
  • The new device that could have saved George Costanza’s wallet

    Coin is one credit card to rule — or at least hold — them all.

    Yahoo News
  • The bizarre, macabre complaint that Twitter's Event Parrot is 'too slow'

    Twitter's breaking news service is speedy enough, Rob Walker says.

    Yahoo News
  • 10 Coolest Cars Under $18,000

    Style doesn't need to be expensive. Check out Kelley Blue Book's official list of the 10 coolest cars under $18,000.

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    First, let's look at the unexpected breakthrough on the beginnings of a nuclear deal with Iran. The first part was signed in the early hours of a snowy Geneva, Switzerland, morning over the weekend to the happy, if exhausted, sighs of negotiators from the United States, European Union, Russia and…

    Georgie Anne Geyer

    The health care website is a bomb. Israel feels betrayed on Iran. What's up with Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States? Often a president at around this stage of his second term is beset with scandal, but that's not really the case with Obama;

    David Shribman

    Probably seeking more TV appearances and speaking gigs, Sarah Palin has decided to enter the overcrowded "war on Christmas" market sector with a new book. Like all the other screeds on the subject, Palin's version -- "Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas" -- takes up arms…

    Cynthia Tucker

    NEW YORK -- Twenty-five years ago, I asked Charles Bartlett, a syndicated columnist, about his old and close friend John F. Kennedy. Bartlett's answer: "No one ever knew John Kennedy, not all of him."

    Richard Reeves
  • The Last Filibuster

    In the past two weeks, three highly qualified candidates for the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit found themselves blocked because Republicans would not allow their nominations to be voted on. And then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said no even louder, and action that had…

    Susan Estrich
  • Remembering Stanley Ann Dunham Obama

    Remember President Barack Obama's mother? ." I keep remembering Obama's account of his mother being denied coverage by her insurance company as she lay dying of cancer. His mother had insurance, he explained, but when she came down with cancer, her insurance company claimed her disease was a…

    Mona Charen
  • Will Obamacare Be the Death of Liberalism?

    By 1968, Walter Lippmann, the dean of liberal columnists, had concluded that liberalism had reached the end of its tether. In that liberal epoch, the 1960s, the Democratic Party had marched us into an endless war that was tearing America apart. Lyndon Johnson's Great Society had produced four…

    Pat Buchanan
  • David, Goliath and Colorado’s Next Gun-Rights Recall

    COLORADO SPRINGS — Author Malcolm Gladwell has a new bestseller that turns conventional wisdom about the Biblical David vs. Goliath battle on its head: "David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants." In short, it's Goliath who really had the odds stacked against him from the…

    Michelle Malkin
  • The Laugh-A-Minute Abortion Telethon

    There may not be a more painful oxymoron than "feminist comedian." MTV flash-in-the-pan Sarah Silverman and "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" co-creator Lizz Winstead teamed up in New York City on Nov. 18 for a telethon to fund abortions in Texas via NARAL Pro-Choice America. Think Jerry's Kids —…

    Brent Bozell III

    WASHINGTON -- When Gen. Douglas MacArthur marched ashore through the shallow waters of the Philippines in October 1944, having gloriously fulfilled his promise two years earlier that "I shall return," the only Japanese he might have seen were prisoners of war. World War II in the South Pacific had…

    Georgie Anne Geyer

    I'm with Alec Baldwin on punching aggressive paparazzi photographers. I'm with him on Kim Basinger playing visitation games with their daughter. What are conservatives doing demanding Baldwin's head for calling some pestilential paparazzi a "c*ck-s*cking little f*g." It is perfectly obvious…

    Ann Coulter
  • Looking To Get In Touch With Old Friends?

    Search anyone in the entire U.S. View contact information, address history, marriage records and much more.

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  • Who Knows Best

    "President Obama said if you like your Oscar, you can keep it." Presumably, Angelina Jolie will. When a Hollywood crowd (full of Democrats) roars, you know that a complete screw-up by the administration has fully entered the popular culture. Yes, the buck stops there, and it certainly was a…

    Susan Estrich
  • Arne Duncan's War on Women and Children

    Just when you thought the Obama administration couldn't antagonize America any further, along comes Education Secretary Arne Duncan. On Friday, while defending the beleaguered Common Core program in a meeting with state school superintendents, Duncan unleashed a brazen race and class warfare…

    Michelle Malkin
  • Joe Scarborough Doesn't Care about GOP Victory

    Joe Scarborough is out with a new book again, lecturing conservatives on the best road forward. It's the same formula for the Scarborough TV tour: an appearance next to Barbara Walters on ABC's "The View," spots on "CBS This Morning" and "Charlie Rose: The Week" on PBS. The liberal media really…

    Brent Bozell III
  • Nixon and Kennedy: The Myths and Reality

    There would have been no John F. Kennedy as brilliant statesman cut off in his prime, had it not been for those riveting days from Dealey Plaza to Arlington and the lighting of the Eternal Flame. Along with the unsleeping labors of an idolatrous press and the propagandists who control America's…

    Pat Buchanan

    WASHINGTON -- Thanksgiving is my favorite national holiday, but it is a treacherous one because we are never quite sure what we should be thankful for. On the plus side, I dearly love Thanksgiving because it is such a truly AMERICAN holiday. I also like the Thanksgiving hymns, especially the…

    Georgie Anne Geyer

    George Samiljan was a captivating young man and is a compelling adult. We were pupils in Dorothy Rich's fourth-grade classroom, and the Stanley School was one of those timeless places on the New England coast, and not only because the clock on the outside of the brick building was stuck, much like…

    David Shribman