The Wayback Machine -
SNV (India) 2012 World Hip Hop Dance Championship (Adult)
7UP DanceON - Bangalore - Regionals - 4 - S N V Crew
Ima3cooly SOŠ ekonomická SNV 2012, 3.A vs. 1.A
Fictitious Crew aka SNV Crew at The Culture 2012 powered by
KZN  chill riding SNV
TA SNV 4.A rómovia
Booster SNV 2013
SNV Crew India at The Culture 2012 |
Parkour SNV -Spišská Nová Ves- Slovakia FreeRun [HD - 1080p]
INEKAFE + SamSebou - Kasovite jedla , Ruzova zahrada live SNV 2012


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SNV (India) 2012 World Hip Hop Dance Championship (Adult)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:31
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

SNV (India) 2012 World Hip Hop Dance Championship (Adult)

Subscribe here: Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook:
  • published: 08 Aug 2012
  • views: 290174
  • author: OfficialHHI (India) 2012 World Hip Hop Dance Championship (Adult)
7UP DanceON - Bangalore - Regionals - 4 - S N V Crew
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 22 Jul 2013

7UP DanceON - Bangalore - Regionals - 4 - S N V Crew

Watch these Wildcard entries videos from Bangalore. Great 7UP Dance On videos. 7UP Dance On Contest gives you the chance to those budd... DanceON - Bangalore - Regionals - 4 - S N V Crew
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:19
  • Updated: 30 May 2013


Like The Culture : | - Contact us: +919819885539 - web... in WORLD HIPHOP CHAMPIONSHIP 2012 | Semi Finals | SNV Crew
Ima3cooly SOŠ ekonomická SNV 2012, 3.A vs. 1.A
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:30
  • Updated: 30 Apr 2013

Ima3cooly SOŠ ekonomická SNV 2012, 3.A vs. 1.A

Imatrikulácia prvákov 1.A. SOŠ ekonomická SNV 2012, 3.A vs. 1.A
Fictitious Crew aka SNV Crew at The Culture 2012 powered by
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:20
  • Updated: 14 Aug 2013

Fictitious Crew aka SNV Crew at The Culture 2012 powered by

Like The Culture : World of dance Network Partner: https://www.worldofdanc...
  • published: 13 Jan 2013
  • views: 12854
  • author: The Culture Crew aka SNV Crew at The Culture 2012 powered by
KZN  chill riding SNV
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:54
  • Updated: 01 Jul 2013

KZN chill riding SNV

Spišská Nová Ves,KZN skate prak Kamera/strih- chill riding SNV
TA SNV 4.A rómovia
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02
  • Updated: 31 Dec 2012

TA SNV 4.A rómovia

Kamera, strih: Matúš Spusta ( ) Hl. úlohy: Štefan Slovinský, Jozef Čuchran, Matúš Spusta. SNV 4.A rómovia
Booster SNV 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:34
  • Updated: 19 Jul 2013

Booster SNV 2013

ty kkt! ty kkt! kolotoc!
  • published: 19 Jul 2013
  • views: 175 SNV 2013
SNV Crew India at The Culture 2012 |
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:11
  • Updated: 16 Jun 2013

SNV Crew India at The Culture 2012 |

SNV Crew aka Fictitious Crew at The Culture 2012 Facebook : | Twitter @totheculture - Contact us: ... Crew India at The Culture 2012 |
Parkour SNV -Spišská Nová Ves- Slovakia FreeRun [HD - 1080p]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:57
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Parkour SNV -Spišská Nová Ves- Slovakia FreeRun [HD - 1080p]

Slovakia Le Parkour & Free Run Spišská Nová Ves SNV ------------------------------------------------- Summer 2011 Leto 2011.
  • published: 02 Sep 2011
  • views: 4678
  • author: frsnv SNV -Spišská Nová Ves- Slovakia FreeRun [HD - 1080p]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:48
  • Updated: 25 Jan 2013


SNV CREW INDIA aka Suresh and Vernon Group Finalist of World Hip hop Dance Championship 2012. Winners of India's Got Talent season 3. Contact us www.sureshan... CREW INDIA. aka SURESH AND VERNON Group profile video WINNERS OF INDIA'S GOT TALENT SEASON 3 ..
INEKAFE + SamSebou - Kasovite jedla , Ruzova zahrada live SNV 2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:40
  • Updated: 07 Jun 2013

INEKAFE + SamSebou - Kasovite jedla , Ruzova zahrada live SNV 2012

  • published: 02 Jan 2013
  • views: 1841
  • author: Peter Toman + SamSebou - Kasovite jedla , Ruzova zahrada live SNV 2012
2012 HHI World Finals - SNV of India backstage
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:06
  • Updated: 27 Mar 2013

2012 HHI World Finals - SNV of India backstage

Pacific Rim Video correspondent Angelica Alumia talks to India's SNV crew after performing in the finals of the 2012 Hip Hop International World Hip Hop Danc... HHI World Finals - SNV of India backstage
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:49
  • Updated: 14 Jun 2013


  • published: 09 Feb 2012
  • views: 5169

SNV (India) 2012 World Hip Hop Dance Championship (Adult)

Subscribe here: Follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook:
  • published: 08 Aug 2012
  • views: 290174
  • author: OfficialHHI

