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  • Mandela co-leader: Palestinians hijack "apartheid" inaccurately against Israel- MP Kenneth Meshoe...12:07
  • French troop reinforcements arrive in Central African Republic...1:13
  • Adapting to climate change in Eastern and Southern Africa...20:43
  • Deadly storm kills several in northern Europe...1:08
  • BREAKING NEWS: Nelson Mandela Dead Aged 95 | OFFICIAL News Announcement President Jacob Zuma...3:00
  • Secretary Kerry's Video Message on the Geneva Talks With Iran...7:42
  • Remembering South African leader Nelson Mandela...18:24
  • Central African Republic rebels enter capital Bangui...1:59
  • How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance...5:24
  • Six dead in Sanaa bombing...1:06
  • Swiss Report Supports Yasser Arafat Was Poisoned With Radioactive Polonium (But By Who?)...14:47
  • Eric Bradach (Tiger Muay Thai) vs Janjao (Banchamek Gym) @ King's Birthday 2013...12:19
  • Inside Story - The UN mission in Afghanistan - 29 Oct 09...23:56
  • Obama's uncle wins immigration battle, gets OK to stay in U.S....0:30
add video playlist http://DemocracyBroadcasting.TV South African Christian Democrat party leader, Rev. Kenneth Meshoe, denounces the exploitation of "aparthed" by enemies of Israel as inaccurate and weakening its meaning.
http://DemocracyBroadcasting.TV South African Christian Democrat party leader, Rev. Kenneth Meshoe, denounces the exploitation of \
Man­dela co-lead­er: Pales­tini­ans hi­jack "apartheid" in­ac­cu­rate­ly against Is­rael- MP Ken­neth Meshoe
France says its UN-backed military operation is underway in the Central African Republic, the day after some of the worst violence in the latest crisis.

The Defence Minister told French radio that troop reinforcements had arrived in the capital Bangui to bolster the forces already there -- who will number 1,200 in the coming days.

On Thursday militias loyal to the ousted president attacked the capital where mainly Muslim former rebels took control in March, plunging the country into chaos that has seen tit-for-tat sectarian violence with the Christian majority.

Witnesses said more than 100 people were killed in Thursday\'s fighting, before nightfall saw a relative calm.
French troop re­in­force­ments ar­rive in Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic
In Africa, millions will suffer from climate change impacts on agriculture, water availability, ecosystem services and biodiversity. It\'s urgent for countries in the region to take action to reduce vulnerability and enhance local communities\' capacity to adapt.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (or IUCN) has been working with three countries to do just that.

In Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, IUCN staff members have been collaborating with national governments, local NGOs and selected communities on a pilot project, funded by the government of Finland, called the « Climate Change and Development project », or CCDP.

The project was developed with the aim of ensuring that policies and strategies lead to activities that emphasize the role of water and forests in adapting to climate change in the region.
Adapt­ing to cli­mate change in East­ern and South­ern Africa
Deadly storm kills several in northern Europe

Hurricane-force winds and tidal surges have killed at least seven people in northern Europe, flooded parts of Hamburg and left thousands of homes without electricity.

The BBC\'s Anna Holligan reports from beside the ferry port \'Hook of Holland\' - this is the point that UK ferries arrive.
Dead­ly storm kills sev­er­al in north­ern Eu­rope
Nelson Mandela, the former South African president whose stubborn defiance survived 27 years in prison and led to the dismantling of the country\'s racist and brutal apartheid system, has died. Mandela was 95 years old.

South Africa\'s president says Nelson Mandela has died at age 95. Jacob Zuma says \
BREAK­ING NEWS: Nel­son Man­dela Dead Aged 95 | OF­FI­CIAL News An­nounce­ment Pres­i­dent Jacob Zuma
The P5+1 has been engaged in serious and substantive negotiations with Iran with the goal of reaching a verifiable diplomatic resolution that would prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. In this video, Secretary Kerry shares an inside view of what was accomplished and the work that remains to be done. A text transcript can be found at
Sec­re­tary Kerry's Video Mes­sage on the Gene­va Talks With Iran
Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa credited with ending apartheid there, died in Johannesburg on Dec. 5, 2013. Former PBS NewsHour correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault takes a look back at Mandela\'s life and legacy.
Re­mem­ber­ing South African lead­er Nel­son Man­dela
News for Central African Republic rebels enter ...
Central African Republic rebels enter north of capital Bangui: witness
Reuters ‎- 7 hours ago
BANGUI (Reuters) - Central African Republic rebels have entered the northern suburbs of the capital Bangui where they are fighting running ...
French troops secure CAR capital airport‎ - 4 hours ago
Central African rebels enter capital city Bangui
Deutsche Welle‎ - 5 hours ago
Central African Rebels Enter Capital City Bangui - All Africa hours ago -- Rebel forces have entered the suburbs of Central African Republic\'s capital, Bangui. The advance followed a gradual take over of nearby towns ...
BBC News - Central African Republic rebels \'enter capital Bangui\' hours ago -- Rebel fighters in the Central African Republic (CAR) have entered the capital Bangui, the rebels and witnesses say.
Central African Republic Rebels Enter Capital Bangui In Threat To ... hours ago -- BANGUI, Central African Republic — Hundreds of rebels penetrated the capital of Central African Republic on Saturday, posing the gravest ...
Central African Republic rebels in capital, France sends ... - Euronews › NewsWires16 mins ago -- BANGUI (Reuters) -- Central African Republic rebels clashed with government forces inside the capital on Saturday as they sought to topple ...
Central African Republic rebels in capital, France sends troops ... hours ago -- BANGUI (Reuters) - Central African Republic rebels clashed with government forces inside the capital on Saturday as they sought to topple ...
French troops secure CAR capital airport - Africa - Al Jazeera English hours ago -- Speaking to Al Jazeera from Bangui, Central African Republic\'s Deputy ... the same information that a group of rebels has entered the capital,\
Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic rebels enter cap­i­tal Ban­gui
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The U.S. Government has turned the Internet into something it was never intended to be: a system for spying on us in our most private moments. Out of control government surveillance is a dangerous form of censorship. Don\'t be intimidated. Share this video.

Narrated by Evangeline Lilly

Brought to you by Fight for the Future and Demand Progress.

Produced by Mata Wata --

Executive Producer: Evangeline Lilly --

Photos and Video from the October 15th Guerrilla Screening Debut in New York City:


Sat, October 26th in Washington, DC
How the Gov­ern­ment Tracks You: NSA Surveil­lance
More Breaking News:

A bomb in Sanaa kills at least six people after targeting a vehicle belonging to the Yemeni Air Force. Lily Grimes reports.

Reuters tells the world\'s stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
Six dead in Sanaa bomb­ing
November 06, 2013 Al Jazeera News
Swiss Re­port Sup­ports Yass­er Arafat Was Poi­soned With Ra­dioac­tive Polo­ni­um (But By Who?)
Making his Bangkok debut, Eric Bradach takes on the much more experienced Chinese fighter Janjao, a student of the famous Buakaw Por Pramuk.
Eric pushed forward from the opening bell, looking to take the fight into the clinch and landing with strong knees. In the ater rounds Janjao used clever footwork and strong kicks to edge out the rounds and after 5 rounds Janjao was given the judges decision.
Eric Bradach (Tiger Muay Thai) vs Jan­jao (Ban­chamek Gym) @ King's Birth­day 2013
We discuss the UN role in Afghanistan and their sucess and failures so far.
In­side Story - The UN mis­sion in Afghanistan - 29 Oct 09
Obama\'s uncle wins immigration battle, gets OK to stay in U.S.

