The Wayback Machine -
Banda Unikat 2007/2010
Pdp Concept Series by DW - Studio setup and sound check (How I record my drums)
PDP e DW Drums Apresentam Anderson Karan e PDP X7 Maple
Cistychov - P.D.P (2011 Rap/Evolucia) *HD*
Introducing PDP Concept Series by DW
PDP M5 Drumset im Test auf
PDP - Mass Delusion
Prototype Ares Studio Video by PDP
MIEJSKI SORT (DUDEK RPK, Narczyk, Warunia, Kłyza) feat. Non Koneksja - Z P.D.P (official video)
Bateria PDP Concept CM6 - Demonstração by Joca - VENDIDA
PDP Concept Pedal with Scott Pellegrom


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Banda Unikat 2007/2010
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:02
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Banda Unikat 2007/2010 "PDP"

Produkcja: Milionbeats
  • published: 07 Nov 2010
  • views: 30283
  • author: Kotzi84 Unikat 2007/2010 "PDP"
Pdp Concept Series by DW - Studio setup and sound check (How I record my drums)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:38
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

Pdp Concept Series by DW - Studio setup and sound check (How I record my drums)

This is my new pdp concept series that I got for Christmas. This is a great set! I also bought the mics, stands, etc. to record. Like, comment, subscribe! Sp...
  • published: 04 Jan 2013
  • views: 9116
  • author: Helmsdrums Concept Series by DW - Studio setup and sound check (How I record my drums)
PDP e DW Drums Apresentam Anderson Karan e PDP X7 Maple
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:35
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

PDP e DW Drums Apresentam Anderson Karan e PDP X7 Maple

Participação Especial: Anderson Karan (Bruno & Marrone) PDP X7 Maple Gold to Black Sparkle Fade Maple Shells Tons 8x7, 10x8 e 12x9 Surdos 14x12 e 16x14 Bumbo...
  • published: 08 May 2012
  • views: 20066
  • author: bateraclube e DW Drums Apresentam Anderson Karan e PDP X7 Maple
Cistychov - P.D.P (2011 Rap/Evolucia) *HD*
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:37
  • Updated: 05 Aug 2013

Cistychov - P.D.P (2011 Rap/Evolucia) *HD*

Kupuj ORIGINAL ovca ! Tracky su tu v HD preto, aby ste si ich mohli vychutnat v najvyssej moznej kvalite a nasledne autora ohodnotit a podporit kupou origina...
  • published: 15 Feb 2011
  • views: 81563
  • author: emanko111 - P.D.P (2011 Rap/Evolucia) *HD*
Introducing PDP Concept Series by DW
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:03
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Introducing PDP Concept Series by DW

Jaz Sawyer, Mika Fineo, Cobus Potgieter, Jordan Nuanez, and Jamal Moore come together to show you a fresh new Concept in drums. A BRAND NEW CONCEPT IN DRUMS ... PDP Concept Series by DW
PDP M5 Drumset im Test auf
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:58
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

PDP M5 Drumset im Test auf

Hier testen wir für euch die neuen M5 Drums von PDP. Mit seinen gut verarbeitet Ahorn-Kesseln liefern sie einen super Sound. Die Hardware ist solide und funk... M5 Drumset im Test auf
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:54
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013


PDP - Pile Driven (OFFICIAL VIDEO). Taken from the album "Mass Delusion". Heavyocity Records 2011. Filmed by Joshua Wright. Edited by Tim Hyten (Fat Monster ...
  • published: 12 Aug 2012
  • views: 7410
  • author: pdpband - PILE DRIVEN (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
PDP - Mass Delusion
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:49
  • Updated: 31 Jul 2013

PDP - Mass Delusion

Buy the album now on http://www.pdpmusic....
  • published: 03 Jul 2010
  • views: 32223
  • author: pdpband - Mass Delusion
Prototype Ares Studio Video by PDP
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:55
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

Prototype Ares Studio Video by PDP

Prototype Ares Studio Video by PDP. Mass Delusion album out Now! Order The Full Length Album & more merch @
  • published: 09 May 2011
  • views: 29062
  • author: pdpband Ares Studio Video by PDP
MIEJSKI SORT (DUDEK RPK, Narczyk, Warunia, Kłyza) feat. Non Koneksja - Z P.D.P (official video)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:13
  • Updated: 08 Aug 2013

MIEJSKI SORT (DUDEK RPK, Narczyk, Warunia, Kłyza) feat. Non Koneksja - Z P.D.P (official video) / Miejski Sort / DUDEK RPK SORT (DUDEK RPK, Narczyk, Warunia, Kłyza) feat. Non Koneksja - Z P.D.P (official video)
Bateria PDP Concept CM6 - Demonstração by Joca - VENDIDA
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:05
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2013

Bateria PDP Concept CM6 - Demonstração by Joca - VENDIDA

VENDIDA/SOLD Bateria PDP Concept CM6 tocada pelo baterista Joca ( Groove4tet, Frankie Chavez, etc. ) a quem agradeçemos muito, THANKS BUDDY!!. 6 peças + hard... PDP Concept CM6 - Demonstração by Joca - VENDIDA
PDP Concept Pedal with Scott Pellegrom
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:14
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

PDP Concept Pedal with Scott Pellegrom

DW/PDP Artist Scott Pellegrom puts the new PDP Concept pedal to the test and tells you why it's his pedal of choice. Designed to be the flagship pedal of the... Concept Pedal with Scott Pellegrom
7 governors,Atiku,Oyinlola,Saraki, form parallel PDP
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:36
  • Updated: 31 Aug 2013

7 governors,Atiku,Oyinlola,Saraki, form parallel PDP

For more information log on to
  • published: 31 Aug 2013
  • views: 2650 governors,Atiku,Oyinlola,Saraki, form parallel PDP
Pdp Concept Maple - UFIP - Gianluca Porro - Mama's Music Store
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:30
  • Updated: 20 Jul 2013

Pdp Concept Maple - UFIP - Gianluca Porro - Mama's Music Store

Strumento fantastico dimostrato dall'endorser GEWA e UFIP Gianluca Porro Fusto in acero Supporto STM per Tom Tiranti True Pitch "Staffe" grancassa Die-Cast T... Concept Maple - UFIP - Gianluca Porro - Mama's Music Store

Banda Unikat 2007/2010 "PDP"

Produkcja: Milionbeats
  • published: 07 Nov 2010
  • views: 30283
  • author: Kotzi84