SNV (India) 2012 World Hip Hop Dance Cham­pi­onship (Adult)
Sub­scribe here: https://​www.​youtube.​com/​OfficialHHI Fol­low us on Twit­ter and like us on Fa...
pub­lished: 08 Aug 2012
7UP DanceON - Ban­ga­lore - Re­gion­als - 4 - S N V Crew
Watch these Wild­card en­tries videos from Ban­ga­lore. Great 7UP Dance On videos. http://www....
pub­lished: 28 Apr 2013
Like The Cul­ture : https://​www.​facebook.​com/​totheculture | www.​totheculture.​com - Con­tact ...
pub­lished: 04 Aug 2012
Ima3­cooly SOŠ eko­nomická SNV 2012, 3.A vs. 1.A
Ima­trikulácia prvákov 1.A....
pub­lished: 16 Jan 2013
au­thor: Dada Slivová
Fic­ti­tious Crew aka SNV Crew at The Cul­ture 2012 pow­ered by ToTheCulture.​com
Like The Cul­ture : https://​www.​facebook.​com/​totheculture World of dance Net­work Part­ner: h...
pub­lished: 13 Jan 2013
au­thor: The Cul­ture
KZN chill rid­ing SNV
Spišská Nová Ves,KZN skate prak Kam­era/strih-https://​www.​facebook.​com/​FotografiaSVavrek....​
pub­lished: 23 Apr 2013
TA SNV 4.A rómovia
Kam­era, strih: Matúš Spus­ta ( www.​facebook.​com/​MatusSpustaPhotography ) Hl. úlohy: Štefan ...
pub­lished: 10 Dec 2012
Boost­er SNV 2013
ty kkt! ty kkt! kolo­toc!...
pub­lished: 19 Jul 2013
SNV Crew India at The Cul­ture 2012 | ToTheCulture.​com
SNV Crew aka Fic­ti­tious Crew at The Cul­ture 2012 Face­book : https://​www.​facebook.​com/​tothe...​
pub­lished: 18 Dec 2012
Park­our SNV -Spišská Nová Ves- Slo­vakia FreeRun [HD - 1080p]
Slo­vakia Le Park­our & Free Run Spišská Nová Ves SNV --------------------------------------...
pub­lished: 02 Sep 2011
au­thor: frsnv
SNV CREW INDIA aka Suresh and Ver­non Group Fi­nal­ist of World Hip hop Dance Cham­pi­onship 20...
pub­lished: 15 Oct 2011
au­thor: Suresh Mukund
IN­EKAFE + Sam­Se­bou - Kaso­vite jedla , Ru­zo­va zahra­da live SNV 2012
pub­lished: 02 Jan 2013
au­thor: Peter Toman
2012 HHI World Fi­nals - SNV of India back­stage
Pa­cif­ic Rim Video cor­re­spon­dent An­gel­i­ca Alu­mia talks to India's SNV crew after per­form­ing...
pub­lished: 08 Aug 2012
pub­lished: 09 Feb 2012
au­thor: SUP­PA­RAY
Youtube results:
SNV Louis CK Show
Louis Ck did a show for the Sat­ur­day Night Virus. It's some of the fun­ni­est stuff I have e...
pub­lished: 17 Nov 2011
L2 SnV KmK x BD­Her­cu­lano PvP
Elton com seus play­ers de even­to como sem­pre toman­do coro ... :)...
pub­lished: 28 Jul 2013
Lin­eage II SNV #Eu­ViDuen­deSs
L2 SNV Freya!...
pub­lished: 20 May 2013
au­thor: Joey Farias
Zostrih sied­me­ho domáceho zápasu BK 04 AC LB SNV proti EDY­MAX SPU Nitra. Výsle­dok zápasu o...
pub­lished: 09 Dec 2012
au­thor: bk04a­clb­SNV
photo: AP / Jerome Delay
French troops leave their position near a suspected Seleka, the alliance of mostly Muslim rebel groups, hideout in Bangui, Central African Republic, Monday Dec. 9, 2013.
Edit France24
10 Dec 2013
Two French soldiers have been killed in the Central African Republic, the French presidency announced on Tuesday, as French and African Union troops lead a UN-backed military operation aimed at halting inter-religious violence in the country ... Hollande has called for swift elections in the country ... Relative calm ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
photo: AP / SABC Pool
In this image from TV, US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, in the rain for a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013.
Edit Voa News
10 Dec 2013
Tuesday's memorial service for Nelson Mandela generated some informal diplomacy and political controversy, alongside the praise for the late South African president. In a moment caught by television cameras, U.S ... maintains a trade embargo on Cuba ... Mr ... ....(size: 1.2Kb)
photo: Public Domain / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio
Studio publicity photograph of Eleanor Parker
Edit Entertainment Wise
10 Dec 2013
Eleanor Parker, star of the hit 1965 movie The Sound of Music, died Monday following complications from pneumonia ... Parker received three Oscar nominations for Best Actress with the first two in 1951 and 1952 for her roles as a prison inmate in Caged and as Kirk Douglas's wife in Detective Story. ....(size: 1.5Kb)
photo: AP
US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, in the rain for a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013. The handshake between the leaders of the two Cold War enemies came during a ceremony that's focused on Mandela's legacy of reconciliation. Hundreds of foreign dignitaries and world heads of states gather Tuesday with thousands of South African people to celebrate the life, and mark the death, of Nelson Mandela who has became a global symbol of reconciliation.
11 Dec 2013
Article by Corespondent Dallas Darling. Perhaps the United States is once again regaining its revolutionary spirit. But this time instead of a "shot heard around the world," it will be known as the "handshake seen around the world." And instead of George Washington as Commander-in-Chief, the hero will be President Barack Obama as Gesture-in-Chief ... Hands were also thought to be imbued with certain qualities and godlike powers....(size: 4.2Kb)
photo: AP / Jerome Delay
French troops detain a suspected Seleka officer , preventing Christian mobs from lynching him near the airport in Bangui, Central African Republic, Monday Dec. 9, 2013.
Edit Dawn
10 Dec 2013
BANGUI (Central African Republic), Dec 9. French troops on Monday began disarming fighters in the Central African Republic to try to restore security after a swell in sectarian violence that claimed hundreds of lives. Bangui was relatively calm after days of fighting involving former Seleka rebels in which nearly 400 people were killed, although the stench of dead bodies still permeated some areas of the capital ... We are hungry ... ....(size: 4.7Kb)