For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines 

Onyango Okech Obama -- an uncle of President Barack Obama who has been in the United States illegally for decades -- has gotten a federal court\'s OK to stay in his adopted country, according to an attorney representing the uncle.
Federal immigration Judge Leonard I. Shapiro in Massachusetts agreed without argument Tuesday to allow the uncle, who has been living and working in U.S. for 50 years, to stay and obtain a green card, said attorney Margaret Wong.
At the hearing, Wong said, the judge looked at Onyango Okech Obama\'s character, reviewing his long-term employment with a grocery store in Framingham, Massachusetts, his tax records and his rent payments, and noting that he is not on any government assistance programs.
Shapiro also took into account federal immigration law that allows people who came to United States before January 1972 to apply for residency, Wong said, adding that her client has been living in U.S. since October 1963.
Obama's uncle wins im­mi­gra­tion bat­tle, gets OK to stay in U.S.
November 24, 2013 CBC News / BBC News
More Than 100,000 March In Protest In Ukraine

updated 06 Dec 2013; published 06 Dec 2013
Man­dela co-lead­er: Pales­tini­ans hi­jack "apartheid" in­ac­cu­rate­ly against Is­rael- MP Ken­neth Meshoe 06 Dec 2013, Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling While Nelson Mandela became the foundation and architect for a free and peaceful democratic South Africa, Frederik de Klerk was the catalyst. They are living witnesses that two, not one, makes for a better peace and democratic system. And when the United States Congress decided to implement economic...
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updated 06 Dec 2013; published 06 Dec 2013
French troop re­in­force­ments ar­rive in Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic
Belfast Telegraph 06 Dec 2013, France has begun military operations in Central African Republic, with patrols and a helicopter detachment arriving to quell violence in the streets of the capital. Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told Radio France Internationale that the streets of Bangui were calm after a spasm of bloodshed that began before dawn yesterday and left nearly 100...
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updated 02 Apr 2012; published 02 Apr 2012
Adapt­ing to cli­mate change in East­ern and South­ern Africa
Al Jazeera 06 Dec 2013, In a first ever report, presented by the United Nations Environment Programme, the challenges of adapting to the changing climate in Africa are pinpointed. The report titled "" confirmed that Africa is already committed to spending $7-15bn to adapt to climate change each year as a result of historical emissions. The finding highlights an important...
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updated 06 Dec 2013; published 06 Dec 2013
Dead­ly storm kills sev­er­al in north­ern Eu­rope
RTE 06 Dec 2013, Hurricane-force winds cut transport and power in northern Britain and blasted towards mainland Europe as meteorologists warned Storm Xaver could be the worst to hit the continent in years. British authorities warned of "the most serious coastal tidal surge for over 60 years in...
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updated 05 Dec 2013; published 05 Dec 2013
BREAK­ING NEWS: Nel­son Man­dela Dead Aged 95 | OF­FI­CIAL News An­nounce­ment Pres­i­dent Jacob Zuma
Yahoo Daily News 06 Dec 2013, By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - America's first black president, Barack Obama, hailed Nelson Mandela on Thursday as a source of personal inspiration whose struggle against racism in South Africa jump-started his own involvement in politics. Speaking in the White House press room shortly after the announcement of...
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updated 26 Nov 2013; published 26 Nov 2013
Sec­re­tary Kerry's Video Mes­sage on the Gene­va Talks With Iran
Dawn 06 Dec 2013, JERUSALEM: US Secretary of State John Kerry insisted on Thursday Israel’s security is a top priority for Washington, both in nuclear talks with Iran and peace talks with the Palestinians. Kerry is in Israel for a day of talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders aimed at driving forward peace negotiations which appear to have made little headway...
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updated 05 Dec 2013; published 05 Dec 2013
Re­mem­ber­ing South African lead­er Nel­son Man­dela
The Hindu 06 Dec 2013, Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first elected black President and a global anti-apartheid icon has died early today aged 95, President Jacob Zuma said. “Fellow South Africans, our beloved... the founding President of our democratic nation, has departed," Zuma said in a nationally televised address. He passed away peacefully at 20:50...
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updated 24 Mar 2013; published 24 Mar 2013
Cen­tral African Re­pub­lic rebels enter cap­i­tal Ban­gui
Al Jazeera 05 Dec 2013, The UN Security Council has authorised increased military action by France and African troops in the Central African Republican to try to end unrest. The council's unanimous approval on Thursday of a French-sponsored resolution came amid reports that at least 100 people...
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updated 16 Oct 2013; published 16 Oct 2013
How the Gov­ern­ment Tracks You: NSA Surveil­lance
South China Morning Post 05 Dec 2013, The US National Security Agency is collecting some five billion records a day on the location of mobile phones around the world, The Washington Post reported, citing documents from US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. The information is added to a gigantic database that shows the locations of "at least hundreds of millions of cell phones"...
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updated 25 Aug 2013; published 25 Aug 2013
Six dead in Sanaa bomb­ing
The Irish Times 05 Dec 2013, At least 20 people were killed in a car bomb and gun battle at the Yemeni defence ministry compound in the capital Sana’a in one of the most serious attacks in the past 18 months. The defence ministry said the attack targeted the ministry’s hospital and most of the gunmen had been killed or wounded. “The attackers have exploited some construction...
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updated 07 Nov 2013; published 07 Nov 2013
Swiss Re­port Sup­ports Yass­er Arafat Was Poi­soned With Ra­dioac­tive Polo­ni­um (But By Who?)
Al Jazeera 05 Dec 2013, The Swiss researchers who concluded that former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was poisoned are standing by their findings. On Tuesday, a French research team ruled that high levels of Polonium found in Arafat's body came from the element Radon in the environment. But the Swiss team said on Thursday their radiation...
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updated 06 Dec 2013; published 06 Dec 2013
Eric Bradach (Tiger Muay Thai) vs Jan­jao (Ban­chamek Gym) @ King's Birth­day 2013
BBC News 05 Dec 2013, Thailand is marking the 86th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, amid a truce after days of violent demonstrations in the capital Bangkok. People have been cleaning the streets in the capital ahead of festivities, while local media report hundreds are lining the streets near one of the king's palaces. There were violent clashes earlier in the...
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updated 30 Oct 2009; published 30 Oct 2009
In­side Story - The UN mis­sion in Afghanistan - 29 Oct 09
The Hindu 04 Dec 2013, The United Nations team monitoring the Security Council sanctions against the Taliban has warned that the international community is ill-placed to contain a surge of extortion-related funding the jihadist group is expected to raise in the run-up to next year’s elections in Afghanistan. “In 2014”, states the third report of the...
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updated 04 Dec 2013; published 04 Dec 2013
Obama's uncle wins im­mi­gra­tion bat­tle, gets OK to stay in U.S.
The Inquisitr 04 Dec 2013, Onyango Okech Obama, who has been in the US illegally for decades, has won a deportation battle that will allow him to stay in the country, according to one of his attorneys. Attorney Margaret Wong said Massachusetts Federal immigration Judge Leonard I. Shapiro agreed, without argument on Tuesday, to allow President Barack Obama’s uncle, who...
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Two, Even Three, Always Makes for a Better Peace
Full Article
06 Dec 2013

Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling While Nelson Mandela became the foundation and architect for a free and peaceful democratic South Africa, Frederik de Klerk was the catalyst. They are living witnesses that two, not one, makes for a better peace and democratic system. And when the United States Congress decided to implement economic... Rights Mandela Africa
File - South African President F. W. de Klerk shakes hands with Nelson Mandela, South African anti-apartheid leader and head of the ANC at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos in 1992.
photo: World Economic Forum

French forces begin CAR operations
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
06 Dec 2013

France has begun military operations in Central African Republic, with patrols and a helicopter detachment arriving to quell violence in the streets of the capital. Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told Radio France Internationale that the streets of Bangui were calm after a spasm of bloodshed that began before dawn yesterday and left nearly 100... Agreement Troops In Car Rebellion
French Special Forces race through Bangui, Central African Republic, Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013 as gunfire and mortar rounds erupt in the town.
photo: AP / Jerome Delay

