- published: 02 Dec 2009
- views: 5453
- author: nicholasschoolatduke

Whither PCBs?
PCBs were widely used for decades until it was realized they posed serious health threats....
published: 02 Dec 2009
author: nicholasschoolatduke
Whither PCBs?
Whither PCBs?
PCBs were widely used for decades until it was realized they posed serious health threats. Bans stopped their use, but their presence remains. In 2009 Genera...- published: 02 Dec 2009
- views: 5453
- author: nicholasschoolatduke

PCBs - How to Protect Your Family.wmv
PCBs were domestically manufactured from 1929 until their ban in 1979 and were used in hun...
published: 11 Sep 2010
author: Paul Cochrane
PCBs - How to Protect Your Family.wmv
PCBs - How to Protect Your Family.wmv
PCBs were domestically manufactured from 1929 until their ban in 1979 and were used in hundreds of industrial and commercial applications. PCBs have been dem...- published: 11 Sep 2010
- views: 2215
- author: Paul Cochrane

VENENOS MORTALES: Los policlorobifenilos (PCBs)
Los policlorobifenilos (PCB) o bifenilos policlorados (polychlorinated biphenyls) son una ...
published: 02 Jan 2013
author: Wegener Tesla
VENENOS MORTALES: Los policlorobifenilos (PCBs)
VENENOS MORTALES: Los policlorobifenilos (PCBs)
Los policlorobifenilos (PCB) o bifenilos policlorados (polychlorinated biphenyls) son una serie de compuestos organoclorados, que constituyen una familia de ...- published: 02 Jan 2013
- views: 1605
- author: Wegener Tesla

Eurocircuits - how to make a 4-layer PCB (full version)
We have made this film to help electronics engineering students understand how a PCB is ma...
published: 29 Jan 2013
author: eurocircuits
Eurocircuits - how to make a 4-layer PCB (full version)
Eurocircuits - how to make a 4-layer PCB (full version)
We have made this film to help electronics engineering students understand how a PCB is made. By understanding the manufacturing process you will be able des...- published: 29 Jan 2013
- views: 12449
- author: eurocircuits

Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Dr. Tom Roselle shares his concerns about the toxicity of PCBs (such as the toxic mode of ...
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: Dr. Tom Roselle
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Dr. Tom Roselle shares his concerns about the toxicity of PCBs (such as the toxic mode of action with dioxin) and the effects of PCB contamination in foods, ...- published: 12 Apr 2011
- views: 1863
- author: Dr. Tom Roselle

How to make Clear Glass PCBs
This is a video on how I make my clear glass PCBs. I'll be making a blog post sooner or la...
published: 08 Sep 2011
author: CNLohr
How to make Clear Glass PCBs
How to make Clear Glass PCBs
This is a video on how I make my clear glass PCBs. I'll be making a blog post sooner or later with more detail. ***ADDED*** Here's the source file + (PCB/SCH...- published: 08 Sep 2011
- views: 354275
- author: CNLohr

Como hacer tus propios PCBs (Parte 1)
Sígueme en facebook! http://www.facebook.com/Suspeso Por el método de planchado. Normalmen...
published: 20 Oct 2010
author: exsterenpro
Como hacer tus propios PCBs (Parte 1)
Como hacer tus propios PCBs (Parte 1)
Sígueme en facebook! http://www.facebook.com/Suspeso Por el método de planchado. Normalmente utilizo el papel HP Q2546A, que me da excelentes resultados. Mej...- published: 20 Oct 2010
- views: 59921
- author: exsterenpro

Making of PCBs at home, DIY using inexpenive materials
An easily understandable video demonstration of how to make PCBs(Fabricate) at home with a...
published: 18 May 2012
author: Pareekshith P
Making of PCBs at home, DIY using inexpenive materials
Making of PCBs at home, DIY using inexpenive materials
An easily understandable video demonstration of how to make PCBs(Fabricate) at home with available inexpensive materials using toner transfer method. Require...- published: 18 May 2012
- views: 37909
- author: Pareekshith P

