Burgrave (from German: Burggraf, Latin: burggravius, burcgravius, burgicomes) was since the medieval period a title for the ruler of a castle, especially a royal or episcopal castle, as well as a castle district (castellany) or fortified settlement or city. The burgrave was a count in rank (German Graf, Latin Comes) equipped with judicial powers. The title became hereditary in certain feudal families and was associated with a territory or domain called a Burgraviate (German Burggrafschaft, Latin Prefectura). The position and office of burgrave could be held either by the king, a nobleman or a bishop, the responsibilities were administrative, military and jurisdictional.
Etymologically, the word burgrave is the English and French form of the German noble title Burggraf (Burg "Castle" + Graf "Count"). The wife of a burgrave was titled Burgravine, in German Burggräfin.
The title is originally equivalent to that of castellan (Latin: castellanus) or French châtelain; meaning keeper or commander of a castle and/or fortified settlement (both can be called Burg in German).
Actors: Josef Belský (actor), Rudolf Budil (actor), Olaf Larus-Racek (actor), Henry Patsch (actor), Václav Plavec (actor), Václav Plavec (actor), Václav Plavec (actor), Petr Roch (actor), Olga Illíková (actress), Berta Síblová-Zuzáková (actress), Málka Tuhácková (actress), Málka Tuhácková (actress), Málka Tuhácková (actress), Emil Vachek (writer), Emil Vachek (writer),
Genres: Comedy,I got stuck in the middle of a paragraph
Broke my pen in the nick of time
I dont know if I'd be here right now
If I'd finished that fatal line
And that's no jive
Cause brother I swear I'm happy to be alive
and I'll never speak of suicide
If everything works out this time
I got stuck in the middle of a sentence
Couldn't find the right words to say
better still, cause there's no forgiveness
back again with some heavy debts to pay
and that's okay, cause brother
I'm starting to see some things your way
So I'll put it off another day
I didnt want to let it wait
I got stuck in the middle of a
Broke my pen in the nick of time
and I dont know if id be here right now
If I'd finished that fatal line.