Africa's action plan for climate change
Full Article Al Jazeera
06 Dec 2013

In a first ever report, presented by the United Nations Environment Programme, the challenges of adapting to the changing climate in Africa are pinpointed. The report titled "" confirmed that Africa is already committed to spending $7-15bn to adapt to climate change each year as a result of historical emissions. The finding highlights an important... Change Security
File - Kaltoum Adam Imam with one of her five children collects millet in a land rented by a community leader in Saluma Area, near El Fasher (North Darfur), 21 November, 2010.
photo: UN / Albert Gonzalez Farran

Storm causes havoc in Europe and deaths in UK
Full Article RTE
06 Dec 2013

Hurricane-force winds cut transport and power in northern Britain and blasted towards mainland Europe as meteorologists warned Storm Xaver could be the worst to hit the continent in years. British authorities warned of "the most serious coastal tidal surge for over 60 years in... Windstorm Weather Disaster
Police officers accompany two surfers, centre, after they tried to enter the water during stormy weather, at the coastal town in Blankenberge, Belgium,Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013.
photo: AP / Yves Logghe

Mandela's struggle was personal inspiration, Obama says
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
06 Dec 2013

By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - America's first black president, Barack Obama, hailed Nelson Mandela on Thursday as a source of personal inspiration whose struggle against racism in South Africa jump-started his own involvement in politics. Speaking in the White House press room shortly after the announcement of... Obama Mandela
File - President Barack Obama makes a Thanksgiving Day phone call to a member of the U.S. military stationed overseas, from the Oval Office, Nov. 28, 2013
photo: White House / Pete Souza

Israel’s security a priority: Kerry
Full Article Dawn
06 Dec 2013

JERUSALEM: US Secretary of State John Kerry insisted on Thursday Israel’s security is a top priority for Washington, both in nuclear talks with Iran and peace talks with the Palestinians. Kerry is in Israel for a day of talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders aimed at driving forward peace negotiations which appear to have made little headway... Kerry Peace Iran
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry addresses reporters gathered at Palestinian Authority headquarters after a meeting with President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on December 5, 2013
photo: US DoS

Former South African President Nelson Mandela dies at 95
Full Article The Hindu
06 Dec 2013

Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first elected black President and a global anti-apartheid icon has died early today aged 95, President Jacob Zuma said. “Fellow South Africans, our beloved... the founding President of our democratic nation, has departed," Zuma said in a nationally televised address. He passed away peacefully at 20:50... Of Apartheid Mandela African Leader
A woman with a banner pays tribute to Nelson Mandela outside South African High Commission in London, Friday, Dec. 6, 2013. Mandela, South Africa's first black president, died Thursday in Johannesburg, South Africa after a long illness. He was 95.
photo: AP / Sang Tan

UN passes resolution on CAR military action
Full Article Al Jazeera
05 Dec 2013

The UN Security Council has authorised increased military action by France and African troops in the Central African Republican to try to end unrest. The council's unanimous approval on Thursday of a French-sponsored resolution came amid reports that at least 100 people... African Republican Rebellion Nations
Seleka soldiers rest at their military camp in Bangui, Central African Republic, Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013 following a day-long gun battle between Seleka soldiers and Christian militias.
photo: AP / Jerome Delay

NSA tracks millions of phones every day, says Snowden documents
Full Article South China Morning Post
05 Dec 2013

The US National Security Agency is collecting some five billion records a day on the location of mobile phones around the world, The Washington Post reported, citing documents from US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. The information is added to a gigantic database that shows the locations of "at least hundreds of millions of cell phones"... Snowden Surveillance Spying
In this June 16, 2013 file photo a television screen shjows the news of Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee who leaked top-secret documents about sweeping U.S. surveillance programs, in the underground train in Hong Kong.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

At least 20 killed in Yemen attack
Full Article The Irish Times
05 Dec 2013

At least 20 people were killed in a car bomb and gun battle at the Yemeni defence ministry compound in the capital Sana’a in one of the most serious attacks in the past 18 months. The defence ministry said the attack targeted the ministry’s hospital and most of the gunmen had been killed or wounded. “The attackers have exploited some construction... Qaida Spring Attack
Smoke rises after an explosion at the Defense Ministry complex in Sanaa, Yemen, Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013.
photo: AP / Mohammed Hamoud

Swiss scientists stand by Arafat findings
Full Article Al Jazeera
05 Dec 2013

The Swiss researchers who concluded that former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat was poisoned are standing by their findings. On Tuesday, a French research team ruled that high levels of Polonium found in Arafat's body came from the element Radon in the environment. But the Swiss team said on Thursday their radiation... Peace Arafat
A mural depicting the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (R) in Gaza City as French prosecutors in Paris opened up an official inquiry into Yasser Arafat's death in Gaza City on August 28, 2012. Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas welcomed a decision by French prosecutors to open a murder inquiry into claims the Arafat may have been poisoned.
photo: WN / Ahmed Deeb

Protest-hit Thailand marks king's birthday
Full Article BBC News
05 Dec 2013

Thailand is marking the 86th birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, amid a truce after days of violent demonstrations in the capital Bangkok. People have been cleaning the streets in the capital ahead of festivities, while local media report hundreds are lining the streets near one of the king's palaces. There were violent clashes earlier in the... Bhumibol Adulyadej Protest
A People's Alliance for Democracy protester shows a picture of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikitas
photo: AP / Vincent Thian

U.N. monitors say Taliban sanctions failing
Full Article The Hindu
04 Dec 2013

The United Nations team monitoring the Security Council sanctions against the Taliban has warned that the international community is ill-placed to contain a surge of extortion-related funding the jihadist group is expected to raise in the run-up to next year’s elections in Afghanistan. “In 2014”, states the third report of the... In Afghanistan Nations
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Shelby Johnson scans the horizon Nov. 18, 2013, during a dismounted patrol from Forward Operating Base Torkham to an Afghan Border Police checkpoint near the village of Goloco.
photo: US Army / Sgt. Eric Provost

Barack Obama Uncle Wins Deportation Battle, Gets To Stay In The US
Full Article The Inquisitr
04 Dec 2013

Onyango Okech Obama, who has been in the US illegally for decades, has won a deportation battle that will allow him to stay in the country, according to one of his attorneys. Attorney Margaret Wong said Massachusetts Federal immigration Judge Leonard I. Shapiro agreed, without argument on Tuesday, to allow President Barack Obama’s uncle, who... Obama Family Obama
Onyango Obama, President Barack Obama's Kenyan-born uncle, left, arrives at U.S. Immigration Court with attorney Margaret Wong, right, for a deportation hearing Tuesday, Dec. 3, 2013 in Boston.
photo: AP / Steven Senne

Boozer leads Bulls to 107-87 win over Heat
Full Article Newsday
06 Dec 2013

Photos Galleries CHICAGO - The way everything was crumbling, the Chicago Bulls sure needed a reprieve. Knocking off the defending champions was a nice one. Carlos Boozer scored 27 points, and the Bulls pounded LeBron James and the Miami Heat 107-87 on Thursday night. Luol Deng had 20 points, Taj Gibson chipped in with 19, and Joakim Noah added 17...
Josh Howard and Carlos Boozer   Wizards v/s Bulls 02/28/11
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Collison, Crawford lead Clippers past Grizzlies
Full Article Newsday
06 Dec 2013

Photos Galleries MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Reserves Darren Collison and Jamal Crawford scored 15 points each and the Los Angeles Clippers used a strong second half to beat the Memphis Grizzlies 101-81 on Thursday night. Chris Paul also had 15 points and eight assists for the Clippers, who snapped a two-game losing streak. Blake Griffin added 14 points and...
Jamal Crawford
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Andrea Bargnani Ejected For Trash Talking Kevin Garnett: KG Says 'I Don't Speak Italian' (VIDEO)
Full Article Huffington Post
06 Dec 2013

Al Bello via Getty Images Andrea Bargnani #77 of the New York Knicks and Kevin Garnett #2 of the Brooklyn Nets are separated after an altercation during their game at the Barclays Center on December 5, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and or using this...
Andrea bargnani dunk 2009
photo: Creative Commons / Chensiyuan