Banda Unikat 2007/2010 "PDP"
Pro­dukc­ja: Mil­ion­beats https://​www.​facebook.​com/​BandaUnikat....​
pub­lished: 07 Nov 2010
au­thor: Kotz­i84
Pdp Con­cept Se­ries by DW - Stu­dio setup and sound check (How I record my drums)
This is my new pdp con­cept se­ries that I got for Christ­mas. This is a great set! I also bo...
pub­lished: 04 Jan 2013
au­thor: Helms­drums
PDP e DW Drums Ap­re­sen­tam An­der­son Karan e PDP X7 Maple
Par­tic­i­pação Es­pe­cial: An­der­son Karan (Bruno & Mar­rone) PDP X7 Maple Gold to Black Sparkle...
pub­lished: 08 May 2012
Cisty­chov - P.D.P (2011 Rap/Evolu­cia) *HD*
Kupuj ORIG­I­NAL ovca ! Tracky su tu v HD preto, aby ste si ich mohli vy­chut­nat v na­jvyssej ...
pub­lished: 15 Feb 2011
au­thor: emanko111
In­tro­duc­ing PDP Con­cept Se­ries by DW
Jaz Sawyer, Mika Fineo, Cobus Pot­gi­eter, Jor­dan Nu­anez, and Jamal Moore come to­geth­er to s...
pub­lished: 01 Jun 2012
PDP M5 Drum­set im Test auf muskmachen.​de
Hier testen wir für euch die neuen M5 Drums von PDP. Mit seinen gut ve­r­ar­beit­et Ahorn-Kess...
pub­lished: 14 Apr 2010
au­thor: musik­machenDE
PDP - Pile Driv­en (OF­FI­CIAL VIDEO). Taken from the album "Mass Delu­sion". Heavy­oc­i­ty Recor...
pub­lished: 12 Aug 2012
au­thor: pdp­band
PDP - Mass Delu­sion
Buy the album now on http://​pdpband.​bigcartel.​com http://​itunes.​apple.​com/​us/​album/​mass-de...​
pub­lished: 03 Jul 2010
au­thor: pdp­band
Pro­to­type Ares Stu­dio Video by PDP
Pro­to­type Ares Stu­dio Video by PDP. Mass Delu­sion album out Now! Order The Full Length Alb...
pub­lished: 09 May 2011
au­thor: pdp­band
MIEJS­KI SORT (DUDEK RPK, Nar­czyk, Waru­nia, Kłyza) feat. Non Konek­s­ja - Z P.D.P (of­fi­cial video)
https://​www.​facebook.​com/​pages/​Miejski-Sort-Official/​173746086090636 / Miejs­ki Sort https:...
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2013
Ba­te­ria PDP Con­cept CM6 - Demon­stração by Joca - VEN­DI­DA
VEN­DI­DA/SOLD Ba­te­ria PDP Con­cept CM6 to­ca­da pelo ba­ter­ista Joca ( Groove4tet, Frankie Chav...
pub­lished: 01 Aug 2012
PDP Con­cept Pedal with Scott Pel­le­grom
DW/PDP Artist Scott Pel­le­grom puts the new PDP Con­cept pedal to the test and tells you why...
pub­lished: 13 Aug 2013
7 gov­er­nors,Atiku,Oyin­lo­la,Sara­ki, form par­al­lel PDP
For more in­for­ma­tion log on to www.​channelstv.​com....
pub­lished: 31 Aug 2013
Pdp Con­cept Maple - UFIP - Gi­an­lu­ca Porro - Mama's Music Store
Stru­men­to fan­tas­ti­co di­mostra­to dall'en­dors­er GEWA e UFIP Gi­an­lu­ca Porro Fusto in acero Su...
pub­lished: 14 Jun 2012
Youtube results:
PDP FS Birch drum­set sound check - Bruno Grave­to Char­lie Brown Jr.
Par­tic­i­pação Es­pe­cial: Bruno Grave­to (Char­lie Brown Jr) www.​charliebrownjunior.​com.​br / @b...
pub­lished: 08 Jul 2012
PDP Con­ven­tion 2013 Re­sults An­nounced LIVE !
Visit http://​naijanedu.​com Of­fi­cial Twit­ter @9­jaHipHopVille In­quiries: naijanedu@​gmail.​com...
pub­lished: 01 Sep 2013
Bare­ly twen­ty-four hours after they stormed out of the rul­ing Peo­ples Demo­crat­ic Party, PD...
pub­lished: 02 Sep 2013
Un­box­ing pdp Af­ter­Glow Pris­mat­ic Wire­less Head­set
My Web­site http://​www.​daddyezee.​webs.​com My Other Chan­nel for all iphone/ipod touch and...
pub­lished: 08 Jun 2013
photo: AP / Hussein Malla
A Lebanese man runs in front of a burned car, at the scene where two explosions have struck near the Iranian Embassy killing many, in Beirut, Lebanon, Tuesday Nov. 19, 2013.
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
19 Nov 2013
BEIRUT (AP) — Two suicide bombings struck Tuesday near the Iranian Embassy in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, killing 23 people, including the Iranian cultural attaché. The mid-morning blasts hit Beirut's upscale neighborhood of Janah, a stronghold of the Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim Hezbollah group. One explosion blew out the large black main gate of the Iranian mission, damaging the three-story facility ... An Aug ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
photo: AP / David Mercer
A man stands near a pickup that belonged to farmer Curt Zehr after a tornado blew through Zehr's farm on Sunday, Nov. 17. 2013.
Edit South China Morning Post
18 Nov 2013
A fast-moving storm system triggered multiple tornadoes on Sunday that killed at least six people and flattened large parts of a town in Illinois as it tore across the Midwest, authorities said. The tornadoes levelled scores of homes and demolished entire neighbourhoods ... Traffic was halted briefly at Chicago’s two major airports, and tens of thousands of people in several states lost power ... Devastation ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)

Edit All Africa
19 Nov 2013
[Leadership]Rcently, some members of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, under the direction of the Chairman ......(size: 0.5Kb)
Edit Business Wire
19 Nov 2013
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--MetLife, which has been administering oral health benefits for U.S. workers and their families for more than 51 years, today announced that it has been selected as an official plan for the U.S ... Department of Veterans Affairs ... The program will feature MetLife’s PDP Plus network. One of the country’s largest networks, PDP Plus provides access to more than 256,000 participating dental offices ... About MetLife ... ....(size: 4.7Kb)
Edit noodls
19 Nov 2013
(Source. Metlife Inc) METLIFE SELECTED AS A PROVIDER FOR THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS DENTAL INSURANCE PROGRAM (VADIP). Enrollment Began November 15, 2013. New York, November 19, 2013 - MetLife, which has been administering oral health benefits for U.S ... The program will feature MetLife's PDP Plus network. One of the country's largest networks, PDP Plus provides access to more than 256,000 participating dental offices....(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit All Africa
19 Nov 2013
[This Day]The PDP is only interested in its ......(size: 0.3Kb)
Edit All Africa
19 Nov 2013
[Vanguard]Enugu -Enugu State Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, ......(size: 0.4Kb)
Edit All Africa
19 Nov 2013
... reason other than that they hold views that are at odds with the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)....(size: 0.5Kb)
Edit All Africa
19 Nov 2013
[This Day]The ......(size: 0.1Kb)
Edit noodls
19 Nov 2013
(Source. Computer History Museum) New Computer History Museum exhibit features 50 year-old IBM Computers Brought Back to Life. IBM 1401 Demo Lab and the Dawn of a New Era. Mountain View, Ca-November 18, 2013- ... The Demo Lab opens to the public on Wednesday, November 20 ... The IBM 1401 was the perfect solution and its impact was dramatic ... Other demonstrated and restored projects- the DEC PDP-1 Lab, Babbage Difference Engine No ... Press Contacts.....(size: 5.2Kb)
Edit The Siasat Daily
18 Nov 2013
Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today claimed that PDP leader Mufti Mohammad Sayeed was in touch with BJP leaders, which had exposed the opposition party's "hunger for power" in the state ... He said the opposition party, to seek power in the state, was hunting with the hound and running with the hare, "as deceiving people by duplicity has been the trait of PDP"....(size: 3.4Kb)
Edit Scoop
18 Nov 2013
Monday, 18 November 2013, 12.47 pm. Press Release.. Account for Missing $5 Billion, New PDP Tells FG ... Hon ... The factional PDP in a statement in Abuja, Sunday, November 17, 2013 to NF-Reports by its National Publicist, Eze Chukwuemeka Eze considered the development too weighty to be swept under the carpet ... The splinter PDP challenged the anti-graft agencies to prove their relevance by unearthing the whereabouts of the huge sum of money ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit noodls
18 Nov 2013
One of the PdP course student teams is exploring ways to incorporate effective nursing work and good patient experience in the same space ... Students working on a project implemented as part of the Product Development Project (PdP) course will develop a model space that can be used for testing the functionality of different solutions for a hospital environment from different perspectives ... Product Development Project website ( 5.2Kb)
Edit The Times of India
18 Nov 2013
The chief minister also criticized the opposition PDP for double standards ... in the state, was hunting with the hound and running with the hare, "as deceiving people by duplicity has been the trait of PDP"....(size: 1.1Kb)
Edit All Africa
18 Nov 2013
[Daily Trust]Awka -Candidate of the Peoples ......(size: 0.2Kb)

