The Wayback Machine -
Subway Feat 702- This Lil' Game We Play
702 - Where My Girls At
Ray Comfort Interview - The Atheist Experience #702 (full episode)
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 1
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 3
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 4
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 2
Troubleshooting Motherboards - CompTIA A+ 220-702: 1.2
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 5
ROCCO Racing (A Main) TOP NOTCH SERIES (Round 4) - 702 Raceway --OPEN SCT


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Subway Feat 702- This Lil' Game We Play
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:08
  • Updated: 20 Aug 2013

Subway Feat 702- This Lil' Game We Play

Music Video "This Lil' Game We Play" Lyrics: Ooh...] Yo�, baby, you ready to let the games begin (Uh...uh...huh...) [Ooh, baby] Huh, �cause I�m ready (Yeah.....
  • published: 30 Aug 2008
  • views: 1418061
  • author: LaBelllaS2 Feat 702- This Lil' Game We Play
702 - Where My Girls At
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:56
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

702 - Where My Girls At

Music video by 702 performing Where My Girls At. (C) 1998 Motown Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
  • published: 16 Jun 2009
  • views: 2658114
  • author: 702VEVO - Where My Girls At
Ray Comfort Interview - The Atheist Experience #702 (full episode)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 58:33
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013

Ray Comfort Interview - The Atheist Experience #702 (full episode)

Matt Dillahunty and Russell Glasser with guest Ray Comfort. Interview with Ray Comfort. Matt and Russell have a conversation "across the divide" with profess... Comfort Interview - The Atheist Experience #702 (full episode)
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 33:26
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 1

Introduction to CFD, starting from recalling the Navier-Stokes equation and the meaning of each term: unsteady term, convective term, viscous term. Why is CF...
  • published: 22 Jan 2012
  • views: 15530
  • author: bu 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 1
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:56
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013


  • published: 15 Jul 2009
  • views: 1764094
  • author: leroydj702 MIX "SONIDO 702"
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:35
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 3

Review of the FD method. Definition of "order of accuracy" and "big-O notation". FD formulas for the mid-point: gain an order of accuracy. Simplified model e...
  • published: 23 Jan 2012
  • views: 4985
  • author: bu 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 3
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 4
  • Order:
  • Duration: 48:44
  • Updated: 15 Aug 2013

ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 4

Practical module: "12 steps to the Navier-Stokes equations". (Step 1) 1D linear convection. (Step 2) 1D nonlinear convection—can generate shocks. (Step 3) 1D...
  • published: 26 Jan 2012
  • views: 6867
  • author: bu 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 4
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 24:03
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 2

Presents the Finite Difference (FD) method, the basis of which is the approximation of derivatives using nearby points on a spatial grid. The formulas for ba...
  • published: 22 Jan 2012
  • views: 7054
  • author: bu 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 2
Troubleshooting Motherboards - CompTIA A+ 220-702: 1.2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:23
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Troubleshooting Motherboards - CompTIA A+ 220-702: 1.2

See our entire index of CompTIA A+ videos at -- A computer motherboard is a complex component that contains many opportunities for p... Motherboards - CompTIA A+ 220-702: 1.2
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:00
  • Updated: 17 Aug 2013


  • published: 10 Aug 2009
  • views: 11551125
  • author: Martin Pi VIEJITAS PERO CHINGONAS ((DJ)) "702"
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 5
  • Order:
  • Duration: 29:33
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 5

Explicit vs Implicit FD schemes. Using "stencils" for numerical schemes. Crank-Nicolson method. This video is part of the open courseware prepared by Prof. L...
  • published: 26 Jan 2012
  • views: 4881
  • author: bu 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 5
ROCCO Racing (A Main) TOP NOTCH SERIES (Round 4) - 702 Raceway --OPEN SCT
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:09
  • Updated: 22 Feb 2013

ROCCO Racing (A Main) TOP NOTCH SERIES (Round 4) - 702 Raceway --OPEN SCT

Rocco race footage captured at TNS' and 702 Raceway's largest event to date. 248 entries on 02.08.2013 for over 18 hours of action packed racing in a single ... Racing (A Main) TOP NOTCH SERIES (Round 4) - 702 Raceway --OPEN SCT
LXM Pro 702 - Las Vegas
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:06:04
  • Updated: 24 Jul 2013

LXM Pro 702 - Las Vegas

GAME TIME: Sunday Dec 1st 6:15 pm Pacific Time The Lacrosse Network Brings you the sixh stop on the LXM Pro Tour...LXM 702 Las Vegas Team STX takes on Team S... Pro 702 - Las Vegas
ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 6
  • Order:
  • Duration: 30:48
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

ME 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 6

Practical module: "12 steps to the Navier-Stokes equations". (Step 5) 2D linear convection. (Step 6) 2D convection. (Step 7) 2D diffusion (Step 8) Burgers' e...
  • published: 27 Jan 2012
  • views: 3910
  • author: bu 702 - Computational Fluid Dynamics - Video Lesson 6

Subway Feat 702- This Lil' Game We Play

Music Video "This Lil' Game We Play" Lyrics: Ooh...] Yo�, baby, you ready to let the games begin (Uh...uh...huh...) [Ooh, baby] Huh, �cause I�m ready (Yeah.....
  • published: 30 Aug 2008
  • views: 1418061
  • author: LaBelllaS2

Sub­way Feat 702- This Lil' Game We Play
Music Video "This Lil' Game We Play" Lyrics: Ooh...] Yo�, baby, you ready to let the games...
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2008
702 - Where My Girls At
Music video by 702 per­form­ing Where My Girls At. (C) 1998 Mo­town Records, a Di­vi­sion of UM...
pub­lished: 16 Jun 2009
au­thor: 702VE­VO
Ray Com­fort In­ter­view - The Athe­ist Ex­pe­ri­ence #702 (full episode)
Matt Dil­lahunty and Rus­sell Glass­er with guest Ray Com­fort. In­ter­view with Ray Com­fort. Ma...
pub­lished: 29 Mar 2011
ME 702 - Com­pu­ta­tion­al Fluid Dy­nam­ics - Video Les­son 1
In­tro­duc­tion to CFD, start­ing from re­call­ing the Navier-Stokes equa­tion and the mean­ing of...
pub­lished: 22 Jan 2012
au­thor: bu
pub­lished: 15 Jul 2009
au­thor: leroy­d­j702
ME 702 - Com­pu­ta­tion­al Fluid Dy­nam­ics - Video Les­son 3
Re­view of the FD method. Def­i­ni­tion of "order of ac­cu­ra­cy" and "big-O no­ta­tion". FD for­mul...
pub­lished: 23 Jan 2012
au­thor: bu
ME 702 - Com­pu­ta­tion­al Fluid Dy­nam­ics - Video Les­son 4
Prac­ti­cal mod­ule: "12 steps to the Navier-Stokes equa­tions". (Step 1) 1D lin­ear con­vec­tion...
pub­lished: 26 Jan 2012
au­thor: bu
ME 702 - Com­pu­ta­tion­al Fluid Dy­nam­ics - Video Les­son 2
Pre­sents the Fi­nite Dif­fer­ence (FD) method, the basis of which is the ap­prox­i­ma­tion of der...
pub­lished: 22 Jan 2012
au­thor: bu
Trou­bleshoot­ing Moth­er­boards - Comp­TIA A+ 220-702: 1.2
See our en­tire index of Comp­TIA A+ videos at http://​www.​FreeAPlus.​com -- A com­put­er moth­er...
pub­lished: 23 Jul 2010
pub­lished: 10 Aug 2009
au­thor: Mar­tin Pi
ME 702 - Com­pu­ta­tion­al Fluid Dy­nam­ics - Video Les­son 5
Ex­plic­it vs Im­plic­it FD schemes. Using "sten­cils" for nu­mer­i­cal schemes. Crank-Nicol­son me...
pub­lished: 26 Jan 2012
au­thor: bu
ROCCO Rac­ing (A Main) TOP NOTCH SE­RIES (Round 4) - 702 Race­way --OPEN SCT
Rocco race footage cap­tured at TNS' and 702 Race­way's largest event to date. 248 en­tries o...
pub­lished: 12 Feb 2013
LXM Pro 702 - Las Vegas
GAME TIME: Sun­day Dec 1st 6:15 pm Pa­cif­ic Time The Lacrosse Net­work Brings you the sixh st...
pub­lished: 02 Dec 2012
ME 702 - Com­pu­ta­tion­al Fluid Dy­nam­ics - Video Les­son 6
Prac­ti­cal mod­ule: "12 steps to the Navier-Stokes equa­tions". (Step 5) 2D lin­ear con­vec­tion...
pub­lished: 27 Jan 2012
au­thor: bu
Vimeo results:
Perce­beiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
http://​www.​enpiedeguerra.​tv/​percebeiros/​ (12 min) Corto doc­u­men­tal di­rigi­do por David Ber...
pub­lished: 03 Dec 2011
LAID­BACK LUKE at HAZE Night­club Las Vegas
‪http://​www.​jonzombie.​com‬ http://​www.​fb.​me/​jonzombiepro Laid­back Luke was "In The House"...
pub­lished: 22 Dec 2011
au­thor: JON ZOM­BIE
Perce­beiros (Sea Bites) 1280x720
Corto Doc­u­men­tal di­rigi­do por David Be­ri­ain sobre la his­to­ria de Serxio Ces, perce­beiro de...
pub­lished: 03 Dec 2011
Scene 702 @ The Gun Store
pub­lished: 03 Jun 2010
au­thor: Gun Store

