Big Damn Hard Boiled
Muddy Colors Book Review: Big Damn Hard Boiled Author/Artist: Geof Darrow Paperback: 128 p...
published: 11 Dec 2012
author: Muddycolors
Big Damn Hard Boiled
Big Damn Hard Boiled
Muddy Colors Book Review: Big Damn Hard Boiled Author/Artist: Geof Darrow Paperback: 128 pages Publisher: Dark Horse (February 3, 1998) Language: English ISB...- published: 11 Dec 2012
- views: 1367
- author: Muddycolors
Hard Boiled the Videogame for PlayStation PS1 PSX PS2!!
Hard Boiled is based on the Dark Horse comic book of the same name by Frank Miller and Geo...
published: 12 Nov 2006
author: PlayStationMuseum
Hard Boiled the Videogame for PlayStation PS1 PSX PS2!!
Hard Boiled the Videogame for PlayStation PS1 PSX PS2!!
Hard Boiled is based on the Dark Horse comic book of the same name by Frank Miller and Geof Darrow. The comic was regarded as the most violent according to W...- published: 12 Nov 2006
- views: 8881
- author: PlayStationMuseum
Comic Con San Diego 2011 - Rocketbirds: Hard Boiled Chicken
Footage of Rocketbirds: Hard Boiled Chicken during Comic-Con 2011 in San Diego. Brought to...
published: 25 Jul 2011
author: MammothManor
Comic Con San Diego 2011 - Rocketbirds: Hard Boiled Chicken
Comic Con San Diego 2011 - Rocketbirds: Hard Boiled Chicken
Footage of Rocketbirds: Hard Boiled Chicken during Comic-Con 2011 in San Diego. Brought to you by DIYGamer (http://diygamer.com) and Mammoth Manor (http://ma...- published: 25 Jul 2011
- views: 412
- author: MammothManor
Zombie Bot - Chicago Comic Con Wizard World 2013 Zombie Adventure w hardboiled
Sun Bros, Kenneth Rocafort, Umbrella, Deadpool, Thor, Spiderman, Ghostbusters, Hogwarts st...
published: 13 Aug 2013
author: Jp Hardboiled
Zombie Bot - Chicago Comic Con Wizard World 2013 Zombie Adventure w hardboiled
Zombie Bot - Chicago Comic Con Wizard World 2013 Zombie Adventure w hardboiled
Sun Bros, Kenneth Rocafort, Umbrella, Deadpool, Thor, Spiderman, Ghostbusters, Hogwarts students, Hot Chicks all dancing to the Zombie Beats!! Thanks to all ...- published: 13 Aug 2013
- views: 13
- author: Jp Hardboiled
laurel hardy hard boiled eggs
Laurel & Hardy - Some hard boiled eggs and nuts scene - from "County Hospital"(1932 film)....
published: 24 Dec 2013
laurel hardy hard boiled eggs
laurel hardy hard boiled eggs
Laurel & Hardy - Some hard boiled eggs and nuts scene - from "County Hospital"(1932 film). Can someone be comic just eating eggs? Stan Laurel, a master of humor, teaches us that it is possible. Enjoy it!- published: 24 Dec 2013
- views: 8
Black Mask Magazine: The Pioneer of the Hardboiled Detective
"The creation of the private eye in Black Mask magazine remains the most important develop...
published: 20 Aug 2013
Black Mask Magazine: The Pioneer of the Hardboiled Detective
Black Mask Magazine: The Pioneer of the Hardboiled Detective
"The creation of the private eye in Black Mask magazine remains the most important development in the history of mystery fiction in America," explains Otto Penzler of MysteriousPress.com. In this video, Penzler takes us back to the 1920s, to the creation of the now-iconic Black Mask magazine, where mystery greats including Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett, and Carroll John Daly got their start. With an atmosphere evoking that time and place, this video proves that the tough-guy detectives of the hard-boiled mysteries of the 1920s and '30s are not a thing of the past.- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 7
PlayStation 1 Hard Boiled comments
Review/commentary on the PlayStation 1 game "Hard Boiled", based on the comic by Frank Mil...
