- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 2534
- author: raftoff

Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans (Full Album)
Being one of the most enthralling listens I've ever experienced, this epic piece accounts ...
published: 22 May 2013
author: raftoff
Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans (Full Album)
Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans (Full Album)
Being one of the most enthralling listens I've ever experienced, this epic piece accounts for the tragedies suffered by the crew of the whaleship Essex on th...- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 2534
- author: raftoff

Ahab - The Hunt
NO VIDEO, ONLY MUSIC... Uno de los mejores grupos de funeral doom de todos los tiempos, AH...
published: 07 Jul 2008
author: BlackQF
Ahab - The Hunt
Ahab - The Hunt
NO VIDEO, ONLY MUSIC... Uno de los mejores grupos de funeral doom de todos los tiempos, AHAB, con el increíble tema "The Hunt" (Album "The Call Of The Wretch...- published: 07 Jul 2008
- views: 203142
- author: BlackQF

Ahab - Antarctica The Polymorphess
Band - Ahab Album - The Giant Year - 2012 Country - Germany Genre - Funeral Doom Metal Lyr...
published: 24 Nov 2012
author: 6milady6death6
Ahab - Antarctica The Polymorphess
Ahab - Antarctica The Polymorphess
Band - Ahab Album - The Giant Year - 2012 Country - Germany Genre - Funeral Doom Metal Lyrics: A strong current setting With heavy gales and fog Many a stran...- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 13503
- author: 6milady6death6

Ahab - Yet Another Raft of the Medusa (Pollard's Weakness) HD with Lyrics
Ahab's "Yet Another Raft of the Medusa (Pollard's Weakness)" from the album "The Divinity ...
published: 04 Feb 2011
author: CweenOfTheMark
Ahab - Yet Another Raft of the Medusa (Pollard's Weakness) HD with Lyrics
Ahab - Yet Another Raft of the Medusa (Pollard's Weakness) HD with Lyrics
Ahab's "Yet Another Raft of the Medusa (Pollard's Weakness)" from the album "The Divinity of Oceans" (2009). Lyrics: Alas! The Marquesas! Shun the beckoning ...- published: 04 Feb 2011
- views: 28561
- author: CweenOfTheMark

AHAB - 'Joanna' [HD] The Music Show, ABC Radio National
Two musicians from Hackney became four sweet voiced men in the space of two years in Briti...
published: 27 Mar 2012
author: abcradionational
AHAB - 'Joanna' [HD] The Music Show, ABC Radio National
AHAB - 'Joanna' [HD] The Music Show, ABC Radio National
Two musicians from Hackney became four sweet voiced men in the space of two years in British acoustic band AHAB. Despite their love of metal and grunge their...- published: 27 Mar 2012
- views: 7245
- author: abcradionational

Ahab - Below the sun (Full Version)
I haven't seen the full version of this song on youtube so I thought I would share it. Thi...
published: 21 Aug 2010
author: Holnak
Ahab - Below the sun (Full Version)
Ahab - Below the sun (Full Version)
I haven't seen the full version of this song on youtube so I thought I would share it. This song is from the album "Call of the Wretched Sea" Disclaimer, I d...- published: 21 Aug 2010
- views: 69715
- author: Holnak

Ahab - "Maybe Some Other Time" - The Crypt Sessions: Episode 14
www.thecryptsessions.com A.H.A.B. isn't your average alt.country band and not just because...
published: 09 Dec 2009
author: The Crypt Sessions
Ahab - "Maybe Some Other Time" - The Crypt Sessions: Episode 14
Ahab - "Maybe Some Other Time" - The Crypt Sessions: Episode 14
www.thecryptsessions.com A.H.A.B. isn't your average alt.country band and not just because singer/guitarist Callum Adamson is the son of Big Countrys Stuart....- published: 09 Dec 2009
- views: 25498
- author: The Crypt Sessions

Ahab - "My Father's Eyes" - The Crypt Sessions: Episode 14
www.thecryptsessions.com A.H.A.B. isn't your average alt.country band and not just because...
published: 08 Apr 2010
author: The Crypt Sessions
Ahab - "My Father's Eyes" - The Crypt Sessions: Episode 14
Ahab - "My Father's Eyes" - The Crypt Sessions: Episode 14
www.thecryptsessions.com A.H.A.B. isn't your average alt.country band and not just because singer/guitarist Callum Adamson is the son of Big Countrys Stuart....- published: 08 Apr 2010
- views: 15549
- author: The Crypt Sessions

Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans
2 track Album: The Divinity of Oceans Year: 2009 Lyrics: Masts are broken Men will break Y...
published: 23 Jul 2010
author: easyasgoblinpie
Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans
Ahab - The Divinity of Oceans
2 track Album: The Divinity of Oceans Year: 2009 Lyrics: Masts are broken Men will break Yards are shattered Bodies shake Bulkheads battered - Planks are bu...- published: 23 Jul 2010
- views: 44249
- author: easyasgoblinpie

Ahab - Below The Sun
I turn my body from the sun To follow the fading phantom into the deep All collapsed And t...
published: 10 Jan 2011
author: KillMobyDick
Ahab - Below The Sun
Ahab - Below The Sun
I turn my body from the sun To follow the fading phantom into the deep All collapsed And the great shroud of the sea Rolled on as it rolled thousands of year...- published: 10 Jan 2011
- views: 30051
- author: KillMobyDick

Ahab@Wath Festival 2013
published: 07 May 2013
author: Peter Simmonds
Ahab@Wath Festival 2013