Youtube results:
Sun­set Beach: Episode 702
pub­lished: 16 Aug 2011
ME 702 - Com­pu­ta­tion­al Fluid Dy­nam­ics (Lec­ture "zero", part 2)
Pen­cast ex­plain­ing the deriva­tion of the equa­tion of con­ser­va­tion of mo­men­tum in dif­fer­ent...
pub­lished: 22 Jan 2012
au­thor: bu
A sci­ence les­son with Pro­fes­sor Brian Cox on 702 ABC Syd­ney
Sit­ting in a cosy stu­dio with one of the best sci­ence com­mu­ni­ca­tors in the world today, Br...
pub­lished: 13 Nov 2012
ROCCO Rac­ing (A Main) TOP NOTCH SE­RIES (Round 4) - 702 Race­way --OPEN 2WD Buggy
Rocco race footage cap­tured at TNS' and 702 Race­way's largest event to date. 248 en­tries o...
pub­lished: 12 Feb 2013
photo: AP
US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, in the rain for a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013. The handshake between the leaders of the two Cold War enemies came during a ceremony that's focused on Mandela's legacy of reconciliation. Hundreds of foreign dignitaries and world heads of states gather Tuesday with thousands of South African people to celebrate the life, and mark the death, of Nelson Mandela who has became a global symbol of reconciliation.
11 Dec 2013
Article by Corespondent Dallas Darling. Perhaps the United States is once again regaining its revolutionary spirit. But this time instead of a "shot heard around the world," it will be known as the "handshake seen around the world." And instead of George Washington as Commander-in-Chief, the hero will be President Barack Obama as Gesture-in-Chief ... Hands were also thought to be imbued with certain qualities and godlike powers....(size: 4.2Kb)
photo: Public Domain / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer studio
Studio publicity photograph of Eleanor Parker
Edit Entertainment Wise
10 Dec 2013
Eleanor Parker, star of the hit 1965 movie The Sound of Music, died Monday following complications from pneumonia ... Parker received three Oscar nominations for Best Actress with the first two in 1951 and 1952 for her roles as a prison inmate in Caged and as Kirk Douglas's wife in Detective Story. ....(size: 1.5Kb)
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick
11 Dec 2013
NEW DELHI, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) -- In a major blow to India's homosexual community, the country's Supreme Court Wednesday ruled that gay sex between consenting adults would continue to be a criminal offence. A two-judge bench of Justice G.S. Singhvi and Justice S.J ... They had appealed against the ruling before the Supreme Court, which concluded hearings on the issue in March last year ...   Related stories ... Editor.James .Source. Xinhua ... Topics....(size: 4.0Kb)
photo: AP / SABC Pool
In this image from TV, US President Barack Obama shakes hands with Cuban President Raul Castro at the FNB Stadium in Soweto, South Africa, in the rain for a memorial service for former South African President Nelson Mandela, Tuesday Dec. 10, 2013.
Edit Voa News
10 Dec 2013
Tuesday's memorial service for Nelson Mandela generated some informal diplomacy and political controversy, alongside the praise for the late South African president. In a moment caught by television cameras, U.S ... maintains a trade embargo on Cuba ... Mr ... ....(size: 1.2Kb)
photo: AP / Jerome Delay
French troops leave their position near a suspected Seleka, the alliance of mostly Muslim rebel groups, hideout in Bangui, Central African Republic, Monday Dec. 9, 2013.
Edit France24
10 Dec 2013
Two French soldiers have been killed in the Central African Republic, the French presidency announced on Tuesday, as French and African Union troops lead a UN-backed military operation aimed at halting inter-religious violence in the country ... Hollande has called for swift elections in the country ... Relative calm ... ....(size: 1.6Kb)

Edit Fox News
12 Dec 2013
Published December 12, ... He told Radio 702 Thursday he's receiving treatment for schizophrenia and had an episode while on stage. “There was nothing I could do. I was alone in a very dangerous situation. I tried to control myself and not show the world what was going on ... U.S ... "There was zero percent accuracy ... Anyone who doesn’t understand this illness will think that I’m just making this up,” he told Radio 702 ... ....(size: 4.5Kb)
Edit noodls
12 Dec 2013
persons overseas under Section 702 of FISA ... As you know, many of the reports appearing in the media concerning the scope of the Government's intelligence collection efforts have been inaccurate, including with respect to the collection carried out under Sections 215 and 702 ... Directives under Section 702 of FISA....(size: 15.7Kb)
Edit noodls
12 Dec 2013
persons overseas under Section 702 of FISA ... As you know, many of the reports appearing in the media concerning the scope of the Government's intelligence collection efforts have been inaccurate, including with respect to the collection carried out under Sections 215 and 702 ... Directives under Section 702 of FISA....(size: 15.8Kb)
12 Dec 2013
Anyone with any information concerning this incident is urged to contact the LVMPD Homicide Section at (702) 828-3521 or Crime Stoppers by phone at 385-5555 or on the visit the ......(size: 1.0Kb)
Edit Springfield News-Sun
12 Dec 2013
He told Radio 702 Thursday he's receiving treatment for schizophrenia and had an episode while on stage ... The Star quoted him as saying ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit Seattle Post
12 Dec 2013
He told Radio 702 Thursday he's receiving treatment for schizophrenia and had an episode while on stage ... The Star quoted him as saying ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit Mail Guardian South Africa
12 Dec 2013
Thamsanqa Dyantyi was unapologetic about his sign language interpreting at Nelson Mandela's memorial at FNB Stadium in an interview with Talk Radio 702 on Thursday. . Dantyi also revealed that although he was not comfortable talking about his medical status in public, he is receiving treatment for schizophrenia ... ....(size: 1.7Kb)
Edit Reuters
12 Dec 2013
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - A South African sign language interpreter accused of gesticulating gibberish during a memorial to Nelson Mandela defended his "champion" performance on Thursday, but said he may have suffered a schizophrenic episode while on stage ... "There was nothing I could do. I was alone in a very dangerous situation ... I am very sorry ... I think that I've been a champion of sign language," he told Talk Radio 702 ... "Absolutely....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit Stuff
12 Dec 2013
A South African sign language interpreter accused of gesticulating gibberish during a memorial to Nelson Mandela defended his "champion" performance on Thursday, but said he may have suffered a schizophrenic episode while on stage ... "There was nothing I could do. I was alone in a very dangerous situation ... I am very sorry ... "Absolutely, absolutely. I think that I’ve been a champion of sign language," he told Talk Radio 702 ... "Absolutely....(size: 2.8Kb)
Edit noodls
12 Dec 2013
(Source. Debbie Stabenow). Clean energy manufacturing in Michigan will get a boost from a $400,000 competitive grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Carl Levin announced today ... Some of the specific work includes developing technology roadmaps, asset maps and supply/value chain analysis ... Today's $400,000 competitive federal grant will be matched with $302,500 for a total project cost of $702,500 ... (noodl....(size: 2.6Kb)
Edit DNA India
12 Dec 2013
A South African sign language interpreter accused of gesticulating gibberish during a memorial to Nelson Mandela defended his "champion" performance on Thursday, but said he may have suffered a schizophrenic episode while on stage ... "There was nothing I could do. I was alone in a very dangerous situation ... I am very sorry ... I think that I';ve been a champion of sign language," he told Talk Radio 702 ... "Absolutely....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit London Evening Standard
12 Dec 2013
Thamsanqa Jantjie made the claim as South African deaf people revealed that he repeatedly signed the words for "prawn" and "rocking horse" during politicians' speeches at Tuesday's football stadium event ... He started hearing voices, he claimed, and hallucinating ... I am very sorry ... Bizarrely, he also told the city's 702 radio station that he was "absolutely" happy with his work at the Mandela event ... ....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit London Evening Standard
12 Dec 2013
Thamsanqa Jantjie made the claim as South African deaf people revealed that he repeatedly signed the words for "prawn" and "rocking horse" during politicians' speeches at Tuesday's football stadium event ... He started hearing voices, he claimed, and hallucinating ... I am very sorry ... Bizarrely, he also told the city's 702 radio station that he was "absolutely" happy with his work at the Mandela event ... Related ....(size: 3.3Kb)

Year 702 (DCCII) was a common year starting on Sunday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar. The denomination 702 for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Ray Comfort (born 5 December 1949) is a New Zealand-born Christian minister and evangelist. Comfort started Living Waters Publications and The Way of the Master in Bellflower, California and has written a number of books.

Comfort was born to a Jewish mother and a father who he described as "a Gentile [who] was open to the things of God". According to Comfort's autobiography, his parents put "Methodist" on his birth certificate because his mother feared the possibility of "another Hitler", but he was given no religious instruction as a child. After finishing high school at 17, he worked in a bank, and began a successful business when he was 20. He became increasingly religious, and at 22 began seven years training at a local church, after which he was ordained as a full-time pastor. He then spent three and a half years pastoring in Christchurch, New Zealand, and 12 years preaching open-air in the city's Speaker's Corner. Beyond this, he has no formal training or theological degree. In his mid-20s, he began receiving invitations to speak internationally. In 1989, he accepted an invitation to join the pastoral staff at the non-denominational Calvary Chapel in Southern California. Ray Comfort nonetheless identifies himself as a Jew.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Luke Aquinas Foley (born 1970), an Australian politician, is a member of the New South Wales Legislative Council since 10 June 2010 representing the Australian Labor Party. Foley is the Leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Council, the Shadow Minister for the Environment and Climate Change, the Shadow Minister for Water, and the Shadow Minister for Energy.

Foley is the twin child of John and Helen Griffen-Foley. He graduated from the University of New South Wales with a Bachelor of Arts. Commencing working life as a telemarketer for the Guide Dog Association of NSW, Foley became NSW President of the National Union of Students, and then worked in the office of Labor Senator Bruce Childs. Between 1996 and 2000 he was a union organiser with the NSW branch of the Australian Services Union and became Secretary of that branch between 2000 and 2003. A member of Labor's left faction, prior to his appointment to the Legislative Council, Foley was the Assistant General Secretary of the New South Wales Labor Party.