The PDP-11 was a series of 16-bit minicomputers sold by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) from 1970 into the 1990s, one of a succession of products in the PDP series. The PDP-11 replaced the PDP-8 in many real-time applications, although both product lines lived in parallel for more than 10 years. The PDP-11 had several uniquely innovative features, and was easier to program than its predecessors with its use of general registers. Its successor in the mid-range minicomputer niche was the 32-bit VAX-11.

Design features of the PDP-11 influenced the design of microprocessors such as the Motorola 68000; design features of its operating systems, as well as other operating systems from Digital Equipment, influenced the design of other operating systems such as CP/M and hence also MS-DOS. The first officially named version of Unix ran on the PDP-11/20 in 1970. It is commonly stated that the C programming language took advantage of several low-level PDP-11–dependent programming features, albeit not originally by design.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Yeah, it was so hard to say goodbye
Yeah, you should know by now
And it is what it is, the boyz in the house
Yeah, it's BTOB come on!
Sarangbagge nan molla I want you, only you
idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eopseo
ggeunnaejaneun mal hamburo hajima
It's so blue, it's so blue
Cheoeum mannan nal geu nal gieokani
bi oneun apgujeong georie
usan hana-e eoggaereul jeoksimyeo
urin cham haengbokaetjanha
Dasi malhajiman molla nan ibyeolhaneun bangbeop
gollanhan annyeongiran maldo na molla ra
ddo ollana hadeusi gidarineun geon nae mogeul jolla mak Yeah
nae nune areungeorineun neo
geureon nal dugo gabeorineun neo
sunjeongnam Ain't no Casanova
Hot-han geudae sarangbagge nan molla
Sarangbagge nan molla I want you, only you
idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eopseo
ggeunnaejaneun mal hamburo hajima
It's so blue, it's so blue
Naneun molla sarangbagge naneun molla nan neobagge
naneun molla ibyeol ddawin molla molla
naneun molla sarangbagge naneun molla ibyeol ape
baboga dwae ddo ireoke oh wae oh wae
Yeoldu-si o-bun makchal gidarimyeo
bonaegi neomuna aswiwo
garodeung arae neol baraedajumyeo
cheot Kiss cham dalkomhaesseotji
Yeah biga ona nuni ona urin byeonchi maljadeon
neoneun ddeonagane naega jillijamaja
dapdapan sarang-gwa jeonjaeng
geunyeoui mameun galdaewa gatae
naega jotaneun neoui geojinmal
holddak bbajyeotdeon naega mipda
sunjeong pa-in nareul gatgo nora
Hot-han sarangeun amuna hana
Sarangbagge nan molla I want you, only you
idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eopseo
ggeunnaejaneun mal hamburo hajima
It's so blue, it's so blue
An dwae gajima an dwae ddeonajima
neo eomneun naeireun uimi eopseo
sarangeul wae neon molla sarangeul wae neon golla
ireojima Don't say goodbye!
Neo eopsi nan mot sara I want you, only you
ireoke jeoldaero ggeunnaegin silheo
neobagge moreuneun baboga dwaesseo
It's so blue, it's so blue
Naneun molla sarangbagge naneun molla nan neobagge
naneun molla ibyeol ddawin molla molla
naneun molla sarangbagge naneun molla ibyeol ape

BTOB Back again
BTOB Change the game
BTOB Get your swag
Hansungan Feeli wasseo bon sungan ttak geollyeosseo
Eotteokhae nan eotteokhae
Sumok deurama heunhadi heunhan juingongcheoreom
Ppeonppeonhi dagagasseo
Ppalgan ripseutik kkaman seutaking
Jangmi han songi nal bureuneun nunbit
Oneul bam yeogi neowa danduri
Dulmanui Party oh party tonight
(Put'em up Put'em up Put'em up Yo!)
Geubi dalla namdalla tae tae tae taega dalla I like it I like it
Mwonga dalla neon dalla tae tae tae taega dalla I like it I like it
Don't break oeoeo Okay oeoeo Play Don't break
Don't break oeoeo Okay oeoeo Play Don't break
(Put'em up Put'em up Put'em up Yo!)
1,2 Step dirty dirty beat rideume ni momeul matgyeo
Groove it! Groove it! Groove it! Groove it!
Bakkeseo bakkeseo neol dasi mannagoya malgesseo
Get it! Get it! Get it! Get it!
Jireun airain jjaritan Srain
Tamseureon gwail nal bureuneun neo
Meoributeo balkkeutkkaji Hothan neowa danduri
Dulmanui Party oh party tonight
(Put'em up Put'em up Put'em up Yo!)
Geubi dalla namdalla tae tae tae taega dalla I like it I like it
Mwonga dalla neon dalla tae tae tae taega dalla I like it I like it
Geunyeol bogo Hey! Nareul ttarahae! Aneuro bakkeuro modeun isyuui jungsim
Hanbeon jalmot ppajyeotdagan nochyeo jeongsin geureon geunyeoege nan
eoullige byeonsin
Hey Hey Movin' Movin' Hey Hey Movin' mountain
Oneul bamdo nae ibeun gamanitji motae
Geunyeodo jeongsin mot charidorok Say Hey Ya!
Geubi dalla namdalla tae tae tae taega dalla I like it I like it
Mwonga dalla neon dalla tae tae tae taega dalla I like it I like it
Don't break oeoeo Okay oeoeo Play Don't break
Don't break oeoeo Okay oeoeo Play Don't break
(Put'em up Put'em up Put'em up Yo!)

cheotnune banhaetdan geol arayo geudaega malhan saram najyo
gaseumi ttwineun geotdo deullyeoyo geudae mam sumgiji mayo
Baby baby nado geuraeyo aesseumyeonseo Coolhan cheok haetjyo
Lady lady iri wabwayo ije naega anajulgeyo
geudaeboda deo johahaeyo geudaeboda naega deo saranghaeyo
Oh listen to me girl Oh baby baby girl
na geudaega joha Woo baby
uri ije mannabolkkayo duri sagwineun geon eotteolkkayo
nuga bwado urin jeongmal jal eoullyeoyo
Everyday my girl everything my girl geudaeramyeon nae modureul julgeyo
Listen to me girl baby baby girl na geudaega joha
geudaeui nuneul bomyeon arayo geojitmal motamyeonseo babo
tteollineun geudae ipsul boyeoyo gwiyeoun ai gatayo
Baby baby geokjeong marayo geudae mollae junbihaedwotjyo
Lady lady nuneul gamayo naega meonjeo kiseuhalgeyo
geudaeboda deo johahaeyo geudaeboda naega deo saranghaeyo
Oh listen to me girl Oh baby baby girl
na geudaega joha Woo baby
uri ije mannabolkkayo duri sagwineun geon eotteolkkayo
nuga bwado urin jeongmal jal eoullyeoyo
haengbokhan ohu han janui amerikanowa biseukit
urirang cham biseutan ge manha ttak eoullyeo jeo pureureun haneure bichin
geudae eolgureul darmeun gureum han jogak maju jabeun soneul eorumanjyeobwa
ppalgaejin bore salmyeosi ibeul matchunda
geudaeboda deo johahaeyo geudaeboda naega deo saranghaeyo
Oh listen to me girl Oh baby baby girl
na geudaega joha Woo baby
uri ije mannabolkkayo duri sagwineun geon eotteolkkayo
nuga bwado urin jeongmal jal eoullyeoyo
Everyday my girl everything my girl geudaeramyeon nae modureul julgeyo

