Friday, May 22, 2009

Sexpo takes over Perth radio

It's been a hectic few days in Sexpo land, with Harmony porn stars Keisha Kane and Ree Petra setting up shop at Nova 937 to entertain the Action Battle Team one day, then Nathan, Nat and Shaun the next!

Here's a link to the ABT interview video... warning!... and note the amount of microphone fiddling that goes on!

You can see the images here.

Nova's breakfast team took advantage of having two real life porn stars in the studio by directing their very own Nova Pornos- click here. Yes, Nathan made his directorial (is that a word?) debut and the results speak for themselves. He makes a good radio jock.

The photo gallery of the visit's right here. What's the deal with that rubber hand?

But we haven't only been getting jiggy with the team at Nova, Sexpo has been all over the airwaves. Shane from Mix 94.5's the Big Couch joined us at the launch event and simply had to get himself a Sexpo Showgirls Sandwich. You can add your comments on what you think's on his mind here.

The afternoon guys haven't had it all their own way though, with Botica's Bunch in the morning making great use of some therapeutic massage devices I dropped in during the week - us Sexpo people like to call them Love Rockets.

You would have heard Sexpo emcee Russell Gilbert all over the 6PR breakfast show with Millsy and Tony Mac. Sexpo GM Rob Godwin and Penthouse Pet / pole dancer extraordinaire Miss Suzie Q were also on 6PR, giving Howard Sattler's show a bit of sauce.

And last, but not least, Em and Sam Mac at 92.9fm have also been having plenty of fun with the whole Sexpo concept. Indeed, Em had to have a quiet parent moment when her daughter walked into the room wearing the pink fluffy Love Cuffs I'd sent her in the Sexpo media kit. Still, better than a Love Rocket!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sexpo circus rolls into Perth

We were halfway around the Causeway round-a-bout when the porn began to take hold... the Hyatt Hotel turned into a giant swooping Love Rocket and the Bell Tower loomed as a 15 metre phallus hopping wildly across Langley Park...

It's every red-blooded, 40-plus PR bloke's wildest dream - a client that offers porn, pole dancing and the opportunity to spruik as many sexual euphamisms as you can wrap your tongue around.

Yes, for the past two weeks I have been emeshed in the world of Sexpo. Australia's largest travelling adult lifestyle and entertainment show.

Harmony porn stars Keisha Kane and Ree Petra caused quite the 'stir' in at Nova 937 Perth today when the lads from the Action Battle Team interviewed them before the start of Sexpo Perth, 21-24 May.

The double entendres flowed thick and fast and the girls were rather taken with the turkey slapping machine in the foyer.

Earlier in the week it was off to Parliament House for the launch of the Sexpo Stimulus Package. Under the banner of Wake up Perth - Sex is Fun! we gave WA's MPs the last ray of flesh-fueled sunshine before the arrival of winter.

The latest images from the Sexpo launch, Thursday 21 May.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

WA votes no to daylight saving

It's official - daylight saving is dead in the water in Western Australia and there are plans afoot to bring back roster petrol stations.

WA, one hour and 57 years behind the rest of Australia. Would the last person to leave Perth please turn out the lights? Oh, that's right, they were never on...

Dear NO voters, that's okay, I'll be bringing the kids around when they wake up at 4.45am every day in summer and we'll have a nice play on your front lawn.

Who the f@#k needs sunlight that early anyway? All the selfish old farts pouring precious water on their gardens, or walking their arthritic dogs. Sports people? Those without kids and empty nesters?

All I wanted was a bit of time to get out of the house with the kids when I come home from work... maybe have a barbie, go to the beach, kick the footy. But no, you lot wouldn't have that. According to you all normal people should be eating dinner by 5.30pm and tucked up in bed with Fat Cat.

I'm mad as hell - the miserable, backwards thinking people of Perth would rather have the sun blazing in while most of us are either still in bed, or getting ready for work / school. More sunlight hours during the time of day when we have the least chance of actually using it... unless you're old, childless, or milking a cow.

Someone scoffed today that talk of the yes vote bringing about cultural change was ludicrous. I agreed. Indeed it would have been more an evolutionary change, akin to the time when the human race ceased being monkeys and ate our own faeces for fun.