This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

I anticipate- you told me that you wouldn't be late
Boy here I wait
Got the candles lit so boy don't you hesitate
Prepare to be amazed
I'll bend to every move that you make
You can have it your way
I got the wine on ice
Cause I'm sure we'll be up late
You got me buggin-buggin
For you I'm always open
More kisses and more huggin
Lovin' everything you do to me
No matter what the time is
You are always invited
On me; I'll never fight it
Don't take me wrong
Just wanna turn you on
Come and knock on my door
I've been waiting on you
Cause your love is on time
Can't get enough of you
Can't be faking what's real
I'll just tell you what true
Come as fast as you can
I want everything to go as planned
Cause tonight you're gonna win
Ready to give in - cause you're not that average man
It's been a long time since
I let my guards down and let you in
It was you that I missed
Lets cut right to the chase
And come handle it
[HOOK repeat]

Will you be ok
If I go away
Wish that I could stay
Say you'll be ok
I know that it hasn't been long
& yet it seems our likin'
Has grown into love
You know that we knew all along
That in a little while
I'll be gone
Still I need to know
If I go
Will you be ok
If I go away
Wish that I could stay
Say you'll be ok
I can tell by the look in your eyes
You're tryin' to hide what you're feelin' inside
But go on & cry
I know I can't promise you when
But we're gonna see each other again
Until then I gotta know if you're ok
Believe me
I don't really wanna believe in
That you can always call me
When you need me
It'll be ok
It'll be ok
You know
It doesn't really matter where I go
Cuz I'll be keepin' you in my heart
So you're never far away
Will you be ok
If I go away
Wish that I could stay
Say you'll be ok
Will you be ok
If I go away
Wish that I could stay
Say you'll be ok
Believe me
I don't really wanna believe in
That you can always call me
When you need me
It'll be ok
It'll be ok
You know
It doesn't really matter where I go
Cuz I'll be keepin' you in my heart
So you're never far away
Will you be ok
If I go away
Wish that I could stay
Say you'll be ok
(Repeat till end)

Let ya hair down
When you're up in the club and don't wanna get crunk
Let ya hair down
When you think you're too cute to rock your own suit
Let ya hair down
Why u sittin at the bar acting like u a star
Let ya hair down
Quit stressing your looks and rock to this hook
[Verse 1:]
{MEELAH} I see ya in the corner
{MISHA} (With your nose up high actin all anti)
{MEELAH} You're looking out of place
{MISHA} (What's the point why did you come to this joint)
{MEELAH} Ya puttin too much on it
{MISHA} (Your attitude ain't even wanted)
{MEELAH} Just have a good time
{MISHA} (Relax and let the tension unwind)
[Verse 2:]:
{MEELAH} Look over your shoulder
{MISHA} (Everybody's sweating you couldn't be colder)
{MEELAH} Did you wear the wrong shoes
{MISHA} (or is this party just too ghetto for you)
{MEELAH} Acting like an outcast
{MISHA} (Frontin like you just don't wanna dance)
{MEELAH} Why you trippin' when you
{MISHA} (Brought yourself on you-ain't nothing left to do but)
[Break:]{MISHA} [irish]
We keep it moving- it's moving [movin]
We keep it jumping- it's jumping [jumpin]
It's non stoppin' - it's poppin' [poppin]
Can u feel the heat [heat]
You need to get out your seat [seat]
You wanna bounce to this beat [beat]
You need to get on your feet [feet]
And just join in with me [me]
[Hook repeat until fade]

You say you wanna be the one
But still you leave the job undone
You only call me when you're free
But you know that it ain't good enough for me
You're always dippin' with your friends
As if you're ????
And know your knockin' on my door
Well I guess you were too busy before
You better make time if you wanna be with me
Can't you see
Show me I got everything you need
You better think twice if you wanna be with me
Next to me
If you wanna take a ride
You better make the time
You better make time if you wanna be with me
Show me I got everything you need
You better think twice if you wanna be with me
Next to me
If you wanna take a ride
You better make the time
There's other places I can be
If you're not there
You might see
Me out there with somebody else
If you do
You can only blame it on yourself
I'm feeling you without a doubt
But I know I can do without
So don't you call me on the phone
Late at nite when you don't wanna be alone
Don't wanna be part-time lovers (don't wanna be your part-time lover)
It's gotta be one or just another
You better make time if you wanna be with me
Can't you see
Show me I got everything you need
You better think twice if you wanna be with me
Next to me
If you wanna take a ride
You better make the time
You better make time if you wanna be with me
Show me I got everything you need
You better think twice if you wanna be with me
Next to me
If you wanna take a ride
You better make the time
Gonna have to show me (gonna have to show me)
If you wanna be my one & only (if you wanna be my one & only)
You're gonna have to prove it to me (prove it)
Don't wanna be part-time lovers (I don't wanna be no, no)
It's gotta be one or just another
You better make time if you wanna be with me
Can't you see
Show me I got everything you need
You better think twice if you wanna be with me
Next to me
If you wanna take a ride
You better make the time
You better make time if you wanna be with me
Show me I got everything you need
You better think twice if you wanna be with me
Next to me
If you wanna take a ride
You better make the time
(Repeat till end)

See he's my property
And any girl that touch
I might just call your bluff
Cuz I don't give a- Whoooo
Are you call my cell
Oh I'ma wish you well
Cuz any girl that tried has failed
Where my girls at
From the front to back
Well is you feelin' that
Well put one hand up
Can you repeat that
Tryin' to take my man
See I don't need that
So don't play yourself
Where my girls at
From the front to back
Well is you feelin' that
Well put one hand up
Can you repeat that
Tryin' to take my man
See I don't need that
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Don't you violate me
Cuz I'ma make ya hate me
If you decide to mess with mine
Chop you down to size
Make ya realize
You done messed up this time
You must learn the rules
don't come close to
Anything that belongs to me
He is my
My property
So don't you see
(Repeat till end)

When you're alone with me
I know that this could be..
I can't help myself baby although I try
You're the flame that turned into a fire
And baby there's someone else in my life
But what you got, it keeps on callin
When you're alone with me
I know that this could be
But I'm down to take a chance
Cause I kinda got a man
And I don't know what to do
Cause I'm really feeling you
When you're alone with me
I know that this could be
You don't know if he finds just what he'll do
So I'm telling you that there's a lot to lose
If he knew what we did, he'd act a fool
So lets be smart about this baby
When you're alone with me
I know that this could be
When you're alone with me
I know that this could be
As we proceed
(tell me if you're really sure)
I'm what you need
(can you handle what's in store)
I know it's wrong
(but the way I feel for you is strong)
If this keeps going on this could be dangerous
When you're alone with me
I know that this could be
When you're alone with me
I know that this could be Trouble

What we had was a thing of the past and recall
showerin u wit girfts u neva had to ask
though love was a real damn near gave u my last braslet
with the carrets drinkin drinks classed out that was me
now ur alone and empty bitta to put it simply i know u miss me
and that must be a hard pill to swolla
i feel for your man i'm a hard act to folla
{Verse 1}
How I find the time to think about
what we had before
When everybody that I know
is dancing on the floor
Since you left the time
it's been so slow
Any corner of my mind
Where else can I go
See I need you boy
I honestly think I'm impair my health
See I need you boy
That's probably why I dance with myself
Your my star{my star}
i start to wonder how u shine
no matta how far{no matta how far u are}
i'm dancin with u in my mind
{Verse 2}
Baby it's cool with me
You left it off as friends
But I know it won't be long
until it's on again
You're the harmony
To every note
You can call me psychic if you like
Whatever floats your boat
See I need you boy
I honestly think I'm impair my health
See I need you boy
That's probably why I dance with myself
We used to walk and talk
And you would hold my hand
By the time we finished talking
We were running out of land
Now I can't wait until
We move together again
Oh baby
You know I miss you so much
It's like you got the Midas touch
{Second Rap}
You came to home to water front castle
hoped in my king sized bed and we wrestled
closet full of thousand shoes with the tasle
you heard the chef you know what he asked you
what u like to eat? mean while donatella on the other
line askin the size of ur feet we laughed all day
nights wew treaused damnits a sham that we couldn't
stay together.
We used to walk and talk
And you would hold my hand
By the time we finished talking
We were running out of land
Now I can't wait until
We move together again

[VERSE 1]{meelah}(misha & irish)
Everything you do is gonna hurt you
(you should know that's)
just how things are boy you can't have me
(don't mistake me)
for the average girl I don't come easy
(you gotta work for it)
can't be wasting my time
you don't deserve me- see there is no way
You want something
But you're talking bout' nothing
One day you'll be wishing
You'll come to realize there's no way
You can get it
Ya tired game you should fix it
Must've got me twisted
Ya same old lines I can't take
No way
(La, la la la la la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la la la)
[VERSE 2]{meelah}(misha & irish)
My game is so tight you can't fade me
(I'm not that type)
To come a dime a dozen baby yeah
(check yourself and)
Go find somebody else don't play me
(let me be real)
It's irritating I can't fake it, won't you spare me..
(LA, la la la la la la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la)