Moreugesseo dodaeche wae ireoneunji
Galsurok jeomjeom jeungsega shimgakhae
Niga haru jongil nunape areungeoryeo
Neoeui soriga deullyeo
Amu ttaena shileobshi useumi nago
Ttan saram apeseo useojul ttaen shimsuli nago
Shimjangi gojangnan deushi jakkuman dugeungoryeo
Neowa nan gateun byeonge geollin geonga bwa
Amuraedo sarangbyeonge geollin geonga bwa
Heeojigo dolaseomyeon tto bogo shipgo
Baraman boado gaseum mungkeulhae
Gomawo nae nunape natanajwoseo
Nawa gateun haneul arae taeeonajwoseo
Pyeongsaengtorok i byeongi da naeul ttaekkaji
Eonjedeun nae gyeoteul jikyeojwo
Nan neoreul saranghae
Harurado mot bomyeon bulanhaejigo
Naega haneun maleun geoeui da ni yaegippunigo
Nuwodo jakkuman niga tteoolla jamdo mot ja
Neowa nan gateun byeonge geollin geonga bwa
Amuraedo sarangbyeonge geollin geonga bwa
Heeojigo dolaseomyeon tto bogo shipgo
Baraman boado gaseum mungkeulhae
Gomawo nae nunape natanajwoseo
Nawa gateun haneul arae taeeonajwoseo
Pyeongsaengtorok i byeongi da naeul ttaekkaji
Eonjedeun nae gyeoteul jikyeojwo
Nan neoreul saranghae
Ireohkedo dalkomhan byeongiramyeon
Yeongwonhi natgi shirheo
Neomuna haengbokhaeseo nunmuli heulleo
Nae gyeote niga ittdaneun ge gaseumi beokcha
Gochil sudo gochigodo shipji anheun byeong
Keuge baro sarangiran geonga bwa
Idaero uri maeum byeonhaji malja
Pyeongsaeng seoro sarangbyeonge geollin chae salja
Neoreul wihae nae modeun geol da jugo shipeo
Naegen gajang sojunghan saram

Put aside all your worries
Things have changed now
You're not alone in this world any more
Now you’ve got me by your side So stand up
Don't be afraid honjara neukkyeojin sungan
I know your pain geureol ttaen ureodo joha (Feel so lonely)
himdeulgo jichil ttaemyeon mareobsi anajugesseo (You're so lovely)
neo geureoke apahamyeon deo apeun nae mameul alkka
eotteokedeun haengbongman jugo sipeun ireon nae maeum alkka
ajik da motda han yaegiwa eonjenga pyeolchyeojil neoui kkum
Please always stand up keuge sorichyeobwa
Can't you feel my love tonight
Can't you see my love tonight
apado Stand up himdeureodo Stand up
ni gyeoten naega itjanha
ijen nawa Fly high meotjin nalgaereul pyeolchyeobwa
ulji malgo ireona namanui Lady
nal wihae yeppeuge useojwo modeun ge buseojyeo
himi deulgo jichil ttaedo tuktuk teoreobeorigo da ijeojwo
OK na bakkwieosseo sunsuhage bitna Like us
saranghandan mal an akkyeo meomchul saenggak eobseo i maraton
geureoke useojumyeon eolmana yeppeunji molla (You're so lovely)
nuguboda sojunghan neo eotteoke malhaeya alkka
You're my precious girl, the only one in my world
sumchage dallyeoon eojewa hamkkehan oneureul gieokhae
Say you raise me up deo keuge sorichyeobwa
Can't you feel my love tonight
Can't you see my love tonight
apado Stand up himdeureodo Stand up
ni gyeoten naega itjanha
ijen nawa Fly high meotjin nalgaereul pyeolchyeobwa
ulji malgo ireona namanui lady
cheoreopdeon nae mam gamssajun (namanui Lady)
ijen naega neol jikilge (I do)
sesang kkeut eodum soge honjara neukkil ttae
nunmuri cha olla sumjocha himgyeoul ttae
Up stand up naega gyeote isseojulge
Can't you feel my love tonight
Can't you see my love tonight
nal wihae Stand up neoreul wihae Stand up
gwaenchanha neutji anhasseo
nuguboda Fly high meotjin nalgaereul pyeolchyeobwa
han georeumssik dagawa You can take my love tonight

Feelin’ fresh achimbuteo oneul neukkimi joha gibun joha Baby
ppajyeodeuneun eumage mome matgyeo Feelin’ so high
Just up and down and all around
Like this like that move your body jeongsin eobsi ireoke
Uh Do it Like I do everybody follow me and move your body to the groove
Like this like that step it up geurae mwo eottae ireoke
Let’s ride on the beat ya, press play stop and press rewind
i ireoke tto jeoreoke Say la la playin’ the music
(Play it all night long)
gal ttaekkaji da gabollae Say la la playin’ the music
(Press play stop and press rewind)
Move your body baby You got a move your body baby
Hey gomin ttawin beorigo
(Play it all night long)
Rock your body baby You got a rock your body
Like this everyday
(Press play stop and press rewind)
i darui M M MVP jaranghae nae charye modu naui norael ttarahae
Louder and louder ttokttokhi jikyeobwa dwo ttokgateun medeulli nan Sick and
Code bravo, yeogineun Mayday jichyeosseo Game over da Over
meotjaengideulman moisyeosseo Like dope boyz nalssineun maeu malgeum I’m in
Like this like that move your body jeongsin eobsi ireoke
gyesokhaeseo nan Check yo! i gogeul deutgo inneun modeun jeormeuniyeo Hands
Like this like this that step it up geurae mwo eottae ireoke
(Press play stop and press rewind)
i ireoke tto jeoreoke Say la la playin’ the music
(Play it all night long)
gal ttaekkaji da gabollae Say la la playin’ the music
(Press play stop and press rewind)
Move your body baby You got a move your body baby
Hey gomin ttawin beorigo
(Play it all night long)
Rock your body baby You got a rock your body
Like this everyday
(Press play stop and press rewind)
Hurry Hurry eoseo noraereul teureo
noraee matchwo chumeul chwo momeul heundeureo
geu heunhan eumagiran norie chwihaeseo
najigo bamigo urin modu nalligo
gosaeng gosaenghaeseo setinghan meori
manggajimyeon eotteoni ireoke jeulgeounde
Hothan gasu hana chucheonhalge

