
Dispensational LIES - They say the KJV has ERRORS...
Dispensational theology is from Clarence Larkin and C. I. Scofield who claim the King Jame...
published: 25 Feb 2014
Dispensational LIES - They say the KJV has ERRORS...
Dispensational LIES - They say the KJV has ERRORS...
Dispensational theology is from Clarence Larkin and C. I. Scofield who claim the King James Bible is in error. You trust people who correct your Bible to explain it to you? Dispensation is from the root word meaning to dispense or hand out and give something. Moses was given the law and Paul was given the gospel of grace. The word dispensation occurs only four (4) times in the Bible and yet these Bible teachers make it out to be seven (7) periods of time. It has nothing to do with periods of time and ages. There are two (2) dispensations in the Bible of LAW and the GOSPEL of GRACE. It is a false teaching regardless of what your Baptist preacher says. These teachers claim that when the dispensation or age of grace closes after the pre trib rapture that to get "saved" in the tribulation as a 'saint" one must keep the law to be saved or rather salvation by law. Does Scofield line up with the modern versions of the Bible...? in a word - YES (Scofield Reference Bible, 1909 version - Introduction, Page iii) "The discovery of the Sinaitic MS. and the labours in the field of textual criticism of such scholars as Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Winer, Alford, and Wescott and Hort, have cleared the Greek textus receptus of minor inaccuracies,..." READ THAT AGAIN...SCOFIELD says they CLEARED THE TEXTUS RECEPTUS (KJV) OF MINOR INNACCURACIES... " while confirming in a remarkable degree the general accuracy of the Authorized Version of that text. the results of the study of God's Word by learned and spiritual men, in every division of the church and in every land, during the last fifty years, under the advantage of a perfected text, already form a vast literature, inaccessible to most Christian workers." SCOFIELD LIKED OCCULTISTS WESTCOTT AND HORT...? WHY...? THESE ARE SOME OF SCOFIELDS REFERENCE NOTES: Some of Scofield's Margin Notes Here are some comments from the Scofield Reference Bible (1917). Page 1271, 2 Thessalonians, Introduction The theme of Second Thessalonians is, unfortunately, obscured by a mistranslation in the A.V. (KJV) of 2:2 where "day of Christ is at hand" See [1Co 1:8] should be, "day of the Lord is now present" (See [Isa 2:12], ref). Page 1325, 1 John 5:7, margin note "o" It is generally agreed that v.7 has no real authority, and has been inserted THIS IS ONE OF THE 2 TWO STRONGEST VERSES SUPPORTING THE GODHEAD (TRINITY) AND SCOFIELD LINES UP WITH VATICAN MANUSCRIPTS AND WESTCOTT AND HORT AND SAYS THIS VERSE DOES NOT BELONG IN THE BIBLE...? WHY....? Page 1212, 1 Corinthians 1:8, footnote "2" A.V. has "day of Christ," 2Th 2:2 incorrectly, for "day of the Lord" Recognizes that 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 in the KJV actually refutes the pretribulation rapture doctrine, and thus explains that there is therefore is a mistranslation in the KJV that obscures the real meaning. (1917 Scofield Reference Bible, p. 1270)- published: 25 Feb 2014
- views: 68

Against the World - Is Roman Catholicism a Cult?
Welcome to this week's edition of Against the World, as Jerry discusses whether or not Rom...
published: 11 Jan 2013
author: NiceneCouncilcom
Against the World - Is Roman Catholicism a Cult?
Against the World - Is Roman Catholicism a Cult?
Welcome to this week's edition of Against the World, as Jerry discusses whether or not Roman Catholicism can be designated as a cult.- published: 11 Jan 2013
- views: 2093
- author: NiceneCouncilcom

Re: Jesus - No myths, just FACTS from history
Response to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ2r7sMzthc Forgive me for making you sound li...
published: 13 Apr 2007
author: rgbda
Re: Jesus - No myths, just FACTS from history
Re: Jesus - No myths, just FACTS from history
Response to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ2r7sMzthc Forgive me for making you sound like a smurf, but I didn't want to miss anything, Ive only got 10 min...- published: 13 Apr 2007
- views: 114672
- author: rgbda

Jeffress: Satan Behind Catholic Church
Robert Jeffress says the Roman Catholic Church is a result of the Babylonian cult system f...
published: 08 Oct 2011
author: RWW Blog
Jeffress: Satan Behind Catholic Church
Jeffress: Satan Behind Catholic Church
Robert Jeffress says the Roman Catholic Church is a result of the Babylonian cult system found in the Book of Revelation.- published: 08 Oct 2011
- views: 21222
- author: RWW Blog

Blood of Angels - Nox Arcana
By: Nox Arcana Lyrics: Michelle Belanger Album: Blood of Angels We are the twilight and we...
published: 14 Dec 2008
author: deathsweetembrace
Blood of Angels - Nox Arcana
Blood of Angels - Nox Arcana
By: Nox Arcana Lyrics: Michelle Belanger Album: Blood of Angels We are the twilight and we are the dawn. We are the silence when all else is gone. We are the...- published: 14 Dec 2008
- views: 180842
- author: deathsweetembrace

Genesis, Chapter 1 (Douay Rheims Version)
A reading of Chapter 1 from the Book of Genesis; the Bible used is the Douay Rheims versio...
published: 23 Feb 2010
author: SouthernAudio
Genesis, Chapter 1 (Douay Rheims Version)
Genesis, Chapter 1 (Douay Rheims Version)
A reading of Chapter 1 from the Book of Genesis; the Bible used is the Douay Rheims version. For those who want to read along: http://www.drbo.org/chapter/01...- published: 23 Feb 2010
- views: 855
- author: SouthernAudio