Thanks for nothing folks and keep an eye out for me this summer - I'll be the one driving around honking his horn at the first signs of daylight making sure you're all awake to enjoy this most 'precious' time of the day.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dockers Vs Eagles - who are the NO voters?

Maybe I'm blinded by purple, but from recent conversations it would appear that more Fremantle Dockers supporters are set to support the introduction of daylight saving than their feathered West Coast Eagles cousins... twice removed.

Certainly from Cookster HQ deep within the western suburbs the word yes has been banished from the language altogether. Any utterance of the word is greeted by a 'cat's bum' closed lip snarl and the roar of an SUV engine as it roars away in disgust.

Given the spartan presence of fellow Dockers in the cultured west, you would have to think that it's the chardy-sipping blue and gold brigade that will swing the vote over to the deep, dark NO side.

If my family's anything to go by, then I'm certain this must be the case. Happy to concede I'm wrong though, so please make your mark in the poll to the right of this page.

So, in which footy team's lap does the future of daylight saving lie?

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

In response to the NO daylight saving mob

Just thought this was worthy of its own post...

Hi Jo - in response to your arguments, non-CWA related of course:

Try living in a country where the sun goes down at 4.30pm. That justifies DST absolutely.
- I've lived in the UK, but still don't see why we can't enjoy DLS here? What, we should whip ourselves because we live in a country that's just too good for us? Are we not worthy?

1. DST definitely interferes with the biological clocks of children, making it harder to sleep, and harder to get up.
- I've got three aged from 2-9 and they all sleep better during DLS summer. The baby wakes up at 7am as opposed to 6am. The nine year old never wants to get up, regardless of the season.

2. By deferring the hottest part of the day until later, the biggest change I've noticed in my neighbourhood is the excessive use of air-conditioning.
- We're all outside enjoying the late summer sun until well after 7pm, so the aircon goes on later, if at all. If it's a hot night, it's hot regardless of when the sun's out! A lot depends on the 'coolth' factor in your home design and whether there's a seabreeze. The Freo Doctor doesn't care about the time, DLS or not.

3. Who wants a 38 degree day to last all night? I can't think of a worse torture.- As above, when it's hot, it's hot!!! Another hour of daylight at the end of the day hardly constitutes a whole night.

4. I had no trouble finding the beach before DST, why is it such a YES issue now?- Cause when you work until 6-6.30pm and it's already getting dark the beach isn't an option.

5. Going to a big concert at night, in daylight, is just plain wrong!- Christ, I wish I had the time to go to a concert... too busy playing with the aforementioned kids!!!

6. No golf courses cater for more daylight so why bother?-
I live across the road from one and there are still people thwacking away at 7.30pm-plus. Wish I had time to play golf though. Too busy with the, etc, etc :)

7. People are still watering their lawns at 6pm, wasting our precious water supply under the hot sun.-
Then those people should be shot. They are dick heads. Tell them to put their hose away and get up in the morning to do it. I think watering should be banned altogether.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Time to crank up the YES vote

Add your voice to the poll to the right of this page and let's send a message to the early to rise, early to bed mob who would have us live our lives between 4 - 10am... time to fight the good fight and if we can't be good, let's throw a few sucker punches their way.

The NO group launched its campaign yesterday to a packed house of 20 CWA ring-ins and a half dozen bloked who'd been bribed by talk of free tins of Emu Export. The average age was about 75.

The wild mob was waving placards saying 'we're sick of dark mornings and hot afternoons' and 'bring back roster petrol stations'. The action was shortlived, however, as most of the crew had to be home for dinner at 4pm and in the jammies by 5.30pm for asn intimate evening in bed listening to nightline.

I'm surprised we didn't see big Quentin Lynch from the West Coast Eagles there on the day, but I'm told that he's so ugly he's only allowed out in daylight hours to play footy. Scares the kids. No wonder he's dark on the whole DLS issue.

The YES campaign launches next Saturday in South Perth, so I suggest that anyone with a vested interest in WA staying in touch with the rest of Australia and not becoming a time capsule, should get along and show their support.

Lean to the left, lean to the right, lean to the left and fight! fight! fight!