Baby neoreul wihan Promise jal deureobwa
niga wonhamyeon da hal su isseo nan
nuni busin neoneun namanui Style My beautiful girl
naege dagaomyeon geudaero Stop geudaero nan Fall in love with you
nae mameul algenni nan niga jeongmal joheun geol
(Step by step) nae soneul jababwa
(Day by day) ireoke Love is forever
(nae mamsok) maeil neoman boyeo
ije naman barabwajwo nae modeun geol julgeyo
My sweety girl You’re my heart You’re my girl geudaeman
barabogo itjyo nae mameul anayo My girl
You’re my angel sigani meomchwobeorindaedo bol su eobseodo
hanappunin My girl
Baby neoreul wihan Promise jal deureobwa
haru jongil neoman bol su isseo nan
ni utneun moseube na sumeul swil su eomneun geol
(Step by step) nae soneul jababwa
(Day by day) ireoke Love is forever
(nae mamsok) maeil neoman boyeo
ijen naman saranghaejwo nae modeun geol julgeyo
My sweety girl You’re my heart You’re my girl geudaeman
barabogo itjyo nae mameul anayo My girl
You’re my angel sigani meomchwobeorindaedo bol su eobseodo
hanappunin My girl
naega deutgo sipeun myeot gaji achime ireonasseul ttae ni gallajin moksori
soreumi dodeul jeongdoro ippeun ni eolgure misoga beonjineun haengbokhan
haruga wae iri gilkka hwajanggi eomneun minnat tto nunbusige bitna
imi na neol pume neoheun chae imi na
neowa hanaga doen i bami jinagaji ankil binda
Baby I need you Baby I want you
ijen mameul yeoreojwo naegeman (Can’t you see)
geunyang haneun mari anya nal mideojullae
nae modeun geol da geolgo neol jikyeojulge
My sweety girl My girl neomu yeppeun neol My girl
barabogo itjyo nae mameul anayo My girl
You’re my angel
sigani meomchwobeorindaedo bol su eobseodo
hanappunin My girl
You’re my angel You’re my sweety
nae mameul algo inni My girl
You’re my angel You’re my sweety
eonjena neoppunin geol

Yo, just thought I'd let you know
No matter what day of the week it is,
You're the only girl on my mind c'mon!
Nae nuneul bol ttae ttokkachi marhal ttae neol cheongmal anaju-go
Na imanhamyeon eottae? ni namjaron eottae? ttan aedeulboda
Neoreurakkyeojul keoya neowah hamkke-hal keoya
Eonjena neohanaman bollae
Sunday, Monday to Sunday! bogo tto bogo shipeo
Monday, Sunday to Monday! jakku tto bogo shipeo
Mae-irachimeul nan neowah nuntteu-go shipeo
Ni-ga isseo komawo Monday to Sunday
Now I think it's time girl oh!
Wol, hwah, su, mok, keum, to nun tteumyeon ni saenggakbu-teo
Ilyoirachime-neun neowah hamkke nuntteo
Uri du-reul seoknneundamyeon hwahnsangye Collabo neol wiihae bureul Bravo
An cha-khaedo dwaeh dodohamyeon eottae nae-gen an geurae
Keuraeseo kkok yakso-khae neohanaman jigillae
Eonjena neohanaman bollae
Sunday, Monday to Sunday! bogo tto bogo shipeo
Monday, Sunday to Monday! jakku tto bogo shipeo
Mae-irachimeul nan neowah nuntteu-go shipeo ni-ga isseo komawo
Marhaet-janha keugeot bwah ni gyeote it-janha nae mameural-janha
Neo-ye-ge eou-llineun saram keurae na yeo-gi it-janha
Ije nan modu ni kkeoya eonjena neohanaman bollae
Sunday, Monday to Sunday! bogo tto bogo shipeo
Monday, Sunday to Monday! jakku tto bogo shipeo
Mae-irachimeul nan neowah nuntteu-go shipeo (nuntteu-go shipeo) ni-ga isseo
Komawo Monday to Sunday
Sunday, Monday to Sunday! (Every shingle day you ma-ge my heart sway)
Monday, Sunday to Monday! (Every day I honjaran geon byeollonikkan)
Mae-irachimeul nan neowah nuntteu-go (nuntteu-go shipeo) shipeo ni-ga isseo

Shi-gani neuryeojineun sunkaniyeosseo
Ijekkeot baewot-deon neukkyeot-deon mideot-deon areumda-umeul neon
Nunapi saebyeokcheoreom eoduwojigo
Hanjul-gi bitcheoreom machimnae chajasseo naye geunyeo naye un-myeong
Ttangeul kunggung balbeumyeo teojil-deuthan sumeul kanumyeonseo
Ttwiiyeosseo (wehrowo oneulbami don’t wanna be alone neo eobshi)
Neoye gyeoteuro
Keu iptu-reul ppaeseosseo keuraeyaman haesseosseo
Neoreul wonhaeseo seolmyeongdo byeon-myeongdo eobshi ni iptu-reul
Michin jishiyeot-jiman hajiman mworado achirhan charishan
Jeoldae mot ijeul mot ijeul dulmanye giyeong mandeu-reoyaman haesseosseo
Han sunkan eo-reobeorin neoye geu pyojeong
Al-jiman hajiman jeo-geodo neukkyeosseo neodo shirh-ji anheun pyojeong
Ttangi pukpuk pae-il -deut keochin sumeul hukhung naeshwiimyeonseo
Tallyeo-ga (nohchyeobeoril-kka duryeowo wanna be with youhellip; always)
Neoye gyeoteuro
Keu iptu-reul ppaeseosseo keuraeyaman haesseosseo
Neoreul wonhaeseo seolmyeongdo byeon-myeongdo eobshi ni iptu-reul
Michin jishiyeot-jiman hajiman mworado achirhan charishan
Jeoldae mot ijeul mot ijeul dulmanye giyeong mandeu-reoyaman haesseosseo
Hyeonshil katji anha mideojiji anha keunyang kkumman gata
Modeun ge.. Modeun ge…
Jeo bireul meo-geumeun haneu-ri nun-mu-reul heu-llil-ji
Neol chajeumyeo tallida nae dari-ga meonjeo buseojyeobeoril-ji
I don’t know nae-ga michin geonji nae mamso-ge kadu-go
Shipeot-ji eotteon- daneorodo mal mothae modeun sunganeun
Machi sajin-cheoreom stop
Keu iptu-reul ppaeseosseo keuraeyaman haesseosseo
Neoreul wonhaeseo seolmyeongdo byeon-myeongdo eobshi ni iptu-reul
Michin jishiyeot-jiman hajiman mworado achirhan charishan

Gudi amu maldo
Pilyo eobsi
Nuni majuchineun sungan
Ulin wonhago isseo oh yeah
Yeope naui geunyeoga moleuge
Amugeosdo al su eobsge
Jeomjeom ppajigo isseo
Geunyeol salanghaneunde
Ileon jeogeun eobsneunde
Nan neoman boigo gyesog
Heundeullyeo ileon
Naega nachseoleo
Nege gago sipjiman
Balo neon ape issjiman
Nae yeopen geunyeoga
Nappeun sangsangeul hage hae
Jakkuman jakkuman
Ileomyeon an dwae hajiman
Almyeonseo almyeonseo
Gyesog neoege kkeullyeoga
Nae mameul ppaeasgo
Nae ane deuleowa
Naleul nappeuge hae
(Naleul nappeuge hae)
Naleul michige hae
Jigeum neowa nuneul
Majuchigo issneun ge
Neoui yaegie misoleul jisgo issneun ge
Anilaseo mianhae sasil
Nae nuni bappeo
Ni muljani neomchigo issneun
Juldo mollasseo
I love'em all geunyeoui modeun geoseul
Even if it's so bad
I just wanna hustle
Niga ape eobsdamyeon geunyeoege
Dagaga sagochil geos gata tonight
Mami heundeullijiman
Ileomyeon andoejiman
Hilkkeum chyeodabogo sangsanghaneun
Ileon naega miwojyeo
Nege gago sipjiman
Neodo nal balabojiman
Nae yeopen geunyeoga
Nappeun sangsangeul hage hae
Jakkuman jakkuman
Ileomyeon an dwae hajiman
Almyeonseo almyeonseo
Gyesog neoege kkeullyeoga
Nae mameul ppaeasgo
Nae ane deuleowa
Naleul nappeuge hae
(Naleul nappeuge hae)
Naleul michige hae
Ilwojil suga eobsneun geol
Neomu jal algo isseo
Jigeum nae yeope geunyeodo
Naegen sojunghan geol
Ileomyeon andoejiman
Jeomjeom deo kkeullijiman
Eojjeol suga eobsneun geol
I don't know
What's wrong with me these days,
But I just can't help it.
I'm sorry...
Jakkuman jakkuman
Ileomyeon an dwae hajiman
Almyeonseo almyeonseo
Gyesog neoege kkeullyeoga
Nae mameul ppaeasgo
Nae ane deuleowa
Naleul nappeuge hae
(Naleul nappeuge hae)
Naleul michige hae
Eojjeonji oneul bameun
Gil geosman gata
Nae yeojaegen yeojeonhi
Mianhan maeumman
But ajigdo mamsoge
Dasi han beon niga