Homemade PCB
Short film about how to make double sided pcbs with good layer alignment using lithographi...
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: nagyizee
Homemade PCB
Homemade PCB
Short film about how to make double sided pcbs with good layer alignment using lithographic technology at home. Since many of you asked for it - see http://n...- published: 01 Jul 2011
- views: 130123
- author: nagyizee

Apply a Solder-Resist Mask to PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards)
Printed circuit boards lacked with a green solder mask is, with SMT components, essential ...
published: 14 Jun 2010
author: LPKFGroup
Apply a Solder-Resist Mask to PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards)
Apply a Solder-Resist Mask to PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards)
Printed circuit boards lacked with a green solder mask is, with SMT components, essential for soldering safely. More information: http://www.lpkf.com/product...- published: 14 Jun 2010
- views: 153683
- author: LPKFGroup

Making PCBs with solder resist
This is how I make printed circuit boards. Check out my blog: http://soldering-irony.blogs...
published: 02 Jun 2011
author: Noah1989
Making PCBs with solder resist
Making PCBs with solder resist
This is how I make printed circuit boards. Check out my blog: http://soldering-irony.blogspot.com/ I bought Dynamask laminate here: http://www.octamex.de/sho...- published: 02 Jun 2011
- views: 81239
- author: Noah1989

How to make a good photo positive film for PCBs with a laser printer.
I also provide some clues on how to make the layout more suitable for home made PCBs and h...
published: 21 Jan 2012
author: linuxgeek81
How to make a good photo positive film for PCBs with a laser printer.
How to make a good photo positive film for PCBs with a laser printer.
I also provide some clues on how to make the layout more suitable for home made PCBs and how you can verify the quality of your film. If I find a triangle I ...- published: 21 Jan 2012
- views: 15160
- author: linuxgeek81

How to equip home made PCBs with a professional looking stopping agent (solder resist layer)
OK, the title says it allright. I was thinking about doing the vid again but after a day l...
published: 22 Jan 2012
author: linuxgeek81
How to equip home made PCBs with a professional looking stopping agent (solder resist layer)
How to equip home made PCBs with a professional looking stopping agent (solder resist layer)
OK, the title says it allright. I was thinking about doing the vid again but after a day like that... I promise I won't chew a gum again when making a video ...- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 56174
- author: linuxgeek81

How to Etch your own PCBs at home w/o ferric chloride (detailed)
This video shows you in detail how to create your own PCBs at home using the laser printer...
published: 11 Feb 2011
author: TyDye81
How to Etch your own PCBs at home w/o ferric chloride (detailed)
How to Etch your own PCBs at home w/o ferric chloride (detailed)
This video shows you in detail how to create your own PCBs at home using the laser printer / toner transfer method. Materials Needed: Copper Clad Board Muria...- published: 11 Feb 2011
- views: 15948
- author: TyDye81
Vimeo results:

ChronoCon "First Light" HDR – HD Timelapse
Image Processing – Directed by Gaintatzis Pavlos
Music: 'Intro' by The XX (http://thexx.i...
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: Pentalunex Team
ChronoCon "First Light" HDR – HD Timelapse
Image Processing – Directed by Gaintatzis Pavlos
Music: 'Intro' by The XX (http://thexx.info)
ChronoCon constructors:
Mechanical Components by Voulgaris Aristeidis
Electronic Components / PCB Programming by Athanasiadis Tilemachos and Gaintatzis Pavlos
Grevena (Filipaioi, Dotsiko), Trikala (Meteora), Halkidiki (Pirgadikia) / Greece
Canon EOS 350D and 500D
ChronoCon dolly slider.
CHRONOCON IS FINALLY COMPLETED. IT WILL BE SOON AVAILABLE AT pentalunex.com. More info at our twitter account: https://twitter.com/PentaluneX
Special Thanks to:
Kouropalati Vasiliki
Niavi Ourania
Papaioannou Michael
Traianou Thalia
Tsampouras Dimitrios

