Two Faced Syngman Rhee
Two faced Rhee Syngman....
published: 04 Jan 2013
author: Ann Man-Hua
Syngman Rhee-The First President of Korea : KBS Documentary (초대대통령 이승만)
Episode 2 - Establishment and Division (English Subtitle)...
published: 17 Nov 2013
(Rare!) President Syngman Rhee of Korea - Speech at U.S. Congress (July 28th, 1954)
The first President of Republic of Korea (South Korea), Syngman Rhee (1875.3.26 ~ 1965.7.1...
published: 02 Oct 2009
Syngman Rhee
published: 20 May 2011
author: gbennett86
Princeton University Opening of Syngman Rhee Lecture Hall - Former Prime Minister Un-Chan Chung
Princeton University Opening of Syngman Rhee Lecture Hall - Former Prime Minister Un-Chan ...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: KCCP1234
Korean War - PART 1, Prelude to war (1945) 6.25 전쟁
An explanation of the first year(s) of the Occupation of Korea (1945-1949), and some of th...
published: 04 Nov 2011
author: mlovmo
Princeton University Opening of Syngman Rhee Lecture Hall - Prime Minister Un-Chan Chung Q&A; Session
Princeton University Opening of Syngman Rhee Lecture Hall - Former Prime Minister Un-Chan ...
published: 21 Oct 2012
author: KCCP1234
The April Revolution of South Korea - An Archive Footage (1960)
Note: I uploaded this video to pay a respect to the April revolution. I tried to upload th...
published: 27 Jun 2009
이승만 별장 Dr. Syngman Rhee villa
이승만 별장 Dr. Syngman Rhee villa 강원도 고성군 현내면 죽정리에 위치한 이승만 초대 대통령 별장이다. 1954년 건립되었고, 이승만 대통령이 ...
published: 03 Sep 2011
author: soonaland
Korean Republic Born 1948
Korean Republic born, Rhee with MacArthur. Banners. Sign in English: Long live the Republi...
published: 31 Jul 2010
Reverend Syngman Rhee
Reverend Rhee testifying on behalf of the National Committee for Peace in Korea on the ste...
published: 24 Feb 2011
author: eunhuiahn
THE END FOR RHEE (Korea 1960.4.28)
People in Seoul riot in the streets against election of Synghman Rhee. Korea....
published: 02 Jul 2008
author: guicho04
이승만 건국 대통령 내외분 묘소 President & Mrs. Syngman Rhee's Grave
대한민국의 건국 대통령이신 우남 이승만 박사와 영부인 도나 프란체스카 여사의 묘소입니다. 2008년 11월22일 오전 서울 동작동 국립 현충원에서 촬영....
published: 23 Nov 2008
author: coreano1004
interesante conversación sobre corea y syngman rhee
los becarios (encabezados por maría y constanza) debaten sobre la correcta pronunciación d...
published: 24 Nov 2008
author: chimoeneas
Youtube results:
Korea as terrorist nation, illegal occupation of Takeshima still goes on
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syngman_Rhee_line http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusk_documents...
published: 17 Jun 2011
author: boiledegg777
illegal occupation of Takeshima still goes on /Short Ver.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syngman_Rhee_Line http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusk_documents...
published: 22 Jun 2011
author: boiledegg777
Korea - Rhee visits new towns 220293-19
If you wish to acquire broadcast quality material of this reel or want to know more about ...
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: footagefarm
D.Kim's Korea Video Blog: Rhee Syngman's Summer House
The summer house of the first president of the Republic of Korea....
published: 19 Jun 2011
author: Derek Kim