Late Mandela inspired world's sports superstars
Full Article Stuff
06 Dec 2013

When it came to sport, Nelson Mandela had the ability to inspire even inspirational figures and leave global stars completely star-struck. The anti-apartheid leader, former South African president and Nobel Peace Prize winner died on Thursday at the age of 95, prompting a vast outpouring of tributes from the world's best-known athletes and top...
A woman walks behind a fabric bearing a portrait of former president Nelson Mandela in Soweto, South Africa Sunday June 9, 2013. Mandela has been hospitalized with an occurring lung infection. The latest government report says that he remains in a serious but stable condition.
photo: AP / Denis Farrell

Kevin Garnett, Andrea Bargnani share awkward moment
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
06 Dec 2013

The first month-plus of the NBA season hasn't quite gone as planned for the Brooklyn Nets. Between their head coach getting fined for strategically spilling drinks, one of their veteran players being out significant time due to a broken bone in his right hand and the ouster of its supposed top assistant coach, the team some predicted would compete...
Kevin Garnett of the Boston Celtics
photo: Creative Commons / Keith Allison

Rodgers dismisses talk of Suarez exit pact
Full Article France24
06 Dec 2013

AFP - Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers says that there is no agreement with Luis Suarez that would allow him to leave the club if they fail to qualify for the Champions League. The Uruguayan striker said he was unhappy... Liverpool Fc Rodgers Suarez
Liverpool's Luis Suarez, right, scores past Mansfield Town's goalkeeper Alan Marriott during their English FA Cup 3rd round soccer match at Field Mill Stadium, Mansfield, England, Sunday, Jan. 6, 2013.
photo: AP / Jon Super

Thiago Silva: I want the World Cup and then Ballon d'Or
Full Article Goal
06 Dec 2013

The PSG and Brazil centre-back is full of ambition and has set his sights on international glory on home soil next year before going after the prestigious individual award £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = PSG Draw SOC £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = PSG Draw SOC £5 £10 £20 £50 £100 = PSG Draw... Fifa World Cup Silva
Paris Saint Germain's Thiago Silva shoot the ball during the soccer match League One,betwen PSG Rennes in Parc des Princes Stadium, Paris, Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012.
photo: AP / Jacques Brinon

Prandelli: Fifa's seeding system is ridiculous
Full Article Goal
06 Dec 2013

The 56-year-old has called on football's governing body to "reconsider" the way World Cup pots are selected after the Azzurri missed out on being a top seed for Brazil 2014 Italy coach Cesare Prandelli has questioned Fifa's seeding sytem for the World Cup draw, describing the decision to use October's Fifa Ranking as "ridiculous". Fifa selected its... Fifa World Cup Cesare
Italy coach Cesare Prandelli gestures during a friendly soccer match between Italy and France at the Parma Tardini stadium, Italy, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012.
photo: AP / Antonio Calanni

Nelson Mandela: The music world reacts
Full Article The Los Angeles Times
06 Dec 2013

As Quincy Jones said in an emotional statement released on Thursday, “Today, as it did while he inhabited our planet, Nelson Mandela’s spirit truly soars with the angels.” Jones was just one of many in the music world who paid tribute to Mandela, who died on Thursday at 95. In a sweeping essay for Time, U2's Bono hailed the former...
Candles are lighted for former South African president Nelson Mandela inside the St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town, South Africa, Thursday, July 18, 2013.
photo: AP / Schalk van Zuydam

Hollywood, Creative Industries Add $504 Billion to U.S. GDP
Full Article The Hollywood Reporter
05 Dec 2013

0 0 0 0 0 Email Print Comments Getty Images The government released its first official measure of how arts and culture affect the economy. WASHINGTON -- Creative industries led by Hollywood account for about $504 billion, or at least 3.2 percent of U.S. goods and services, the government said in its first official measure of how the arts and...
Gladys Knight performs at Hard Rock Live in Hollywood, Florida - November 22, 2013
photo: WN / Aaron Gilbert

Jay Z Releases 'Tom Ford' Remix To Honor Death Of Pimp C
Full Article Huffington Post
05 Dec 2013

Dec. 4 holds great significance for Jay Z, as it is not only his birthday, but also the death anniversary of rapper Pimp C. To honor the late artist, Jay Z released a remix to his "Magna Carta Holy Grail" track "Tom Ford." The "Tom Ford" remix, which Jay Z debuted on Wednesday, features an unreleased verse from Pimp C, which was recorded before the...
Jay-Z 2
photo: Creative Commons / Mike Barry

Tupac Shakur Talks Life and Death In Unheard 1994 Interview
Full Article Huffington Post
04 Dec 2013

New York Daily News Archive via Getty Images Tupac Shakur attending MTV Video Music Awards party in Bryant Park. (Photo by Richard Corkery/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images) The latest edition of PBS' "Blank on Blank" web series takes on previously unreleased audio from a 1994 interview with Tupac Shakur, originally captured on microcasette.... Of Tupac Shakur Shakur
Rapper Tupac Shakur, right, speaks as fellow rap artist Snoop Doggy Dogg listens during a voter registration rally in South Central Los Angeles, in this Aug. 15, 1996, file photo. Shakur died on Sept. 13, 1996, the victim of a drive-by shooting. (AP Photo/Frank Wiese/FILE)
photo: AP / Frank Wiese/FILE

Here’s how much Spotify really pays artists
Full Article Yahoo Daily News
04 Dec 2013

Spotify has always been a double-edged sword for artists. Streaming music is a gargantuan business and one of the best ways to quickly attract an audience, but the pay rates are minuscule for all but the biggest acts on most services. Some artists have even publicly condemned Spotify, but up until now the company has never released...
Finale at the BET Networks SOS Saving Ourselves - Help For Haiti Benefit Concert and telethon at American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida- February 5, 2010
photo: WN / Aruna Gilbert

Klass urges global aid contribution
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Dec 2013

Myleene Klass has urged Britons to give to the poor in other countries as they are all part of a "global village" where "we all need each other." The singer and TV star joined Samantha Cameron and local schoolchildren at a charity woolly jumper workshop for Save The Children. They sat with pupils from Manorfield School in Poplar, east London, to...
 Myleene Klass /wam2
photo: AP Photo / Sang Tan

Pharrell Williams plans solo album
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Dec 2013

Pharrell Williams has said he is working on a new solo album - and it will be rap-free. The music star, who collaborated with Robin Thicke for Blurred Lines and Daft Punk's Get Lucky this year, said the new album would differ from its predecessor, 2006's In My Mind. "I love rapping. But - something's coming, and I'm not rapping on it," he told...
Pharrell Williams
photo: Creative Commons / Eurockéennes de Belfort

Sheeran: I jammed with actor Cohen
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Dec 2013

Ed Sheeran has revealed that he had a very chilled-out Thanksgiving with Jennifer Aniston and Sacha Baron Cohen. The 22-year-old singer spent the traditional American holiday with the actress and her celebrity guests including the Ali G star and Courteney Cox at her Los Angeles home, and admitted it all happened quite spontaneously. "I finished in...
Ed Sheeran performing on Day 3 of Sunfest 2013 in Downtown West Palm Beach, Florida - May 3, 2013
photo: WN / Luum Photos

Rituparna Sengupta to reprise Suchitra Sen's Debi Chowdhurani
Full Article The Times of India
05 Dec 2013

The actress is gearing up to play Debi Chowdhurani, her dream role As she faces hurdles off camera, Rituparna Sengupta is gearing up for one of the biggest challenges of her acting career. She will be playing the heroine in a period adaptation of Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay's Debi Chowdhurani — a project that Satyajit Ray had dreamt of with...
Bollywood Actress Rituparna Sengupta  autograph the School girls outside the Shooting area  at North Kolkata on Tuesday 26 November 2013
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

'Man of Steel' Sequel Finally Finds Its Wonder Woman
Full Article Mashable
04 Dec 2013