Edit PR Newswire
10 Dec 2013
VANCOUVER, Dec. 9, 2013 /CNW/ -. TSX VENTURE COMPANIES.. ACASTI PHARMA INC. ("APO"). BULLETIN TYPE.  Prospectus-Unit Offering. BULLETIN DATE.  December 9, 2013. TSX Venture Tier 2 Company ... TSX Venture Exchange has also accepted the filing of the Company's first Prospectus Supplement (dated November 27, 2013). Underwriters.    Euro Pacific Canada Inc ... Each Unit consists of one common share and one warrant ... ("SNV") ... ("SNV") ... (M....(size: 33.9Kb)
Edit Canada Newswire
09 Dec 2013
VANCOUVER, Dec. 9, 2013 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by IIROC.. Company. SONORO ENERGY LTD. TSX-Venture Symbol. SNV. Reason ... Halt Time (ET). 12.12 ... ....(size: 0.9Kb)
Edit Canada Newswire
09 Dec 2013
VANCOUVER, Dec. 9, 2013 /CNW/ - Trading resumes in.. Company. Sonoro Energy Ltd. TSX-Venture Symbol. SNV. Resumption. 15.45 ET ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit Canada Newswire
09 Dec 2013
CALGARY, Dec. 9, 2013 /CNW/ - Sonoro Energy Ltd. ("Sonoro") (TSX-V. SNV) is pleased to announce that it has completed its previously announced consolidation of its common shares on a 10 for one basis and the subsequent private placement of 29,961,438 post-consolidation common shares. Geopetrol International Holding Inc ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
09 Dec 2013
My news for Investors. AtLeast one of the check box should be selected You are following news about Follow the latest news about BBT. Follow the latest news about HDB. Follow the latest news about BKU. Follow the latest news about SNV. Follow the latest news about BPOP. NEW YORK, December 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --. Editor Note. For more information about this release, please scroll to bottom ... BBT), HDFC Bank Ltd. (NYSE. HDB), Popular, Inc ... SNV) ... ....(size: 8.2Kb)
Edit Business Wire
06 Dec 2013
(NYSE – “SNV”), the Columbus, Georgia-based financial services company, today announced that its Board of Directors has declared a dividend of $0.01 per share on the Company’s common ......(size: 1.6Kb)
Edit noodls
06 Dec 2013
(NYSE - "SNV"), the Columbus, Georgia-based financial services company, today announced that its Board of Directors has declared a dividend of $0.01 per share on the Company's common stock.  The dividend will ......(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit Canada Newswire
05 Dec 2013
CALGARY, Dec. 5, 2013 /CNW/ - Sonoro Energy Ltd. ("Sonoro" or "the Company") (TSXV. SNV) is pleased to report the results of the special meeting of shareholders held December 5, 2013 ... With 93.25% of the votes cast in support of the Consolidation Resolution, the Company plans to proceed with the Consolidation subject to, and immediately following the receipt of, final approval thereof by the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV") ... About Sonoro....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
29 Nov 2013
New York, November 29, 2013 /Accesswire/ - Market Buzz Report, a leading penny stock newsletters provider, issues major news alert for DryShips Inc ... (NYSE.SNV). DryShips Inc. (NASDAQ.DRYS) shares climbed 6.44% to $3.29. The company on Nov ... 30 ... (NYSE.SNV) shares jumped 1.74% to $3.50 ... Free Urgent Insider Catalyst Report For SNV Available Here. http.// (Or Copy and paste the URL into your browser) ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit Canada Newswire
29 Nov 2013
CALGARY, Nov. 29, 2013 /CNW/ - It has come to the attention of Sonoro Energy Ltd. ("Sonoro" or "the Company") (TSX-V. SNV) that Amira Industries N.V ... Sonoro wishes to thank its shareholders for their support of the Consolidation and Private Placement and urges shareholders that have not already done so to tender their vote prior to the proxy deadline of 2.00 p.m., Calgary time, on December 3, 2013 ... 1. Claim ... Response ... 2. Claim ... Response ... 3 ... 4 ... 5....(size: 12.2Kb)
Edit Stockhouse
27 Nov 2013
On Tuesday, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. reported the U.S. banking industry posted earnings of $36.0 billion in the third quarter of 2013, which was 3.9 percent lower when compared to the third quarter of 2012 ... Here is how some banking stocks reacted Tuesday. ... Firstmerit Corp ... SNV) shares traded in the range of $3.38 to $3.45 Tuesday before settling to close at $3.44, an increase of 2.08 percent ... ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit PR Newswire
26 Nov 2013
AtLeast one of the check box should be selected You are following news about Follow the latest news about SNV ... SNV), Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(NASDAQ ... SNV) reported third-quarter 2013 earnings per share of 4 cents, which were in line with the Zacks Consensus Estimate and outpaced the prior-year quarter earnings by 2 cents....(size: 7.8Kb)
Edit Forbes
21 Nov 2013
Synovus Financial Corp. (NYSE. SNV), which makes up 0.91% of the First Trust Financials AlphaDEX Fund (FXO), has seen 6 directors and officers purchase shares in the past six months, according to the recent Form 4 data. The ETF holds a total of $4,829,931 worth of SNV, making it the #29 largest holding. The table below details the recent insider buying activity observed at SNV. SNV — last trade. $3.29 — Recent Insider Buys. ... Prochaska Jr ... ....(size: 2.3Kb)

The Sin Nombre virus (roughly translated as "the nameless virus" in Spanish) (SNV) is the prototypical etiologic agent of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS).