He rules
Little rules, little rules
He's as cute as can be
Sharp as a tack
He's a brother like no other
And he's all that
He rules
Little rules, little rules
He's got plenty of cheese
If you know what I mean
He's s charismatic addict
And as fly as can be
Nobody's ever been down for me like him
He calls the shots every where he goes
He's the kind of mouse everybody wants to know
I know you think I'm crazy
But he's my blood, my blood
You cats better not mess with us
Unless you wanna get roughed up
He rules
Little rules, little rules
He's as cute as can be
Sharp as a tack
He's a brother like no other
And he's all that
He rules
Little rules, little rules
He's got plenty of cheese
If you know what I mean
He's s charismatic addict
And as fly as can be
We keep it all in the family
That's how we do (how we do, uh)
He never leaves my side no matter where I go
He's a brother I always wanted and more
Sometimes we just act crazy
Cause we're just kids, just kids
He'll do anything I ask him to
And he don't even care what it is, yeah, yeah
He rules
Little rules, little rules
He's as cute as can be
Sharp as a tack
He's a brother like no other
And he's all that
He rules
Little rules, little rules
He's got plenty of cheese
If you know what I mean
He's s charismatic addict
And as fly as can be
Little has the world in the palm in his hands, ooh
He can do no wrong in their eyes
Everybody needs a Stuart Little, yeah
He'll have you laughing all the time
Uh, uh, uh, uh
Say Stuart
(Stuart Little, Little, Little)
Say Stuart
(Stuart Little, Little, Little)
Can you hear me say Stuart?
On the right say Stuart
On the left say Stuart
In the middle say Stuart
Come on Little Stuart come on whoo!
He rules
Little rules, little rules
He's as cute as can be
Sharp as a tack
He's a brother like no other
And he's all that
He rules
Little rules, little rules
He's got plenty of cheese
If you know what I mean
He's s charismatic addict
And as fly as can be
Stuart Little, Stuart Little

intro: you dont know
what we go through
so i'm singin this song for you

You got a lot of character
The way that you carry yourself
The way you talk to me
You was tangible, so respectful, unforgettable
Baby I love the way you be wit me
So why you coming at me about these material thangs
When I've never asked you for nothin
It don't matter bout what you be havin
Boy stop it
'Cause I could care less what you got in your pocket
Even though I must admit it's hot
When you stop and the wheels keep spinning
That's not the reason why I'm wit it
It don't fade me
I'm happy that youre out there makin your money
And yeah I like it we in the drop
And the top down wind be blowin
That's not the reason why I'm wit it
You got good manners
You always be to yourself
You really impress me
So don't go messing up
Bein silly 'cause
'Cause you got your trust
I understand you're doing good
But don't let that go to your head
Cause I could do with it
Or I could do without it
And don't you ever get it twisted
Why you trippin on the things you have
The things that you have
And the things that you got
See I'm not trippin on where you live
Or the kind of car that you drive
You've got yours and I've got mine
So don't you get to trippin
ad lib
till fade out

Here's the story bout a ghetto girl
Livin' in a ghetto world
Against the world alone
Problems in her ordinary life
Make you wanna run and hide
She can never get it right
Like the seasons when they change
Nothing ever stays the same
Surrounded by pain and empty dreams
So I pray (I'm praying for a better day)
There's gotta be a better day
New day
Gotta be a better way
I'm tryna find a better way
See many times she didn't have a dime
When the bills would multiply
Contemplated suicide
And momma never had that special touch
Her daddy touched her way too much
Finally she had enough
Like the seasons when they change
Nothing ever stays the same
Surrounded by pain and empty dreams
And she's so alone
Living in the ghetto
I'm praying for a better day - oooooohhhhh
I'm tryna find a better place
Baby don't you cry
Hush little baby
Please don't you cry
Baby there's no need to cry
Just reach for the sky
Don't worry baby
You'll be alright
So learn to smile
Kiss your tears goodbye
She was a little ghetto child (I'm praying for a better day)
And then she turned her life around
Another day (I'm tryna find a better way)
And I gotta find another way
Baby don't you cry
Dry your eyes
You can spread your wings and learn to fly - high, high.....
(For a better day)
Baby dry your eyes (Oh a better day)
You can spread your wing and learn to fly - high, so high.....
Baby don't you cry (I'm praying for a better day)
You can spread your wings and learn to fly - high, high.....
(Her mother didn't have that touch, no, and daddy touch her way too much)
Baby dry your eyes
You can spread your wings and learn to fly - high, so high......
Said she gotta get outta the ghetto, oh yes...

Something about you
I can't live without
Want you to be with me, yea
Got me losing control and I can't let you go,
here is where you need to be,yea
Feeling your energy and it's killing me,
my baby I like your steez,
you been moving me so drastically.
I'll do anything you please
Only you on my mind, and it's hard to define
what makes me into you
just like Venus and Mars we were written in the stars
thinking we should continue
Maybe I should just fake it cause boy I can't take it
this can't be circumstance
I'm in disbelif so many feelings
and love deserves a chance.
Feelings, nothing but these funny, funny feelings
everything about you is appealing
nothing but these funny, funny feelings
Amazing, feelings
Infatuation got me doing strange things
We should think about forever,
maybe, nothing but these funny, funny feelings (feelings)
From the limp in your walk
and the slang in your talk
Just your style overall is sweet, yea
From your head to your feet
kissing you makes me weak
you make me wanna be sneaky
with your sexy eyes, oh I can't deny
got me hypnotised so deep
Your my type of guy, hitting you gets me high
Sing a love unfair with me
I just wanna be your only queen on the throne
of eternity
Cause our chemistry is amazingly overall a growing sea
I can't run from my heart
you were mine from the start
Just until I let you breathe
whatever your just my type
and I gotta be your wife
cause I need you in my life
(need you in my life)

Here's the story bout a ghetto girl
Livin' in a ghetto world
Against the world alone
Problems in her ordinary life
Make you wanna run and hide
She can never get it right
Like the seasons when they change
Nothing ever stays the same
Surrounded by pain and empty dreams
So I pray (I'm praying for a better day)
There's gotta be a better day
New day
Gotta be a better way
I'm tryna find a better way
See many times she didn't have a dime
When the bills would multiply
Contemplated suicide
And momma never had that special touch
Her daddy touched her way too much
Finally she had enough
Like the seasons when they change
Nothing ever stays the same
Surrounded by pain and empty dreams
And she's so alone
Living in the ghetto
I'm praying for a better day - oooooohhhhh
I'm tryna find a better place
Baby don't you cry
Hush little baby
Please don't you cry
Baby there's no need to cry
Just reach for the sky
Don't worry baby
You'll be alright
So learn to smile
Kiss your tears goodbye
She was a little ghetto child (I'm praying for a better day)
And then she turned her life around
Another day (I'm tryna find a better way)
And I gotta find another way
Baby don't you cry
Dry your eyes
You can spread your wings and learn to fly - high, high…..
(For a better day)
Baby dry your eyes (Oh a better day)
You can spread your wing and learn to fly - high, so high…..
Baby don't you cry (I'm praying for a better day)
You can spread your wings and learn to fly - high, high…..
(Her mother didn't have that touch, no, and daddy touch her way too much)
Baby dry your eyes
You can spread your wings and learn to fly - high, so high……
Said she gotta get outta the ghetto, oh yes…..

Seven (seven) Irish
Seven (seven) Irish
Play back

Two (two)
Two (two)
2 be or not 2 be that is the question

Seven (seven) IrishSeven (seven) IrishPlay back

oh yeah
oh yeah yeah
its like i hear it everyday
how you gon' dog me out
dont know what their talkin 'bout
they dont even know you
tell me your caught up in the streets
as if they follow you
watchin your every move
they have to much time on their hands
they say
they say you're bad for me
they say you're no good
don't want us happy
i say its jealousy
they just wishin they could be me
dont even look at them as friends
more so acquaintances
just cant be trusted with shit
they're so quick to backstab you
this happened to me many times
they plan seeds of doubt and
try to take whats rightfully mine(mine)
but i can see right through their attempts
tryin to turn me against you
they say youre bad for me
they say youre no good
dont want us happy
i say its jealousy
they just wishin they could be me
and they said we'll break up
why dont i just wake up
i say we foul them
its jealousy
they just wishin they could be me
they say youre bad for me
they say your no good
dont want us happy
i say its jealousy
their just wishin they could be me
they say we'll just break up
why dont i just wake up
i say we fool them
its jealousy
they just wishin they could be me

You & me (702)
Why'd you leave
I gave you everything
?So why won't you tell me
Why you mean so much to me?
You know I can't believe
That you would have me open like you do
Now whata girl gotta do
To make you see
That we should be together - you & me
I want your love
I get excited
I can't fight it
Baby, you just don't know
You don't know
What you do
Got me lovin' you
So please don't go
Cuz you don't know what you do
Got me all over you
& I don't know what to do about us
You don't know
What you do
Got me lovin' you
So please don't go
Cuz you don't know what you do
Got me all over you
& I don't know what to do about us
Can't you see
That you're hurtin' me
Fill me Up
Let me down, down (down)
Oh, ain't never felt this way before (no, no)
Don't walk out the door (uh uh)
I can't take it no more
Baby, whata girl gotta do
To make you see
That we should be together - you & me
I want your love
I get excited
I can't fight it
Baby, you just don't know
You don't know
What you do
Got me lovin' you
So please don't go
Cuz you don't know what you do
Got me all over you
& I don't know what to do about us
You don't know
What you do
Got me lovin' you
So please don't go
Cuz you don't know what you do
Got me all over you
& I don't know what to do about us
Don't you see
Your killin' me
You just don't know
I like your flow
Come dig me though
Can't take no more
Uh huh (oh)
Uh huh
Uh huh (702)
Uh huh
Just don't know (yea)
You just don't know
What you do
Got me lovin' you
So please don't go
Cuz you don't know what you do
Got me all over you
& I don't know what to do about us
You don't know
What you do
Got me lovin' you
So please don't go
Cuz you don't know what you do
Got me all over you
& I don't know what to do about us
(Repeat till end)

There'll be no tomorrow,
There's just Yesterday.
Ever since you left me,
Nothing's been the same.
Verse 1:
We made plans to spend life togeather,
We made plans to make me your wife.
We would do whatever we indever,
And now you've taken a part of my heart.
Heres today were's tomorrow with you
There'll be no tomorrow,
There's just Yesterday.
Ever since you left me,
Nothing's been the same.
There'll be no tomorrow,
There's just Yesterday.
Ever since you left me,
Nothing's been the same.
Verse 2:
No doubt about it,
I told you everything about this.
But there's somethings,
you just don't know about me.
I never told you bout the love,
That I feel for you.
Cause you can never find love,
In an hour or two.
Bridge: (Once)
There'll be no tomorrow,
There's just Yesterday.
Ever since you left me,
Nothing's been the same.
There'll be no tomorrow,
There's just Yesterday.
Ever since you left me,
Nothing's been the same.
Verse 3:
Yesterday has passed away,
Today is just here today.
Tomorrow seems so far away,
Without you here, here to stay
Yesterday has passed away,
Today is just here today.
Tomorrow seems so far away,
Without you here, here to stay
Tomorrow's almost here,
I have to live another day without you.
There'll be no tomorrow,
There's just Yesterday.
Ever since you left me,
Nothing's been the same.
There'll be no tomorrow,
There's just Yesterday.
Ever since you left me,
Nothing's been the same.