published: 19 Jun 2010
author: steempy1973
PlayStation 1 Hard Boiled comments
PlayStation 1 Hard Boiled comments
Review/commentary on the PlayStation 1 game "Hard Boiled", based on the comic by Frank Miller and Geof Darrow. By "based".. well, you'll see. Distributed by ...- published: 19 Jun 2010
- views: 171
- author: steempy1973
Hard Boiled Detective Stories in an Intelligent Webcomic
http://addictivecomics.com/blackjackjustice/ The Fan Favorite Podcast from Decoder Ring Th...
published: 12 Jan 2009
author: AddictiveComicsVids
Hard Boiled Detective Stories in an Intelligent Webcomic
Hard Boiled Detective Stories in an Intelligent Webcomic
http://addictivecomics.com/blackjackjustice/ The Fan Favorite Podcast from Decoder Ring Theatre is now a Webcomic! Read Black Jack Justice's adventures weekl...- published: 12 Jan 2009
- views: 1539
- author: AddictiveComicsVids
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Trailer
Getting called a chicken isn't always a bad thing, like in the new game Rocketbirds: Hardb...
published: 19 Jul 2011
author: IGN
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Trailer
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken Trailer
Getting called a chicken isn't always a bad thing, like in the new game Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken. Watch the trailer for some old-school action-platfor...- published: 19 Jul 2011
- views: 82079
- author: IGN
Hard Boiled Hospital Scene
Hospital shootout, including the beatass long take....
published: 06 Feb 2008
author: xtremepizan
Hard Boiled Hospital Scene
Hard Boiled Hospital Scene
Hospital shootout, including the beatass long take.- published: 06 Feb 2008
- views: 182612
- author: xtremepizan
A retro-inspired 5 min. short, that animates pulp comic cover images of the 40's, and 50's...
published: 07 Apr 2007
author: MaribelSantoyo
A retro-inspired 5 min. short, that animates pulp comic cover images of the 40's, and 50's, using retro-era surf music.- published: 07 Apr 2007
- views: 688
- author: MaribelSantoyo
Hard Boiled Movie Review
Check out the Hard Boiled Action. Hard Boiled was directed by Jon Woo and was released in...
published: 17 Nov 2013
Hard Boiled Movie Review
Hard Boiled Movie Review
Check out the Hard Boiled Action. Hard Boiled was directed by Jon Woo and was released in 1992 as a Hong Kong action film. This was his last Hong Kong action film before going over to Hollywood. Visit Site:Innervisionwebdevelopment.com- published: 17 Nov 2013
- views: 17
RORY GALLAGHERS "Kickback City" (Unboxing | German | Mediabook | Comic )
Kaufen bei Amazon: http://amzn.to/1cL1x65
Review: http://www.dvd-fan.net/Joomla_2/index.ph...