Audi quattro® all-wheel drive TV Commercial -- "Ahab Redux"
In 2012, Audi reimagined Herman Melville's classic novel, Moby Dick, to bring the legend o...
published: 12 Aug 2013
author: AudiofAmerica
Audi quattro® all-wheel drive TV Commercial -- "Ahab Redux"
Audi quattro® all-wheel drive TV Commercial -- "Ahab Redux"
In 2012, Audi reimagined Herman Melville's classic novel, Moby Dick, to bring the legend of Audi quattro® all-wheel drive to life. Now our tormented tow truc...- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 18947
- author: AudiofAmerica
Youtube results:

AHAB - Further South
Nautik Funeral Doom from Germany. Track #01 from the full length "The Giant". Released in ...
published: 19 Dec 2012
author: Anton Decapitated
AHAB - Further South
AHAB - Further South
Nautik Funeral Doom from Germany. Track #01 from the full length "The Giant". Released in 2012 via Napalm Records. I do not own any copyrights, they all belo...- published: 19 Dec 2012
- views: 4456
- author: Anton Decapitated

The Ahab Pen
Initially these pens are in short supply and I don't know if they ever will be abundant......
published: 25 May 2012
author: InkNeedLastForever
The Ahab Pen
The Ahab Pen
Initially these pens are in short supply and I don't know if they ever will be abundant....but we'll give it our best try! Hopefully anyone who wants one and...- published: 25 May 2012
- views: 22164
- author: InkNeedLastForever

Ahab - Deliverance (Shouting at the Dead) [HD] Live in Rotterdam 2012/06/08
Deliverance (Shouting at the Dead) is perhaps the most atmospheric track on Ahab's new alb...
published: 22 Jun 2012
author: Utreife
Ahab - Deliverance (Shouting at the Dead) [HD] Live in Rotterdam 2012/06/08
Ahab - Deliverance (Shouting at the Dead) [HD] Live in Rotterdam 2012/06/08
Deliverance (Shouting at the Dead) is perhaps the most atmospheric track on Ahab's new album The Giant (2012), employing a more laidback, jazzy style compare...- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 3358
- author: Utreife

Arabi Ahab - Ismo Kallio 1962) (Ahab The Arab)
Arabi Ahab - Ismo Kallio 1962) (Ahab The Arab)
Stevens, Ray (sävellys, alkuperäinen san...
published: 21 Sep 2013
Arabi Ahab - Ismo Kallio 1962) (Ahab The Arab)
Arabi Ahab - Ismo Kallio 1962) (Ahab The Arab)
Arabi Ahab - Ismo Kallio 1962) (Ahab The Arab) Stevens, Ray (sävellys, alkuperäinen sanoitus). Johansson, Nacke /pseud / (= Johansson, Paul Mikael) (sovitus). Tuomisaari, Kari (sanoitus). Esitys: Kallio, Ismo (laulu, puhelaulu) ja Four Cats (lauluyhtye). Jaakko Salo (orkesteri. Levytetty: 1962 / Scandia ks 448 ( 45 ) Musiikkilaji: huumori, parodia, matkiminen. Kesto / Aika: 3.00 min. SANAT / LYRIC ARABI AHAB Suuri sheikki on Arabi Ahab, tuo sankari aavikon, hänen viittansa timantteja tihkuu, säkenöi, joka sormessansa helmisormus on ja aina päässään pitää turbaania hän, sekä sapelin sivullaan ja Kalle on nimenä tuon kantakirja-kamelin, jonka satulaan hän juuri nyt nousee, ratsastaakseen salaiseen kohtaukseen. Aavikon toisella puolella odottaa häntä Fatima, sulttaanin koko haaremin hemaisevin tanssijatar. Hän on joskus iskenyt silmää Ahabille ja tietysti Ahab heti iski silmänsä häneen, salassa sulttaanilta tietysti. Ahab siis ratsastaa yön sysi mustassa suojaavassa syleilyssä läpi hiekka-aavikon. Ilmassa väreilee hänen hillitty, hallittu, miellyttävä äänensä hänen asiallisesti mainitessaan kamelilleen, että.., "nwau-nwa-nwuo, nwa-nwa.., nwuaaa.... Se on Arabiaa ja suomeksi; "nasta pimu". Ja Kalle vastaa... "Mmm-mmm-mmmyöö... Prrrrrr.., hän pysäköi Kallen huomaamatta Fatiman teltan taa-ah, hyppää maahan, sukkasillaan hiipii ja sisälle kurkistaa-ah, siellä on Fatima -- seeprannahkataljallaan ja tällä korvissa renkaat ja huulilla meikki ja silmissä leikki, oi-joiii... Ajatelkaa nyt hyvät ystävät, siellä se kaunis Fatima lepäilee nakertaen somasti pienillä hampaillaan - maapähkinää ja appelsiinia ja kiloa viinirypäleitä ja kahta kananjalkaa ja kolmea makkaraa -- maistellen sulo huulillaan kotikaljaa -- kuunnellen soitantoa matkaradiosta -- katsellen Kivisiä ja Sorasia TeeVeestä -- lukien skandaalilehteä, laulaen, että... "oi muistatkos Emmaaaa...." Ja, Ahab ehdottaa hänelle kuiskaten, "uawa-uawa-uawa-wah-wah, uawa-uawawa wah-wah-uwaaaa..." Se on Arabiaa ja suomeksi, "joks´ twistataan, oi beibi, oi beibi"? Ja Fatima sanoo ujosti, "hmh-hmh-hmh...., hassu poika." Ahab, Ahab, Ahab, Ahab, Ahab, Ahab - Joopa joo... Suuri sheikki on Arabi Ahab, tuo sankari aavikon. Arabi Ahab... ****************************************- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 123