The untitled Man of Steel sequel, which will star Ben Affleck as Batman and bring back Henry Cavill as Superman, will now also feature Wonder Woman. Director Zack Snyder announced the female superhero's inclusion Wednesday on Variety,...
Gal Gadot arrives at the LA Premiere of the "Fast & Furious 6" at the Gibson Amphitheatre on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 in Universal City, Calif.
photo: AP / Jordan Strauss/Invision

Fast & Furious 7 on hold after Paul Walker's death
Full Article BBC News
04 Dec 2013

Production on Fast & Furious 7 has been put on hold after the death of its star, Paul Walker, on Saturday. Filming had been scheduled to resume in Atlanta this week but has so far been cancelled and Universal Pictures has declined to say when it will restart. Walker, 40, died when a Porsche being driven by a friend of his, who also died,...
Photos and messages are seen at a roadside memorial at the site of the auto crash that took the life of actor Paul Walker and another man, in the small community of Valencia, Calif., Monday, Dec. 2, 2013.
photo: AP / Nick Ut

A Minute With: Penelope Cruz on not playing it safe on set
Full Article Reuters
04 Dec 2013

LONDON (Reuters) - Penelope Cruz plays a barren wife in one of her new movies and a doomed fiancée in another, but her own family life is strictly off limits. The 39-year-old Spanish mother of two has played the dark-haired beauty for directors Pedro Almodovar and Woody Allen, toyed around with Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribbean" and engaged...
Actress Penelope Cruz
photo: AP / Matt Sayles

It's a joy working with Boman: Big B (Movie Snippets)
Full Article Newstrack India
04 Dec 2013

Tweet Mumbai, Dec 4 (IANS) Megastar Amitabh Bachchan is overjoyed to work with actor Boman Irani in "Bhootnath Returns" after eight years. The last time they shared screen space was in the 2005 movie "Waqt - The Race Against Time". "The shoot of 'Bhootnath Returns' with the wonderful and...
Bollywod actor Amitabh Bachchan  arrives for a press conference in Mumbai, India, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2008. Filmmakers have canceled the movie premiere of Bachchan  after suspected workers of the regional Maharashtra Reconstruction Party vandalized a theater near the Bachchan family residence in suburban Mumbai, as a language row snowballed in India's entertainment capital. The controversy began at a movie promotion last week when Bachchan's politician wife Jaya remarked that she preferred to speak only in Hindi, angering a regional politician Raj Thackeray who demanded an unconditional apology.
photo: AP / Rajanish Kakade

I love watching 'Bigg Boss': Dimple Kapadia
Full Article The Times of India
04 Dec 2013

Actress Dimple Kapadia may not have time for herself but is such an avid fan of "Bigg Boss" and its host, Bollywood star Salman Khan, that she takes out time to watch every episode of the reality show. The "Bobby" fame actress is hardly seen at the Bollywood bashes and when asked what keeps her busy, she said: "I don't know what I am busy doing,...
photo: WN / Bhaskar Mallick

Scarlett Johansson's beauty regime a costly affair
Full Article Newstrack India
04 Dec 2013

Tweet Los Angeles, Dec 4 (IANS) Actress Scarlett Johansson has a high-maintenance beauty routine and prefers to spend time getting herself ready. The 29-year-old would "die" if she had to leave the house in under...
Scarlett Johansson at the Hasty Pudding Woman of the Year Parade in Cambridge, MA.
photo: Creative Commons / John Harrison / Flickr

Radcliffe: Allen would hate poems
Full Article Belfast Telegraph
04 Dec 2013

Daniel Radcliffe has revealed that Allen Ginsberg would probably not rate his poetry. The Harry Potter star, who portrays the Beat Generation writer in Kill Your Darlings, tried his hand at poetry when he was 17, with a quartet of his works, which tackled topics such as infidelity, prostitutes and Pop Idol, appearing in Rubbish magazine in 2007...
British actor Daniel Radcliffe is photographed as he arrives for the world premiere of The Woman In Black at the Royal Festival Hall in central London, Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012.
photo: AP / Joel Ryan

If the shoe fits, does LeBron wear it?
Full Article Business Journal
06 Dec 2013

Staff Washington Business Journal NBA basketball sensation LeBron James has been modeling -- on the court -- his new LeBron 11 basketball shoes, courtesy of Nike, but just how much? According to the Wall Street Journal, not a whole lot. The latest model -- on sale at shoe retailers for more than $200 -- to bear LeBron's name has only been worn by...
Miami Heat's Chris Bosh, left, sits with LeBron James, right, during practice for the NBA All Star basketball game, Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012, in Orlando, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
photo: AP / Lynne Sladky

Qantas credit rating downgraded to junk by Standard & Poor's
Full Article The Guardian
06 Dec 2013

Downgrade comes day after airline announced job cuts of 1,000 in response to half-year losses of $300m S&P doesn’t anticipate Qantas will regain its BBB- status 'in the near term'. Photograph: Rick Rycroft/AP Qantas has had its credit rating downgraded to junk status, following the beleaguered airline’s decision to sack 1,000...
The tails of Qantas planes are lined up at Sydney Airport in Sydney, Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011.
photo: AP / Rick Rycroft

Mobile subscriptions in Africa to hit one billion by 2015
Full Article Graphic
06 Dec 2013

Share Twitter Ghana News Share View Comments The number of mobile subscriptions in Africa will cross the 750 million mark during the fourth quarter of 2012 and reach one billion before the end of 2015, according to forecasts by Informa Telecoms & Media. Africa has the highest rate of growth in mobile subscriptions among major world regions,...

girl on phone
photo: Wn

BNP Paribas agrees to buy Rabobank's Polish unit for $1.4 billion
Full Article The Guardian
05 Dec 2013

By Marcin Goclowski and Adrian Krajewski WARSAW (Reuters) - BNP Paribas has agreed to buy the Polish business of its Dutch rival Rabobank for $1.4 billion (856.3 million pounds), as the French bank returns to the acquisition trail after a period of re-structuring and seeks growth outside the eurozone. But the deal to buy Rabobank's BGZ unit,... Paribas
In this March 9, 2009 file photo, the BNP Paribas logo is seen at the headquarters of the French bank, in Paris. BNP Paribas  SA said Tuesday Sept.29, 2009
photo: AP / Remy de la Mauviniere

What the Pelicans had to say about 100-97 loss to the Mavericks (12/4/13) (New Orleans Pelicans)
Full Article noodls
05 Dec 2013

(Source: New Orleans Pelicans) Postgame report: From the Pelicans locker room By: Pelicans Coach Monty Williams On Al-Farouq Aminu's performance "He played with the energy and effort that he is capable of playing with. He had a great effect on tonight's game in the absences of Anthony Davis. Anytime you can collect twenty rebounds, it...
Los Angeles Lakers center Dwight Howard, left, blocks the shot of New Orleans Hornets guard Brian Roberts during the second half of their NBA basketball game, Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2013, in Los Angeles. The Lakers won 111-106. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)
photo: AP / Mark J. Terrill

New 2015 Ford Mustang still has plenty of muscle
Full Article Newsday
05 Dec 2013

Videos Mustang/Shelby car show in Levittown General Motors introduces the Camaro Z28 Galleries DEARBORN, Mich. - America's first pony car — the Ford Mustang — is celebrating its 50th birthday with a swoon-worthy new design and plans to go global. Ford Motor Co. was to reveal the 2015 Mustang Thursday morning at events in New York, Los Angeles,...
2011 Ford Mustang photographed in Montreal, Quebec, Canada at the 2011 Montreal International Auto Show.
photo: Public Domain / Bull-Doser

China Mobile signs deal with Apple to offer iPhone: WSJ
Full Article Baltimore Sun
05 Dec 2013

HONG KONG (Reuters) - China Mobile Ltd , the country's largest mobile operator, has signed a long-awaited deal with Apple Inc to offer iPhones on its network, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday,... Mobile Mobile - Apple Inc. Deal
In this Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, file photo, a staff member of Apple Inc. shows the iPhone 5 to customers at the Apple store in Hong Kong.
photo: AP / Kin Cheung