published: 09 Nov 2013
RORY GALLAGHERS "Kickback City" (Unboxing | German | Mediabook | Comic )
RORY GALLAGHERS "Kickback City" (Unboxing | German | Mediabook | Comic )
Kaufen bei Amazon: http://amzn.to/1cL1x65 Review: http://www.dvd-fan.net/Joomla_2/index.php/de/review-comic/722-rory-gallagher-kickback-city Video bei Clipfish: http://www.clipfish.de/musikvideos/video/4020691/rory-gallagher-the-making-of-kickback-city/ EIN EINZIGARTIGES ALBUM-PROJEKT BRINGT RORY GALLAGHERS MUSIK UND EINE HARD-BOILED-DETEKTIVSTORY ZUSAMMEN VÖ: 25.Oktober 2013 Label: Sony Music Timothy Truman illustriert Comic für RORY GALLAGHERS "Kickback City" Am 25. Oktober veröffentlicht Sony Music unter dem Titel 'Kickback City' ein außergewöhnliches Album-Projekt, das von Rory Gallaghers Musik und dessen Leidenschaft für hard-boiled-Krimis inspiriert wurde. Das 'Kickback City'-Package besteht aus 2 CDs mit Gallagher-Songs, einer neuen Erzählung des Bestseller-Autors Ian Rankin mit Illustrationen von Timothy Truman, sowie einer Hörspielfassung dieser Story, die von Hollywood-Star Aidan Quinn eingesprochen wurde. Damit können Fans des Ausnahmegitarristen dem VÖ-Termin ebenso entgegenfiebern wie die Krimi-Leser oder Comic-Enthusiasten. Rory Gallagher liebte Bücher über abgebrühte Privatschnüffler von Autoren wie Raymond Chandler und Dashiell Hammett. Viele seiner Kompositionen wurden von ihren Storys und fiktiven Charakteren inspiriert. Die besten davon sind auf 'Kickback City' zu hören. Sie bilden den Soundtrack zu Ian Rankins neuer Erzählung 'The Lie Factory', worin der Autor Rorys Lyrics und Songs geschickt mit der Handlung verwebt. Als Glücksfall für die Produktion von 'Kickback City' erwies sich die Tatsache, dass sich der renommierte Bestsellerautor, bekannt wegen seiner Romane um den Ermittler Detective Inspector John Rebus, als großer Gallagher-Fan outete. Auch Comicfreunde kommen bei 'Kickback City' voll auf ihre Kosten und das liegt an den beeindruckenden Illustrationen der Ian-Rankin-Geschichte, die aus der Feder des Zeichners Timothy Truman (DC Comics/First Comics) stammen. Wie Rankin ist auch er, der seit den 80ern für Comicverlage arbeitet und u.a. wegen seiner Cover- und Poster-Motive für Grateful Dead bekannt wurde, ein großer Fan des viel zu früh verstorbenen Gitarristen. Timothys erste eigene Comic-Serie Grimjack präsentierte als Hauptdarsteller einen Privatdetektiv in futuristischem Ambiente. In der Ausgabe vom November 1984 trifft der Protagonist auf einen Gitarristen namens Jim Lanyon. Auf dem Titelbild ist ein Konzertplakat des imaginären Musikers zu sehen, der eine verblüffende Ähnlichkeit mit Rory aufweist. Timothy Truman dazu: „Ich wurde 1973 auf Rorys Musik aufmerksam, als ich in West Virginia die Highschool besuchte. An einem Freitagabend schaltete ich Don Kirshners TV-Show „Rock Concert" ein und sah ihn dort zum ersten Mal. Er haute mich sofort um. Für mich war er der größten Gitarrist und Live-Act, den ich je gesehen hatte. Seit diesem Abend bin ich leidenschaftlicher Rory-Gallagher-Fan. Timothy war also die Idealbesetzung, um die atemberaubende Bilderwelt zu entwerfen, die die neue Story von Ian Rankin illustriert. Rorys Sound, Ians Story und Timothys Bilder -- drei Männer, eine Vision! Die Verpackung von 'Kickback City' ist so außergewöhlich wie das gesamte Projekt, denn der Einband der illustrierten, 44-seitigen Hardcover-Ausgabe von 'The Lie Factory' dient auch als Hülle für drei CDs: Die Hörspielfassung von 'The Lie Factory', erzählt von Schauspieler Aidan Quinn (Legenden der Leidenschaft, Michael Collins), Rory Gallaghers Compilation mit Krimi inspirierten Songs, sowie erstmals auf CD die Audio Version des LIVE IN CORK Konzertes, das bisher nur als DVD erhältlich war -hier dem Thema entsprechend CRIME IN CORK genannt. Überlassen wir das Schlusswort Ian Rankin, der ein großes Lob an seine Projekt-Kollegen ausspricht: „Ich bin beeindruckt, wie Timothy Truman die Stimmung meiner Geschichte eingefangen hat und auch Aidan Quinn hat einen grandiosen Job gemacht. Seine Stimme erweckt die Hauptfigur zum Leben und lässt dem Hörer trotzdem genügend Spielraum für eigene Interpretationen." 'Kickback City' erscheint am 25. Oktober 2013. DAS RORY GALLAGHER 'KICKBACK CITY'-PACKAGE (physischer Tonträger) ENTHÄLT: - CD 1: KICKBACK CITY/STUDIO-TAKES - CD 2: KICKBACK CITY/LIVE-TAKES - CD 3: The Lie Factory erzählt von Aidan Quinn - The Lie Factory als 44-seitiges Hardcover mit Illustrationen von Timothy Truman - 4 Postkarten mit unterschiedlichen Lie Factory-Motiven Web: www.rorygallagher.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/RoryGallagher- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 116
Youtube results:
Bill and Ted's Excellent Guitar Solea de hardboiled de Chicago de Flamenco Guitar de De
I visited the future in a phone booth where they all did air guitar a la Bill and Ted's Ex...