See everybody needs someone by their side
And I can't go on without you another night
Since companionship's been gone
My life has been so slow without you, you
See it don't take a rocket scientist to know I love you
And it don't take a rocket scientist to know I need you
See if you believe that you and me can change the world someday
Then you'll believe me when I say
I still love you
I still love you
I decided I still love you
I still love you
I decided
So what do you think
Lets get back together (lets get back together)
There's nothin' it could hurt
It could only get better
Think of what it last felt like
For you and I to turn out nice
Into forever
See it don't take a rocket scientist to know I love you
And it don't take a rocket scientist to know I need you
See if you believe that you and me could change the world someday
Then you'll believe me when I say
Never dreamed I'd be so happy and sure of myself
Baby life without you is so dark (so dark so dull)
Now I know it'll never be me lovin' someone else
This precious love
You're my shining star
I remember when we first fell in love
I was too young to know what it was
I couldn't address what made me melt
But quick to tell you how it felt
That love was so real
And it still is
(Duet with Pharrell)
Just think of the things we planned to do, me and you
Like changing the face of the moon that we once knew
So long as the sun is yellow, oceans are blue
And then we can laugh and cry in the days and nights too

I couldn't breath
I couldn't see
I couldn't think
I cannot believe
How good it felt when we touched
Yea, yea
I couldn't fight
I couldn't try
I couldn't hide
I cannot deny
That lightening can stike more than once
Finally I know everything is possible
Finally I know everything that some things our beyond our control
Finally I know all is fair in love & war
Finally I know there's no need for keeping score
No need to worry
I didn't see
I didn't want
I didn't need
I did not recognize
That love was ther inside your ride, yea
I didn't say
I didn't ask
I didn't complain
I did not resign
But somethin' happened that felt so right
I was so amazed by the magic that I found in you (that I found in you)
I can't descibe it
But I know that I like it - what you do
Finally I know everything is possible
Finally I know everything that some things our beyond our control
Finally I know all is fair in love & war
Finally I know there's no need for keeping score
No need to worry
Finally I know that life has a guarantee
& nuthin' tears the flame
& everything must shame
Finally I've come to realize
That there is a reason for every season
I was so amazed by the magic that I found in you
(that I, that I found found in you)
I can't descibe it
But I know that I like it - what you do (what you do)
Finally I know everything is possible
Finally I know everything that some things our beyond our control
Finally I know all is fair in love & war
Finally I know there's no need for keeping score
No need to worry
(Repeat till end)

here we go again,
your about to cry, i a'm about to listen to
another n*!&az; lies.
everytime you call you want good advice,
everytime you ask i tell you everythings alright.
first you let it go,
gave him one more chance
this time makes number three, it's a different circumstance,
women on the side, baby mamma's too, this time i can't hold back
i think he's running game on you
(chorus) if you don't know where your man is
and he's left you home with both of your kids
girl your man's a hoe
a player
a certified hoe, (hoe,hoe,hoe)
if he can't call home to explain
and all of a sudden everything has changed
girl your man's a hoe
a player
a certified hoe.
you say your man get's off from work at nine
so why'd he turn his cell phone off til one o'clock at night
i'm try'ner tell you like a friend
that if you think you smell fish, you do girlfriend (he's been cheating on you)
don't take a blind amn to see
that your just holding on for what you wish that this could be
but see, everyman's got his own set of rule,
lines that he won't cross if he's being true to you (ooh, ooh)
(chorus) if you don't know where your man is
and he left you home with both of your kids
girl your man's a hoe
a player
a certified hoe (hoe, hoe, hoe)
if he can't call home to explain (why why)
and all of a sudden everything has changed
girl your man's a hoe
a player
a certified hoe.
(and i don't wanna)
bridge: see i don't to come across
like i'm coming down on all of my players
but if you got a family, waiting at home,
you should be there, you should be there.
this goes out to all of my ladies and the fella's, waiting for someone
they love to come home.
if their not there, and they should be there
then it's certified,(certified)
he's a certified hoe (hoe ooh, ooh)
if you don't know where your man is
and he left you home with both of your kids
girl your man's a hoe
a player
a certified hoe (hoe, hoe, hoe)
if he can't call home to explain
and all of a sudden everything has changed
girl your man's a hoe
a player
a certified hoe
repeat chorus until end (and ad libs)

I've been watching you
Wondering when you
When you gon' notice that
I've been looking, all the while
Just been hoping that maybe
I can get you right where I want you
I heard that you got a girl, but I can't sweat that none
‘Cause when I see something I want, I get what I want
Betcha she don't do you like me
Betcha top dollar she don't move you like me
Betcha she
Betcha that she don't turn you on
You know that I'm the one you really want
Betcha she can't rock it like me
Bet you all I got she ain't hotter than me
Betcha she don't, betcha she won't
I gotta be up front (who knows)
And if I sound real blunt (hey)
It's only ‘cause I'm the type to put my feelings on the line
Every time I see something I like
Your girl says she loves you but
I cannot pay attention to anything I hear from her
Boy you know she must not be
Trying to keep a hold on you while you're here with me
You're so fine
I want you to be the one
I call mine for sure
‘Cause she's not right (no)
I ain't trying to be a hater or nothing,
But let me tell you something
She lost her game
thats why I gotta do my thing
[HOOK (Repeat)]

I've got to find me a new guy
Mmm, Butterfly hah
Dimples, Meelah, Orish
702, yeah
Mmm, hah
Yeah uh uh uh uh
Oh why oh why so stupid of me (so stupid of me)
To take you back so easily (that's right)
I'm going going out of my mind (wooo)
(Out of my mind)
To take you back a second time
Why must you put me through so much heartache and pain
Tell me am I insane to let you do me this way
I'm not gonna take you back
Cause boy I don't play that
No matter what you say
Forget you love like again
I'm not gonna take you back
Cause boy I don't play that
No matter what you say
Forget you love like again
Oh no oh no how dumb could I be (no no)
To think that you love me (when I hear ya)
These lies all the time (yeah)
I should've known you weren't mine
Why must you put me through so much heartache and pain
Tell me am I insane to let you do me this way
I'm not gonna take you back
Cause boy I don't play that
No matter what you say
Forget you love like again
I'm not gonna take you back
Cause boy I don't play that
No matter what you say
Forget you love like again
Oh no oh no where did you go (where did you go)
Why did you leave me all alone (leave me alone)
You're spending most of your time
With other tricks on your mind
I've got to find me a new guy
(Got to find me, a new guy, see I, can do it again)
Look what you've done to me
You broke my heart
Put a burden on me
So torn apart
Look what you've done to me
You broke my heart
Put a burden on me
So torn apart
I'm not gonna take you back
Cause boy I don't play that
No matter what you say
Forget you love like again
I'm not gonna take you back
Cause boy I don't play that
No matter what you say
Forget you love like again
I'm not gonna take you back
Cause boy I don't play that
No matter what you say
Forget you love like again
I'm not gonna take you back
Cause boy I don't play that
No matter what you say
Forget you love like again

chorus:we gotta get down
to what its all about
and i want you
and thats no doubt
i can tell you notice me
only because i notice you
walked through the crowd to get your name
and to give you my tune
we dont have to talk about
all the things weve been through
just as long as you respect me
get to the point dont mess around
lets talk about how feel now
i just wanna know if we could take this thing that we feel
to a level where love is real
take it slow so we can last
look to the future forget the past!
chorus runs until fadaway

I know just what you need
Ooh let me love you please
I wanna show you my love
And when I start it up
Ooh you won't get enough
I wanna show you my love
Yess I'm seeing you
And what you're going through
You deserve something better
See what I see your doing
I've come to the conclusion
That we should be together
I really can't explain it
It's just a natural thing
For you to be apart of me
I wanna show you somethin'
Know just what you're wantin'
Baby can't you see that I just wanna
(repeat chorus)
Sometimes there is confussion
When you don't know how you really feel
But I have come to the conclusion
That what we have is real,ohhh
(repeat 2x)
wanna show you,wanna show you
(repeat 4x)
(till fade)

Baby to the hip hop
Baby I won't stop
Tell me what's your sign
Is it capatible to mine
I'm gonna hit you with the 1,2
Check-a 1,2
Are we meant to be
Let me introduce you to my crew
I be sweatin' you
Sweatin' you like sweat
Can you feel my vibe
Are you feelin' it just yet
Baby you be makin' my poor heart pound
Every time you-oohh
Turn me all around
Hear my heart pound
You got it goin' on
That's why I sing this song
Check this
You be so fine and I'm a witness
Hit me up on hip,come and check me
I got what you want,I've got what you need
And each time
You be walkin' by and my poor heart pounds
On and on and on till the break of dawn sounds
So let me hear you say
Upside down
Inside out
And Round and Round
Oh oh no
You so fine,so cute
Oh oh no