Qantas to cut 1000 jobs
Full Article Stuff
05 Dec 2013

Qantas will axe at least 1000 jobs over the next year and warned that it will slump to a loss of up to A$300 million ($330 million) in the first half, blaming a market deterioration in trading conditions and weaker return on fares. Qantas shares slumped 16 per cent to A$1.02 - just shy of an all-time low of 96 cents reached last year - following...
File - Qantas jets taxi at the international airport in Sydney, Australia, Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2011.
photo: AP / Rob Griffith

Mandela co-leader: Palestinians hijack
Mandela co-leader: Palestinians hijack "apartheid" inaccurately against Israel- MP Kenneth Meshoe
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:07
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2013
http://DemocracyBroadcasting.TV South African Christian Democrat party leader, Rev. Kenneth Meshoe, denounces the exploitation of "aparthed" by enemies of Israel as inaccurate and weakening its meaning.
  • published: 06 Dec 2013
  • views: 301

French troop reinforcements arrive in Central African Republic
French troop reinforcements arrive in Central African Republic
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:13
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2013
France says its UN-backed military operation is underway in the Central African Republic, the day after some of the worst violence in the latest crisis. The Defence Minister told French radio that troop reinforcements had arrived in the capital Bangui to bolster the forces already there -- who will number 1,200 in the coming days. On Thursday militias loyal to the ousted president attacked the capital where mainly Muslim former rebels took control in March, plunging the country into chaos that has seen tit-for-tat sectarian violence with the Christian majority. Witnesses said more than 100 people were killed in Thursday's fighting, before nightfall saw a relative calm.
  • published: 06 Dec 2013
  • views: 1

Adapting to climate change in Eastern and Southern Africa
Adapting to climate change in Eastern and Southern Africa
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:43
  • Updated: 02 Apr 2012
In Africa, millions will suffer from climate change impacts on agriculture, water availability, ecosystem services and biodiversity. It's urgent for countries in the region to take action to reduce vulnerability and enhance local communities' capacity to adapt. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (or IUCN) has been working with three countries to do just that. In Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, IUCN staff members have been collaborating with national governments, local NGOs and selected communities on a pilot project, funded by the government of Finland, called the « Climate Change and Development project », or CCDP. The project was developed with the aim of ensuring that policies and strategies lead to activities that emphasize the role of water and forests in adapting to climate change in the region.
  • published: 02 Apr 2012
  • views: 699

Deadly storm kills several in northern Europe
Deadly storm kills several in northern Europe
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:08
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2013
Deadly storm kills several in northern Europe Hurricane-force winds and tidal surges have killed at least seven people in northern Europe, flooded parts of Hamburg and left thousands of homes without electricity. The BBC's Anna Holligan reports from beside the ferry port 'Hook of Holland' - this is the point that UK ferries arrive.
  • published: 06 Dec 2013
  • views: 3

BREAKING NEWS: Nelson Mandela Dead Aged 95 | OFFICIAL News Announcement President Jacob Zuma
BREAKING NEWS: Nelson Mandela Dead Aged 95 | OFFICIAL News Announcement President Jacob Zuma
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:00
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2013
Nelson Mandela, the former South African president whose stubborn defiance survived 27 years in prison and led to the dismantling of the country's racist and brutal apartheid system, has died. Mandela was 95 years old. South Africa's president says Nelson Mandela has died at age 95. Jacob Zuma says "We've lost our greatest son," South African President Jacob Zuma said in announcing Mandela's death. Mandela had a number of issues with his health in recent years including repeated hospitalizations with a chronic lung infection. Mandela had been listed in "serious but stable condition" after entering the hospital in June before returning to home to receive continued medical care. In April, Mandela spent 18 days in the hospital due to a lung infection and was treated for gall stones in December 2012. Mandela's public appearances had become increasingly rare as he dealt with his declining health. His last public appearance was in July of 2010, when he attended the final match and closing ceremonies of the soccer World Cup held in South Africa. In 2011, Mandela met privately with Michelle Obama when the first lady and her daughters traveled to South Africa. Mandela and the Legacy He Leaves Behind One of the giants of the 20th century, Mandela's career was marked not only by his heroic resistance to racism, but also by his poised and soft spoken demeanor. After enduring nearly three decades of prison, much of it at hard labor in a lime quarry, Mandela emerged as a gentle leader who became South Africa's first black president. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership in ending apartheid without violence, and later became a global statesman who inspired millions people around the world. Mandela was born in 1918, the son of a tribal leader, in a remote village in South Africa. His tribal name, Rolihlahla, meant "troublemaker," a moniker Mandela would more than live up to in his lifetime. In 1952, he emerged onto the national stage when he helped organize the first country-wide protests called the Defiance Campaign. That same year he opened the country's first black law firm. Ruth Mopati, his secretary at the firm, wrote about the way he was then in the book "Mandela," saying, "He was able to relate to people with respect and therefore he was respected in return." While Mandela's party, the African National Congress, had always been dedicated to non-violence, in 1960 the ANC was banned to prevent further protests after police shot dead 69 black protestors in what became known as the Sharpeville massacre. The events radicalized the organization and led to the creation of the ANC military wing, for which Mandela became its first commander in 1961. In 1962, Mandela was sent to prison on a charge of inciting a strike. "At 1:30 in the morning, on March 30, I was awakened by sharp, unfriendly knocks at my door, the unmistakable signature of the police. 'The time has come,' I said to myself as I opened the door to find half a dozen armed security policemen," Mandela said. Two years later, Mandela was sentenced to life in prison for sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the white government. Much of the next 27 years in prison were spent in the infamous Robben Island prison where he did hard labor in a lime quarry. During his nearly three decades behind bars, Mandela would become a myth. The government even banned any use of Mandela's image or words, leaving a whole generation to grow up knowing little about the world's most famous political prisoner. Nelson Mandela Teamed Up With White Leader F.W. de Klerk Mandela spoke about his time in his autobiography: "A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones -- and South Africa treated its imprisoned African citizens like animals."
  • published: 05 Dec 2013
  • views: 121865|_OFFICIAL_News_Announcement_President_Jacob_Zuma

Secretary Kerry's Video Message on the Geneva Talks With Iran
Secretary Kerry's Video Message on the Geneva Talks With Iran
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:42
  • Updated: 26 Nov 2013
The P5+1 has been engaged in serious and substantive negotiations with Iran with the goal of reaching a verifiable diplomatic resolution that would prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. In this video, Secretary Kerry shares an inside view of what was accomplished and the work that remains to be done. A text transcript can be found at
  • published: 26 Nov 2013
  • views: 2605's_Video_Message_on_the_Geneva_Talks_With_Iran

Remembering South African leader Nelson Mandela
Remembering South African leader Nelson Mandela
  • Order:
  • Duration: 18:24
  • Updated: 05 Dec 2013
Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa credited with ending apartheid there, died in Johannesburg on Dec. 5, 2013. Former PBS NewsHour correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault takes a look back at Mandela's life and legacy.
  • published: 05 Dec 2013
  • views: 34721