published: 22 Jul 2013
author: Jp Hardboiled
Bill and Ted's Excellent Guitar Solea de hardboiled de Chicago de Flamenco Guitar de De
Bill and Ted's Excellent Guitar Solea de hardboiled de Chicago de Flamenco Guitar de De
I visited the future in a phone booth where they all did air guitar a la Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. They told me to bring it back with me thus a Sol...- published: 22 Jul 2013
- views: 273
- author: Jp Hardboiled
Killer Is Dead, Sexy Gigolos & Hard-Boiled Assassins - Max Scoville's Study Hall!
Goichi Suda, AKA Suda51, is known for his exceptionally strange and hyper-stylized video g...
published: 20 Aug 2013
Killer Is Dead, Sexy Gigolos & Hard-Boiled Assassins - Max Scoville's Study Hall!
Killer Is Dead, Sexy Gigolos & Hard-Boiled Assassins - Max Scoville's Study Hall!
Goichi Suda, AKA Suda51, is known for his exceptionally strange and hyper-stylized video games. Killer Is Dead looks to be no exception. CHECK OUT THE REST OF STUDY HALL RIGHT HERE: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWnpHOQXsPDurD_LKjNyqgzIEM0mILj2u SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rev3games HELP PAY FOR MAX'S HAIR PRODUCTS BY SIGNING UP FOR GAMEFLY USING THIS LINK: http://www.gamefly.com/studyhall OTHER GAMES BY SUDA51: "No More Heroes" (2007) "Shadows of The Damned" (2011) "Lollipop Chainsaw" (2012) "Killer7" (2005) BOOKS: The James Bond Series by Ian Fleming "Live And Let Die" (1955) MUSIC: Frank Zappa "Apostrophe (')" (1974) "Over-Nite Sensation" (1973) "Sheik Yerbouti" (1979) "Strictly Commercial" (1995) The Smiths "The Queen Is Dead" (1986) MOVIES: "The Killer" (1989) "American Gigolo" (1980) COMICS: "Sin City: Hell And Back" (2000) "100 Bullets" (1999-2009)- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 10994
The Wolf Among Us Episode 1
Hope you enjoy!
You are the Big Bad Wolf...
The Wolf Among Us is a five episode series ba...
published: 13 Apr 2014
The Wolf Among Us Episode 1
The Wolf Among Us Episode 1
Hope you enjoy! You are the Big Bad Wolf... The Wolf Among Us is a five episode series based on Fables (DC Comics/Vertigo), an award-winning comic book series by Bill Willingham. it is a violent, hard-boiled thriller where the characters and creatures of myth, lore and legend are real, and exist in our world. Your choices matter and will change and define the story you experience. My Computer Hardware(from time recorded) 16GB RAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231503 535W Power Supply: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817152049 GTX 760 Graphics Card: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130932 Intel i5 2320 CPU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115091 Motherboard: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157293 Case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119233 Microphone: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000EOPQ7E/?tag=you02c-20- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 158
Frank Miller: Hardboiled pt. 1 - Big Sky Theory
published: 03 Apr 2013
author: Brandon Hex
Frank Miller: Hardboiled pt. 1 - Big Sky Theory
Frank Miller: Hardboiled pt. 1 - Big Sky Theory
- published: 03 Apr 2013
- views: 52
- author: Brandon Hex