MIDWAY - Plastic Beach
In the Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a king who was cursed to roll a huge boulder up a hil...
published: 14 Dec 2009
author: Midway
MIDWAY - Plastic Beach
In the Greek mythology, Sisyphus was a king who was cursed to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll back down, and to repeat this throughout eternity.
A beach cleanup on Midway Atoll made us feel just like Sisyphus.
There are millions of tons of plastics present in our oceans, and these are constantly fragmenting into smaller and smaller pieces which are scattered throughout the water column and present, in different densities, throughout all the worlds oceans.
Contrary to what many people believe, there are no visible islands of trash anywhere --even if some areas, the gyres, accumulate higher densities of plastic pollution. In actuality, what is happening is much more complex and scary: our oceans are becoming a planetary soup laced with plastic.
To make thing worse, these tiny pieces of plastic are extremely powerful chemical accumulators for organic persistent pollutants present in ambient sea water such as DDE's and PCB's. The whole food chain, from filtering invertebrates to marine mammals are eating plastic and /or other animals who have plastic in them. This means that we are. Like the albatrosses on Midway, we carry the garbage patch inside of us.
Cleaning up this mess is not feasible, technically or economically. Even if all the boats in the world were put to the task somehow, the cleanup would not only remove the plastics but also the plankton, which is the base of the food chain, and is responsible for capturing half of the CO2 of our atmosphere and generating half of the oxygen we need to breathe.
But even if this problem was solved too somehow, the amount of plastic that we could capture, at an immense cost, would be a drop in the bucket as compared to the amount that flows into the ocean every day.
No matter how hard we push, in terms of technology or money, the boulder will be rolling back down the hill, throughout eternity, unless we stop putting more plastics into our environment.
The good news is that we can do this. We can do this now. We need to start a social movement that spreads virally and creates a critical mass of concerned citizens who pledge to move away from our disposable habits, and who raise their voice to reject and reverse a throwaway culture that might be profitable, but whose consequences are intolerable.
Video by: Jan Vozenilek
Written and narrated by: Manuel Maqueda
Music by Christen Lien www.itsnotaviolin.com

NOVO Demonstration
Nick Lantz demonstrates the groundbreaking Novo digital cinema camera, available exclusive...
published: 01 Mar 2013
author: Radiant Images
NOVO Demonstration
Nick Lantz demonstrates the groundbreaking Novo digital cinema camera, available exclusively at Radiant Images. It is the ideal solution for cinematographers who are enamored by the capabilities of the GoPro Hero3 but held back by the Hero3’s cinematic limitations.
NOVO______________________________ vs. __ GOPRO HERO 3 Black Edition
Interchangeable C-mount ____________________ Fixed lens Field of View: 170°
Back focus adjustable _______________________ n/a
Auto Exposure Disabled / user controls on & off ___ Always Auto Exposure
Highest grade of internal OLPF looks filmic ______ Attached to back element of lens creates Sharper video look
PCB board allows for custom programing ________ n/a
Thickness .5in ____________________________ Thickness .83in
Width 2.47in ______________________________ Width 2.3in
Height 1.85in _____________________________ Height 1.6in
Weight 8.2oz ______________________________ Weight 2.7oz
Sensor Size Back-illuninated CMOS Sensor 1/2.5" 7.81mm Diag
12.40 Megapixel
Resolution 4K, 2.7K, 1080
Frame Rate
4K Cin 4096x2160 / 12fps
4K 3840x2160 /15fps
2,7K Cin 2704x1440 / 24 & 25fps
1440p 1920x1440 / 24, 25, 30 & 48fps,
1080p 1920x1080 / 24, 25, 30, 48, 50 & 60fps
960p 1280x960 / 100fps
720p 1280x720 / 120fps
WVGA 848x480 / 240fps
Base ISO 640
Latitude 8 Stops
Bit Rate / Format / Time