Central African Republic rebels enter capital Bangui
Central African Republic rebels enter capital Bangui
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:59
  • Updated: 24 Mar 2013
News for Central African Republic rebels enter ... Central African Republic rebels enter north of capital Bangui: witness Reuters ‎- 7 hours ago BANGUI (Reuters) - Central African Republic rebels have entered the northern suburbs of the capital Bangui where they are fighting running ... French troops secure CAR capital airport‎ - 4 hours ago Central African rebels enter capital city Bangui Deutsche Welle‎ - 5 hours ago Central African Rebels Enter Capital City Bangui - All Africa hours ago -- Rebel forces have entered the suburbs of Central African Republic's capital, Bangui. The advance followed a gradual take over of nearby towns ... BBC News - Central African Republic rebels 'enter capital Bangui' hours ago -- Rebel fighters in the Central African Republic (CAR) have entered the capital Bangui, the rebels and witnesses say. Central African Republic Rebels Enter Capital Bangui In Threat To ... hours ago -- BANGUI, Central African Republic — Hundreds of rebels penetrated the capital of Central African Republic on Saturday, posing the gravest ... Central African Republic rebels in capital, France sends ... - Euronews › NewsWires16 mins ago -- BANGUI (Reuters) -- Central African Republic rebels clashed with government forces inside the capital on Saturday as they sought to topple ... Central African Republic rebels in capital, France sends troops ... hours ago -- BANGUI (Reuters) - Central African Republic rebels clashed with government forces inside the capital on Saturday as they sought to topple ... French troops secure CAR capital airport - Africa - Al Jazeera English hours ago -- Speaking to Al Jazeera from Bangui, Central African Republic's Deputy ... the same information that a group of rebels has entered the capital," ... Hundreds of rebels enter Central African Republic capital after ... mins ago -- BANGUI, Central African Republic — Hundreds of rebels penetrated the capital of Central African Republic on Saturday, posing the gravest ... Reports: Central African Republic rebels enter capital suburbs ... › Home › Regions › Africa by Sarah Wolfe - in 96 Google+ circles 6 hours ago -- After months of advances, Central African Republic rebels have entered the northern suburbs of the capital Bangui. Central african republic ... Rebels enter Central African Republic capital - Xinhua | English ... › Home › Africa6 hours ago -- BANGUI, March 23 (Xinhua) -- The Seleka rebel coalition on Saturday afternoon entered Bangui, the capital of Central African Republic, ...
  • published: 24 Mar 2013
  • views: 1530

How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:24
  • Updated: 16 Oct 2013
Don't just watch it, DO SOMETHING: The U.S. Government has turned the Internet into something it was never intended to be: a system for spying on us in our most private moments. Out of control government surveillance is a dangerous form of censorship. Don't be intimidated. Share this video. Narrated by Evangeline Lilly Brought to you by Fight for the Future and Demand Progress. Produced by Mata Wata -- Executive Producer: Evangeline Lilly -- Photos and Video from the October 15th Guerrilla Screening Debut in New York City: STOP WATCHING US RALLY AGAINST MASS SURVEILLANCE Sat, October 26th in Washington, DC
  • published: 16 Oct 2013
  • views: 287946

Six dead in Sanaa bombing
Six dead in Sanaa bombing
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:06
  • Updated: 25 Aug 2013
More Breaking News: Subscribe: A bomb in Sanaa kills at least six people after targeting a vehicle belonging to the Yemeni Air Force. Lily Grimes reports. Reuters tells the world's stories like no one else. As the largest international multimedia news provider, Reuters provides coverage around the globe and across topics including business, financial, national, and international news. For over 160 years, Reuters has maintained its reputation for speed, accuracy, and impact while providing exclusives, incisive commentary and forward-looking analysis.
  • published: 25 Aug 2013
  • views: 1356

Swiss Report Supports Yasser Arafat Was Poisoned With Radioactive Polonium (But By Who?)
Swiss Report Supports Yasser Arafat Was Poisoned With Radioactive Polonium (But By Who?)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 14:47
  • Updated: 07 Nov 2013
November 06, 2013 Al Jazeera News
  • published: 07 Nov 2013
  • views: 1482

Eric Bradach (Tiger Muay Thai) vs Janjao (Banchamek Gym) @ King's Birthday 2013
Eric Bradach (Tiger Muay Thai) vs Janjao (Banchamek Gym) @ King's Birthday 2013
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:19
  • Updated: 06 Dec 2013
Making his Bangkok debut, Eric Bradach takes on the much more experienced Chinese fighter Janjao, a student of the famous Buakaw Por Pramuk. Eric pushed forward from the opening bell, looking to take the fight into the clinch and landing with strong knees. In the ater rounds Janjao used clever footwork and strong kicks to edge out the rounds and after 5 rounds Janjao was given the judges decision.
  • published: 06 Dec 2013
  • views: 11's_Birthday_2013

Inside Story - The UN mission in Afghanistan - 29 Oct 09
Inside Story - The UN mission in Afghanistan - 29 Oct 09
  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:56
  • Updated: 30 Oct 2009
We discuss the UN role in Afghanistan and their sucess and failures so far.
  • published: 30 Oct 2009
  • views: 1817

Obama's uncle wins immigration battle, gets OK to stay in U.S.
Obama's uncle wins immigration battle, gets OK to stay in U.S.
  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:30
  • Updated: 04 Dec 2013
Obama's uncle wins immigration battle, gets OK to stay in U.S. For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to Onyango Okech Obama -- an uncle of President Barack Obama who has been in the United States illegally for decades -- has gotten a federal court's OK to stay in his adopted country, according to an attorney representing the uncle. Federal immigration Judge Leonard I. Shapiro in Massachusetts agreed without argument Tuesday to allow the uncle, who has been living and working in U.S. for 50 years, to stay and obtain a green card, said attorney Margaret Wong. At the hearing, Wong said, the judge looked at Onyango Okech Obama's character, reviewing his long-term employment with a grocery store in Framingham, Massachusetts, his tax records and his rent payments, and noting that he is not on any government assistance programs. Shapiro also took into account federal immigration law that allows people who came to United States before January 1972 to apply for residency, Wong said, adding that her client has been living in U.S. since October 1963. "I'm relieved, I represented the family for some time and it's really a relief," said Wong. In his testimony before the judge, according to Wong, Onyango Okech Obama mentioned that Barack Obama stayed with him for three weeks during the future president's student days, after he was accepted into law school. Wong called her client a proud, honorable gentleman who is quiet and very nice. In 2011, Onyango Okech Obama was arrested on drunk driving charges, and ordered to regularly check in with immigration, according to Brian P. Hale, then director of public affairs for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. At the time of that arrest a federal law enforcement source who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the defendant was not legally in the United States and had been previously ordered removed from the country. "I'm so thankful that everything is finished," said Wong. However, federal immigration authorities have 30 days to appeal Shapiro's ruling. TAGS abc news,alternative news,bbc news,boxing news,breaking music news,breaking news,breaking news india,business and finance news,business news,car news,cbs news,celebrity news,celebrity rehab news,central government employees news,central govt employees news,cnn news,cnn news world,conde health nast guru sports news,daily news,danbury news time,dinar news,drudge report news,entertainment news,fios northwest cable news nwcn,ford news,fox news,gaming news,geo news,geo news live,good news,google news,headline news,health guru koko favorite sports news,health guru ncaa football sports news,health guru sports news fine koko,home business news,international news,internet business news,iran news,iraqi dinar news,job in karachi news paper,kiran news,kiran news agency,latest breaking news,latest news,latest news update,live tv news,loan modification news,local news,movie news,msnbc news,national news,nbc news,news,news 12,news and information,news article,news channel,news feed,news guide,news headlines,news in sports,news of the world,news reporter,news story,news today,news update,news video,ny daily news,online news,online usa news,political news,political news web site,pro wrestling news,science news,sky news,sport news,sports news web site,streaming news,tech news,technology news,teen mom 2 news,tesfa news,the news,todays news headlines,travel video freak international news foodie,tv news,us news,voice congo best updated world news site,world news,world news,headlines,worldwide news,wrestling news,breaking news,breaking music news,latest breaking news,
  • published: 04 Dec 2013
  • views: 131's_uncle_wins_immigration_battle,_gets_OK_to_stay_in_US

More Than 100,000 March In Protest In Ukraine
More Than 100,000 March In Protest In Ukraine
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:04
  • Updated: 25 Nov 2013
November 24, 2013 CBC News / BBC News
  • published: 25 Nov 2013
  • views: 5152,000_March_In_Protest_In_Ukraine