Sarangbakke nan molla I want you only you
Idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eobseo
Kkeutnaejaneun mal hamburo haji ma
It's so blue It's so blue
Cheoeum mannan nal geu nal gieokhani bi oneun apgujeong georie
Usan hanae eokkaereul jeoksimyeo urin cham haengbokhaetjanha
Dasi malhajiman molla nan ibyeolhaneun bangbeop gollanhan annyeongiran
maldo na molla ra
Tto ollana hadeusi gidarineun geon nae mogeul jolla mak
Nae nune areungeorineun neo geureon nal dugo gabeorineun neo
Sunjeongnam Ain't no kasanoba Hothan geudae sarangbakke nan molla
Sarangbakke nan molla I want you only you
Idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eobseo
Kkeutnaejaneun mal hamburo haji ma
It's so blue It's so blue
Naneun molla sarangbakke naneun molla nan neobakke
Naneun molla ibyeol ttawin molla molla
Naneun molla sarangbakke naneun molla ibyeol ape
Baboga dwae tto ireoke ou wae ou wae
12si 5bun makchareul gidarimyeo bonaegi neomuna aswiwo
Garodeung arae neol baraedajumyeo cheot kiseu cham dalkomhaesseotji
Biga ona nuni ona urin byeonchi maljadeon
Neoneun tteonagane naega jillijamaja
Dapdaphan saranggwa jeonjaeng geunyeoui mameun gatdaewa gatae
Naega jotaneun neoui geojitmal heulttak ppajyeotdeon naega mipda
Sunjeongpain nareul gatgo nora Hothan sarangeun amuna hana
Sarangbakke nan molla I want you only you
Idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eobseo
Kkeutnaejaneun mal hamburo haji ma
It's so blue It's so blue
An dwae gaji ma an dwae tteonaji ma
Neo eomneun naeireun umi eobseo
Sarangeul wae neon molla sarangeul wae neon golla
Ireoji ma Don't say goodbye
Neo eobsi nan mot sara I want you only you
Ireoke jeoldaero kkeutnaegin sirheo
Neobakke moreuneun baboga dwaesseo
It's so blue It's so blue
Naneun molla sarangbakke naneun molla nan neobakke
Naneun molla ibyeol ttawin molla molla
Naneun molla sarangbakke naneun molla ibyeol ape

[CHANGSEOB] sseulsseulhaejin dwinmoseubi natseoro
gulroganun naenae barabodaga
genyang nunmul-e naso
genyang ulgiman haeso
jigeumkkot moreugo san naega miwouso
[HYUNSIK] apaeson taeyeonhan cheok outgiman haeso
hangsang nae apaeson kanghan cheok haeso
[MINHYUK] saengakjocha mothaeso
ahnin julman arasoh
seulseulhan dwitmoseuboul molladon goya
[SUNGJAE] keddaenun mollajo nomuna ohreojo
nuguboda whereroul taendae dagagaji mothaejo
[EUNKWANG] e-jaeya arahjoh jogeum nuteun gon ahnijo
nomuna hagoshipeun mal yongwonhi saranghamnida
nae ahboji
[HYUNSIK] hanchameun kereomkae nan barabodaga
dalryeogase genyang anahboryeoso
[CHANGSEOB] manyang oulgosipohso
ke pom-e oulgoshipohso
dangsin-eh gomaeum-e nomu sorowouso
[SUNGJAE] keddaenun mollajo nomuna ohreojo
nuguboda whereroul taendae dagagaji mothaejo
[EUNKWANG] e-jaeya arahjoh jogeum nuteun gon ahnijo
nomuna hagoshipeun mal yongwonhi saranghamnida
nae ahboji
[ILHOON] hanseum han bun puk swimyeon da na-ahjin dut sek cheok
naegaen boyeoyo kedae-en hwiriti anhnun nunmul
sangcho kadukhan gaseum oulji angun ahpaseol hyeongto
da naega mandul kundae jaggu haeyo way kedae talsol
[PENIEL] And your eyes showed you were tired
But you hid it, such a liar
[MINHYUK] e-jae naega ahn-ah julgaeyo naegae kidaedu dwaeyo
[PENIEL] And your eyes showed you were tired
But you hid it, such a liar
[MINHYUK] kedaenun yongwonhan na-e nupeon hanuel-e-aeyo
[CHANGSEOB] kochirojin sonae jureumjin nunga-e
seulseulhaejin dwemoseumhajo nan iksokhai ahn-ah-so
[SUNGJAE] naega keraena bwa ah-pur-gae haena bwa
dwidulahson dwemoseumhajo naega namkin jimman kataso
[EUNKWANG] haejun gae objiman nan drin gae hana objiman
nomuna hagoshipeun mal yongwonhi saranghamnida

Yes I'm on a beat
Ije sesange nae-ga jin bij da kapko tashi taeyeonatko
Keochimeobshi nopi ha-igik! nae-ge mat-kyeodwo OK
Da padajul-ke ajik bujo-khae
Bae teojike jibeo samgin hue tashi
Tohaenae nan gyesok banbo-khae Yes!
I wanna BTOB tell me why?
You goda BTOB get'em high
Eoduwot-deon eojewah oneulye bimi-reul boyeojul-ke
Breag your heart
LA to the Seoul euma-geuro tong-han Soul
Keu jungshime uttuk seol nae ireum seok ja
Soneul ppeodjamaja dahabodorok da euratchacha!
Without disrespect tto jikyeonaebol-ke
Nae barae-meul kkok Every night, day bujireonha-ge
Bechangireul yokhaneun gae-midab-ge What!
Oh Driving you crazy 'Born TO Beat' We're Coming
Oh Driving you crazy 'Born TO Beat' We're Coming
Oh Driving you crazy 'Born TO Beat' We're Coming