Introducing 123D Circuits.io
It has always been our mission to make designing and experimenting with electronics access...
published: 06 Sep 2013
author: circuits.io
Introducing 123D Circuits.io
It has always been our mission to make designing and experimenting with electronics accessible to as many people as possible. With circuits.io we already made a big leap in this direction. But for people getting started with electronics, schematics and layout are often still daunting. Over the summer we partnered up with Autodesk to fix this.
We are proud to announce the new version of circuits.io making it even easier and more intuitive to design electronics: 123D Circuits.io. Here are some of the most important new features:
- virtual breadboard based design, allowing to build and experiment with circuits just as you would in real life
- you can add an Arduino to your design, and edit the code right in your browser
- real-time and interactive simulation of both your Arduino code and the circuit attached to it
- full collaborative editing (think of Google Docs for electronics)
- powerful yet easy component editor, making it super easy to add new components to the shared library
- easily create beautiful circuit boards with: free text, b-splice silkscreen art, arbitrary board shapes, …
- ability to embed your design, including simulation on your blog or in an instructable
123D Circuits.io enables beginners to easily get started with electronics. Instead of blowing up a component, you can now experiment freely in the live simulated virtual breadboard environment together with friends without being afraid of breaking something. 123D Circuits.io even allows you to simulate Arduino code along with your electronics to control it all or to learn about programming and Arduino. Let’s admit it, even pros could make good use of such a tool.
But don’t be fooled in thinking that 123D Circuits.io is just a toy. The underlying engine is still the powerful technology of circuits.io: easy to use circuit board layout tool, one-click PCB manufacturing service, live DRC, multi-layer boards, smart copper pours, large component library, Eagle import, auto 3D enclosure generation, modular design and much more!
We created a number of Instructables to help you get started with 123D Circuits.io and have extensive help pages, even including pointers to learn the basics of electronics.
Best of all is that 123D Circuits is still free for open designs, and affordable plans are available for those wanting more. I hope you are as excited as us about 123D Circuits.io. Head over to 123D.circuits.io and give it a try.
Youtube results:

A walkthrough on building your own double sided PCBs
A walk-through on building a double sided PCB on your own at home. I provide with most of ...
published: 01 May 2013
author: TrickyNekro
A walkthrough on building your own double sided PCBs
A walkthrough on building your own double sided PCBs
A walk-through on building a double sided PCB on your own at home. I provide with most of the tips that I use and I also include all the needed processes, pl...- published: 01 May 2013
- views: 222
- author: TrickyNekro

Automotive PCBs: Efficient Signal and Power Integrity Analysis
The increasing demand of in-vehicles infotainment systems, along with active safety and el...
published: 17 Jul 2013
Automotive PCBs: Efficient Signal and Power Integrity Analysis
Automotive PCBs: Efficient Signal and Power Integrity Analysis
The increasing demand of in-vehicles infotainment systems, along with active safety and electronic multimedia systems, makes simulation of growing importance in the automotive industry. Building a reliable system, shortening the development cycle and reducing the cost are important factors and the use of simulation tools and virtual prototyping are indispensable to achieve these goals. This webinar presents efficient workflows for signal integrity (SI) and power integrity analysis (PI): the pre-layout is addressed using CST DESIGN STUDIO, and for post layout (both SI and PI) analysis, CST PCB STUDIO® will be employed. Several test models are discussed and guidelines on how to improve existing designs and how to build an optimized system are presented.- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 62

How to salvage parts from old PCBs, even from motherboards!
Link to page: http://pcbheaven.com/blogpages/How_to_salvage_parts_from_PCBs/ Salvaging par...
published: 08 Apr 2011
author: pcbheaven
How to salvage parts from old PCBs, even from motherboards!
How to salvage parts from old PCBs, even from motherboards!
Link to page: http://pcbheaven.com/blogpages/How_to_salvage_parts_from_PCBs/ Salvaging parts from old PCBs is one of the most important things that a hacker ...- published: 08 Apr 2011
- views: 198246
- author: pcbheaven

Making double layer PCBs at home
Small tutorial, how to make PCBs at home, using photoresist methode. Best: Developing solu...
published: 03 Nov 2008
author: cyberelectronics
Making double layer PCBs at home
Making double layer PCBs at home
Small tutorial, how to make PCBs at home, using photoresist methode. Best: Developing solution: Sodium Metasilicate (Product code ex: Seno 4007) Etching solu...- published: 03 Nov 2008
- views: 101177
- author: cyberelectronics