You got me pullin' my hair
>From all your fussin' & fightin'
& you came into my heart
& you was not invited (ooohhh oh)
Boy who you think you are
With no invitation
I heard about boys like you
I just didn't know what I was facin'
What's your occupation
Why you ruinin' me
Why you do, why you do
These things to me
Who are you, who are you
to be mean to me
I gotta go
Gotta leave
Why you do it to me
(Why, why, why you do it to me)
Now I'm too young to be stressed out (stressed out, stressed out)
But you don't know what I'm feelin'
Boy I done had it with you (you, you)
I had it up to the ceilin' (ceilin')
Had it up, had it up, had it up
I tried to work it out (out)
But I can't deal with a heartache
I know 'bout boys like you
& you learn from your mistake
& you was a mistake
Why you ruinin' me
Why you do, why you do
These things to me
Boy you, boy you
You're bein' mean to me
I gotta go
Gotta leave
Why you do it to me
(Why, why, why you do it to me)
You must get out
Hold up
Wait a minute
You could prevent it
I know what you are all about
I knew from the beginnin'
So I guess now you're finished
You must get out
Hold up
Wait a minute
You could prevent it
I know what you are all about
I knew from the beginnin'
So I guess now you're finished
Why you ruinin' me
Why you do, why you do
These things to me
Boy you, boy you
You're bein' mean to me
I gotta go
Gotta leave
Why you do it to me
(Why, why, why you do it to me)
(Repeat till end)

Oh so wrong
I was the one you leaned on
Can't pretend
Cuz my love is true
It should be me & you babe
Always knew someday
That we would have a family
Don't know what to do
Cuz in a week
You're gettin' married
I got
Seven whole days
& seven whole nites
It's not much time
To make you mine
Knowin' that girl
You should be here with me
I can't deny
My love I can't hide
Seven whole days
& seven whole nites
To make you see
You should be lovin' me
Whatever you want
Gon' make it feel right
Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea
Don't wanna hurt her
But ya leavin' me
I just can't concieve
It may not seem fair
But in love & war
There are no casualties
I just want what's mine
Boy ya makin' fair
What belongs to me
I'm gon' change your mind
& I guarantee
You gon' be leavin' with me
Seven whole days
& seven whole nites
It's not much time
To make you mine
Knowin' that girl
You should be here with me
I can't deny
My love I can't hide
Seven whole days
& seven whole nites
To make you see
You should be lovin' me
Whatever you want
Gon' make it feel right
Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea
Seven whole days
& seven whole nites
It's not much time
To make you mine
Knowin' that girl
You should be here with me
I can't deny
My love I can't hide
Seven whole days
& seven whole nites
To make you see
You should be lovin' me
Whatever you want
Gon' make it feel right
Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea
The flowers are coming today
I hope she hasn't picked out a dress already
I hope she picked out a ring that I'll like
Cuz it's gonna be on my finger tonite
Seven whole days
& seven whole nites
It's not much time
To make you mine
Knowin' that girl
You should be here with me
I can't deny
My love I can't hide
Seven whole days
& seven whole nites
To make you see
You should be lovin' me
Whatever you want
Gon' make it feel right
Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea
(Repeat till end)

I bet you've never imagined
That one day
You'd look around
& I just wouldn't be there
So I hear you're leavin'
Please, don't go
I wanna make it right
Cuz tomorrow is just not promised
You'll never know what tomorrow holds
You'll just never know
To put it off till tomorrow today (stay)
Make it last (make it last)
Always (always)
My pride
My destiny
I find a peace of mind when you're next to me
You changed my darkest smile
With a wink from your eye
Simply smilin' on me
Makes my life complete
So what's the use in fussin', fightin'
When if you ever leave me
I'd be so weak
Oh baby
Please understand when when I go to sleep at nite
I wanna know that everything is all right
You'll never know
You'll just never know
To put it off till tomorrow today
Make it last forever, forever & always
You'll just never know
To put it off till tomorrow today
Make it last forever, & ever, forever & always
& I make it so that everytime you're around me
You're recreating sweet, brand new memories
Can't let these silly changes agravate the love in me
Just for a moment you can concentrate on me
Through slow dances
& parks & lustin' you?
& hugs & kisses in the restaurant (in the restaurant)
Oh baby
You can't let the sun go down before
You let me know you're lovin' me
Cuz you'll never know
You'll just never know
To put it off till tomorrow today
Make it last forever, forever & always
You'll just never know
To put it off till tomorrow today
Make it last forever, & ever, forever & always
Can't imagine one day without you (day without you)
& never had a crush on my way till I found you?
Nuthin' else really matters to me
I'm gonna keep lovin' you every minute
You'll just never know
To put it off till tomorrow today
Make it last forever, forever & always
You'll just never know
To put it off till tomorrow today
Make it last forever, & ever, forever & always
(Repeat till end)

Word iz bond
Word iz bond
Word iz bond
Word iz bond
On and on
Word iz bond
On and on
Word iz bond
On and on
Word iz bond
We be chillin' to the break of dawn
And it's on
(repeat 4x)
Woke up this morning
Chillin' on my head
Didn't wanna wake my man
So instead I called my girlies
Let's chill today
Go out and play
Get in the car and let's cruise around the way
While the lead track plays
In the back so soothin'
The system is pumpin'
Got the kids on the block bumpin'
Just chillin' with my girls it's sumthin'
Got more funk in the trunk and it's funkin'
Me and the girls know the time before we enter
The center of my path finder
Flirtin' with the guys,cool with the girls
No members just just money
Or say in your world
Crusin' to the homebase
In Vegas where were livin'
Peace sign is up when we're ridin' through
Passin',hey how you doin'
This is how we do
Cuz we keep it goin' on
Word iz bond
We be chillin' with the highest funk fashion
Donna Karen that's the gear we be wearin'
Pullin' out a list of get me that and get me this
Is what I do when I chill with my crew
So just to get a shot to all my peeps on the streets
We dedicate this song
On and on and on
To whom we've known so long
We gotta stay strong
Word iz bond
I shine like diamonds
On some trace star rims
On the Benz glidin' through smoke foggy wind
Layed back in the Coupe
Interior smellin like weed
Who creeps up on the side of me bumping "All I Need"
Three dime p's in the bright pink and white rover
I'm pointin' to the nearest corner for shorty to pull it over
She cracked a smile,word iz bond
I almost crashed
Then blinked again and they was gone that fast
Word iz bond

What more can he do
Tell me
What more can he do
He sends loving arms down from the sky
Cuz He cares so much for you & I
Never in my imagination
Did I ever see so clearly
That someone has so much concern for my life
Dear love came & found me
Loved me when I didn't even love myself
I love that it will be there
When there's nobody else
So with my voice
I'll sing this little song of praise
Cuz when I think of all He's done
All I can say
What more can he do
Tell me
What more can he do
He sends loving arms down from the sky
Cuz He cares so much for you & I
What more can he do
Tell me
What more can he do
He sends loving arms down from the sky
Cuz He cares so much for you & I
Really didn't ever reason
To love me so much right from the start
I haven't done a lot of things that I'm proud of
But that is just the way of Your love
"Why me" Is what I keep on askin' myself
Just could've givin' this gift to anyone else
But You made me realize that I was special too
& that is something that You didn't have to do
What more can he do
Tell me
What more can he do
He sends loving arms down from the sky
Cuz He cares so much for you & I
What more can he do
Tell me
What more can he do
He sends loving arms down from the sky
Cuz He cares so much for you & I
Don't know why he love me (love me)
Don't know why he care (he care)
Even though I really didn't deserve it
I'm still glad that He did
Don't know why he love me (don't know why)
Don't know why he care (don't know why)
Even though I really didn't deserve it
I'm still glad that He did
What more can he do
Tell me
What more can he do
He sends loving arms down from the sky
Cuz He cares so much for you and I
(Repeat till end)

Ha, yeah, hmmmm, come on, yeah, ha, yeah
I'm gonna keep it real
How you make me feel
Boy you give me chills, baby
I'm gonna break you down
You just drive me wild
Whenever you're around
1 - You know how I do
And you know how I flow
Can I get your name and number
Cuz I like your steelo
And I dig the way you move
And the way you do your thing
Baby you can bring it on
You can swing it this way
Boy it's something about you
That make me tell my friends
But they don't understand, no, no
They don't know your style
With your high profile
The fliest thing in town
Repeat 1
2 - You stay on my mind
Think about you all the time
Got to get to know you well
If you kiss then I won't tell
Repeat 2
Kiss me, oh, hold me, I say squeeze me, oh squeeze me, whoa
Kiss me, oh, hold me, I say squeeze me, whoa, kiss me
(Ha ha, ha)
One two, check it, check it, check it out
Follow, follow me, Minnie Minnie Mouse
One two check it out
Lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme break you down
(Ha, ha, ha)
One two check it out
Follow, follow me, Minnie, Minnie Mouse
(Ha, ha, ha)
One two break it down
Lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme, break you down
This track is nasty like pornography
Work the mommy I like Joe Buddy sloppy
Dag poppy got a brand new bag, for real
I taking 'keel O'neil like shag, chair
Ask Michael Jackson who bad
He says I am but the queen not drag
Dag I'm bad enough to let my pants sag
I be in 'Vegas where 702 be at
Check that
Repeat 1
Ad lib until fade