The Roman Catholic Influence Behind The Modern Bible Versions by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer
One Book Stands Alone Four Chapters on Line http://www.mccowenmills.com/ How Modern Transl...
published: 18 Apr 2010
author: Dave Flang
The Roman Catholic Influence Behind The Modern Bible Versions by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer
The Roman Catholic Influence Behind The Modern Bible Versions by Dr. Douglas D. Stauffer
One Book Stands Alone Four Chapters on Line http://www.mccowenmills.com/ How Modern Translations Attack The Doctrine of Salvation - http://www.youtube.com/wa...- published: 18 Apr 2010
- views: 5727
- author: Dave Flang

We are called to be Catholic
The first Christians started to call themselves Catholic, they had no idea that so many pe...
published: 19 Jan 2010
author: Steve Silvia
We are called to be Catholic
We are called to be Catholic
The first Christians started to call themselves Catholic, they had no idea that so many people would decide to start their own church, and break away from th...- published: 19 Jan 2010
- views: 4097
- author: Steve Silvia

Enthralling Tales: The Cadaver Synod
The strange and disturbing true story of history's weirdest trial......
published: 04 Aug 2010
author: Autobrots
Enthralling Tales: The Cadaver Synod
Enthralling Tales: The Cadaver Synod
The strange and disturbing true story of history's weirdest trial...- published: 04 Aug 2010
- views: 374
- author: Autobrots

Polar Bear Swim - San Diego Zoo
via YouTube Capture....
published: 24 May 2013
author: Nick Ilyin
Polar Bear Swim - San Diego Zoo
Polar Bear Swim - San Diego Zoo
via YouTube Capture.- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 6
- author: Nick Ilyin

Hippos are your Nightmare!
Jim blows away the myth of the cute hippo and gives you night terrors in the process... Fo...
published: 09 Jun 2010
author: Autobrots
Hippos are your Nightmare!
Hippos are your Nightmare!
Jim blows away the myth of the cute hippo and gives you night terrors in the process... For more pant-wettingly frightening details: http://en.wikipedia.org/...- published: 09 Jun 2010
- views: 398
- author: Autobrots

Akalyte &The; Apologist(D-Major)-The Bible come from
yo! yo! yO! check this track form Akalyte & D major yo! The Bible came from The Bride Of C...
published: 09 Aug 2013
Akalyte &The; Apologist(D-Major)-The Bible come from
Akalyte &The; Apologist(D-Major)-The Bible come from
yo! yo! yO! check this track form Akalyte & D major yo! The Bible came from The Bride Of Christ...The One Holy Catholic & Apostolic Church. back in 393 A.D. The Council of Hippo. Saint Augustine was on some of the synods!- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 4

Hippopotamus (2-20-09)
Our second show with Tyler. Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle IL. 02/20/09....
published: 28 Feb 2009
author: WhosReallyWinning
Hippopotamus (2-20-09)
Hippopotamus (2-20-09)
Our second show with Tyler. Trinity Lutheran Church, Roselle IL. 02/20/09.- published: 28 Feb 2009
- views: 122
- author: WhosReallyWinning

History of Christianity 6: Schism and the Seeds of Schism
In this video, we take a look at the history of the Christian Church during the years 400-...
published: 27 Aug 2010
author: David Withun
History of Christianity 6: Schism and the Seeds of Schism
History of Christianity 6: Schism and the Seeds of Schism
In this video, we take a look at the history of the Christian Church during the years 400-500. We look at the Christological controversies, including St. Cyr...- published: 27 Aug 2010
- views: 20065
- author: David Withun
Youtube results:

67th Camp Luther 2012 ~ Spiritlife
This video is an overview of Camp Luther of the West Virginia - Western Maryland Synod of ...
published: 20 Mar 2013
author: Norma Gensler
67th Camp Luther 2012 ~ Spiritlife
67th Camp Luther 2012 ~ Spiritlife
This video is an overview of Camp Luther of the West Virginia - Western Maryland Synod of the ELCA held each June from Fathers' Day to the following Saturday...- published: 20 Mar 2013
- views: 334
- author: Norma Gensler

Christianity vs Catholicism - Purgatory 1-9
Dr. Walter Martin, founder of the Christian Research Institute debates with Father Mitchel...
published: 21 Oct 2008
author: grone97
Christianity vs Catholicism - Purgatory 1-9
Christianity vs Catholicism - Purgatory 1-9
Dr. Walter Martin, founder of the Christian Research Institute debates with Father Mitchel Pacwa about the doctrine of purgatory.- published: 21 Oct 2008
- views: 2236
- author: grone97

published: 31 Oct 2011
author: predikeitor2
- views: 40275
- author: predikeitor2

Mentiras fundamentales de la Iglesia católica
SOLDADO DEL ÚNICO Comunidad · http://www.facebook.com/pages/SOLDADO-DEL-%C3%9ANICO/1880609...
published: 08 Feb 2012
author: loganalido
Mentiras fundamentales de la Iglesia católica
Mentiras fundamentales de la Iglesia católica
SOLDADO DEL ÚNICO Comunidad · http://www.facebook.com/pages/SOLDADO-DEL-%C3%9ANICO/188060961256650 SOLDADO DEL ÚNICO Grupo abierto http://www.facebook.com/gr...- published: 08 Feb 2012
- views: 90636
- author: loganalido