Prostitutes are seen in Rome in this July 3, 2007 photo. Italian law gives foreign prostitutes a chance to escape human traffickers who force young women from poor countries to sell their bodies to pay for their passage into Western Europe. Director of European police cooperation group Europol Rob Wainwright of Britain elaborates on the details of arrests linked to a global child abuse ring during a TV interview after a press conference in The Hague, Wednesday, March 16, 2011. Police say they have arrested 184 suspects in a global investigation into a Dutch-based international pedophile ring involved in abusing dozens of children in more than 30 countries. A journalist works in front of the Stock Exchange's main display while it shows Bankia values, in Madrid Monday June 11, 2012. Bitcoin tokens

Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Japan Brooklyn Nets shooting guard Joe Johnson (7) wipes his face before a free throw in the first half of their NBA basketball game against the New York Knicks at the Barclays Center, Thursday, Dec. 5, 2013, in New York. The Knicks defeated the Nets 113-83. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) In this June 13, 2012 file photo, job seekers have their resumes reviewed at a job fair expo in Anaheim, Calif. U.S. employers added only 80,000 jobs in June, a third straight month of weak hiring that shows the economy is still struggling three years after the recession ended. The unemployment rate was unchanged at 8.2 percent, the Labor Department said in its report Friday, July 6, 2012. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong, File) President Barack Obama talks with President Vladimir Putin of Russia during a phone call in the Oval Office, July 12, 2013.

Former South African president Nelson Mandela waves inside Parliament at Cape Town, South Africa, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010. In this photo of Monday Nov 8, 2010, President Yoweri Museveni  of Uganda Sing his popular song at Otwal primary school in Lira District, Uganda. He's 65, he's been president for two decades, and he's Uganda's newest rap star. Facing a February election, President Yoweri Museveni  has released a rap song and video that's become a sensation in this East African nation. Supporters at a rally in northern Uganda last week called for Museveni to peform the hit. Museveni chuckled, then cleared his throat and started to rap. "You want another rap?" Museveni sang, quoting the chorus and the song's name. Supporters danced wildly. SABMiller beers Snow Leopard

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro speaks upon his arrival to the airport in Cochabamba, Bolivia, Thursday, July 4, 2013. Maduro is in Cochabamba for an extraordinary meeting of South American leaders to show support for Bolivian President Evo Morales, whose plane was rerouted in Europe, over suspicions that National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden was on board. Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal, second right, celebrates with his fellow teammates after he scored against Osasuna, during their Spanish La Liga soccer match, at Reyno de Navarra stadium in Pamplona, northern Spain, Saturday March 31, 2012. Young girl taking photos with her cellular phone before starting the match that ended Uruguay 0 Brazil 4 for Worldcup Southafrica 2010 Qualifiers, Centenario Stadium, Montevideo, Uruguay, 06th June 2009 Unnamed giant Dicynodont from Late Late Triassic of Poland

In this picture released by the official website of the Iranian supreme leader's office, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, center, President-elect Hasan Rouhani, right, and outgoing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, sit, in an official endorsement ceremony for Rouhani, in Tehran, Iran, Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013. File - Hezbollah members, hold Hezbollah and Lebanese flags as they march during a rally marking Hezbollah Martyrs Day, in a southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, Monday, Nov. 12, 2012. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe delivers a speech following his inauguration in Harare, Thursday, Aug. 22, 2013. Palestinian boys hold portraits of late leader Yasser Arafat during a ceremony to commemorate the Nakba, or the catastrophe, the Arabic term used to describe the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians with the 1948 creation of the state of Israel, in the West Bank village of Beit Anan, near Ramallah, Saturday May 10, 2008. In the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians staged events to remind the world that Israel's creation as been their "nakba," or catastrophe. Hundreds of thousands were uprooted during the 1948 war over Israel's creation, and some 4.5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants are scattered across the region toda

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, center, speaks during a policy meeting of ruling party and top government officials at the prime minister's official residence in Tokyo Friday, Oct. 1, 2013. INDIAN-CRICKTER-SACHIN-TENDULKAR Men and Women  Cannabis is a genus of flowering plant - Marijuana - Cannabis(drug) - is about marijuana, hashish and related drugs - hires - wn/aruna

Australian opposition leader Tony Abbott speaks at a parliamentary dinner in Canberra, Australia, Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2011. England Batsman Alastair Cook after Century on 3 Day 3rd Test Match against India  at Eden Garden in Kolkata on Friday 07 December 2012 Infosys company office building in Pune, India India's Rohit Sharma smiles during practice session in Dambulla, Sri Lanka, Monday, Aug. 23, 2010. India, Sri Lanka and New Zealand are currently playing the tri nation cricket series.
Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling "I have seen two generations of my people die," Chief Powhatan said, "I know the difference between peace and war better than any man...
Huffington Post
Russian President Vladimir Putin is a sexless man who may be secretly gay. At least, that's what political analyst and notorious columnist Stanislav Belkovsky is alleging in a...
Wall Street is buzzing, and it’s all about bubbles. In fact, according to Google Trends, interest in the term “stock bubble” was higher in November 2013 than...

Former South African President Nelson Mandela, center, with his wife Graça Machel, left, as he celebrates his birthday with family in Qunu, South Africa, Wednesday, July 18, 2012.
6 December 2013, 12:38 Mandela: The World Celebrates The Life Of Icon Tweet The life of Nelson Mandela is being celebrated across the world, as tributes pour in to the iconic anti-apartheid leader. South Africa's first black president died last night...
photo: AP / Schalk van Zuydam
Yemeni soldiers stand guard in front of Yemen's President Abed Rabbu Mansour Hadi's house as protestors demonstrate to denounce terror attacks and hail the decisions by Hadi to replace security officials in Sanaa, Yemen, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012.
Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has said it was behind an attack on Yemen's defence ministry on Thursday that left 52 people dead. The group's media arm, al-Malahim, said the ministry complex in Sanaa had been targeted because US...
photo: AP / Hani Mohammed
This picture made available by the Vatican newspaper L' Osservatore Romano, shows the Vatican courtroom where Pope Benedict XVI's butler, Paolo Gabriele is scheduled to appear, Saturday, Sept. 28, 2012.
Pope Francis has set up a committee to fight child sex abuse in the Catholic Church and give pastoral care to victims, following a recommendation from a council of cardinals he has asked to advise him. The announcement was made by...
photo: AP / L'Osservatore Romano
President of the Central African Republic Francois Bozize speaks to the media at the presidential palace in Bangui, Central African Republic Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013.
Heavy fighting is reported in the capital of the Central African Republic, as the U.N. prepares to authorize deployment of more troops to the troubled country. The initial accounts from Bangui said at least several people were killed Thursday in...
photo: AP / Ben Curtis
In this photo released by the Bureau of the Royal Household, Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, left, and Queen Sirikit pray in Amarin Winitchai Throne Hall during a ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of King Bhumibol's coronation Wednesday, May 5, 2010, in Bangkok, Thailand.
By Reuters on 5:43 pm December 5, 2013. Category International, World Tags: Bangkok, Thailand protests Bangkok. Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej called on his people to do their duty for the good of the country in a birthday address on Thursday, but...
photo: AP / Bureau of the Royal Household
Forensic policemen collect evidence at the site of a suicide bomb attack at a parade square in Sanaa, Yemen, Monday, May 21, 2012.
At least two people have been killed in a bombing at the defence ministry headquarters in Yemen, officials said. Another 20 were wounded when the suicide car bomb was detonated at the complex in the centre of the capital, Sanaa. The blast blew out...
photo: AP / Hani Mohammed
Phil Schiller, Apple's senior vice president of worldwide marketing, speaks on stage during an introduction of the new iPhone 5 at an Apple event in San Francisco, Wednesday Sept. 12, 2012.
After years of wrangling over various issues, China Mobile, the world’s largest wireless carrier with 740 million subscribers, has finally struck a deal with Apple to offer the iPhone on its network in China, according to a report in the Wall Street...
photo: AP / Eric Risberg