes but be careful who you gossip with. In case you're wondering what ...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: Roger Alexis
Hair by JANICE
Hair by JANICE
We all gossip sometimes but be careful who you gossip with. In case you're wondering what is sweat rice. Sweat rice is a ritually prepared meal of rice inten...- published: 27 Sep 2012
- views: 271820
- author: Roger Alexis
Youtube results:
衛蘭Janice 《難為自己》MV 【官方版】
《難為自己》是JANICE 衛蘭的愛情故事第三階段,由《街燈晚餐》到《我們的故事》,由對愛情甜蜜感覺,戀人間相處態度,直到二人緣盡分手。分手固然不開心,但彼此若然合不來,也無謂逼迫...
published: 15 Mar 2013
author: Loophk
衛蘭Janice 《難為自己》MV 【官方版】
衛蘭Janice 《難為自己》MV 【官方版】
《難為自己》是JANICE 衛蘭的愛情故事第三階段,由《街燈晚餐》到《我們的故事》,由對愛情甜蜜感覺,戀人間相處態度,直到二人緣盡分手。分手固然不開心,但彼此若然合不來,也無謂逼迫自己快樂,勉強走下去。把舊記憶留著,只會使傷痛久歷不癒,未來也只會不來。 衛蘭Janice 全新廣東專輯IMAGINE 誠意獻上...- published: 15 Mar 2013
- views: 154397
- author: Loophk
The Voice Philippines (Janice performs "Huling El Bimbo") Liveshow, September 14 2013
The Voice Philippines "Live Showdown" and "P...
published: 14 Sep 2013
The Voice Philippines (Janice performs "Huling El Bimbo") Liveshow, September 14 2013
The Voice Philippines (Janice performs "Huling El Bimbo") Liveshow, September 14 2013
https://www.facebook.com/TheVoicePH2013 The Voice Philippines "Live Showdown" and "Public Voting Result" The Voice of the Philippines #TheVoicePHLive is a Filipino reality television singing competition. It is based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, which was originally created by Dutch television producer John de Mol as part of The Voice franchise.The show is hosted by Toni Gonzaga, while Robi Domingo, and Alex Gonzaga serve as the show's V-Reporters or the social media correspondents. Sarah Geronimo, Bamboo Mañalac, Lea Salonga, and Apl.de.Ap serve as the four coaches and the judging panel of the show.- published: 14 Sep 2013
- views: 34096
Janice Javier, Apl.De.Ap & Lolita Carbon - The Voice Philippines Final Showdown
The Voice of the Philippines Janice Javier , Coah Apl.de.Ap and Lolita Carbon Final Showdo...
published: 29 Sep 2013
Janice Javier, Apl.De.Ap & Lolita Carbon - The Voice Philippines Final Showdown
Janice Javier, Apl.De.Ap & Lolita Carbon - The Voice Philippines Final Showdown
The Voice of the Philippines Janice Javier , Coah Apl.de.Ap and Lolita Carbon Final Showdown performs the song "Time Of My Life" on The Voice PH Philippines LiveShows finale September 29, 2013 saturday performance. The Voice of the Philippines final Showdwon.- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 3405
The Voice Philippines (Janice performs "The Greatest Love of All") The Final, September 28, 2013
The Voice Philippines "Live Showdown" and "P...
published: 28 Sep 2013
The Voice Philippines (Janice performs "The Greatest Love of All") The Final, September 28, 2013
The Voice Philippines (Janice performs "The Greatest Love of All") The Final, September 28, 2013
https://www.facebook.com/TheVoicePH2013 The Voice Philippines "Live Showdown" and "Public Voting Result" The Voice of the Philippines #TheVoicePHLive is a Filipino reality television singing competition. It is based on the reality singing competition The Voice of Holland, which was originally created by Dutch television producer John de Mol as part of The Voice franchise.The show is hosted by Toni Gonzaga, while Robi Domingo, and Alex Gonzaga serve as the show's V-Reporters or the social media correspondents. Sarah Geronimo, Bamboo Mañalac, Lea Salonga, and Apl.de.Ap serve as the four coaches and the judging panel of the show.- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 20034