Tell your girl to stop callin' my phone
(I like that) Tell her to get a life & leave us alone (whoo)
Will she get over it & leave us be
Gotta take care of yours But you still gotta be with me
I got somethin' on my mind
So I'm 'bout to speak my peace
Cuz I'm sick of all the calls &
I'm tired of all the beef
Callin' my crib 7 days a week ?
Hangin' up with nuthin' to say?
She hate me cuz I got your love
She's the one that got your baby
Tell your girl to stop callin' my phone
(I like that) Tell her to get a life & leave us alone (whoo)
Will she get over it & leave us be
Gotta take care of yours
But you still gotta be with me
Cuz the closer I get to you
The minute she's all up in your crib
Talkin' 'bout how ya'll should work it out &
it would be better for the kid
But she won't pull that shit on me
Cuz I'm hip to the game &
ain't got nuthin' to do with her
So why she keep frontin' wit you &
me Tell your girl to stop callin' my phone
(I like that) Tell her to get a life &
leave us alone (whoo) Will she get over it &
leave us be Gotta take care of yours
But you still gotta be with me
I know that everyday (everyday)
You think to turn away (no, no, no)
I know you made mistakes &
you wish that it would change
Once you look on the outside of things
You get nuthin' but love from me
So So, I'ma hold it down for you
No matter what anybody else do to you baby
Tell your girl Don't call my phone
Tell her to leave Leave us alone
Tell your girl
Don't call my phone
Why don't she leave
Leave us alone
Tell your girl to stop callin' my phone
(I like that) Tell her to get a life &
leave us alone (whoo)
Will she get over it &
leave us be Gotta take care of yours
But you still gotta be with me
(Repeat till end)

i've been kickin myself
ever since i gave my love to you
one hundred percent
and you gave nothing in return
the only time you seemed concern
is when you wanted to lay up
you kept tellin me
that i was the one and you kept sellin
me dream after dream but after
so many dreams defered
i saw you for what you were
and that was someone who really didnt care
how could something feel so right
really be so wrong
why were you
stringin me along
for the ride
i cant let you
get back inside
i know youre wanting to
make it right
blowin up my pager and phone
day and night
i guess you thought id let you
in with my open arms again
i dont think so
not a chance
im stronger now
thanks to you
i turn the negative thing
into something positive
now i know that i can live without the likes of you (around)
how can something feel so right
really be so wrong
why were you
stingin me along
for the ride
i cant let you
get back inside
how can something feel so right
really be so wrong
why were you
stringin me along
for the ride
i cant let you
get back inside
and now you swear to god
that you can make a change
but when i look at you
i think of all the pain (the pain)
that you necessarily brought on me
never again
never again
never again noo
how can something feel so right
really be so wrong
why were you
stringin me along
for the ride
i cant let you
get back inside (can't let you back inside)
how can something feel so right
really be so wrong
why were you
stringin me along(stringin me along)
for the ride
i cant let you
get back inside
how can something feel so right
really be so wrong
why were you
stringin me along for the ride
i cant let you
get back inside

If I was down, would your arms lift me up to higher ground
With just the strength of your love
If I was lost would I find something in your eyes to lead me home
And if it all went wrong
Would you be there to hold
It’s easy to be there through the good times
But when the times get hard
Would you stay or walk away
Are you gonna be there when the rain comes
Are you gonna be there with a warm touch
Can you swear you'll be there with a real love
Are you gonna be there
Will you stand by my side through the bad times
Through whatever will be, will you still be mine
Will you stay in my life for a lifetime
Are you gonna be there
When I need someone to hold
Someone there for me
Are you gonna be there
But in my world
If it should all fall down
Will you be there
Be there to turn it around
Will you still care
Can I depend on you to see me through this life
And if it all goes wrong
Will you still make it right
It’s easy to be there through the good times
But when the times get hard
Will you still be on my side
When I need someone beside me
Someone there for me
Are you gonna be
There with the arms to hold me
There with the love I need with you baby
Will you be there
Heart and soul I need to know
Are you gonna be there
Are you gonna still care
Are you gonna be there
Will you stand by my side
Are you gonna be mine
Are you gonna be there

f/ Brad Dacus, J-Dub, Missy 'Misdemeanor' Elliott
[702]: (J-Dub):
Hmmm,(yeah) come on,(you know we had to do a remix)
Yeah (J-Dub)
I'm gonna keep it real (Dent)
How you make me feel
Boy you give me chills, baby (Noontime)
I'm gonna break it down
You just drive me wild
(Las Vegas represents)
Whenever you're around (702)
1 - You know how I do
And you know how I flow
Can I get your name and number
Cuz I like your steelo
And I dig the way you move
And the way you do your thing
Baby you can bring it on
You can swing it this way
[Brad Dacus]:
Babygirl take a trip with me
On an exotic fantasy
I know your man will be mad
If he knew I was the best you ever had
On vacation, conversation is cool
Let's take a swim in the pool
Begin the romance, slow dance
You know the circumstances
Whisper in your ear
Making advances, giving glances
Picture this on the canvas
Sipping on pina coladas
On the beach in the Bahamas
Away from all the drama
Repeat 1
2 - You stay on my mind
Think about you all the time
Got to get to know you well
If you kiss then I won't tell
Repeat 2
Kiss me, oh, hold me, I say squeeze me, oh squeeze me, whoa
Kiss me, oh, hold me, I say squeeze me, whoa, kiss me
(Ha ha, ha)
One two, uh check it, check it, check it out
Follow, follow me, many, many, many miles
One two, check it out
Lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme break it down
(Ha, ha, ha)
One two, check it out
Follow, follow me, many, many, many miles
(Ha, ha, ha)
One two break it down
Lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme, lemme, break it down
This track is nasty like pornography
Work the mommy I like Joe but he sloppy, dag
Poppy got a brand new bag, for real
I taking 'Quel O'neil like shaq, shak
Ask Michael Jackson who bad
He says I am but the queen not drag, dag
I'm bad enough to let my pants sag
I be in 'Vegas where 702 be at
Check it out
[Brad Dacus]:
At sight it's visual
Could it be physical attraction
I hear you're diggin' my steelo so come show me some action
What'cha gon' do, 702
I guarantee you'll be loving me after I'm through
Apparently you know what I'll do
Get it, get it, let me hit it you don't stop
We won't stop till I'm finished
Babygirl it's your world
I'll be your friend like those diamonds and pearls
Repeat 1 (w/ J-Dub ad-libs)
Remix, Noontime
J-Dub, Dent, 26-20 crew
See we out
Kiss me, oh, hold me,(hold me) I say squeeze me, oh squeeze me, whoa
Kiss me, (stop) oh, hold me, I say squeeze me, (hold me yeah) whoa, Kiss me

La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
[3x in the background]
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
We be like
They be like
And everybody’s feelin’ right singin’
They singin’
We singin’
That’s how we do it all night like
Get ‘em like
Feelin’ like
And ain’t damn thing wrong baby
Stagga Lee and we up in the zone
Got the keys to the crib
And ain’t nobody home
[Verse 1]
Well I’m a sixteen spitter (um hum)
Mr. team hitter spleen splitter with a dream
Flip a scene green getter get ‘em
Out in the streets with the 19” spinnin’ me
Grinning because every single man on my team is winnin’
We sittin’ in your trees reachin’ up to the sky singin’
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
Yo, hey yo, we rock illa killa
Scratched off the serial
Brothers sayin’ Stagga still ain’t on that’s a miracle
Fuck chicks in the sixes with their name on the leash
Whole reason why I speak on them beats freak on a leash
Ya, Stag cool like cotton clothes when I droppin’ flows
Bros want me to stop and pose when I shop for clothes
And yo, I be lovin’ it, just look in my eye, I feel like
(La la la la la la la la la la la)
Cars bumpin’, CD pumpin’ on your block in the summer
Showin’ love for Stag we can get high if you wanna
We singin’
[3x in the background]
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la la la la
We be like
They be like
And everybody’s feelin’ right singin’
They singin’
We singin’
That’s how we do it all night like
Get ‘em like
Feelin’ like
And ain’t damn thing wrong baby
Stagga Lee and we up in the zone
Got the keys to the crib
And ain’t nobody home
[Verse 2]
We can get the rims spinnin’
And your team winnin’
And your chick screenin’ just like me
We can pull an all nighter
I got my own driver
We can leave but your man might see
This for the fly hunnies with their own money
You just might meet a man like me
We can get the spot droppin’
There will be no stoppin’ when you rollin’ wit MVP
[Verse 3]
We I roll up they be like (um hum)
What you doin’ pa
Brothers be like how you doing bro when I’m cruisin’ by
Whenever I’m feelin’ lovely I thank the Lord above me
And I be like (la la la la la)
And then we crackin’ bubbly
You see me at the bar sittin’ with the fine women
Sippin’ on that white wine grinnin’ while my time tickin’
I think that every girl got a little dime in ‘em

If you think you pootie tangin'
And you know that you're parlaying
On the dance floor shake your thing its
Alright alright
If you think you pootie tangin'
And you know that you're parlaying
On the dance floor shake your thing its
Alright alright
[Verse 1:]
A Pootie is a shot calling player
Who's stacking nothing but papers
He gets his mack on with flavor
(Always parlaying)
When he goes out kicking and clubbing
Or in his whip he be bobbing
He knows the ladies they love him
(He's pootie tangin')
And he got this look in his eyes
Like I'm his number one prize
Again a silly me
Takes composure
So if you're doing your thing
And if you like Pootie Tang
Let me hang spend some time to get to know you
If you think you pootie tangin'
And you know that you're parlaying
On the dance floor shake your thing its
Alright alright
If you think you pootie tangin'
And you know that you're parlaying
On the dance floor shake your thing its
Alright alright
If you think you pootie tangin'
And you know that you're parlaying
On the dance floor shake your thing its
Alright alright
If you think you pootie tangin'
And you know that you're parlaying
On the dance floor shake your thing its
Alright alright
[Verse 2:]
Boy you know your one in a million
You speaking what you be feeling
And now you got me I'm willing
(Let's do whatever)
Wanna breath the air that you're breathing
And show and tell you the reasons
I think I'm what you be needing
(I'll do whatever)
Come on baby lets take a ride
Just wanna be by your side
'Cause I've been feeling like it's my duty
To let you share my world
Just wanna be your girl
'Cause I like the way you're tangin' Pootie
If you pimping party pumping
You's a Pootie player
On the tang tip turn hands and let him
Take you
Pootie be packing pleasing
Ladies we playing paper
Let me see it do your
Thing thing
If you pimping party pumping
You's a Pootie player
On the tang tip turn hands and let him
Take you
Pootie be packing pleasing
Ladies we playing paper
Let me see it do your
Thing Pootie Tang