Baby neoreul wihan promise jal deureobwa
Niga wonhamyeon da hal su isseo nan
Nuni busin neoneun namanui style my beautiful girl
Naege dagaomyeon geudaero stop geudaero nan fall in love with you
Nae mameul algenni nan niga jeongmal joheun geol
(step by step) nae soneul jababwa
(day by day) ireoke love is forever
(nae mamsok) maeil neoman boyeo
Ije naman barabwajwo nae modeun geol julgeyo
My sweety girl you’re my heart you're my girl geudaeman
Barabogo itjyo nae mameul anayo my girl
You're my angel sigani meomchwobeorindaedo bol su eobseodo
Hanappunin my girl
Baby neoreul wihan promise jal deureobwa
Haru jongil neoman bol su isseo nan
Ni utneun moseube na sumeul swil su eomneun geol
(step by step) nae soneul jababwa
(day by day) ireoke love is forever
(nae mamsok) maeil neoman boyeo
Ijen naman saranghaejwo nae modeun geol julgeyo
My sweety girl you’re my heart you're my girl geudaeman
Barabogo itjyo nae mameul anayo my girl
You're my angel sigani meomchwobeorindaedo bol su eobseodo
Hanappunin my girl
Naega deutgo sipeun myeot gaji achime ireonasseul ttae ni gallajin moksori
Soreumi dodeul jeongdoro ippeun ni eolgure misoga beonjineun haengbokhan sori
Haruga wae iri gilkka hwajanggi eomneun minnat tto nunbusige bitna
Imi na neol pume neoheun chae imi na
Neowa hanaga doen i bami jinagaji ankil binda
Baby i need you baby i want you
Ijen mameul yeoreojwo naegeman (can’t you see)
Geunyang haneun mari anya nal mideojullae
Nae modeun geol da geolgo neol jikyeojulge
My sweety girl my girl neomu yeppeun neol my girl
Barabogo itjyo nae mameul arayo my girl
You're my angel
Sigani meomchwobeorindaedo bol su eobseodo
Hanappunin my girl
You're my angel you're my sweety
Nae mameul algo inni my girl
You're my angel you're my sweety
Eonjena neoppunin geol

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh
Baby without you
Neol deryeoda jwotdeon jipdo dareun namjaui jibieotgo
Saram manheun goseseon jom tteoreojyeo geotneun neukkimieosseo
Urin keodarake bupureotdeon pungseoni jjogeuradeul deut sigeotji
Dapdaphan maeumeul gamchul suga eobseo nan
Mwoga jalmotdoen geoji
Jinan bamgwa hangsang ttokgata neoneun oemyeonhago
Naman maedallineun saineun ijen jichyeotdago
Hangsang nan neoyeotgie
Neoreul mideotdeon nagie
[SungJae] Maeil bam werowo goerowo jigyeowo
Naega tteonajulge niga sirheojige
Ije deoneun gwichanke maedalliji anke
I‘m gonna be better
Charari eomneun ge deo
Oneulttara bimiri neomu manheun neo
You make me go Insane
She gives me so much pain
I won't be back again
Hangsang neon amureochi anheun cheok kkok
Jigeum jeonhwal badayagesseo (I wanna hate you)
You make me go Insane
She gives me so much pain
I won't be back again~Oh yeah~
Maeil bam ttokgachi
Neon oemyeonhajiman (Neol mannagi jeoneuro Ridin‘ now say goodbye)
Huhoe eobsi bonaeneun gae himdeuljiman
Ne moseubi ajik jal silgami najil anha nan
Uri han yaksogeun baramgwa hamkke sarajyeosseo nameun geon neoui chagaun siseon
Geoji gachi yeojeonhi ne misoreul geuriwohaneun
Naega miwo ijen jeongmal neowaneun
Kkeuchiran geol injeong motae
Naega tteonajulge niga sirheojige
Ije deoneun gwichanke maedalliji anke
I‘m gonna be better
Charari eomneun ge deo
Oneulttara bimiri neomu manheun neo
You make me go Insane
She gives me so much pain
I won't be back again
Hangsang neon amureochi anheun cheok kkok
Jigeum jeonhwal badayagesseo (I wanna hate you)
You make me go Insane
She gives me so much pain
I won't be back again~Oh yeah~
Neol cheom bon gieogeun heuritago
Sarangiran geuneneun meomchwotgo
Dasin doraoji anheul gichal tago
I'll let you go
I'll let you go
Naega da beorilge ijen da noheulge
Geuman tteonado dwae
Dasin nal chatjima maeumeun apeujiman
Ijeobeoril su itge~
Naega tteonajulge niga sirheojige (Oh~ oh no no)
Ije deoneun gwichanke maedalliji anke (Gwichanke maedalliji anke)
I‘m gonna be better
Charari eomneun ge deo (Oh no)
Oneulttara bimiri neomu manheun neo (Oh~ho~)
You make me go Insane
She gives me so much pain
I won't be back again
Hangsang neon amureochi anheun cheok kkok
Jigeum jeonhwal badayagesseo (I wanna hate you)
You make me go Insane (Sane~)
She gives me so much pain

[Changseob] sarangbakke nan molla
I want you only you
idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eobseo
[Eunkwang] kkeutnaejaneun mal hamburo haji ma
It’s so blue It’s so blue
cheoeum mannan nal geu nal gieokhani
bi oneun apgujeong georie
usan hanae eokkaereul jeoksimyeo
urin cham haengbokhaetjanha
dasi malhajiman molla nan
ibyeolhaneun bangbeop gollanhan
annyeongiran maldo na molla ra
tto ollana hadeusi gidarineun geon
nae mogeul jolla mak
[Minhyuk] nae nune areungeorineun neo
geureon nal dugo gabeorineun neo
[Ilhoon] sunjeongnam Ain’t no kasanoba
Hothan geudae sarangbakke nan molla
[Changseob] sarangbakke nan molla
I want you only you
idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eobseo
[Eunkwang] kkeutnaejaneun mal hamburo haji ma
It’s so blue It’s so blue
naneun molla [Hyunsik] sarangbakke
naneun molla [Hyunsik] nan neobakke
naneun molla [Hyunsik] ibyeol ttawin molla molla
naneun molla [Peniel] sarangbakke
naneun molla [Peniel] ibyeol ape
baboga dwae
[Peniel] tto ireoke ou wae ou wae
yeoldusi obun makchareul gidarimyeo
bonaegi neomuna aswiwo
garodeung arae neol baraedajumyeo
cheot kiseu cham dalkomhaesseotji
[Ilhoon] biga ona nuni ona urin byeonchi maljadeon
neoneun tteonagane naega jillijamaja
dapdaphan saranggwa jeonjaeng
geunyeoui mameun galdaewa gatae
[Sungjae] naega jotaneun neoui geojitmal
holttak ppajyeotdeon naega mipda
[Minhyuk] sunjeong pain nareul gatgo nora
Hothan sarangeun amuna hana
[Changseob] sarangbakke nan molla
I want you only you
idaeron jeoldaero bonael sun eobseo
[Eunkwang] kkeutnaejaneun mal hamburo haji ma
It’s so blue It’s so blue
[Hyunsik] an dwae gaji ma
[Hyunsik] an dwae tteonaji ma
[Hyunsik] neo eomneun naeireun uimi eobseo
[Minhyuk] sarangeul wae neon molla
[Minhyuk] sarangeul wae neon golla
[Eunkwang] ireoji ma Don’t say goodbye
[Sungjae] neo eobsi nan mot sara
I want you only you
ireoke jeoldaero kkeutnaegin sirheo
[Eunkwang] neobakke moreuneun baboga dwaesseo
It’s so blue It’s so blue
naneun molla [Hyunsik] sarangbakke
naneun molla [Hyunsik] nan neobakke
naneun molla [Hyunsik] ibyeol ttawin molla molla
naneun molla [Peniel] sarangbakke
naneun molla [Peniel] ibyeol ape
baboga dwae