Its original name was "Four Corners virus" or "Navajo Flu", but the name was changed after local residents raised objections.

It was first isolated from rodents collected near the home of one of the initial patients with hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) in the Four Corners region of the western United States. Isolation was achieved through blind passage in Peromyscus maniculatus (deer mouse) and subsequent adaptation to growth in Vero E6 cells. Additional viral strains have also been isolated from P. maniculatus associated with a fatal case in California and P. leucopus from the vicinity of probable infection of a New York case. Black Creek Canal virus was isolated from S. hispidus collected near the residence of a human case in Dade County, Florida. Another etiologic agent of HCPS, Bayou virus, was first isolated from the vicinity of Monroe, Louisiana.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Who is that new waitress? He wants her on his plate
Well every time he sees her he just has to masturbate
He wants her luscious breasts on the end of his fork
But all this menu offers is chicken, beef & pork
But I don't want that girl to be mine
For breakfast, lunch or suppertime
She's not a sex object, but a person too
(I know that) She's not on the menu
She's not on the menu - She's not on the menu
She's not on the menu - She's not on the menu
He wants to eat her body just like a plate of fries
And suck out all the gravy that seeps into her thighs
He says he "loves" that girl and he thinks that it's true
Cos every time she speaks to him, he cums into his soup
But I don't want that girl to be mine
For breakfast, lunch or suppertime
She's not a sex object, but a person too
(I know that) She's not on the menu
She's not on the menu - She's not on the menu
She's not on the menu - She's not on the menu
She's not on the menu - She's not on the menu

It was high noon, the sun was shinning
Manuel sharpened his blade
He stuck it in the ground
it came out twice as long
Chopped of the end of his leg
Madness sprouted in that garden
Manuel felt strange
Then his mind shifted as the vines twisted
He became quite crazed
The barbed wire fence post,
it felt quite wooden
as he impaled himself on the steel
as the blood ran down, he felt so horrible
reached for the tequila worm and beer
Razor swallowing in that garden
He winced with pain
Like a curse lifted he begged for
but it was too late

Larry Flynt is the king of skin
Sitting in his wheelchair
collecting belly lint
Someone tried to shoot him
but the bullet didn't take
Now he has to park his car
in the handicap space
He's spreading it rather thinly
Spreading it rather thin
Ole Jerry Falwell
will be glad to see him go
buried with the spuds
in Boise, Idaho
Larry Flynt & Pee Wee Herman
side by side
In that giant porno theater

He has two heads and he has three legs
He has no tail what a crying shame
There is nothing for him to wag
to let us know that he's happy
Is he rabid? no.
Is he rabid? no.
Hey, I ought to know
Is he playful? yes.
Is he playful? yes.
Or would you rather guess?
Eats pitbulls for breakfast
Eats pitbulls for breakfast
and swallows them whole
Mutated dog is my best friend
He ate the teacher and the teacher's pet
While running loose in the backyard
he feeds on little kiddies arms
He's my mutated dog

The young boy had fallen in love
With his homeroom teacher
He has fallen in love
It happens everyday
In schools throughout the city
Throughout the city
She was married, he did learn
And inside he did burn
Deep inside he did burned
He vowed that never again
Would he open his heart
Open up his hear
And to serve as a reminder
He painted her a picture
This painful reminder
And he keeps it in his binder
This painful reminder
The next day in his art class
He drew a picture of her
With an axe in her head
A picture's worth a thousand words
Even those left unsaid
Those best left unsaid
Now he walks the halls alone
But it is for the better
He vowed that never again
Would he open his heart
Oh no! never again!

Had a vision of Michelle Pfeiffer
Wearing nothing but a diaper
Squatting over a roman candle
Dancing around in rhinestone sandals
Hey! well I don't know
How that thought got in there
Had a vision of tug McGraw
His ass was beaten red and raw
Wearing nothing but a baseball cap

It's not a job, it's an adventure
Smell the burning flesh up on the hillside
This is the end!
You're in the asshole of this earth
Now you know what you're really worth
To them, you're just another rifle
Better keep and eye around the bend
Cos this is the end!
1 - 2 - S.N.F.U.
This is the end!
This is the end!
This is the end!

The rich people go there to wine & dine
Stuffing their faces by candlelight
I know this all sounds rather romantic
Only because you haven't passed through the kitchen doors
Behind them lurks the kitchen kreeps
The hidden workers that nobody sees
Grotesque humans like abominations
Infecting food for all the patrons
From the dining room you can't even tell
'Cuz the kitchen kreeps secret is kept so well
But if the customers ever did find out
They'd go running, puking right into their hands
And the call themselves the Kitchen Kreeps:
And they touch your dishes
They touch your cutlery too
But worst of all
They even manhandle your food
And nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors
And nobody ever really knows...