When I first saw you, I just knew
I had to have you.
And all I need is just one night with you.
Verse 1
You're the type that
I dream about in my fantasy.
(I Swear.)
And no reason that we ain't
together far as I can see.
No disrespect to who you came
here with, but this ain't where
I want to be.
So tell your boys they can take
your car you can ride with me.
(Don't Be Scared)
From the very first time that
I saw your lips boy
I knew you'd be the one.
Tell me can we make love.
God really made you so fine
I wanna make you all mine.
Where are you from,
where have you been,
baby take me there, you and
I could go places.
There are so many things on my mind,
I should let you hit it just one time.
Where are you from,
where have you been,
baby take me there,
you and I could go places.
Verse 2
There's a secret place that I
wanna to take you, but first you got
to get in the mood.
(Follow Me)
It's a private place only love we're
making and know that we can get
there real soon.
I bet I bodies make good conversation
without even saying a word.
Over over over again and again.
From the very first time that
I kiss your lips boy
I meet the morning sun.
Tell me can we make love.
Hey you, over there, yeah you,
number three.
Ain't no reason, that we shouldn't
leave this place and you know it
just be you and me.
I love my friends, but, this ain't where
I want to be. So let me take you to a
place where, you know we can
both be free.
From the very first time that
I saw your lips boy
I knew you'd be the one.
Tell me can we make love.
From the very first time that
I kissed your lips boy
I meet the morning sun.
You're the one I dream of.
Chorus Repeat
"Places (Reprise)"
Let me show you how it feels
to be loved, by an angel,
let me take you.
Come and feel me baby feel me up,
let me take you.
Let me show you how it
feels to be loved, by an angel,
let me take you.
Come and feel me baby feel me up,
let me take you.

Get down
this how we get down
(repeat all)
New in the neighborhood
Looking good to me
She's by your side,I can't deny
Got to know your name
You turn around,you see me now
I think its love I've found
My friends think I'm crazy
But I don't care cause baby I get down
I get down like dat
Be like dat
I won't fret
She's no threat to me
(It may seem wrong but it's all about what I want)
Can I be like dat
It's on like dat
I won't get ya
If I like what I see,yeah
da-da-da-da hey hey
Your own my mind
I think your fine but your with her
(And I don't care)
Can't let you get away
I want you just because
(She pulls you
Turns you,trys so hard to take your eyes away)
It's too late and you know it
Cause I got you in a daze
Tell me am I wrong
To go for what I like
When she holds you tight
You want me,it's only right
And I don't care
Her name is not step to you
That means she don't own you
I'm gonna make you mine
(till fade)

verse 1
I'm so glad to you
I can't believe what I've found
Got yourself together, trying to move to a higher ground
Now what have I been missing
besides from the fact that you're fine
I'm into your mind, and all that comes with it
So many feelings to deal with
Where do we go from here
Can we face our fear
Into a love again, and remain friends
I believe I wanna stay
So once again I'll be finding my way
Back to you
verse 2
The past is what it will be
So won't you leave it right there
And create a future
Build a life that we can share
That's what it's about
So do you mind hangin'out
Now till forever
Somehow I know we'll end up together
I wanna know
I'll be finding my way

I anticipate- you told me that you wouldn’t be late
Boy here I wait
Got the candles lit so boy don’t you hesitate
Prepare to be amazed
I’ll bend to every move that you make
You can have it your way
I got the wine on ice
Cause I’m sure we’ll be up late
You got me buggin-buggin
For you I’m always open
More kisses and more huggin
Lovin’ everything you do to me
No matter what the time is
You are always invited
On me; I’ll never fight it
Don’t take me wrong
Just wanna turn you on
Come and knock on my door
I’ve been waiting on you
Cause your love is on time
Can’t get enough of you
Can’t be faking what’s real
I’ll just tell you what true
Come as fast as you can
I want everything to go as planned
Cause tonight you’re gonna win
Ready to give in - cause you’re not that average man
It’s been a long time since
I let my guards down and let you in
It was you that I missed
Lets cut right to the chase
And come handle it
[HOOK repeat]

Hey girl, hey, where u been? Yo’ phone still on? I been tryin to reach u.
My mans them said they saw u, and I was like, man I got to call her man,
I got to get at her man, and it’s funny that I see you now.
Girl u so fine, look at u. Went some, wa wa wa,
wan wa wan blah blah blah blah
There u go, again, talking about, where have I been
Like I’m, your child, it is, non of your biz
Shut yo mouth, I’m tired,of hearing you, running your trap
And by the way,I forgot to say that, your bags are packed
Why u wanna bother me,
Constantly pagin me, drivin me crazy
Talking that Yadi yaaa
All up in my ear goin
Blah Blah Blah Blah,
Silence I ain’t hearin no mo’ cuz all I hear is,
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Everytime u open yo mouth all I hear is
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Always tryin to put me in check, spittin to me that,
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Sorry, boy you played yo self cuz u keep sayin’
Blah Blah Blah Blah
See that house you in, it’s yo mama’s crib, you ain’t got yo own
Flossin fakin’ bling, Jay-z wanna be, claimin money ain’t a thang
U ain’t gotta lie to kick it, you ain’t got shit just admit it
See I’m rollin high, but u passin by, on the passenger side
Why u wanna bother me,
Constantly pagin me, drivin me crazy
Talking that Yadi yaaa
All up in my ear goin
Blah Blah Blah Blah,
Silence I ain’t hearin no mo’ cuz all I hear is,
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Everytime u open yo mouth all I hear is
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Always tryin to put me in check, spittin to me that,
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Sorry, boy you played yo self cuz u keep sayin’
Blah Blah Blah Blah
U wonder why, I don’t, call you
Baby, you’re just not man enough for me no no
Cuz everytime u call my phone you just go on and on
Talking all that nonsense, I can’t take no more
Blah Blah Blah Blah,
Silence I ain’t hearin no mo’ cuz all I hear is,
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Everytime u open yo mouth all I hear is
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Always tryin to put me in check, spittin to me that,
Blah Blah Blah Blah
Sorry, boy you played yo self cuz u keep sayin’
Blah Blah Blah Blah

All I want
Someone I can talk to
Someone who will listen to what I have to say
All I need
Some special attention
Someone who will metion the special things to me
Whatever you want
I not the kind of girl
Who doesn't know what she wants
I see it in my mind
The kind of guy to treat me right
I know he'll be strong
He'll keep me going on
I'll know him when he comes
He'll be my number one
Speacial in every way
Takes time from busy days
To satisfy my needs
Says things to comfort me
(It's not much to ask for...the things I want)
I'll know him when he comes
He'll be my number one
All that I'm
(All that I'm)
Looking for
(looking for)
Got to have
(got to have)
One mature
(ooh baby)
That you do and say
(do and say)
Touch my heart
(touch my heart in a special way)
All I want
All I need
Someone special
(till fade)

So many nites
I felt your beating heart
As we were deep in the dark
I'd watch you sleepin' tight
Protect you from the light
As if you were a child
& put a kiss on your lips
Don't you go breakin' my heart
Stay for awhile
I'll make it alright (make it alright)
Cuz if you go breakin' my heart (go breakin')
I won't survive (can't survive)
So stay for tonite
This can't be right
Cuz each & every time
I look deep in your eyes
I see the shinin' stars
Beatiful work of art
Still we just never part
Let's talk it through
You & I
Don't you go breakin' my heart
Stay for awhile
I'll make it alright (make it alright)
Cuz if you go breakin' my heart (go breakin')
I won't survive (can't survive)
So stay for tonite
Is it somethin' that I should have done (should have done)
Tell me where did I go wrong
Is it somethin' that I could've said
To make you stay around the way
Don't you go breakin' my heart
Stay for awhile
I'll make it alright (make it alright)
Cuz if you go breakin' my heart (go breakin')
I won't survive (can't survive)
So stay for tonite
(Repeat till end)

1 - I don't really wanna stay
I don't really wanna go
But I really need to know
Can we get it together
Get it together
I don't really wanna go
I don't really wanna stay
But I really hope and pray
Can we get it together
Get it together
You don't know the pain that I feel
You've taken my love for granted
And you just wanna see it your way, hey
It's about that time
I'm gonna tell ya what's on my mind
I'm fed up with you not being here with me
When you know love is all I need
I don't want to stay
Repeat 1
Let's get together, babe
I can't let go
Cuz being confused just takes control
I hope we can start brand new
Cuz I don't want to loose you, oh no
With the love we shared
Baby it's oh so rare
I'm willing to try and make you see
That all you need is here in me
2 - I don't wanna stay
I don't wanna go
But you gotta let me know
How you feel
Repeat 2
Repeat 1
See I'm so confused
I just don't know what to do
And I don't understand, no
Ya know I don't wanna stay
You know I don't wanna go
Baby, please listen to me
Repeat 1 until fade

I've heard that life is more
than just what we paint it
I've heard that life is more
than asphalt and pavement
But it's hard to see,
through the traffic and the fumes
I can't be everywhere,
but I'll be home by 7:02
I've heard that love
Is a game for the fools who play it
I've heard that war
Is a shame for the fools who wage it
But I'm getting tired
Throwing flowers at a tomb
I've got to run along
So I'll be home by 7:02
I can't carry the world on my own
And you can't help me,
But you can hold my hand if you wanted to
Just kiss me once or twice