Bo Bo Bo Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack
Get your street knowledge every posse know that come again
Bo Bo Bo Clack Clack Clack Clack Clack
The only way to deal with racism if you're black
Well, seven in the morning I woke up to jog
Rushed out the door to inhale the smog
As I ran, I began to wonder
Should I produce or should I tour this summer
Well just that second I heard stay where you are
Before I could stop I was hit by a cop car
I laid on the pavement like I was hurt
Then a redneck cop jumped out with a smirk
He said, ah boy you better watch where you run
as he poked my side with the barrel of his shotgun
I said Officer man I ain't do nothin
He said what's that word you n----s use, ya frontin?
Well ya frontin, so why were you running down the street?
At this time I had stood to my feet and said Wait a minute
And that's when he did it, he hit me in the face with his gun I wasn't
with it so
On the ground was a bottle of Snapple, I broke the bottle in his fucking
Adam's apple
As he fell his partner called for backup well, I had the shotgun and
began to act up with that
Well I threw down the gun and began to run
I got back in no time and loaded the nine
First I took two clips and then I took two more
I was out the window cause by now they were right at my door
I took three shots and then I laid
They rushed in shooting so I threw a quick grenade
It went boom like a supernova
Badges arms heads legs cops were all over
I jumped out the fire escape down to the street and I started to run you
know I couldn't feel my feet, I was weak, I said to myself Holy shit!
My shirt had filled with blood I didn't know I got hit but there's no
time to stop no time to explain man I'm in too deep with this everyday
ghetto pain
Black men are judged by their clothes
Black women are looked at as hoes
So I as one of these uppity n----s
Can only rely on the sound of a trigga going
Well I staggered down the street to an old bookstore
Called the Tree of Life (Yo D it ain't there no more)
But when it was boy I was lucky
Cause in the basement is where they stuck me
When I awoke at the 14th hour
Three black women had gave me a quick shower
I stayed a while and escaped in a truck
Driven by two guys, Rakim and Chuck
What the fuck I asked as I laid there How many guys do you drive a day
there? Chuck said many, Rakim said plenty it's an everyday thing when
you're willing to sing a song...

(Ooh ooh ooh) I can't believe you've left me
Don't know that you've upset me
You just want to forget me, why don't you come and get me
And boy, I really miss you and all I want to do is kiss you
I've used up all my tissues 'cause there's more serious of issues
I don't even know the reason you were playin' and you were teasin'
Did they tell me you were leavin'
Those good looks are deceivin' (ooh ooh ooh)
Where are you, Baby, we used to have so much fun
You drive me crazy, somebody tell me where he's gone
Where are you, Baby, we used to have so much fun
You drive me crazy (ooh ooh ooh)
You're peepin' through the window, this is too much for me to handle
Already caused a scandal, a disturbance like a vandal
I've lost track of all time 'cause you're always on my mind
And you're just that type of guy
That'll make me cry, oh why, oh why, oh why
Oh why has he disappeared, this feeling is really weird
You're precious and you're dear
Can you feel the weight of these tears (ooh ooh ooh)
Good goodbye, a good goodbye
A good good na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na, na na na na na na now
Na now now now, now now now (ooh ooh ooh)
You've really got a nerve and all you want to do is flirt
Love is just a word that you tell to all your birds
Does it give you any satisfaction to see the worst of one's reaction
And this has never happened, it's my first love attraction
And what did I do to deserve this, some days I feel all nervous
Please use the telephone service
I hope today you hear this (ooh ooh ooh)
Where are you, baby, we used to have so much fun (ooh ooh ooh)
You drive me crazy, somebody tell me where he's gone (ooh ooh ooh)
Where are you, baby, we used to have so much fun (ooh ooh ooh)
You drive me crazy, somebody tell me where he's gone (ooh ooh ooh)

Betty Boo just [Doin' The Do]
And you are through
And there's nothing you can do
(Ooh ah, ooh ah, ooh ah, ooh ah)
(Ah) it's me again, yes, how did you guess
'Cause last time you were really impressed
And I'm bolder, c-c-cold, gettin' colder
And at the very same time I heat up at the party
And solder but not with solar power
For far too long made mistakes
And allowed a fat and ugly thing get in my way (ah)
Now I'm suitable and MC, I'm no inbetween
Top of the rank like Pearl and Dean
And if you can't take the heat get out the kitchen
Ain't got no time for your boo-boo-be
Betty Boo, Betty Boo just doin' the do
And you are through, ah, and there's nothing you can do
Betty Boo, Betty Boo just doin' the do
And you are through, ah ah, and there's nothing you can do
Hoodlum, that what you called me
Rebellious, you can't ignore me
But never mind 'cause I know that I'm sweeter
Your time is up so put more money in your meter
You say I bully though I know I'm no goody-goody
But what do I know is that I'm fully in control
You're on a roll, (ah) fat as a rolypoly and on the whole
You think that I'm a threat 'cause I'm the best you could ever get
I never make the teachers' pet
And ease yourself, I know you despise me
You criticize and override me
But I'm better and a whole lot cleverer
A go-getter, you know, a trend setter
I'm all the rage and all the craze
Come on, change the record, gotta turn the page
Betty Boo, ah, Betty Boo just doin' the do
And you are through and there's nothing you can do
Betty Boo, ah, Betty Boo just doin' the do
And you are through and there's nothing you can do
I'm sorry if I upset ya
To get the better of me I wouldn't let ya
Any time of the day I could get ya
You come runnin' to me, yes, I bet ya
Ain't goin' out like a sucker
There's no need to huff and puffa
'Cause baby, I am tougher than you think
So you just gotta suffer
Betty Boo, Betty Boo just doin' the do
And you are through, ah, and there's nothing you can do
Betty Boo, Betty Boo just doin' the do
And you are through, ah ah, and there's nothing you can do
You might play bold but Betty Boo is bolder
Cold gettin' dumb, cold gettin' colder
Spent half the time lookin' over your shoulder
There ain't another MC who could be the queen
You have never been considered as anyone hype
So tonight I'm gonna take time out
To wipe that smile off your face
You're a side effect like an aftertaste
So face the facts, I do the job well
And hell, why not, I got a lot so tell me
What you're sayin', I'm not playin'
Somebody's gotta go and I'm stayin', Jack
Get back, exactly, you got me right
Get up, get with it or get outta my sight
Because I'm hot and sizzly, put you in the mood
Someone like you puts me off my food
Betty Boo, Betty Boo just doin' the do
And you are through and there's nothing you can do
Betty Boo, Betty Boo just doin' the do

I'm at work, I don't feel like working
The sun is out, don't tell me off for lazing
It's so hot 'cause my ice cream's melting
We're only used to the same rain belting
Belting down, why don't we take the top down
And drive around and pump up the sound
Leave this desk, oh yes, this is a protest
Go to the seaside and you could be my guest
Rest assured, you know we'll have a good time
Bathe in the sea and bathe in the sunshine
We've got all day 'cause this time is all mine
We'll take it easy, the sun goes down at nine
We'll take a hamper with some cashews and shampoos
Now and then we need a good pamper
We'll make our way for the day with much promptness
Excuse me while I make the most of this
Come on, [let me take you there], this is something we can share
Come on, let me take you there, ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh yeah
Come on, let me take you there, this is something we can share
Come on, let me take you there, ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh yeah
Take proctection now, don't say I didn't warn ya
You must be careful, you'll go as pink as a lobster
Only have to look at the sun and then I go brown
Don't wanna upset you, come on, let's go to the fairground
The house of fun, the big wheel and the dungeons
There's loads to do, so many of them
I don't feel like going back to the grindstone
But what'll we do when the sun goes down
Ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh, ooh ooh
Ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh yeah