First there was one,
Then there were two,
Then there were three
Then came four,
Over the years they’ve piled up
Now there’s one hundred or more,
And there he is still putting up those birdhouses
And there he is still putting up more birdhouses
First there was one,
Then there were two,
Then there were three
Then came four,
Over the years they’ve piled up
Now there’s one hundred or more, and he’s a
Birdman of Malmo
He’s a birdman, baby
And he won’t be pigeonholed.
People say he’s cuckoo [x3]
People drive by safe in their cars,
Honking their horns in approval,
Neighbours think he’s an eyesore,
Giving him the seal of disapproval,
People drive by safe in their cars honking their horns in approval,
Neighbors think he’s an asshole,
Demanding the immediate removal of the,

I’m on sick leave, ’til I feel better,
I came quite close to breaking forever,
The grind of the daily, everyday today,
Can sometimes leave you in some sort of pain they say.
Not much grows in the basement,
But I’ve found, to my amazement,
Even the slightest glimpse of sun,
Can pick me up when I’m down.
Don’t be afraid to say, what’s on your mind,
I promise not to laugh in your face,
No, I’d rather wait ’til you turn around,
So I can kick you in the ass when you pass.
Not much grows in the basement...
Am I sickly? Or cowardly?
Who exactly have you come to see?
I’m asking you privately,
Can you please help me?
So I can walk, right on your head,
Just to get to the next step,
Cuz I’m cowardly to the end,
I have no close friends.
No. People are merely stepping stones for me to get just what I want.
Merely stepping stones for me to get just what I want.
Even the slightest glimpse of sun,

My face is buried inside a book
Everybody's wearing a haggard look
The sirens scream, a baby cries
Everyday on this bus I ride
There's a man to my left
Who's got a stump for a hand
I'm staring into a giant cyst
Growing on the face of a Chinese man
Reality is a ride on the bus
The mongoloid is in the back
He's having his snot for lunch
There's a loud mouth sitting next to me
The one that everybody wants to punch
Reality is a ride on the bus
So hop on board and step inside

She used to be a wretched girl, a genuine ugly duck
Her body was in awful shape, had she been hit by a 2 ton truck?
Then one day she one the lottery and answered her childhood dream
She became the most beautiful girl alive via plastic surgery
Plastic surgery kept her beautiful
Couldn't keep her alive
She found eternal beauty
But not eternal life
Yeah, but beauty wasn't everything, it was only skin deep
Her body was plagued by some rare disease
Plastic surgery kept her happy til the last day of her life
She died with the looks of a queen and not the monster she thought she was
Plastic surgery kept her beautiful
Couldn't keep her alive
She found eternal beauty
But not eternal life
Plastic surgery kept her beautiful
But it couldn't keep her alive
She found eternal beauty

Won't you come to my place
and see my collection of mold
It hangs off the ceiling
Covers half the floor
No mold's too old
In the fridge, you can feast your eyes
upon many a fuzzy fiend
I guess I'm best left alone
just my collection & me
No mold's too old
I scrape my armpits
each and every day

Sometimes my mind's just like a door
it's open night and day always open to suggestion
Don't want to throw a good idea away
Sometimes my mind's just like a door it's closed
So no one can get in
Too afraid to leave it open afraid a stranger might come in
Sometimes my mind's just like a door
It's made out of the thickest wood
And you may try your best to kick it down
But that won't do you any good
Sometimes my mind's just like a door
and I lose the key, I find myself locked outside

I've been trudging through the fog
I cannot see too clearly
The smog burns at my eyes
And it clutches at my windpipe
Tightly clutches at my windpipe
I've been trudging through this fog
I'm trudging
Breathing is a goddamn job
The only one that I can find
Living is a fuckin' chore
One that I do daily
Yes, one that I do daily
I've been trudging...
Must rise up out of clouds
There is a stomach lining
At the end of the tainted rainbow
There is nothing much worth finding
There is nothing much worth finding

my bed's one big, rocky lump
And my back, it always seems to ache
Whenever I partake in sex
The damn bed always breaks
Looks like it's time
Looks like it's time, time, time
You said it's time for what?
Yup, it's time to buy a futon
Why haven't I thought of this before?
After all, I'm surrounded by futon stores
It's the new wave of sleeping and I'm into new wave

She clutched the scissors in her hand
Then raised them high above her head
She stabbed her boyfriend in the back
Then he hit the floor and bled
She did not know just what to do
So she went and had some lunch
She did not eat the red meat
Because it would only remind her of the
All he had to do was leave
All he had to do was get the hell out
But when he refused to walk through that door
That's when he became the ex-creep
She went back to the house
And dragged the body down the flight of stairs
She stuffed him in the furnace
Then she went and wash her hair
She lay down on the bed
Then she read a good book
She went and fell asleep
Then she awoke to the burning odor of the ex-creep

He had an itch that wouldn't stop
He caught it from someone who didn't wash
He had a nest for a crotch
He had one big piece of hot property
He's just a kid
The Kwellada kid
He had an itch
Only kwellada could fix
He was afraid to drop his pants
He was embarrassed by the nasty rash
It was in the shape of all of Italy
His penis was his scratching post
He's going back to the town
He's gonna hunt that creature down
He's gonna pull its panties down

I pride my record collection,
It's the only thing I like to do
But my dad insists they're evil things
with satanic messages in their grooves
He says he knows this for a fact
'cause the lord told him so
And he doesn't want the voice of Satan
raging through his humble home.
Those records are the devil's music
And no son of mine's gonna listen to them
Sorry son, but you have no choice
I just can't have you hearing that devil's voice
I told him to shut up and he punched my face
He threw my records in the fireplace!
He then grabbed a sledgehammer from out back
and sabotaged my record rack
He crushed all my imports and rarities
He didn't even save the picture sleeves!
afterwards I felt so weak

