Edit Canberra Times
24 Feb 2013
IT WAS a good thing that Geert Wilders, the controversial Dutch politician, came to visit Australia last week. Because sometimes we need to be reminded that living in a liberal democracy isn't always easy or edifying. Sometimes it can be hard work ... In the case of the Dutch, their governments believed that the ''pillarisation'' model they traditionally used to deal with religious and social differences would work with cultural diversity....(size: 5.0Kb)
Edit Inside Indonesia
26 Jun 2011
Review ... Some years ago, when I read Lizzy’s masterpiece, Lost in Mall ... Her latest book, Ons Indisch Erfgoed ... The second was the discrediting and collapse of the oligarchic political order famously known as pillarisation (verzuiling) ... The pillarised slogan that without the Indies Holland would fall into economic misery was quickly proved a lie – the country did far better after the end of colonial rule than it had ever done before ... ....(size: 26.7Kb)