My alarm clock starts ringing much to my dismay
Go out there and kill em, it's another working day
But I just want to go back to sleep, I really don't wanna go
But I know I'm gonna have to cause I need the money so
My ceiling, it knows what I'm feeling
It knows I don't want to go to work
So it keeps me pinned down
My ceiling, it knows what I'm feeling
Yes, I'm talking about my ceiling
I'm looking up at my ceiling
And it's looking back down at me
It can see what a mess I am and it knows I need the sleep
Now the ceiling's level with the floor
and my blankets are now the floorboards

Yesterday I realized just how I've changed
Okay, wait a minute. let me explain
I was walking down the street when I heard a loud crash
A man lay on the road, flatter than flat
Was he dead or alive? I didn't care to know so,
I kept walking and no emotion did I show
I think it's time to straighten out the shelves of my mind
Then I got to thinking about how numb I've become
Am I really that unfeeling? am I really that dumb?
To not help another when they're in desperate need of it
How selfish can I be? how much worse can I get?
But then, there are times in which we're not
supposed to care
Think only of yourself and ignore what's

Don't know what's wrong with me today.
it's all the rain that's causing rage.
Got out of bed with a fiery head
and all I want to do is complain.
I don't know what to think today
I see the rain all the way
Got out of bed with a fiery head
And all I want to do is complain.
Oh please don't
Oh please
Don't you
let me let me
Chew chew chew
Chew upon you like a snapping turtle when I do bite
So much harshness in these morning words
I've said if I want any shit out of you man,
I'll squeeze your fucking head
Oh, my bad mood is so obvious
I think I'll go back to bed before I get worse
Oh please don't
Oh please don't you
let me let me chew chew chew
Chew upon you like a snapping turtle when I do bite
I hope tomorrow I won't feel this way
These angry feelings. yes, yes. will be replaced
I guess I got up on the wrong side of the world
Oh please
Don't oh please
Don't you
Let me
Let me
Chew chew
chew upon you like a snapping turtle

In the morning when he rises and hears the daily news
There's stories of people getting killed and criminals on the loose
And these are not the kind of things he wants to hear when he wakes
So he goes down to the liquor store and gets a bottle of the great escape
He's seeing life - Through the bottom of a bottle
It's the only way - He can cope with a world he finds so troubled
He's seeing life - Through the bottom of a bottle
It's the only way - He can cope with a world he finds so troubled
Will he get mugged today? Will he get shot?
He's tired of living life inside this paranoia trap
And these are not the kinds of things he wants happening to him
And he don't want to be no victim of sobriety
He's seeing life - Through the bottom of a bottle
It's the only way - He can cope with a world he finds so troubled
He's seeing life - Through the bottom of a bottle

Birds eat worms
Pigs eat turd
If I ever say a discouraging word
slash my face with a rusty rake
It will be something that I deserve
It's not like I live on the street
It's not like I live in a war zone
It's not like I can't afford to eat
It's not like I don't have a home
Birds eat worms
Pigs eat turd
If ever I say a discouraging word
slap my face with a salmon steak
Got no real reason to bitch & complain

What was it like?
Being swallowed up by a mudslide?
Did you think you were goner... did you ever give up hope?
Could you hear?
Could you see?
Did you find it hard to breathe?
How did you get out of there alive?
Oh did it feel like a grave?
Or was it more like a tomb?
Did you thank the nice people who rescued you?
Was it dark?
Was it damp?
Could you feel your muscles cramp?
Could you feel the life being sucked out of you?
Well I'm so happy you're alive, lets put all kidding aside.
Oh tell me what was it like?
Oh tell me what was it like?
Oh please tell me what was it like?

I've got the ragged clothes and the matted down hair
And the cold dark eyes to provide that icy stare
Some day's I'm so weak I feel I'm made of straw
But, unlike a real scarecrow, I do have a heart
I'm feeling like a scarecrow and the people are the crows I've got to look like a menace
So that they don't come too close
But there's one thing that these crows can't see
Sometimes I'm just as afraid of them as they are of me
Everyday these crows rip at me, but I don't budge
I've become so used to them, to their actions I am numb
Oh, but some days ignorance is oh, so hard

Give me your shoes and them I'll lick
Give me your feet and them I'll kiss
Because I would never want to hurt you
And if I did, you know just what I'd do
I'd throw myself off of a bridge
Toss myself off the highest cliff
Hang myself from the rafters above
Because I could not live without your love
When you drop your dress, I drop to my knees
You know me, so eager to please
Because I would never want you to hate me
And if you did, you know just what I'd do...
But wait I just had a change of heart
I no longer need you to cater to my wants
You need care to make it work both ways

No prize for congeniality
Never knew popularity
How this ugly stick had wished
To one day become a swan
Always picked last for sports teams
Got cheated out of my wet dream
I missed out on teenage sex
Was too busy beating off to reader's digest
And I can't help but laugh
at my pathetic past
From now on things will be different
Every day will now be recess
Beaten up by football jocks
Forced to hide in toilet stalls
Chased home by rabid dogs
Somehow survived it all
'Kick Me' sign taped to my back
I had to run out of my art class
Shit rolling out of my slacks

Get up, go to work, then go home and sleep
Get up, go to work again, do this 5 days a week
And it gets you so frustrated, that it just ain't funny
Are you amazed at the things we'll do for this thing called money?
Then what do you do with the money you worked so hard for
Go drown your sorrows at the nearest-by liquor store
In order to survive we need this thing called cash
But to get it will you lick some shoes or kiss some ass?
Does money make your world go round
If you don't have it, do you feel down?
Does money make your world go round
If you don't have it, do you feel down?
Get up, go to work, then go home and sleep
Get up, go to work again, do this 5 days a week
And it gets you so frustrated, that it just ain't funny
Are you amazed at the things we'll do for this thing called money?
Then what do you do with the money you worked so hard for
Go drown your sorrows at the nearest-by liquor store
In order to survive we need this thing called cash
But to get it will you lick some shoes or kiss some ass?
Does money make your world go round
If you don't have it, do you feel down?
Does money make your world go round

There's fire at the end of the block
The people gather round to watch
Well instead of helping they just sit
As helpless people burn to a crisp
Oh! Misfortune - Why? Misfortune
And his dying from this world's misfortune
Well Isn't that misfortune?
Down the stairs falls a handicap
And again the people gather round to laugh
Well it's not his fault he was born that way
Said a person is a person, we're all one in the same
Oh! Misfortune - Why? Misfortune
And his dying from this world's misfortune
Well Isn't that misfortune?
Now you've had a little accident
And your fuckin' body's all gnarled and bent
Said now the shoe is on the other foot
And your once good friends are treating you like shit
Oh! Misfortune - Why? Misfortune
And his dying from this world's misfortune
Well isn't that misfortune?
Said a person is a person, we're all one in the same
Said a person is a person, we're all one in the same
Said M - I - S - F - O - R - T - U - N - E

God forgive me for I've sinned
I've killed all of my family, all of my kin
I lost all control, may do it again
Please rid the world of this devil within me
I feel guilty, I feel guilty
Guilty for my crime
I won't be cured, I won't be cured
Be cured by serving time
I don't want to inflict, I don't want to inflict
The world with more despair
Please let me die, please let me die
in the electric chair
You say that I should live
And suffer in misery
Well, if I do there'll only be more tragedy
I won't learn my lesson till I'm dead
You've got the chance to stop my poison

There's a little monster in each of us
That we like to keep locked up inside
Sometimes these monsters get out
No matter how hard we try
One day mine did escape
Spreading destruction, rath and pain
Afterwards I felt so bad
I felt like should have been hanged
Then I looked and what did I see?
Jesus looking down at me
He said, "You've done a very bad thing,
But I'll still take you under my wing.
And I'll rid you of your inner guilt.
No sense in crying of blood already spilt"
And with a halo I was adorned
He said, "Happy birthday! You've been reborn"
Afterwards I did feel like a new man
Spreading sunshine and warmth as I danced
through the land
I never did hurt a flea
Not with my halo atop of me
I went to a party and I was caught off guard
Someone stole my halo, yes I was robbed
and I felt so bad again
Knowing that I'd never get to the Vatican
Then I looked up and what did I see?
Jesus frowning down at me
Then I looked up and what did I see?
The bad growing inside of me
Then I looked up and what did I see ...

Stuck in a van too far from home
I need some time to be alone
I don't mind the guys, just can't stand their smells
Now I know the meaning of "roadhell"
It's a tour tantrum!
I can't be happy now that I'm broke
My hands, they need a neck to choke
This is all getting too much for me to handle
Spent all my money on incense and candles
It's a tour tantrum!
Tour tantrum on the road
One more mile and I'm gonna explode
Physical violence in the driver's seat

was surfing the ocean blue
hanging ten, that's five times two
Went out too far and it was a struggle
To get back to the shore
Still out too far and it got dark
I sensed a shark, but it was not
That's when I saw the jagged teeth
Of a subversive submarine
Tin fish swimming underneath
I hope it does not feed on me
What does it want? What does it need?
Please swim, swim, swim away!
Somehow made it back to the shore
Was badly bruised by the coral floor
That's when I looked out into the distance to see
The tin fish laughing at me
Tin fish swimming underneath
It chose not to feed on me
What did it want? What did it need?

There are times when I have fallen
To say I haven't would be lying
Some they fall, but never get up
They give in without even trying
You'd be surprised at the ones that slip
Deep into the dark abyss
Never to be seen again
This is a goodbye (to them)
Step into the dark abyss
It's like falling into a bottomless pit
No one stops to hear you hit
The silence can be deafening

On the west side of our town there's a mall that always grows
It feeds on tourists and late night shoppers
And when you least expect it, it will suck your wallet clean but if you're one of the unlucky,
It will make sure that you're never seen again
It's the mall that eats people
Consumers are what it consumes
It's the mall that eats people
And it won't hesitate to snack on you
It's eaten five already, there's bound to be more
Be sure to watch more than your budget
When you enter its doors
Window shoppers are its favorite,
Especially when eaten whole
If you escape with your body intact,

Whenever he gets to feeling low
He stumbles down to the watering hole
He wets his face with a brew
He feels refreshed, he gets real loose
I said help!
Help me fillet my soul
I hope I don't drown
At the watering hole
His friends and him, they gather 'round
Making sure that one of them don't drown
That's not to say that the water never gets
Over their heads at the watering hole
I said help!...
When they get to being old
They'll still visit that watering hole
It will always be there, the locale may change
The effects of it's contents will always be the same
I said help!...
I feel small

I've tipped a few drinks and I've found it there
I've smoked some herb and smelt it in the air
Had it in a moment of sobriety
Wished it could last for all eternity
The quest for fun is never ending
The quest for fun can be nerve bending
For some the quest is easily satisfied
For some it isn't conquered until they die
I've found it in a foreign land
Achieved it with just my right hand
Had it at the expense of others

Songs like these sound the best,
Like when you’re really fuckin’ wasted,
And drinking super, super high test,
And snorting shit that ain’t even illegal yet.
Go shake your heavy metal ass,
Butt don’t you rattle it too fast,
There’s more to life than thrash,
So let’s get stoned and dance!
There’s more to life than thrash,
So let’s get really smashed,
and do the heavy head dance. [x2]
Bang your, Clang your,
Mangle your, Heavy head. [x2]
It’s easier than you know,
Just hang your head real low,
And sway from side to side,
And away you fuckin’ go!
Yeah, I ought to know,
Because I was raging in Chicago,
And I threw out my fuckin’ back!
While doing the heavy head dance.
Yeah, it’s big in fuckin’ France,
And it’s one of the few things that’ll
make a German laugh.
French fries were created in Belgium
not France!
There’s more to life than thrash...
My neck is really sore,
I don’t want to do this anymore.

I thought the climb had ended and I was over the hill
And I seemed to have lost all of my motivational skills
I had to work much harder for some of that easy fun
Yes, just the other day I was a stick in the mud
But I got tired of feeling like shit
So I turned on my happy switch
And I haven't looked back ever since
But sometimes this smile sure hurts my lips
Now the good times come and the bad did go
Every day's like Christmas, every day's like ho! ho! ho!
I know that life can get boring and I know that life
can be mundane

He sits and stares and looks up
At the crack lines on the ceiling
Nothing moves, not even him
He thinks of friends and wonders why
They seem to have such better lives
And he feels so left behind
He takes the eraser end of his trusty pencil
And he rubs it on his forehead
He erases them from his thoughts
Then stabs the pencil through his heart
And he feels much better now
He sits and stares and looks up...

Late in the night, this solemn man he goes to work
Content with his job, placing people into the earth
Heaven or hell? I said that's one thing he can't decide
One thing's for sure, the dead will keep his business alive
Meet the gravedigger, the one who smells like rotting flesh now
He's the gravedigger, he's here to bid you an earthly farewell
This is farewell - This is farewell
No sleep tonight, this old man just ended his health
Tomorrow's the day the gravedigger will bury himself
Who'll fill the holes, now that the old man is gone?
One thing's for sure, the dead will keep coming on and on and on
Meet the gravedigger, the one who smells like rotting flesh now
He's the gravedigger, he's here to bid you an earthly farewell
Into the pit - Yeah, into the pit
Meet the gravedigger, his icy touch will give you the fuckin creeps

When's the last time you've tasted their salty taste?
And you've had their feelings running down your face?
And you've cried and cried till you felt good inside
You cried and cried till your heart wrung dry
Are you the emotional cripple you were taught to be?
If you cry, is it a sign of latency?
To keep your emotions locked up inside
Means you're only living half your life
Sometimes these tears...are out of sadness
Sometimes these tears...are out of madness
Sometimes they're the voice of happiness

I'm feeling strangely strange
I'm in an unstately state
I hope I get better soon
I'm looking like the creature from the black lagoon
I feel strange
I'm in an unstately state
Strangely strange
I'm in an unstately state
My skin is turning green
Reminiscent of a jelly bean
Nothing like you've ever seen
Not even in your worst dreams
I feel strange...
But now I feel okay
Much better than yesterday
When all I wanted was to die
Now I'm happier than a shit covered fly
Much better than yesterday...
There rarely is a day
Where I don't feel strangely strange
Strangely strange
I'm in an unstately state

The TV's loud
It screams at me again
Reminds me of my mom
Fighting with my new step dad
Who the hell are you?
All you do is fuck my mom and eat her food
Why should I listen to you?
You are a stranger to me and you will always be
Paying the rent won't buy you ownership
Stocking the fridge won't get you my respect
Trust and friendship are something you should earn
You sir, are nothing but a wiggly worm
Who the hell are you?
All you do is fuck my mom and eat her food
Why should I listen to you?
You are a stranger to me and you will always be
Who the hell are you?
All you do is fuck my mom and eat her food
Why should I listen to you?

Spaceghost, the twins, and blip
Were busy fighting the cosmic witch
She jumped in her craft and sped away
Leading them on a high speed chase
Spaceghost, the twins, and blip
Defending the cosmos in a spaceship
Spaceghost, the twins, and blip
Exploring the cosmos in a spaceship
Her vessel crashed but she got away
Vowed revenge on spaceghost one day
He raised his fist in victory

Walking death
My heart it hurts
I clench my breath
Does someone have a cigarette?
Seven minutes closer to death...

I'm a mailman and I hate my job
Not half as much as I hate the dogs
The ones that shit throughout my route
Yes, they're the ones I can do without
There you have it. that's my pet peeve
Yes, something that really bothers me
But, not quite as much as working for less
Than fourteen dollars an hour
At night I dream of better days
Back to when there was no S.P.C.A.
For they're the one who'll put me jail
If I choose to make your doggy into "doggy chow"
Ridding the world of dogs would be nice
Not quite as fun as going on strike
And I know that this may not sound important to you

Where's the floor that once felt so secure?
Where are the walls that I once leaned on for support?
They are now gone, and I'm floating and hanging on
I know I can't hang on forever, but I'm gonna try
I'm limping away now...
If I should fall, I hope I don't hit very hard
Cuz I know that there'll be no one there to catch me
I know I'll get by, it'll just take a little time

I wonder what Mon and Dad would say
I wouldn't want to bring them shame
I know one day I'll have to tell them
Oh yes I'll tell them about 'it'
My lovely little Frankenstein
A love like ours is hard to find
My lovely little Frankenstein
A love like ours is blind
It lives up on the darkened hill
Big city life would bring it death
A close personal friend of mine
My lovely little Frankenstein
It listens as I quietly talk
While hand in hand on our nightly walk
I get lost in it's eyes as it stares into mine
